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  1. This is a recontextualization. It is another room worthy of exploration, yet not the room I am pointing to. To enter this room, you would need to set down this interpretive filter. Of course this is true within this context. Yet if you limit yourself to this context, you will not be able to see, appreciate and utilize other contexts. Notice how you are creating reality right now. You have created a thing that is not OK with being human. In this story, the thing not OK with being human probably had religious brainwashing. This thing wants to transcend the laws of the universe and become a superhuman God. Yet this is just what the thing wants, the thing is fine the way it is. . . This is a very creative character you have created. This could make a good character in a book or a movie. Yet relative to my personal story and experience, it’s way off. Notice how the mind creates a story that is consistent with the view it is attached to. Notice how you are imagining this, yet perceive it as real. You are literally making it up. I never said everything was an illusion. Again, you imagined that. You created that. What I said was we can create constructs of imaginary and real. We can create distinctions and inter-connections. We can explore the imaginary in real and the realness in imagination. As well, we can deconstruct all the way down to imagination = real. For you to have this debate within your mind, you must create an opposite side to debate. Notice the mind creating opposition. You literally created a character that has the opposite view of yours that you are debating. I am not that character. As well, if a mind is contracted within realness it is helpful to point it to see illusion in realness. If a mind is contracted within illusion, it is helpful to point it to see the realness in illusion. Yet they are two sides of the same coin. Ultimately, illusion is real and real is illusion. We create distinctions. I gave an impersonal description of mind structure. You’ve added in the personal part. At a personal level, mechanisms of narrative control have various energetics which include defensiveness, blaming, avoidance, righteousness and others. You have created an idea you call “true enlightenment” and have defined this idea. This then becomes a filter of perception. for example, if we define enlightenment as “the desire to know is extinguished”, then anyone we perceive as having a desire to know will appear unenlightened and delusional. Within this context, this is true and has value. There is a contracted dynamic of seeking knowledge as “it”. However, this is only one dynamic and if this is the mind’s only filter, it will mis-interpret other dynamics through this filter. It would be like having a red filter. Red is perceived as red, which is fine. Yet blue, yellow, green will also be perceived through the red filter and mis-interpreted as red. The key is that this filter you have is not “wrong”. You don’t need to prove it right or wrong. It is right in certain contexts. The problem is that this is the only filter your are processing through and you are missing a lot. To see this, you would need to set down this filter of perception, get curious and explore. Yet you seem too attached to this filter to do so at this time. If you continue to grow and expand, you will one day look back and see how you are currently contracted.
  2. Maha Vishnu As per the Srimad Bhagvatam Mahavishnu is a principal deity in Hinduism, known as the Absolute protector of the universe beyond human comprehension and all attributes. In Gaudiya Vaishnavism, a school of Vaisnavism, the Satvata-tantra describes three different forms, or aspects, of Mahavishnu(Karanarnavasayi Vishnu,, Garbhodaksayi Vishnu and Ksirodakasayi Vishnu. The term Mahavishnu refers to that Absolute truth Brahm(a) or Brahman (impersonal invisible aspect) then as Paramatma (Aspect beyond the understanding of human soul) and finally as Sarvatma(incarnating for bringing perfection). So bhakti (loving devotion) goes to Sarvatman(Krishna or Rama avatars or incarnations of Vishnu, Narayana bringing both peace and perfection of the living beings). In this way, bhakti surpasses even yoga, which is aimed at the Supersoul, Paramatman. Mahavishnu is the Supersoul of all living beings (jivaatmas) in all material universes. Karanodaksayi Vishnu is understood to be Sankarsana(form) of the Catur-vyuha of Narayana. It is also often used interchangeably with Vishnu to indicate reverence, as the prefix "Maha" in vishnu indicates the greatness and the vastness of Narayan. So all the Gods including Purusha form like Shiva, Brahma are considered as the Part of Maha Vishnu Expansion. Mahavishnu is said to lie in the Causal Ocean or the Karanodak. He puts the seed of this material universe in Mahamaya by glancing at her. Mahamaya remains the ever obedient material energy of the Supreme Lord. All the natural elements including sky, fire, water, air and land are created along with mind, intelligence and false ego. After this, Mahavishnu enters each of the many universes so created (seeds emerging from the pores of His skin) as Garbhodaksayi Vishnu, who lays down in each and every of these individual material universes (Brahmandas). It can be interpreted that Garbodakshayi Vishnu is the collective soul of all souls in a particular material universe and that Mahavishnu is the collective soul of all souls in all of the material universes. From Garbhodaksayi Vishnu then emerges Brahma who is the secondary creator (due to his need to meditate to create planets in the material universe) of the planetary systems within particularly this material universe (Brahmanda).
  3. Hello everyone, open for discussion and questions The ego isn't bad, it is not something to be "pushed aside" because that is just a waste of time. It is not our job to interact with the ego at all. This is not life. Life is independent from ego. Ego is an extremely small box life puts itself in, unconsciously. Ego is when you identify with some thought, emotion or sensation about yourself, and believe yourself to be that appearing thought, emotion or sensation. The ego is not always there. In sleep there is no ego, but there is awareness/consciousness (while dreaming, while in deep sleep), ego is not there when you wake up first thing in the morning, it takes checking the phone or some interaction usually to boot it, or if you are very identified in daily life then it will appear first thing in the morning, but in deep sleep there was no ego. That is why we all love sleep, because there is no ego there, total rest. Ego is personality, whatever you believe yourself to be as a personality is ego. You believe you are great, that is ego. You believe you are worthless, that is ego. Ego is just the psychological-mind that needs to be set free for the soul to flourish and be what it was truly meant to be here on earth, free, pure, joyful, loving, compassionate and peaceful, being wonderful and divine. The ego must be transcended for the soul to shine and for the soul to radiate the infiniteness of one's-self, if the ego is not transcended, you are in an extremely limited box, unaware of life completely, stuck in your own mind and helping the suffering to manifest and appear. Unconsciously that is what most souls do, simply because they are conditioned to do so. The ego does not actually exist, it is merely a thought believed in. There is absolutely nothing there, no substance, no meaning, nothing. It literally exists only as a thought, and that isn't really existence. It is not living, it is not alive, what makes any thought appear to be alive and "real" is only when you (consciousness, the true aliveness) identify yourself with a thought, and therefore that thought borrows your energy (consciousness's energy) and appears to be real and powerful, but that is only because yourself has given the thought/emotion/sensation the power. Without you supplying power to ego/thoughts/emotions/sensations they naturally dissolve into the infinite silence and emptiness of being. The habit currently is to be identified with ego, thoughts, emotions and sensations. The "goal" is to reclaim our true nature, our buddha-nature by simply being aware of the awareness that is ever-present. By being aware of the awareness, it means we are perceiving from our true place, and we are perceiving that which is true (awareness). When you stay in the place of perceiving the perceiving itself, you are calm, serene, peaceful, joyful, compassionate, loving, beyond fear, doubt, anxiety, you are in a timeless space, you are home, you are one with the universe. The "goal" is to stabilize yourself in the knowing that you are that. To not feed anything with your attention other than awareness itself. That is living meditation, enlightenment, by being that which you truly are, you are radiating infinite impersonal love, presence, joy, peace, compassion, freedom. Naturally in this state the whole universe conspires for you and life becomes blissful externally just as much as it is blissful internally. First you realize yourself internally, and then naturally the realization follows and appears in the external. You did not change, you simply have discovered your true nature, and rest in that, instead of chasing useless thoughts, emotions and sensations. By being what you truly are, unconditioned and pure, you are an infinite blessing to the whole universe, to yourself, to your family, to the birds, to the fishes, to the trees, to anything that is, you are a blessing. Every single thing will appear to flourish in your presence, naturally, effortlessly, simply because you have reclaimed your own true buddha-nature. Thank you.
