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  1. (Juan Cruz Giusto & TimStr wrote summaries for this episode. I combined them and added more stuff from the episode.) 251. Summary: A Three Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything -This three step formula can make you world class at anything you commit yourself to (business, school, music, art, sports, meditation, relationships, sexuality, and so forth.) Find one super effective tactic and exploit it! That’s it! 1) Find and Set an Intention Set a deliberate, clear intention for what you want to be ruthlessly effective at. Select your domain. Be specific. What do you want exactly? Why do you want it? Make sure your goal is important to you. (ep: Set S.M.A.R.T. goals [14 mins]) “I’m gonna be ruthlessly effective at ___________. I'm really serious about this. This is my mission! This is what I've set out to do!!” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique A high-yield technique is one that’s been proven to work by generating tangible results for you. Ideally it should yield a disproportionate amount of tangible results. This step does much of the heavy lifting in this formula. eg: Cutting 300 calories a day to lose weight is one tactic, but cutting 300 calories from sugar creates disproportionate results. Pareto’s principle. “But Leo, how do I find one of these high yield techniques?” Fortunately, you don't have to invent any brilliant, genius techniques. Keep your intention clear, strong and at the forefront of your mind. Eventually various techniques will naturally cross your path, some through research, some through trial and error, some through sheer luck. Do your research, talk to people. Collect different techniques and ideas. Sample them and see which tactic jumps out at you. You just have to stay vigilant, so when a high-yield technique comes your way you’ll recognize it and remember it. eg: Leo discovered this formula while studying enlightenment. He was researching a ton of meditation and self-inquiry techniques, reading lots of books, going to workshops and asking people questions. He read about one particular technique that worked really well. He sat down, tried it, and his mind just locked in on it. He could see it was a high yield technique just by doing it for an hour. eg: Corn farming tactics. You could try buying a new plot of land. You could try a new strain of corn that grows bigger? You could change the fertilizer for your corn? Or water your plants on a different schedule? Get a new sprinkler system? Hire a corn specialist to help you? Trade in your last cow for some magic beans? Once you’ve decided on a high-yield technique, convert it into a daily habit. 3) Make It a Habit Making the high-yield technique a habit creates a multiplicative effect. Practicing everyday will make exponential growth happen over months and years. You can practice a technique for 30 to 60 mins a day. However, if you can only do 5 to 10 minutes a day that could be enough, because that practice will accumulate over time (depending on what you’re trying to master.) Planning Out Your Daily Habit Decide exactly when in your day you're going to do it. How it's going to happen. Make a 100% commitment, no exceptions, no excuses. Recognize the huge pay off you’ll get by staying consistent and carrying this through, everyday, over months and years. Tips on High-Yield Techniques -You have to sample a bunch of techniques to get an intuitive feel for what clicks. -Magic pills don't exist. Most people expect to find one technique that will solve all their problems very quickly. If such a tactic existed, you’d already know about it. -High yield techniques give you incremental increases, but are still extremely powerful when multiplied by time. High yield means it's relatively high yield. In absolute terms it might only give you, say, a 1% increase in your sales or sense of humour. But that 1% multiplied over a year, or several years, adds up to a lot. -High yield techniques are often deceptively simple. They're so simple they get dismissed and overlooked! Professional boxers often hold dumbbells while practicing their punches. Magnus Carlson practiced chess on computer, allowing him to play way more practice matches than Grandmasters in previous generations. Oprah started public speaking at the age of 3 by being the cute kid who preached in church. John Wooden, Hall of Fame basketball coach, would spend the first practice teaching future NBA superstars how to put on their socks. He had to do this because players would often hurt their feet because of improper sock placement! -Most people come across many high-yield techniques, but they don’t understand the significance of what they've found. They also don't know how to follow through with this three step formula. They don't take it seriously and they wonder why their life is lacklustre. Examples of Applying This Formula Developing a Good Sense of Humour 1) Set the Intention: “I’m going to be great at making people laugh.” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique: Leo’s episode “How To Be Funny” has a visualization technique in it that will make you funnier. Also, there are lots of great books on joke writing. The Comedy Bible by Judy Carter is great. Same with The Comic Toolbox by John Vorhaus. 3) Make it a Habit: Commit to doing the visualization in Leo’s video everyday, no excuses. Or, commit to carrying a notebook that you collect ideas in. Then, at the end of the day, read through the notebook and write jokes for 30 minutes. Business 1) Set the Intention: “I’m going to be great at marketing my business.” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique: Let's say your research leads you to revamping your newsletter. 