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  1. Only God's Will is all-powerful. Only God's will IS. God's will is the only command for this particular game to keep appearing as reality. There is no other will around but One, because anyone that you've always had interactions with is what makes the world alive. Given the fact that the Universe is this rn, the external objective reality is an idea. You'd get lonely ..because there is no veil of perception. Nobody is perceiving an objective external world. If I interact with You and I am ✌️ I am You because nonduality, duality, one, two, etc are words and thoughts, the only way of access for truth to get realized or for God to realize God is direct experience. I can't see my face when I open my eyes because Consciousness is not activity of brain neither has anything to do with brains. What is behind closed eyelids? It's the Same Same. What is behind opened eyes? The black screen you see when you close your eyes is not the perception of having your eyes closed when you realize there are no physical eyes, brains or eyelids. What's beyond the visual field? Nothing else appearing because to say *space*, you see, for that to be correct you should be having direct experience of what you call space beyond visual field... Now play around with this train of thought... You realize there is no space beyond direct experience, and you start wondeing... Is there anything at all happening beyond direct experience? And then you rethink the first question more throughly.. And u think to urself.. ? Ummmm God's game ? is designed in such a way that once the click happens you lose all fear. Because you know, and that knowing is your fuel. You are Unstoppable. Try this out: Close your eyes for 2 seconds, then open just one. Keep just that one open for 6 seconds. Look, did u notice? Now... At the same time, open the left eye and put your hand like this as you keep the other one open as well. ? Notice how you re creating the whole Qualia of every drop and ocean of sensation. Your body is Qalia. Of course you're dreaming up Qualia in real time. Qualia is not a mix of signals interpreted by a brain. Brain is Qualia too as all appearance. But guess what are the implications of *Brains are not even something that exist outside or as smth else other than though, Qualia. Only the eyes are the windows to "God's Highest States" Pointer .. ??? There are two Eyes ?️?️, Maybe you never thought it throughly, I mean, wtf, why 2✌️?️?️? why... And then you realize.. When you realize the real awakening triggered by this pointer, since you can't see your face you start looking for another ?️?️ and then finally everything clicks. It clicked. You start seeing and understanding that the absence of your eyes within your sight is experienced via a double body with the same nonlocal seat... Astral projection, OBE etc. Think about seeing your face and your body on the bed while out of body journeying... What is really happening is you having direct experience.. Eyes are that stuff which cannot be seen until You discover through direct truth access that the way you experience this very moment might have ✌️ existing nonlocal .. in the same "seat". Just imagine... A world where there is no suffering. A world where the only suffering the world ever experienced is through conscious direct experience. Hi? The One reading this rn. ?✌️Clue... Everything that appears as XYZ is Consciousness, your voice, sight insight, feels, thoughts are Consciousness as well. Consciousness = ? Reread this paragraph and read beyond what you first thought I mean; Two channels✌️OneScreen??✌️ One Godhead, I included some symbols here which I am not using to express what these emoticons etc are supposed to convey as meaning 'conventionally', please let all the old meaning behind. If you know what I mean you can surely verify it in your direct experience, the only way of recognizing the same insight, awakening and breakthrough realization is through getting the Clues, a clue is a pointer. Guess what? If everything is Consciousness, guess what the pointers are pointing at. Look...There is no ego either. There never was. What do I mean by that... Well, you might wonder, In what sense there is no ego... ?.. The ego is creation. Creation is play. The Ego you've been keep updating and upgrading as you keep dreaming it up... Every ego activit that occured within your awareness is the only reference point for what? ? Now you might wonder ? What if there is randomness here and there in God's game? But now think this throughly... everything you think and do is fueled by God's will and after True God's God-Realization begins the Journey of contacting yourself by initiating connnexion with Yourself, God-realized God wanna be Itself and experience itself..and explore this liberation through Interaction with Capital I. Direct experience of There is no veil of perception= Proof available when you take 5-meo with your girlfriend and you realize that you cannot see your face because this is when both get the biggest clue , literally and metaphorically, you cannot see your face because for you to look into your eyes you'd have to look through some other eyes. Fire cannot cook and eat, cannot magically turn into a human being, butterfly etc because fire is Qualia. Qualia has no will. But the recontextualization after the Realization: Consciousness cannot be absent There is no Unconsciousness What this is pointing to ...✌️ "I am Conscious in your Mind too* might make you enter this state: "the real realization of what this: Imagine Reading Religion stuff from God's POV. Do u remember that line? NWe made man in our image. Our. Our. Our. Image ?? God Realized that God is immortal and It's existence is absolute, it Has nothing to do with any unconscious nothingness. There is no nothing in existence, there is no absence when it comes to existence/God. Full stop. Start practicing some Consciousness play... Don't think about anything for 7 hours straight with a partner. You just focus on each other without talking, worrying, eating, doing rutine shit etc. Just stay there, both on 5-meo and look into each other's eyes till both of you recognize the fact that you've always communicated inside the mind. That s the only body of work that God sacrificed itself by living in your imagination thinking your whole life into being.
