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  1. It sounds to me that you are limiting yourself. I partly agree with you in the topic of trying to Chase positive experience. But that is NOT morally wrong. Is just that...It doesn't work. There is nothing wrong with pursuing positive experiences. Im sick of this Christian messages going around in this forum about being ok with mediocrity or being "so awake" to not prefer positive experiences over negative ones. Or positive emotions over negative ones. You can NOT avoid Desire and Longing for BLISS, SILENCE, LIGHT, AND FREEDOM. Your whole being has this very qualities when layers of thought and karmic bonds start being unknotted and dismantled. Please notice there is not anything more natural for your being than to be in pure in innocence, absolute radiation, and full vibrancy. The game does end until you are a perfect Diamond of Awareness, nothingness, untouchable, in perfect unity with itself. From there the game really is fun... No human being ultimtatley settles for just mediocrity. Everyone "wants" that. Because everyone is "that freedom" Is just that not all humans, in fact most of them, do not know how to do this (and in this forum most of us are still in the process of It), so most humans pursue this longing in form of short term pleasure like you said. And others are just in skid row shooting up fentanyl. People are getting their moments of freedom however they know how. Is just all those external ways of getting It is not maintenable, and doesn't even cover the full spectrum of how perfect vibrant your Consciousness can become.
  2. Namaste my friend 🙏 Force and Bliss for you too 🙌
  3. mmm interesting way to say it. Gotta for that bliss and love I guess
  4. Splendid. Yep. You got a huge glimpse. And Shinzen Young once said that depersonalization is enlightenment's evil twin. It's almost exactly like enlightenment but without the realizations and bliss, from my experience.
  5. Just don't stop whatever it is you're not doing. If your OP is anything other than idle speculation, I would suggest you intend getting into the habit of ceasing all such categoric rhetoric, ie dragging in all sorts of qualifications relative to time and conceptual labels~ further and afar from the fundamental and essential. Just your own mind right now (not your thoughts) is the inconceivability already at your bequest. Taoist teaching introduces the directive to rest in the homeland of nothing whatsoever; to float around in the center of the compass and just deal with what is. Bliss comes and goes, whereas perfection is easy for those with no preference.
  6. That there are positive or negative thoughts is a belief. That there are good or bad feelings is a belief. That there are right or wrong views is a belief. It's either a thought about another thought, a thought about a feeling or a thought about what's being perceived. To think and to label is duality, by default. Quite obviously so, but maybe not to everyone. Language is duality. You cannot speak without automatically implying duality. Next time you catch yourself thinking about how negative your thoughts are... stop, take a step back and realize that it's all just one thought. Never positive or negative. Just a thought. Same goes for feeling. Whatever you feel, it's never good or bad. It can be intense or overwhelming... but it's always just a feeling. Sadness, despair, hopelessness, devastation, anger, boredom... all just one feeling. Excitement, joy, bliss, peace, love... all just one feeling. Instead of thinking of it as separate feelings that arise periodically and unpredictably... think of it as just one big ass spectrum. One feeling. One emotion. One energy in motion - quite literally. And it can feel like anything. Even if it's a 'physical sensation'... it's always just one sensation. Not good or bad. Just a sensation. Next time you accidentally hit your toe, or hurt yourself a bit in any way, take a step back and try to locate the pain within your awareness. Really try to find the source of it. If you 'zoom in' enough, you will find nothing. But on the surface, at first glance - so to speak... it's all just fuzz. Vibration. Nothing else. Not good or bad, right or wrong... it just vibrates. That's what feeling is. As everything else in direct experience. Vibration. Still... Just because there is ultimately no good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong... it does not mean that you should neglect or harm yourself or others. It's not that you can't, or you shouldn't, or that it's wrong... no. You don't do it because you are conscious, wise and mature enough. Because you know better. The idea is not to declare that it's all meaningless and illusory and create chaos... but simply to see through illusion and meaning and learn how to optimize your 'state of being' and your life experience.
  7. Bliss is just another state being witnessed. By? The true Self. Bliss is just an experience. Time is an illusion.
  8. pleasure is but a break from misery no? ... why not have the bliss of the real you
  9. Self also brings pleasure, joy, happiness, and all the rest of the colors on the 'default' human palette, no? These positive feelings might be fickle and fleeting and pale in comparison with transcendent bliss, but for those who dwell in consensus reality, they're as good as it gets.
