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  1. you dont understand my point. the overarching design that allows existence to flow perfectly from moment to moment is absolute perfection. im not talking about perfection or bliss from a human point of view, but rather existence as an objective entity. it is utterly flawless, total alien in level of design and harmony.
  2. Well, you definetely can tune your inner being so that you experience bliss and a feeling of "perfection" with reality, no Matter what the external circumstances. External circumstances are not bad or good, is just that if there is a famine going on your village, It Will be more challenging for you to experience 'perfection'. But still posible. But you Will have to very refined tools.
  3. This community that Leo built is deep within a deadly (literally) trap that I will uncover, perhaps leading some of you out of it. Not saying he's doing it intentionally, he's just confused. He's got some things right, like solipsism and that God is Love. His pitfall, though, is attributing the creation of the universe to the same loving God. A perfectly loving creator could only create perfect love, and the logic of that is as sound as it gets. Some of you have experienced God's true creations through deep psychadelic trips. The author of that experience and this universe differs. Attributing God as an author to this universe is a deadly mistake because how will you escape this mad illusion if you believe it's God's will for you? And if you don't - you wil literally suffer and die, again and again, until you grasp that a perfectly loving Father would never send his Son to such a place. Leo saying that you simply don't see the larger plan is his way of tricking himself and you. Notice that he doesn't know the plan, he just hopes there is one. If you use your own head for a moment, you will see that this world isn't evolving towards love, it has been and always will be the same psycho planet. All the worldly pleasures that you experience are put in place only to entrap you, making you chase those breadcrumbs of love until you decay and perish. Your deepest pleasures, like relationships, food, whatever, will turn around and inflict the largest pain. Where is love in that? It's so funny hearing that this is a love simulator from a person who suffers constantly, as basically everyone else here, depending on how well they distract themselves from their pain. Notice that Leo never actually tells you the larger plan. The plan that is supposed to maximize love is never explained, you only believe that it is there, even though your direct expetience, again and again, for thousands of lifetimes, shows you otherwise. He might drop an abstract idea on how it works, but he really doesn't know, since there is no such plan. Didn't he tell you to look at your experience to find truth? Well, look and evaluate - is it full of perfectly loving experiences, bliss, pleasure, or the opposite? If you saw all the pain and suffering you experienced for the last thousand years - you would be disgusted at the idea that there is a meta plan of love. There are some better and some worse lifetimes, if you are living a better one now, that doesnt mean all of them were like that. And even the good ones are only relatively good, not absolutely. One of the dangers of psychadelics is that they make you believe ideas you brought with yourself into the trip, and how many of you brought the idea of a loving meta plan into your trips, hence cementing that idea in your minds? Long long ago Gnostics and Valentinians realized that this world in not the creation of a God, but of Demiurge or a Demon. Jesus in A Course in Miracles says the same, if you are able to comprehend that scripture, although he calls the creator of this world ego instead of demiurge. To understand the reason behind the creation of the universe, feel free to read the Dissapearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, it's just an explanation of ACIM, but a very clear one. You can tell Leo never read it, or he wouldn't be talking the way he is. It will transform your thinking if you study it, I promise. It's the only book you need. I've read all the books from Leo's booklist and none of them come even close, actually, all of them are full of falsehood. And isnt it funny that ACIM is the only book Leo never really read from his booklist? You can't just jump to the workbook, as he did, since the text has all the juice. Only one genius throughout known human history figured out the reason behind the creation of the universe. Read those two books, they will enlighten you. That's all, folks. I doubt anyone will actually change their mind, but it doesn't matter. Only one has to understand it, and he does. Oh, let's say you do open your eyes and want to escape these endless psycho dreams, here's the only method to do so: let go of everything this world has to offer, simply sit in your room and be still. Let go of all thoughts, choose silence again and again and you will come back home. It's that simple. Remember, enlightenment, heaven, God, Self, is not perfectly visible now only because you are constantly doing things to cover it up. When you stop doing everything - it will happen. It takes some time, like up to a year of perfect non-doing, but that is a cheap price to pay, since you sacrifice endless pain for endless love. I'm open to any arguments against what I wrote, since when you clearly see what is true, you can run circles around people who are confused, even though they might not be capable of seeing that. Now I'm done.
  4. Namaste, people. I don't know if this guy's material has been posted on this forum before, but this guy is the guru of this apparent illusory dreamworld-dwelling non-existent self body-mind-organism, whose real self is consciousness or whatever.
