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  1. Tate has awakened to a new level of narcissism: Alien Narcissism.
  2. Leo could make millions by putting honey into our mouth and tell us the same buddhist bullshit we hear everywhere else. I'm glad that he offers us a different perspective, and I think his posts are very funny. You want to awaken, yet you feel offended by being called a rat? He is fulfilling his purpose by making us think and dig deeper. I had a very strong feeling that there is something wrong with all the nondualists in the field and that they are not enlightened at all. I personally like Leos new style, he could just post more videos like that haha. Why do you even take this stuff personally? He is just joking and using his kind of humor to point to the truth that most people, who think are awakened, truly aren't. That is great. If that triggers you, guess what that means? It means you are not awake.
  3. Your ideas of how should Awakened person behave are just ideas and spiritual Culture. Awakened person Loves, thats for sure, but that can manifest in myriad of ways.
  4. He may have had some mystical experiences- but his own arrogance has led to delusion. He was right about some things and also wrong about some things. He was right that once you awaken from the dream (and I did so via meditation and also just spontaneously) or has he put it, had the Realization or enlightenment, you don't wake up "again". Just as what has been seen cannot be unseen. You can access God states of Consciousness again, but you have already awakened. He was wrong though, about being in a perpetual state of God Consciousness. Yes, I can feel pure Being vibrating blissfully through me now as an enlightened being - but it is not all the time. There are times when this won't be the case and your consciousness may be in different states. But once awakened, the portal has been opened. It may close again, but it is no longer locked to you. He also came here merely to attack Leo. That was obvious. If he is the highest master on high as he says- he would not be that concerned with Leo or trying to fix Leo and save Leo's students. He also would have probably transcended teaching altogether. So yeah, he's still stuck on a lot of ego. But hey, all of us are to some degree - that's why we are still here in human form.
  5. Intuition isn’t about emotions strictly. Intuition is an inner wisdom and implicit understanding of something. Emotions can misguide us. But intuition doesn’t do that. You can tell intuition from biases because biases are automatic feelings and thoughts, whereas intuition is about a deeper understanding beyond reasoning and evidence. Think of it like feelings < logic < intuition (or what I like to call super-logic). Leo made a video on counter-intuition. But he really should’ve titled it counter-logical. Because in that video he said things go against how you think and feel. But he didn’t mention anything going against implicit understanding, which is what intuition is in my view. I can sense patterns I haven’t tested before and can understand them. Like how there are infinite states of consciousness. I mean think about it. Leo has his insights through intuition. Intuition is an insight. But insights into the implicit like awakening cannot be explicated. Leo hasn’t travel through all the states of consciousness. Leo hasn’t awakened through all states of consciousness. Leo may have “awoken” relative to a current state of consciousness and is asleep relative to a higher level. This is the spiritual game you can intuitively sense being played even without conscious reasoning. You can believe you reached the highest level of consciousness, but you haven’t. Everyone in the world thinks their level of consciousness is the highest one. Spirituality has taught me that there is no such thing as absolute awakening or enlightenment. Well, technically there is, it is called death. I don’t mean death of an ego while still breathing. I mean DEATH - the return to the emptiness from which you were created from.