  4. You simply interpret neutral impersonal loving energy as "sexual arousal". No, simply intense energy of the presence appears, and you feel that, and it may cause the mind to interpret it as "sexual arousal" based on your conditioning. None of that is happening. It is merely energy appearing in a certain form. You are that which is perceiving the energy, you are that presence for whom this "sexual arousal" thought is appearing. Even that presence itself is perceivable. Be aware of being aware.
  5. I think a found a potential solution to the dilemma of free will. From the perspective of the body-mind and/or separate self, free will is an illusion. This is the relative or personal view. However, from the perspective of the One Absolute Consciousness (this is what we truly are at our most fundamental core), which is primarily impersonal to the body-mind, we have total freedom or free will. It’s just that this freedom does not belong to any individual, separate ego. In other words, Consciousness is and has always been in control. Feel free to tell me what you think of this.
  6. Nisargadatta Maharaj It is a very complicated riddle. You have to discard whatever you know, whatever you have read, and have a firm conviction about That about which nobody knows anything. You can't get any information about That, and about That you must have firm conviction. How difficult it is. Nisargadatta Maharaj Needing nothing, I am unafraid. Whom to be afraid of? There is no separation, we are not separate selves. There is only one Self, the Supreme Reality, in which the personal and the impersonal are one. Nisargadatta Maharaj It is in the nature of desire to prompt the mind to create a world for its fulfilment. Even a small desire can start a long line of action; what about a strong desire? Desire can produce a universe; its powers are miraculous.
  7. @samedm9 Wow, sounds fantastic! I am glad this happened to you and your brother and that you are solidly aware of this phenomenon now. They can be great spiritual guides too, as they are able to do things beyond our comprehension. Personally i think you have been contacted and guided telepathically by one of the advanced and benevolent E:T. species. It could be the SSP ( secret space program) people, but i doubt if they can produce any spiritual phenomenon to other beings . I think the impersonal divine self authorized and allowed it to happen to you. One reason is the awakening happening, as there are plenty cosmic energies hitting the planet. As with that, disclosure of our cosmic neighborhood will happen and humanity needs to be prepared for it. So they are showing up for those who are ready in order to prepare the collective consciousnesses. As we are all interconnected, your and your brother experience is added to the whole, and when enough contacts have happened and the threshold is overrun, then they will appear to us all. You or/and your brother could have a pre-birth agreement with them but are not aware of it, cause it would take years to remember. See if anything more happens in the future, anything unusual, as i do not think this would be the first and last time. It is just my opinion but still, be more vigilant in case. Edit: sorry man, got overcreative, just skip rambling written above. In the saying "something moving at a constant rate, that was the same size as the apparent size of stars in the night sky. (I now see this phenomena often). " Was it lit like a star and moved as slowly like a plane? It can be a plane, satellite or a "ufo cruising around". The only way i know it is from a E.T. is that it ignites itself and or blinks with its light in the sky and manifest white astral looking stripes around my body. These stripes mean by the mediums as "the angels are with you" and probably they are in a sense angels too. Did you see any ignition or blink? Have you seen more of it? Logan Paul did have a experience that look precisely what i am trying to explain and have seen. Although i am not saying it is a E.T. but he had talked with Steven Greer on the CE5 topic before, so it could be . (put down the volume, it is loud) And Did the craft look anything like this? (photo from a website of a pleiadian contactee)
  8. Wednesday April 29th, 22:10 So today I've received my long-awaited package that I ordered about a month ago or so. This was in fact such an inflatable sex doll. At first, the prospect was that it would be delivered between April 9th and April 16th. When it then still wasn't in on April 17th, it said it now was expected between April 17th and April 20th. But even on April 21nd, there was still nothing there. I had contacted the sender 4-5 days ago to ask if he perhaps knew what was going on with the package. I was aware that there were severe delays due to the fact that the pandemic was delaying everything, but I had no indications that anything was still going to come at all. The sender told me yesterday that the package was on its way and showed me proof of the tracking details that he had. Now I got it today. It turned out to be just a miserable scam. The product does not remotely look like the picture. It is inflatable, but it is a thin plastic layer except for the hands, feet and head, whch is indeed a thicker form of silicone material. I expected the material for everything to be a ot thicker, even though it would remain inflatable; The pictures would have suggested that. And you know what the worst part is? IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING HOLE! It's funny how "A fucking hole" is both an expression of anger and a truth in literal sense So yeah. It was basically a scam. Totally not the kind of product that the pictures were suggesting. This is what you get when you buy a (relatively) cheap product from amazon that has a chinese external seller. I can blame nobody but myself. But I at least found out how reliable such a purchase actually was having only spent 80€ on it. I will see if it's possible to get a refund. I have no idea how easy it is to get a refund, actually. I was going to use this product as a means to measure how much I would like it, and if therefore by my 'testing' I would come to the conclusion that it would be worth spending a whole lot more money on a much more expensive non-inflatable and lifelike doll. Now that the situation has changed, I have done some thinking. Even though it will be an expensive purchase, I think it's going to be worth the buy. (we're looking at around 1000€ or a bit less, if I don't buy it for cheaper from the dutch version of amazon (not but another website), we'll get to that topic later) Why is it going to be worth the buy? Well, I really don't feel like I'm ready an actual relationship in which sex will happen. I don't feel like I'm really ready for a relationship to begin with, but as far as the sexual act is concerned, I also lack sexual maturity. I don't really want to make any girlfriend an object for my desire for training. To be confronting another human being in the sexual act is way too overwhelming in some way to stay not only grounded and relaxed, but also connected. I feel way too awkward, I don't want to make eye contact, I tend to ejaculate rather quickly or otherwise not be able to get it fully erect. It feels way too intimidating. I had thought about prostitutes and I have had experience with a few prostitutes before, but there I generally encounter the same problem as just described. Some idea I did have was to perhaps request to a prostitute to make love in the dark. In that way, the idea is that it gets much more sensual and instinctive. It would make it easier for me I reckon because I don't have to make eye contact, which I still always find quite awkward and uncomfortable (not only in the sexual act but in general). I have also been going to a couple of sex clubs, as I imagined that the impersonal nature of those clubs would make it easier to "just bust a nut". of course, I am not merely interested in the point of ejaculation itself, but I simply am curious about sexuality and I want to grow in this area and explore it, to explore myself sexually. But to be really making a deep connection with someone feels as of right now too intense for me which I why I seek a more impersonal atmosphere which is more based on instincts and desire rather than actual connection. Yes I know that may be superficial, but to be getting that connection is simply too much for me to handle as of right now. I don't really mind exploring superficially so much, as long as I simply get to explore and by exploring get to grow. And now especially that this sexual coaching therapy or whatever it may called doesn't really seem to be working out so well (I'll possibly talk more about this a later time), and now that any group courses on sexuality also are not continuing, the best idea I have right now that provides me with the best opportunity to grow sexually is to indeed buy such a lifelike love doll, in which I can practice in many ways what it would be like to have sex with another woman, without actually feeling a responsibility towards her to be a good sexual partner, or to not ejaculate too quickly or whatever. On the very long term, it might actually save me money if I become rather satisfied with it. Because therefore, I don't expect that I won't visit prostitutes/sex clubs that often anymore, which of course will cost you a bit (not that I now visit them often. We're talking about 3 times a year or so). By the way, sex clubs are also usually unsatisfying because I always find it uncomfortable to approach and there is always such a weird, lustful energy around there where guys are checking the different rooms to see if any action is going on. And when I find myself doing that aswell, I have to stop myself and literally find a place to sit somewhere and meditate in the middle of the club in order to ground myself (well actually somewhere on a bench somewhere on the side but still). It has happened like that multiple times I wish it would just be a lot easier for me to connect with other people, talking about women in a sexual relationship in particular, but I just don't seem to be able to that. I've tried many things over the years. This seems to be one of my most deep-rooted issues. A sex doll in that regard seems perfect. The best thing is that I neither have to pay money for every time that I want to practice or explore sexually, nor I have to face the discomfort of facing another human being. I want to be able to explore myself sexually, but I don't want all the awkwardness, the sense of responsibility towards her to be a good sexual partner, and for her to feel that my primary interest isn't so much for her but for her body. I'm not indifferent towards her, but the being that she is is just not what I'm there for, you see? With a sex doll I can quite literally make someone/something an "object of desire" without feeling ashamed for the fact that my primary intent is not so much for her as a being, but her as an object. Still, as an object there can be a lot of play and exploration, I so reckon. An object can be very attractive and desired. I don't feel ashamed for the fact that I sometimes seek out only objects in my sexual desire, as I feel that that's part of life too. but in an actual encounter with a human being, I don't want to be that person who only/primarily cares about that. With a sex doll I can play, learn different positions, pretend