  5. Is bliss an emotion or is it something else. Is love an emotion or is it lack of emotion. Maybe we stop love from being experienced cause we would rather feel emotions. It dosent leave we just suffocate it.
  6. Sat, chit, ananda. Existence, awareness, bliss. It is said that one who finds the highest observer and fully surrenders to "it" becomes joy itself.
  7. Let´s use the energy analogy. Let´s say the Whole of Infinity is one Wave of Energy. In this One Wave of Energy, objects, animals, humans are produced/constructed/created. In an object, the wave of this one energy continues perfectly to the next object, to the next molecule, there is perfect conductivity of the energy, like a gold cable. (One of the best materials for conducing electricity) The same happens in animal, since there is no ego or sense of individuality in this Energy, it also conduces well, although maybe, is already not a 100% perfect conductor, let´s say animals might be copper cables. But meet the humans. In the human, a sense of individuality and sense of individual existence is created. Here the Energy STOPS. And it stops and gets twisted so much (the cable is folded in such a way by this ego) that a whole sense of Individual Existence is created. Suddenly there is ME vs Reality. Fear, frustration, desire, confrontation, suffering, gets created. From here, it starts a seeking to go back to the unlimited One Perfect Conducive Energy. To get back to superconductivity. To finally be at ease. To completely disappear as an individual Existence. To become limitless Energy, to experience the ultimate Bliss, the Ultimate Liberation.
  8. 70 mg IV did it for me for sure. No way can a human being maintain that state of bliss. I was literally dead for a good 20 mins, and it felt like an eternity.
  9. I feel the world is completely messed Up by psychological activity. Is insane. Im not saying stepping out of the mind is the final goal and the "ultimate", but at least It would be an incredible good platform for everything else. I was just wacthing porn now and i just stopped. I realized, what am i even doing? What IS that im trying to achieve? If i observe closely, reality is already Full, Complete, United. But that is only if you are in Reality, if you are in the endless mountains of the mind hallucination, then is all about getting the next "fix" of completedness, be It porn, food, relationships, etc... Nothing wrong with material fun though. Just that using material means to try to feel "full" and "complete" is a hell of a ride that never ends. Once you get the fix, times passes and is over. And then the Next fix. And then Next one. Is truly insane what humans have gotten ourselves into. We are engaged in a never ending race. And It seems we can not get out. Meanwhile, there is actual Reality, completely full, complete, united, pure... But we can not keep our consciousness focused on this "Life" or Reality Phenomena more than a few seconds...with that quality and activation of awareness (so weak, so disperse into psychological daydreaming) then Life seems to be so complex. IMO Is not complex (at least living It, im not saying It understanding It), if you could just stay in It and not go dream constantly in the realms of the mind It seems there is a mess of focus within us. Lot of energy going towards Psychological filter, little to actual Observation, Staying Concentrated on what appears. Staying in actual Reality, where we should be all the time. Isnt It quite insane that we spent most of our time in an hallucination of psychological filter, and very little in actual Reality? Shouldnt be the opposite? LOL If you awareness could remain Focus of the simple phenomena of Reality that surrounds us, such as sounds, breath, light, etc... Would the feeling of "time" exist? No, there would be only exist the Now. Time would not pass. In the Now things are simple. Reality. Life. Silence. Bliss. No time, no problem... Always in Life. Nothing moves here. No psychological fluctuations. Absolute Stability. What a difference. What a difference of quality of Life. In the psychological reality though... A day is a hiking trip. A roller coaster of things, goals, fixes, ups, downs, more, less, etc... Quite a dystopic way to Live. Will we make It to the to the other end (Living in Reality), not just as a 1 day vacation but as a permanent residency, that's a question for all of us. Are we making steps to Life, or are we making steps towards staying more in the infatuation of the psychological realm. We should investigate this.
