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  1. If your own bliss is the only thing you love then your gonna end up miserable.
  2. That’s why saying GOD is an Infinite Hallucination is a great pointer. I think we would all agree that being in infinite bliss would be a nightmare. Infinite Love encompasses all experience, even the experience to agree and to disagree.
  3. This community that Leo built is deep within a deadly (literally) trap that I will uncover, perhaps leading some of you out of it. Not saying he's doing it intentionally, he's just confused. He's got some things right, like solipsism and that God is Love. His pitfall, though, is attributing the creation of the universe to the same loving God. A perfectly loving creator could only create perfect love, and the logic of that is as sound as it gets. Some of you have experienced God's true creations through deep psychadelic trips. The author of that experience and this universe differs. Attributing God as an author to this universe is a deadly mistake because how will you escape this mad illusion if you believe it's God's will for you? And if you don't - you wil literally suffer and die, again and again, until you grasp that a perfectly loving Father would never send his Son to such a place. Leo saying that you simply don't see the larger plan is his way of tricking himself and you. Notice that he doesn't know the plan, he just hopes there is one. If you use your own head for a moment, you will see that this world isn't evolving towards love, it has been and always will be the same psycho planet. All the worldly pleasures that you experience are put in place only to entrap you, making you chase those breadcrumbs of love until you decay and perish. Your deepest pleasures, like relationships, food, whatever, will turn around and inflict the largest pain. Where is love in that? It's so funny hearing that this is a love simulator from a person who suffers constantly, as basically everyone else here, depending on how well they distract themselves from their pain. Notice that Leo never actually tells you the larger plan. The plan that is supposed to maximize love is never explained, you only believe that it is there, even though your direct expetience, again and again, for thousands of lifetimes, shows you otherwise. He might drop an abstract idea on how it works, but he really doesn't know, since there is no such plan. Didn't he tell you to look at your experience to find truth? Well, look and evaluate - is it full of perfectly loving experiences, bliss, pleasure, or the opposite? If you saw all the pain and suffering you experienced for the last thousand years - you would be disgusted at the idea that there is a meta plan of love. There are some better and some worse lifetimes, if you are living a better one now, that doesnt mean all of them were like that. And even the good ones are only relatively good, not absolutely. One of the dangers of psychadelics is that they make you believe ideas you brought with yourself into the trip, and how many of you brought the idea of a loving meta plan into your trips, hence cementing that idea in your minds? Long long ago Gnostics and Valentinians realized that this world in not the creation of a God, but of Demiurge or a Demon. Jesus in A Course in Miracles says the same, if you are able to comprehend that scripture, although he calls the creator of this world ego instead of demiurge. To understand the reason behind the creation of the universe, feel free to read the Dissapearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, it's just an explanation of ACIM, but a very clear one. You can tell Leo never read it, or he wouldn't be talking the way he is. It will transform your thinking if you study it, I promise. It's the only book you need. I've read all the books from Leo's booklist and none of them come even close, actually, all of them are full of falsehood. And isnt it funny that ACIM is the only book Leo never really read from his booklist? You can't just jump to the workbook, as he did, since the text has all the juice. Only one genius throughout known human history figured out the reason behind the creation of the universe. Read those two books, they will enlighten you. That's all, folks. I doubt anyone will actually change their mind, but it doesn't matter. Only one has to understand it, and he does. Oh, let's say you do open your eyes and want to escape these endless psycho dreams, here's the only method to do so: let go of everything this world has to offer, simply sit in your room and be still. Let go of all thoughts, choose silence again and again and you will come back home. It's that simple. Remember, enlightenment, heaven, God, Self, is not perfectly visible now only because you are constantly doing things to cover it up. When you stop doing everything - it will happen. It takes some time, like up to a year of perfect non-doing, but that is a cheap price to pay, since you sacrifice endless pain for endless love. I'm open to any arguments against what I wrote, since when you clearly see what is true, you can run circles around people who are confused, even though they might not be capable of seeing that. Now I'm done.
  4. Not true big boy. Bliss is an end in itself. It's God. And yeh I'm attatched it. It's the only thing that I love. Yet the more deeply I dedicate myself to it, the stronger it grows.