like I'm dealing with an actual person, talk like her/it like it's an actual person. I can see that working out really well for me. I can see it having potential for a lot of pleasure and practice. With situations like this there is often this feeling of... pity for the fact that I did not arrange for me to have a sex doll much earlier. Now it's not so bad anymore, but in the past it was quite often that I felt remorse or sadness for 'what could have been'. I never really felt so bad of what could have been for anything that happened to me that was based on chance or circumstances I had little to no control over. but in situations like this, where I could have had a sex doll for many years now, there is this feeling of pity and perhaps a little bit of guilt of 'what I could have done' and therefore 'what could have been'. Because it seems like that if I had this sex doll much earlier, I would have been able to start practicing a lot much earlier, explore a lot a lot earlier, grow myself sexually a lot earlier, have a lot of enjoyment from it a lot earlier, and that I now would be much further on my progression of sexual healing. That is what it seems like. I don't like that kind of logic because it makes me feel uncomfortable, but it does appear to be true. But when I say that it appears to be true, it's not to say that it's actually true. I also know that reality is very complex, and that beyond the complexity we can come to comprehend with our minds, there is always still potential for things to be even more complex which our minds can not (yet) comprehend. I know there's always counterarguments to be found in everything. But whatever the case may be, even if this situation happened to be 'disadvantegeous' to my growth process, even if I have actually missed out, encountered more frustration than necessary, screwed up, encountered a situation that was more "bad" than "good", even with all of that, I know that there is simply no point in holding onto the past, feeling all this regret and sorrow for what could have been, what I could have done differently, what could have been differently. And actually, I have gotten a lot better at letting that go. In the past, not so much. Things like these could really bother me and I would try to logically convince myself that there are counterarguments and other perspectives as to why something doesn't necessarily have to be a bad situation, or that I would have made bad decisions which would have slowed down both my growth and diminished the enjoyment in my life. But now, I am simply able to let go of all of that much more easily. Don't ask me why; I just am able to. I just can't be bothered anymore, I guess that's what it is. I just can't be bothered anymore blaming myself or feeling guilty or feeling sorrow for what I could have done or what could have been. Whether something was good or bad, or whether in reality there is no such thing as good and bad and that every bad has its good inherentely in it, whatever may be the case, I just can't be asked to think about it anymore and I just move on with my life. I honestly just can not be asked. Right, so I a couple of options. I could buy a relatively cheap yet seemingly tall doll of decent quality from the #1 national merching platform (I don't know what the official name of such a thing is) here in the Netherland, which will cost me 550€. The sketchy thing however is that the company that is selling these products have literally 0 reviews, which is very suspicious. I'm actually thinking about buying from a website specialized in these sex dolls. It will be a bit more expensive (800 - 1000€), but there a couple of reasons why I think that is a good idea. Shipping times for the orders I would buy from the merching platform would due to the pandemic probably be very delayed. The package deliverers are probably already very busy, so it wouldn't help them either. Buying from a specialized company wll probably make this a lot quicker Not only will it make it quicker, I will potentially also have the option to personally come collect my product instead of this big, heavy thing being delivered to my front door where also my parents happen to live (to be fair there's going to be a package around it so the contents will not be seen directly, but still) Actually, shipping costs from specialized sites are also often very minimal if not free as opposed to merching platforms (whether I pick it up or get it delivered, I save myself the shipping costs either way) It's much easier for me to check whether I'm going to get a reliable product. With specialized sites and companies, you can do some checks on the website through formal means (you can check the url, you can look up how long the website has been around for, you can see if they have been reported to authorities as scam etc...), with an external seller through a merching platform, you can't really do that effectively and reliably. These external sellers on these big platforms aren't as reliable, I have discovered today. If it seems to be too good to be true, it often is. It's important to me to stimulate smaller companies and give all my money to the big guys who already earn enough money, making the world even more imbalanced. It's economically and morally a better decision (I'd say this and the reason for reliability are the most important reasons) I have the money right now. I have been receiving a lot of overdue social welfare benefits some time ago, and I also will keep on receiving money from it in the months to come. i don't really have to worry about getting into financial trouble anytime soon I honestly don't deserve to get as much money as I do, especially in these times. I can however morally justify it by the argument that I'm not wasting it on nonsense and superficiality such as alcohol, drugs, partying, and so forth... (no I don't think this sex doll is superficial. I think it's actually quite important to my growth (well, might be)). I'm also investing it a lot on my personal growth, and I'm making very conscious decisions to which (small) businesses and companies I am going to give it, stimulating the economies I deem to be most benificial to the growth and awakening of humanity. I actually always take care whatever I put my money into. I'm actually an extremely frugal person. i quite honestly think buying overpriced commercialized products such as Apple is ridiculous. I have hole in my shoes and they are very worn out but they still walk fine so I use them. I never really want to throw anything away that I perhaps still might need. I like to buy many, many things second-hand. I always seek out the cheapest places to stay with airbnb and such, sometimes staying for a week because there's a slight weekly discount. I look for the cheapest flights. One time last summer I even put on all the clothes I had in my bag (many layers) whilst in the waiting line to get in the airplane so I could meet the criteria of only being able to take one bag/suitcase of such and such size. Some time ago I spent almost like an hour searching the best kind of internet cable I wanted for the cheapest price possible, literally taking an hour or so comparing all the options that were available, even though we're only talking about price differences of a couple of euros at most. I'm one of the most frugal, prudent, economical, meticulous people you'll ever come to meet. I'm not joking about that . It's funny how I notice a strange kind of pleasure and satisfaction by identifying myself as this kind of person, this frugal, meticulous person. I know it isn't very spiritual to get this sense of egoic pleasure out of this, but I am just gonna go ahead and not give a crap right now and just enjoy the egoic high . Proabbly gonna have to pay for this later, though. My feeling is that sometimes you just want to allow yourself to enjoy yourself with things that are 'unspiritual' or 'impure' because life is about living and enjoying these things too. I always look for actions and discounts wherever I go. I have multiple times picked up something from the street because I thought it might come in handy. I will very often argue with my mother or parents to not throw something away (being it food or items) that might still be used in the future. I tend to have a tendency for hoarding (although I am capable of throwing something away if I must), I tend to mourn very quickly about items that I've come to lose that still were perfectly good to use, I secretly think people who buy unnecessary, commercialized products like coca-cola instead of its cheap imitator or a brand new bike instead of a perfectly good one from a second-hand marketplace, or products from Apple whilst there are companies that sell products for half the price that do the same things, I think that people who buy things like that, are absolute idiots. Sorry if I offended you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think even if I would win the lottery right now of 100 million euros I would still not buy anything that is more expensive than its cheaper counterpart with the same functionality. I would still not buy ever, EVER, EVER, EVER the official coca-cola brand bottle but always its cheaper imitating counterpart brand, because in my experience, the taste is the same (but maybe I don't have a good tongue idk. Even then the difference in price is too big of an hurdle for me to buy the actual coca-cola) The exceptions that I'm from now on going to make however is that by the knowlegde that I am part of a larger whole and that its not always about me and my finances, I am also going to look out for ways I can use my money to stimulate people, companies and economies which I want to invest in and of which I feel that they really contribute to the conscious evolution of humanity at large. in that case, I am willing to spend a little bit more money from now on. And actually, as far as it comes to investing in my personal growth is concerned, I am actually not that frugal. I actually can and have spent quite a lot on many different courses and workshops that I found important. Actually, I wouldn't say so much that I necessarily am a stingy and miserly. I just use my money very thoughtfully and meticulously. I don't want to spend a single more euro on things I don't find that important so that I will have more money to spend on things I do find important. I'm just very thoughtful and cautious. But at the same time you can't stop me from spending a lot of money on a certain course or workshop that I personally find really important. I also like how I was able to write for 2 hours this time without at some point feeling like I got energetically congested and therefore needed to retreat. That normally doesn't happen. And I still feel like I could write some more, were it not for the fact that I'm now out of things to say for the moment. I do know that even though I may like this, that there is a danger in getting too happy about the fact that I was able to do this, because this will create attachment, and this attachment will create suffering whenever I come to another point where once again I am not able to finish all that I wanted to write about because I get too energetically congested. So even though I want to be happy about the fact that I have written so long (and I have quite enjoyed it. I really did enjoy all this writing for quite a lot ), I still will just forget about it and move on.
