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  1. The awakened ones can learn to say something about what women say and they'll be okay. But they have to be completely relaxed. Otherwise, it won't work.
  2. I read your frustration and I see your points. Look everyone who is alive today has some ego, only those who transcendent do not have but they are also not here with us. And I agree with @Merkabah Star in his latest post about Leo, actually it’s weird lately I started to agree with him more than before. Now about about Leo. I mean I hope Leo won’t get upset but this is my observation of him. I believe I noticed three things Leo is biased, like really biased and no arguments in the world will change his mind, it’s politics on Israel, Trump and Covid vaccines. Like no matter how many arguments you will give Leo will not take anything into consideration. @Leo Gura I am not criticizing you but I know you want to be caught when you are bias and I bringing my humble view. But that said, having three biases only while most of us have over hundreds if not over thousand is almost nothing. That’s a truly big accomplishment. But when it comes to other topics listed outside the biases, oh Leo knows them as an expert. I am amazed the way he teach such complicated subjects using such simplistic language so that pretty much anyone can understand. I will admit that prior to discovering I was listening to other philosophical channels, but they were not covering even a tenth of the depth Leo covers and using such complicated language that at least half went over my head. By now I have dropped all of them and only listen to actualized when it comes for personal development. And by the way, lately Leo is being more “vulgaric” in his tone that he is awakened and we are all asleep and not near it, and he is right, compare to awakening, we are still dreaming tenth dream while he is awake as early as a sunrise. He can criticize us that we cannot even begin to understand solipsism and that he probably is the only one who did understand, and I tell you, he is right on that. This person achieved such depth of understanding that I would say all of us combined are not even at his finger nails. And I am not exaggerating. So to conclude @questionreality no need to get upset or defensive, no one is here to convince anyone to change their views and those who are here to convince are actually wasting their time, we are here to express our different views or how we all see reality and that’s fine and that’s perfect. Especially when it comes to police there are a lot of biases poping up because they evoke our survival and living. So just accept others point of view even if you don’t agree but at the same time it’s ok and even correct to point to others that their thinking is just a way but not the way But remember, There is no one right way or a wrong way.
  3. Oh, seeing my name I feel honored, sorry to be late to the party, had to integrate after my last insanity trip When I was around five, I fell asleep while on an air mattress drifting away from shore, at some point I fell of and awakened under water, I was standing on the ground and saw rays of light and algae, the environment so clearly! I could breathe underwater and it also felt as you describe "lighter, bouncier, more colorful, like a mystical wonderland", it was amazing and beautiful and I was starting to head to the shore just slowly walking underwater, next thing I know my father noticed and pulled me out, I coughed up some water and remembered the experience, so then I tried to repeat it but it didn't work after this. KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAAAAA! There are so many interconnected energy life forces and related processes at this point: Kundalini, Prahna, Ki/Chi/Qi, Akash, Mana, Will, Spirit, Light, Magic, as well as Frequency of Consciousness, Level of Awareness, Extent of Control, Emptiness of Ego, Determination of Will, Spiral Evolution, Fractal Complexification, Singularity Synchronization, Self-Transcendence, or simply FLOW. And the way I see it, they all refer to the same phenomenon through sometimes different, sometimes similar, sometimes same dimensions of actuality. Sadhguru said much about this and I myself practiced for about two hours of max 3 breaths a minute, it massively tuned my mind into peace. It's also said that the more still you are, the more you embody Shiva and tap into the source of infinite intelligence which lies at 0, and my psychedelic trips often automatically slowed sown my heart even though I rarely took advantage of it as my hyperbrain took each chance to accelerate itself to expand and navigate all the states, which made it so I didn't go as deep as I could have into a single one. Breath as a medium to move and transport energy in the body, one would assume the complexity of the body would need some forces to know how to change and morph and take care of its biological and physiological aspects to exist in the material world and interact with it. I had a very weird experience in my last trip however, when I broke reality and stopped time and became indestructible, but also it seemed like I could move objects, yet nothing was changing, yet I was moving, it was weird and I think I deluded myself much but it's still an interesting experience. It goes into the territory of how bodies would work if we kept them as a medium outside the material realm in out of body energy form experiences. Now this makes one wonder, what isn't prahna? Is everything prahna, just in different distributions? Is the energy holding the rock together from crumbling prahna? Or is it just "living" energy like the one that transforms one type of matter/object into a lifeform or another form? How does it fit into the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akash? Is it the Akash moving the other four energies or do they have intelligence on their own? Is Akash the same as Chitta? Sadhguru describes them very similarly. How does it all link to consciousness and conscious manipulation of the elements, their proportions and properties? Do "psychic fields" or belief systems affect what can be true or tune people in and out of realities or is it just ignorance of disbelieving something even if it appears the same to you as anyone and you just keep consciously ignoring it? Or can it be that the ego overrides reality not to perceive what it doesn't believe in? Ah, the Torus Field! aka. Homeostasis/Life Energy/Intelligence/Spirit to maintain a form of entity. @Javfly33 Back to my take on the main topic, in my psychedelic experience life energy is something you will through consciousness and you can use mediums as movement or breathing or meditation or focus or discomfort to raise energies. The way I see prahna specifically, is a technology related to breath/air, that raises life force through controlled disciplined breath techniques and vitalizes the body and mind in the process. And that process of raising energies of course affects all other systems as well and consciousness, understanding, intelligence, love as a result of increased consciousness which results from surrender, control, discipline and focus.