3) Make it a Habit: Now, every single day, 100% commitment with no excuses. First thing in the morning, you spend 60 minutes writing copy for your newsletter. Then you add that to your autoresponder and see how people react to it. Does it increase sales? Do you need to adjust things to make it more appealing? Do that every single day, for the next six months and then watch what happens to your sales. eg: Entrepreneur Ramit Sethi did some market research for piano teachers. He discovered that sales could be increased by marketing to Asian and Jewish moms who thought piano lessons would help their kids get into Harvard. Romantic Relationships 1) Set the Intention: “I want a more loving relationship with my partner.” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique: After researching books and videos, let’s say you’ve decided that, everyday, you’ll find three things you appreciate about your partner and tell it to her. 3) Make it a Habit: Commit 100%, everyday. No excuses. Plan when and where you’ll do it. During your lunch break? In the afternoon or evening? What will you say? Figure out if you have any reservations about expressing your appreciation and why. Do you need to improve your communication skills? Plan out the logistics, then do it. You’ll see big results if you multiply that out by three, six or twelve months. Studying for School 1) Set the Intention: “I want to make the honor roll and get into medical school.” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique: A good one is to read your textbook every day and take notes on what you've read (especially before lecture). It’s super simple, but if you do that everyday you're going to become a rock star student. Being effective at school is actually pretty simple. There are many, many techniques: Developing a super powered memory and becoming a super-learner. Jim Kwik’s book “Limitless” is great. Same with Harry Lorayne’s books. Teaching what you’ve learned to someone else. That forces you to understand the material and will also uncover gaps in your knowledge. 3) Make it a Habit: Commit to your new habit, no excuses, everyday, until you crush final exams and become a doctor. Increasing Confidence 1) Set the Intention: “I want to radiate confidence and presence.” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique: Let’s say you’ve done some research, and you want to get good at holding strong eye contact with people. You try it out and notice, “when I actually hold eye contact with the waitress, I feel more confident.” That tells you this technique is actually producing some results. 3) Make it a Habit: Commit to doing it everyday, with every interaction (cashiers, servers, co-workers, friends, family, etc.) Over three, six, twelve months, you’ll see how far you’ve developed the habit and ease of holding strong eye contact and being confident. Losing Weight and Becoming Healthier 1) Set the Intention: “I’m going to nourish my body and optimize my health.” 2) Find a High-Yield Technique: Having Leo’s “Actualized Soup” for lunch everyday. Replacing ⅓ of my meals with veggie soup, basically. 3) Make it a Habit: I’ll cook the soup on Sunday while listening to some podcasts. I’ll divide the soup into seven glass containers for the week. If I’m having a super busy week, I’ll make a “lazy” version of the soup that’s less tasty, but just as nutritious. (This actually helps you lose weight by the way. You can make a decadent soup for maximum taste, or a lazy version if you're busy. Just buy frozen stir-fry veggies, chop them up, buy pre-made organic broth, toss it all together with spices, salt, meat, boil until veggies are cooked, and you have lazy veggie soup for the week! Easy and nutritious!) Deliberate Practice This formula works because it leverages deliberate practice. Regular practice tends to be mindless repetition. Deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance. With deliberate practice, you break the overall process down into parts, identify your weaknesses, test new strategies for each section, and then integrate your learning into the overall process. Deliberate practice is integral to attaining world-class mastery in any field. Every world-class performer does this. In a study of figure skaters, medium level performers spent more time practicing moves they were already good at. Top performers spent more time mastering unfamiliar, difficult moves and falling on their ass. Chris Rock practices jokes away from his usual fans, like in front of retirees in Florida. He’ll also read his jokes without inflection, to see if audiences respond to the content of his writing, and not just his well honed comedic charisma. Watch Eminem challenge himself by rhyming with orange. presents a lot of high-yield techniques. So, you can’t use the excuse that you’re lacking high yield techniques. Master the Inner Game of Money Stop Caring What People Think of You Clean Up Your Meanings and Mental Filters Clean Up How You Interpret Reality Make People Laugh Master Your Emotions Go From Victim to Victor Have a Great Relationship Accept Yourself Realize Who’s Actually God How to Not Be Lonely When You’re Alone Stop Being an Asshole Forgive Assholes Turn Your GF into a Water Pistol -The best techniques are oftentimes very innocent looking. Profound, impactful techniques can look so darn simple that you’d never expect them to yield a $10 million business, or show you enlightenment, or help you create an amazing marriage, etc. -Success often comes from very simple habits, done over and over again, consistently, with deliberate intention and 100 percent commitment. -So, recognize the significance of this formula and high yield techniques. Start to see how big of an impact this could have on the quality of your life, over five, ten, twenty years. It’s the difference between a crappy life, a mediocre life and an absolutely extraordinary life that you love and that other people couldn't even dream of. -Warning!! The world is hell-bent on distracting you and knocking you off the path. We live in a distraction oriented culture. Focus is required at every step of the way. 1) Set and keep your intention. Notice that you have to both set and keep your intention. That means you