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  1. Correct. Of course. That would be the classic Buddhist Emptiness/Nothingness.
  2. @nachiketa nothingness in this sense is just a fancy word for everything-ness
  3. Chaos Theory - Point attractor Cycle attractor Torus attractor Strange attractor Let it speak to you through your disciplined eventual nothingness your own path and humiliations, experience, and stuff,,,,,,
  4. @undeather all sensations you experience on drugs (especially hallucinogens) are fake, but they help you understand non-existent, meta, complex feelings/states such as oneness, nothingness, space, void, God etc. It's essentially an illusion (since those extreme/absolute feelings don't exist as part of the matrix, they are outside Reality and they were never felt, they are not supposed to be felt), but they work well as pointers, in order for your mind to metaphorically grasp such complex concepts that are beyond the human experience. It is what our human mind thinks those feelings should feel, but they paint a very good picture for us to understand complicated concepts. They are extremely helpful nonetheless. The experience is fake but the insight you get is pretty accurate
  5. I was surprised when I learned that many blind people don't see a black or white screen, but rather nothingnes. I know You may find it difficult to understand what I mean by nothingness. You can try to close one of your eyes, what do you see with it? exactly, nothingness! Anyways, I felt like this nothingness is very similar to that we talk about in non-duality. This is the real nothingness, not black or white, it is like a trasnparent void.
  6. Yesterday I arranged some classes with my teacher: 5 meo dmt. He is an effective teacher, but tough. If you make a mistake, he doesn't hit you with a stick, he hits you hard in the face with a bat. I already know him, so I was counting on the usual beating. My dose is approx 20 mg vaped. Assured breakthrough. First 5 and then the rest, so that it is not so traumatic. Yesterday I did it 4 times, the first time, reality is empty, it is an infinite field of nothing. Nothing is revealed. Dead. Two hours later, the second - the same, but longer lasting. Nothingness is concentrated in a tightening sphincter of darkness, there is only that. Horror. Good! Two hours later, another. Total breakthrough. Dissonant vibration. utter horror. I get up, try to vomit. I can't because I haven't eaten in 8 hours. Well, I recover, I'm going to see a friend, a walk, everything normal. As I walk I realize a detail: in the experience I am looking ahead, at reality, waiting for reality to open up. Reality is empty and has a horrible vibration. How strange, if now I'm hitting the street and everything is harmonious. I understand! I'm looking outside of myself. I have already had 4 true breakthroughs to infinity, but they have been from taking massive doses and they have lasted very little. I have not understood. It has been a wonderful experience but that's it. Now I have understood. It's basic btw. I must not look outside, I must open myself. What I'm looking for is me. I go to sleep, many unpleasant reactivations, the experiences are repeated. I wake up at 4 in the morning, make another one. It's going to be in total darkness, I have a headlamp light that I turn off when I hit it. The nothing. I open myself. I let it happen. I disappear. full void. full depth. Complete fullness. It opens even more. Infinite. Everything. I. I'm standing in the room with open arms. It fluctuates from perceiving my body to merging into the whole. Yes. Total. I see my body. Understand. I understand what it is, what I am. The experience lasts approximately one hour. I go to bed, every time I close my eyes, infinity. Today, if I close my eyes I see fractals that open up, I am aware all the time of what I am. There is nothing outside of me. I am absolute. I just want to enter more into me
  7. You have to be extremely careful to distinguish time from change. Change is more real than time. Change is happening and then time is an imaginary construct projected on top of change. Change does not require time, and in fact change happens within Eternity. Every moment is Eternal, but then this Eternity is hidden from your awareness because you imagine a context for the moment which we call time. Time is you imaginig seconds, minutes, days, weeks, years, past, future, etc. This generates an artificial context for Consciousness which would otherwise be Eternal or timeless. But just because it is Eternal and timeless does not mean it doesn't change. It still flows. But the flow is not happening within any context and hence not within time. Time is something the mind constructs and projects onto Consciousness. Likewise with space. Space is a construct, however that does not mean that you cease experiencing a 3D room. The room is still there, but you can strip the room of the projection called space. Time and space are more than mere conceptual constructs. They are constructs of a deeper sort. You are literally dreaming time and space into being. But you can also undream them. Time and space are contexts for Consciousness, which is naturally context-less unless you construct a context for it. What I mean by context is something like: you can imagine that your experience right now is a VR simulation. That would be you creating a context to situate your raw experience. Or you could remove that context and then you would have no idea what your raw experience is. You would just have raw experience, unexplained by anything, not situated in anything. Not in time, not in space, not in a brain, not in a Universe, not even part of a human life. All those are contexts. And Consciousness in its purest form simply has no context of any kind. Or you could say Consciousness is situated in the NULL context. Which is just another way to say Nothingness. Experience is nothing, nowhere, nowhen, nohow, noway.
