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  1. I'm glad you understand. Lol ignorance. If I cut off your finger you wouldn't call that a concept. I've been in that bliss for a ridiculously long time and realized eventually you seek more. God can conceptually know everything, but to experience it is something else. When you are an infinite intelligence, why would you not do what we are currently doing? When you awaken to a high enough state of consciousness you will understand. A human level of consciousness is not sufficient. You need to deconstruct yourself out of your human identity. Human identity= ignorance. Now I'm not saying I can answer every single question right now. But what I can say is that you can find ANY answer you want at a sufficient level of consciousness. Because at the end of the day you are the ONLY authority.
  2. I thought the whole point of making it real was for gods entertainment? *what does god want to do?* A: well it knows everything and it knows it’s everything, but it wants to experience that everything. okay but why experience anything at all if not for the fun/entertainment/ love of it? Why not just be a blank slate forever? I think entertainment is a big part of it and it’s what humans spend too much of their time doing as well. maybe I’m not entertained as much by suffering/struggle and not in love with that as a human. And that is obviously because I’m biased towards harmony/survival and evolution to higher states of consciousness but let’s be honest if we all knew the agenda of god then why even perform a single action as a human . you know how it’s all going to pan out, there’s no need to act unless you have a selfish desire or formulation for the world to be a certain way rather than it is right now and how god intended it there is a subtle ignorance in all of our assertions and my question would be if you disagree with this statement what is the agenda of god? seems like I was born in chains (humanity) and there is a need to transcend it. I’m not a fan of limitation and would never seek it out if there was a clear cut alternative which I believe there to be. I’ve graduated from school and rightly and justly would never go back to learn the same stuff. its very paradoxical. I just don’t get why you could have the awareness that you’re going to go back to struggle and suffering and then have any desire or violation to escape it in the first place. There needs to be a balance man my most charitable understanding is that suffering, “making life real”, struggle, bad thing and evil is all a device created by god for understanding itself more at a deeper level,love itself more, and you can call me biased but even with that understanding I’m not seeking that shit out. There’s a reason your development gets easier and faster when you live in a hospitable environment, some struggle is unavoidable but Sadhguru asks a simple question, “if you could create misery or bliss which would you create?” and the answer to me is unequivocally bliss and I don’t see how god would choose the opposite and no sane human would either
  3. But we are Human. That's not random, God wills this consciously into existence. You could disappear into eternal bliss this instant, but that's not what God decides to do. God decides to be Human.
  4. A lot of people are suffering because of trauma that they don't want to face and that they maybe even deny. They might even deny that they are suffering. For example, a person who doesn't love/value/respect themselves goes into relationship after relationship that ends with them getting mistreated and finally dumped. They might be too caught up in their pride to take responsibility and instead just blame the other part which then causes the cycle to continue. If I could tell this person that they subconsciously don't think they deserve love because of perhaps something that happened to them in their childhood, would that be the right thing to do? Ignorance is bliss and in their ignorance they think they are experiencing bliss, at least most of the time. But if they were to heal themselves and develop better mindsets towards life they would experience true bliss. Sure the journey there will be painful but in the end they will be thankful that they did it. In therapy a lot of it's about making the patient realise these things for themselves, but with my personal experience in therapy I needed to hear the hard truth. I did 3 years where the therapist mostly just listened but when I switched to a therapist that actually told me what they thought, that's when I really started improving. I feel so bad for these people because some of them go their entires lives without realising this and fixing it. And most of the people who do realise these things probably don't start to do so properly until they have a mid life crisis or when they reach retirement and realise that life is about enjoying it, not reaching an end destination. I kinda interpret the saying "if you want to change the world change yourself" as also saying "you can only change people by inspiring them with your own change" but I find this way kind of discouraging because of how much longer that takes and how much time is then wasted on the unnecessary suffering that they might have to go through to realise it for themselves. Maybe it would be seen as creepy to get a psychoanalysis/advice from someone. Especially if it isn't a really close friend or family. Do you think it's pointless, maybe even harmful, to try and tell people what you believe it might be that they need to figure out? Do they need to reach that realisation on their own? Posted this on Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation and God also:
  5. A lot of people are suffering because of trauma that they don't want to face and that they maybe even deny. They might even deny that they are suffering. For example, a person who doesn't love/value/respect themselves goes into relationship after relationship that ends with them getting mistreated and finally dumped. They might be too caught up in their pride to take responsibility and instead just blame the other part which then causes the cycle to continue. If I could tell this person that they subconsciously don't think they deserve love because of perhaps something that happened to them in their childhood, would that be the right thing to do? Ignorance is bliss and in their ignorance they think they are experiencing bliss, at least most of the time. But if they were to heal themselves and develop better mindsets towards life they would experience true bliss. Sure the journey there will be painful but in the end they will be thankful that they did it. In therapy a lot of it's about making the patient realise these things for themselves, but with my personal experience in therapy I needed to hear the hard truth. I did 3 years where the therapist mostly just listened but when I switched to a therapist that actually told me what they thought, that's when I really started improving. I feel so bad for these people because some of them go their entires lives without realising this and fixing it. And most of the people who do realise these things probably don't start to do so properly until they have a mid life crisis or when they reach retirement and realise that life is about enjoying it, not reaching an end destination. I kinda interpret the saying "if you want to change the world change yourself" as also saying "you can only change people by inspiring them with your own change" but I find this way kind of discouraging because of how much longer that takes and how much time is then wasted on the unnecessary suffering that they might have to go through to realise it for themselves. Maybe it would be seen as creepy to get a psychoanalysis/advice from someone. Especially if it isn't a really close friend or family. Do you think it's pointless, maybe even harmful, to try and tell people what you believe it might be that they need to figure out? Do they need to reach that realisation on their own? Posted this on Mental Health, Serious Emotional Issues as well:
  6. belief is, i think this is true ... there is nothing that is true except absolute me, all around is mist and energy and flow all on its unimprovable pre-set course ... i awaken as soon as i align and bask and am smitten with the perfection being viewed and thus i bring precisely nothing to the table ... thoughts tell me the opposite that i must intervene everywhere but leaving them be closes out karma and mental afflictions and tunes in to enjoying my nature which is full time harmony bliss relaxation
  7. @vibv Very wise of you to state all that. I concur. I am very careful. What is your route of admin for Ketamine? It lasts about 1 hour? Thanks Ketamine "IS" funny. It shows me I am one with the cosmos and I am every single person. But I am catatonic about it. There is no anxiety or fear or catharsis or bliss or euphoria. It's just like meh. Which is funny about 6 hours later.
  8. @Marten98 neither Bashar, nor Dolares, nor Ram Dass, nor Leo understand the reason behind the creation of the universe and what is happening here now. There are no souls. It's absurd to think that you are standing in line to incarnate to suffer. While we are on the topic of incarnation - the last lifetime is relatively good, I had the most beautiful and loving partner, attractive body, freedom in financial sense, and many other things that the world deems valuable. Yet, I am the first in line to leave this illusion, so your argument regarding suffering doesn't hold. I am the first in line to leave because I have true wisdom, I know what is happening here. Maybe someone will read the book I recommended and will open their eyes to the absurdity Leo teaches. Sure God is what Leo says God is, but the universe is not here for the reason he believes. I am, sadly, unable to open the eyes of people either here or on other platforms, as they think they know already. Anyway, started to feel the first flavours of bliss, that's why I haven't visited this forum in days and won't be doing so in the future. Buckle up, I plan to end this shabang in a year or a few, so do what you want in that time, since when I awaken, the universe will dissapear.
  9. @Breakingthewall There's ultimately no ground. That's why Leo calls it an Infinite Hallucination. The way I see it God plays a game of hide and seek with itself. It's of proportions you couldn't even imagine if you tried and evolution is actually God picking up its pieces again. Someday, so the story goes, everything will be back together in place and WE (there's no one else, right) experience an eternity of absolute ecstasy. Divine infinite bliss so to speak. But no eternity lasts forever, and so at some point God decides to do it all over again. And WE love every second of it. At the end everything will be revealed as pure Love, because nothing else exists, and only by doing this it is possible that the eternal bliss exists in the first place. But on the way it will seem time and again that there are deep and dark shadows that seem very very real in the moment. But these are only an illusion created by a lack of consciousness. Our job is to look especially in the darkest places, so we can find that even there, only Love exists. As long as a single shadow remains, an irreplaceable part of God and Perfection is still missing. Edit: Shadows are not the thing itself, but our rejection of that part of reality.