don't just set your intention once and forget about it. It means that every single day you set and recommit to your intention. “I want to be great at cultivating deep, loving relationships.” “I want to have a sharp memory and be a super-learner.” “I want to get into law school and become a human rights attorney for the United Nations.” Check out Leo’s episode on S.M.A.R.T. goals. (Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Time Sensitive.) Another one on Setting Powerful Goals 2) Remember that high yield techniques are out there. Just stay open and vigilant to new techniques that cross your path. 3) Turn it into a habit. Plan out the habit, create it and follow through on that habit, every single day, without fail. That will require tons of focus, because you're going to get distracted by video games, Netflix marathons, good food, good relationships, bad relationships, work, family, health concerns, life crises, the forum, etc. -So maintain your focus. Keep your intention. Write it on your bathroom mirror. Stay grounded in your vision, and trust that if you apply all this, you're going to get amazing results.
  2. Hi @Leo Gura It certainly IS amusing, because all the exact things you said in your "I'm leaving" video you now describe as signs of delusion - or is this one of those situations where it only applies to anyone who isn't you? I guess if YOU say that YOU are the most awakened person on the planet who has mystical healing powers then that's OK, but if someone ELSE said it then it would be delusional - am I understanding this correctly? One thing I will say is that if I misread this whole thing as your attempt to correct for last years absurd bullshit, when in actuality you are sticking to your guns, then I can only apologise, and don't worry I will soon correct the record and let my audience know that you are still in fact completely delusion. Again I would ask you to confirm exactly when you will begin to cure all human diseases, and instantaneously solve every problem for humanity. If you could do it by the end of this week that would be awesome. I thought I had made it fairly clear that I don't study your "body of work" because I don't think it is anything beyond a YouTube channel by an inexperienced and sometimes delusional young man. You are not some wizened sage who is worth seriously studying mate, and so I choose to invest my energies into material of a higher caliber. For all the points below I am happy to go and get the actual quotes if you deem it necessary - but do I really need to do this? its all in the first video straight from the horses mouth. I think this is a big part of your problem - I don't think you even know half the shit you have said. That is why your content is so contradictory, but anyway here is some rough counterpoints for you to chew on. No you haven't been promoting psychedelic safety since day one - don't be absurd. Day one of what? Your channel? Was it before or after you told everyone to take 5 MEO DMT or they were wasting decades of their life? Where is this public record you speak of? This wasn't a big criticism anyway so I'm not sure why you are banging on about it. Yes you did claim to be the messiah. You know when you say you are greater than Jesus, greater than Buddha, the most enlightened awakened person who ever existed on the history of this planet. The guy who was chosen by the universe to spread its highest teachings and gifted with the power to heal mankind - those are messianic claims you chump! In regard to the cult leader thing - are you simple? I have said about 10 times now that I DO NOT THINK YOU ARE A CULT LEADER. You do understand that a "cult of personality" is not the same thing as you leading a cult? Surely I don't have to explain the difference to someone as learned as you? So please... tell me again whose vision is clouded If you didn't want to correspond with me then just say so you big soft shit. You were the one who started it with the laughable bravado of "IF YOU DARE", so at least have the balls to say "I changed my mind". You are like the guy who challenges someone to a pistol duel but then comically runs off in the opposite direction when they say yes - its really lame, bordering on cowardice to be honest, and not what one would expect from a god-like being such as yourself. As for my unhealthy fixation with you - what can I say, there is A LOT of material here with you and your followers that just writes itself, and I think the bizarre mindset of this group is worth commenting on. Surely you would agree because you yourself have commented on other such groups, even in your recent video addressing the Jordan Peterson phenomenon - or is this another one of those situations where you are exempt... because Leo? I Think of it kinda like when SNL pokes fun at the ridiculousness of Donald Trump and his zealots, it works precisely because its true - and I'm sure it stings him for the same reason. The pretentious tend and egotistical tend to be burned most by ridicule. Finally mate, you don't have the last word on what spirituality is, nor god, nor anything - you are just a dude. Take care buddy
  3. Or develop any sort of mental illness that needs treatment. Much easier to have that person become homeless, wind up in the prison system, or go on a mass shooting than to provide funding for mental health care services and social work. I had a next door neighbor when I was living in a low income area who was living with severe schizophrenia without access to treatment, who ended up being shot and killed by the police after having a psychotic break and waving a pistol at Police Officers who arrived at the scene. Could this incident had been avoided if this poor guy had access to the same sort of Mental Health services that wealthy individuals take for granted? I'll never know for sure, but it's a sad state of affairs when Society neither values or cares about people without access to financial resources and social capital.