  9. A short question Few years back i had a short experience of being ejected out of my body in which circumstances i wish not to mention. On the experience i learned that leaving my body was the lightest possible thing that can happen in universe. The ejection felt lighter than a feather ,natural and celestial. I looked back at my body and it appeared as just a bundle of impersonal atoms for me, The body had a very low vibratory grey like vibe to my physical appearance as I was not there to uphold the light for it . Would describe my awareness state being "normally" 50-70% my potentiality while in the ejected state was 100%, i was complete. It felt my senses were felt as ONE without any separation, Hearing, sight and probably smell were interconnected. The weirdest part is, that i could see without any physical eyes. This amuses me the most. Why do i need the eyes for and other sense organs if i could see and more clearly so than i ever could? And why do we loose eyesight if the retina gets damaged when the sight is in/the consciousnesses? The structured of this reality wonders me. With this experience in the background. I intuitively know that i am not this body but it is my body. However i still feel identified with it as "me", and lot of survival fear is surrounded by this attachment. A ejection was not enough to convince this something that i am not it.
  10. @Anton Rogachevski yes there is consciousness without awareness words are mere pointers and it is tricky yes b cuz we use the terms interchangeably however in reality consciousness is equal to nothing or emptiness or formlessness or creator as well as everything or reality or form or creation and everything in between. i prefer the terms being or infinity or dream or truth awareness on the other hand means the ability to identify or recognize these things by reflecting ie creating mental images or contrasts or distinctions and of course it has infinite degrees and depths since consciousness is infinite. awareness can be either infinite like a god state or non existent like a rock or a dead body or anything in between like a human being or a frog or a tree or a microbe or a living cell so in other words awareness is the mind or the ego or the smaller self another way to state it is that consciousness is impersonal and awareness is personal
  11. That would be a possible theory if there was any proof for God's existence. But there isnt any. But even IF, God was real, there wouldn't be no proof that God is more real than other Gods, and no proof God could be "bored", if God really had at least "billion IQ" intelligence (since infinity is a fallacy), or higher wisdom. God would absolutely know how to cure boredness himself, God wouldnt have to CREATE beings. I say CREATE, because 'imagining' is one thing, CREATING and physically existing, is another. Just like Picasso imagined his paintings. But paintings didnt create itself, Picasso had to create the painting (of course this has nothing to do with creation, consciousness, matter, light, life, planets, God, entities, etc,whatsoever) But applying that creating vs imagining understanding to it,..God (if existed), would have created beings then he Himself or "itself" (if it's an impersonal God spirit), could die LIKE PICASSO. And the beings he created (nothing to do with paintings btw, real beings with their own consciousness) painting would be a subset of what creation means, by art. So first beings created by God. remain, creating other beings. Before dying, like the first god who died. And humanity start being created. So. By this analogy, there is no God anymore. God is DEAD, IN FACT, "God" (if existed), has been loooong dead since the beginning of beginning. And we are all results of the first beings (first beings on earth, first ancestors of first humans) created by the first entity, God, which is dead. So, TRUTH = GOD IS DEAD. We exist by results of a bunch of other spirits and then born by codes in life. Your consciousness is limited by you and no other consciousness can be equal to yours once you born, your spirit has the potential to be immortal. But that if this monotheist God even existed. There is no proof for ANY god whatsoever. In fact, it would made more sense if the first god was a man and there was a goddess too. So beings could have been created out of it. And each being differently. Other gods could have created other beings. Racial differences. Etc. Dna, codes. Etc Which is why your body (unique to yourself, your DNA and code, which differ from others) exists independent of any beings and consciousness is something you as an unity of spirity possess. aalso, the body is a morror of the soul, more like a reflection of the soul. anyones body is a reflection of their soul, also a reflection of what they eat. Based on their soul, stress, etc. The whole panentheist notion of "bE oNe WiTh MaTtEr" religiously followed by some gnostic members here (which is just physicalism, monism disguised as "spirituality") is all false. Matter has nothing to do with you. That's the first step to raw spirituality, you want to "become" everything, as a "holy grail" but you have no f idea what it is to "become everything", no definition for it, youre just a person typing these things on a forum. Things that have zero sense whatsoever. By that I mean, meditating and imagining isnt becoming. Youre still an individual, apart from the whole (and there is not even a "whole" or a "all", none of it. Just like your soul is not connected and doesnt need matter. Ultimately youre not even connected to your mother, ultimately shes a totally distinct being from you. Ultimately youre not even connected to your mother. When youre making sex with a stranger, youre not making sex with some being that was somehow related to your ancestors. NO, ultimately youre making sex with a never seen, never touched, distinct being. Who you never knew existed. Because it never existed before its bIrth. Ultimately, a stranger is not even likely same as your ancestors. When you're making sex with another being/person/soul/their Higher self. Ultimately by touching its body youre touching the essence of their soul. Thats why Lady Gaga said she doesnt have sex with anyone because she feels people steal her creativity when making sex with her. Sex should be treated way more divine than it already is. Thats why we hide our bodies with clothes. And christian gnostics dont even kiss if not with the right person after long time, maybe after marriage. This Truth is the opposite of common BS you hear these days. it's whats hidings behind everyones noses. Off topic, Someone asked me about infinity parallel universes and other versions of you, Ultimately not even if parallel universes were true and an another version of you appeared just like you. Same self same everything. If you made sex with that other version of you. Ultimately you would not be making sex with yourself. According to the theory, once states are splitted that other person is not you. Was never you. Just a copy of you. Thats just something unrelated by that I needed to point out.