  6. Yah sure, I'm very scared to be awakened, and I'm hiding here in my phone. Because I'm so attached to my self image of importance. That's me, 100%
  7. Below are some example clips from different channeled transmissions by and answers to people's questions for Bashar, an ET entity who has been in contact with earth through the trance channel 'Darryl Anka' for the nearly 40 years. About 15 years or so ago, many of Bashar's channeling sessions could be found all over Youtube and the internet, but were later taken down (by the organisation around Bashar). Currently there are still some YT channels, like these, that are (illegaly) posting clips from the many interesting sessions throughout the last couple of decades, which can all be purchased at the official For anyone who is interested in a truly Extra Terrestrial, a bit more advanced and higher dimensional perspective on the nature of reality and co-creation in existence, I highly recommend diving deeper into the spiritual inspiration, crystal clear, often humorous communication and all the expansive information Bashar has offered humanity to explore. One topic that has throughout the years been discussed is the increasing parallel reality probability of us as humanity uniting and collectively, in our state of being, naturally resonating towards the experience of more and more physical open contact with galactic beings of different races. As a 'first contact specialist' himself, Bashar has for example explained in great detail what protocols and stages are involved in the whole process from the moment they first become in some way aware of a new world, planet or species and the approach they then have. (for more information about these first contact protocols you can search for a transmission called: 'The protocols of first contact') Among many others, Bashar's civilisation, the E'ssassani are guiding us in our own empowerment, inviting us to spiritually mature so that we may expand to a broader perspective, more deeply understanding who we are as spirit, and focused here in this time-space framework now naturally becoming as 'homo galacticus'. And if we as one humanity so decide we may join in their federation of worlds and continue our story amongst the stars. Darryl Anka himself, in addition to channeling Bashar all this time is a film maker who has created some cool movies: ('Dearly Departed', 'Alienated' and 'First Contact' in 2016) This is the documentary 'First Contact', the true story of Darryl and Bashar, about the topic of channeling and the near future of humanity coming in contact with Extra Terrestrial intelligence. The specific sharp attitude, humor, style of interacting and communication Bashar chooses to engage us with is for some people perhaps not that interesting, but for others quite exciting and catalysing their spiritual evolution. But he also sometimes jokes about our petty stories when it is much needed: Below are just some examples of the topics that are discussed with Bashar, ranging from quite technically advanced descriptions of the nature of reality, imagination and consciousness, to the illusion, the dream of time and space, love, creativity etc, similar to what many awakened teachers, such as Leo are addressing.
  8. True, not only for people who haven't naturally awakened, but moreso for those who have. I've found that even when the ego is clearly seen for what it is, intentionally attempting to deconstruct it is sabotaging. You can't bootstrap yourself into oblivion. The most difficult obstacle I've encountered is my will. If I believe something to be true, I deeply try to align my life with it. It's stunning how insidious the ego is. It will turn even the purest intentions into a self-sustaining hell. I've learned the grace of surrender. It takes a higher power to pass through the inner gate. It's all god, but dissolving the ego requires unlimited god, loving the essence of itself still entrapped within a form. No matter how realized you are, you can't break free from the illusion while still within it.
  9. He wrote: He referred to light and medium 5-MeO-DMT doses. Not high doses of 5-MeO. Typical effects of psychedelics are (among other effects) Nonduality, Ego-dissolution (to a pretty high degree, although not the complete dissolving of any form of separate-self/individuality/transparent nondual witness merged in Unity with the Totality), and the visual field becoming an infinite centerless mere apperance-like "hovering" in Infinite Consciousness.. So when the separate-self is dissolved anyway/already, and Enlightenment has happened, the effects of psychedelics will change and be different. And less. The impact pf psychedelics is not as dramatic, because the things described above are already in place. These three points/states above are in Zen already Enlightenments/Satoris/Kenshos/Awakenings. But not Great/Full Enlightenment, where the separate-self is fully transcended, and Reality/Impersonal Infinite Consciousness fully realized. I have yet to see somebody who crossed over to Full Enlightenment only/mainly with psychedelics, with the full Deep Identity Level Shift towards Infinite Impersonal Consciousness/Totality, and no separate-self left anywhere (however subtle). The subtle remaining separate-self of Individuality is still clouding the mindstream, blocking the Full Realization of Impersonal Infinite Awareness, well and alive causing suffering. One gets 95% of the benefits of Nonduality and Infinite Consciousness already with psychedelics (the points above, energetic awakened states), but not the full impersonal thing... And that is quantum, like night and day. It is the death of the caterpillar, and the birth of the butterfly. The return home. The end of suffering. Main problem: Before it actually happens, one can't imagine or understand it. Because if one could, one would already be fully enlightened. Although that remaining Individuality/separate-self can be almost totally empty, very subtle, a transparent nondual witness... The cloud/lense/center is still there, even during all the trips... and sometimes mumbling about rodents and other parts of its experience field in less than loving way. Breakingthewall, just an idea: Why not visit him at some time in the future, and see for yourself? Maybe even do some trips together? If he is the real deal and enlightened, you will be able verify that quite fast for yourself from the states he radiates, and what states he induces in you. Selling Water by the River
  10. Yes, its just the first step, but the most important step. Even my understanding of reality is very limited, realizing the infinite has many implications and favors a lot of understanding. I would say that this is awakening, in the sense that there is a completely clear before and after in the fact of becoming infinite. have you become infinite, really? awakened. then, of course, there is much more, many degrees. But the big difference is between 0 and 1, then are 2,3,4....
