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  1. What you’re really saying there is “Nahm produces content which conflicts claims”. Nahm’s content is the unexpected result or product of cessation and is not in conflict with anything. Cessation means, cessation of the activity of thoughts in regard to the separate self, ego, or finite mind. This is exactly the same as saying there isn’t, and wasn’t, a Nahm. You could also simply say not two, or nonduality. You’re pulling a switcharo there with “it”. “It” there isn’t this thread, which is indeed funny. “It” there as you’re using “it” is “Leo’s content and people believing everything he says”. I’m not saying that’s silly or funny. I’m saying feel free to ask me until you’re absolutely satisfied about any claims I’ve made in my content. I am saying you asking me about other people’s content is silly, again, given that if you want my two cents there are my videos. Notice you just said it wasn’t a question about Nahm’s views or Leo’s views…. and then you say Nahm act’s in a way to seemingly purposefully not challenge….(wait for it)…. Leo’s views. What is the desired outcome of this ‘challenging of views’? Do you think Nahm is going to say something new, which wasn’t already said in Nahm’s twenty thousand posts & videos… and then you’ll have some big epiphany? If you are interested in ‘challenging someone’s views’, you are free to. If you want to make content stating your views, you are free to. If you want to produce conflict, you are free to. Even if you want to say that someone else is creating the conflict, you’re free to. Essential Meaning of bias: A tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly. You are apparently as you say imaging it is there. You are not being forced to, even if you are being told to, or told it is right, or that you should, or should believe it. Even if every one does, still, you are never forced to do so. I’ve been working a lot on some other projects recently, but I will make a video literally showing everyone the Flying Spaghetti Monster very soon. Most of your minds will refute and you likely won’t even be able to see it. The FSM is a highly complex, incredibly advanced teaching. It could take you thirty one years to even begin to grasp. (Are you laughing?) If not, you probably just need to get laid. (now…? Laughing…?)
  2. Samadhi part 1 and 2(nonduality) Inner Worlds Outer Worlds(nonduality) Something Unknown(research into psychic phenomena) Infinity, The ultimate trip(nonduality and near death experiences) Life after Life(near death experiences) After Life(near death experiences) PHI(non-duality) Insight Out(research into out of body experiences and astral projection) Beyond our sight(near death experiences) Psyched out(plant medicines and psychedelics) Psychedelia(plant medicines and psychedelics) Becoming nobody(Ram Dass’ life and teachings) Essential lectures of Alan Watts(Video lectures you cannot find on YouTube as far as I’m aware) ET’s Among Us series(about ufology… kind of a mixed bag. Some compelling, others sorta fringe.) First Contact (Documentary on Bashar… a lot of people like Bashar on this forum so maybe you would. I don’t really know what to think of him personally, but his metaphysics is on point) Cosmic whistleblowers(Roswell incident) The UFO Enigma of Flying Spheres Quest for the lost civilization(archeology with Graham Hancock) Bufo Alvarius(5-MeO-DMT) The Path: Beyond the physical (astral projection, remote viewing and psychic phenomena) The Path: After Life Third Eye Spies (Project Stargate, remote viewing, psychic phenomena) These are just some that I personally liked. I know there are more that I can’t recall or find right now, and you might find even more that you get something out of.