  2. The majority of the western world is stuck in materialist ideology. This is the biggest obstacle to any kind of awakening since materialists will never even attempt to awaken. idealism opens the door to awakening while still being compatible with science which is why its important that idealism can be more widely accepted. the path goes: Materialism > dualism/panpsychism > Idealism > Nonduality > God Realization/infinity Its pretty much impossible for a materialist to reach infinity but easier the higher you are on the path.
  3. Last Sunday I entered a different state of consciousness (if I can call it that...) That I never have encountered before. It lacked all kind of "mind" phenomena, it didn't have any taste whatsoever. With "taste" I mean that usually awakenings come with some kind of "energetic" aspect to it (usually 'Love' if it's a very particular clear intense awakening). This 'experience ' (if I can call it that) has led me to thinking that whatever I have experienced before have been filtered somewhat by the mind. Even if it's God's mind! Love awakening is brutal. Grandiose. I cannot think of anything better than that... Or I can? There seems to be an aspect to "God" where 'nothing' enters. With nothing I mean no taste, no energy, no self, no love, no reality, no aliveness, no nonduality, no nothing! Yet it's alive! What if Love is not the final nature of reality? What is Love is still a bias of God's mind? ? I'm not saying that is necessarily bad or that it makes all past awakenings "invalid" but... I don't know...there seems to be a 'place' where there is no phenomena whatsoever. And it seems a very powerful place. To be continued I guess ??‍♂️
  4. It's signifying all the seemingly different things happening within everything. The apparent separation within the whole of everything(duality & nonduality) ♥
  5. In a funny and shocking way sometimes the nonduality revelation reveals that even the idea of unification is silly because there was never anyone separate in the first place in which could become unified..... there's only everything! Absolutely no other forum like this! ♥
  6. Nonduality = This, now, is all that exists. This, what is within consciousness, now, is all that there is. Your parents do not exist now, as they are not within your direct experience, except as a thought. You have choice in what you think of. Problem is, you think your thoughts / memories are truth, instead of what they are which is just a thought that you are creating now, and nothing more. Learn to control your thoughts. If you think your parents never existed, and tell yourself that with no doubt, that will be your Truth, and be just as real to you as that they exist now. The key is not to have it be that the old memory / thought is truth and you are trying to override it, but frame it as truth is only what you tell yourself and a memory /thought you tell yourself is as true a truth as any. If you create a thought / memory that your parents never existed, and believe that truth without a doubt, then that is truth to you and will be your reality.
  7. You need to read a bit about him from unbiased sources to know how wrong this statement is. Muhammad carried a huge responsibilty and paid a lot with sweat, tears and blood and Years of humilation and physical and emotional torture from his society. all of this because he carried the responsibilty of the collective to push his people in the right direction and he succeeded! Arabs enjoyed hundreds of years of civilization and growth only because of Muhammad. Muhammad was not a tyrant, he was a spiritual teacher and teached a lot of wisdom. I respect him for that. But I also don't expect from him to teach nonduality or to be perfect in every aspect.