  12. Notice how the mental filter is creating. The mind added in the “I” part to an impersonal observation. The mind is super sneaky in this regard. The observation was not attached to a personal “you”. The mind added in the “me” part. This add-in contextualizes personal meaning which shapes perception. A statement about how a mind can be immersed in beliefs becomes contextualized as “he says that my mind is identified with beliefs. *I* am not identified with beliefs at all”. This is personal contextualization within a consciousness realm. There is nothing wrong with that, yet the mind will not be able to realize transpersonal pointers when immersed in inter-personal dynamics. This is reflective of the personal realm created. Notice how the mind is creating this reality of whether “he” actually knows if “I” am attached to these beliefs or facts. At a personal level, this is irrelevant to me. It’s as if you asked me if an imaginary being called “grekdes” knows if his pet squirrel “wevcxit” is hungry. What is being pointed to doesn’t seem to be resonating with you. You seem to desire to engage within an area I don’t have much interest. I wish you good day.
  13. The mind is creating an entity called “Serotoninluv” and a story in which this entity is either claiming “I” am identified with content or this entity has been triggered into a defense mechanism. This is an internal conversation and debate of the mind. There is no difference if these mental dynamics are arising in “my” mind or “your” mind. These are simply mental dynamics with no owner. If we imagine two separate personal owners of minds (“me” and “you”), I cannot answer the question for you because you are creating your reality. Any answer I give you would go through your interpretive filter. This is at a surface level. The deeper level removes this interpersonal filter and allows space such that an answer of insight may arise. Notice how the mind tends to interpret impersonal observations as personal. This will block a mind from observing the transpersonal pointers. This is intuitively obvious: how can a mind observe trans-personally while it is personalizing as it’s own personal identity?. . . . An aspect of transcendence is letting go of the tendency of personalization. This allows space for exploration and creativity. It is a form of liberation.
  14. It doesn't really matter if you're an avatar or not at that stage. If you're an avatar, great. If you did mahasamadhi great. But if mahasamadhi is the way for you, enlightenment means you accept that and allow it. You've got absolutely no stakes in the game of life. If you would like to call god's will impersonal desires, thats good. But at that stage, there is no desiring, because there's no sense of ego or self. And God doesn't desire, God just does. That's the way of the will. The will manifests so fast that there's no time for the desire to set in. God's already doing what he wants before you've realized. There are lots of things that we do because of interpretations of reality. These interpretations are ego. Ego isnt just sense of self, its all of maya. Its the physical universe itself. You need to be careful thinking enlightenment is just realizing oneness. It goes well beyond that, every sounds, sight and smell has to be recontextualized from a non human standpoint. You can't see food as something you need to eat otherwise you will die. Because you're not a human. You need to recontextualize what food is. You can't see your family or sex the same way aswell. Many spiritual teachers like mooji have sex scandals even though they are apparently enlightened. You don't normally do this with a new recontextualization. But you could id there is still ego lingering around. I've personally done the work to recontextualize food, and through inquiry work stripped away its meaning so its just raw sensations. Eating happens spontaneously and just by allowing consciousness to flow. You really need to do this for everything to fully relieve all suffering. And this is why celibacy and living as a monk has its strong points, because every time an unenlightened person has sex(for pleasure) eats(for pleasure), etc. They reinforce those old, human contextualizations and meanings of being a human, and ego. Every time you have an urge or craving, you need to question it severely and strip away its meaning, or recontextualize it. You don't really do this by binge eating or by having sex IME. For people who are enlightened, it doesnt matter either way, there's no skin in the game for them.
  15. @electroBeam When you are completely fulfilled, happy and at peace and conscious of your true nature. (Everyone is The Self/ Awareness etc just don’t know it) you don’t have “personal desires” to make you happy. You simply have “impersonal desires” as The Absolute as a means to express, share and celebrate this understanding. Life becomes a celebration in every moment. You then won’t need these things that come from like e.g. Excess junk food. There is a huge difference between binging on junk food out of lack and due to say depression, and having a slice of cake to celebrate someone’s birthday at a social gathering. In one without the food you will be miserable, depressed, upset. In the other, if you eat the cake, great you’ll enjoy it and move on, if it runs out and you don’t get any, oh well you’re still going to be happy either way. Be careful not to demonise living life while you’re here. There’s plenty of time to be an avatar once you drop the body, if you have completed your spiritual journey in this lifetime.
  16. @Meta-Man You are explaining this really well. Essentially how Self-Realised beings explain this phenomenon, i.e. Rupert Spira and Francis Lucille. You do things because you want to and as a celebration instead of a need to and to make yourself happy. You no longer “need” sex to be happy, but you may want the celebrate the connection you have with another being through sexual intimacy. you don’t need to play football, but you may want to go have some fun and play a few games of football with your friends, or heck play to a decent level because you enjoy it. And guess what life is about: enjoyment and happiness. When you are absolutely happy you are free to do whatever you want. Although with a true awakening, that “whatever” will always come from love and understanding. Hence Ramana Maharshi wasn’t a child rapist or murderer etc Francis calls tbis “impersonal desire” and I think that is as good as concepts and words can get in explaining this.
  17. Hey everyone, I felt like writing this post on Happiness, and by happiness I mean the happiness inherent in our true nature, the peace and happiness that are the 'side effects' of Self-Realization and realizing the truth of our own being and reality. Happiness. Would life be worth living without happiness? The word is thrown around a lot these days, often marketers promise us happiness in a capsule or in the next product they are selling, but in reality, happiness can never be found outside of ourselves, or even inside of ourselves, happiness IS what we are. I will be honest, suffering and a low level of background depression is what lead me to finding spirituality, and in particular Eckhart Tolle and starting on the spiritual path, so maybe I am slightly biased towards happiness. I believed getting A*s and going to University then getting some high paying job in the city would make me happy, and that happiness was also just in the next achievement or thing, and was always so close. How wrong I was. The realization that you are literally The Self, you are The Absolute, you are all that exists, ever have existed and ever will 'exist' brings a peace and happiness that never leaves, as you have finally found who you truly are. It brings an end to the endless seeking, and allows for the final rest and joy in being. It brings the innate Infinite Love of EVERYTHING as you know everything is YOU, this screen you are looking at is literally God, these words are literally God. But, simultaneously even that is saying too much, for all there is, is THIS. THIS IS IT. Every single moment is simply the spontaneous joy of being alive, and is accepted with open arms, no matter what arises. Even when so called 'bad' things happen, the Peace and happiness of your true nature remain, for it is dependent on nothing and is literally what you are. It is unshakeable, unbreakable and is your birthright. You quite literally are The Absolute, the little I doesn't exist and never did, the illusion of a separate self has been seen through completely, separation is seen as the illusion it truly is. Paradoxically though, you are more YOU than ever before, your personality is expressed wholeheartedly and you are completely free to truly be who you are. The Absolute sucks you in and spits you out as this beautiful expression of itself, it wants YOU to experience what you are experiencing right now. It wants you to be YOU, to embrace your humanity, to love deeply, to express this understanding, to have fun, to enjoy life! It is impossible to put into words, and I cannot say it any better, unfortunately, which is why silence is always the highest teaching, for this understanding can only be known in the silence, in the gap, in THIS, the answer is never another concept or belief, but is simply found HERE, NOW in THIS. Non-Duality, Duality, Spirituality, Enlightenment, Awakening (etc) are all just concepts that help you realize THIS, like all concepts they have their relative uses, but they must be dropped, and let go of so you can jump in the fire fully naked, and experience THIS as it truly is. So you can experience Sahaja. There is no enlightened person, there is simply the realization of the truth of your own being. Awareness becoming aware of itself. It's not Charlie who has awakened, there is no Charlie to awaken, it is simply Consciousness becoming Conscious of itself. Then what is left? If you are completely happy, fulfilled and at peace, what is left after the spiritual search, after you find what you was after, after the seeking is over. After you no longer spend hours upon hours reading and listening to teachers, and trying to understand this concept, and inquiring about this or that. There is simply the expression of this Peace, Happiness, Love and Understanding in ALL areas of life, you simply live life from this understanding, from love. No longer are you looking for a relationship or a business or a hobby to make you happy, everything you do/ partake in is simply then an expression of this happiness, of this love and of this understanding. You are absolutely free to do whatever you want to, to live life on your terms. Want to go and 'help' people awaken? Go for it! Want to go and meditate in a cave forever? Go for it! Want to go and feed the poor? Go for it! Want to go and work in your local coffee shop? Go for it! Want to become a professional athlete/ musician/ artist? Go for It! Want to go and build your business? Go for it! Want to raise a family and get married? Go for it! And on and on and on. I think you get the point! You have absolute freedom to whatever you wish, to whatever your heart desires. Except one thing changes. The desire will no longer be about what 'you' want, but the desire will come from and be about Love and expressing love, happiness and peace in whatever you do. This is sometimes known as Impersonal Desire, which I think is a helpful concept Everything comes from, is made of and literally is Love, living in alignment with that is the most beautiful gift of all. Every day we are blessed to have the chance to deepen and integrate this understanding even further in life, to be of service to so called 'others' (you) and to express this beautiful understanding however we see fit. As Ramana Maharshi said- 'Your Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.' And, Happiness is inherent In that Self-Realization. And, who doesn't want to be happy? It's what we all want. And, I can say one thing. It's worth it. It's worth the hours seeking, the sleepless nights overthinking and contemplating, the frustration, the existential terror, the fear& anxiety you have to overcome, the dark night of a soul. It's 100000000000000000000000000% worth it, and even that isn't saying enough how worth it is. It's here, it's now, it's THIS. You are THIS. Stop looking elsewhere, it has always been right there, when you realize it, you'll kick yourself at how obvious it all was. Have a good day everyone. Go and express some love, peace and happiness. Go and tell your loved ones you love them, go and give your body the nutrition and exercise (love) it deserves, go and do the things in life you love. Go enjoy life.