  3. THE TEN OX-HERDING STAGES OF ZEN From of The Maha Gopalaka Sutta, an interpretation. SEARCHING One begins to question the nature of oneself, and the origin & true nature of the universe & experience of reality. This is often brought about by loss, fear, suffering, feeling incomplete, unworthy, a sense something is lacking, something is wrong with oneself, or simply by intuition & curiosity. The search might also arise from ‘having it all’, yet intuitively sensing there is much more to life and experience which remains veiled. SEEING THE FOOTPRINTS Seeking to rectify this sense, one begins the search and discovers the plethora of materials, teachers & teachings available; as if appearing ‘right out of the woodwork’. As if manifesting, inexplicably. One soon adopts a practice such as meditation, intuitively drawn to peace, stillness, silence & repose; though there may be no acuity in understanding or comprehension yet as to why. As the practice begins to take hold and resonate, one begins to see the root of suffering is not the world, but the conflicts and in-equanimity arising ‘in’, or, of one’s own mind. The footprints of the ox are discovered in the accompanying discordant feeling of reactionary thoughts, behaviors & actions. In renewed & expanded open mindedness, the cessation of suffering is now considered to be possible, yet remains unseen & un-grasped. One begins to question the collective & status quo, finding short term satisfaction in logic & reason and thinking for oneself, rather than continuing to ‘fall in with the herd’, or seek refuge in avoidance & aversion, by adhere to norms, dogmas, or conjecture (unverified collective beliefs handed down via tradition, and implied pressures of inclusion, vs isolation). GLIMPSING Dots connect between the struggles, hostilities and plight of the inner world, and outer world experienced, and the asymmetries of one’s own mind. As direct experience is inspected, validation of what the seeker has heard from teachers & learned from teachings begins to be seen first hand. As discord is discovered & aligned in the ‘inner world’, new perspectives of ways of being, living, and relating to the ‘outer world’ and others are experienced. The ever-increasing feeling of alignment is the ‘substance’ in & of itself, of confirmation, the visceral intrinsic validity of the practice, that which the teachers can never speak. This is a joyful and promising stage on the path, as the glimpse of this new way resonates intuitively with the calling by which the seeking, practice and search originated. Empowerment & inspiration begin to arise, as the reactionary and discordant thoughts, behaviors & actions begin to be illuminated, and more clearly seen, understood, and thus, no longer fed attention. Understanding arises as the dots connect between suffering, conditioning, limiting beliefs, reactionary living, collective paradigms, and living the life which is the dream within to be manifest & experienced. CATCHING Now aware of the significance of direct experience, and the physiological benefits & feeling of alignment from the practice and inspection, a new glimpse is seen - that of the truly radical magnitude and depth, of conditioning. One is becoming more acutely aware of patterns of clinging & averting, and of reaction & suppression, which have thus far been unknowingly at the helm of one’s life. Countless questions arise as the mind is both brightened by, and confounded by, these discoveries. Here diligence to the practice, mindfulness, and ‘remaining’ present, are realized to be of great significance. This can be a most difficult stage, as conditioning which has been unknowingly innocently adopted & suppressed is more fully coming to light, arising analogous to a meal which didn’t taste good in the first place & never settled, coming up & out. Expression is most key, as reactionary causal living & existence has begun to be seen as not really ‘awake’, or as any real quality of living at all. Motive, that is, the projection of the very feeling sought, onto things & outcomes, begins to be seen as inspirationally hollow and unsatisfying. Old thought patterns & beliefs, still arising, are met with mindfulness as the shadow is brought into the light of awareness. Animalistic reactive aggressions are now felt with more intensity & sensitivity, as they inevitably come ‘up & out’. The trap of aversion to the practice itself, arises. ‘Energy’, like ‘relaxation within’, are seen to be mere concepts of an old paradigm, as the feeling-realization of the actuality to which these words point has begun. Patience, deeper relaxation within, stillness of mind & equanimity of emotion become respectfully realized as the curative way of understanding. TAMING As the practiced mind calms & clears, the body undergoes an emptying of suppressions. Via the practice, stillness & the way of non is grasped, such as non-engagement, non-judgement and non-reaction. The ‘cup’ continues to empty such that empathy, understanding, and true compassion & wisdom have a space to arise within. This stage calls for continued diligence & patience, as expression empties, and creates the space for the expanded actuality of self-acceptance & self-love. More deeply, that one can not ‘do it all one’s self’ is realized. That is, sayings like ‘give it to God’, and the ‘power of letting go’ are more appreciated and mindfully & swiftly employed. Response, rather than reaction, intrinsically arises and is enjoyed as it is more & more naturally pronounced. The practiced, opened & expanded mind, in conjunction with the ‘emptied body’, are now more naturally culminating a new and more single pointed awareness & focus, aligned with & attentive to the mind’s ‘higher’ guidance, ‘it’s very ‘substance’, that of feeling. In this natural & intrinsic alignment arises renewal, depth, acuity and heightened sensitivity of sensation. Real change occurs in regard to non-dwelling, non-complaining, and non-judgement as the taste & actuality of true freedom