  8. When I first started this sub-forum, my biggest concern was that people would use it as a platform to engage in religious debate. Thankfully that's never happened. However, what I failed to foresee was the same dynamic manifesting in a more subtle form: people engaging in nondual debate. This is even more regrettable, because it goes directly against what nonduality is about and such folks should know better. There has been a recent trend of people stirring up nonduality debate or embarking on "discrediting" campaigns. It's this toxic tendency to criticize and nitpick nondual teachings because they happen to differ from how you think nonduality ought to be done or taught. As if there is one or two paths that everyone should take, and all others are delusional. This is a classic trap. Traditionally, most spiritual paths -- as part of their marketing strategy -- highlight their upsides while conveniently never mentioning their own downsides. Then they criticize all the other paths by only highlighting their downsides while never mentioning their upsides. This creates a false apples-and-oranges comparison. It's functional purpose is to recruit new adherents. It's basically a dishonest advertising campaign. The problem with this approach is that it breeds intolerance and sectarianism. It creates in-fighting and distraction rather than contributing positively to the discussion. It's intellectually uncharitable and ultimately makes the entire field of spirituality/nonduality look hypocritical to outsiders. If you are so nondual, or so self-realized, why are you wasting so much of your time fighting others? This is such a rookie mistake. The reality is that nonduality is a difficult thing to teach, no matter by what method. Traps are numerous NO MATTER WHICH PATH YOU TAKE. There is no such thing as the perfect path. There is no such thing as a path with no downsides or traps or potential for delusion. Any path you take can be misused. Any teaching you hear can be misused. Any teaching can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Any teaching can be nitpicked and criticized into ill-repute if one so desires. You can easily write a massive diatribe about every single spiritual teacher and spiritual path ever devised by man. And you would be half-right. But all of this is just an ideology game. It's a fundamental failure to understand the other person. It's also rather annoying to moderate and creates idle controversy where none really exists. Not only does it turn good people against each other, it's false and ignorant. Just because you've had a rude awakening -- just because you realized that reality is illusory -- doesn't mean you get to come on here and trash the value of conceptual work, or traditional self-help, or other nondual methods. Just because one method didn't resonant with you, doesn't mean you get to crap all over other people's methods. Again, this is such a rookie mistake we shouldn't even be having this discussion. The work that we're doing here is very nuanced. It's very easy to misunderstand. It's very easy to demonize. It's very easy to abuse by its nature. All advanced work is this way. And our work here goes WAY beyond enlightenment. I am counting on you to be a nuanced and understanding student. If you disagree with this philosophy and think that all there is worth doing in life is enlightenment, that's your opinion -- and you're entitled to have it -- but you have no business being here. Go spend your time doing something productive that you believe in, rather than debating, "debunking", and criticizing -- with flagrant disregard for intellectual charity -- the hard work of others. Anyone engaging in nondual debate like: "Method X is all bullshit. It's delusional. Teacher Y doesn't know what the hell enlightenment is. Just follow the method that worked for me." will be banned. There is nothing nondual about such behavior. It's juvenile and driven by a lack of understanding of the deeper aspects of this work. The very act of making such posts is already evidence of one's low level of development. Highly conscious people do NOT behave in this way. Here's a very simple rule of thumb: you will NEVER see highly-conscious and self-realized masters debating, criticizing, nitpicking, or engaging in "debunking" campaigns. Because all of that is egoic, dualistic, ideological nonsense. If they disagree with a teaching, they simply avoid it. They don't start a crusade to fight against it. They understand that different people resonant with different paths and teachings. They understand that everyone needs to find their own path. Remember that guiding people to nonduality is an inherently challenging thing. It's one of the most challenging teaching scenarios. If you ever get the opportunity to teach hundreds or thousands of people about enlightenment, you'll gain a new appreciation for how many of them will deeply misunderstand you and use your well-intentioned teaching for evil. Have respect and compassion for that. When assessing the value of a teaching, observe the principle of intellectual charity, and seek to understand the communication rather than how best to discredit it. Discrediting is easy, understanding is difficult. Division is easy, integration is difficult. Hostility is easy, compassion is difficult. To be a part of this community, you certainly don't need to agree with me on everything. I've always encouraged you to think for yourself and never follow blindly. But you do need to agree with some of my core values like: intellectual honesty, tolerance, compassion, holism, and openmindedness. You must show a basic level of tolerance for diversity and you also need to adhere to the principle of intellectual charity when discussing the pros and cons of various nondual paths. If you don't agree with such principles, that's fine, you just have no business posting on this forum. Please help me keep this community in line with this high standard of discourse, so it doesn't devolve into the kind of low-consciousness finger-pointing that we see all across the web. And none of this should be taken to mean: "So Leo is always right?" No! Leo is just a guy on the web who shares ideas with you. Be very intelligent in how you understand and apply these nuanced and tricky ideas. And none of this should be taken to mean: "Leo is saying that all teachings are identical and equally valid." No! That's obviously not the case. Some teachings are downright absurd. Use of good discernment is ALWAYS necessary. But even if a teaching is absurd, you're still not entitled to troll it or crusade against it. Your actions always speak louder than your words. If you choose to engage in debate or crusading, that shows us exactly what your level of development is, no matter how many enlightenments you may think you've had.