  4. - Others - Free will - Meaning&purpose - Reality - Truth - Enlightenment - Consciousness - The Absolute - "Awakened" - "a concept" - "a human" - "an illusion" Basically everything that has an opposite, which can be described (or at least "meaningfully" attempted), which is a concept even though it may be expressed as "not a concept", that's still a concept. If someone claims any of those above exclusively, seperates it from something of "lesser order", or claims that it is more real/important, this creates a distinction, some kind of (subtle) exclusion which means that it still remains in the realm of concepts and therefore human(?) illusions. So it's illusions all the way down, even the so called "non-illusions" that are talked about in spirituality or nonduality. All words, all concepts, all empty. Nothing is real, nothing remains, only everchenanging Isness is. Whatever the hell that is. No one knows
  5. What will you experience, after your human vessel passes away (die). The human vessel is destroyed by a happening or by aging and the body can’t fulfill the tasks at hand to sustain life and the body and brain passes away. The Soul, your consciousness of your awareness will pass over. Suppose a person has a car accident and the body and brain died. On that moment the Soul will stop projecting consciousness more or less in your body. And the Soul will observe your physical body and what is happening to your physical expression of energy. As awareness you will float next to your body or look at it from above. On this moment of passing over, you cannot reason and you do not remember who you are. This makes dying or passing over as we call it, a very tranquil process. You just observe everything that is happening to your physical body. Because also how you died, is an experience and as Souls we want to gather all information we can and we do. Our observer is not in our brain and not in our body, the observer is always our direct conscious part of our Soul as awareness. On the moment of passing over, you just observe. Than suddenly you will be pulled to another location, a location of a funeral, cremation or even a ceremony, by the thoughts of the loved ones who are still on earth. Again you will observe everything that is happening on the funeral, cremation or ceremony, you can hear thoughts, see people who are saying goodbyes to you of your previous life. Again to gather all information about this life, we observe automatically, what happens to us. How long it will take for a passed over Soul to use the conscious awareness of the Soul again, is different for all Souls. With one it goes quicker than another Soul. Depending, when you are ready for it or not. Normally we observer in a human life, direct with our conscious part of our Soul without our senses, this happens on a high energetic frequency. That is the reason why we can observe in life, as well as after we passed over. Our human life happens in the apparently material dimension, everything looks real, still it is an expression of energy we are dreaming. Because of the cause and consequence in repetitive cycles we experience life as a constant, that means we see life as a reality, however it is still an important dream. That gives us the opportunity to experience a seemingly material life. When we pass over we will come into the In-between dimension (This is the dimension between earth and Heaven. Heaven is the immaterial pure positive dimension. The Soul is always present in this in-between dimension and can’t be part of the apparently material dimension. That is why the Soul projects consciousness into the human vessel. To become a part in this dream and a play its part. Our senses are like a filter over our awareness, and works on a low energetic frequency, this means, that we can’t use this in the In-between dimension. Because our senses just like the apparently material dimension happens all on a lower energetic frequency. To make things simple for our Soul and we can see, hear, taste, smell and feel and that creates the so called reality. When the Soul focus of attention is in the in-between dimension as we passed over, we first only observe as told above. After this we start to reason and to remember with our conscious part of our Soul on a high energetic frequency, this takes a while. That is the reason that after you passed over there is no panic. Again real passing over is very tranquil. You feel an incredible love surrounding you, this is happening. Because you feel the connection you have with Oneness (=God), all energetic awarenesses have an individuality AND on the same time they are all connected to each other. So in the in-between dimension, you feel this incredible love around you and you feel very comfortable. This is also depending on how large your ego perspective has grown in life. You start to learn how to remember your previous life (last life), with your conscious part of your Soul. You start to reason again, and slowly you become the same perspective and personality, you were as you lived your human life. You are literally the same person as you were in life, only you don’t have a physical body anymore, but an esoteric body. A body of energetic light, because everything is created from energy. You will notice that when you think about a loved one on earth, you will be there too. And you can observe this loved one doing his or her things on earth. Or when a loved one speaks to you in thoughts, you will hear them and be there to communicate. Only the loved ones on earth, rarely understand, sense or hear you. When someone on earth a loved one thinks of you, you think of this person and visa versa. That is how we as Souls are connected. You can even split your consciousness again, and talk with more people on the same time. As Soul we can do so much more. When you think about a place you visited in the past when you were alive, you can visit it again, to see it again and float around in the streets, beach or what ever you like to visit again. When a loved one is thinking about you with thoughts, you can hear the thoughts too. Because we don’t have the flat simple senses, we had on earth. After a while you will feel an urge to move on and to go back home, to Heaven. Because the love is drawing you home. This happens also depending on how large your ego perspective has developed. Can you let go of the loved ones, can you let go of your possessions on earth, can you let go of the ego perspective you have taught yourself and was taught by others Also the loved ones on earth have to let you as passed over Soul go too. When they hold tide to your being, your Soul will stay longer connected to earth because of the loved ones. Many people experience the passed over loved one, talking to them, to let them go. Which is really necessary. Some people have a big trouble of letting go the passed over loved one, and pull them constantly back to earth. This can take a while, because the loved one has to accept that you have passed over and moves on in