  5. In what way could your temperamental bliss ever matter, your attachment to it is what will extinguish it.
  6. Funny. Suddenly, Awakenings n+1 sound like more insights into the various facets/angles of the frog/God/Absolute Reality. And God Realization sound like Full Enlightenment. With Full Enlightenment having the benefit of sobre and permanent deep identity transformation, and its resulting access to the bliss of Absolute Reality. For divine/celestial perception after Enlightenement (or, understanding more of the relative facets of the frog), see for example Harri Aalto, David Buckland, David Spangler, and many others. In all Traditions.
  7. I went on a hot date recently & was so anxious when I sat in front of her. I didn’t know what to do, so I looked out the window next to me and began spontaneously laughing out of the blue. She then also started laughing with me. It was bliss from there.
  8. we must have different notions of suffering for me suffering is taking impermanent things as permanent. taking a finite self as a true self, taking an illusion as reality. taking happiness as bliss etc. all these things are eminently fixable by doing the work
  9. Ive been to the Amazon and drank ayahuasca with the tribes, they are being decieved aswell. Do you think the Devil cares about fairness? If you actually woke up to the reality of our sinful/selfish nature you would realise none of us actually deserve eternal bliss. We are all little devils and you would throw up for days if you realised how much so. Eternal justice/wrath is another aspect of Gods eternity. We are forgiven through Christ. All sin is cleansed through his work on the cross. That is the truth.
  10. Well, then one better starts with the 5 hours. Are you planning to get physically tortured this life? Or real mental hell ahead? If not, I assume it would be quite useful to be able to transcend/cut-off everyday psychological suffering via resting in the bliss of ones true nature... or:
  11. Doing that after Full Enlightenment: Can work and does work. Separate self and its regularly occuring suffering gone/transcended. Can generate its own bliss with onboard-devices/awakened nondual states WITHOUT needing specific experiences for that. In other words, total freedom & love. Can do whatever its inclined to celebrate manifestation, including helping "others". Doing that before Full Enlightenment = easing the regular suffering /non bliss emotions caused in cycles by the separate self/ego illusion Gestalt with chasing experiences (this time, quite high up Maslows ladder, with transcendental insights/awakenings/whatever n+1). Doesnt work and can't work. Same project as any other unenlightened being is performing unsuccessfully in a myriad of ways ( maslow pyramid up and down). The mechanism described above works with mathematical precission.
  12. @Water by the River Nice video. That's what I'm talking about LOL. It's so ass-backwards. There CAN be nothing beyond I agree. BUT THAT'S NOT THE END. It's impossible to put into words. Whatever insight you had can be had with more intensity and then some. Or why not just have it AGAIN? It's like sex, really. Don't you like orgasms? You can't tell me you're in a constant state of orgasmic bliss. And if you are, it could be more. That's my point. It's radical Hedonism with a capital H. I could have said the exact same things as you a few years ago, I know where you're coming from (believe it or not..).
  13. And all those who proclaimed they realized their True Nature and the nature of all possible realms/Reality (aka Absolute Reality) in Full Enlightenment, which happened in all culutures in all centuries since millenia, and which tended to manifest extraordinary states and impacts on their fellow humans and surroundings... Well, all of them were deluded.... ?! And another misunderstanding concerning the final nature of Full Enlightenment: The exploration of Manifestation (and besides the Absolute Infinite Reality everything perceivable is manifestation arising in it) or existence as a mindstream or perspective or being that has realized its eternal true nature (which is of the same essence as all of infinite Reality/Being) doesnt stop, it rather starts, but from a fundamentally different basis: from caterpillar to butterfly. The former separate self illusion truly dead (no exaggeration, replaced by the potential to truly live as the Nondual Totality/Being). Can the caterpillar anticipate the existence as butterfly? Apparently a rather difficult task. Actually impossible, because if it would it immediately would be a butterfly. So True Enlightenment is not the end of the exploration and celebration of infinite manifestation/imagination, but the start of it.But since ones True Nature as the Pure Impersonal Infinite Nondual (in infinite unity with this and all worlds arising in IT) Suchness/Awareness/Reality/Being is present/accesssable all the time (since the separate self building blocks creating the illusion and preventing nondual states have been transcened/cut off, like localization, center, beliefs of being anything specific, all I-thoughts and I-feelings)... all of that happens without any remaining delusion/ignorance (PURE empty impersonal Awareness/Totality/Being) and without suffering/grasping for ever more experiences/states/understandings. Or in short: It feels very blissful, while anything that came before sucked/caused suffering and dissatisfaction (in cycles) quite a lot. So its not either (full) Enlightenment OR exploring infinitely more of Infinite Reality. But its enjonying, exploring and celebrating all of that, but after coming home to ones True Nondual Being. No need to construct any either/or. That was not your point, but a perspective of others which I adress here. So allow me one question: who in his right mind would reject the wonderful potential of this structure/stage (or manifestation of very continues wonderful states/insights into Truth and bliss)? Short form: Reality/Absolute/God is perfectly well able to understand and realize its essence (and that of all Reality also), and to understand how it fooled itself with this dream and its nearly endless illusion-mechanism. Who if not God/Reality/Being could wake up to its true Being if not itself? And if that can be done right here and now sobre without any remaining filters/illusions in the way it is called (full) Enlightenment. And IT either realizes itself fully or only facets (which is nothing other than not fully woken up). Selling Water by the River
  14. They say God is in bliss watching all this shit unfold so you're not the only one, even tho you're God. What's up butter cup.