  10. I'm searching to expand my taste in this domain. So far (Malt, LSD, AL-LAD, Mushrooms, Salvia, Weed, Ketamine, MDMA...) I'm interested in Blue Bliss pellets (5-MAPB+2-FMA+5-MeO-MiPT), similar in effects to MDMA but safer. I still have to make my mind whether to buy them or not. Any recommendations? What is that secret psychedelic that you hide in your drawer?
  11. From the ethereal udder of consciousness and bliss? what is moo? 🐄
  12. Sometimes the best spiritual pointers are non-verbal ones. They have the advantage of not filling one's head with concrete images and stories; rather than appealing to the intellect (which turns everything it comes across into narrowly defined concepts), they touch something much deeper within us than mere rational understanding... and music can do this like no other art form in existence. As someone who loves classical stuff, I have yet to come across another piece of music that conveys the terrifying beauty of infinty as aptly as György Ligeti's "Lux Aeterna" (Eternal Light). It gives you (almost) the same feeling of boundless vastness, stillness, timelessness, of simultaneously rising up to the heavens and falling into the abyss that is characteristic of all mystical experiences. And it sounds both gorgeous and creepy as hell. Another composer who had a real knack for putting infinity to music - or music to infinity - was Richard Wagner. His speciality, if you will, was tapping into the divine interface between pain and ecstasy where unfathomable heartache, unspeakable bliss, unfulfillable longing and unimaginable love all flow together and merge into one big orgiastic ocean of sound... like here, for example: Old Richard is an especially fascinating case of an artist who managed to tap into the realm of divine transcendence with his work... because by all accounts, the guy was one of the most egotistical & bigoted bags of human excrement who ever composed music; so how a dude like that was capable of creating music like this remains one of the great mysteries of this miraculous reality we're living in. Which for me honestly only adds to the sense of incredulous wonder and fascination that always engulfs me whenever I venture into his ravishing soundscapes. --- I know, I know, I've shared these gems a 1001 times before. What can I say, I am f@%!ing obsessed with this kind of music, so forgive me for sharing it for the one thousandth and second time. And feel free to share your own favorite musical pointers!
  13. So it’s been a week since I wrote… and most of the time has been at the auto body and glass shop. I’m really surprised how much I’m enjoying this position. I was using the vacuum hand sander on a camper shell to prepare it for painting and during the process of removing the shine and orange peel… I was using the light to see what needed to be done and I was using my hand to run over the surface and feeling the curve I really could see how much people could enjoy doing for pleasure. I can see this as a really cool hobby for people. Shoot it could possibly turn into a hobby of mine one day… who knows? But doing this work is pretty detailed oriented and meticulous and I enjoy it! It’s funny because I really don’t know much about cars in general. The majority of my life I’ve had very old vehicles and I’ve only purchased them at a very low price so I can get from one location to the next… as long as it could do this, I was happy with it. And when it comes to these vehicles also comes with issues that need to be fixed and I’d go in and fix them… but I’d use YouTube or ask friends who knew more about mechanical work and then yeah… I’d use hand tools and get it done. I am not a stranger to the junk yard and so I’d find parts there many times to fix issues. I’ve already mentioned, I believe, that I’ve replaced an engine to one of my cars from a “junkyard dog” (engine) and it worked and didn’t actually take long even though we weren’t using power tools. Anyway… now that I’m working on cars with actual proper equipment and tools… it’s pretty fun. We don’t have to do a lot of mechanical stuff even though at times we do… I haven’t really had a chance to learn that yet and maybe I won’t… but there’s so many things I’m learning that it’s keeping my attention and curious to continue learning. I’ve been helping with removing and replacing windshields which is pretty tricky to remove from the vehicles. Lol… all these vehicles are a lot more new to what I’m accustomed to so they have the push starts and some don’t have normal shifters they could be just buttons… lol.. anyway it’s different. And when it comes to windshields there’s things that I didn’t think about when to remove and replace that would need to be done. So many of them have to be recalibrated because there’s sensors and cameras that have to be detached so when we unplug them… they need to be recalibrated. I’ve been really liking the process of painting as well. Now I did try to go and learn how to spray paint last Sunday but I chickened out pretty quickly because I started to get self conscious about doing it properly and I thought it’s best that I don’t paint and give that to my boss. But I did tell him that I do want to learn more about it and do it more, but we have to wait for projects that are more forgiving for