her or his life. Better is for a loved one to accept right away that you passed over, and focus again on positivity in their lives. When you let go of the loved ones on earth, the possessions and earth, you are ready to move on on your journey to Heaven. When your loved ones let you go, you will go into a next phase of passing over. This phase is called the path to enlightenment. When people really get enlightened in life and die, they will immediately merge with the Higher Self and enter Heaven, the immaterial pure positive dimension. To be enlightened means that you bring your conscious part of your Soul, what is your awareness and equals all your thoughts, memories and formulation of thoughts unto a pure positive angelic level. We humans are ALL reincarnated angels. Believe it or don’t, still it is true. That is the reason why we have to bring our thoughts back on the angelic level of formulating all the time pure positive thoughts. Thoughts are energy patterns moving in space. When you formulate positive thoughts, you create your awareness to vibrate energetically on a high frequency. When you formulate negative thoughts, you create your awareness to vibrate energetically on a low frequency. In a human life most people create more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, this will cause a split Soul. Between your awareness and your Higher Self. Your awareness is vibrating energetic on a much lower frequency than your Higher Self. The Higher Self is your angelic pure positive awareness. The voice of the Higher Self can be heard by your intuition and conscience. That is how you can know, why we are angelic beings from origin. Before you were born, your Soul split into a conscious and a subconscious part. The conscious part is your awareness, your formulation of thoughts, memories and everything we learn into our memory. Not in our brain, because the brain is an expression of energy, to give form to our thoughts. At birth, the awareness is cleared from memory of previous lives, and in total cleared from your Souls life. So you can start living this experience fresh and clean. In some cases young children can remember past lives, because they have still a good connection with the Higher Self. Some can tell you some interesting details of real past lives. That is another story for another time. Which you can find in previous answers about past lives. What is balance in yourself, balance in yourself, is to bring the thoughts of your awareness on the same level as the Higher Self awareness is thinking. A difference in thoughts, will cause negative emotions and bad feelings. As a signal to tell you, that you are not on the positive path in life. Transform your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. What equals the same thoughts as your Higher Self and you will create positive emotions and you feel good, balanced and positive again. You are then on the right positive path in life. It is a guidance to help the Soul to find its way in a human life. We only lost touch with this guidance system of the Higher Self. This balance in thoughts of your awareness and the higher Self is also called enlightenment. To create One Soul again. When your awareness formulates positive thoughts the same as your Higher Self does, than your awareness vibrates energetically on the same high frequency. Just like Jesus has told us too. When you are born you are One (One Soul), when you grow up you become TWO (Soul and Ego), when you die, what will you do, when you are TWO? We explain this later. We need long explanations, because it is necessary to understand what happens when you passed over. You see that we have never been told the truth, that is why we have such a lack of information about this event. The enlightened persons after death, will pass over and merge with the Higher Self and enter Heaven. They are home. This is the quickest way to go back home to Heaven. The normal persons in life who has formulated positive thoughts in life which is called thoughts and actions upon by the perspective of the Soul. And they have on the same time formulated negative thoughts in life, what is called thoughts and actions by the egoistic and greedy ego perspective. The ego perspective is always the creator of negative thoughts. Most people have this split Soul and can’t merge with the Higher Self and can’t enter Heaven. Negative thoughts creates negative emotions and feels bad or sad. Positive thoughts creates positive emotions and feels great. How you feel is always a result of the thoughts you have been formulating consciously or subconsciously. A positive thought is good for you AND on the same time it is good for all people on the world AND good for Nature. This is the only way to create balance in yourself, balance between all people and balance with Nature. The people who have a split Soul, they will go into a next phase after they passed over, in the In- between dimension and let go of their loved ones and earth. They will have to become enlightened as an angel, other wise you can’t enter Heaven. Believe me, this is the best place to be. These people, most of you, will experience that our fears, worries, and other negative emotions which are based on negative thoughts and indirect actions in life will repeat again in new dreams. Again to give you a choice. To choose a positive thought or a negative thought. When you choose a negative thought. The dream will repeat itself, perhaps slightly in a different way. You will see all the wrong doings and consequences in your life. Until you choose the positive thoughts and reach enlightenment. That means that you choose pure positive thoughts that equals your higher Self. When you do, you cause your Soul to become ONE< that means that your awareness and Higher Self vibrates on the same energetic high frequency. The Higher Self is than able to merge with your awareness and now you will go into Heaven, the immaterial pure positive dimension that vibrates on a high frequency. Than you are able to remember all previous lives including the total life of your Soul. Enlightenment is the key to enter Heaven. Children are helped by spirit guides to go through this process. No one is alone. All humans have at least two spiritual guides. Only most of you don’t know this, because you are all busy to enjoy yourself, to get what you want. Instead of evolving as a human being into enlightenment. Spiritual development means therefor the development of negative thoughts into positive thoughts in your perspective. That is how you can evolve in life. Than you have people who embrace the occult, satanism and made very egoistic decisions in life, by killing, deceiving, destroying, etc. These people have a very large ego perspective, and they will need many centuries to restore their Soul as One. They will often choose again and again negative thoughts. They will experience a kind of Hell, because they created this experience, by their expectation. Everything that you desire, wish to experience, consciously