  18. Can there be the reading of this text right here without the it being connected to ego? Can contemplation, intellectual activity, thinking, thoughts be there without the ego? Without identification, attachment and without the idea or sense of it being done by someone? I can imagine visual thoughts being absent of ego but auditory/word based thoughts seem to be impossible without ego? How would the thought even be there without ego or from an impersonal perspective? Also let me know if this question doesn't even make sense, is voided, is invalid, based on false assumptions, etc.
  19. @zeroISinfinity Rock that imagination like you did the Big Bang, you’ll be right as rain. No use pretending we’re not pretending we’re pretending we’re pretending you know. Also, I think we should both be a bit more mindful of our thread hi-jackings. ? @AlphaAbundance “How would the thought even be there without ego or from an impersonal perspective?” If the thought itself, the ‘matter’ or substance of it, had nothing whatsoever to do with a personal perspective. In the sense, just consider, it never did. Another extreme sounding, but more precise way to say that...what it thought was always for togetherness...but gets hijacked in the spirit of individuality...intrinsically, damn near automatically?
  20. @Ya know Of course it is man, but as others have mentioned sports (like most mainstream industries) tends to reflect the development of Society. I think I said this on another thread but I'm very excited to see the development of these industries that are typically 'Orange' and how they will develop into more of a means of expressing happiness and joy (and fun!) instead of being the 'win at all costs' orange mentality. It's kind of similar to businesses going from 'Q4 profits are all that matters' to lets provide products and services that are actually going to enhance people's lives. @Leo Gura I'm sure we've had this discussion before, however, your biased against sports is pretty clear and I get it if you didn't play sport much when you was young and are looking from the outside, it seems like a Stage Orange mess, which high level sports certainly is to some degree. For example, Football is dominated by money and billionaires own the best teams and spend the most money. However, Sports at their core are an incredible Art form that express Human potential in the body. In terms of 'Devoting your whole life to hitting or catching a ball' I expected a bit better from someone who sells a Life Purpose course lol, these people are following their purpose and showing incredible levels of dedication, mastery and love for their field of expertise. I'm not sure why Sports gets a bad rep in that sense, when you could just say to Musicians are you really going to spend your whole life banging a few sticks on a drum to make some noise that sounds good? Or to an Artist are you really going to spend your whole life drawing shapes that look good? All forms of Art can be expressions of happiness, love and understanding or can be used to further the Ego's desires and needs. Most athletes also don't 'Strut around like cocks' of course some do, tends to be the younger ones who have just come into wealth and develop an arrogance about them, the best humble themselves and don't bother with those shenanigans, just like the best Musicians eventually stop with the Rockstar lifestyle and focus solely on their music, it's sort of a phase some go through. As society becomes more conscious sports will follow, and the 'win at all costs' mentality will evolve. And, the tribalism will develop into more community based that helps the overall sport progress. Of course, currently, like many industries, it's very much plagued by Orange and ravage Capitalism, but I'm sure the break we are going through now will help it evolve further. Sports mean a LOT to many people and communities, and when people are solely playing for the fun, for the love and for the joy of playing the game that is when their best work is produced. Of course you still have to play to win, however, the purpose of playing isn't to win, it is to express the happiness and love for the game that you have, it's going to be beautiful when sports evolve to that. The funny thing is, most children start playing sports because they enjoy it and love it, it is when they get to the higher levels and the competitiveness of our Stage Orange society dominates that the problems occur. I heard stories about Nike athletic teams in America were essentially destroying their athletes bodies with overtraining and poor diets, which lead to worse times and many quitting as the thing they loved had become such a chore. I think this boils down to one of your favorite themes on life- Counter Intuitiveness. The more you focus on winning and having to win, the more anxious and tense you get, the worse results you get. The more freedom from outcome you have, the more free you are to perform at your best and counter intuitively you will get better results. As we develop to Green and Orange we will hear more and more clubs and teams focusing on the processes rather than the results, right now sports is SO dominated by money and results, it's crippling the industries, so I get your issue with it. I just think you've mixed in Stage Orange= Sports when in fact it's stage orange (and red before it etc) that has corrupted sport, as at it's essence Sport is a beautiful art form that can bring communities together and be an incredible way to express happiness. So, in terms of approaching Sport in a high conscious way, I think that would be the way to do it. Coaching with a focus on enjoyment and expression and processes over short sighted results and win at all costs. Although we're probably a long way from that yet. Also, in terms of expressing this understanding in Career, Rupert Spira has a great video on how you can express and share this understanding no matter your job. Oh, and his teacher Francis Lucille plays competitive Tennis and loves it, he often uses it as metaphors for Impersonal Desire, I'll link both videos. At the end of the day, do something you love, and naturally this understanding will pour out of you. (Maybe not Hot Dog eating as that will destroy your body! )
  21. Desire is not the cause of suffering lol, without desire you'd die. this was a HUGE mistranslation from Sanskrit, a more accurate term would be craving or more, believing the fulfillment of a personal desire will make you happy. (It won't) When you desire to receive, for the sake of sharing your life will change. The happiest people are always those who are giving, sharing and loving. The issue with modern society is desiring for the self alone, and this is an endless void you can never fill. For whatever reason, desire has gotten a terrible rep in Non-Dual circles, when desire is literally your life force, you're on here due to your desire to awaken, or your desire to share. Also, 'Impersonal desire' can be somewhat misleading, and it doesn't mean you don't take care of your own needs of course. It just means your desire is coming from a place of love, truth and happiness, instead of in search of those. For example, let's say you play sport, and have the desire to play for a Football team. Personal desire would be because you think playing for this team will make you happy, make you popular, and when you win the league you will finally be happy. Impersonal desire would be because you simply love playing football and it's a way you express happiness and joy. Of course, you want to win your games and win the league, but your happiness and wellbeing is not determined by it. Sure if you win the league you'll be elated and ecstatic, but let's say you don't you'll deal with the emotions that come up, and guess what, you'll remain absolutely happy and at peace. Francis Lucille describes this amazingly well, I'll link one of his Q&A answers and vids that explains this well. As well as his website. (sorry his q&a website seems down atm)
  22. If you’re drinking every night you probs won’t feel great very often, and your body won’t thank you much. If you’re drinking here and there as a celebration, why not enjoy yourself? If you’re drinking as an escape and way to avoid what you’re feeling and whatever else, it’s coming from a sense of lack. But, this doesn’t only apply to alcohol- TV, Movies, Sex, Video Games, a lot of other activities. Are you doing them to escape how you feel and from a sense of lack. Or, are you doing them as a means to express happiness, have some fun and enjoy life. That’s what makes all the difference. Here’s a response from Francis Lucille regarding impersonal desire on this matter: The wanting itself comes from the ego. Is this correct? Or is enlightenment, in fact, a way to manifest one’s worldly desires? Ignorance is the problem, not the ego. Our wanting comes from ignorance when we believe that our happiness depends on its fulfillment. Example of desire that comes from ignorance: I feel miserable. I don’t like it. I want to drink some champagne to get out of my predicament. The liquor store is closed, I feel even more miserable. Example of desire that doesn’t come from ignorance: for no reason whatsoever, I feel happy and lighthearted. I have this friend visiting me later today. It would be nice to celebrate friendship with some champagne. The liquor store is closed. No problem, it was just a nice idea, my happiness is not affected. The door bell rings: my friend appears, holding a bottle of champagne to celebrate the reunion. You see the difference??