  4. “One” guy friend??? That’s like saying you’re going into war with a little water pistol. You should have a whole army of friends. No wonder you’re getting demolished. They don’t necessarily have to be into “pickup” in terms of actively studying and being part of the community. They just have to approach. Or be willing to sit there while you approach at the least. I’m telling you, the more cool guy friends you make, the easier this whole thing is. Female friends are good too. They don’t have to do anything but just be attractive and be around you. And if they introduce you to their friends, even better.
  5. It's way too easy to buy a firearm in the U.S. It should take at least 5 years with different tests each year to be able to get close to a semi-auto rifle or a pistol. It's that way here in Iceland with pistols, you can't even own a semi-auto rifle as there's just no use for a civilian to own such a gun. If you're mentally unstable, then there's no way you're getting a gun because you need to undergo so many tests and doctors evaluation. It's beyond me how it isn't like this in every country.
  6. Day 79-08.03.2021 Today was day one of my gaming detox, 89 days left, uff this feels like pretty much. But it was easy today because I don’t play often video games on Monday. My training was interesting today because I did 2 push ups for the first time after some days or weeks and I did high aasisted pistol squads. I also realised that training is a lot more exciting if I set goals for every drill. Tomorrow I just want to run for 11min (last Friday I lasted for 10min). My greater goal is to last for 30min. And on Wednesday I‘ll do strength exercises again. Now I want to list these goals for the next session: • do 3 push ups •do 1 less high assisted pistol squad per leg •do 11 knee push ups •do 10 high assisted pistol squad per lag •Lift 11 times every leg from push up position • do 20 squads •Lift 11 times every leg to the elbow in push up position •do 10 reps lateral movement with elastic bands •Lift 11 times every leg to chest from push up position •do 10 reps linear movement with elastic band • do 11 hip lifts from side plank position Another interesting thing is that I bought the book 7 Habits of highly effective people Teens Edition today. It‘s really interesting but I realised that I need to take notes on everything I want to put in practice and to make a to do list. Also I wanted to note that I really struggle with nutrition right now. See you tomorrow?? Peace❤️
  7. I use this bad boy, daily when I feel I need it, or before training to improve my mobility. It's sooo good. When doing pistol squats, or skin-the-cats on rings, or even simple compounds, it's just a total game changer.
  8. Nice shoes. Not sharp but nice. People always talk about the polished look. How about a rugged look from the 1930s Wild West movies, it's not like a rough look cannot look cool, sometimes it does if someone knows how to pull it off.. Tip - just wear a rusty leather jacket and boots. Of course you can't wear that in a mall. People might think it's period costume and assume you are cosplaying. But hey, in those good old days, people wore some nice things. What can be possibly more stylish than a cigar, a belt and a pistol!