  9. I glossed over it but I didn't understand most of it. So if you can give a brief explanation to it again would be appreciated. However I understand that nonduality means Not two. The moment you know you exist duality has begun to impress perception. You begin to count ‘I am’. ‘I am’ spontaneously creates the illusory world with the concept of separation being impressed through the ‘I am a body’ idea. Prior to knowing you are, you are. The sensation ‘I am’ or ‘I exist’ has appeared to you. Without knowing you are, you of course are. This is the essence of non-duality. Once you realize your total aloneness, there is no mind .the mind is your past, the mind is the other. Ordinarily, when you are alone your mind continues talking, it becomes the other; there is dialogue between your mind and yourself. But when you are totally alone, you are alone. Now there is no mind and there is no God; yoe divine. So I cannot say you become one with God because to say so presupposes duality: it presupposes that God is one and you are the other. Even to say that existence is divine is to divide it; there can be no nondivine existence. It is divineness or it is existence; there is no need to use two terms. To say it is existence is enough; to say it is divineness is enough. The moment we say divine existence we create a division; then existence is divine and something else is not divine. But that is not the case: there is nothing that is not part of existence, nothing that is not divine.
  10. First, realise that the "whole" is something that exists and is not predicated on anything else. In science, the whole is the entirety of the universe or multiverse. In Christianity, the whole is the Earth and Heavens. In Nondualism, the whole is you! God, consciousness, or reality. You could call the whole 'one' and everything outside the whole 'zero'. In maths, the whole can be divided into parts called 'two', but this isn't a given in nondualism, since God is inseparable. Second, consider quantifying the energy, mass, spirit or flux of the whole. It is infinity. But, it is in a state that changes over time. How does it change? Everything suggests that entropy increases. In other words things are expanding, order is decreasing, the universe is cooling, things are becoming more stable. Eventually, all energy will be evenly distributed. An infinite space will be filled with an energy level of 1/infinity. Nothing can possibly happen because there is no usable energy. This is the end of the universe, and there is no point recording time after this point, because without change, there is no time. Time wouldn't abruptly stop, but the lack of movement would make time slow down until eventually the smallest change takes an infinte amount of time. Third, consider the opposite of infinite space with an energy level of 1/infinity. It's a 1/infinite wide point of space with an energy level of infinity. The Big Bang. Just like the end of the universe is very slow, the beginning of the universe is very fast. Things change quickly. That explains why there is nothing before the big bang, because time is infinitely fast at that point. In other words, as you approach the beginning of the universe, change happens in an infinitesimal amount of time. Therefore you can't go 1 second before the big bang. That's not even the most interesting part. Consider what the laws of physics are. They are a set of rules that take a universe from an infinite point to infintely dispersed field of 1/infinte energy. They could be 10th dimensional. Most scientists believe our universe has these properties: If any of these constants were different, you would not exist as you do now. You should believe that your consciousness created these, because you'll find they are pretty fundamental if you go digging. If you can disprove one of these values, enjoy the Nobel prize. This explanation of the universe is consistent with nonduality. It means the "whole" exists for infinite time, it does not have a beginning or end. Also, I'd like to state for the 10th time that I don't believe science can explain truth. The physics of a cup does not tell you anything about its design, usage, history or value. Physics is just the rules of a game with unknowable depth.