  10. Slowing down is the primary tool that allows us to bring the Peace of God with us wherever we go. Walking really slowly might feel awkward at first, especially since everyone is going so fast, but the presence of Peace will soon overshadow that awkwardness. Everything we do, even typing, can be turned into a spiritual practice. Maintaining awareness of the breath aids in the slowing down process. We come back home to Heaven through what the Hindhus call Samadhi, a state of perfect inner stillness. However, if we spend 5 hours per day meditating in an Asana and then the rest of the day we drop that stillness, rushing around doing things without awareness, then it's like we are going forward a mile and then back the same distance, leaving us stuck at the same spot on our spiritual journey, even though we are meditating alot. I remember a time when I was very dedicated to maintaining Samadhi throughout the day. One morning, while sitting at a park, I suddenly shifted into a an incomplete and temporary state of Unity, where the inner and outer became one. The state could be described as containing "Peace that passeth understanding" as well as being blissful, although not at the level of psychadelic trips, but it was still fantastic. Anyway.. The state brought with itself an even greater, naturally occuring physical stillness. Which is great, unless you are crossing a wide, busy street and you see the green light starting to flash, even though you haven't made it even half way across the street, so I had to run the remaining distance. 😄 That's when I noticed that the sudden increase in the speed of movement made the peace and bliss reduce significantly, even though I slowed down again after crossing. Uh oh, it turns out that speed is the enemy of God. It's not an original idea, but perhaps a refresher will be useful to some of us here. Thank you for reading. (hopefully slowly) 🙏🧘‍♂️ P.S. I've also had a girl come up to me, give me a flower and tell me the way I walk is amazing, referring to the slow, gentle meditative walk. We ended up exchanging numbers and hanging out, turns out she's very spiritual. So there you go, another pick-up tactic for you guys who are into that type of stuff. 😄
  11. If I get rigorous with myself, a couple of "direct" ones at most. The other type, much more. They don't mean anything though, they are what they are -- an experience (of love, terror, bliss, profound wonder, union with the universe, etc). When going through them, it is easy to get swept away by them. It is consciousness of your nature. Not special at all, can occur for everyone, but likely much less common than people make them out to be. I just want to make sure we don't assume that enlightenment is an experience or a perception, even if it is an unusual, intense one. Better to leave it as an unknown that's possible for you.
  12. 💎 Divine Bliss International BG-1, 226, Block BG 1, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 110063, India Happy travels 🕉️
  13. One of my favourite parts of the course. It's been named in the ACIM community as "The Promise". Very inspiring. 💙 @Kuba Powiertowski at some point I did feel some frustration regarding the nature of the world, but I was soo glad to finally learn the truth, as it allowed me to let go of the illusion and dedicate myself fully to the Lord. Presently, I feel various levels of bliss and peace due to a lot of meditation, so there's no more pain or anything even remotely close to that, but thank you for the encouragement. ✌️
  14. That feeling right there is what drives the seeker at their core. Its unshakeable. Maddening. It can make you move mountains or lose your sanity. I am in this weird spot where I'm free from that seeking energy, but still come back to it, just because. I can step out at any moment, but while in it, there is total commitment and devotion. Which usually comes with struggle. Sacrifice. Etc. I would not say that what I seek is my true nature. I am very clear on what I am and what this is all about. What I seek, is to express that which I know myself to be, in a very specific, defined and unique way. I wish to fully unlock my creative potential. I want to create exactly what I wish to create, without a single thought of doubt, without any resistance, without any limits. That is what I seek now. In that sense, Self - realization was actually the very first step. The foundation. It becomes the new standard - so to speak. It's barely even worth mentioning. It would be the same as if people were walking around telling each other 'hey, did you know that I'm human? And you're human too! We're all human!' Right? How ridiculous would that be? Well, that's kind of how ridiculous it becomes to declare that you're self - realized. Or God, or whatever. I really like the way you're thinking. There's obviously lots of resonance here, and I did notice that already in our past interactions. We kind of sort of think in similar ways. We are excited about similar words, ideas, etc. That is why I feel like going a bit deeper here now. Opening up myself a bit too, etc. I do not do it often, and especially not with just any member here. But when it happens, I cherish the fuck out of that shit. I find it truly beautiful and meaningful. You know you got this. As do I. And yeah it can hurt, and yeah it can suck, but think about just how fucking amazing it is that anything at all is possible. Even the nastiness has its beauty, especially in contrast. Especially on the big picture. All the best to you. I'm not sure if I'm exactly familiar with what you're describing... Could you maybe share a link or two? It seems to me that you simply do not understand what this is about, so you demonize it and dismiss it as just some hippy dippy feel good little joke. The amount of pain and tension and discomfort one has to push through, in order to sustain a desired frequency at will, in a healthy way, without straining... is equal to the amount of bliss one finds on the other side. You think this is easy? You think this is pain free? You think it will not scare the living crap out of you - if you do it right? You think it will not bring up all your traumas and unresolved shit and make you see exactly which parts of your body are fucked up because of it? Think again. You are coming off incredibly ignorant. You also kinda sound like Leo. He likes to dismiss things with: 'cute feel good new age bullshit'. You're kind of doing exactly the same. Not a good look bro. I passed out twice just yesterday while doing this meditation + proper breathwork. I did quite some psychedelics in my life too. This... is equally as powerful, if not more. If done correctly, that is. It absolutely has the potential to take you 'all the way'. Ps. Sorry for the attacks. I only bite when I'm bitten.