  9. Be careful with weird revisionist history based on what we see in movies. Wealthy and powerful Romans and others drank water that was transported through lead pipes. People drank out of pewter goblets that were 30% lead. Mercury was used in paint. They burned torches and candles inside their homes and breathed in the fumes every night before electricity. You have no idea what kind of weird toxins they were exposed to. They also shit in bowls and tossed it out the window onto the street. Sounds like fun, right? Their water was so fucked that most people exclusively drank beer to not get sick. Seriously? The #1 doctor from 5 centuries ago didn't wash their hands before performing surgery because they didn't believe in germ theory, and your dentist would be pulling all your teeth out without any freezing or anesthetics. Maybe you could get really drunk beforehand if you were lucky. If you're unlucky enough to suffer from mental illness good luck, they're drilling a hole in your skull. I would much rather have a random intern or nurse today than the best doctor even 100 years ago. Literally no different than today. You don't think if you were a billionaire you could have practically any woman you want today? I'll take my chances with modern women who shower every day, wear deodorant, don't have rotting teeth, and shave their bodies, thanks. This, in every way. My house is perfectly heated in the winter and cooled in the summer. There are no insects or mice in my house. I don't have to worry about anyone challenging me to a duel or trying to murder me, I don't have to walk around with a sword or pistol everywhere I go. Nobody is going to ransack my entire city and burn it to the ground and rape all the women. I can order any food from any cultural cuisine in the world and it'll be delivered to my home in less than 30 minutes. I can eat authentic Indian, Chinese, and Italian food all in one day. I can order any product I need and it'll be delivered to my home next-day, for free. I can fly from North America to Europe in 12 hours for $500 whenever I want. My life expectancy is 80 vs 50 for a king in 1,000 - 1,600 AD.
  10. Been semi resting this week, and by that, I mean not working out twice per day but once. So I rested the morning runs from Monday until now, and only did evening flow workouts. I've been waking up at 8 AM some days, and 5 am others. It really took its toll on my body to exercise so much, but I feel well-rested now and feel I can start again with the double workouts. It's not really necessary, but I enjoy both of them so much that I'll continue to do them for now. Been drinking cacao finally since I broke the caffeine streak. The stimulation I get from the theobromine is so clean and pure its amazing. Currently drinking some as I write this. ☕ But I have to be careful with not consuming too much of it so the effects become stale. Maybe I'll alternate tea one day and cacao the other. Really missing my runs even though I've only rested them for 3 days. I had to give my Achilles and knees some time to recover. My Achilles have really been bothering me on my runs, so I've been foam rolling my calves well to prevent any further injuries. Also started to take a joint supplement that consists of Omega-3, vitamin-C, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. I took it the last time I had the "running flue" which was about 2-3 years ago. I was also trying to reach a full pistol squat. I had the strength to do it but still couldn't reach it. 3 weeks after taking this supplement I could do 5 in a row. So I'll be looking forward to seeing results from that soon.
  11. Like kevlar can protect you against bullets, it can stop most pistol rounds at mid range, can't stop rifle round at point blank. Masks will not completely protect you against the virus, however they decrease your chance of getting infected. You are supposed to wear masks in tandum with other safety measures to ensure that the infection chance is as close to 0% as possible. Mask + sanitary + distancing + stay at home
  12. Right now, being the unconscious human that I am, you can verbally give me as much reasons to not fear death as you want. But as soon as you point a pistol to my head, I shit my pants lol.
  13. Day 22 If a metal plate was your awareness and bullet shots caused holes in it, then shamanic breathing would be the pistol. The breathing can potentially be dangerous to your physiological system. If a hole like this occurs, it's best to be lying down instead of sitting up with your back straight. If you remember the water bottle love-story I wrote about previously, this occurrence will add to a triangle of love. Truth is, I did commence the breathing while sitting a few times, for it seems to take effect even faster. About 2 minutes in, I forgot who I was in an unconscious, bullet-hole-like way. I don't remember standing up, all I know is that body balance was gone and I fell backwards onto my head. Pain was present, and I felt it, but thanks to the breathing I was also away from it, observing it from a third perspective. It didn't bother me. I've gone through similar "fuck ups" before: dropping an object onto my foot, hitting my thumb and so on. You, though, stay safe and don't experiment with shit like I do unless you have a calling. It's been 11 days since I last reported. Since then, I have been going through an ego backlash. They are tricky, because when they happen you are usually "too close to the mirror" to even notice. I found my shadow; I realized the thing crawling in the depths of my mind is a fear of practicality, a fear of lacking a financial stability. Understandable given my age, though I cannot pretend it's not what it is. The question I have been tackling in the last years, consciously or not, is, Where is the line between possible and impossible? It's a fascinating question because how would you know without practice? And the answer is even more fascinating. The answer I got has indeed scrapped many of my previous limiting beliefs about reality. It can be anything it fucking wants, and if you are a wandering adventurer like me, it's even better -- you don't have to wait for an eternity to experience it all. With the right assets and attitude you can experience it right now. As of today, I am not chasing after the ultimate awakening, but I very well could. In a way, all awakenings about love and consciousness are final, but some are more final than others. In the following days, through shamanic breathing I will work on my top strength; appreciation of beauty and excellence. I don't want to admit it to myself yet, but deep down I know writing is the ideal medium through which I strike hearts like a viper. And the fact that psychedelics are becoming more popular worldwide just paints the lilies. It's so exciting to think about -- I could literally take the reader anywhere! As usual, the sessions of breathing followed by a sleep resulted in vivid and crazy dreams. I discovered a whole new dimension to them: music. Indeed, a music was being manifested inside a dream. To add fuel to the fire, a deep male voice dubbed the plot; one epic beyond anything I had experienced inside a dream before. Though it came to an end, before the rains of awakening poured over me, I had bowed to myself and my eyes misted over with tears of beauty. I laughed and wondered inside the dream, for I had created such a beautiful show.
