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  1. To be fair, as we grow in awareness we can become aware of the effects of our behaviors and words have on others, we can actually experience a first hand like experience of it and have an intimate knowledge of those effects in ways that we previously didn't have. So we don't necessarily need to project any emotion onto this, it can be something that is recognized as a sort of performative act to signal to others our intent to reconcile many different types of things as well as this simple act can make an impact on others and allow healing to happen. You declaring why he 'solely' did it may or may not be as you suggest, only Leo can answer that. Also, I'm not sure where you get the notion that you have any authority to determine what is or is not being awakened and who is or is not awakened. This isn't the first time you've said this to me and I suspect I'm not the only one you have said it to. It may have your desired effect on others who you say it to but I see through this ploy and has little to no effect other than for me to chuckle at your own arrogant hubris. I hope we don't have to go through this rhetorical dance again.
  2. You can start then, by apologizing to me. For all of your arrogant acts on the forum. I think you have misled us in many ways. And while you may be wise in your own way - you are far from an awakened being. So I don't think your advice counts for much.
  3. Martin W. Ball says that our ego is a set of energetic constructs, and seeking out an energetic solution is an effective way to address the problems posed by the ego. He prefers to use the word entheogen over psychedelic. An entheogen is a substance that generates the experience of god within. Fundamentally, they alter our ability to perceive and experience energy. Powerful entheogenic experiences aren't "enlightened" or "awakened" states in of themselves, rather, they're best understood as energetic expansions. Different religions, customs, rituals, and techniques have been used throughout human history to reach these heightened states of consciousness. While they may be useful in some respects, they can also be rendered obsolete when the proper understanding of the bio-energetics of the human body are taken into account. Entheogens cut past the middle-man and are vastly more effective for moving energy because they go cut directly to the source: the energetic constructs of your body. "Enlightenment," as he puts it, is the relaxing of your ego and the opening up of your energy, along with taking full responsibility for yourself and your ego. Entheogens are a very effective way of going about this, but this practice also extends into your day to day life. Integration of the experience with everyday life becomes possible when you are liberated from the prison of the ego and you've awoken to the energetic truth of reality. Just my two cents.
  4. Probably you can plant them with great videos from and hope that the people watching gets awakened.
  5. Not the most heartfelt thing I ever read, but I suppose it is a step in the right direction. Hopefully this becomes a new standard, instead of being just a cute little blog post that will be soon forgotten. This should be among the highest of values. Not something that's kind of behind the scenes, and is mentioned every now and then. There is deep, deep intelligence behind being kind, loving, compassionate, authentic, etc. It's not just because it's nice and we should treat each other's kindly, etc. That's a very kindergarten level of understanding of true respect, compassion, humility, etc. Those are some of the highest frequencies you can access throughout the entire Universe. It has little to nothing to do with being human. It is just what we are being lead to learn. It is the next step in our evolution - if you will. We are learning to be heart centred, without sacrificing the clarity of our minds. Awakened heart. Awakened mind. Come together as One. One awakened consciousness.
  6. this is my second language, so I I won't go deep cause I have shit to do, man faces criminal charges, but then again your ex president too so I can't be too harsh on one confused mom. listen to Leo on this! namaste! and no, just no, kids don't do opposite of what are told, where do you get all this bullshit? go read Leo's apology right now, he's most awakened person on planet and he let US politics/media to rot his brain, I'm off to listen to talyor swift! namaste vol.2!
  7. Studying this book and following the work of Chris Bale Awakened Intent podcast is helping me to navigate on this waters a lot.
  8. In many of Leo's videos he seems to suggest doing psychedelics hundreds of times. So maybe 52 times a year or less with 52 weeks in a year. But we are all pretty busy so maybe 3 times a month which is 26 times a year or less with 12 months in a year. I suppose the expectation is we may pursue our truth and abandon our career or change careers or abandon our relationship or find a new relationship. I suppose I am clinging to the idea of keeping my job and my relationship but somehow also becoming awakened. I am referring to 5 Meo DMT which I believe can be plugged. Thank you for all your responses.
  9. Mostly using intellect. intellectual taking one of the many forms of cognition ..namely reason..and elevating it above everything else.. using it to reach truths of reality by oneself.. or..being intellectually awakened to truths of reality through your very own logical capabilities.. which is possible. You don't need profound degrees of awakening to understand that God doesn't give a fuck if you have sex with a goat or if you murder someone for no reason.
  10. The sober state is not special. But it is your default, baseline way of being conscious so you gotta take it seriously because it makes up the majority of your life. Sort of like how a planet has a default orbit which can change but in practice doesn't change much. Yes, that does happen. But your memory is tied with your state of consciousness. So really it's the state that makes all the difference. Your memory and understanding is deeply tied to your state of consciousness. The highest understanding is so deep that it cannot be held in memory, it needs to be part of your current state of consciousness. You can retain some understanding, but understanding cannot substitute for an Awakened state of consciousness. There is no substitute for state of consciousness. As an example, you have a very good understanding of what sex is, but that will never be the same as being in the middle of sex. And you can't be in the middle of sex all the time.
