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  1. I haven't found much information about 5-MeO fumarate dosing (specifically plugging), so I wanted to briefly share my experience in hopes that it will help others. The substance is a greyish powder that turns a brownish color when mixed with water. I have been plugging it every day for the past 5 days. I'm new to 5-MeO, so I've been gradually increasing my dose each day. I try to keep other variables constant, so the conditions have been: Fasted for at least 16 hours (I intermittent fast, so this just means doing 5-MeO before I eat that day.) Alone in my bedroom, lying on a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor. Vomit bucket on standby. Earbuds playing relaxing acoustic music. Clean rectum. Sorry for being graphic here, but since I do intermittent fasting, I reliably take a shit each morning. Afterwards, I get in the shower and use the handheld shower nozzle to literally rinse out my rectum. This is basically a faster, more efficient method of anal douching. The point here is that the 5 absorption isn't affected by fecal matter. The substance batch, weighing, mixing, and plugging protocols all remained consistent. The dosing and effects were as following: 20 mg Noticeable body load within 5 minutes. Moderate nausea. Mind was focused on relaxing and breathing. Return to baseline in ~30 minutes. 25 mg Body load slightly heavier, but no significant difference. 30 mg Intense nausea by around 10 minutes, which progressed to the point where I sat up and turned over onto my hands and knees, head hovering above my vomit bucket. If I had anything in my stomach, I'm confident I would have vomited. Instead, I just dry heaved and spit a few times. Overall, a pretty uncomfortable experience. Mentally, I was just surrendering as much as I could. 50 mg I was actually pretty terrified to bump it to 50 mg, and to focus my mind on something, I decided to watch some porn while I waited for the 5 to absorb. Interestingly, this worked almost too well--I ended up jerking off and barely noticed the effects of the drug. Jerking off on 5-MeO is actually pretty damn amazing. My nausea was noticeable but not nearly as bad as 30 mg. Not my proudest fap, but surely my most spiritual. This session was actually confidence-inspiring, since it suggested the 5-MeO experience is to some degree mentally controllable. 72 mg This was my first genuine attempt to break through. I say this because one of the reviewers of this 5 MeO DMT fumarate said they take 75 mg. This is much higher than vaporized freebase doses, so at the time I thought that reviewer was just fucking with people. After my 50 mg session didn't even come close to breaking through, I realized that person was being honest. Nevertheless, I didn't break through. The body load and nausea were intense af, but I remained lying on my back in a symmetrical / open position. Mentally, I was asking God to just show me what I needed. (Important distinction to note here: I'm an atheist, so I'm asking a conceptual God, mostly out of desperation. In other words, it's coming from a place of wanting to believe there's a God listening, but not from the place of "knowing God" that Leo frequently talks about.) I was focused on surrendering and trying not to think too much. I basically rode it out without any significant ego loss or insights (other than the frustration of feeling imprisoned by ego and being unable to let it go). Return to baseline was more like 60 minutes. 85 mg Oh. Shit. This was fucking NUTS. The following literally happened just hours ago. At first I was struggling to surrender. I was trying my best to lean into it and let go. I couldn't stay on my back and rolled onto my hands and knees, not so I could vomit but because the experience was getting so intense, I was basically praying for God to take me. There was a very powerful emotional purge trying to happen, but I was holding it back because I didn't want my brother to hear me sobbing and try to come in the room (no one else was home). We have a very emotion-repressing kind of relationship, and we don't cry in front of each other. Sadly, we don't even tell each other I love you (we're in our late 30's, BTW). I was basically "shown" that my reluctance to be seen/heard crying was preventing me from losing my ego, and if I wanted to go all the way, I couldn't bring that self-conscious nonsense with me. At this point, I'm making this crazy guttural noise that doesn't seem to belong to me at all. I have the thought that I need to go find my brother and tell him I love him. I knew this would be REALLY shocking for him, and frankly, I was scared. But this wasn't just a random thought; this was more like a test. This was like God telling me "if you can't even tell your brother you love him, you're clearly not ready for anything else." So I did it. I went and found my brother, and I couldn't even get a word out, I just hugged him and started bawling. And I mean BAWLING. He starts freaking out like "Oh fuck...don't tell me Mom died." And I finally explain that nothing bad happened, I'm just on drugs. He goes over and sits down on the couch, and I basically collapse at his feet, just sobbing uncontrollably and telling him over and over how much I love him and how sorry I am that I'm too awkward and self-conscious