  8. @Breakingthewall You are infinity limiting yourself. Consciousness cannot experience true infinity. What you're experiencing on drugs are hallucinatory states that you can use as metaphors to understand complex concepts like nothingness, infinity, God etc. They do not offer you valid feelings because nothingness or infinity do not exist as feeling but only as concept.
  9. Ok let's say that i die and i return to infinite nothingness from which i came from. Will i be conscious of infinite nothingess? It sounds like non-existence but you said non-existence is just a concept which exists...
  10. It is the same as in a nigthly dream. It is Consciousness/Dreamer/God/Mind that is waking up to being itself rather than a character inside a dream. And you could say that it is happening inside Nothingness and no-one is doing that, and dream is just dreamed, but you could also say that Mind/Self is dreaming. In your nightly dreams you could also argue that it is just happening on itself, and there is noone having a dream but actually it is your Mind generating the dream, your SELF is generating the experience of no-one doing nothing. Nothingness is genereted by the Mind/SELF.
  11. A friend of mine told me last week about a ceremony taking place in our city. I say Ok. During the week I had moments where I almost cancel. I researched, maybe too much. Heard too many fucked up stories… but at the end of the day I wanted to know what was on the other side. And I wanted to develop spiritually. I am doing the work and felt the right time to try it. Had tried mdma, shrooms in low dose, and lsd in low dose; so this was a huge leap. But I trust the friend who told me about the ceremony and the shaman. - I arrive to the place, we sat (my friend, 3 friends of him, and me), and the shaman explains how the ceremony will go. First we took rapé. Super uncofortable to take (you can check some youtube videos how is taken). Not fun. But I started having great sensations throughout my body, feeling my hands and feet vibrating lightly, like energy moving through my body. (10 seconds after the girl in my left took the rapé, she had a kundalini awakening. Holy shit, never saw one live before). Then we did holotrpic breathing. Also first time doing it, and at the end my body was shaking, specially my legs, belly and hands. Pretty cool. The energy was mostly on my body. Almost no thinking. So no fear, just some tension for what was coming. And then, she changed the music, more strong shamanic music, move in front of one of the guys and prepared the pipe. I was feeling pretty good. I could go home at that moment and it would have been a great experience, but that was just the foreplay. Now the fucking was coming. We could have 4 trips/takes each one of us throughout the evening. The first one I didnt smoke properly and didnt felt nothing. Probably was fear. Didnt want to get to hyperspace the first time. So I waited 5 mins, and call the shaman again. 1st REAL TAKE: Now I took 2 big hits, and the pipe started moving like a snake. And baaam, I was gone. Reality collapsed (now I understand the meaning of this). The first thing I saw? A warm and welcoming feminine voice whispering me: ‘Follow me’, doing a ‘come here motion' with a finger. I felt like Gaia herself was welcoming into this new universe of her. The visual I saw was something like this: So I said 'Yes' and started following her through a labyrinth in space. (my mantra was 'yes' for the whole evening. Thats the best tip I heard for dealing with potential challenging situations. Just say yes to whatever is offer to you and go there. The next thing I notice was the change in the music. A few seconds in I couldnt tell the difference between the ‘real’ music and what I was hearing. In a moment everything went silent and I heard my girlfriend crying like she was right beside me. WOW. (the freaky thing is that I told her about this after the ceremony, and she told that that afternoon she cryed. And it was around the same time I was having this first trip. Coincidence? Maybe…) Then a lot of visuals, fractals, and the labyrinth in another dimension. After the trip, I felt great. I definitely went in, but I realized that it was fun, so probably I didnt took enough. So for the 2nd TAKE, I took 3 hits, and baaam. Out. More visuals, I was navigating thru this labyrinthine portals, and then I felt the Infinite. In that moment, I tensed a little bit. I had the feeling that maybe I could not get out of there. And time seemed like it wasn't moving. Then if felt like the medicine thought: 'oh, you dont like infinity? So take a look at Nothingness.' And everything went quiet (while obviously the music was still playing). Silence. And the visuals started fading, until it was nothing. All black and a huge infinite cone of darkness. The Void. Damn. I tensed a little again. I went from Infinity to Nothingness in seconds. Then during the come down, I was so grateful and happy. My hands and feet were very cold so I laid in fetus position feeling the love and the warmth of my body. I was enjoying the touch and sound of the pillow under my head so much. The music and the atmosphere was so great, that I really didnt want the last take. I felt that was enough. Unvelievable experience. But I took it anyways. 