  14. About the same speed as swapping a mag in a pistol. They have more expensive models which can fire 2 shots before reloading. But that's overkill. The laser sight alone should be enough to spook most people away. And if you miss, you can still always taze point blank.
  15. 1) Intention My intention for this trip was to consciously re-experience and release something which was probably my birth process. I am not sure whether this was actually my birth process but it seems very likely if I compare my experience to Stanislav Grof's description of a perinatal experience. I chose that intention because this "theme" was occurring for at least six of my previous trips. It was clear to me that something important, unpleasant and dense wanted to be experienced consciously and released. I was not thrilled to do this trip because I felt pretty good and I knew that, like my past trips, this one will be very unpleasant, confusing and exhausting. 2) Preparation & come up I went outside and practiced different movements (pullups, capoeira etc.). When I arrived at home, I meditated for 30 minutes and then I took the tab. During the come up phase I like to do Yoga because it helps to transition into the psychedelic state smoothly. After half an hour of that, I sat on my bed and was wandering about who I am. I was looking for the "I" but could not find it. At some point I noticed a feeling in my gut that was getting stronger and stronger. 3) A very complicated feeling After a while I had to lay down because this feeling was now dominating my experience. I recognized this feeling from previous trips, so I knew what was coming next. It was a very complicated feeling which is difficult to describe. It felt like a mixture of the following: undifferentiated pain, struggle and suffering, a sense of enduring something very difficult, a lot of frustration, tension in the head, a "knot" in the stomach which was accompanied with small convulsions. Similar to my previous trips, I had a strong desire to move around in my bed, crawling in and out of blankets covering my head and pushing with the legs. 4) Those poor babies This struggle went on for at least one hour. After some time I also felt anger and the desire to bite things. Furthermore I have noticed a shift taking place. The feelings of suffering and pain turned almost into lust. Towards the end, I felt that the knot in my stomach was gone and I could finally breathe deeply into my belly, which was very pleasant. Later, as I was more able to cognize what was happening, I noticed that going through this experience as an adult is pretty rough but just the thought that small babies experience something like this, broke me into tears. After grieving a little bit, I felt love, a sense of proud and empowerment for being able to go through this. It felt like this birth experience or whatever it was, was finally released fully. I was laying still, just enjoying breathing deeply. 5) Absorption into the LSD sound As I was laying around, I became very introspective. There was an interesting sound which I recognized from a previous trip. (maybe a typical LSD sound?). As I listened to it, I became more and more absorbed and fascinated by it. The focus on the sound was so strong that I only noticed in retrospect that "I" almost disappeared while listening to it. Shortly after that, my normal cognitive processes reappeared and I felt almost sober. As I opened my eyes, I felt joy, harmony, inner peace and a general sense that everything will be alright. 6) I went outside and met my old Yoga teacher I prepared some fruit and went outside because the weather was fantastic. I went to a park nearby, laid around and practiced different movements like handstand and juggling. I recognized an old yoga teacher whose classes I went to a year ago, he was balancing on a slackline between two trees. It was funny to see him because I remember he once told us in class that he is doing yoga for over 40 years, but here he was getting angry because he could not stay balanced on the slackline without falling off quickly. Anyway, I went up to him, we talked a little bit and he let me try to balance on the slackline. 7) Psychedelics and movement I have noticed that it is much easier to learn new movement skills when you are on a psychedelic, because you get a very fine tuned feeling sense. Joe Rogan once talked about MMA fighters who microdose which helps them to "see the movements of opponents before they happen". It was much easier for me to practice handstand and I could stand a few seconds longer then when I am sober. I also was able to learn how to juggle with my left hand in just 10 minutes and as I tried to balance on the slackline for the first time in my life, my yoga teacher could not believe that it was my first time trying this, because I could maintain balance, walk forwards, backwards and do pistol squats on the slackline almost instantly. 