to ever tell him that or to ever be real with him. This was like 35 years worth of bottled-up love and tears, all coming out at once. It's hard to describe the magnitude of this emotional surrender. It was the most vulnerable I've ever been in my entire life. I was loving my brother from a pure, unobstructed perspective for the first time ever. And meanwhile, he's clearly stuck in the reality I'm usually in, because he's talking about drugs and bad trips and generally doing everything in his power to dismiss the profundity of the experience I'm having and to avoid actually connecting on a deep level. And his dismissive / avoidant behavior is of course giving me a perfect view of how I normally operate. It was such a beautiful and powerful experience for me, but at the same time, there was a sort of tragic tone to it, because there was this giant invisible gap separating us. I wanted to just shake him awake and be like "just be with me right now." I talked / cried for well over 45 minutes. It's now nearly 5 hours after dosing, and I'm still emotionally very raw / open. I've cried several times while writing this--not in a bad way. They are tears of gratitude. My goal now is to convince my brother to try 5-MeO. I'm not sure I really sold the experience though, so I certainly have my work cut out for me. I wouldn't consider this a breakthrough experience in the traditional sense. I didn't reach complete egoless nonduality. But I definitely stepped to the edge and peered over. I felt the immeasurable power of it all. I was shown something that was holding me back, and I was able to surrender completely to it. It wasn't "fun" by any means, but I walk away with the knowledge that I won't die without ever telling my brother how much I love him. As awkward as it was for him, I still ripped down a huge emotional wall between us. He might write it off as drug-induced delusion, but I won't. That wall came down, and even if it goes back up, it will always be permanently weakened. I gave us permission to say "I love you" and to cry in front of each other. That's HUGE. I feel like I dropped 20 lbs of repressed emotional baggage today. It feels incredible. I just hope I don't have to have a similar purge with everyone I love. LOL. There are a couple of important points I want to mention regarding my dosing. First, I'm using a milligram scale that I'm guessing is accurate to + or - 5 mg. I say this because I can move the measuring tray around and get it to settle on slightly different readings. It's calibrated, but it's also just a $40 scale, so we're not talking lab-grade instruments here. Second, 85 mg seems like a LOT. I haven't read many trip reports of people doing this much (which is part of why I wanted to share my experience). To break through, I might even have to go a bit higher. Maybe 90 mg? I don't know. 85 mg really felt like I was right there. I'll update this post when I break through and list the dose. But it certainly got me wondering why I'm apparently taking so much more than other people. (BTW, I'm about 185 lbs / 84 kg.) The first question would be what is the purity? I don't have a way of testing this, but just based on the appearance of the powder, I'd guess it's quite pure. I say this because the powder is extremely uniform in appearance and dissolves evenly. 5-MeO is legal in some countries, so it's possible to order it from laboratories. If I had to guess, I'd say that's what this is. This doesn't strike me as amateur / home lab stuff. The second question is what medications / supplements am I taking that might interfere with the 5-MeO? Regarding medications, I take 300 mg of Wellbutrin (i.e., Bupropion) and 15 mg of Dexedrine (i.e., amphetamine) per day. I stopped the Wellbutrin on the 72 mg and 85 mg days, but I didn't notice any difference. I took the dextroamphetamine on all the days. Does the amphetamine possibly metabolize the 5-MeO faster? I don't know. Just wondering aloud here. In any case, for anyone searching whether or not you can mix these meds with 5-MeO-DMT, here's at least one case report of someone who did so and lived. I'm not saying it's safe--I'm just saying I still have a pulse. One last those of you who might be on the fence about taking 5-MeO because you don't have any trip sitter or facilitator, and maybe you've read that people freak out, vomit, shit themselves, scream, flail about, etc....I just want to say I had the same fears. I have heard a lot of people suggest that you definitely shouldn't try it without a sitter or facilitator. I can appreciate the concern, but in my case, I chose to do it alone and just slowly increase the dose. I set up my blankets so that I was in a lounge / zero-gravity position, just in case I pass out and vomit, it's very unlikely I'd asphyxiate on it. Rather, it would spill down my chest. My point here being, the risks can be mitigated with the right research and precautions. I also paid like $120 for a drug testing kit that gave me reasonable confidence in the authenticity of the substance. So yeah...if you put your mind to it, you can experience this for yourself. Do your research and be smart about it. If anyone has any experience plugging the fumarate or another salt at doses this high, please leave a comment. I'm curious to know if I'm actually an outlier here, and if so, by how much.