  10. best to drop ideas of god in fact drop all ideas, then you can see even be the god that surprise surprise is idea-less too bliss is when finite i am not, is what i found i brought back all the buzz words just for you so you too could get idea-less a buzz word i just coined btw
  11. Long enough time in that state you are training in will open the window for the shift towards Realization. You already perceive the facets of the elephant quite clearly and unmistakenly (Infinite, no concepts, Reality itself, unmistakenly,...). Long enough burning of all remnants of the separate self/ego-clouds in clear brazing Sun of your Empty Pure Impersonal Infinite Nature will clear the last clouds away. And when "you" rest in that and need to do nothing (because who would do it) to maintain these Awakened Impersonal Infinite Nondual Awakened States of Awareness, then suddenly it can become totally clear. The last remnants of the separate self are very very subtle, way more subtle than concepts or I-feelings. They need to get seen as object and transcended/cut off again and again. Its like learning a high-speed search and reckognition task of not looking through these filters/lenses/centers, but seeing them moving in True You. When its pure enough, the shift will happen. When you have gone this path, you know and have learned how to cut off/transcend/let go of all these clouds, all filters of the separate self. That is why the realization is accessible sobre later. You know (automatically) how to produce nondual awakened states but cutting off the filters. What can help at that stage is for example the practices of the Mahamudra-System stage 3, Yoga of One Taste (One Taste= Nondual), and 4. Stage of Nonmeditation (Where any doing/doer/Activity is and be dropped and the nondual awakened state can still be maintained. In this stage 4 the mind continuum ripens so that the big shift towards Enlightenment can happen. Afterwards the access to the Infinite or Awakend Nondual Awareness is quite stable, depending on the practice done before. It is very lovely "there". Already when approaching it it is so blissfull in these nondual states. In that bliss the ego-contraction dies/dissolves, because it is clearly seen and felt as contraction in the head, unpleasant and making nonduality localized again. I have written quite a bit about the Mahamudra stages of Nonmeditation Yoga and Yoga of One Taste. Maybe you find that interesting: Yoga&author=Water by the River"Yoga of One Taste"&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy
  12. "When I look around me at the things in my world and say, “Everything is alive,” what I’m really saying is that everything is consciousness in a process of evolution. Just as evolutionary biologists look at a human being and say, “Millions of years ago, you were just a single cell swimming in a primeval sea,” so I might look at myself and think, “Millions of years ago, my consciousness was a sofa in an alien’s living room circling Epsilon Beta IV in the Gamma Quadrant!” And who knows what far future David Spangler may be starting his evolution of consciousness as my easy chair right now? This is fanciful, of course, but my main point is not. We all participate in a universe of consciousness that is evolving all the time, from the dimmest flickering of sentiency existing in a dream state that is not even self-aware to the fabulously and unimaginably complex and radiant cosmic Beings whose lives embrace entire galaxies. And what we do affects that evolution, at least in the environment around us. I have encountered subtle beings in the higher-order realms in comparison to whom my consciousness is not much more evolved than the sentiency I find in my sofa. Their response to me is always loving, caring, considerate, and appropriate. They are like shepherds of consciousness, tending its evolution across vast expanses of life and energy. The light of my sentiency is like a shadow compared to theirs, yet they tend to it—as they do to millions and billions of other lives and consciousnesses within the field of their awareness—as if it were the brightest, most valuable flame in creation. This is the true implication of saying that everything is alive. We are each caretakers for the consciousnesses evolving around us, particularly those of lesser complexity and capacity than our own. When it gets down to it, I really am my sofa’s keeper!" David Spangler, Subtle Worlds, An Explorer's Field Notes I thought maybe that