  11. I won't forget the look on my Grandfather's face when I said I didn't believe in the big bang. He looked like he wanted to hit me, but my father was standing there. Even when I explained that I didn't believe it because I didn't know enough, he kept shouting at me about Einstein and science and telling me I'm foolish. This is the guy who's first name is my last name. Suffice to say it hurt me deeply. Well, now I've done my research, thought deeply through it, and yes, I think the big bang is the origin of the universe and perfectly consistent with nonduality. I can explain why but it will take energy on my part. Cool, I'll give my explanation then. One second.
  12. The non-duality war I personally think its very healthy if there is a part on the forum where people actually truly can debate discuss it, but not mengled with the articles of certain paths. Because it can get them to think critically. (it requires however another set up in the forum). I do strongly disagree that all paths are as good as others. Of course, someone who is further sees that the 8 folded path, that purifies the desires is best among paths, because someone is thrown in himself. But what makes something like this, or such a claim toxic? Because there is certainly a point being made by Leo. Keep in mind the 8 folded path, we will come back on that in a min. So what is then so toxic? I will show you guys an example of what is toxic, what is a perfect example of trying to "debunk" something in an ill way (not to forget, debunking is healthy, I promote it). Here is an example shown that is actually thrown, and already explained in my comment what is so wrong about it. Dear xxxx, You miss again the point, xxxx. So I will again explain it to you. The dhammapada, is well studied by me, and its examples are good to share. I live up to those examples, secluded from unwholesome deeds, sense indulgence, concentrated on Awareness and I am awakened to my true duty in accordance with my True Self. However, you seem to miss the point again. Your aim should not be me, but the subject that is presented. If you find it misinformation, support this with decent evidence. Refer to what is pseudo-wisdom in what I shared here as teachings. If someone lives up to it, and shares examples that enlighten the way, then surely this is wise to do. For those who follow it up, and look into it, surely, this is wise to do as well. However, if you do not come up with decent arguments, surely any intelligent being reading this, will surely understand that what you say is hollow, your own misunderstanding that is situated in either your own passions or ignorance. And should read the Dhammapada yourself and put it into action. I do not see a single article coming from you, that actually challenges what I shared here as teachings. There for I conclude because of not taking a stand to actually debunk it with decent arguments, your post as being filled with ramblings and pseudo-wisdom, egotism and can be there for classified as foolish, per swaying people to agree on things that lack evidence and has therefor nothing to do with wisdom, being intelligent and being situated in the fruit of wholesomeness. If you disagree, and are not willing to put any evidence in what is wrong with what I am teaching here, and why it should be otherwise, and how it should be otherwise, then surely if you can't keep your mouth shut, sit still, putting your attention on yourself and being concentrated on Awareness, and instead just keep mumbling around here in this forum referring to me how I am situated in spiritual egotism, you clearly miss your aim, and are yourself trying to astray by your pseudo-wisdom. For you can also just not read what I write, put me on ignore, and leave it at rest. But you do not do this, you come to me, again and again. How can that be of a good intent? Surely you didn't miss that. ................................................................................................... (So for all haters of Leo (or anyone else that is hated) that do not have come yet with decent arguments and are not willing to present them, but are just attacking, this message above is for you as well). The same counts for all that have something to say about Leo... If you don't have decent arguments, then leave it be. You must be ready to give arguments when asked for them. However I do point out towards Leo, see, they throw at me as well, and I have seen very very nasty things being said towards Leo, without a decent argument, or not willing to later point things out more, clearly with decent arguments, (e.g youtube) and I have seen nasty things being thrown at me. So whats toxic? That which makes it toxic, is that people do not come with decent arguments, and when asked, still don't. I would definitely would like to see a place where people can criticize peoples work, but with decent arguments (I stand widely open to be debunked very hard, but one must be coming with arguments, that are verifiable, and if I ever write something, people can just say to me: Please let us debate this, I wanna put this to the test with decent arguments, and I shall never say, I am not interested to support my claims with decent arguments with a clear mark of refraining from sophism). Preventing this healthy critical thinking in a forum, surely will lead people to think, oh Leo is going to discern who is non dual and who is not, and this is however imposing