  2. Ultimately there are no insights to gain. You can't experience lack of illusion and illusion at the same time - that's why you can't maintain nonduality. What happens is your really becomes less solid. Yes, I can experience 5 MeO DMT without using the substance. That's because this is just my excuse to experience God. It's suprisingly easy, I'm not advanced at all. I disbelieve and forget who I am, but each time I trip I'm getting closer and closer.
  3. I remember reading all of Robert's books one after another when I first got my feet wet in self help books, even before watching Leo. I really liked them especially the mastery one. That being said Leo said robert is orange and I didn't have any spirituality/psychedelics/nonduality experience at that point in my life. Would this book be of any value to the new spiritual me or I will cringe with all the orange and materialistic ideas it 'll most likely have?
  4. This comes out of the experience of separation. You are attacking a straw man. It is perfectly logical, what you’re saying...if only it related to what we’re talking about here. Nonduality does not mean only my mind exists, nonduality points to there being no mind, and no self... and no other; no separation; no context; no reality; no knowing; no one separate from this; no this; no need; no condition; no limit; no thing. Only truth... which cannot be actually objectively or certainly known, but is apparently directly and doubtlessly known. If nonduality is apparently seen, all that’s left is what is happening — not what is happening apparently in an exclusive here and now, but rather what is happening anywhere/everywhere and whenever/eternally/timelessly, but obviously nobody is aware of that. Solipsism as you recognize it is a caricature form of solipsism which is unrelated to the solipsism that merely points to truth.
  5. What was the first thing you heard or stuck that brought you to this topic of nonduality? Mine: After 12 years of analytically studying everything I could to get some sort of evidence that would lead me to know the bible is true without a doubt, I couldn't find any. In fact, it lead me away from it. I then did my own study of comparative religion and realized that they all seemed to have the same origin in one way or another. I then stumbled on this Youtube video (forgot the channel) that gave me the "aha" moment I needed to know their was a god, and it was something like this: If no thing in reality existed, the truth would be that no thing in reality existed. Therefore, the truth would always exist. The eternal, impermanent, inescapable Truth. Truth surrounds reality. I didn't quite understand (and still don't) but also knew at this moment that Truth was inescapable, meaning whatever "God" was it was Truth. About a month later I found nondualism and while getting an understanding of that I found Leo's very helpful channel. Though on this path for roughly two years, I've no awakening or direct realization and everything is still on an intellectual level. I do know that the ever changing Truth can never not exist, which I thought at the time was close to my life goal...nope, now the goal is to awaken from this ego and directly experience it. Anyways, what was your "aha" moment that made you realize life isn't just a body followed by cessation.