is now firmly understood & more often glimpsed. Swiftness of ability to shift focus in accordance with feeling-guidance becomes the Way & the paramount order of every day. Often, this is a time of introspection, reflection, deeper acceptance, forgiveness, and care for any lingering discord in matters of relationships with others, as the actuality of communion with source is realized. That of the guidance, of emotion. The reality of universal harmony and correlations with presence & focus become clearer. Much pain is transmutated as much beauty, and glimpses arise more often, more profound, yielding yet deeper insights in the vein of unification. RIDING HOME Here the practice, inspection of direct experience, learning as listening to source, and changes in accordance with wanted therein, are more readily employed & enjoyed, and all begins to coalesce. A relaxed body-mind becomes the norm. Ease of being is actual & real. Confirmation of the words of mystics is known first hand in direct experience. The fruits of dedication to the practice now fully ripen and become the norm. Experience is no longer veiled by the facade of black & white; one is not moved by causation nor internal polarities, and the oneness of all-grey deeply intuitively resounds & resonates. The actuality and nonduality of trust in the universe is realized with clarity, as all which does not serve is swiftly released & and all which does is received in non-attachment, natural joy and appreciation & complete equanimity. The mind, ever-expanding, tastes the true creativity of its source, and has unmistakably ‘returned’ Home. Aligned & abiding in, of, and as nonlocalized-feeling, the mind is naturally focused and free of resistance. Childlike fun & lightheartedness has ‘returned’ to stay. Glimpses become incredibly deep, and are no longer intermittent, but readily accessible and never so far as to be out of reach of the peaceful mind. Awareness non-localizes here, ‘filling the room’, in miraculous expansion & delightful, unthinkable actuality. TRANSCENDING OTHER Home. The Great Relief, The Great Rest. Dissipation, abidance of being, true embodiment of compassion. Notions of harming, hurting, outsmarting, righteousness, manipulation, need to understand or be understood no longer arise; they came with losing the ox; they left with finding the ox; ineffable freedom is actualized. Emotion guides, far superior to thought. For all of the seeker’s diligence, inner battles, trials & tribulations; nothing is gained, nothing is realized, nothing is found, nothing was lost. TRANSCENDING SELF-AND-OTHER Nothing remains; self, no self, other, no other, world, no world, body, no body, mind, no mind, negation, non-negation, phenomena, non-phenomena; nothing remains. Wisdom, ignorance, seeking, finding, seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, breathing, knowledge, aware, conscious, infinite, finite, formless, form, universe, non-universe, Truth, The True Nature; all notions are dispelled by direct experience. Nothing is perfection; perfection is nothing. Seeing for the first time, hearing for the first time, feeling for the first time, breathing for the first time, speaking for the first time, understanding for the first time; never seeing, never hearing, never feeling, never breathing, never speaking, never understanding. Distinctions of conceptual vs direct experience, idea vs actuality, path vs not path; having gone full circle have collapsed, never having occurred. The bottom of the bucket has fallen away; compassion ever-pours up, out & through the emptied vessel, where conditioning once did. Presence is intrinsically spontaneous creativity. Life is a an impossible, miraculous wonder to behold. A Bodhisattva see’s the world for the first time; as the absence of Bodhisattva & world. SOURCE Absolute (and not). The tongue can not taste tongue; eye can not see eye, ear can not hear ear, finger can not point to finger. The knower is the known; the striver was the strife. Understanding is under standing; confusion is not. Mystery dispelled; mystery revealed. RETURNING Absolute Unconditional Wakefulness. Unfettered; complete engagement. Effortlessly, perpetually paying forward. Ineffable, Mystical, Magic. ? From Maps & Traps.
  4. Haha holy fuck. I can’t believe the trip I just had. Just want to express my gratitude for Leo, this unique path of awakening, and all of the beings participating in this collective healing of the planet. This is the best and most exciting time to ever be alive right now. WE are apart of the “spiritual rebirth” on this planet. I’m so excited to be playing music in front of thousands with my love for nonduality combined. The visions I had during my trip were beyond magical. I was listening to tickets to my downfall “nothing inside” - MGK, and envisioned MGK playing this to the entire world, with every being on the planet bare naked, god-realized, and in complete harmony with all the beauty and goodness of the universe and earth as a whole. I am SO excited for what’s to come. As long as I commit to staying alive and enduring the pain of existence/life, not killing myself, I’ll have the most beautiful life I could have ever asked for and more. Music, health, consciousness, love, beauty, art, relationships, humor, motivational speaking, shamanic crowd work, and performing is my art and bliss. I am fearless. I know how powerful I truly am. It’s very intimidating what this means for my survival and how torturous this will be to actualize it, however, what the fuck else am I or anybody else doing? Haha Like, I’m going to suffer either way, life is suffering until you awaken. So might as well make the most of it, right? Honestly, I look up to MGK more than Leo at this point. Haha. I realized MGK’s birthday is one day after mine, and Leo’s is 4 days before mine. So, there’s something significant about that, perhaps. During this trip, I become one with MGK and realized a lot of shit that none of you guys may believe, so I’ll keep quiet?