a non-dual by not non-dual which is toxic if not supported by good, solid arguments. (I am willing to support this further if Leo wants this, I stand wide open to make myself useful here) I don't believe Leo meant that as his intention however. Remember the claim about the 8 folded path? I dare to speak out that the 8 folded path is the best among paths. And I am willing to put decent arguments on that. Nothing toxic about that. However, I do am afraid that many, just can't put up decent arguments that are refrained from sophism, to actually truly demonstrate why its wrong even if they would wish. Some examples from other works, is just not enough to debunk something, although a valid point can be made. I am not supporting psychedelics, but I am betting that Leo would not say to me: Motus, you are crazy, you didn't gave me solid reasons why not, you are toxic. I always come with arguments, and if not, one can always ask for them, and I give them. And I find this healthy, because in this way I can warn for his reputation, (its what a good wise friend would do)! Create an article about what truly is non-dual according to you, and stand open for an argument back, letting readers decide for themselves. Thats key. And I would suggest that the administrator can use this information for improvement into all directions. (useful information can come out). Saying: Those non-dual, will never debunk something or debate it and correct a wrong view. This is not true. An enlightened being, or someone with a great understanding or someone rooted in Dharma, is only here to debunk with powerful sublime arguments. Debunking is for example what you do as well Leo, its what you should do. Its refraining from such duty that is dual, being attached. I wonder how many people got debunked by Leo in a positive manner, and I well support many of the points he made. (And I maybe should give those more credit here). I would rather say, if someone makes a probable toxic claim, they should be able to start an article on a forum, and challenge this. IF they do not respond to that, not even when asked in private to join it, or do join, but keep being toxic, not using arguments, just sophism to persway people and make war, now that is a reason to ban. I don't see a reason to ban, because he said; take the path I took, your path is wrong Leo. Or, Leo is not the right teacher. Motus is a bad teacher, his teachings are rubbish. (taking this personally is of course based on a wrong view, there for asking for arguments, which if one is not willing to put, and keeps going on with sophism and per swaying, then you can state: Wrong intent, false speech, wrong act, wrong view, wrong place of attention and concentration) (= Reason to ban?) Why no banning straight away, what do I think? Because, such a claim can be supported by arguments and should at some point, and the reader should ask for them to kindly explain why, if the writer did come up with decent arguments that can be checked to be valid, by his own core with a clear mark of refraining from sophism, he should be reasonable. Well now, the one answering should put decent arguments, and refraining from sophism. Otherwise, yes, if one just claims widely, without arguments, just throwing and throwing, is indeed making toxic claims due to not willing to support this claim with decent arguments. Deciding what is a good argument, valid argument etc, yes, one must be more educated, and that is another problem I come across. Therefor if someone is trying to debunk me, I will be more critical at pointing out rather why its sophism, and why it should be avoided. And I will do this as well for Leo, or anyone, if I see sophism, for the sake of education. I would ask nicely, that those who get a decent argument thrown at them, learn from it. Get along, harmonize, learn. I would ask nicely, that those who do not have a decent argument or are not be willing to put one when asked, just shut your mouth, and sit with it. Go watch some video's of Leo, or read some of the teachings I posted here. I really would like to see a reply from Leo, how he looks at the points I make here, as he is the administrator. And really would like to hear your thoughts about this article. (Remember, again, don't attack me, for theres no me, or a Leo, just learn to focus on my points that I make and come with arguments that are in line with the subject presented). (I posted it in the same forum, for practical reasons)
  13. Cause I care profoundly about truth and consciousness, I don't carry emotional trauma, and I didn't fill my mind with all the human bullshit that a lifetime of socialization creates. I also have few human attachments and few conflicts of interest. The more you take human matters seriously, the more invested you are in it, the more painful awakening will be. Cause everything human is built on BS. Even human spirituality is BS. Even Buddhism, Vedanta, nonduality -- it's all basically BS designed for fools.
  14. @Carl-Richard Feels like there should be a “both” option for question two? I have done psychedelics and have had both at least one sober and one psychedelic awakening. So really that be my answer. In terms of timeline, I dabbled in MDMA, Salvia and Sass before I ever discovered meditation and nonduality. Those substances gave me unique experiences but I was kind of just partying like a idiot back then. So it’s hard to say how much spiritual growth came from it.