is interesting for some. The range of beings, from Sofa to human to beings embracing entire galaxies, towards totally alien realms beyond. And we as humans in the middle. Able to realize and live our True Nature of Infinite Consciousness/Reality itself. Until we do something else next life. Maybe develop towards that Galactic thing? Who knows... And endless wonderful path still ahead. What do we do while here on the planet? Preview being Galactic beings (or Alien beings/realms beyond) in certain psychedelic states this life with boosting consciousness? Or realizing and stabilizing our essence, that which we really are: Absolute Reality, Pure Impersonal Infinite Awareness in nondual Union with all that is arising? The blissfull Empty Infinite Centerless Timeless Nonduality of Awakened Awareness? And going previewing other possible modes of existence from that basis/realization, with or without psychedelics? Or not at all? Or tending our garden, hobbies, enjoying earth? Or both? That I don't know, and the answer is unique for each being. But one thing I do know and have realized, beyond any doubt or possibility of error: Going exploring before having stabilized the realization of True Nature/Enlightenment and access to ones True Impersonal Nondual Infinite Nature (and the blissfull states it brings resting in that can bring) can only mean regular suffering. By definition, like any other separate-self and its projects to ease the suffering. Because where there is not this realization, there is only the self-contraction/duality/separate ego and its cycles of suffering and fear and contraction. Which seeks easing its suffering by having the sublime experiences/states of higher consciousness/realm states, often of psychedelic nature. Having said & written that: Bon voyage on whatever your path may be. Walk it, but don't have the illusion that peaking and previewing divine and higher realms brings the permanent freedom from (psychological) suffering/resistance/contraction that only transcending the self-contraction/ego can bring. Preview it, peak into the bliss of divine higher realms, explore it and try it for as long as necessary, and then realize and stabilize the bliss of ones True Nondual and Pure Impersonal Nature/Being right here, right now, on this earth. Water by the River PS: 2nd thread started ever. Hope nobody is too annoyed by this one.
  13. Heheh...nope, you can experience that. Actually is when there are no mind constructions of any sort, when only the bliss can happen.
  14. I wasn't able to find the channel but here is the essence of all the 18 chapters of the Gita in 18 sentences. One liner Geeta: Chapter 1 - Wrong thinking is the only problem in life . Chapter 2 - Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems . Chapter 3 - Selflessness is the only way to progress and prosperity . Chapter 4 - Every act can be an act of prayer . Chapter 5 - Renounce the ego of individuality and rejoice the bliss of infinity . Chapter 6 - Connect to the higher consciousness daily. Chapter 7 - Live what you learn . Chapter 8 - Never give up on yourself . Chapter 9 - Value your blessings . Chapter 10 - See divinity all around . Chapter 11 - Have enough surrender to see the truth as it is. Chapter 12 - Absorb your mind in the higher. Chapter 13 - Detach from Maya and attach to divine . Chapter 14 - Live a life- style that matches your vision. Chapter 15 - Give priority to Divinity . Chapter 16 - Being good is a reward in itself . Chapter 17 - Choosing the right over the pleasant is a sign of power . Chapter 18 - Let go, let us move to union with God .
  15. What doesn't change ? What ls the one thing that stayed the same throughout your entire life ? Of course there is . But guess what?.it's YOU. You're in fact the creator of this universe. You have infinite creativity and creative power . And what's more is that you ALREADY know that..but simply has forgotten ..when you remember it ..that would be awakening. Bliss is your true nature. What veils it is the constant worry-generating machine called your mind . Which is why when you meditate you feel bliss because you step outside the mind. That's OK. But don't remain skeptical forever. Strive towards achieving awakening
  16. The view is ever-changing, but here are my current ones: There is a higher power. I feel being everything with bliss. I have not arrived to any conclusion what that means. I can be God or Love or whatever, but I consider it as just another belief.