AND subconsciously will immediately manifest in the in-between dimension. So thoughts have consequences. In this last group of passed over Souls you have also Souls of a human life or other lives from other planets, that chooses to stay negative, egoistic and destructive. They desire to keep their influence in life on certain people, who connects with them through blood rituals, sacrificing and others. We call these the Fallen angels. The angels who desire not to return to Heaven. They don’t want to do the effort to become enlightened. They are the creators of negativity in life, which are performed by humans in our society to make our civilization more and more negative, evil and bad. These are the people who desire power, possessions and oppression, by force and negative actions. They want to pull other Souls into the same fallen angel situations, as they are or will be. In the end every one will come back to Heaven. That is our natural state of being of everyone. That is why it is said: God forgives everyone. When you choose to go to Heaven, do the effort of becoming enlightened and embrace pure positive thoughts, you will return to Heaven. This is all the real judgment of our lives. No one will escape their thoughts and actions on earth. Like Jesus said; the first in life (people with a large ego perspective) will be the last in Heaven. Which is true and confirms these statements again and again. God forgives everyone, but do you forgive yourself? Than you have what is called repentance, repentance means to become enlightened. To do the effort to develop your thoughts into pure positive thoughts. That is repentance. Something so easy, so misunderstood by many. False prophets? There are many. It is your decision to find out, who is right and who is wrong. How more enlightened you will be, how more awakened you will become, how more you will see the truths in life. Religious scriptures, books, movies and even main stream media all are rewritten for power and control. Many untruths are told and spread, to keep you trapped into a repetitive cycle, without transforming your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Why is this no where mentioned? Because the people with power don’t want to share knowledge and wisdom. Negative people are easy to enslave and positive happy souls are not. Last point. A hell does not exist as the opposite of Heaven. This is very logical. A human being, a Soul and even a fallen angel as Soul all are constructed from a harmonious energetic intelligence and being. This can only happen in a harmonious and balanced positive dimension. It is only the thoughts with free will, that makes the difference, the thoughts we choose to embrace. Positive or negative thoughts. Still the body and construction of the Souls or a human vessel is all angelic perfection. The same is with humans, we are part of our own angel being projected as consciousness in a human vessel. All humans are equal, only the thoughts they choose with free will are different. Do you see what I mean? We choose positive thoughts or negative thoughts. This decision, decides who we will become in our awareness, a good or a bad person or somewhere in between. Still humans are part of the developed intelligence angelic pure positive dimension, other wise we cannot even exist. Therefore hell does not exist. The opposite of Heaven is real CHAOS and no intelligence or being can exist here. Some of us will experience a hell as they have embraced evil thoughts in life, they will manifest this, in the in between dimension like a dream. You will reap, what you sow. Most people forgot that at every situation in life you have a choice, to formulate positive or negative thoughts. A human life was created for our Souls. This means that a human life is in fact the school for the Soul. To experience a material life with fun and enjoyment, to learn from the experiences, to create new experiences and to evolve in the end. We lost our guidance and control of our thoughts. When you don’t master your thoughts, you don’t master your feelings. Most of us want to embrace, hide, avoid and even justify negativity in life, instead of transforming negativity into positivity. This is the biggest problem in life, what has created our unbalanced world. Read my words and study them, which I have described in my answers and you see that everything interlinks and is connected on this way. Still it is your choice if you want to do something with it or not. Share it, communicate about it and inform each other, to help each other. Choose well.
  6. @Thought Art And who said its a problem, we can agree to disagree. And thats fine and thats perfect. I sometimes go to Ayahuasca ceremonies and we have a person named Mike who organizes events, and I would say he is truly awakened person and when you ask him about politics, he would say that he just does not know enough ot make a claim one way or another, but when it comes to healthy life style, the medicine and etc, he would give his answer as he did tremendous amount of research and most importantly he lives that life style. But back to our topic, look if you dont use foul language, you dont tell others to get f*** off or calling names and present your point of view, i really think its perfect to continue. I am sure we dont want to totally brush off other opinion, then we are like censoring and not much different than the media in dictatorship country. Being awakened is also to understand the other side, and if you have people with other views, there is a reason why they have it. I see here on this forum, one side trashes Trump and honestly with a lot of silly reasons. And by the way, you have half of the USA, its not a small number that supports him, so there is a reason why a half of such large country does it. This means they have their own fears, life styles and biases and they are justifiable. And by the way, so many politicians and looking at the world not US, scream form the top of their lungs to keep hte coutries united, by the way the divisions now is happening pretty much in msot of the world, some its just very suppressed, but what they all fail to see, is that everyone only pushes their narrative, but a truly awakened person, would respect others point of view. You don't need to agree and its perfectly to disagree, but you need to respect as if the other person has a strong opinion, it must have bases where t comes form, no one creates ideology out of thin air. The ideologies occur when society turns wrong and instead of silencing, which by the way, most politicians do form liberal to conservatives (and dont BS me otherwise, all of them are full of) you only create the rift bigger. Again this is not my forum, I am only here as a guest, Leo is the one who created it, he pays the money to run it and etc and the moderators are the ones monitoring and etc. And if they want to silence other opinions, its fine, they have all rights of doing that, but then dont voice that you are all righteous and awakened.