  23. These are a couple comments I've transferred from a thread about attachment to desire where someone made some good points. Desire is a wonderful thing. But attachment to desire is something else altogether. Attachment to anything is conditioned and dependent. I would have to say either you are or aren't mired by dependent habitual conditioned energies. But mostly it is a matter of gravity and degree. In terms of the most basic necessity, observing the disease of the mind entails suffering. This is an habitual relationship not with the world, but with oneself. It is neurosis. This neurosis is a mental crutch. This is dependency one must acknowledge and cut away from one's life. Keying one's attention to externals without being sidetracked, without abandoning oneself to craving, one learns to deliberately manage following the heart's desire without stepping over the line. The most subtle veils of delusion are of your own making and must be swept away until there is nothing left of your habits. When you don't crave, personal issues of self and other turn into a matter of mutual response because now the situation becomes the context. Sure, no one else knows that— but when you do, you are not at issue with conditions, and you don't get swept away by emotional craving or selfish psychological patterns. So when others seek to manipulate or cling psychologically or emotionally, you detach from their issue, not the situation. The situation may very well go on, but you don’t perpetuate issues relative to self and other and right or wrong. This is itself an expression of compassion, even should it be ruthless. Who can start and end here without further deliberations? Not sidetracked by externals in this regard, one follows the heart's desire without stepping over the line. It is a most curious affair, because, in terms of clarity, you do not go along with the world's momentum— but then you find that the world must have you without exceptions. It is relentless. This is where (the buddhist image of) Mara comes into play. She is relentless. She never goes away …only temporarily recedes from time to time. Even sudden enlightenment only severs the compulsion to follow conditions; stopping without rejecting is always in your power, so harmonizing enlightenment does not depend on the sudden. Whereas creation is fecund— endless manifestations material and mental; enlightening activity is endless transformations according to the time without unknowingly changing along with creation’s phantasmagoria. You have the power to choose going along or not, whereas the norm is going along with Change unawares. As it so often happens, something comes in from left field and one's flow is obstructed, and one naturally stops. Ordinarily, one’s psychological momentum, characteristic of insistence, might seek to push through obstacles— or even assign self-reifying definitions without benefit of objective knowledge. That is stepping over the line— merely seeking definitions relative to self and other is entertaining intellectualism, which perpetuates habit-energies fueling the personality’s psychological momentum bound to creation. Should one admit objective impersonal analysis, the only measure is mutual accord in reality. Beyond the fact that creation is already oneself without beginning, being the partial aspect in the real meaning of unity, mutual accord is the affair of subtle response carried out by virtue of the nature of reality. Working with potential is possible because it is inherent in situations themselves. Admitting objective analysis is really just immediate impersonal knowledge. As one gradually stops using the selfish perspective relative to self and other, the immediate objective knowledge of potential relative to situations gradually becomes apparent. This is mentioned further on as the Dharma Eye. Seeing potential actualizes immediate acquiescence, or virtuous accord in reality, also known as nonresistance or the virtue of the receptive. Just different names to express the arising of enlightening potential. To the degree one follows the heart's desire within unknowing (innocence, that is— not ignorance or cunning rationales), situations are naturally self-refining. This is all made possible because effective self-refinement enables immediate acquiescence. By selfless mutual accord, conditioned situational gravities stop; it's not that you have to stop outside of stopping. It's a matter of seeing reality. Real seeing is spontaneous transcendent seeing. It comes about by not exercising the personality's psychological apparatus habitually. In terms of physics, it is simply an absence of momentum, so one is not carried over into arbitrary action and one stays within the response-body. Enlightening being is the innate quality of subtle response, which is to affirm that sudden realization is not a necessary consideration in terms of expressing effective enlightened qualities. Why? Enlightening being is the quality of being so— it's self-refining, and is therefore selfless action in the world, Using the world's situations for self-refinement, instead of self-gratification, one begins to see reality— not that self-refinement and self-gratification are mutually exclusive, because they’re not. Reality is inconceivable; good or bad is not the criteria of enlightening being(s). This is the means to develop authentic practice. Wielding potential without thoughts of good or bad, enlightening activity is open and sincere unminding response in meeting the created energy of ordinary events. Sudden enlightenment is just waking up to the fact that the light shines (or not) as creation radiates the causeless. The light is like spontaneous enlightening activity adapting to conditions by one who is awake to the activation of innate spiritual function. Subtle spiritual response is natural because Creation and Nonorigination are not different. I've noticed a certain reluctance and trepidation in some to personally own up to the term enlightening. At the risk of appearing glib, I only mention it because people need to know that sudden and gradual are two rails on the same track. They are one continuum. Don't be misled by the analogy of the two rails. The light is one substance and so are its inconceivable functions. It’s like Blues and Country (being music) are Rock&Roll. It’s the Mystery Train and no one knows why. Getting back to momentum, or even further— back to some good points someone made regarding "now." The exquisite realm of now is effortlessness, whereas the perpetually creative realm is beginningless arbitrary ideas arising out of nowhere to upset the weak balance and harmony of those clinging to personal conditions: that's karmically bound evolution. Creative evolution is Karmic. Self refinement is the long process of ridding the aware being of clinging bias and inclination to arbitrary psychological stimulus whereby one’s autonomy in the midst of worldly situations is gradually stabilized. Enlightening being is not a matter of insularity, it is unity coming from within differentiation. Creation evolves by virtue of its conditioned potential. After a long time of gradual practice, seeing reality is recognized as such, but one still loses this again and again when seduced by phenomena. Unbending intent is single-minded determination to avoid following externals unawares. Beginners use renunciatory discipline or precepts; adepts plunge fully into delusion, without differentiating. In practice, one develops discipline first (symbolized by the 3rd I Ching hexagram, Difficulty), then deflects externals (symbolized by the 4th hexagram, Darkness or Innocence). First stopping conditioned stimulus; then seeing situational potential void of one's self-reflective psychological patterning. Stopping is not static and seeing is not relative to the person. Stopping sees the relative (movement), whereas seeing is just awake without bias or inclination. Secure in one's dedication to now, presence is basically being ultimately natural, without hangups. From this vantage, it is easy to see momentum (or conditioned potential) in situations. That's why I say either one is or isn't attached to kinetic (karmic) momentum. One only sees the real by virtue of stillness; conditioned energy is its mass times momentum squared. Not that it matters~ what matters is that in seeing the real from within the false, one gradually enters the inconceivable. One uses delusion to enter reality. This is possible because enlightenment is not different than karma. Enlightening being sees this. Spiritual illuminates match creation by its inherent potential and use it to partner with creation according to the