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  1. 1) A "personal" god usually refers to a god that cares about you if you have faith in god. 2) Another form of god is impersonal, an energy or essence behind nature which doesn't care about things, it is not human-like in that regard 3) "You are God 1" everything is personal and derives from you there is no other consciousness but yours 4) "You are God 2" , "you" means all of consciousness, everything is also personal 5) "You are God 2" , "you" means all of consciousness, "personal" is a meaningless concept So depending on which god you believe in.
  2. I know what your asking. DMT shows you that you are not as much as a "person" as you once thought, and also that the universe is not as much of an "impersonal machine" as you once thought. This is one way in which I do understand non-duality. Dumb vs personal. I think I grasp this...what we know a "person" to be is actually just a complex composition of what we know "impersonal" stuff to be. Enough rocks and dust and molecules in the right formation, we get a "person"
  3. Obviously it's both personal and impersonal. It's everything.
  4. Yeah, the story is deeply, intimately personal. It'll make you laugh, cry, both at the same time, it has meaning and purpose, etc. But it's just a story. It never happened, it isn't happening, there's no substance or reality there and no one for it to happen to. There's no character in actuality, it's all a dream, it's creative fiction so in that sense it's impersonal because there's no person, no character. Everything and every happening has to have a character in order to experience it in the story, someone has to appear in the story for it to have life, to be told. BUT the character itself is a fiction. What does this mean? It means you can enjoy the story knowing that anything is possible and everything is completely ok. Even when it seems it's not, it's OK.
  5. Mm. In the relative field it's all about relationship, but there are dimensions of nothingness, which few know, except sometimes in bed, where it's just quiet and peaceful and impersonal.
  6. Sometimes a difference raised between belief in a personal gods or belief in impersonal god/s Also, looking at a given tradition, they might answer a question regarding god or deities if asked but depending on the tradition they may not talk about god/s in their everyday teachings. To others it is central
  7. @James123 after awakening. It is ALL personal, without an opposite This personal is wholeistic - not egoic/partial/body-mind It is a personal cosmic body/mind - ONE. Or we can say, it's not personal. The distinction of personal/impersonal collapses and merges into ONE. Just a dance of words
  8. Past stories are rewritten or recontextualized. They are, always no matter what, but we tell ourselves stories from a skewed perspective of self. In awakening they are rewritten and understood from an impersonal big picture viewpoint. It takes an enormous amount of love and focus to do this. Easier if it's not done alone, especially in more extreme cases. When someone else is loving you with the eyes of God and sees you as perfect and a part of the whole it's easy to imagine oneself that way too, (or stop imagining one's self rather.) You can't focus on the things that could possibly hold you back, because then they are exactly what's holding you back. Eyes on the prize.
  9. @Extreme Z7 Name calling is not a good tactic. Yes, we are all learning and developing. I have done many years of study on all of these subjects and continue to learn. Unfortunately you've made it personal. It's an impersonal ideological discussion. Wish you the best. No hard feelings on my part.
  10. A full letting go is out of your control. It might feel like you are in control of satori, but you can recognize that satori is this already and that the energy of wanting to have it, know it, control it, seek it, is what creates a sense of seperation and hides it. This is it already, God (this) can appear as a seperate person writing or reading this, from the persons point of view it is personal and meaningful, but really it's always just God (this) appearing as whatever is appearing. It is impersonal, and the biggest mind fuck is that this isn't actually happening, the person in control is a complete illusion, it was never there.
  11. Non-doership is now utterly obvious. Thoughts and intentions arise out of nothing, there is no doer. It's just like a dream, it just unfolds. In a dream, no effort is required whatsoever, it just unfolds within a mind that knows not what's happening. Same with this so-called Reality. It is just unfolding, there is absolutely nothing to regret, to feel guilty for, to feel proud of, life - not only death - is the great equalizer. There seems to be a deepening of this realization. Though sometimes the belief in doership arises again, and the belief in being the body-mind. It's chaos, sometimes it all feels personal, sometimes it feels totally impersonal. It's never consistent, it's constantly changing. A beautiful experience, never boring. And all resistance comes from this belief in personal doership. It arises out of nothing, just like everything else. All week there has been plenty of resistance to working on the music project. My friend has shown me the first version of the artwork, it looks quite good to me. Only the album cover is missing. And yet, there is still so much resistance to opening Studio One and working on the mixes. There is a sense of overwhelm. So I don't do it, something else gets done. And that's fine, it's exactly how it needs to be.