  6. Books that had the biggest influence on me & why: Viktor Frankl - Man's serach for meaning - Incredible story about finding meaning in difficult situations, just an awesome read in general The art of loving - Erich Fromm - Beautiful short book about learning to love Nassim Taleb - Antifragility - Understanding complex systems & antifragility, which are fundamental concepts in any integral worldview Your Unique self - Marc Gafni - Understanding the role of individuality in a nondual world More than allegory - Bernardo Kastrup - Chapter 3 is the most insane and interesting trip report I have ever read Bernardo Kastrup - All his books! - Best rational arguments for idealism(nonduality)/against physicalism available right now The war of art - Steven Pressfield - Overcoming resistance Passion of the western mind - Richard Tarnas - Intellectual-cultural development of the modern world view - super important to understand why we think what we think Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig - One of my alltime favorite books Siddharta - Herman Hesse - Beautiful little story about finding his own path to enlightenment Gödel, Escher, Bach - Douglas R. Hofstadter - Difficult to get through masterpiece about reality as a strange loop. Meditations on Moloch: - Must read blog post about the functionalities of society Bhagavad Gita - I dont think I need to explain this one Tao Te Ching - Lao tze (Laotsi) - Ancient book, full of wisdom! Difficult to understand without explanations The master and his emissary - Ian McGilchrist - Masterpiece about how left/right brain dynamics shape our worldview Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century - Edward Kelly - The best, no bullshit summary of psy/parapsychology/mind-research I have read so far. Its a huge book and super expensive. I got the PDF - if you want it, just PM me. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant - Grat book for money/happyness mindset Osho - Courage - little book about courage and fear, really enjoyed it! Kapil Gupta - Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive Truths to the enduring questions of life - Interesting book about all sorts of stuff, really apprechiate his perspective Ending medical reversal - Dr Vinay Prasad - If you are working in the medical field, this one is a must read in my opinion. Ken Wilber - A brief history of everyhting - Integral worldview must read Ken Wilber - Kosmic conciousness (audiobook) - Incredibly deep and enjoyable interview with Ken Wilber. Available on audible! Why most published reserach is wrong - John Ionnidis: - Ground breaking paper about certain biases in the academic literature After - Dr. Bruce Geryson - Awesome, no bullshit summary of NDE reserach Daniel Kaneman - Thinking fast and slow - Super important framework for improvement in sensemaking Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli - Enjoyable beginner level book to quantum mechanics and the propably most substantiated interpretation we have of it: Quantum loop gravity! Its the one theory that fits like a glove with spiritual insights and is therefore an awesome framework to understand QM in a non-BS way. Models - Mark Manson - IMO the most important book you can read to get good with women Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda - Classic one! - bit weird and magical, but I really enjoyed it! Breath - James Nestor - Really cool and important book about the importance of proper breathing The Art of learning - Josh Waitzkin - Amazing book about someone who goes into into the nature of learning and backs it up with real results! Just to name a few
  7. John Cena has been low key teaching nonduality in wrestle mania, shining as the invisible light of awareness Your time is up, my time is now You can't see me, my time is now Its the franchise, Boy, I'm shining now You can't see me, my time is now
  8. In order to find out for yourself, there first has to be the faith that absolute knowledge is possible. Faith in the practices. Faith (really, trust) of this sort eventually transcends itself. And the culmination of absolute knowledge is not a dualistic knowing. Any ideas about nonduality are false. Only the direct lived-reality will do, and it's the absence of doubt or belief -- i.e. faith. I can tell which faith you're talking about, and I agree with you, but that's not the faith I'm talking about.
  9. Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I feel a dozen times better than ever. I dont know what it is that guides, it's essentially just choosing thoughts that feel good to me. I dont have to focus on bad feeling thoughts. And this is what guides me through everyday with a goddamn smile. With that understanding I can totally be with whatever comes. Seeing that there are not two is absolutely liberating. Because it is just the most verifiable "thing" in direct experience. Srsly this is the song Im jamming all day long at the moment. Just fits perfectly (of course it doesnt imply nonduality directly)?
  10. I'm happy because I actually follow Nonduality as my contextualization of reality. There is nothing else but this, and this is perfect.