  17. “Everyone should advance along one particular line. He who takes the path trodden by the lover of God, will release Him as the blissful embodiment of Supreme Love. He who takes the path of Knowledge, will release Him as Knowledge Itself as the formless Brahman. Just as one and the same individual is son, husband and father, so the One Brahman is Being, Consciousness, Bliss. From whichever angle a person approaches God, he will assuredly find Him, the One. If he progresses by yoga, he will realise eternal Union. He will have to go beyond the polarity of union and separation. And in the final attainment, the question of eternal and non-eternal, of beyond and not beyond, does not exist.” ~ Anandamayi Ma
  18. Maybe there is no physical reality or others sure, but maybe there is neither God, Truth, human life or solipsism. If you guys want to slice everything that the mind constructed, fine, go ahead, but actually slice EVERYTHING! Not just the mainstream narratives (material reality, science, etc...) But also the spiritual narratives. And yes, that INCLUDES all apparent 100% true insights that you have gotten through psychedelics or mystical past experiences. Contemplate that it might be limiting you. Contemplate that it might not be wise to hold any ideas you have about reality or yourself, as true that might seem, no matter if you have gotten them through "Truth delivery tools" like DMT or whatever. Actually think about this: What if Reality is not ANY of that shit, what if there is an emptyness so empty of content, that even saying God or Mysticism is already filling that cup with something. And yes, it might seem that "something" is very significant and important, but what if is not. What if actually you are fucking up the Total Empty Bliss that there is, with your elegant buzz words and profound mind scapes that you mind has again constructed with spiritual experiences. Have you actually come to a place where the mind is SO still that it completely disappears and you enter a place where NOTHING of that shit exists? In that place God doesn't exist, time doesn't exist, reality doesn't exist, body doesn't exist. Only Empty Perfect Bliss. I wish we would stop filling our minds with crap for once.
  19. I am not sure if it's possible with your rules bound human body, but you may be able to alter the direction of the universe within its set rules. If you mean staying in the experience for sometime to experience pure bliss, that you may be able to do.
  20. If you sleep in the back of the car of a hottie on a first date, you will either die from bliss or be kidnapped and stabbed to death.
  21. Month Long Break I decided to take a break for a few days which quickly turned into a month. It was only the beginning of last month when I continued. Due to MAJOR positive changes in my life situations I vastly changed my pooja routine and duration and have learned a lot more regarding upasana. While I mentioned in my previous post that 21 chalisas are way too weak, it seems it is not so simple. Even doing one chalisa properly, mentally and sung with devotion is better than doing a 100 verbally with little devotion. In fact, when one sings the chalisa with devotion even once with the meaning in mind, it's more enjoyable than doing a 100. Enjoyment aside, if you strictly want spiritual growth, then increasing the length of your pooja and the number of chants is crucial. Let me explain to you what I mean. My Current Practice Currently I do 1 chalisa in the morning and 1 in the evening followed by an aarti(a song for the deity sung at the end of poojas). I sing the chalisa with instruments in hand to make it for more fun for the rest of my family members. It's 10 times more fun than doing a 100 like I used to. However, it's clearly not as spiritually effective. Sure, the enjoyment can reach levels of bliss and it heals you which can be deemed as spiritual progress. But for progress relating to unlocking of new energies within you and witnessing new mystical experiences, doing proper sadhanas and sankalpas which are difficult in nature is crucial. I have taken a very easy sankalpa currently, which is that I'll fast every Tuesday for Hanumana for 21 Tuesdays. It should end on 13th of February next year. I cannot take any other sankalpas during this period. So I'll just be doing your basic 30 mins pooja twice everyday. Don't get me wrong, it's very enjoyable and makes life feel a lot more positive and generates favorable thoughts within my psyche. However, serious spiritual growth would only happen when I take up something like 40 chalisas a day or something more intense. Which I currently can't, due to my material life, however I'll make my best efforts to do so. This journal will not be updated as frequently as it was before simply because the rate of developments has slowed because of the lighter poojas. However, a good thing out of this light but long sankalpa would come out is that doing such sankalpas makes your relation favorable with the deity in question. So when you do indeed do difficult sankalpas, the results are that much more intense. Types of Japa There are three: Vachika, Upanshu and Mansik. Vachika is when you chant verbally. Upanshu is when you move your lips and tongue but produce little to no sound. Mansik means mental chanting. Each is more effective than the last. IMO one should not simply start chanting mentally but build up to it from Vachika. This is because if you chant mentally straight away, it may be harder to build up the practice and you may easily become demotivated. Even though my poojas are not as intense anymore, I still occasionally perform 3 - 4 hour long poojas where I chant a 100 Hanuman Chalisas. I have recently reached the level of Upanshu. It came naturally to me after a month or two of verbal chanting. What occurred was simple, I detached from my voice as it automatically ran the chalisa as if some background music. I did not need to consciously recite the chalisa as my mouth was accustomed to the movements and remembered everything. It felt as if I was hearing someone else chant. Eventually my breath slowed down and my voice went lower until it was inaudible, however my lips and tongue kept moving. This is Upanshu japa reached naturally. I sometimes perform single chalisas in my mind as a form of Mansik Japa and it's so more satisfactory and beautiful than even Upanshu as you think of the meaning of the chalisa in it's entirety and don't have space to think anything else. It's like watching a movie run before your eyes. I believe true Mansik Japa would be as if watching scenes unfold with the chanting in your mind describing these scenes, as you simply sit and witness the events of who you love (the deity). While this side is very enjoyable and blissful, I still keep an eye out for how this can aid in spiritual growth of the sort relating to insights and energies.