  12. It's not merely that consciousness is awaking up. This is still too impersonal. You are waking up to the realization that YOU are God -- the only being in existence, who created itself. Keep hammering on this point: YOU ARE GOD! Really! You are creating yourself. Yes, of course, God is Consciousness, but it's absolutely crucial that you fully realize that YOU are God, and just some vague field of consciousness or some impersonal thing. This must be an uttetly personal realization. The ego must realize it is God. Zero distance between you, reality, and God. You have not awoken until you are completely conscious of how you create every object in your room and every creature on this planet. Are you conscious that you created the sun?
  13. In recognition of the true self, "suffering, strife, sadness, struggle and grief" might still appear. They appear but they are perceived to be momentary. You are simply not attached to these thoughts/emotions/sensations and so they don't stick on you. You must be sad for a few moments but quickly you are crystal-clear and present and aware of your true nature. Nobody is saying that suffering, strife, sadness, struggle and grief are not beautiful, but they are only beautiful from the perspective of the truth. The one who is suffering, does not feel that his suffering is beautiful. So then, we must transcend the egoic-mind which is not able to perceive suffering as beautiful. It is only from your oneness that you can perceive the beauty of the duality. In duality you have no sense of duality, you are completely lost. You are completely identifying with the egoic-mind. In that place of suffering, there is no one to perceive it as beautiful. And that is a shame. This is a life wasted in identifying with the mind, identifying with suffering, strife, sadness, struggle and grief. The experiences themselves are not the problem, but when you (pure consciousness) identify yourself as these experiences, it is pure foolishness. Truth is not about appreciating foolishness. Someone doing "hard work" for someone else because of their attachment that they call "love" is foolishness. You must not appreciate it, because it is pure foolishness. No one must "work hard" for anything and anyone. One must only be one with their own heart. You say "parents work hard to ensure a good life for their children" but what is this other than a thought? What hard work is anyone on this planet doing? We think a lot of unnecessary crap in our mind and any activity becomes "hard work" simply because you are thinking so much. Instead of cleaning the dishes you think "there are so many dishes to clean... when will this end... why am I doing it??" and after that you'll go to your mom and say "yea mom I did so much hard work today, I cleaned up all of the dishes!" you literally did nothing but clean dishes. It is not hard work. It is only the mind saying it is hard work. You must live life effortlessly, because you are one with life. Life does not do "hard work" to be itself. There is no need for such beliefs. It is only holding you back from the ever-present truth that is consciousness itself. Be aware of being aware. You say "We like that suffering" but who is that who likes the suffering? It is the sufferer itself that in retrospect loves the suffering. In that moment it is very painful, it is very foolish to suffer in that way so absurdly. It is mad completely. Human beings are not meant to suffer and have attachments to suffering. It is very unnatural. The one who "likes" suffering is merely the mind. The mind doesn't want to let go of the suffering, because only in suffering can the mind exist. The mind, suffering can't exist in a peaceful, serene mind of the supreme self. And so it will make you believe "I love suffering" but you must not believe this thought. You do not like suffering, it is only a thought. The impersonal supreme self does not care about suffering. It wouldn't think twice about it. It is merely another phenomenon perceived within consciousness. It doesn't get attached to it and says "But I like suffering" because it doesn't give a single flying fuck about suffering, about grief, about sadness, about love, about joy, about peace, it actually is completely detached and impersonal, has absolutely no interest in anything. It simply is. And that is what you are. Be aware of being aware. When you are aware of being aware, you are successfully "just being". That is wonderful. Remain as you are. We don't do irrational things and suffer because of love, actually what you believe to be "love" is just "attachment". Replace the word "love" with attachment, because you are talking about attachment, not love. Love is universal, it is beyond duality, attachment/passion/obession are not love, and they are not greater than true happiness. I don't know what you mean by "superficial happiness", I don't think anyone is seeking that here. Currently you are attached more than you are aware of your true nature. You must be more aware of your true nature than you are attached.