  11. caused for example by or by Realization/Enlightenment/Constant Awakened Awareness. "Dr. Rick Strassman hypothesized that there might be a correlation between bursts of endogenous DMT during deep meditative states which coincides with the “mystical” experiences. Based on studying the general projected mechanics for DMT synthesis and the physical aspects of meditative practice, the hypothesis doesn’t seem far fetched whatsoever." Maybe because of that? And for all the psychedelic receptors: Andrew Gallimore, "Reality Switch Technologies: Psychedelics as Tools for the Discovery and Exploration of New Worlds" Where do you think mystical/awakend/nondual states based meditation/realization come from, and what their bodily correlates are? When the nondual/awakened state becomes constant, why shouldn't there be the corresponding bodily correlate? How come psychedelics loose their effect when the natural endohuasca-system takes over? Nonduality is such a powerful Awakened State that it would be very strange if that wouldn't have chemical correlates in the body, and (Gamma-)brainwave patterns in the brain. Let alone Enligthenment... And concerning "AWAKENINGS": Human beings have explored the various (alien) realms/dimensions ever since also through meditation and other altered states, with psychdelics or without. Going from exploring Astral/Psychic, Subtle and Causal realms, to full blown Out of body explorations. If anyone wants sources, I have more than enough descriptions in my library of experiences of all this stuff, spanning over the centuries and all cultures of the planet. Selling Water by the River DMT: Produced by Pineal Gland confirmed. Video below, 5 minute mark
  12. That's a pretty subjective distinction because you could draw the line in various places. There are many different kinds of Awakened states so I must use that word somewhat loosely. I am not refering to one specific state but a whole category of states. My gold standard is that if we're talkin serious consciousness, you must transcend from human into alien consciousness. There's more beyond that, but if you haven't reached that level then you're still operating at relatively low human levels. And if you reached that level of consciousness you would be talking about it and teaching it. Yet I see none of these people talking about it or guiding people to it. Rupert Spira teaches people "awakening is completely ordinary". I'm sorry but there is no way my Awakenings have been ordinary. I do not have words to express how anything but ordinary my Awakenings have been. So what is he teaching you? What is this ordinary awakening? How conscious can it be? If you just smoke some salvia there will be nothing ordinary about it. You will piss yourself in terror. Well, what is it that's so terifying? If your consciousness is maxed out then why is salvia terifying the shit out of you?
  13. @Leo Gura, as you are now awakened to these extraordinary states of consciousness, how are you now able to cope with life as a Leo and keep up with your life’s purpose? Cause here in this work we make this balance of GOD Realisation and Self actualization! Also how deep do you think this rabbit hole gos? Ive some awakenings where at the end of it I see a something new waiting for me even after having these realisations.
  14. This reminds me of your god-forsaken solipsism literally said that you don't have conscious experience of your own and that I'm imagining you teaching me solipsism. I was really convinced about that back then and I made a (not well thought out ) thread here that I've awakened to solipsism. Now that I think about it ..I don't find any compelling evidence that solipsism is true . It just seems true because it seems like my bubble of consciousness is all there is . But at the same time ..I'm not able to imagine a million bucks into existence. So I'm not sure . I prefer to remain skeptical until I'm more certain.