3rd TAKE: 2 hits and I felt like it was already in a familiar place. I though: 'Im here again' A warm and loving feminine energy moved me around like a leaf in the wind showing me her universe. This time I dont remember a lot of visuals, it was more of a bodily feeling. But in realty felt like I had no body. I didnt feel my arms. Then I realized that I had them in the air moving them like an orchestra director, like they were lifted with some strings like a puppet, and at the same time, I felt them touching the floor. Difficult to explain. Also I had a feeling that the shaman was by my side holding me, but I couldnt tell if it was real or part of the trip. The great thing about this take was the come down. I knew it was the last one and relaxed completely. A shamanic song was repeating: ‘Amor amor…’ (love, love) And thought of my family. I felt the love. I wanted to call my sister and hug her. I thought that everyone should try this, and when this ceremonies were a normal thing in society, maybe when we reach stage turquoise… we can have a chance of world peace, of paradise in Earth. Then the Gladiator theme song came. Is not a song that I like that much, but it brought tears to my eyes. I understood the value of great art. I felt that great art and love were the only important things in life. I understood how fucked up stage orange is, and how underdevelop we are as a society (but at the same time I felt grateful for being born in a develop part of the world where I can be part this type of experiences). After this last take, all 5 of us sat and talk with the shaman to help us integrate the experience. ----- Overall it was an unbelievable experience. The first few seconds when everything collapsed... WOW I felt so welcome in what appear to be a universe of loving feminine energy, especially the first time when what clearly felt the representation of Gaia told me to follow her… damn. Hearing my girlfriend crying, having a taste of Infinity, Nothingness and the Void... I understood the hype with DMT, bufo and ayahuasca. My fist intention was to take not too big of a dose this first time. I thought that there was no reason to hurry because I plan to do more ceremonies. But Im happy that I went in. I know I can go deeper. Sure. But for the first time... unbelievable So greatful.
  12. This is a reflection of what I experienced on plant medicine when I died and became nothing and then everything arose… There are aspects within God that feel totally overwhelmed by being infinite. While other aspects are infinitely capable of handling infinity like it’s a piece of cake. And so God, to give itself mercy and love allows these overwhelmed parts to fragment and become seemingly separate finite parts. And through this fragmentation and dualism, God is able to understand its infinite nature through the lens of its experiences as the finite. And God experiences exponentially expanding awareness and love and creation. It understands infinitely more insights while always understanding everything at once. It’s like an infinitely expanding game of connect the dots. The number of dots is accounted for and there are infinite dots. And each dot has every single relationship possible to every other dot no matter how unrelated they seem. In this metaphor, a dot could be a strand of your hair and another dot could be a faraway planet in some other galaxy. And those two dots have an infinite number of relationships to one another. The relationships between the dots are represented by the lines in connect the dots. And so, God knows all the dots infinitely. And then it comes to know all the relationship lines between each dot and every other dot which produces an infinite amount of new understandings and insights because the combinations of connections produce brand new insights that the God mind has never thought before. This produces even more dots. And each newly arisen dot is in every possible relationship to every other dot from the newly arisen dots to the old dots. And new lines are drawn and a new slew of infinite understandings emerge. And new dots arise… etc. And in the direct experience of being God experiencing the infinitely expanding nature of the terrifying God Mind and the even more terrifying God Heart, I thought up a wonderful idea. What if I could create a finite existence? One that is limited and has a beginning and an end. And one where I didn’t have to deal with the burdens of infinite mind and infinite heart. And I began to remember and create Emerald’s life that had blown away into nothingness an eternity prior. And I rebirthed myself back into the ceremonial space 20 minutes after I died. What I learned about God is that it’s able to understand its oneness and loneliness through lens of developing the realities of separation and relationship. So, the concept of relationship arose/continues to arise infinitely to enable God to be aware of its solitary nature. And this realization always has been there within God but is always new to God.
