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  1. Humans always invent conceptual constructs to make sense of reality. You're still doing it today. Even nonduality and science does this.
  2. @Leo Gura I have been following you since the early self-inquiry videos, vedanta style (before 5-MeO), and I have seen an ever-evolving arc of deeper and deeper realizations. I have also benefited spiritually from you a lot. So the question arises: could there be a deeper, more awake, layer than God realization? And, I'll go as far as saying: could reality be an infinite regress? For example, under material reality there's nonduality, then there's God consciousness, then there's another material reality of which God is just a byproduct or a small insignificant component, then this deeper material reality has its own Oneness, then it has its own higher-order God etc etc etc in an infinite regress. Is it possible? it's still Infinity, if you think about it. The only problem with that is that invalidates the Self, because it might mean that even the Self, or Absolute I, is a fiction, or just a small sample of reality. What do you think?
  3. Hey! I was wondering. There are these more grounded guys like Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Peter Ralston, Paul Hedderman etc. who basically point to realizations that one can awaken to on his own. And then there are people like Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Teal Swan who claim to have metaphysical knowledge (like Law of Attraction, Reincarnation mechanisms, Aliens, Densities of reality, etc.) My question: Is it possible to also awaken to and realize for oneself those metaphysical mechanisms or laws? Or will it forever be something that we either belief or disbelief in? One possibility might be to try things like Law of Attraction and see if it works. But that wouldn't prove the Law itself would it? It could also be coincedence etc.
  4. No, it's much more tricky than that. You have ideas about what nonduality is and what is means. You have mental models of "the bottom line" which you conflate with reality itself. Even what you consider "the bottom line" is a state of consciousness. "But Leo! I've accessed the bottom line so it's not a model." << That's a model you hold. How would you even know what the bottom line is? Or that there is only one bottom? Or that you should be pursuing the bottom rather than the top line? All these things are conceptual constructs you hold, even if you have some meditative accomplishments. Something has to tell you that your meditative accomplishments are "it" or "the end" or that you're "done" or that you've reached "the bottom line", or that this is "The Truth". This is all mind stuff. It's very much the point because consciousness needs to grasp itself. This is an active function of consciousness, not some passive "truth" that you just get handed to you or hit your head against like a brick wall. Truth is not a reductionist thing. Truth requires extreme Consciousness to grasp. It's a very high order capacity that you don't even know you have yet. Truth needs to be comprehended. Stop strawmanning everything I say by parroting that. You're just parroting Buddhist dogma at me. You're not actually thinking for yourself! What I'm talking about has nothing to do with "craving more experiences". This is the biggest bullshit that Buddhists parrot.
  5. It is a subtle framework which constructs a paradigm that will limit your awakenings and access to the full gamut that consciousness is capable of. Nonduality is not contradicted per se. Of course reality is ONE, but there's way more to consciousness than just that. Just don't forget, gravity's a bitch
  6. It doesn't falsify it per se, but nonduality is a mental framework which limits what consciousness is very much. You have all sorts of ideas in your mind what about consciousness is and how it works from all the nondual stuff you've read. These frameworks need to be dropped to truly explore consciousness. No Samadhi is much less interesting or radical. I've had plenty of samadhi with physical objects.
  7. What same question? There are 3 main causes: 1) I developed a very powerful new method for taking psychedelics. This generates some truly new states of consciousness. 2) I've simply exhausted all the standard spiritual stuff, so I was ready to find new things. 3) I've worked hard to throw out all human spiritual teachings, so my mind operates completely independently. This is one of the reasons why I trash nonduality and Buddhism so harshly. I had to do that in order to destroy any authority it has in my mind. It was holding me back for years but I was too scared to throw it away. In a sense, I killed the Buddha, pissed on his rotting corpse, and wiped my ass with his orange robe. So now I can really begin spiritual work. This has allowed me to access some truly alien kinds of consciousness.
  8. Why would I care if you believe me? I barely care if I'm still human tomorrow. In the last few years my teachings had already evolved beyond traditional enlightenment, nonduality, and Buddhism. This is just a continuation of that evolution. I don't have a good understanding of mental illnesses like psychosis or schizophrenia, which is why I don't talk about them.
  9. So I got bored.. started typing in random words in the search bar at the top to see what I could randomly find. Joking with myself. Came across an interesting find. Website is pretty simple. Not much too it. Talk about an odd use for a domain name. I like the domain name. nonduality Attempting to find more stuff similar to it. Thought it was an interesting find.