  15. 1. god is dreaming, that's what it does for fun up there in infinity land, just like you do down here in finity land when you go to bed at night, enjoy some adventure bliss creativity ... indeed when it dreams those dreams last a long time since god loves its sabbath naps up there after working like a dog for 6 days a week ... god has on this occasion dreamed you into existence and you are at some point going to opt to wake up once you get tired of the back and forth of duality and then you will go back to being the rejuvenated happy loving god you always were 2. all you need to do is be the light, the example, the embodiment of the worthwhile life, you don't need to give your family your beliefs about anything, i mean you don't know that much yourself in truth, none of us do, so just keep living light and love and they will certainly get the message oh and i also thoroughly endorse gary renard mentioned earlier, this will knock your socks off i would say last of all welcome to this madhouse, hope you will stick around and join in the fun, sending you lots of love, is nice meeting you
  16. Shamanism, Conscious Movements and Medicine Songs: Immersion in the World of Vladimir and His Ayahuasca Ceremonies Vladimir, dedicated to his practice of shamanism, embodies a deep understanding of the importance of conscious movement, imagination and medicinal songs in his Ayahuasca ceremonies. Let's take a closer look at how these elements become the key to his spiritual path and practices. In his deep experiences with Ayahuasca, Vladimir not only explores the worlds of spiritual reality, but also reveals the deepest levels of his emotional trauma and fear. One of the key moments in his journey was a ceremony where he was able to see and begin to heal his deepest emotional trauma - moving from Russia to America. Ayahuasca opened the path to healing for Vladimir, revealing the moment when he left his homeland in Novosibirsk and went to Atlanta, Georgia. This profound experience became a factor in awakening and deciding to heal past wounds. Now, supported by his practice, he is ready to face the new Ayahuasca ceremony with confidence that it will bring healing to his deep trauma. A specially prepared ceremony with Ayahuasca from December 1 to 3, 2023 became for Vladimir a time of anticipation and opening of gifts of healing. He looks forward to meeting the Divine Mother Wolf, where, through songs, prayers and conscious movements, he hopes to connect to the Truth of his soul, love and bliss. These ceremonies become moments of reconnection with the spiritual path, and Vladimir, through his singing and prayers, creates healing songs, alchemizing suffering into light. His voice, like a musical instrument, becomes a means of healing both for himself and for those present at the ceremonies. All these practices, inner journeys and creative rituals make Vladimir not only a practicing shaman, but also a leader of awakening, showing that the path of love and healing begins within us. Vladimir not only reveals his Truth, but also becomes a model of love and respect. His nonviolent communication approach to communication encourages using words in a healing way. In every Ayahuasca ceremony, he creates a space where people can encounter their truth, transform suffering into light, and find love and joy in their soul. Thus, Vladimir and his practices become a symbol of transformation and awakening, encouraging everyone to walk their own path of love and healing. With his skill in using medicine songs, Vladimir creates musical elements in which every note is permeated with the energy of healing. This process, not only for those present at the ceremonies, but also for Vladimir himself, becomes a healing path to discovering his true voice and reconnecting with himself. In Vladimir's art and practice, every step is filled with love and dedication to transforming darkness into light. His story of healing becomes a shining example of how through music, meditation and spiritual practices we can find joy, love and inner peace. Vladimir continues his unique path, not only transforming his own life, but also becoming a source of inspiration for others. His determination to meet oneself in the moment, the use of assertive communication in the search for harmony, and the creation of his own healing musical space make him a true leader of awakening and love. With every chord, every prayer, Vladimir weaves an invisible thread of love, connecting with the Divine Mother Wolf and filling his and your hearts with light, joy and bliss. His path is a path of love that reminds us of the transformative power of healing sound and words. Vladimir, immersed in his shamanic path, embodies the art of alchemy, transforming suffering into light and darkness into bliss. Through conscious movement, imagination and singing, he creates magic that flows from his heart, permeating every aspect of his being. And so, Vladimir continues on his amazing journey, awaiting the Ayahuasca ceremony with a full heart and open hands, ready to accept healing and transformation. His story is a love song written in the sounds of hearts that he heals and awakens with his mastery of the healing arts.