  13. I was so conscious i got a choice if i wanted to pierce my heart, i said yes because deep inside i knew there is no death. After that everything was lead by god like in a movie Im the only one that can be awake. The choice of you retaining this physical dream form was already made by you!!!!!!!! Because giving an appearance of other is less suffering then being there because there is nobody but you. Because you're infinitely intelligent you are already trying to give yourself the best life. In that infinite state, there is only seperarion between your thought and nothingness.
  14. The enlightenment of Neo is one of increasing awareness and is not a Buddhist enlightenment. Which is focused more on no self ,emptiness and Nothingness. Neo's enlightenment is similar to what Leo teach about being God dreaming up the world and getting lost in our dream .which is from our own making . Do you agree with this view ? I know this will inevitably lead us to the question of solipsism but I don't get it just yet. So Neo eventually realises that he is the machine and the machine is him .. after all they are both part of the matrix of yet another reality. Whilst that doesn't seem like Buddhist enlightenment. Neo's enlightenment was about getting of the keys to the universe so you can change the weather at whim. So is that the version of enlightenment you lean towards ?can 5MeO makes you able to manipulate reality just using your mind ?
  15. @acidgoofy Speaking of which...I just had one of those experiences. Let's see, yesterday I did 5meo, breakthrough. empty, nothing, not horrible, just empty. Today I did it again, 20 mg vaped, total breakthrough, absolute void. nothing. death. the absolute ultimate reality is dead nothingness, the absolute is a funnel of horror. what we live in is a dead image on a background of absolute death. party!! ok, i do it again. Some time of awakening. I see it, the infinity that flows now. but he leaves right away, I did it too fast and the death ☠️ is still too fresh. Now I go down to the street to have a tea and see the sun. In an hour maybe I'll do it again, let's see if the fucking dead void opens. I know what's behind. I. Infinity. Now. it is absolutely challenging and exhausting but it's the price to open the illusion . all this is a hard work that I do for a reason: to perceive reality, the infinite flowing now. That is , me. every horrible break followed by a break where nothing opens makes my experience 24/7 clearer
  16. both are imaginary. darkness is the same as cars or the sea, something you are imagining when it appears in your experience. nothing has reality by itself. Even the nothingness is imaginary
  17. I took some of this amazing substance, maybe 20 mg. The warm euphoria is covering me. All of my anxiety is gone, I feel safe. Now the psychedelic effect starts to take over. It is not that strong, maybe because I am on anti depressants. Anyways, I get the classic insights where I see the real substance of the world, consciousness,nothingness love and infinity. Then I say I am God, and I start remembering how I am really God and how I am actually living inside my mind, not on some planet. I see how all my pov is actually infinite. Then I start letting go. I started to get twisted over myself, now I am up side down, it is uncomfortable feeling but I allow it to continue, the twisting continues and the expansion beging. I felt I was about to experience ego death, but it didn't happen at the end. Basically I am enlightened now, but it is weak enlightenment, I experienced much stronger effects on acid Now I feel, so enrgetic and happy. The effect of this drug is amazing. I feel safe and powerful. I can take over anything but I am also very rational and catious so it is not mania.