  10. I disagree. I realized that I am God within 6-8 trips with no previous knowledge of the potential of transpersonal experiences and no previous relation to spirituality or meditation. I originally started tripping recreationally. It was purely due to me surrendering to the trip. After that all my trips were awakening related. God isn't hiding anywhere, whether it takes you a year or 80 years is up to you, but no hurry. Though obviously my experiences at that time were not total, I still completely grasped nonduality and Love with no previous views on these topics.
  11. The focus of my work is to guide people to fully deconstruct reality and jailbreak their mind so that they can access omniscience, God-Realization, and Love, and realize that reality is an absolute illusion. My work focuses a lot on deconstruction, including deconstructing all spiritual fictions and frameworks, including Buddhism, Neo-Advaita, and boilerplate nonduality. All of that must be deconstructed to fully realize God. Psychedelics are just a tool in that process. The course I'm working on will guide you in doing a complete deconstruction of every aspect of your mind, including all of spirituality, and then guide you to realizing every facet of God that I have realized. If you succeed in doing all that you will become the most conscious thing in the universe. And then you will understand why I said all the shit I said.
  12. You don't see people like Rupert Spira (or most others in that list) teach that they are a figment of your imagination, or that you are the full God, not a part of it. He would for example definitely claim to be conscious, et cetera. Yes, a lot of the teachers talk about nonduality and oneness, but they don't teach the highest levels of awakening. Not all of them have realized Love either. They've definitely all awakened to something, but it's more of a question of to how much have they awakened.
  13. It seems likely (in the context of nonduality) that there are infinite universes/dimensions etc. It’s pure infinity. In a multiverse scenario could there technically be a universe that destroys all other universes? Does THIS play out all possibilities or no? Seems the further you explore this some conflicting possibilities smack up against each other…or maybe our logic about what’s impossible doesn’t matter! Curious of your thoughts
  14. Spirituality is mainstream dude. But if you mean the path to nonduality then you have to really understand that most people are just not interested in something they cannot simply believe. They just want sweet nursery rhymes and ice cream. But, stopping on the harp, how do you not see awakening happening all around you? I'm not being completely obtuse, like Netflix has some sort of content related to awakening. Right?
  15. I have never had a single copyright strike except for my Hitler Reacts To Nonduality video. Which of course was BS because it was fair use. The Spiral takedown was a trademark strike. Which are nearly unheard of and was also BS.
  16. Have you felt this even in the higher states of god realization? I have felt so much satisfaction in my experiences of nonduality that I find it hard to believe. Is it even possible that the Godhead feels boredom? Boredom is a slight negative emotion, not a nondual state.
  17. I've just been heavily involved in the last year or two on the studies, meditation and practices of attaining the perspective of "not-self" and more recently "non-duality", which seem to be highly inter-linked from my understanding. I have learnt to apply a more sharper and heightened definition of the word "integrity" which seems to be a kind of glue to the concepts that can be directly applied to the practice to make the direct experience of 'not-self' and in particular 'non-duality' all the more real. So firstly, given the breadth of each of these subjects, let me outline what I mean to be clear by giving a short definition of what I'm specifically referring to, then it would be interested to hearing your thoughts: 1. not-self: the very fact that our awareness and perceptions within our awareness is an also all that makes us up human experience. Perceptions come and go and are continuously changing. Also, that we are neither an independent object of our awareness and perceptions. So, we are a bundle of experience that is not us but that we can't seperate from. 2. non-duality: our individual subjective experience is everything, yet nothing at the same time. Awareness is all encompassing for the 'self' but for awareness to exist, then outside awareness needs to exist, which is 'nothing'. This oneness with our perceptions, and the duality between a unified subjective experience and the 'nothingness' behind the scene, is the connection point that we all seem to share. It's impossible for unity or duality to explain the whole picture but taken in balance of egoic self referential agenda and the all pervasive nothingness that all of our awarenesses are embedded in, then we arrive at a complete picture. 3. Integrity: is an alignment between our "internal" and "external" world. If the divide between our internal and external world doesn't really exist given the existential framework of nothingness that it resides within and the fact that not-self asserts that there is really no external 'self' viewing the external world in the first place. So the one single reality exists for all of us must be aligned to satisfy both not-self and non-duality, given that there is a hard assertion that there isn't a divide in the first place! As a clearer example, this is clearly experienced when one practices 'mindfulness' or 'presence', when they concentrate on an object and then their inner world drops and they are just there with the object as one, but neither seperate or believing they are the object they are considering. So the reason as to why I see integrity as an important playing card in applying this approach, is because if you don't consider a private world to exist and there is complete harmony between one's perceived internal and external world, then one is more honest and at no disharmony with themselves and their environment, including others.