  7. Don't Talk about Enlightenment, there are no Enlightened Beings posting here, so how do You talk or discuss something that You have no experienced... There are allot of Awakened People, yes for sure that is why we are all here, something has woken up within Us and we are curious to share and learn, this is all good, but when You talk about things that are not in your experience and above Your level of Awareness it leads You to develop Belief Systems within, identifying with Ideologies and this is not the way imo.. The way has already been firmly established long before any of Us were born, find one that works for You and Your unique Karma and such, follow it and a quality Guru and Your on Your Way.. First get Happy naturally, then talk about other levels of Awareness and Enlightenment, if the Happiness part is not settled then your not even at 0 so no point in discuss level 10 when Your below 0
  8. I feel this, you aren't alone. I just remind myself I don't know shit. I am not enlightened or awakened. I want to also humble myself if that's okay. I find myself being a Zen devil and it's worrisome. Spiritual understanding can be a massive trap. For example, I would often look externally at the world and judge specific people in my life for their unawareness or "level of consciousness". I would judge them for their unwillingness to entertain/understand spiritual or philosophical topics, or work on themselves in this way. I judged certain behaviors. I judged specific things they'd do which they didn't realize were harmful, towards themselves and others. I judged them for being so judgemental, lol.. So much labeling as "low consciousness behavior" from people that I felt weren't "doing the work" in their lives. Internally I said to myself "I'm doing more work than others to understand the nature of reality" yadadada. Ha. What a bunch of crap. I mean really. What a sick, disgusting, gross narrative I was feeding myself. I felt more disconnected from other people than ever, very isolated. That is my spiritual ego and devilry. I was creating a bunch of divisions and separations of myself and others in my mind- while simultaneously knowing and understanding we are all one, and reality is non-dual through direct experience. But do you really understand this if you can't embody it? If you aren't aware this can be a huge problem. I still fall for this trap but It's most important to turn inward- now when I catch myself judging someone, I notice it, forgive myself for the judgement, then turn that observation inwards, to acknowledge exactly how I am also guilty of behaving in that same way. I tell myself how could I possible judge them for this, when I do that same thing. It does take a level of mindfulness and awareness to catch yourself judging others, then redirect that on yourself. If you're judging others for something you feel you wouldn't do (often the case), you are lacking understanding. Acknowledge the multitude of factors at play in a person decision making without judgement (the level of awareness every individual has, the inherent self bias and survival mechanisms at play, the history and upbringing of this person and how that has affected their sense of self and worldview, etc). All of this has affected the individuals behavior and decision making. Most people have no idea the path they are on, and you aren't perfect either. I still struggle with this. But my life has gotten a lot better with bringing awareness to the nature of these thoughts, catching myself and shifting inward. I just don't have these thoughts as often. Good vs. evil are not real on an existential level. But the purpose of the understanding is to train yourself to not fall for the trap of running around trying to fight evils of the world, thinking you are the good guy. There is a paradoxical trap there. Trying to do good in the world can sometimes contribute to divisions. The lesson is not that going out and doing evil shit is okay, or just over indulgence in whatever habit is okay... it may not be evil in an eternal, existential sense, and it may not matter in an ultimate sense, but it is deeply out of alignment with you and your true nature. The worst part about traps is that sometimes you are aware of them, but still fall for them. It's a pitfall of taking lessons from Leo (or other teachers) without coming to the conclusions naturally on your own. Sometimes you think you fully understand the lesson when you really don't. Laziness is also a factor here. It's up to the listener to be introspective on whatever topic in their own time. Some of these are pretty deep understandings. You may know reality is non-dual. You may know whatever spiritual truth. But if you only know it because someone told it to you, it doesn't matter. No spiritual understanding matters unless you try to embody it every day and know it to your core. And some things might be way more important than understanding the deepest spiritual truths- more basic practices. Just practical, basic self-help stuff is what is often needed most (exercise, eating healthy, dealing with emotions, self-confidence, self-forgiveness, mindfulness practice, developing a healthy yoga and meditation practice, and many many more) The more I meditate, the better I am at being aware and fixing these tendencies, and not falling for traps. But I am often astonished by the nature of ego and its tricks. I wonder if I have some ego problem, or if this is just how most people are. Basic healthy practices, practicing love, and being selfless is going to be more beneficial for me than incredibly deep understandings. This was a big realization for me. Sometimes we forget about the basic stuff as we spend a lot of time trying to put into words, conceptualize, and understand the ineffable. Forgive yourself brother, we know you have good intentions.