  5. @BenG i see. Fair enough. if you're new to nonduality it may take some time to grasp this that all manifestaion comes from nothing. Manifestaion can cease to exist. When everything dissapears. That which is left is called Nothingness/absolute/Shiva is the Source of all things. If it's not sinking in at the moment it's okey. I don't know if I can say something to make it more clear.
  6. your'e conditioned by ideals and belief systems, and you wont get rid of them in your psychedellic trips, they come with you as a baggage. You need to watch the bigger picture, from nonduality you are eating yourself, every day your body eats your ill-dead cells and recycle them, some die and you dont even realize. Forget the dramatic scenery of dead and blood from killing a animal for meat consmuption, focus on the beauty of the sacrifice, he dies so you can keep being alive. Isnt this beautiful? Just be greatful.
  7. Dawkins is God If Dawkins ever realizes that, he will naturally beg for forgiveness for being so stupid. And then he will realize that since he's God/Love, no forgiveness is necessary. And that will be God's forgiveness. God's forgiveness is that there's absolutely nothing wrong and noting to forgive. God's Love is eternally unshakable. And this Love is YOU! Sophisticated jargon is often a defense mechanism against Truth. Notice how academics love to talk in complicated ways about reality while having no clue what reality is. This is not an accident. This is a clever game their ego plays. It fools everyone around itself, including itself, that it knows more than it does. Academics cannot admit to themselves that all knowledge is groundless and impossible from the absolute perspective. Consciousness must be prior to all knowledge. It is a mistake to try to get in the weeds of his technical work. The deeper point is: all of his work is pure concept & symbols. But God/Infinity cannot ever be symbolized because all symbols are finite. No matter how good your models of God are, they are not the same as being conscious of yourself as God. God-realization cannot be symbolic. You cannot think your way into God-realization. Langan is simply not in a high enough state of consciousness to realize that he's God. It's not his fault. He just isn't conscious of higher states. With that said, his models and descriptions of Oneness are pretty good -- as models. He gets a lot of stuff right. But it's still not God-realization and pure nonduality. Good vs evil is a duality. The easiest way to understand that Langan is wrong is simply to ask yourself, "What kind of God would punish people? What purpose could it possibly serve?" It's obvious that God cannot have any need of punishing anyone. Such a God would be evil. And evil cannot exist God cannot punish you because God is so conscious it knows it is you. Why would God punish itself? This would be pure stupidity. So Langan's God is evil and stupid. Your heart knows this is wrong. Deep down you know you are not evil. Neither is anyone else. The most you can be is confused about your true nature.
  8. It's not a word game. The experience is an experience. Awakening is an experience. Exactly like any other... Do you know what happens when you awaken? You simultaneously don't and never do (I say you because many dislike the term "others"). You're walking around apparently enlightened while at the same time you're shooting up a convenience store and not believing in God at all. Because ALL of these things including understanding of nonduality, are appearances of form, in the appearance of duality because without formless appearing as form there's cessation. BipolarGrowth is right, but I would say his cessation non-experiences are still not literally collapsing duality, only relatively, because look here we are. Evidently what happens is it is relatively collapsed and relative collapse = the person ceases to exist. But here we see the appearances of things are continuing. So they haven't actually achieved anything. The ride never ends. Waking up is relative. It seems clear what is going on... An enlightened form is still a form that's there, it literally means NOTHING whether you are walking around understanding oneness. You are just a form realizing oneness and formlessness. It's still appearing. Appearance of duality is eternal. Even thoughts like "that's lonely" or "that's boring" are form and thus the formless as itself alone simply does not care except via experience...
  9. Any thoughts about enlightenment or oneness are thoughts, taking place within the appearance of duality. Being "enlightened" is still just part of your identity and an element of the collective object of appearances that make up all of you that isn't the sheer nothing. Being "awake" the appearances around you do not vanish. You just interpret them differently, as nothing rather than something. But they are still appearing. So you are merely re-interpreting the appearance of duality within that appearance of duality. The sheer nothing by itself does not care about anything, so being extra empathic to others is not actually in any way appeasing the sheer nothing you share. It by itself never changes, even if you are literally the Buddha, all things "Buddha" are appearances. All his thoughts and feelings... You haven't actually left the game. Nobody ever leaves, like Hotel California. Look at how all these people are apparently awake, yet others persist. If any person truly "awoke" ALL people would collapse, every perspective would end across the board, because we are LITERALLY one thing ultimately. It wouldn't be possible to have one person "awake" and another not, because there ARE no others ultimately speaking. For this to even be possible proves that all elements of that "awakening" are just more objects in the appearance of duality. It's no different than watching a movie or playing a video game. It's still just experience. The absolute totality is never experienced as total. Duality is the most critical element of nonduality, as without it appearing, illusion or not, there would be no existence at all.