  11. Media Consumption Analysis: Self Development Channels Earlier in 2021 I decided to take a break from self help content and I think it has paid off a lot. I developed a healthier relationship with self help, was able to branch out more in my interests, and not get into this cycle of constantly fixing things about myself. I think it also helped me develop relationships with people because I feel like often times when you get so caught up in self help, there is a part that can sometimes consciously or subconsciously develop that is like *I'm so developed, I'm more developed than most of the people here, it's lonely at the top* or that is like *look at all of the unconscious masses, they are so superficial.* And yes, while it is true that odds are you are more aware than some people and that there are indeed superficial people out there, there are also plenty of people who are interested in growing as people and having good conversations about what is going on in their lives even if they aren't immersed in self help or spirituality. And sometimes, you need to just give yourself some distance from the self help/ spirituality content and let yourself just be a person. A lot of Ana Psychology's content coincides with her research and studies as a psychology doctoral candidate. I really appreciate how she breaks down multiple studies and adds nuance to common presumptions especially in things like dating so there aren't a bunch of hard and fast rules and so that the audience goes out to handle each situation as it's own rather than applying wide sweeping generalizations. I feel like I don't have to expand on HealthyGamerGG's content but yeah I really enjoy Dr. K's content. I found that Dani Foxx's content was crucial for me to get out of the spiritual ego I built for myself and heal/grow in a more sustainable pace. As for and Teal Swan, I have to admit that during this year I didn't delve into their content like I usually do. I did this intentionally because I needed to develop a healthier relationship with self development. I think this space helped me realize how the channels were and weren't serving me. I find myself in a gap in the content, especially when it comes to Leo's content, because it's like conceptually and from a self development point of view, I find myself already have integrated (I'm using the term integrated pretty loosely here to mean I have a good grasp on the theory and can apply it to a certain extent) a lot of the things he and Teal Swan talks about and much of it feels repetitive. That's not so say that Leo's content or Teal Swan's is repetitive rather it's to say that a lot of the concepts do overlap on one another and intersect other topics. But then there is this gap that forms where there is a large chunk of the content that feels repetitive and like I've already integrated it while there is a sizeable chunk of the content that I don't find myself anywhere near ready to integrate. This mainly has to do with Leo but personally, I'm not ready for a lot of the lessons on nonduality and psychedelics and I don't think I'm in a healthy enough place to implement those teachings in a healthy way instead of misinterpreting them. Like I've been saying, it's important to pace yourself on this journey.
  12. Computer & banana are thoughts which appear and are believed quickly, and it seems like there are separate things, and thus it seems like you are a separate thing which was born and will die. Thought activity (and therein believing thoughts) slows down meditatively. Analogously, there are no computers and bananas in a dream. There is nothing ‘in’ a dream. One can not think enough to see reality as it is, as it is the activity of thinking which veils. The thoughts are dream too. Nonduality has no meaning in the sense the word doesn’t label or define anything, only points to what “it” is not.
  13. @Tim R put it really well. As a scientist myself, let me tell you some words of caution: Doing actual science is extremely difficult, boring, repetitive, highly statistical and has for the most part nothing to do with the grandiose ideas you put forwards in your post. In fact, any reasearch faculty around the world will laugh at you if you come forward with such propositions. Can you do it without them? Propably not. Even if you could come up with the necessary financial support, your ideas just wont be taken seriously at all. So, either you are going to play after their rules, or you are not going to play at all. Also, what exactly do you want to work on? Science is an extremely broad term - like sports. Also, do you realize that futuristic science/conciousness science already exists? Psi-reaserach has experiments which are methodically immaculate, highly statistically signicant, repeatable ad infinitum - and are still, mostly ignored by the mainstream. Thats the behemoth you are up against. If you really, really want to double down on this (which is a great life purpose by the way) - then you just WONT get around recieving a degree from a decent university in that chosen field. By the way, with degree I mean that your name has to be followed by the suffix "PhD". Without that, no chance. I also wanted to change the medical field after realizing nonduality a couple of years ago. Let me tell you that it took a lot of sweat and blood to get where I am now and it will cost even more to actually change stuff. After years of doing slave-like work, starting in university, I slowly start be taken seriously by peers and financial supporters. I am nowhere near at enough reputition where I could put out ideas and concepts that really could change the medical system for the better. In fact any "woo" I put out now will come back to bite my ass in my later years. Still, the fight is worth it and lets see where it goes!