  14. If you need to ask strangers about whether you should end a relationship - yes, you need to end it. End it, and instead of wasting time on relationships with other people, have a solid relationship with yourself. I don't mean a relationship with the mind, but a relationship with the higher power. The source itself. Instead of being in a relationship with the mind (thoughts, emotions and sensations) be in a relationship with pure consciousness (your self). Be aware of being aware. The relationship you have with yourself (Your god-self) is the only relationship you actually need. That one relationship will end all other desires for any experience in life. So first find the god-self, merge with it, be one with it, love it, and then all relationships will naturally be in the vibration of god. You'll be having a god-connection with every single person you meet simply because you are aligned with god himself. You'll be like a vessel for god to manifest itself in human form. That god-self is what you truly are right now also, and the god-self has no problems, has no attachments to this world and to the mind. You simply stay in the god-self. Be aware of being aware. I recommend watching Moojiji on youtube. All your problems are coming from personal identity. If you were not personal, would you have any problems? Find out the true self, the impersonal self. That is yourself. You are the impersonal, infinite, serene, eternal and timeless self. Anything that can be perceived is not you. The mind itself is perceived, and therefore anything that comes from the mind is perceived. This whole "world" is appearing within the mind, and the mind appears within consciousness. You are that source consciousness. Delight in this knowing. Marinate in this knowing. Be that consciousness in which it all appears. Do not speak with any identity. Live as though "you" (personally) don't exist. Be aware of being aware.
  15. No they are still quite different. Solipsism is predicated on an I, me, an ego self. Non-duality is predicated on consciousness, an infinite impersonal field. The main difference is this, solipsism claims perspectives are only one dimensional. Where non-duality states consciousness is multidimensional, expressed through many different perspectives (infinity). Infinity doesn’t exist for the solipsist. When there is no ego self there is no solipsism. Consciousness remains irrespective of an ego self. I feel you may be confusing Mind with Consciousness. Mind is the activity of consciousness.
  16. They aren’t the same. The difference is that solipsism presumes an existence made up of one mind experienced by a single ego. Where non-duality presumes existence is impersonal but experienced through a multiplicity of minds. Solipsism doesn’t allow for the expression of mind to be expressed different to itself. Where Non-duality accounts for the multiplicity of minds that inevitably arise from it in varying expressions.
  17. Realise awareness is impersonal, beyond all “I’s” and you will realise solipsism is a delusion. You do not require the dualism of mind to do this.
  18. I don't exist. Everything I say is a pointer and it is impersonal. How's that elitist? And I will state my truth regardless of how you feel about me. That's the way I'm used to it. It's difficult and exhausting for me to articulate my thoughts in an impersonal manner. And English is not my original language, so it doesn't help much. Plus, a gentle touch is not always effective. Sometimes, a slap in the face of the ego can wake it up. No one knows what exactly will make it click. We're all simply giving it our best shots.
  19. Of course, the field is impersonal. That's the point. Why would it require a person when it can exist sufficiently on its own? The person is secondary to perception. Thoughts are secondary to awareness. Objects are the creation of God.
  20. @Someone here "you" don't exist, and neither do "I". Direct experience is not a property that is owned by a person. The person is imaginary. That's the whole point of the direct experience paradigm, is to get you to realise the imaginary nature of individual persons. If all individuals are imaginary (including yourself), and there is direct experience, then that's God; impersonal, and right in front of you. The rest is noise. Get rid of it by questioning the paradigm to death using the questions I suggested above.