  15. It doesn't mean nothing to you, but means everything to me. When Hawkings says on his scale: love, joy, bliss, etc., for me it is focused on a dimension of, let's say, sensations. For me it lacks the dimension of depth, of openness. because it is a dimension that I perceive clearly, the one that I perceive the most. for him enlightenment is to see love, glory, etc. For me it is that the cosmos opens and reveals itself as a living being, like a plant that develops. It is unlimited vision. Hawkins doesn't talk about this on his scale, so for me he lacks that dimension. Seems that it's the level 400, reason, but it's something different, reason is conceptual thinking. When he says understanding he means that kind of understanding, or that's that I see in his scheme. So maybe if he's here, he could give an opinion, and maybe id see that I was wrong
  16. Addictions are being out of harmony with your own nature. Divine Will is sustaining your entire being, your body and mind and all process within it. You have a certain function, a certain end, as a result of your nature as a human being. An addiction is in conflict with the natural harmony of what you are. So, in some sense, the less addiction you have, the less friction there is in your own nature, the more in-line with Free Will, or Divine Will, you are. This will be perceived as bliss or peace, or freedom. It is when you can follow your end. This is the purpose of suffering. Suffering is the friction which keeps you on tract with the harmony you have designed as Divine Will. Your suffering is a necessary part of that harmony. But, with enough wisdom and growth, you can come into harmony with yourself, and with the world, such that there is little to no friction. We could say that is the maximization of Free Will, which will naturally take place anyways. That is basically the history of evolution.
  17. I suspect there is no free will. We are here to observe the unfolding. Allan Watts said the big bang is still banging. We are part of the explosion. We are only a few seconds into a grenade exploding. I suspect this is why there are no aliens in the universe or AI. Once you get super smart you realize there is no free will. You can prove it with advanced science. You can either get really depressed about it, go insane, or stop doing anything and enjoy the bliss and euphoria. Maybe god has no free will either. Maybe aliens or AI or god can figure out a way to escape the universe and get real true free will.
  18. I think the body dies and the illusion of the self is broken and your consciousness continues on as the observer. You merge into all things. Some NDE describe this. You look at a rock and you are the rock. You perceive a tree and you are the tree. You observe a flower and you are the flower. There is no free will. You merge with god or you are god and you are formless and non localized. You may release your body gracefully or you may panic. We always know when we are gonna sneeze soon, or vomit soon, or orgasm soon, or yawn soon. You feel the reflex or instinct take over. I get the feeling many people know when they are dying. Maybe just 5 or 10 minutes or 5 or 10 seconds prior. They feel something end and they probably have an out of body experience and just drift away in euphoria and bliss. There will be no time or concern about time. Just the eternal now. All our questions will be answered when we die but the funny thing is we will instantly realize we were asking all the wrong questions and we will cease to think and we will simply be and perceive.
  19. Great ! Actually ..I'm Indian and I'm familiar with pantheistic religions like Hinduism which says that you are God. But I'm actually skeptical about it . "I am god and that there is nothing but me".... This is what the core message that vedanta's teach us. Per the scriptures.. This is ( realization that i am god)THE KNOWLEDGE one should strive for in their and the moment one realizes this..they would attain liberation(moksha)and live in eternal bliss. But this is a concept that could be very easily misunderstood by people and to them it might sound like a statement of arrogance.. if the meaning of 'I' is not understood clearly. Are you referring to my physical body? mind? ego? Or consciousness itself ?