  9. in this post I am directing focus towards the so called "awakened" materialists, i.e people like daniel ingram, michael taft, artem boytsov, to a certain extend frank yang), with reference to my own subjective experience of awakening im not even nearing enlightenment, but after around 5 years of spiritual practice (2 years of intense practice), it is absolutley clear to me that materialism cannot hold. There are two aspects to this; subjective perception of reality, i.e state of consciousness. From my current level of perception, it is absolutley clear to me that reality is not material, and again, im not "enligthened" at all. The second aspect is the increasing undeniable response from the external world. This in my opinion is the nail in the coffin for the materialist, and the reason i dont understand how you can awaken and maintain materialism, because in my experience, it is undeinable that the "external" world communicates increasingly more intensively as consciousness levels increase, to the point where there is an undeniable interaction between mind and reality. some people call this syncronicities or law of attraction. i generally dont like these terms, as they pose a new age woo woo kind of style, which is not at ALL the intention i want to express, Since we do not fully know the full capacities of the brain, it follows that we are unable to definitively rule out spiritual experiences as a byproduct of brain activity, no matter how intense ones experiences might be. The key to debunking materialism in my opinion, lies in the interplay between mind and the external world, because in proving the oneness of the two (mind and world), materialism is evaporated. As mentioned briefly, during my spiritual journey, what has convinced me thoroughly is not only the obviousness of the truth of the higher states of consciousness, but more so the confirmation that the external world feeds back to you. again, the link between mind and reality is absolutley cruical. during my awakening period, i've experienced several supernatural phenomena such as telepathy, through the web of Oneness (hereby confirming its existence as an external phenomena and NOT merely hallucinated by the brain). This literally happened on my second psychedelic trip ever, and ive experienced it several times since, so how people can go through "Full awakening" and not have experiences like this i dont quite understand. But who knows, maybe its super rare. I've also experienced so called "syncronicities", to the point i'd also label them supernatural (stuff like thinking of a person i havent talked to for six months, and having them text me within the same instant. stuff like this happened MANY MANY times, and intensively increasingly during periods of increased consciousness). Putting the pieces together, i've been getting increasing "syncronicities", to the point where I notice they've been showing up all my life, ever since my birth. The obviousness of the design of life, and the message that life is constantly conveying is becoming undeniable. Stuff showing up in my life today, which is making stuff in my childhood make COMPLETE sense, in an extremely symbolic way, not necessearily in a logical sense, and not stuff like why i became the person that i am. but more so an understanding of an extremely symbolic and poetic, "hidden" communion between myself and the universe, which seemingly has been going on since the start of my life. I would truly love to elaborate on this, but this is the most precise i can get, since this stuff is extremely intricate. i guess you just have to take my word for it haha, there is an undeniable constant communion between oneself and the universe. I want to press that i am not easily convinced at all, and i was a hardcore atheist until 5 years ago where i had my first psychedelic experience. ive always been a proponent of believing in direct experience, and thus a God or higher power seemed illusory and fairy taley until i had my psychedelic experiences. Now, syncronicities and "responses" from the external world does not NECESSARILY mean that idealism is the case, since absolute knowledge cannot be genereated in a relative sense, but it is an extremely strong indication in my opinion, since it is proof of an interaction between mind and the reality that is generated.
  10. Think of reality as a very large number of energies you need to process. There is no duality in energy, its just energy. If you process all the energies below the causal you will be awakened. Processing naturally happens through experience, or consciously happens through meditation.
  11. According to Alice Bailey and my knowledge of time lines, Christianity is dying out currently. Stay with me here, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Its antiquated, and Jesus teaching are too simple and the way they are presented are too dogmatic for the majority of humanity at this time of evolution. However as Alice Bailey explains there will be a resurgence, about 70 years from now, dont ask me how I know. The resurgence will put the religion in line with ancient teachings, but also it will be a doorway for teaching humanity about that which lies below the physical energies. Below the physical energies is the construction of consciousness and body consciousness. Its closely related to some tantra and mudras etc. Eventually there will be servers who use the catholic church in particular as a vehicle in order to teach humanity realities below the physical energies. Those servers will essentially outshine Jesus, who was just awakened before he got put on the cross where he became enlightened. By physical energies, I mean the manifestation of 'miracles' which is not really miracles, its just spiritual science that anyone can develop if they are pure enough and strong enough one-pointedness. But that is the future of Christianity, basically needs an evolution overhaul. And it will, just before it dies =)
  12. I think there is a time and place to have this sort of Realization, what You say above is for sure I think an Ego destroyer, but if we plan on staying here on Earth to do Earthly work while our Inner World is fully Awakened or Enlightened, then we need not have to destroy the Ego, just stop identifying with it. But its true, in the fundamental essence of Reality and Life, we are just speks of dust, we are here in the blink of an eye, less than that compared to the age of the Universe, so no matter what we do, it is very short lived and its true soon after Your physical death most will forget You lol, but our Ego luv's the Legacy thing and it strives for it today, the only thing to do about it is to Enjoy it to the Fullest I think... Its a very weird situation we are in as Human Beings, lots of complex but simple things going on, opportunities galore are here for us to reach unseen Potentials, lots of pitfalls too. I agree God/Absolute is all about Intelligence of a sort that we know little of, unless Your Awareness is super high, everything is really a Miracle of sorts, but we take it for granted mostly, so strange this place called Earth and everything in it!
  13. "When I criticize a sistem, they think I criticize them - & that is of course because they fully accept the system and identify themselfs with it" Thomas Merton When you tell people that eh entire political system is rigged and voting is just another act of consent to give your power away, the cognitive dissonance is too strong and you you´re intantly written off. The system itself have a immune response that works througth people. Eevn those who are "awakened" or "truthers" Free thinking is seen as a virus within the system. It will be attacked instantly because the survival of the system depends on our participation. In our society, the immune response attack is typicaly directed towards ones character. is not that people dont see it. is that they have to reamain in denial about it otherwise the entire facade falls away. The implications of facing the truth of this world will be too grand for many to handle. Imagine being so limited in your understanding of Self and how this game works, that you really belive voting for a puppet in a rigged system will change the said rigged system. "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way " Franklin D Roosevelt
  14. You, the conceptual self, the human identity would cease existing, you as infinity and as God would continue eternally. If you woke up fully, the dream would end by definition, but that doesn't mean you would end, you would still be what you already are- God, just not dreaming anymore. Pure infinite love. So in that sense you could misunderstand me. Start identifying as infinity because you are eternal. But the "you" typing here on the computer here would stop. You, your body, the computer are all being imagined by you- which is not external from you, but is you. The great I Am. God is infinite. If you are aware you are imagining this realm, the dream still exists as you are still encompassed in the dream. That is what most people mean when they say they are awakened to the Truth- they are aware they are dreaming. If God were to fully wake up, he may decide to go back to sleep and imagine your life again. Or imagine himself somehow else. Upon physical death I believe everyone gets to experience a difficult barrier followed by bountiful love. Nobody ever truly dies, because you never truly existed. You are infinite and divine. But to be fully awake would mean the dream of who you are here stops. I am only trying to parse what I have experienced through ego death with psychedelics. I don't know anything. You can wake up fully while on psychedelics- physical reality will completely stop existing and the ego along with all false boundaries disappear as you stop imagining "reality". Eventually you decide to go back asleep because you like the dream and enjoy dreaming.