  21. This is a recontextualization. It is another room worthy of exploration, yet not the room I am pointing to. To enter this room, you would need to set down this interpretive filter. Of course this is true within this context. Yet if you limit yourself to this context, you will not be able to see, appreciate and utilize other contexts. Notice how you are creating reality right now. You have created a thing that is not OK with being human. In this story, the thing not OK with being human probably had religious brainwashing. This thing wants to transcend the laws of the universe and become a superhuman God. Yet this is just what the thing wants, the thing is fine the way it is. . . This is a very creative character you have created. This could make a good character in a book or a movie. Yet relative to my personal story and experience, it’s way off. Notice how the mind creates a story that is consistent with the view it is attached to. Notice how you are imagining this, yet perceive it as real. You are literally making it up. I never said everything was an illusion. Again, you imagined that. You created that. What I said was we can create constructs of imaginary and real. We can create distinctions and inter-connections. We can explore the imaginary in real and the realness in imagination. As well, we can deconstruct all the way down to imagination = real. For you to have this debate within your mind, you must create an opposite side to debate. Notice the mind creating opposition. You literally created a character that has the opposite view of yours that you are debating. I am not that character. As well, if a mind is contracted within realness it is helpful to point it to see illusion in realness. If a mind is contracted within illusion, it is helpful to point it to see the realness in illusion. Yet they are two sides of the same coin. Ultimately, illusion is real and real is illusion. We create distinctions. I gave an impersonal description of mind structure. You’ve added in the personal part. At a personal level, mechanisms of narrative control have various energetics which include defensiveness, blaming, avoidance, righteousness and others. You have created an idea you call “true enlightenment” and have defined this idea. This then becomes a filter of perception. for example, if we define enlightenment as “the desire to know is extinguished”, then anyone we perceive as having a desire to know will appear unenlightened and delusional. Within this context, this is true and has value. There is a contracted dynamic of seeking knowledge as “it”. However, this is only one dynamic and if this is the mind’s only filter, it will mis-interpret other dynamics through this filter. It would be like having a red filter. Red is perceived as red, which is fine. Yet blue, yellow, green will also be perceived through the red filter and mis-interpreted as red. The key is that this filter you have is not “wrong”. You don’t need to prove it right or wrong. It is right in certain contexts. The problem is that this is the only filter your are processing through and you are missing a lot. To see this, you would need to set down this filter of perception, get curious and explore. Yet you seem too attached to this filter to do so at this time. If you continue to grow and expand, you will one day look back and see how you are currently contracted.
  22. Maha Vishnu As per the Srimad Bhagvatam Mahavishnu is a principal deity in Hinduism, known as the Absolute protector of the universe beyond human comprehension and all attributes. In Gaudiya Vaishnavism, a school of Vaisnavism, the Satvata-tantra describes three different forms, or aspects, of Mahavishnu(Karanarnavasayi Vishnu,, Garbhodaksayi Vishnu and Ksirodakasayi Vishnu. The term Mahavishnu refers to that Absolute truth Brahm(a) or Brahman (impersonal invisible aspect) then as Paramatma (Aspect beyond the understanding of human soul) and finally as Sarvatma(incarnating for bringing perfection). So bhakti (loving devotion) goes to Sarvatman(Krishna or Rama avatars or incarnations of Vishnu, Narayana bringing both peace and perfection of the living beings). In this way, bhakti surpasses even yoga, which is aimed at the Supersoul, Paramatman. Mahavishnu is the Supersoul of all living beings (jivaatmas) in all material universes. Karanodaksayi Vishnu is understood to be Sankarsana(form) of the Catur-vyuha of Narayana. It is also often used interchangeably with Vishnu to indicate reverence, as the prefix "Maha" in vishnu indicates the greatness and the vastness of Narayan. So all the Gods including Purusha form like Shiva, Brahma are considered as the Part of Maha Vishnu Expansion. Mahavishnu is said to lie in the Causal Ocean or the Karanodak. He puts the seed of this material universe in Mahamaya by glancing at her. Mahamaya remains the ever obedient material energy of the Supreme Lord. All the natural elements including sky, fire, water, air and land are created along with mind, intelligence and false ego. After this, Mahavishnu enters each of the many universes so created (seeds emerging from the pores of His skin) as Garbhodaksayi Vishnu, who lays down in each and every of these individual material universes (Brahmandas). It can be interpreted that Garbodakshayi Vishnu is the collective soul of all souls in a particular material universe and that Mahavishnu is the collective soul of all souls in all of the material universes. From Garbhodaksayi Vishnu then emerges Brahma who is the secondary creator (due to his need to meditate to create planets in the material universe) of the planetary systems within particularly this material universe (Brahmanda).