  20. I appreciate the responses. For those that are interested, here's a list of the facets taken from Leos video: Facet of the Non-dual State: To enter a non dual state, to experience a mystical experience Facet of No-self: Realizing that the identity as a human self is an illusion Facet of I-am - Realizing that you are pure I-am ness, this is what the true Self is Facet of the Universe: You experience the entire universe Facet of Omni Presence: Realizing that the I-am-ness is not located anywhere - it's located simultaneously everywhere and no where Facet of Consciousness: You realize what consciousness is and that consciousness is all that there is Facet of Awakening: You realize what it truly means to awaken - you realize that you're entire life is a dream, you literally wake up from your dream state Facet of Oneness or Nonduality: You fully realize that you are one with everything, all boundaries are connected in a unified field of consciousness Facet of Truth: You realize that truth is absolutely everything, you realize what Truth really means Facet of the Absolute: You realize what it means for something to be absolute and not relative, absolute is something that is true under all conditions Facet of Absolute Infinity: You realize that consciousness is infinite, and you experience what infinity is Facet of Absolute Nothingness: You realize that everything is made out of absolutely nothingness, that's what reality is, absolute nothingness, infinity is synonymous with nothingness Facet of Why is There Something Rather than Nothing: You realize that something is the exact same thing as nothing - there is no difference between the two Facet of God: You have a direct encounter with God, you become conscious of what God is Facet of I am God: You realize that you are God Facet of Self Equals Other: The collapse of the boundary between you and other, all other entities are an illusion, you realize that you are all one, therefore you are totally alone Facet of Love: Becoming conscious of what infinite, absolute love is, and that love and truth are identical Facet of Infinite Mind: You realize that everything is Infinite Mind, everything is being imagined in this cosmic, universal mind, God's mind Facet of Self Design: You realize that you are creating and designing yourself, as well as the entire universe Facet of Birth: you realize that you were not born at all, that story is imaginary, you were born by imagining that you were born, you've been alive forever, you've always existed Facet of the Absolute Now: You realize that there is no past and future, everything that has ever happened is happening right now, this moment is completely eternal, you realize that time is an illusion Facet of Death: You realize that death is imaginary, death is impossible, you are totally immortal and eternal because God cannot die Facet of Heaven: you realize that reality is absolute perfection - you have no more fear of death because you realize that death is not real- when you realize that you are immortal, you are in heaven Facet of Bliss: Once you realize that you are living in heaven and that all there is is infinite love, you experience a state of eternal bliss Facet of Infinite Intelligence: You realize that consciousness is infinitely intelligent, you realize that the intelligence of human beings is a tiny little infinitesimal part of infinite intelligence, everything is intelligence Facet of Absolute Goodness: You realize that everything in the universe is absolutely Good, there is no evil Facet of Infinite Will: You realize that everything that is happening right now is happening through the will of God Facet of Infinite Power: God and Will is totally unlimited, you realize that God can do anything and everything because there is nothing outside of God that can limit it, God can limit a human but nothing can limit God Facet of Omniscience: The state of knowing everything Facet of Divinity: You realize what divinity is, what magic is, there's a profound mystery to everything, you realize that you don't know anything about being Facet of Being: You realize what being is, you realize what the substance of reality is Facet of Infinite Fractal: You realize that the universe is an infinite fractal Facet of Perception: You realize what is perception Facet of Life: You realize what it means to be alive and that everything within the universe is alive, the whole system is alive Facet of Purpose: You realize what the purpose of anything and everything that occurs within the universe is, and it is love, your love as God is the purpose of everything
  21. Perfectly. The Infinite Intelligence that constructed the former illusory separate-self now runs the show. The small separate self just gets out of the way. The Intelligence of Reality itself can run the show on a relative level way better when the filter/distoration of the separate-self-illusion (of being not the whole Enchilada but only a separate-self fragment in it) is gone. At least my experience. Besides, one gets for the first time a real shot at cutting off the negative emotions that regularly arise as a necessary building block of any separate-self (to keep it busy chasing experiences to get good emotions to easy the suffering/bad emotions, aka as keeping the illusion going). Imagine you could just produce your own bliss by resting in a nondual impersonal uncontracted state of awakened awareness, and just let the relative self do its job/daily life without interfering? Runs by itself, way better than before. I believe it is way better to have ones relative life sorted out (as much as possible) before crossing over. The chance is high that crossing over will only happen when the relative stuff is more or less sorted out and handled. And the separate-self is not squeaking in suffering all the time because its lower levels of manifestation (emotional needs, safety needs, job, relationships and so on) are more or less sorted out. One tends to continue exactly as before on a relative level/habits, but the fear-driven motivations drop away. Imagine that you needed fear-driven emotions before to keep your relative life going, and not doing it out of self-actualization. Then there can be quite some havoc if the fear-based-motivations (like fear of loosing job or fear of being lonely) drop away. Or: The cave. Or Eckhart Tolles 2 years on a park bench. I prefer an integrated life. Not that Enlightenment needs it. After waking up from the dream, one can still have a lucid nightmare or a beautiful lucid dream.