beginners to paint. So we’ll see if I get another chance soon. But… to get the parts prepped to paint takes quite a bit of time and has a process. Once we go through the sanding process then we have the masking process to make sure most of the vehicle is protected from overspray. And after the painting we have another process of fixing the paint and preparing to polish it. There’s a lot that goes into it. Again as a hobby I can really see how I would enjoy it. I enjoy it now, but I also know that my pace will have to increase, because this business is more about turning the car to get to the next car. I think we have about seven cars we’re always working on and we might have four cars going in an out quickly with windshield replacements. And even more cars that will come in less than a half hour because we’re fixing rock chips in the windshields. We’re a small shop but there is still a lot to work on.. and different projects gets it interesting. Since I’m still new and these aren’t my vehicles I’m very hesitant on removing parts off the car. I’m always concerned I’m going to break something and then add more issues to fix which I don’t want to do. We remove a lot of parts all the time. And sometimes we have to be a bit aggressive and I’m just not comfortable yet to do it… hehe… I try to be gentle and I see it’s not working and then I’ll try a little harder… and if it’s too hard I ask for help because I don’t want to be the one who breaks something… hehe. I know it sounds like I’m not really being helpful but I know I’ll get more used to the process and I won’t be asking for help so much… but I think for now people are appreciating me admitting when I’m not comfortable with something. I’ve also noticed how many little pieces go into this and trying to keep it organized and even remembering where everything goes… hehe… there’s a lot to it but I am enjoying myself. I chickened out about asking how much I’m getting paid as well. I had a brief conversation with one of the office girls about not knowing how he’s going to pay me. If he puts me on payroll then we’ll have paperwork to fill out. She said she’ll try to get it figured out by Friday, but that didn’t happen. So yeah I haven’t filled out a W2 yet and I’m not sure I’m going to. We’re supposed to be getting paid on the 20th… so I guess I’ll find out then… hehe… I just hope they show how many hours I’ve worked and the pay rate but without filling out paperwork I don’t know if that will happen. I’m going in tomorrow to help out a bit so maybe I’ll get a chance to talk to my neighbor a bit more. It’s challenging because he’s always so preoccupied with other thoughts and then he’ll be dealing with his children many times so it’s hard to get a quiet time to just talk one on one. Originally my neighbor was going to help me find a car. Now that I see how busy he is I’ve been trying to be more active on finding one myself or asking others if they know of anything. Now I’ve been mostly at the shop so my conversations have been limited; however, I was speaking with one of the volunteers at the Krishna temple today and she has two vehicles that she’s trying to sell. So yes today I took a day off and I wanted to go to the temple. I’d like to go on Sunday but the bus doesn’t run on Sundays so I thought Saturday would be the day to go. The bus driver actually dropped me off closer to the temple which wasn’t a scheduled stop but he was super nice and I appreciated it. The temple is gorgeous but it’s really extravagant. I guess “temples” are supposed to be but I’m not really sure the significance of all the “show” but I did enjoy the architecture and the artwork and so maybe that’s why.. hehe. It just seems more gaudy than necessary. This temple has llamas and peacocks on property along with an African parrot and four macaws. So I started out there with the animals. There are white peacocks as well who were really pretty and looked like younger males who didn’t have the whole blue on their bodies. I didn’t have anyone to talk to so I’m not certain how to tell the difference but it was still cool to see them wandering around. I was being quiet and moving slow so they weren’t running away from me too much but definitely kept their distance. I didn’t count the llamas but I’d estimate about ten of them. There was one who was sitting closest to the fence who had a curious and goofy smile… at least to me. Half of his teeth were showing on one side but it really made him look even cuter. It started to sprinkle and the animals started to get shelter so I went ahead and went inside. There’s a gift shop and vegetarian buffet in the entrance. The temple was at the top level and there was a group taking a tour so I ended up talking with the young lady who volunteers and happened to be working at the gift shop today. She actually had been living there while her husband is living a little farther north and working there. They just found out they are pregnant so they are moving to Bolivia in a month. We were having a good conversation and I found out she was having issues with one of her cars not being able to start. I asked her if she’d like any help with it. I wouldn’t be able to diagnose any issues but my boss should be. I’m also looking for a vehicle so maybe if there isn’t a crazy