  10. Holy shit these past three days have been insane. I apologize for posting so much but this is celebration of how far I’ve come and that I’ve made it to my definition of awakening and self actualization, even though I don’t “have” everything I want, yet. Im content dying right now on the spot and never playing music around the world, inspiring nonduality consciousness world wide, but either way, no one can kill the vision I built. So, someone will carry the torch if I get killed for being too loving. I sense it will happen, I’m no joke. I will die for love right now, for any reason at all. Radical stuff and I just want to play concerts to millions and billions of people all around the world. I just hope I don’t die before I can do this. That would be sad to chase enlightenment my entire life and realize i never truly lived my dreams..
  11. Self awakens as itself (not to itself), and thus is not viewed by or realized by anyone or anything else. Nondual means ‘not two’. Nonduality and duality, would be two. Our is two. We is two. Subjective (&) experience is two. I’m & this is two. I’m and God is two. God and everything is two. God and concept/conceptual/conceptualizing is two. I’m and understanding is two. This and limit is two. This and human mind is two.
  12. These creatures exist in nature, the real world, it seems they want You from You, they attack your mind, cause confusion, it's absolutely nuts. They target your weaknesses. The spiritual realm exists in this reality too. This phenomena seems to be all secondary, like the additional dials within consciousness. If you have Pure consciousness/nonduality you are good, no need to worry, but damn I really need to get on my shit.
  13. @digitalkaine the last year or so i have been accidentally finding more and more connections with the bible being metaphorical for enlightment and nondual teachings. Especially a few times on psychedelics. Its like the bible points straight to the truth but christians miss it all and take it literally. "I am a finger pointing to the moon. Dont look at me. Look at the moon" Christians are looking at the finger thinking it is the moon. I also cant help but feel like my ego mind is twisting things in my own preffered direction and that im probably incorrect and most of the bible is not originally about nonduality but nonetheless.
  14. @mandyjw I understand the implicarions of nonduality but I wanted to understand other prespectives too.
  15. There has to be some basis of perceptual difference for people to even make the thought-based distinctions though. You might reject this idea possibly by bringing up theoretical distinctions which are more or less “fully” created in thought alone, but I come at this seeing thought itself as just a sixth sense door. I think you agreed earlier that thought was the same infinite intelligence as everything else or something by a similar name. You probably get the idea. I know you’re pretty familiar/experienced with the nonduality stuff. I’m just pointing back to duality because integrating the two has been of a lot of value for me, and I was just sharing in case someone here might be interested in contemplating “further” into this. No need to go back and forth on the perceptual difference topic between you and I though. I think we’ve essentially said what was needed at this point.
  16. Nonduality is not about attepting to metaphorically smash everything together into some kind of imagined non-dual soup within a thought process. For example a race car in a japanese auto factory is never going to appear the same as your grandmother's rocking chair on the front porch.... there IS apparent separation in that sense. Nonduality is the recognition that the separate sense of self within the body("you") or any body for that matter("them") was never real to begin with. It's the END of the experience of being a separate individual that needs to find something. OR It's the END of seeking because it's clearly recognized that the very one seeking is just an illusion of self. AND simultaneously Nonduality IS ALSO the experience of being a separate individual because there is no real separate experiencer for that experience to be separate for.... there's NO WAY to get outside of EVERYTHING to point back at it. No real individual = No real separation Not two = THIS exactly as it appears "The separation never occurred" - A Course in Miracles It appears or seems hidden by already being the case. The phrase "Non-dual awareness" is not used because that would suggest that there is "someone" who could become aware that there isn't any separation. Nobody becomes aware, nobody becomes awake, nobody becomes liberated.... and yes that seems like a big let down for the "sense of self" that so desperately wants to wake-up.... totally get it! But they're already isn't a separate individual which is exactly what the word Awakening is pointing out. ❤
  17. Sensory experience is built upon difference/duality. Lack of food > Hunger > Seek food > Eat food > Lack of hunger If “reality” is not also dualistic, how is language dualistic? Is language not “reality”? Creating language, thought, anything a human ever does is just as much a response to sensory experience as burning your hand and pulling it back from the fire. Seems as if you’re creating a duality between your reported accurate experience of reality and other things which are ultimately just that very same reality. Nonduality and duality are ultimately the same. You don’t get one appearance without the other. 0=1. People seem to be falling in love with the = and forgetting the entire role of 0 and 1 which allowed them to ever reach =. I’m just telling you guys from personal experience: insight into the whole equation takes you far deeper than getting caught up on one part of the equation.