  14. It can definitely happen. You know how in nonduality meetings, when someone asks how they can get enlightened, the speaker will say: "You'll have to go elsewhere for that." ? Well, in a sense, they're actually not kidding... Though, of course, at the culmination of the process, it will invariably be obvious that there was no process. Some ways to avoid bypassing are 1. self inquiry (and/or viewing yourself as already being fully surrendered to activity) and most importantly, 2. the art of determining exactly what it is that you authentically desire. That's sort of the whole game, in my view.
  15. The self/other or internal/external duality is unfortunately much more than just thought. This is precisely why you can say you already felt to have this intellectual understanding yet had not had the deeper realization of it. Someone can feed themselves thoughts or have them arise spontaneously from having consumed certain spiritual content about the self/other or internal/external divide being illusory, but the thoughts alone actually do very little. What is more fundamental is how perception is occurring in relation to the sensations which are present. Thoughts are in many ways sensations which are more tapped into the mind’s ability to affect meta-shifts in the sensory field though, so they are still very helpful for making useful changes to perception. Almost in all cases, there will be a basis of related intellectual understanding before directly experienced perceptual shifts one might call insight occur. What is most important though is to actually feel the shift in perception which aligns with the intellectual understanding. This is why psychedelics, meditation, and other techniques are so effective at producing insight as they are altering perception and in turn changing the very nature of the sensations which are accessible in one’s experience. When it comes to being sure of one’s own insights, it’s helpful to always remain open to new perspectives and focus on high quality sources of information to temper one’s personal insights. If you know something for 100% certain, this is usually more of a flaw than a sign of a solid understanding IMO as even some of the most time-tested and plausible perspectives around nonduality do not at all deserve 100% certainty. There’s no need to drive yourself crazy over needing to constantly reassess things. Why not fall in love with the exploration process rather than clinging to certainty? Certainty is almost always a clear sign of a bit too much or at times way too much bias.
  16. Really got into Leo in 2020, did the thing where I basically took everything he said with faith (unconsciously) cause it felt like he was the only one who got me lol. Fast forward a few years, digging deeper into nonduality, some subtle awakening experiences here and there, very active mind trying to conceptualize and model everything out into a way that makes sense. Feel like ive been hitting a wall, everything ive ever assumed and taken on about this thing seems to be utter unknown bullshit that I dont really get. I feel like im at a stage now where my models and ideas cannot get me any further and im just bypassing important aspects of my life. Ive been cracking into philosophy and metaphysics much more and I find it hard to hold all of that aswell as a direct groundless grounding in the absolute unknowability of this thing. Bit of a mind addiction, dont want to put the learning and taking on of things down. Can talk up a whole storm about consciousness is this, the mind is that blah blah, but it all just feels like a distraction from the real thing and im insecure. My mind will have a tendency to get frustrated looking for answers and just default back to materialism even though every ounce of my being knows its gotta be BS. Any tips for breaking out of materialism for good? Really getting this directly without needing to continuously hold it all so tightly? Im tired
  17. @WokeBloke There are words, and there is the silence that follows after words. You are that which comes after words that is nonduality, the word "nonduality" being used here is not a word, it is a description of something that can't be described @Mason Riggle &@Vincent S , and everyone else on this forum, including me, and you everyone out of this forum, including your neighbor and a dog walking on the street. The phone you own, the objects that can't see, the bed that you sleep on, and the floor that we walk on, is all nonduality. We human beings label them with words to make sense of things, function, and most importantly, play the game of pretending that it is not all one. But "human beings", is also a label that we have put on ourselves, so we can make sense of the thing that we "think" we are. That is the power of mind, but mind is just a little bitch when it comes to nonduality ?