amount of issues I might be interested in buying it. That’s when she said she’s going to be selling her other vehicle too. It’s a little SUV and of course that’s the one I’d rather have, but when it comes to price… I’ll be able to purchase the one that’s not working right now. She and her husband is guessing that it’s the starter but we’ll see. She’s also selling her saris so… I might get one from her. Through out the week I’ve been really debating on getting to Nepal this coming year. I was chatting with the young technician at work about usually trying to go somewhere on my birthday and I started to think about it… I’d really like to go to Nepal. We’ll have to see how things fall into place, but it’s going to be hard to not want to go to Nepal for at least a month… if not more.. hehe… if I go in February that might be too soon to save the money I’d like to have. But I really want to get back to Peru next year as well… so again… we’ll see how things work out. I continue to find myself trying to plan things out but Reality likes to show me a different approach to how I want to experience what I’m asking for… so… trying to continue to get better with going with the flow… hehe. So I messaged my boss to see if he’d need help tomorrow at the shop. And if he had time in his schedule maybe we can check out the vehicles at the temple to see if they’re worth purchasing or not during our lunch time. He’s going to see how he feels in the morning and then we’ll go from there. I’m going to offer paying for his lunch at the vegetarian buffet at the temple… I thought it was delicious. I asked if there was a way to volunteer in the kitchen to learn how to make the recipes, but the lady who used to teach no longer works there anymore. I am looking to see if there are any volunteer opportunities at the temple but the wife who designed the temple and painted the artwork also manages the volunteers seemed a bit hesitant with me not being a member. So we’ll see how it goes. I really enjoyed speaking with the young lady and I hope to continue our conversations even after she returns to Bolivia. She was telling me that Bolivia is even more beautiful than Peru… hehe… and I said I was at Lake Titicaca but I didn’t cross the border. She said if I visit the Krishna temple in Bolivia then she bets… I’ll run into her again. Her mother and stepdad are in higher ranks in the ISKCON so she’s active as well. So…. I continue to hear and read the name St. George… hehe… I’ve actually looked for rooms/roommates and jobs there… I’ve actually got a young man who wants to room with me if I happen to make my way down there. But I’m curious if I’m going to be going there soon. I thought maybe it would be more reasonable for me to go there for my birthday instead. Everyone is implying it’s kind of the tourist place of Utah. It’s gorgeous and many people go to St. George for the winter because it doesn’t snow as much as it does up here. I felt like I’d have opportunities in the creative side down there… but there might be opportunities here as well.. but I wanted to mention that it keeps coming to my attention. Yesterday morning I was watching like a migration of birds flying south out of my window… and I chuckled that I thought about heading to St. George to miss the winter weather… hehe… but again we’ll see how things go. And… this week I did end up buying so things for myself for personal care. I wasn’t going to do it at first… well it didn’t even come up to mind but then one day I was just like… I’d like to get some things to kind of care for myself more than I usually do. I’d love to try to create a habit but I’m not certain these would be my supplies to create a routine but I thought I’d like to give it a try. So I had my period and I thought I’ve been wanting to try out these period cups… so I ordered a kit. I knew it wasn’t going to be delivered before I was done but I wanted to have it ready for next month so I can give it a try. I got it off of Amazon so I went ahead and purchased a gift for Elvis. I wanted to get him so pet grass so I got a grow kit. I should be seeing sprouts tomorrow… I hope and within a week I guess I should be able to feed him the grass. The grass only last a few weeks so hopefully if it works I can purchase a kit to replenish his grass…. If it works! But I also go a body lotion. Honestly I’m not a lotion person… hehe… but ever since I was in the wilderness I’ve felt like my hands have been really dry and thirsty. Also being in the wilderness my senses were heightened about how I take care of myself and I wanted to get a better routine or habits to better take care of myself. So what… there were good reviews for Curel daily healing lotion unscented… so I’m giving it a try. I’m trying to do it daily so I’ve done it three days now and yeah at first I don’t like the feel of having lotion on my skin but it’s not taking long for it to penetrate my skin and then it feels fine. We’ll see if I feel like its getting more moisture and not so dry then it might be something to continue, right? And I guess if I’m in the jungle I won’t need it but in the winter… I could do this.. hehe.. right? Anyway… when it comes to deodorant it’s been tricky for me to find something I like. So I’ve been looking into Lume because they had this lotion