  17. You miss out that the experience of who you are is a pretty blissful state. Notice that all 'high' states feel 'high' or 'very good' precisely because that who is You is significantly active, awake, or activated more than usual. Bliss just doesn´t happen when you are deep in the ego mind. There is a reason for that.
  18. Expansion. Trance. Joy. Wakefulness. A feeling of pure bliss and unity - when I really nail it down and fully merge with the frequency. In this particular audio, I struggle quite a bit to maintain the frequency. But it was still incredibly beautiful and fulfilling. Feels like merging with your true nature.
  19. Again, a method can be useful even if it's not always necessary. How do you explain the sense of progression and coherence from the beginning of the meditation session to the end where the awakening occurs? If what happens during the meditation doesn't matter at all, why is meditation the experience of getting more and more relaxation/bliss and awakening the experience of hitting a threshold of relaxation/bliss? Next scenario: I was on a plane on my way home from a vacation, and I decided to listen to music while breathing deeply and sitting in an extremely upright posture (my brother can vouch for the "extreme" part: he commented on it). Again, it was progressively building up to it, and maybe 45 minutes into it, I entered such a blissful state that a part of my mind eventually said "oh shit, I'm dying!". I quickly opened my eyes and tried to grab my water bottle from my backpack, and the most bizarre experience of my life happened: it was quite literally as if somebody else was moving my body and picking up the bottle for me and opening it. That is when I realized "oh shit, this is it". Then I looked out the window and saw the plane was about 10 seconds from landing, and then I was overcame by an immense wave of warm nostalgia and the realization that "this is where I have always been and where I always will be". I was about to shed tears of joy, but then I had to distract myself with the fact that I was on an airplane that had just landed. After that experience, I started having spontaneous awakenings. Now, would any of that have happened if I instead had opened a magazine, sat with a crouched posture and with shallow breathing (as I had done for the previous flights that summer)? As for the spontaneous awakenings after that, would they have started happening at exactly the same time if I didn't do what I did on that airplane? If "no" to either of these questions, are the "methods" involved in these scenarios not at the very least predictive? Well, the core "lesson" I got from that "change in state" was identical to all the other dozens (maybe hundreds) of awakenings I've had: "this is it". If you don't want to call this awakening or something that points to enlightenment, then at least invent some other term for me. Hell, even today with my covid-induced brain fog, I tapped into that experience again while listening to music and working out. It's gotten rarer over the years as I've (ironically) stopped meditating regularly, but it's still fundamentally the same experience: complete immersion and merging with reality, a lack of sense of distance between things, lack of sense of time, separation, "being the center", doership, self-concern. Meditation (for me) is just aimed at Being. It's a method, and an useful one at that. Contemplatation can also be a method that is useful. And just like any method, it might not be necessary for invoking the experience in question, but it can invoke it. Or lighting the fire and waiting to see when the building collapses. See, you do value method, just in an extremely constrained way. If you truly didn't value method, you wouldn't suggest contemplation as a method. And again, it is a method, because you can get the realization without contemplation, as I have, in fact in both experiences detailed in this thread. I can keep going on detailing my experiences. This virus isn't exactly making me concerned about brevity.
  20. For example, "go meditate". Meditation is not useless if you want enlightenment. Let's get concrete: my first awakening happened during my first proper meditation session. As I was sitting, I became progressively more relaxed, my mind became more and more silent, and then those effects maximized and it felt like I was going to disappear if I kept going. I then opened my eyes and saw myself hovering 2 feet above my body. Then I looked up to the ceiling and started floating/melting upwards towards "heaven"; a level of bliss I had never encountered before. Then I jumped up in a panic as I did not expect that. Ever since that day, my mind has never been the same: it has always been extremely silent relative to what it used to be. Are you saying the meditation I was doing had nothing to do with the effects I was experiencing at the end of that meditation session? Do you not see how the effects at the beginning of the session and at the end exist on a continuum?
  21. If one manages to open a couple of seconds of pure consciousness in between the thoughts, we call that relaxation If one manages 7-8 seconds, we call that peacefulness If one manages to more than 10 seconds, we call that joy. But if one manages to space more than 1 minute, we call that bliss. There needs to be enough time in the purity of your own being to taste truly Heaven .