  18. Doesn't matter, duality is experienced by creatures without language. Humans aren't the only living things seeing duality. Any experience is duality. A creature eats food, it doesn't eat itself, there's cognition of self and other. This applies to all living things even plants where their "cognition" is alien to us. Nothing in absence of something is never experienced. It'd just be total nothingness. Something does not exist in absence of nothing, because things are made of perception. Remove nothing (named consciousness) and there's no awareness, hence no perception and again just nothingness alone which can't be experienced. All of this is happening inside the appearance of duality. Toad trips are happening inside of duality still. It's just so far from this that it seems to not be. A whiteout would be nonduality. But it's not because you can whiteout and duality continues: See me here. Infinity can't be experienced in the actual literal sense. Only finitude can be experienced. You can easily recognize that the color red you see is fundamentally infinity, but its appearing as something finite which is red and not blue. Your interpretation of it changes so red = blue, up = down, but that's cognition. It is still appearing as something finite.
  19. I wanna say oneness, Nonduality, true beauty, love, readily seen in all things etc. But it’s ineffable and extraordinarily unique as well. It’s all that and more, and that more is only for you, and is a complete mystery until it unfolds in actuality. So when you ask the only honest answer I can give to you, with respect to you, is I don’t know, you have to find out. If you share it, then I’d at least have some idea of what your experience is like. The thought ‘seeing’ is as much actually seeing as the thought ‘third eye’ is as much the actuality of ‘what’s seen’. Also, on the flip side, ‘stuff in sight’ has more implication left on the bone. A contemplation of the opposite, ‘no ‘stuff’ in sight’ might be fun. Or funny. Potential there for both actually. ? ? Beautiful. I’d say third eye points to what you’re experiencing. Any affirmation though would of course be found directly, in the resonating. Sure sounds like it is to me. Degrees is a thought, implying differences & separations. Useful in creation, but doesn’t apply to third eye. Third eye is other worldly. What isn’t.
  20. No. No decrease at all. Might be helpful to think of nonduality as turquoise & behind. But only in a very loose framing sense, as spiral dynamics doesn’t actually exist in regard to nonduality. Not easily communicable, but as another loose pointer you could think of spiral dynamics as all self referential beliefs, with a lot of ‘othering’ subtle beliefs, vs one well aware of who they are and consciously creating their reality.
  21. @ImHooper hello, sorry about the tragic loss... all you can do right now is to, try your best to comfort her family and loved ones. it might be hard for u too right now. nobody claims to know what exactly death brings. maybe she reincarnates in a form which she's aligned with, or maybe she dissolves in to the absolute(merge with god). on a relative sense, she did exist and she no longer exist in this world. !(that we all know for sure) in a higher perspective of nonduality, she never existed and always existed. it's both. neither do we exist . its both nothing and everything. I believe you can get through this, as everything "this too shall pass" much love!
  22. Everyone’s as real as you, and yes, all that is, is ‘consciousness or field of awareness’. And yet, nonduality isn’t a paradigm. Nonduality just means not two. So it doesn’t define, point to, or even imply what is, only what isn’t. Duality, is a paradigm. And also not. If you look at your hand and cover up your palm, it looks like five separate fingers. If you uncover your palm, they’re really all one. Don’t believe what you see. Check direct experience to verify these thoughts / inquiries. Think the thought whatever it is, then the opposite… see if anything changes at all. If thoughts don’t seem to make any difference, see about meditation. ‘Empty your cup’. Don’t believe what you think.
  23. I have found the Waking Up app helpful in developing a consistent practice. I like it because it has a combination of more basic mindfulness with also serious nondual pointing instructions. It also has some awesome mini-courses by Adyashanti, Loch Kelly and Richard Lang for example that focus on different approaches and angles "towards" nonduality. That way you can find something that resonates with you and go deeper into that. For example I found Henry Shukman and Zen koan practice from the app that really struck me, probably would have never looked in that direction without it.
  24. I get glimpses of nonduality sometimes but mainly I'm too busy dealing with my stages blue and orange shadows ha ha
  25. Materialism is a belief, Nonduality means not two. Materialism seems true if believed, Nonduality is true wether believed or not.