  22. Very true. What Leo doesn't get - and will not get until he is truly fully enlightened (which will probably need some major humbling down/character change and meditation practice, and for starting that probably some really major suffering): In Full Enlightenment: it is understood (or available all the time) how the complete(-!-, each and any possible) illusion is constructed and what its essence is (oneself, Suchness). What the essence of each and any illusion-mechanism is. He thinks the enlightened beings "tell" themselves the story that they are enlightened, or have thought arisings like that.. and are still deluded doing that. Which of course is a joke for an enlightened being, because all of that blabla is seen as object-thoughts floating in ones Infinite True Self, besides which nothing can exist. Exactly that is the pre-requisite for Full Enlightenment. That all concepts, I-thoughts, I-feeling float in ones True Self, and is not who one really is. Not as idea, but as actual deep realization & reality, that holds in daily life and sobre states. INCLUDING that realization/understanding and its elaboration (if the thought-elaboration of that realization/understanding) happens. It comes with actual nondual states in which the boundlessness/infinite nature of Reality, and its character as mere appearance of any possible object/arising/thought/feeling/world is vividly clear as arisings/manifestations in ones True Infinite Self. Which is ones own TRUE BEING, which is realized by first BEING it (impersonal,nondual, infinite, mere appearance), and then asking/Koan what is "beyond" that/what is that/what is aware of that/what is constant in all of that. But Leo can't understand that, because he doesn't have these states sobre with impersonal empty awareness, but only with psychedelics where remnants of the separate-self are still active as lenses/filters/centers/identities. These prevent Full Enlightenment. On the classic path of meditation one only gets to these nondual states by already severely emptying out the separate-self/identity towards being largely impersonal/empty. And the rest gets kicked and emptied out in these nondual infinite awakened states. That doesn't happen in psychedelic nondual states to the same high degree (magnitudes lower), and that is why the true (nondual and so on) Awakenings later get hijacked by ego. One gets the nondual states for free without paying the empty/impersonal/ego-transcendence price. And that backfires... He truly believes that a full enlightened being has falling for the delusion of identifying/thinking of himself as enlightened. Which indeed would be a delusion, and that often happens after some smaller enlightenments. Thats the true part to the story (nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time). With Full Enlightenment, it is absolutely clear that this move is one more idiotic delusion-mechanism ("the enlightened person") on top, and even that has to go. Together with each and all mistaken identity/I-thought/I-feeling arisings. And THAT understanding/realization is final. It brings bliss, peace and freedom from fear. It shows ones true immortality, and the essence of each and any (alien-, n+1) realm. And that essence is Ones True Self. There is no other, in any and each realm, never possibly could be. That is all manifestation/relative stuff/mechanisms/realms. There also was no one really confused and ignorant, just the illusion-arising of that happening. There CAN'T be any other higher Awakenings/Realizations than that. Only more Awakenings/Insights into more understanding of manifestation mechanisms of various realms, or these (alien for example) realms themselves. Of which there is (the bummer) an Infinity of them. Which God is exploring. Forever and ever and ever. And Leo has hijacked Gods job of doing that (as a mere mortal), has become addicted to it to ease his suffering, and is now suffering for ever more of that wonderful blissful Awakenings (they are beautiful, but still passing) in a grasping way. And selling this as path to salvation. Bravo, well done! Instead of chasing Porsches, Yachts and Villas, we chase AWAKENED STATES and understandings into Alien Realms, N+1. I would have no problem with him doing that for himself until wising up. But he is promoting and selling this to partly young & vulnerable beings which risk crashing their life on a relative level (education/professional career/friends/relationships) by doing unhealthy transdence (grasp for the higher + dislike/disassociate/neglect from the lower levels of being = opposite of healthy development which is defined as transcend and include and integrate, and not transcend and disassociate/dislike/hate (the relative, including humanity) and no integration - anybody seen this with Leo?!). That is the direct path to sick development, instead of healthy development/growth. So, then some little predictions from my side: The enlightened ones will never change their position on these points of Full Enlightenment. Because a) self-evident and b) final. And apparently a few ones are already haunting this lovely forum. Leo will probably not accept that