8) Conclusion I am happy that this birth process thing is finally worked through. It has been three weeks since this trip and I still feel much better. What I find surprising is that similar trip reports are hard to find. I have never heard or read trip reports about birth trauma except in Stanislav Grof's books. Christopher M. Bache also mentioned having gone through perinatal experiences in his book. I can imagine (because it happened to me in the past) that for someone who is starting to experiment with psychedelics and who had only heard trip reports about machine elves, consciousness, insights and God, could find this experiences to be very confusing and disturbing. 9) What I have learned - A "theme" such as the birth process can last for several trips until it is completely released, in my case it lasted for 7 trips - A lot of times, if the "theme" is not worked through completely in one session, at the end of the session you can feel like something is not done yet, there may be no sense of release or natural conclusion which feels very uncomfortable. - Also, during the days, weeks and months after some of the "incomplete" trips, I was feeling worse, depressed, sometimes very angry, addiction behavior increased and I had a more negative and pessimistic outlook towards the future, which made it very undesirable for me to do more tripping.
  16. @giglioWow, this guy's evidence is so anecdotal vs statistically based. The only stat he has is 20 complaints and his arguement about the 20 complaints is the most anecdotal I've ever heard. I won't entertain that. He uses words like a whole lot, many, most, vs. stats/hard numbers. He argues about the framing of the article versus addressing the meat and content. Also, I wasn't going to address this because it is irrelevant and a distraction, but I will anyways. At what point is a person no longer labeled a criminal? If you've ever gotten a speeding ticket in your life, then you are a criminal, using this man's definition. And no this did not address Ira Toles or the Leroy Martinez incident which Chauvin was involved in, but not the shooter. Here's what that looked like " Leroy Martinez, 23, was spotted running from the scene while brandishing a handgun and the officers gave chase, according to local reports. Terry Nutter, one of the cops, shot Martinez. An eyewitness challenged the police’s claim that Martinez was holding a gun when he was shot, according to Insider, which cited a report in the Star Tribune. Delora Iceman told the Star Tribune that Martinez had dropped the pistol and held his arms in the air before cops gunned him down." Yeah, I believe both cases need to be reopened. Anywho, I'm done with this thread. I've said all I need to say. Deuces!
  17. @LaucherJunge Well it depends on how you look at sociopolitical issues. One could propose that the government is the very product of the people that exists beneath it. So the nuke would really be the citizens and the pistol the government. Also depends on how you think a government works. Naive people assume that government can just eradicate a population in mere seconds, not accounting for the deep complexity that goes into such an act. These things are not as simple as it is led to be believed. Would your statement not also suggest foolishness in trying to attack someone with bigger artillery than you?
  18. @Jacobsrw I would be worried about people with actual means to create dangerous weapons. You are pointing at a pistol, while someone is aiming a nuke at your back. And the guy with the pistol is not actually aiming at you but at the people operating the nuke behind you.
  19. I did not know where to post this, but I have one question: I watched Yogi on YouTube, doing a workout, he did some pistol Squats but called them a different name... He did not talk about this but after the video, I ended up thinking about: Can "what people in the west call: workout" be turned into a meditation? If so how? After watching that video, I don't think that working out is only for getting bigger muscles, it can actually increase consciousness, if ancient yogis did it...If so how?
  20. Conservatism is total Garbage. It's about monopolising natural resources and the apparatus of the state, to externalise costs. I'd prefer Whigism. But they lost any major political force, when they dissolved into the Abolitionist movement in the USA pre-civil war and were replaced by The Republican Party. And in the UK post WW1 when women received suffrage, and their voting base was large killed. They did dominate in the Victorian era as the Whigs & Liberal Party, and under George II. If any President is that bad, there should be pistol duels, by members of the Senate, at least. Any judiciary can be co-opted by powers, both foreign and domestic.