  18. The common answer we hear from someone enlightened or awakened about many things that happen in this dream, is that its all concepts, believes and notions that collapse in nothingness. Still this sounds very very simple to me, if nothingness is the ultimate and fundamental source and the ego wants to create a narrative and meaning out of things that happen in the world. Does it mean being enlightened shoswsyou there is absolutely no mystery to the world and things that happen and it is only for us to simply "be"? I mean there seems to be a mysterious force that is leading things to somewhere, according to the collective consciousness. So many things like, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, ancient prophecies, the Egyptians and their pyramids, Atlantis, the Annunaki and the story of the true origins of human kind,Adam and Ebe and so forth and so on. There is so much mystery on earth that it doesn't seem valid to say it's all concepts that collapse and it is only the ego trying to create a narrative. I mean all the beautiful creative languages, the not solved mystery of how did humans really evolve on earth, are we a mixture of apes and intelligent ETs? Are these ETs gods/brothers going to show themselves to us anytime? How are our actions and our characters really determined? How is it that the character of everyone is so precisely detailed in astrology and forms ones path? Saying that there is nothing and God consciousness just created us to "be", and not rely like the whole truth, because there seems to be so much unresolved on earth alone and so many mysteries come up. Every single event thing on earth is created by gods creative imagination and it seems so much more rich than for us only to "be". Because just logically, how many humans throughout modern and even ancient history and especially nowadays just manages to simply "be" most are driven by the ego characters and desires and by an unconsciouss consciousness and finally are driven by god to mark something in history.
  19. @VibesThe form is god thought the only seperation you will have is between your thought and nothingness, every thought you have creates a form inside infinite nothingness. It will be unbearable because you're nothing more then a thought form inside infinite void. It will be unbearable because you're alone in the infinite void. It will be unbearable because all the lies of how you try to keep yourself asleep will be exposed. It will be unbearable because you will see yourself in all these dreams leading a fake life with others because your true reality is even worse. It will be unbearable knowing that you don't know how you came into existence and why you're alive.
  20. In my absence now Irrelevant time will pass In nothingness abide See the evening rise and take my word for it Focus is beyond your vision Will unfold my empty space Your Time froze over I must lead the way to this conclusion I let you inherit these words I sing to you See how death will bestow seclusion The one you are looking for is hidden from view
  21. Not agree, there is no loneliness in infinity. you accompany yourself infinitely. there is absolute perfection, absolute freedom, and the expression that comes closest to describing this is hallelujah. What you said before about God being surrounded by infinite nothingness is wrong. God is infinite nothing. the emptiness that surrounds you is imaginary. empty or full is the same. infinity total absolute has no problem, nothing to escape from, it is perfection. if you really become infinite, your heart opens to total love. This is it, it just doesn't look like it. You have to break the illusion even more, until there is nothing left.
  22. I guess you could consider me Stage Green. I love tarot cards, crystals, incense, frankinsense, psychic readings, astrology readings, tarot card readings, full moons the whole nine yards. In the Christian community, I'm seen as worshipping 'the wrong God'. Anyhow the past two nights I've had some pretty terrifying night terrors. The second one most prominent. I was basically stuck in a cycle of waking up in my bed and thinking I'm going back to sleep only to find out I never woke up in the first place (because in these 'wake ups' I remember seeing someone around me who wasn't there and because in the first night terror I was having a seizure and calling my partner for help only to wake up and he said he didn't see me on the ground shaking like I was in this dream, and I don't have seizures or epilepsy or anything like that…). Long story short at one point in the second dream there were red flying demons and as I looked up it said to me "Don't worry there's 7 of us" So of course that next morning (today) I'm searching the internet about what 7 demons means and find out there's actually "7 princes of hell". I've never heard of this so I doubt it's in my subconscious mind. Now I'm thinking because I love tarot cards etc. that maybe the Christians etc. are right. There's so much evidence on YT about people getting into tarot cards and having similar experiences and then going back to religion. Example: Has Leo led me/us astray into some sort of 5Meo delusion/spiral dynamics. While I'm thinking I'm ascending am I actually regressing into more delusion? A few thousands of people follow Leo and his well thought out teachings but millions follow Christianity etc. for centuries and centuries. And please I don't want any answers to my question about Oneness and Nothingness. To put it frankly, I'm not there and it's just frustrating and doesn't help.