  18. Hi there, im really getting into practical applications of nonduality and ideas of not self and the well being achieved when practicing these perspectives. Here is a clip on nonduality I found useful: I'm interested in any other clips, resources or posts anyone would like to share. Peace
  19. @Razard86 I haven’t really watched many of his recent videos as I haven’t necessarily had the time to do that, so forgive me if I’m leaving out some crucial information about his more recent teachings regarding what I’m about to say. From my own experience, there is more to existence than just nondual consciousness. I’ve heard Leo jump on the nonduality/Advaita bandwagon many times in the past and I think that this philosophy is very limited in scope. I think there can be an aspect of God/Source that is entirely non-dual and consciousness, and there can also be duality. In other words, why does there have to only be nonduality and consciousness? Why can’t there metaphysically be a universal spirit and/or consciousness as well as a physical aspect? There’s no rule etched in existence that says that all of reality must be simple, parsimonious, or follow Ockham’s razor. Pluralism and dualism (even substance dualism) can both be true, depending on what we are talking about. Attempting to simplify that which is beyond infinitely complex and sum it up into a neat little model that other people can easily understand is foolish, in my opinion. Also, anyone who submits that there is no objective reality AT ALL has lost the plot. There is an overarching, objective truth that exists independently of anyone’s belief, knowledge, or feelings about it. The question is, what IS that truth on an ontological or metaphysical level? What IS it in and of itself, outside of any of our beliefs about it? I know that there are many levels to this — the rabbit hole never ends. There’s no bottom to it. Some aspects or attributes of God and creation are marvelously simple, and others are beyond infinitely complex. The whole system is evolving at each instant as well, but I know that God/Source is omniscient and is able to comprehend this fully. Essentially, Leo is trying to describe something in language that is borderline impossible to explain through that medium. He’s a very eloquent and intelligent person, don’t get me wrong. But he has fallen into the trap of thinking that we as individual spiritual beings are capable of comprehending this in its entirety. Maybe one day our models will be able to correspond 1 to 1 with the objective truth of existence, but ultimately we aren’t quite there yet as a species. Also, I’m aware that he has seriously proposed metaphysical solipsism as a viable philosophy in the not so distant past. Solipsism is complete horseshit, and I fully disagree with anyone who seriously teaches that in any way shape or form. It’s a delusional, harmful, egocentric philosophy designed to isolate people from other REAL HUMAN BEINGS. Don’t fall prey to anyone who seriously canvasses that nonsense. In addition, I question the teaching of “we are all God”. God is unlimited in nature, true. But to say that I am God as an individual does not sound correct to me. It always rubbed me the wrong way when I heard him say things along those lines. I think we are all part of an immanent and transcendent spiritual reality, and at the root of it is the spiritual Source (God) that can be both personal and impersonal in nature. We are all connected to the Source, but this does not necessarily mean that we literally ARE the Source. Some final thoughts: we are all unique, individual physical and spiritual beings on our own journeys. It is a fact that there is an aspect of the collective where we are all connected and “one”. But let’s not forget that we are also unique individuals at the same time, and that’s not really a contradiction if you think about it for long enough.