  23. You simply interpret neutral impersonal loving energy as "sexual arousal". No, simply intense energy of the presence appears, and you feel that, and it may cause the mind to interpret it as "sexual arousal" based on your conditioning. None of that is happening. It is merely energy appearing in a certain form. You are that which is perceiving the energy, you are that presence for whom this "sexual arousal" thought is appearing. Even that presence itself is perceivable. Be aware of being aware.
  24. Hello everyone, open for discussion and questions The ego isn't bad, it is not something to be "pushed aside" because that is just a waste of time. It is not our job to interact with the ego at all. This is not life. Life is independent from ego. Ego is an extremely small box life puts itself in, unconsciously. Ego is when you identify with some thought, emotion or sensation about yourself, and believe yourself to be that appearing thought, emotion or sensation. The ego is not always there. In sleep there is no ego, but there is awareness/consciousness (while dreaming, while in deep sleep), ego is not there when you wake up first thing in the morning, it takes checking the phone or some interaction usually to boot it, or if you are very identified in daily life then it will appear first thing in the morning, but in deep sleep there was no ego. That is why we all love sleep, because there is no ego there, total rest. Ego is personality, whatever you believe yourself to be as a personality is ego. You believe you are great, that is ego. You believe you are worthless, that is ego. Ego is just the psychological-mind that needs to be set free for the soul to flourish and be what it was truly meant to be here on earth, free, pure, joyful, loving, compassionate and peaceful, being wonderful and divine. The ego must be transcended for the soul to shine and for the soul to radiate the infiniteness of one's-self, if the ego is not transcended, you are in an extremely limited box, unaware of life completely, stuck in your own mind and helping the suffering to manifest and appear. Unconsciously that is what most souls do, simply because they are conditioned to do so. The ego does not actually exist, it is merely a thought believed in. There is absolutely nothing there, no substance, no meaning, nothing. It literally exists only as a thought, and that isn't really existence. It is not living, it is not alive, what makes any thought appear to be alive and "real" is only when you (consciousness, the true aliveness) identify yourself with a thought, and therefore that thought borrows your energy (consciousness's energy) and appears to be real and powerful, but that is only because yourself has given the thought/emotion/sensation the power. Without you supplying power to ego/thoughts/emotions/sensations they naturally dissolve into the infinite silence and emptiness of being. The habit currently is to be identified with ego, thoughts, emotions and sensations. The "goal" is to reclaim our true nature, our buddha-nature by simply being aware of the awareness that is ever-present. By being aware of the awareness, it means we are perceiving from our true place, and we are perceiving that which is true (awareness). When you stay in the place of perceiving the perceiving itself, you are calm, serene, peaceful, joyful, compassionate, loving, beyond fear, doubt, anxiety, you are in a timeless space, you are home, you are one with the universe. The "goal" is to stabilize yourself in the knowing that you are that. To not feed anything with your attention other than awareness itself. That is living meditation, enlightenment, by being that which you truly are, you are radiating infinite impersonal love, presence, joy, peace, compassion, freedom. Naturally in this state the whole universe conspires for you and life becomes blissful externally just as much as it is blissful internally. First you realize yourself internally, and then naturally the realization follows and appears in the external. You did not change, you simply have discovered your true nature, and rest in that, instead of chasing useless thoughts, emotions and sensations. By being what you truly are, unconditioned and pure, you are an infinite blessing to the whole universe, to yourself, to your family, to the birds, to the fishes, to the trees, to anything that is, you are a blessing. Every single thing will appear to flourish in your presence, naturally, effortlessly, simply because you have reclaimed your own true buddha-nature. Thank you.