  11. "I have awakened now I no longer need to sleep as much because my body and mind is more efficient" Nooooop does not apply to you, we are talking long term, short term you can survive with 0 sleep. People that can go long term in extremes like this have genetic super powers, they also always age badly. Counter-intuitive. It depends on what state your in, if the issue is "energized" that means the central nervous system is stuck in a excitatory state and cant sleep. The end result is you cant feel tired, its the opposite problem. Because of this what happens is the body keeps pushing it self until it fails like a car running on max speed with no rest for years. Ya your stuck in a excitatory state. I was like that to for years. It comes to a really bad ending. That's what stage 1 adrenal fatigue is, its the opposite of what your thinking fatigue looks like. Not being able to feel tired and rest is bad, cant you see that? If you drank non-stop coffee all day and report "i feel more energy then ever", is that a indication of progress? Its a indication of supressing the feeling of fatigue until it builds up and shows it self in different ways. How it will show it self is not by suddenly being tired, it does so by slowly feeling really really bad with headaches, organ issue, premature aging, digestive issues, and you still wont feel tired. What happends is youll trade your youth. Its a trade off, not sleeping does not come for free, something is being exchanged for it.
  12. I love that question. My thoughts on it: Well everything that manifests itself, manifests itself from opposites. Warm as the opposite of cold, strength as the opposite of weakness and life as the opposite of death. What you are basically asking is, "can there be black without white?" I think that question comes because language only captures framents of reality and not the whole. You can speak of parts of reality which make them see like independents fragments but actually they can't be splitted at all. Because black exists only in contrast of black and therefore implements it. So when you make that sentence more holistic you could say "can there be that (black) that arises from its opposite without its opposite?" Now that sentence seems foolish. The absolute nature of god is of course immortality. So a god awakened person knows about his immortality. But no ego can become immortal. Although deception is absolute truth. So an ego could deceive itself to be immortal and be absolutely right about that in a relative sense but not in an objective sense.
  13. Don't take the trip and the messege you get too seriously. If you feel like you have awakened and Awakening = more suffering you haven't actually Awoken. Just because you experience something doesn't mean you are it. If you have a bad trip observe you resisting it and trying to make it go away. It's okey to not be able to let go, it's a part of the process.
  14. Today at the park lmao a little girl said to her father "its to hooooot" with a whining tone of voice and if she was awakened she would of said "why did god create this hot day to make me suffer its so unfaiiiiiiiir" with a whining tone of voice.
  15. I wish I had known from start that the awakened state is for most people not permanent and that I'm back to normal the day after so that I don't have to think that I'm stuck while tripping. Another thing is being clear about ones Intention. If you want to get insights then that should make the intention to do so. Also as safety protokol: perpare enough food and drink for 12 hours or how long it should last so you don't have to worry or make the effort to prepare food while trippin hard.
  16. If I was his manager and I actually wanted to do this, it would look something like: Play to the algorithm: We need to turn into a content machine!, shorter videos (30 minutes max.), always talk about the latest news and buzz, collaborations with as many people in adjacent spaces as possible... Drop all the controversy: The last thing we want to do is hurt anyones ego, so no more talk about self-deception, insanity, being the most awakened being... Appeal to the elites: Spaces we want to appeal to are: LGBTQ+, climate activists, emerging tech think tanks, psychedelic capitalists, post capitalists, peak performance geeks, wellness nerds; we want to understand their agenda as clearly as possible and start becoming a mouthpiece for them -- ultimately we want to appeal to powerful elitist organisations like the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Democrat Party... Build momentum: We need to write books and get publishing deals; interviews with popular personalities like Sadhguru, Lex Fridman, Tony Robbins, etc.; psychedelics are a huge opportunity and we have to make sure we get lawmakers on our side and become first movers, once decriminalization/legalisation happens... This is obviously rather crude, but if we would keep testing and iterating over years with this one goal in mind, I am 100% certain we would turn into a Billion $$$ brand.
  17. Hey Leo, I hope you are having a great day. I have to say that I’ve being devouring your content this past year. It helps me a lot in developing different perspectives as well as having multiple epiphanies in my life. However, there’s one perspective that particularly piques my interest: the perspective of a self- actualized individual. The reason it is so appealing to me is because so little people have actually reached self-actualization. There’s a limited range of resources available to us so we can only stipulate when we are asking ourselves—people who haven’t reached self-actualization—what is like being one. While watching your episode “How Fear Works,” I’ve asked myself: “If Leo was to be kidnapped one day, would he feel anxiety and fear while waiting for his next torture session?” Unsurprisingly, I am very much afraid of being kidnapped and tortured which explains why I would have such a question in mind. One thing led to another, and I started asking myself how different the public’s view of self-actualized people is from yours. Which leads me to have a set of questions: 1) Would you actually feel fear while waiting for your next torture session? Or in other words, is fear and anxiety things that self-actualized people permanently transcended, no matter the hardships? 2) Are awakenings permanent states? More precisely, what aspects of life are permanently changed? What aspects aren’t permanently changed? 3) Is there a disconnection between the biological creature that is Leo and the self-actualized being? If so, why bother even live an external life? Why bother make money? Why bother have sex? 4) Is it a detachment or a destruction of the biological creature? Is the biological creature still there as it can feel aversive emotions but the actualized being can “cage” that biological creature (detachment)? Or is the creature not there anymore, leaving the actualized being at the unshared seat of experience? 5) How can we be sure that self-actualization is not just another stage of delusion? If the only premise that I can hold as true is that I experience something (cogito ergo sum), what to say that my awakening is not one of the many illusions of life just accompanied by Conviction Bias? I don’t believe you are Leo as I love to trust my intuition, but, knowing that you are aware of the many biases that plague us, how can you trust your experience of self-actualization? I hope you'll find time to read this and thank you in advance. P.S. I had already posted these questions but received no answers. I'm still as confused as I was 10 days ago so I would love to read your take on this Leo.