time. Partners of creation do not go along with its karmic evolution, while ever gathering its potential. That's why some have been known to "ascend to heaven in broad daylight." Jesus isn't the only one by a long shot. In many respects, desire is complete in and of itself. Attention is mutual, in terms of self and other in the sense that one necessarily attracts when another is attracted. That much doesn't require deliberation. In terms of application, desire and bliss are coeval. The timing depends of their arising (or their arousal). The point is, it's mutual. This is the direct relationship we have right now within the heart of nonorigination. Relative to the essence of the creative, enlightenment isn't different. When one follows desire with openness and sincerity presently, without anticipatory momentum, one is activating the tao in reality without intermediary. This is enlightening being, but don’t expect the world to cooperate, so don't mention it. If it did, adapting enlightenment to conditions wouldn't be exceptional, and buddhas becoming people wouldn't be a secret— even though it has always come and gone without saying. This is because selfless movement doesn't have mass, only potential, therefore it can't be said to be still or moving. Subtle adaption is like that. The inconceivability just is without any body knowing better or being the wiser. Since it's already your own mind right now, immediate acquiescence is like taking over creation and stealing its potential. Poof. The ancient taoist alchemical classics all tell us to refine the self and await the time. They also say neither rushing ahead nor lagging behind, like a cat watching a mouse-hole, ever vigilant, ever careful not to miss the timing: when the celestial time arrives, human energy is responsive. It's not a matter of helping the tao, it is just in an ever-ready equipoise in mutual respond to situations fearlessly, honestly and without cupidity. Obviously, the timing arises in the situational context. The whole point of this kind of subtle intensity is to follow the breath of creation, which waxes and wanes in intimate accord with the celestial design. Only enlightening beings see this. This is an affair of transcendent living whereby one has no mind in going along with creation which is literally neither here nor there. One clings neither to the falsity of the conditioned matrix nor to the reality of the mystery, because they are not different. It is just as is and no one knows why. The ancients have left this teaching for those who have the affinity to follow in their footsteps to carry out the open secret, and go on …beyond. In the final analysis, the benefit is this: taoism calls it stealing potential. Such is that the spiritually aware potential energy that makes manifestation possible can be gathered by any individual not going along with the karmic matrix of creation. This gathering of potential is real, yet one doesn't actually gather anything. It goes back to following the heart's desire within unknowing: innocence following the heart's desire naturally steps over no line. It is all a matter of seeing. One last thing… it is like the story of the monkeys who do not want 3 nuts in the morning and 4 nuts at night. So the monkey feeder says, "Ok, I'll give you 4 in the morning and 3 at night"— at this the monkeys are very pleased. One doesn’t seek to please because that’s the monkeys’ business. First of all, you adapt to the situation selflessly and respond impersonally to give the universe its arbitrary causeless requirement in each situation as it arises. It is not a matter of logic, but of strategy. Secondly, one uses the current situation as a means to master the 3rd and 4th hexagrams in order to transcend the conditional aspect (without anybody knowing). Since you don't speculate on the conditional manifestation, you naturally cull its essential potential and seal it away void of intellectualism. You see, the way of the world is to get it all backwards— and keep it that way! So the way of all prior illuminates is to foment subtle audacious reversal within the course of creation in order to take it over and steal its potential (back) unbeknownst to anyone. Actually, it is a matter of freeing unrefined potential from its conditioned matrix simply by seeing reality as it really is, as it is. In terms of alchemy, those of you who know the I Ching, know that the 3rd hexagram Difficulty is done before, i.e., in the morning. This is advancing the yang fire. This is effort. This is following desires. This is entering the tiger's lair. The 4th hexagram Innocence should be done after. This is withdrawing the fire when the killing energy of the yin convergence first arises, in order to gather potential and seal it within innocence void of intellectualism. This is non-doing. This is only a possibility by virtue of following real desire without stepping over the line, so to not act on arbitrary ideas relative to the personality. Just the not-doing of intellectual activity is itself stealing potential. Having done so is gathering the medicines of the spiritual elixir. Guard this in the wordless. Spiritual release is spontaneous awakening. Having directly divulged the secret, who can put it to use? ed note: add "without rejecting" in 5th paragraph; put a little in the middle; put "acting on arbitrary ideas" in parentheses in last paragraph
  24. @VeganAwake I am not saying there is a separate individual or any separation, in fact, I repeatedly say EVERYTHING is The Absolute unknowingly or knowingly, so if all is One, how is there a separation? what I mean by 'enjoying Duality' is using Duality in the conventional use of the word. Your right Duality doesn't exist, as all that exists is The Self, nothing else has ever or will ever come into existence, for that is impossible. What I simply mean is embracing life, without resistance and with complete freedom, sorry if it comes across wrong. Yes again, as I keep saying all that exists is the Absolute, since I can't articulate it in words very well, and Francis can, this what I mean. Also, no I don't say you follow Neo-Advaita as a defense, I say it because it's quite literally what you speak on here. 'At the absolute level, everything is unfolding as it should. This “unfolding as it should” includes the fact of ignorance appearing in the world, along with its train of cruelty, ugliness, disharmony and stupidity. However, at the relative level, at the level where there is black and white, day and night, wisdom doesn’t make one blind and unable to distinguish between ignorance and wisdom, cruelty and compassion, ugliness and beauty, stupidity and intelligence. The sage sees these distinctions at the relative level even more sharply than the ignorant. The difference here is that he/she doesn’t see an ignorant individual, or a cruel one, or a stupid one, and that he/she remains unaffected by ignorance and its manifestations, knowing perfectly that “everything is unfolding as it should”. He/she follows the inner light of Presence and, like the Buddha Gautama, Ramana Maharshi, Ananda Mai, Jean Klein and many others, acts from that intelligence, from that love, from that beauty, and not from some theoretical view of non-duality. The intellectual thinks non-duality, the sage is it, and, from being it, thinks it, feels it, perceives it and puts it into action.' Do you think a non-dualistic view of the world leads the individual to passivity in the face of the world’s suffering? 'A non-dualistic view of the world may well lead to systematic passivity in the face of the world’s suffering if it is just that, a mere theoretical interpretation of the world. In this case there will often be a conflict between love and reason. A non-dualistic experience of the world will lead to the proper action, compassionate, practical, non judgmental, or to the proper passivity, depending upon the circumstances. The absence of conflict between love and intelligence is the benchmark of proper, impersonal action. Sometimes reason is too harsh and love wins, sometimes love is too weak and reason wins. It doesn’t matter which one wins, provided they both agree.'
  25. @Prevailer you see believing in god and knowing god are two completely different things, one of it is a quite impersonal experience the other one is a very personal experience. what you belief or not belief is not of much relevance for someone who has seen into it so deeply that there is no doubt about it. your mind can’t grasp it because you are still a believer. although we could also start with the basics in sense of asking if you can know anything at all. or how you could know anything at all?