option for deodorant and also it’s for the entire body. It says it’s supposed to last up to 72 hours of odor protection. So I had thought about the expedition when I’m guessing there isn’t going to be a daily bath going on. So I was going to see if it works and this could be an alternative to help for the wilderness, but also I’ve been finding that I’m going two to three days before bathing and I’m working at the shop. So I thought this might be a good time to try Lume and see if works. So I just got this and I ran a really amazing bath today. I boiled extra water to get a really hot bath… and now I know again and reaffirmed why a hot bath is just complete bliss. I mentioned it’s been luke warm water and it wasn’t cutting it. My muscles were craving a hot bath so yep I boiled three pots of water and one which was hot but not quite boiling yet and it was exactly what I was wanting. But anyway I used the Lume bar soap… and the lotion suggests to apply at night.. so I’m going to use it tonight and then see how it works. I’ve been looking into Prose as well… advertising seems to be attracting me and I’m giving in and giving them a try. So I got a hair care routine and also their skin care routine. I’ll see how I feel about it and the results but I’m open to giving this a try for a few months to see if the results are what I’d be looking for. There’s also a product that I spray on my roots to help boost scalp care and I guess boost hair growth… so I’m giving this a try too. And the final thing is this lip product which is supposed to really moisturize my lips. I’ve had dry lips for a loooong time now and I have moments where I’ll use chap lip stuff but I’m not consistent with it… but again since the wilderness… I’ve just noticed how dry my body is and how much I want to give it attention. So I should be receiving all of these items this week and I’ll get started in trying to take better care of the body. They say to be consistent with it.. and I’m going to give it my best effort to be as consistent as I can be. And it takes patience so to give it a few months before determining whether the products are working with my body or not. So we’ll see how things go… I’m hopeful. So I’ve tried to continue the sketch journal again. So I’ll try to attach a video of the pages I’ve got done this week. I’ve been tracking the package to my buddy in Thailand and so the last update on tracking says it’s going through Customs Clearance in Thailand… so once it gets past this step… it shouldn’t be long for it to get to my buddy…. As long as the address is understandable… hehe… I didn’t know what was the province or which was the city… and I think there’s an island name “moo”… well I wrote down what my friend wrote so hopefully it’s understandable to them. Ok.. it’s getting late and I’m getting tired. I’ll go ahead and finish for tonight… until next time. videoSpeed 2.mp4
  14. Feel into it read up Deida, Tantra, Igor Kufayev, watch the movie Bliss, watch Taylor Johnson on YouTube is also cool. Basically it’s about feeling and loving vibes, experiencing a real connection Breathe her in, the woman and also life herself! At the same time be completely grounded be in the room yet outside of it simultaneously. What women want is another great watch. I’m gonna go ahead and add, age of innocence, pride and prejudice, (not Hitch please although it’s funny it’s just a lower level, you want a more intuitive felt experienced approach).
  15. @strangelooper you can be too right now, just right now you have something to look at and express gratitude for. You will express gratitude for the void, you are in the void but it has light right now this is God and God is the lonely one who gets a turn every 3 turns. Because two shine their lights on your thoughts to make you happen, and you must give back to them what you took, twice fold to understand why existence is so important. Right now you are bathed in the essence of God. You have two Gods that created you your mother and your father, their life experience formed a chain you must bear. Can you overcome and see yourself as God above. Imagine a world where you give two times the effort in order to satisfy the other 2 yous and live in bliss. And if you do this twice in a row its exponential.
  16. Maybe, but if it seems limited, it is. It's like a rat maze, there's only one way out. Maybe the labyrinth is imaginary, but you are still in it. I am not talking about states of bliss, but total openness to the infinite. It is not something like I am happy, but I am joy without limit, perfect, pure. joy is just the consequence of the absence of limit, of the opening to the great vastness, to the infinite. The limits block what we are, perhaps only apparently, it is the same. Breaking those limits is very difficult but it is possible, it is a difficult game, very subtle. I myself am blocking what I want to allow to open, but once you get it once, the next one is easier, and then another, etc. For now, a moment , even 2 minutes, is enough. It is a state that forces you to want to get out of it, to return to your cage, since you are used to that, but the cage little by little is seen for what it is: a cage. It is not tolerable to live in it. We'll see if i can live looking into the face of infinity all the time.