  15. Do you mind elaborating? If we are living in a reality being imagined by consciousness or God, to truly awaken from the dream for good means something different than carrying a level of high awareness "awakened state" with you in your daily life on Earth (becoming construct aware of things like ego, awareness of self-bias, false dualities, end of beliefs, aware that you are in a dream, etc.) If God truly woke up in this sense, the dream would stop. It feels like there is a distinction to make between being "fully" awake and lucid dreaming (awakened state). Thinking you are fully awake seems highly self-deceptive to me. I am open to hearing other interpretations... @Leo Gura
  16. Yes, looks like many here has expanded/ dissolved their ego and awakened to infinity and bliss closing their senses, but is it possible to maintain that same state in our day to day life, while doing everyday activities? What about when you interact with others or where you have to make choices? Can you maintain that blissful state while doing so?
  17. Awakened person cannot spot his own self #jokes #I'llseemyselfout
  18. too busy sitting in the same place everyday on my computer expanding my awareness. This is a very rare short time where we have internet use it. Expand knowledge non stop. If you are awakened it does not matter we are gathering information for God.
  19. Maybe Very interesting indeed..Don't even know if the perspective "awakened people spotting each other" fits, or fits for all interactions that are somehow special. For me, I don't know who or what exactly is communicating with me. I had so many completely random encounters - I mean really super random stuff - that appear too random to me to be simply random. Recently, I watched Leo's episode where he talks about God as a "shapeshifter". Don't want to go too deep in rationalizations and explanations, but sometimes it feels as if someone is just greeting me, sometimes helping me, sometimes making jokes, sometimes challenging me. Maybe my mind is making this up to entertain itself, but for me some interactions with people are just different then others. Example for super random stuff so that you get an idea what I am talking about:I sit in a club on a couch, simply listening to the music and watching people dance. A guy comes to me, never seen him before. No connections to him at all. Calmly, relaxed he sits next to me and says: "You and me, we both already fought battles together in the medieval times". He said it as if we knew each other. He said it without me detecting any trace of irony, or joke, or sarcasm. He simply said it as if it was a fact. The way he said it I don't even felt like asking questions or responding. I just said there for a some time and processed what he just told me. I think after a while I talked to him a bit, but I was not sober so I don't remember exactly what I said or how he responded. But I DO remember very clearly that first interaction. In case you have doubts, there were friends with me that saw me with him I am not making this up it really happened
  20. Awakened people probably can sense each other, but I don't think it'd apply to your average level of awakening. For example, Adyashanti was asked this exact question in an interview, and his answer indicated that he could perhaps interpret a person's awakening based on a conversation, but not via mystical means. I mentioned this before in another thread, but I don't think it got a lot of attention. Awakening alone doesn't seem to be a free ticket towards developing your full range of capabilities as a human. It could almost be considered a separate branch of development, though the two obviously share a connection in terms of relating to the spiritual domain. Ishanga hinted at it above. There is an entire energetic system that can be consciously controlled to perform what would seem to be miracles to the uninitiated. But rather than being some mysterious mythical fairy dust, it's an expression of the metaphysical laws of nature relating to human physiology, which would no doubt be scientifically verifiable and understood to an appropriately advanced civilization. I also think you're on the right track in terms of enhanced communication of an energetic type occurring through the eyes. That seems to be part of how it's done. So if you're atypical in your unconscious development of this kind of thing, and so is this other fella, then what you're asking is not impossible. Though I couldn't say for sure whether it's actually true in this case.
  21. Here you can find my summary of Pointing out the Great Way/Mahamudra, based on how it developed for me, written in my own words based on my experiences/milestones: Which funnily developed pretty much like the book describes. So it was fascinating for me that the experiences developed very much in line how they were described for centuries in the Tibetan Mahamudra-tradition, delivered by a book of several hundred pages of descriptions. Talking about a sophisticated complex meditation system.... One of the main milestones, after which it continued developing, was the blue marked part below. That happened after around 10 years of meditation (which was not as efficient as possible (quite inefficient actually, that is why it took so long), since I didn't get a lot of stuff right straight away, and had no direct teacher). That milestone is where the awakened and nondual states starts to develop after some time. Afterwards I was hooked, and used all the other tools (like the always here timeless nature of the mind, its infinite and boundless and nondual nature, and finally its impersonal nature in stage 4) for developing Nonduality in Yoga of One Taste (stage 3 Mahamudra), and developing these nondual awakened states towards the pure impersonal and totally unseparated nature, conforming to the Reality of the enlightened Mindstream (stage 4, Yoga of Nonmeditation). Then Enlightenment can happen, but can't be forced. Enlightenment is an accident. Yoga of Nonmeditation makes very (!) accident-prone. On the path are I would say between 5-10 major cul-de-sacs or mistakes one can make, which can either be overcome with applying the right technique of Mahamudra/Dzogchen (or non-concentrative meditation), or with hardcore concentrative meditation (which works without all this sophisticated technique, but is as hard to pull off (discipline, hours on the pillow needed) as we probably all know. That is why we see more "Natural/ or enlightened-by-accident ones" and hardcore concentration meditation enlightened ones (Ingram, Yang, Burbea and the Theravada & Zen crew), but very few Mahamudra/Dzogchen enlightened ones, since that sophisticated system has not been planted fully in the West. I see its potential, and consider that (combined with psychedelics) as the future, since few people can actually pull of the natural style (by definition), or the hardcore concentrative meditation style. So lets see... And if that is not enough, here is some more of the Sales-by-the-River: out the Great Way &author=Water by the River Bon Voyage, good luck, and if you have further questions let me know.