  22. Appreciate your honesty! GOING GREAT ? KEEP DOING SUCH KIND OF PHILOSOPHY. I believe you recognise that the first person to be benefited from the philosophy you do must be yourself. Otherwise why would other people take your philosophy seriously when you yourself don't take your philosophy seriously. Coming to my view on your view; It is not that ultimate goal of this work is to understand reality, It is that only work that is there is to do is to understand reality. To live/explore/express/create you need understanding. Ofcourse understanding is joy in itself. And that is ultimately what philosophy is. Love of pure understanding. However even for basic survival purposes we need understanding. Coming to who is capable of understanding reality.. Everyone is my friend ? Once you are awake, you will understand that everyone is Leo? The air that you breathe in and breathe out is Leo?️ The mobile screen on which you are seeing this message is Leo. The fingers typing any post and the mind reading this message are both Leo ? The mosquito sucking my blood is Leo ? All other Gurus, masters, teachers, saints that ever lived and are living are Leo??‍♀️?‍♂️ All other humans, plants and animals and even robots and inanimate objects too are Leo?????????????‍??️⛹️??????⛷️????????????️?‍??‍??‍⚖️?‍??‍⚕️?‍??‍??????‍??‍??️???‍?????☘️??????☃️?⚡???????????????????????????️?? Sun, moon, stars, galaxies... everything is Leo?☄️??⛈️?️⚡?? You don't need to talk to Leo directly( the person himself) to be interacting with Leo. I interact with Leo for every second. Every thought is Leo. Every emotion is Leo. Every mind doing philosophy is Leo doing philosophy. Leo is everywhere. Leo is this field of consciousness itself. You underestimated Leo. You thought Leo is a human being who is awake(you don't know what it actually means, yet know it's something profound) somewhere in Las Vegas and is a YouTuber. I am Leo too. I am Harsh too. I and my master are one. Yet my master is grander than me? I and Leo cannot be seperated ever. It is impossible. We may think that we are seperate.. however we cannot be seperated in actuality. And same for God and Infinity. And ofcourse same for You. You Are Leo? You Are God? You are Infinity ♾️ You Are Me? Coming to seriousness; Yes we can say that not everyone is as serious about it as much as you are. You must teach people how to be more serious. Coming to "arm-chair" philosophy; I have seen that you are good at thinking. Don't discount your thinking because it is not turning into results. Please just stop it. You don't even know how many people look upto you here for the fact that you can do so much thinking. You don't need less thinking. You need more thinking. You MUST THINK why your thinking is not turning into results? If you will allow me, I want to share it with you.. It's because you don't have proper relationship with ACTION. I can only share my relationship to action and hope to inspire you to be more active. When I have some good idea, I try to act on it immediately. Like now. I see an idea coming to my mind (and it's clear to me that it is true and valuable) and opportunity to share it.. I act on it within a minute. Really after a minute or so, it settles and the opportunity is lost. And also Pure ACTION IS PURE BLISS. I feel the most alive not when I am thinking but when I am in action. Like right now, writing this post is a mini-action for me. I can write about this all day and not feel tired. Because this is something I love. Let me know if you need more inspiration on Action. (I have a source of Infinite Inspiration (youth of my country)) You are right about survival, solipsism, and idealism. I will sum up all three of these: Absolute Infinite Intelligence is at play for every change that occurs. Ofcourse a dog who is barking doesn't know that it is Absolute Infinite Intelligence barking. Absolute Infinite Intelligence has given this capability to humans that they can move beyond humanness into Godhood and recognise WHO is barking. Why this privilege to humans you may ask? I don't know. Ask Absolute Infinite Intelligence Itself. I believe because it trusts us that we will do something worthwhile and meaningful and profound and glorious and great and powerful and beautiful and novel with this ability. To be clear what ability I am talking about; I am talking about the profound sense of imagination that we have. Creativity we can access. Oneness we can realize. Love we can share. Etc etc. You may ask what is agenda/purpose of this Absolute Infinite Intelligence. It is to Play. To Have Fun? Also I remember a beautiful truth from Conversations With God; Lastly, the lines that you shared at the