  17. The limited=unlimited. You just created a concept. There is no where to go. I can enter bliss states with my will. All I have to do is surrender my self whenever I feel like it. Enlightenment is the fusion of self and no self. So I can experience duality and surrender it at will. The funny thing is every human is doing it, they are just not AWARE they are because they are lost in concepts that hide what is happening in plain site. But you all don't realize that concepts are tied to your biology. Until your very gene expression is rewritten you will not be fully awake.
  18. you'd be in the highest possible bliss if you were dead so it is kind of dumb for being grateful to be alive
  19. You are correct. Think about it, if you were always in bliss and couldn't be could you have an issue with anything? You can only have an issue....because its a personal issue which you project outward onto something. If God didn't create issues...God would have discovered it was ONE a long time ago. These issues are to keep the veil up. Such ingenious!!!! You have to get over yourself to find yourself!!! Its why solitude is so important. Extroverts are very unlikely to find God....they need some alone time for that one. Think of society as a game of pretend, of putting on appearances. God is basically the actor saying okay, okay, I'm done pretending. Tell me what the fuck is going on. Lol then God shows itself what it was doing and says the famous words...."What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" and "Oh my Goddddddddddddd." LOL. ^^In whatever language God speaks.
  20. @Spiritual Warrior Don't project your shit on me, I'm not a virgin or whatever you're saying you are. I don't want to pursue some lovey-dovey relationship like you, flowers, rainbows, and women smiling at me. I enjoy my life and how I built it and I don't need any girl if she's a 9, a 10, or 11/10 to come into my life and be a woman, fuck off, I'm not going to let it happen ever again, I experienced it way too many times already, I'm sick and tired of that bullshit. If that's a new thing for you and you live in a romantic comedy in real life, great, good for you, I'm so happy for you man, keep on doing that, ignorance is bliss! @Migue Lonas Yeah, even if 11/10 would throw herself at me, I'm not in love with feminine energy like you are saying I should be so happy about or anything else there is to be so eager about. You're the man, I'm not, please become my hero! 10 years in the game?!?! Meaning 10 years of chasing pussy??? 🤔😅😯🤤🥱 I almost forgot to say - YOU'RE THE MAN!!! Keep on chasing pussy you two, keep on projecting your insecurities onto me, keep on not even answering my fucking original question, and talk some nonsense that you feel like saying, to protect your agenda and stupid dick-rubbing monkey egos (or whatever you're doing here). Thanks for the help, you were really helpful, once again guys!!! 🤗🤩🥰 Jesus Christ, are you people for real?
  21. For me it’s different. When my t spikes I get so horny I have to do a handstand just to take a piss in the morning and balls feel like watermelons. But my mood/motivation/energy/confidence remains unaffected Not really true if you have a very strong fetish. In this case just the fantasy alone gives massive amounts of pleasure that if performed would be light years better than basic intercourse. The beauty of my thing is it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with sex, yet if a baddie were to do me the honors just once I’d be stuck in a bliss coma for months. Others who have my thing say they’ve had girlfriends that were great partners in other areas but since they weren’t willing to indulge the kink they had to look for someone else. That should tell you something.
  22. The second point is interesting and I haven't thought about, but to be honest, the games that I'm most excited to create are the fast-paced violent one. These are the kind of games that I'm passionate about and all my ideas are about them. If I go after something which isn't really exciting to me (but helps the world), I won't be able to follow through because of lack of passion and motivation (the follow your bliss principal).
  23. I think any experience that makes your heart open is orgasmic. Even if it's eating pizza. Many people don't realize but when they eat pizza there is a sting of orgasm there. They even moan sometimes when they enjoy themself too much. So orgasm or bliss is what happens when your heart opens. And it can open in many ways. And if your heart opens fully. That's an ultimate orgasm. A cosmic orgasm of God consciousness.
  24. Its just God a moment when you can stop existing and be in bliss. It will feel like that when you die the feeling get so intense you lose all other feelings and just stay in this place without thinking ever again.
  25. Most who wish to identify as the body/mind and Egoic structure will condemn what you're saying and will not understand this from an Absolute perspective. They will curse you and tell you that you are delusional. They would rather live from a place of separation and keep their ideologies alive and well and continue in the loop. It's such a shame that we would prefer to hold unto our fake identities that keeps perpetuating thoughts of evil and good not recognizing the dysfunction it entails and that there is a higher place to live from other than what morality/immorality breeds. Ignorance is bliss. Thank you for the wisdom you share consistently and those who are ready will see it.