  22. Because the state of cessation (or the dissolution experience) tends to reduce grasping/attachment because it partly frees from the "grabbing/grasping" character of the egoic mindstream after having had that state/cessation for a number of times. In short, it makes life easier and suffering/grasping less. But it doesn't provide full liberation/the potential for Full Enlightenment. The ideal of early Buddhism was the escape to these states of cessation, the more permanent the better. Permanent Niroda = permanent dissolution = Nirvana = No more rebirth. With Mahayana, the Buddhist Traditions broke through to true Nondual Enlightenment. Leos God-Realization, see the God-Realized approved Supreme Source for example, link above. Sounds a bit different than cessation/dissolve/die and get off the wheel of Samsara/Niroda/bye bye forever? Oh yes... Why? Because Absolute Truth is always right here. Never can not be here. Why shut it all down when IT is always right here? When the suffering/grasping clouds of the separate-self/ego are structurally dissolved (Full Enlightenment), and not just temporarily switched off via cessation, Infinite Nondual Impersonal Being replaces the separation/grasping/suffering of the ego in daily life. And the Sat-Chit-Ananda aspect of it (Bliss/Love/Compassion/Nondual Awakened Awareness) is off the charts. Trust the Salesman by the River. Caveat Emptor is good, but sometimes there is enough good Karma to just buy the right "stuff". by the River So no need for dissolution afterwards... Mahayana philosophy is a totally "different beast" than early Buddhism/Hinayana. For example: sometime around the third,cosmic vision of the universe. In Mahayana, Enlightenment is not the end/extinction/cessation/dissolution, but the beginning of the caterpillar having turned butterfly, expressing its enlightened intention not only in this life/bardo, but also in future ones. The whole Reality then goes like "Oh nice, one more for the team"... A whole chain of being of enlightened beings (human, alien, ET, Buddha-Field Creator/Sustainer/and so on) fits into the manifested Infinity of Infinities of Infinite Being. See the WbtR 2x2 matrix of enlightened & or merely awakened Aliens & Humans. Its a totally different and much more positive worldview than Early Buddhism, which was more like "die, cease and get off the wheel". Would be a lot of effort on creating humans via an evolution of billion of years and then getting rid of the gig asap., don't you think? Chris Bache in "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven" called the visions he had been shown of the future evolution of humanity a growth towards what he called the Diamond Soul, a magnificent destiny for the species. And since even that isn't the end, its Infinity up the Chain of Being... well, mucho adventure ahead. So it seems that at some point, Leo gets to become his n+1 AWAKE Alien permanently. Hopefully, he doesn't take to many detours on the way there. Being reborn automatically as n+1 "Infinitely consciousness" awakened Alien is not guaranteed, but earned and developed towards. Soul, Karma and such. Not that the suicides influenced by certain inadvertantly & flippantly irresponsible teachings/statements say "hello" in a less than amused way after he has left his current bodily-vehicle. So in summary, early Buddhism doctrine just didn't reach Full Enlightenment. At least in its doctrine/philosophy. It reached causal states, but not truly impersonal nondual/fully enlightened ones. There have been Nondual Realizers for sure between "the Buddha" (aka time the doctrine was formed)" and the Nondual Breakthrough towards Infinite Reality/ Infinite Being that happened first with Nagarjuna and his Middle Way/Madhyamaka doctrine/philosophy, but the doctrinal break occured with Nagarjuna towards Middle Way, and later Yogachara/(Infinite) Consciousness only. Selling non-extinction of the River by the River for the River by The River
  23. We Don't need anymore teachers and ppl that explain things, there's too much of that already, it creates mass confusion as when ppl doing become curious about Spirituality and want information there's too much conflicting info out there, everyone is trying to be unique and promote but it creates chaos.. We need less teachers, as the info is already out there, the methods needed to awaken are already available to the mass variety of ppl and personalities that are on the planet, for every unique human being there already is a way to Wake Up, and these methods/teachings have been around for millennia.. What we do need more of is what I said before, be the Awakened One, Live it Live today in real time, people will notice it and may become curious about those sorts of ppl, how they respond to life, how they are within themselves, how they empower all life around them rather than sucking the life out of life around them, that is what we need more of in this world, not more Teachers...
  24. Well, if you're looking for something revealing that would give that out, then you're discerning people based on how you feel they fit into social groups. You're creating an image of how certain people look and behave based on what they do, who they are or what they study. An awakened person could or could not have those characteristics that you're looking for. There's nothing discerning about someone who's waking up or not. You're looking, which means the process above. It's how the ego mind works.
  25. I used to work as a cashier and one time this guy came and me and him looked each other deep in the eyes and I saw “it”. And I think he saw “it” too. A week or so later he was outside sitting on a bench and saw me and waved at me and I also sensed “it” this time too and I bet he sensed “it” too. The encounters were not flirtatious it was something I’ve never experienced before and I saw hundreds of people working there but this one stood out for me