  21. @Bodigger Counter-intuitively owning any weapon makes you less safe overall so that argument is off the table. By having laws in place that allow YOU to own a gun to "protect" yourself and your family, you enable the crazy guy owning a gun as well and guess what this is a lot worse than neither of you having any gun. The latest las vegas shooting didn't have one AR but 21 suitcases of both AR's and lots of ammo. It is unreasonable being able to own AR's let alone such a quantity of them. Also, the Orlando nightclub shooting involved an AR. At the very least if you have to have a gun, a pistol is just fine you don't need such caliber type of weapon, it is over the top. If you actually investigate the biggest mass shootings they all involved an AR-type of weapon, this is a red flag. At the end of the day, guns wouldn't be a problem if you didn't have so many radicals fueled with racism and hatred in America. You see when the media and the president radicalize naive and ignorant people against Mexicans, gays and blacks, the fool sees it as a good move to go out and kill a bunch of those people. This is the root of the issue and the only longterm solution is quality education. It is no coincidence the average Trump voter fits perfectly the American stereotype of a Texas redneck
  22. There's like a lot of universal qualifiers and in this post. "No" "always" "all". Drop them. Add nuance. Well a girl can walk up to you with a pistol and threaten to shoot you. In this case you'd call her evil and not amazing because you did think you were so amazing. There is very little use for words such as "always" never" "all" "none". And luck may exist but it is best to assume that it does not.
  23. It's like saying: "I don't understand why I shouldn't shoot with a bazooka when you never even held a pistol." Only that with psychedelics it's way more drastic then this metaphor.
  24. As you know that I suffer from generalized anxiety. I was trying to find a way for doing exercise without gym because I got fired by my uncle. So once I tried to run and do pistol squats it ended up in a catastrophe which increased the level of anxiety and decreased the level of concentration and emotional intelligence. So I find out that I had to start all over again with concentration and meditation much more than I used too but I also realized that there are two types of awarenesses emotional and rational so now I´m gonna start balancing those two types of energies.
  25. What has worked and is working for me is strength training 3x a week at the gym (mainly compound movements - weighted pull-ups, benchpress, pistol squats - with a few accesory excercises) and walking a lot while maintaining a healthy and permisive nutrition (I do eat chocolate everyday, even when I cut). After 3 months of following this kind of programme I slimmed down from 65kg to 55kg (15% to 9% bodyfat) while putting on muscle. Then, on the same programme I put 10 kg back on (5kg of muscle) in about 7 months then slimmed back to 60 kg (10% bodyfat) and now am at 65kg (10% bodyfat) going for 74 kg at a height of 175 cm. All of this meaning a replacement of 10kg of fat with 10kg of muscle in about 1-1.5 years. Gone from not being able to do 5 CHIN-UPS to now being able to do 5 PULL-UPS with 30kg attached . Gone from not being able to hold balance properly on one leg to doing 5 strict one legged pistol squats with 10kg dumbbells. 1. The biggest advice I can give from all my endeavour is to take care of your shoulders at any time when doing heavy lifting. The rotator cuff tendons are highly sensitive and can be torn with one simple but sudden movement. Before you attempt benchpressing of any sort, or doing any shoulder exercise, research the proper form online (10 TIMES OVER - and then 10 times more). - this also applies to any exercise you haven't done before. The risk of injury increases exponentially with the amount of weight used. 2. Also, don't listen to 99% of people when it comes to fitness advice. If the person doesn't look anywhere near how you would like to look, don't take advice from them. In case of older people, take advice only from the ones that had prior professional experience in the fitness industry. Use commons sense. I wasted a lot of years taking advice from the wrong people and thus limiting my potential. 3. Not all online fitness courses are scams. There are thousands of good and bad ones. Find the course that best fits your needs and lifestyle (I personally followed Kinobody's programs, to whom I owe almost all my gains) and STICK TO IT. 4. A healthy body is built 20% in the gym and 80% in the kitchen. No matter how hard you train, if you can't facilitate the body's recovery through healthy nutrition (including the appropriate amount of food depending on your goals) you will not see ANY KIND OF RESULTS. I wasted my first 2 years of lifting not making any kind of progress because I didn't know what/how much and when to eat. It's calories in, calories out. Research as much as possible. I could ramble for another 10 hours as I have made every mistake there is to make when it comes to fitness and nutrition, so I will cut this short and you guys can ask me any questions you want. I will try to reply ASAP.