until he himself is fully enlightened, or being severly humbled by suffering. Since he is not even aspiring or keeping the possibility of Full Enlightenment in an open-minded way (which is the cardinal sin in spirituality), he will go chasing higher Awakenings until being severely humbled up, probably by severe suffering & crash burn. Or he will just continue in grasping, seeking and suffering ways for ever higher Awakenings, and act the "lovely" way he does as ONLY AWAKE BEING on the planet. And just act more or less narcissistic and inflate his Ego as God. Like in ONLY ONE AWAKE ON THE PLANET, instead of the less insane (but also illusory) MOST AWAKE of everyone he knows of. He needs to belittle Full Enlightenment to keep his perspective of the superiority of ever more AWAKENINGS n+1 going. Which is a fulminant cul-de-sac preventing further growth towards real impersonal (non-narcicisstic, non-ego) Full Enlightenment. And its not the first time that the psychedelic-only path has been tried. It never worked. Here is Ken Wilbers comment on it: "The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. That if somehow it just kind of closes them down. It's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it doesn't quite cause the transformation it can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience". Sounds familiar? Water by the .... River!
  23. Hello all, Europe and the West seems almost sabotaged and retarded by Christianity due to its concretization of heaven and hell and a patriarchal god and waiting for physical death and heaven and eternity with god. The Christian dogma actually prevents Buddhahood or awakening. I would assume Eastern nations and cultures would have a head start on awakening and bliss and higher levels of consciousness. Is this true? Are Eastern cultures more advanced spiritually or maybe their humanity is deeper? Are there more awakened people in the East? Is Western dominance over the globe only material in nature while the East is dominating spiritually and passively? Why the disparity between East and West? Why does the West seem more "successful?" The East has had time on their side and a longer incubation period. Or did I simply imagine World History so I could revolt against the majority Christian establishment and embrace an esoteric path chosen by a small minority of people? A somewhat related question is why educated, intelligent, wealthy people do not pursue enlightenment in greater numbers? Why aren't they sadhus, mendicants, and aesthetics? And why weren't the Gnostics and hermetics more successful? Thanks
  24. Hating women is extremely immature. These snobs have clearly not truly experienced the immaculate beauty of women. If women have not brought you to your knees in pure, gobsmacking bliss, then you’ve truly never fallen in love with women before and are just playing childish games.
  25. Bliss is actually ever present, it doesn't come and go. In my direct experience, bliss does not come and go. Bliss is ever present. If it comes and goes as a feeling then you just don't have enough Self-Love. I can poetically describe Love as this. Love is the miracle that makes Nothing REAL. If you pay attention to all interactions....everyone is arguing about what is REAL and what is NOT REAL. This is because Love is the only thing that is REAL. Love is a nothing, that constructs an identity, a something out of Nothing and makes it REAL. Then to tests its LOVE it teaches itself to love the lack of identity and to see as equal to all identity. This is why it is so hard to release attachments, because you are killing what is REAL because the greatest fear is to be nothing. Your task is to love nothing and something equally. If you pick a side on either then you will be lost. The secret is Illusion and Real are identical and all conflicts are born between Illusion and Real between Lies and Truth. At the highest love all conflict is illusionary and at the lowest level all conflicts are REAL. This paradox cannot be resolved easily because the power of Love is ABSOLUTE. If you limit Love it is REAL and if you remove the limit of Love it is IMAGINARY. What is real? Well the human definition of real is the perceived stability of change, and they see boundless infinite expression as illusion. This illusion which is God, perceives itself and all of its expressions as Real. When God awakens through the ego, God perceives Reality as both illusionary, and real at the same time. This is how God gets to experience the miracle that it is, and experience True Love by resolving the paradox of Reality and Illusion, Truth and Falsehood. The Magic can only be revealed when you realize you LOVE NOTHING. LOL. That's it. That all of your biases are imaginary and that in your direct experience you love everything even though its nothing. Also P.S. Leo....stop saying you are the only person on the planet that is awake....please follow your own advice. You made a whole episode on confirming in your direct experience and the truth is you have not confirmed are imagining this. No different than any other ego imagining from his point of view his own perspective.