  15. July 2022 aka: The month Leo popped his Instagram cherry ? • Why Supermarkets Sell Flowers (Essay) • Problems With Our Information Ecology (Essay) • Nu Pogodi (note) • Old-School Self-Help (Essay) • AI Fractal Music Video • Memetic Tribes & Culture War 2.0 (note) • Scientifically Verifiable? ? • How To Develop Work Ethic (note) • Science vs Reality ? • Absolute Presence = Immortality (Essay) • Higher States Of Consciousness (Essay) • A Warning About Solipsism (Essay) *YOUR IDEAS OF SOLIPSISM ARE NOT GOD-REALIZATION!* • Nonduality/Idealism Is NOT God-Realization (Essay) • Ignorance Is Bliss ? • Strange Loop Cat (Essay) • Carnivàle (note) • Crazy Beautiful (note) • Absolute Infinity • God Is Love • When You Finally Realize God Is Love • Helicopters Are Awesome! • Vladimir Vysotsky (Essay) • The Most Beautiful Game Of All Time (note) • The Greatest 90's Song (note) • Brad Pitt's Greatest Role • Bomberman '94 TurboGrafx-16 • The Lost Spires (Essay) • Metaphysical Rebirth • Homer Discovers The 3rd Dimension (Note) • Scorn Gameplay Demo (note) • Insights Into Computing & Managing People (note) Some talented artists Leo is following on Instagram ?: • holosomnia • beloved__world_ • infinit.visuals • ig_artgalleryy • colorfull.wrlds • annibalesiconolfi
  16. I'm not gonna draw a first person 3D view of a dude looking at flowers with his knees and stuff in frame. Accept my beautiful stickman... I wrote many metaphors regarding screens and awareness, and especially nothing. These are all fictitious beliefs based off of logic. This was death. I finally understand all the toad reports and that YouTube chick with the "uncompromising nonduality" schtick..... The second I go back to Atman shit I instantly become attached to the idea of being this thing. Bubbles of consciousness is mostly just a fancy sounding separation. I straight died... Flowers weren't all that was, obviously things like flowers go away. You can shockingly enough go away just like thr flowers. But the world still appears. Do you understand what I mean? Qualia without subjective view of it. Qualia not necessitated by other at all. How does the sound of a wave crashing happen in real life? It's just the sound, the crash. Everything else like you being there to hear it is made up. And wording this is also made up because words are themselves appearances of reality.
  17. Hey fellas, alongside daily meditation and such practices I've done a lot of research into the neuroscience of enlightenment, be it 5-HT7-receptors that seem to be involved in enlightenment, the pineal gland or the default mode network. However, I wanted to know if any of you guys came across technologies etc. that seem to support spiritual seekers? In particular: - has anyone of you done 5-MeO-Dmt or has had experiences of nonduality with other substances? - what do you guys think or know about the technology of neuro- or biofeedback to enhance mindfulness and increase consciousness? Let me know your thoughts, blessings to each of you.
  18. I mean it's ego activity at the end of the day, there really truly is no such thing as an enlightened person, only enlightened knowing of God recognising itself through a finite lens that has returned to its source, that isn't just some neo-advaita hogwash, that's a real aspect of awakening that requires the complete collapse of all distinctions; the ego -identity is so finite it cannot hold that level of infinity, so it's weird to apply credit for it, it feels more like it's simply being taken along for the ride. "So nonduality probably isn't necessary for awakening, certainly it wasn't in my own experience anyway." There's certainly way more to spirituality then just non-duality no doubt. It's just that for me at least the complete collapse of all distinctions is at the heart and centre of the very essence of God first and foremost, and from that place you can understand its activities in more dualistic ways because from that place springs a narrative. I would say DMT is the ultimate psychedelic for understanding the dualistic activities of God consciousness for example which can be just as important as the non-dual. Adeptus described it as there being the "This, that...and the nothing", with certain psychedelics like 5-meo touching the divine nothing, and psychedelics like DMT touching the "this and that" if that makes any sense at all lol. It's as if the Nothing recontextualises the entire narrative that springs from it. So I think we definitely agree here. Both are important to me, and even more important is to subsequently integrate that with one's human experience.