  22. I'm currently working on finding my life purpose, and I thought it'd be a great idea if some of you guys shared your stories of how you managed to do so. There's potential for some powerful thoughts and lessons from your experience that might trigger some helpful thoughts and ideas in myself as well as other people who are currently trying to find their life purpose. Here are some prompts and questions that might help you communicate your experience: How exactly did you find your life purpose? Which obstacles did you have to overcome in order to find your life purpose? What held you back from finding your life purpose? How did you find your passion? What were the most powerful clues you've found to help you discover your life purpose (e.g. your greatest strengths, your bliss, exposing yourself to new experiences, talking to new people or your existing friends, ChatGPT,...)? Reflect back and tell me, has there been a specific experience you had that triggered/led to you finding your life purpose? Feel free to add your own prompts. Also: If you've found your life purpose, I'd love to have a phone/video call with you, perhaps understanding your journey and your process will help me on mine Much love <3
  23. Congrats on articulating what you want. Its a significant first step! I will do my best to answer the questions, and reframe them if necessary. How exactly did you find your life purpose? My experience is that Life purpose is a multi leveled thing, there is a facet of discovery, and mostly of creation. When I was 20, I had dropped out of college, had been living alone for a while, working two jobs saving up to move to Oregon. I had also been working on Leo's Life Purpose course (For the first time,) for the past few months. I was tripping on 4-ACO-DMT, all alone, and had an insight. "What if my life purpose is Music?!" Something clicked, it all made sense, all the years I had practiced violin growing up, even producing some music as a teen, was re-contextualized as pieces of my 'Life Purpose' Puzzle. From there it was three years, and 3 more times starting Leos course before I actually started Producing music. All that while, Here and there thinking of it, making changes in my habits, working haphazardly on specific disfunctions of mine like my low self-esteem, people pleasing, lack of success with women, etc. February of 2020, I chose to start producing, not yet knowing how to turn this into a life purpose, but feeling called to it. I created music, invested hundreds of hours, and through that gained more clarity into WHY I create music, and its relationship to my life purpose. By this point I had tried 10-25 different life purposes statements, some feeling more authentic then others, hoping more authenticity would be found on my path. I continue on this path up till today. Version one of is up, and I have invested hundreds of hours into the backend of the brand I am building. set to launch in July of 2024. This whole path has been multi-layered and individual. I am not saying that your path will unfold like this, instead, this is how it worked for me. Something I want to make clear is that I had a TON of ideas what my life purpose would be before I started producing music, how it was going to impact people, different roads I could have gone down. Even after producing music I was working multiple jobs and trying new things, some of them informing my life purpose, and because of those experiences and decisions (or lack of decision,) I happened to end up where I am now. Which obstacles did you have to overcome in order to find your life purpose? I will order these in what seems to be the priority to me, (None of these are completely overcome, but progress has been made.) Lack of Self understanding: Values, Vision, Strengths, Interests. Lack of Education about self-actualization Lack of Health: I treated my body like a trashcan and didn't exercise at all Low Self-Esteem and Self Belief Lack of success with Women What held you back from finding your life purpose? My Self. How did you find your passion? Passion seems to come and go for me, some days I feel excited to work on my Life-Purpose, Others I don't, I rely more on habits and routines. Passion is wonderful and I take it when it comes. Big picture though, doing things that are authentic to me lead to passion. What were the most powerful clues you've found to help you discover your life purpose (e.g. your greatest strengths, your bliss, exposing yourself to new experiences, talking to new people or your existing friends, ChatGPT,...)? The year before I had the Psychedelic experience leading to the insight about music being my life purpose, I had taken LSD for the first time. During that trip I had a recognition of how MASSIVE reality is, and how EVERYTHING I KNOW COULD BE FALSE. Other Tools: Leo's Life Purpose Course, 'The Big Leap, By Gay Hendricks,' 'Mastery, By George Leonard," ChatGPT. Reflect back and tell me, has there been a specific experience you had that triggered/led to you finding your life purpose? Already covered this in the first response. I would be happy to Jump on a call and Chat. All the best, Stay True, Stay You.
  24. there is pleasure pain bliss have to collapse the duality of you you are not mental you are existential love to live like it
  25. Nicely put👍 Well...I didn't say its wrong let alone to call it "morally " wrong . You can desire bliss..light ..unconditional happiness and joy and sexy emotions all day all night for your whole life and you will still be fundamentally unsatisfied. Because its not a "thing " which is lacking . Its not a "thing " which will finally make you ease ..satisfied etc. You are infinite being . So finite things by definition cannot satisfy you . You seek the infinite . But the infinite is endless. So again even awakening and being spiritual hippy will not work. So then what should you do ? NOTHING! Surrender the whole thing.