end; Commit 100percent to this work or just quit. Thanks ? for saying these. This means a lot. I promise you to Commit 100percent to this work. Really this is a man-to-man promise. This is our bro code to live a purposeful, contemplative, deep life. I was first shying away from sharing my life purpose with you guys but not anymore. Here's my me sheet which I created through Leo's life purpose course. I am eternally grateful for Leo to build that course and forever indebted too. It was because of him that today my life has such a powerful meaning. (I am not neurotic about this debt that oh Leo gave me this much and now I shall give him back this much??? I will do maximum that I my understanding can hold...I am going all in) Oh I was going to share my purpose, I am sorry I have this habit of just writing and writing and sharing everything that is not necessary that also. I guess it came from chatting with love of my life(a girlfriend from school who I wish to marry once we sort out some issues) So here is my me sheet: Some more inspirational posters I created for myself: Thanks for reading. PS: Don't you dare think that I am some spiritual guy who is too advanced. I am as normal as you and I am as abnormal as you? I can't even speak one language properly not Hindi nor English..I speak in HINGLISH?????? PPS: All The Very Best Everyone for their Journeys and Full Power to you!!! MAY YOU ACHIEVE AND EXPERIENCE PHENOMENON WHICH YOU HAVE NOT DREAMT OF EVEN IN YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATIONS. PPPS: All credit of my level of understanding goes to My teachers: Leo, Sandeep Sir(Sandeep Maheshwari) & Sadhguru Thanks for Reading. I will go work on my Life Purpose Now.
  23. Amazing! When I rate this post 10/10, it's only because I cannot give it a 11. LOL! I don't know if you realize this, but you have made an extremely deep and valid point about the nature of existence with what you wrote there... which is that nonstop 24/7 bliss and joy actually stops being blissful and joyful. There can be no light without darkness and vice versa. It is amazing how few people (especially on this forum) are aware of this! But then again, it is of course only natural to complain about the cruelty of life when you're stuck up to your neck in the doo-doo; it's all part of the divine comedy, isn't it?
  24. @Leo Gura I don't have enough energy atm. I'd love to find a niche, but it's really hard to do. If you can, give me 10 very good examples of niches that I could choose from. It can be in the construction, metal, economic, medical, sports, television, journalistic or political sectors. I'll look for niches during the day on Quora or something, but I don't think I'll find anything that will be as food of a fit as life coaching turned out to be for you. But I'll keep looking if I don't find anything the next day and the day after that. It's basically good that now I know what I need, some really unique niche that fits my strengths (??), talents (??), unique life conditions, what I love doing (like studying to grow and understand), etc. This morning I meditated motionless and alone sitting cross-legged on the floor with blankets around me. I couldn't do it for more than 15 minutes, but I was breathing too fast and it was like shamanic breathing energy in the hands. It would have been much more difficult if I had opened my eyes. If I had someone tie me to a tree in the forest in a sitting position and bring me water, to sit there hungry for a month I might develop the habit easily after that. But I wouldn't have that habit even after that, because there wouldn't be a forest, and I don't know what else made it so hard to just sit in bliss for hours.
  25. Me too. I don't know. This may mean that I should find a job in or look for it in some other place where I have no shelter. This could be achieved for one to two years if I were given a cottage and if I lived modestly on my savings. Maybe I would just have to change my citizenship or somehow move to another country (no way now) and earn money for treatment there. I don't even know how much more time I should stay dependent before I separate from them financially. It's technically impossible as long as I live under their roof, which is this entire land. They also have people who can influence, propagate or threaten abroad. Being alone in nature is something I love. But I won't be left alone, which is the problem. I can't starve in bliss and meditation if I amnot alone. Like welding, masonry, drawing and architecture, carpentry, plumbing and electrical equipment installations, I mean I am indecisive. But it's hardly possible for this enterprise, my life, to succeed because of them.