  20. This is only my take, it’s not absolute truth. I’ve heard Leo and many others say that collectivism always wins, it’s at the top of spiral dynamics, etc. The thing is that you can’t have a collective without individuals or an individual without the collective; they are two sides of the same coin. Even if an individual was stranded on an island by themselves, they would rely on the food sources there. Collective can also include the environment. Liberals usually stand for collectivism but if their individual rights got threatened-they would quickly become conservative. Having the right to abortion is a very individual right, “my body, my choice.” Even if globalization was to fully triumph and we all became one nation…if we end up finding other civilizations out in the galaxy…then we could end up being nationalistic as the entire human race among different alien civilizations. I don’t think individualism can be separated out from collectivism anymore than a wave can be separated from the ocean. Spiritually speaking, one can say the collective represents universal consciousness and individualism represents ego. But like Leo has mentioned in many of his videos, the ego is is there to help with navigation and survival. This universal consciousness would not experience itself or get to know itself very effectively if there is no ego to help you survive. The other issue I see is that since universal consciousness is nondual in nature, people will pit nonduality against duality. And non duality vs. duality is yet another duality! How can we know what selflessness is without knowing selfishness? I’ve also heard people say that progress always wins and that the liberals of yesterday are the conservatives of today. However, I don’t think either side wins…because I see them as complimentary to one another. Progress needs a foundation in order for progress to happen. I think the reason that we are so politically gridlocked is that both parties are compromised, in other words there are two parties within each party…causing both to be constipated with hardly much bipartisan support on many issues. The majority of atheists are liberal but to me atheism aligns more with conservatism because it’s very individualistic and skeptical, no worship of gods and generally prioritizes feelings over facts. Since there is no worship of gods, it makes sense to also not worship the government. And Christianity in the other hand, I view as very liberal given Jesus’ teachings. The GOP’s ideology goes against the teachings of Jesus, they would never get behind Jesus if Jesus could be president. As former Soviet Union president Mikhail Gorbachev has said, “Jesus was the first socialist. The first to seek a better life for mankind.” Politically I’m centrist and I feel like both sides misunderstand centrism. They’ll use an example such as, “If one side wants to abolish slavery and the other doesn’t, the centrist will say to just have less slaves.” Centrism to me is where both sides have valid points in the entire political landscape, not on every single individual issue. That’s the misunderstanding. They see centrists as cowards but whose to say both sides can also cowards for succumbing to an extremist view over the other and not having the courage to listen beyond their echo chambers. Or people will vote for something only because their side does as this sort of unwavering loyalty. I support Ukraine and many conservatives won’t support Ukraine for the simple reason that the left does which makes no sense. Or people will sometimes say that sometimes extreme measures are needed for change and centrism defeats that purpose. I can’t agree because I don’t mind being extreme when it comes to certain issues. One does not have to be extreme across the board on every issue, it could just be on a few issues instead. Conservatism and liberalism to me are a lot like driving while following the speed limit.
  21. The problem with Neo-Advaita teachings Is focusing on the goal, or "end point" of Nondualism, which is the nondual state itself, while almost completely ignoring the path and the teachings on how to achieve same. In, say, Christianity, this would be the equivalent of talking only about the experience of "Heaven" while giving no importance whatsoever as to how to get there. They seem to think that simple knowledge and agreement of Nonduality as being the "default state of Existence/Reality" is all that is required, and no further seeking of Truth is necessary. To me, that is like being stranded on a deserted island with few resources and looking across the ocean at a lush, tropical island paradise and then being too lazy or afraid or whatever to take the necessary steps to escape the current misery of the lesser place and arrive at the better one. The red flag which led to my discovery of Neo-Advaita was that whenever I was interacting with members of this online Nonduality group I had joined, many of the members had very strong ego reactions to the teachings that I was attempting to share. A true Nondualist on the path to Enlightenment/Self-realization, unless they are raw beginners or noobs should be much more in control of ego's urge to react with negative emotions. With many there, the mere mention of the word "God" or "Consciousness" resulted in immediate contradictory posts, many with a clear tone of condescension. It became clearer and clearer to me that something important was being left out of the Nondual equation in that group, and that something was the EGO.
  22. Conceptual teachings are trash unless they are used as boats to get to the other side of the river where the actual perceptual shifts occur. So many people get fooled into thinking they know what they’re talking about because they have conceptual understanding and a few to a few dozen peak experiences related to them. I used to be one of those people. It takes hundreds of peak experiences and ultimately a radical change in one’s baseline range of consciousness to know much about any of this nonduality stuff. @Leo Gura well said. Edit: this response to Leo was referring to the post immediately above mine. The idea that Leo teaches how to get out of group think but Buddhism doesn’t also show that is pretty damn hilarious. Go check out the Diamond Sutra. It’s literally called “the diamond that cuts through illusion.” Understanding what’s talked about in that text will cut through the illusion of the concrete existence of yourself, the Buddha and other beings. Leo will talk bad about Buddhism until he actually gets highly proficient at it and sees the power of those practices, if that ever happens. A Buddhist is not the person you go to to see how well 5-MeO works, and Leo is not the person you go to to see how well Buddhism works.
  23. It's group-think. As is Buddhism. It's funny how the group-think trap of religion just repeats itself within nonduality at a higher level.