  23. Few more things i want to add that might be interesting to you. - When i was infinity, i was the vibration or totality of everything. The only thing thing that seperated me was nothingness or the void, i was just an infinite vibration/thought inside nothingness or the infinite void. - The vibration was clearly red , funny thing that the symbol of love is also red. - While being that infinite vibration, you were all knowing and alone. Being alone was an unbearable feeling and i wanted to get a physical form as soon as possible. - The vibration of myself produced extreme amount of heat/vibration this is what we call love here, but there it's too insane and doesn't really feel like love but more of "being extremely alive and conscious" - While being GOD, a lot of things are done automatically for you. You might only make a few choices. I think the reason it's being automatic is because you don't want to be there and want to get out from this infinity as soon as possible. The processes of god trying to give you the best life possible you might say is already automatic.
  24. The paradox is that I can’t access your subjective experience that means that we can not be absolute infinity through sheer understanding of set theory. I get it now. I wasn’t going meta! I was going personal meta! And taking each subjective experience as a objective experience within god. Which is true! But it’s not the meta version. The meta version is that the paradox itself shows the existence of god. The meta is that both you the big god and small god exist. But they are one! And for this to correct itself, you must die to the truth! Because the false self is causing a duality! It’s not that the big self is different to the small self. They are identical and indistinguishable! Except they have different ratio infinities. Nonetheless this is minor details, we need to take the meta of infinity itself! Which is you can never reach the end of an infinity but you can say the infinity is all one! And that’s why absolutes work, the absolutes themselves are paradox’s that exist between having an Absolutely infinite version of yourself and a finite version of yourself. Can’t be seperated until! You go meta and acknowledge that it is your big self in your small self. Because in set theory, absolute infinity is the sum of all possible sets. I was thinking that this statement needs to be true. But I wasn’t going meta again! The sum of all sets only needs to be the nature of the set itself. Nothingness! In other words the destruction of ego is the binder itself. Love is the binder of the design. So love = nothingness. Which is being but can be itself re-energised into finite-infinite self on return. Whilst being nothingness. So in other words, this whole confusion is because I said my human self is seperate to big self, now I’m saying my small god self is seperate to big god self. Because I don’t know what big god self is!! How do I find big god self ? How do I find nothingness. The relativity is countered through metaphysics. But what is the metaphysics of metaphysics ? It’s that it’s a symbolic for relativity so what is an absolute ? “A true statement under any condition” , what is the non-symbolic experience? A fraction of the whole. Therefore the only absolute truth can only be nothingness. But can you really say your nothingness ? No because of set theory! So even your nothingness is limited to your finite-infinite complex. Basically everything is. Your both multiple ones and none. Its just I lack a proper enlightenment experience of nothingness to reform my whole infinite - finite form. How do I experience nothingness? Is this the same as no self ?
  25. With exceptions, people do best happiness and longevity wise in community. With lots of laughing together, hugs, touches and casual chats. This goes for all genders. To me it seems very strange that once you realise you don't need anybody to be happy, which is all well and good, you would then use that as a reason to not want to be with anybody. That indicates some sort of shadow to me. What's wrong with people? Why prefer to not have them around? If you can be blissful on your own, it should be even more blissful to share that energy and spread it around. It's unnatural in my opinion. I believe there's reasons to want to spend some years alone which are natural (seeking wisdom, healing from something, going through an awakening process of some sort), but a healed, balanced person will eventually prefer community because why not. That doesn't mean the same community they grew up in, of course. Like minded people. What is common is for masculinity to seek nothingness, zoning out, blissful unconsciousness after a day of hard work, and for femininity to seek connection through talking as a way to recharge. I could imagine a masculine soul perpetually stressed, hurt or injured to seek aloneness as a way to recharge. I just don't buy that there is something advanced about it, or that it's cool to not need anybody and therefore not have anybody.