  18. @Preety_India ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I would sign everything you said. I had a very powerful awakening 7 years ago, it kept going effortlessly for half a year, during and after that I was trying to force nonduality as the only way to view and live life. It did not solve my human issues one bit and I suffered terribly. Only after a year of forcing something that was not natural I quit, finally found a very sensitive psychotherapist with whom I was able to learn over the years how to actually address trauma (and that it was repressed trauma that was the source of my place in life, also suicidal back then). Awakening did not help me on that front. Only now after many years of sensitive human work do I feel safe going back to feeling my true nature as for so long I had it very strongly associated with rejecting the human. The human emotion, the human pain, the rejection, the joy, the sadness, the surprise, ... Now I know they are my deepest friends. I am not to heal them. They heal me. Also, If you don't feel safe in your life, don't use psychedelics. Don't let yourself be swayed by the childish notion that if you're not willing to take them, you're not doing the best you can (yes, Leo can often make it sound that way, please accept that he is not developed equally in every way, he has deep insight into many things and a tendency of saying very unskillful things confidently). It's not worth it, you're much more likely to suffer than to learn something deep. I've made this mistake too many times in my life. Please, I know you are doing your best. You are doing just fine. Please, acknowledge how much you are really asking of yourself, to instantly reorganize billions of neural networks, which served a purpose, their state is not a cosmic mistake, nor do they need to be all untangled instantly. Take your time and rest. It's okay. It's safe. ❤️
  19. Most Christian monks see themselves as just tools or servants of God, probably monks/nuns in other religions are the same. They give up ego, identity, personal desires, but most still aren't enlightened or aware of nonduality. If you can completely give up separation then by definition you'd be in a non-dual state. But easier said than done, you can't just do it intellectually.
  20. Let's be careful with how we state things like that...I think it is important that we do not connect these incidents with the forum or Leo's teachings (not saying you did, just making a statement). People are always constantly reminded to seek out professional help for those states when they are most vulnerable to their own doing. There are trained facilitators of help for people with the most critical conditions. This is not a place where suicidal depression will be healed quickly. Perhaps what Waveintheocean needed was short term pharmacological intervention followed by less aggressive medical support before even considering psychedelic and nonduality. It aches my heart to know that this has happened and I wish he has given the emergency services more chance. There are times when that is the best solution to be able to function again in society. We will never know what happened and what didn't but I just wanted to mention this.
  21. Because it fits so good with nonduality teachings ( You are god taking different forms)
  22. Like @Bazooka Jesus pointed out, we seem to get lost and wrapped up in ideas about ourselves existing in time, nonduality is the mind sort of catching up with the logical understanding of what it directly knows are true. I'd suggest reading The Power of Now and seeing if it resonates. It's a great place to start but also isn't nonduality. Have you ever experienced the future outside of a thought about it? How about the past? So all there is is now. It can seem on the surface like a dumb realization but the ramifications of living it totally changes eveeeerything.
  23. I see a lot of this “all is one” nondualism around these days, like it’s trendy, and I’m puzzled by it. My question is very simple: what's the upshot of nondualism? How does believing that "all is one" change anything about your reality? Monotheists tell us that eternity in heaven/hell are consequences of belief/non-belief in God; what are some consequences of belief/disbelief in “all is one”? I.e., how is this anything other than mental masturbation? (Note that I’m not trying to start a “nonduality war”; I’m genuinely curious and don’t have a position on the matter.)
  24. Oh nice this went straight to nonduality! Love it
  25. Nonduality is not about happiness or peace. Nonduality is about Truth. The truth shall set you free, but it wont make you happy. Happiness and peace are emotions experienced by the self. self, happiness and peace only exist within duality. After happiness comes sadness, then happiness comes again. After peace comes war, then peace comes again. The best thing to do is to minimize your suffering, such that any future disturbances to your inner peace are mere scuffles, rather than full blown wars. I recommend studying the 4 nobles truths, eightfold path, and the 3 characteristics of Buddhism in addition to Non-Dualism to help bridge the gap.