  19. I agree with that, but I'm open-minded enough to entertain such things anyway. Well, in my own understanding awareness as we're describing it here boils down to the degree of lucidity of the entity. Or basically, if you realize that you've been interacting with your own mind and that's what reality is, or whether you realize yourself to be God. So nonduality probably isn't necessary for awakening, certainly it wasn't in my own experience anyway. They're like two different aspects of higher consciousness experience, though because most people will awaken through psychedelics which tend to produce non-dual experiences, it seems probable that you'll experience both at some point, and because of that the two are likely to be conflated.
  20. This is not my version, that's just what nonduality means. You are probably talking about some kind of subtle or causal states of consciousness or some higher level of self-recognition or awakening or whatever the heck you are talking about.
  21. Why don't you enlighten us then? Nonduality is really just being aware without the ego mediating the experience. I can relax my mind right now and make it happen. That's what it is. Get over it.
  22. I don't see how nonduality has anything to with this, other than it being used as a telos to imply that development ultimately leads to self-transcendence. Also, how does the experience differ from it being your baseline? I experience nonduality everyday, and I find it hard to believe that you could permanently lock this awareness, unless you become some kind of monk (it's really just "being;" once you're "doing," you will not have nondual awareness); also there are much more profound states of consciousness than nonduality that feel a lot more like "higher cognition."
  23. @Gesundheit2 Muhammad was gifted spiritually. He didn't need anyone to teach him nonduality, he discovered it himself and that's the point. I think Muhammad went so deep that it became clear to him that he was God. Yet I think it took him decades to do that.
  24. This is about the Cook-Greuter analogy; I think the relevant stages to understand there are the "Autonomous" and the "Construct Aware" stages. I think the 1st person, 2nd person... nth person framework is quite useful (although Im not sure I fully comprehend it) and I will try to lay it out here briefly. 1st person: Bascially unable to take other perspectives but ones own 2nd person: Now able to see that others also see me 3rd person: Now able to see self and other as separate persons and thus able to compare self and other 4th person: Now able to see the 3rd person self as embedded in history 5th person: Now able to see the 4th person self as but one way of making sense of live (this is where language and science is really questioned) nth person: the nth level of abstraction that one takes on making sense of life So the Strategist (Autonomous; 4th person; what I would consider to be the equivalent of Yellow) is the last stage where one understands oneself as a separate self. The strategist is able to look at his own historical context and thus his own developmental arc, so he understands that different people are at different stages of development and therefore is able to treat others appropriate to their levels of awareness. The Strategist believes that each person is responsible for themselves and their own growth (this tracks quite well with your hypothesis of Yellow caring primarily about itself). This stage to me seems to capture the whole Stoa/Rebel Wisdom kind of paradigm quite well. The Magician (Construct Aware; 5th-nth person; which I want to make the case for, is potentially what were looking for to be Turquoise) is able to see that his way of understanding and meaning-making is only one out of an infinite possible ways. For the Magician, the separate self is an abstraction - an idea rather than a literal reality. Language is understood as a way to freeze existence, to understand existence by containing it in bite sized chunks of knowledge - in an attempt to both make sense of the impermanence of the human self and to understand the reality of human existence; this is seen as beneficial in daily functioning, but as ultimately illusory. The experience of the self now includes both knowledge of ones connection to everything else, as well as the actual experience of those connections as the self. This tracks quite well with Turquoise which is described as "Self as part of larger, conscious, spiritual whle that also serves self." This is NOT non-duality yet, as it kicks this can down the road to the literal nth degree. I think it is inevitable to set nonduality as some kind of ultimate telos for cognitive development and then just keep adding new, more complex stages in between, as they emerge and are comprehensible. Its always hard for me to self-reflect how much of that view is just the nature of how development unfolds and how much is informed by my own spiritual pursuit (which should not be a given in a developmental model).
  25. Consciousness can create a triangle that also is a square. Consciousness can create conceptual and physical things that just seem to be impossible from our human level of imagination and perception. Consciousness is the level where existence and nonexistence become one, for it is itself in and for itself. It is the level of absolute nonduality where the objects, and also the concepts, of, say, dog and cat, are one. It includes itself in itself and knows the being that expresses itself in the human perception that it right now is, being the being, talking to. It is the level where, in a sense, all distances between perceptions become the self referance. And for it is the self referance, it knows, and not, itself.