  18. Tate has awakened to a new level of narcissism: Alien Narcissism.
  19. Leo could make millions by putting honey into our mouth and tell us the same buddhist bullshit we hear everywhere else. I'm glad that he offers us a different perspective, and I think his posts are very funny. You want to awaken, yet you feel offended by being called a rat? He is fulfilling his purpose by making us think and dig deeper. I had a very strong feeling that there is something wrong with all the nondualists in the field and that they are not enlightened at all. I personally like Leos new style, he could just post more videos like that haha. Why do you even take this stuff personally? He is just joking and using his kind of humor to point to the truth that most people, who think are awakened, truly aren't. That is great. If that triggers you, guess what that means? It means you are not awake.
  20. For those who have awakened, and now experience reality from a non-dual perspective, what advice would you give to yourself still suck in duality. How would you describe the new experience to your past self. Other thoughts?
  21. Your ideas of how should Awakened person behave are just ideas and spiritual Culture. Awakened person Loves, thats for sure, but that can manifest in myriad of ways.
  22. I have a question for y'all enlightened folks out there. Perhaps this is just a paradox that I can't grasp yet... but wouldn't strengthening the ego through personal development make it harder to awaken? For example, knowing your core values, studying your personality type, developing hobbies, pursuing a life purpose and any other domain of self discovery, aren't these things all building up the ego? Strengthening the self image? And by developing the self (ego) wouldn't that contradict the whole self destruction process of realizing no self/enlightenment and make the process harder? Like you're walking in opposing directions at the same time? I'm simultaneously building myself up just to break myself down and it's fucking with my mind. Pls halp.
  23. He may have had some mystical experiences- but his own arrogance has led to delusion. He was right about some things and also wrong about some things. He was right that once you awaken from the dream (and I did so via meditation and also just spontaneously) or has he put it, had the Realization or enlightenment, you don't wake up "again". Just as what has been seen cannot be unseen. You can access God states of Consciousness again, but you have already awakened. He was wrong though, about being in a perpetual state of God Consciousness. Yes, I can feel pure Being vibrating blissfully through me now as an enlightened being - but it is not all the time. There are times when this won't be the case and your consciousness may be in different states. But once awakened, the portal has been opened. It may close again, but it is no longer locked to you. He also came here merely to attack Leo. That was obvious. If he is the highest master on high as he says- he would not be that concerned with Leo or trying to fix Leo and save Leo's students. He also would have probably transcended teaching altogether. So yeah, he's still stuck on a lot of ego. But hey, all of us are to some degree - that's why we are still here in human form.
  24. Intuition isn’t about emotions strictly. Intuition is an inner wisdom and implicit understanding of something. Emotions can misguide us. But intuition doesn’t do that. You can tell intuition from biases because biases are automatic feelings and thoughts, whereas intuition is about a deeper understanding beyond reasoning and evidence. Think of it like feelings < logic < intuition (or what I like to call super-logic). Leo made a video on counter-intuition. But he really should’ve titled it counter-logical. Because in that video he said things go against how you think and feel. But he didn’t mention anything going against implicit understanding, which is what intuition is in my view. I can sense patterns I haven’t tested before and can understand them. Like how there are infinite states of consciousness. I mean think about it. Leo has his insights through intuition. Intuition is an insight. But insights into the implicit like awakening cannot be explicated. Leo hasn’t travel through all the states of consciousness. Leo hasn’t awakened through all states of consciousness. Leo may have “awoken” relative to a current state of consciousness and is asleep relative to a higher level. This is the spiritual game you can intuitively sense being played even without conscious reasoning. You can believe you reached the highest level of consciousness, but you haven’t. Everyone in the world thinks their level of consciousness is the highest one. Spirituality has taught me that there is no such thing as absolute awakening or enlightenment. Well, technically there is, it is called death. I don’t mean death of an ego while still breathing. I mean DEATH - the return to the emptiness from which you were created from.
  25. Yah sure, I'm very scared to be awakened, and I'm hiding here in my phone. Because I'm so attached to my self image of importance. That's me, 100%