  15. Spiritual rats are very entertaining. GOD thanks you for providing the AWAKENED with entertainment.
  16. It is being, free from the delusion of doing. Absolute reality is changeless, timeless, and effortless. The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results; all his selfish desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge. The wise, ever satisfied, have abandoned all external supports. Their security is unaffected by the results of their action; even while acting, they really do nothing at all. - Bhagavad Gita 4:19-20
  17. When you have a nightly dream when you sleep, you can realize that it is a dream. It does not matter what technique you will use inside the dream, your dream character can meditate for x years or can take a psychedelic inside the dream, and then the dream character realizes that it is a dream. So he AWAKENS, and the dream becomes lucid. But then the awakened character can fall back into the dream and he can still experience fear and suffering, and he can be mean to others in a dream. So this analogy clearly shows that you can Awaken and then still have sufferings and meanness. Abiding in awakening is far different than direct realization that the dream is the dream dreamed by you.
  18. You are putting the cart before the horse. You can't integerate something if you don't even see its truth clearly yet. First see the truth, then you can work on integrating it, if that is even warranted. Otherwise you run off integrating something which could simply be false. And that is exactly what the nondualists have done. If seeing truth isn't your first priority then you will act in blindness. That assumes you see the truth, which is not a safe assumption. AWAKENED consciousness is so conscious it will be beyond your abilty to integrate or embody. What you can embody is far less than what you can see. Just like when you look out at the horizon you will always see more places than you can ever physically visit. Nor is visiting all those places even the ideal outcome. Some places are meant to be seen from afar but never visited. Attachment certainly leads to suffering. But insight stands on its own. I never said you can't or shouldn't reduce certain attachments. Then again, realistically as a human you will always have plenty of attachments because that's just part of survival. You clearly speak in concepts which came from those sources. You didn't originate those concepts through deep thought and personal discovery. No matter how many infinities there are they are all you. There certainly exist higher states of consciousness than I have accessed thus far. However, all of them will be me. So I don't deny higher infinities and there is no contradiction with math. Not that math has any bearing on AWAKENESS. I don't discredit math. Math is relatively true in a limited conceptual way. Math is just not gonna do much for you in this work.
  19. Yes. But Mary if she meditates a lot inside the dream and takes psychedelic inside the dream she can expande her small personal mind so much that it becomes the Dream-Generating Dream, she can realize that here limited mind is a facade but when she gets rid of personal ego and expands her consciousness via meditation and psychedelics she can realize the nature of a dream, that it is totally imagined by her. She can grasp how all the possibilities possible are within her Grand Mind (not her personal mind) as a potential, and that out of this Nothingness/Grand Mind everything is generated. Yes, all the experiences and all the coffee tables inside the dream of Mary are just imaginations/figments of her Mind. And she can realize that all the potentials that can be generated by her Mind is the Ultimate Reality. Yes, all the concoctions of personal mind of Mary are illusions, but her realized Grand Mind that is generating a dream is The Ultimate Reality. Yes, Mary can train herself via meditation and psychedelics inside the dream so that she sees at all time that this is a dream generated by her Mind, at which point she is Awakened and the dream becomes a lucid dream. But all of the above do not contradict Absolute Solipsism, and only make it even more probable/elegant. Leo's claim is not that there is nothing outside Mary's personal mind inside the dream. The claim is that when Mary becomes lucid during her dream, she knows for sure that her Grand Mind is the only Mind there is. That there is no other Mind generating this dream other than her own.
  20. Ok, but my point is that genetics is nothing to God. God far surprasses the illusion of the physical body. Genetics is equivalent to ego in the same way the personality or the physical body is the ego. Yeah, the bias is there, and you're going to want to become more familiar with it, but ultimately, it has no power over how You, as God, in its fully awakened state, has to feel. That's because the mechanism that encodes and decodes the genes is entirely in the mind; and any distortions in the consciousness can be balanced in meditation. It's the same way the body heals naturally. Sure, there's mechanism involved in the process of the body repairing itself, but you'd be a fool to recognize healing as anything short of a miracle! You Are That Miracle.
  21. If you are awakened you are a genius. Maybe not mathematically bit Spiritually you are genius you have discovered which cannot be picked up by senses and therefore genius. The only reason mathematically genius people are recognized is because people can see their genius.
  22. This is exactly what you'll be free of when you permanently awaken. The fact that you experience this as an everyday common occurence tells you that you have lots of work to do and you are not spiritually awakened. Time to get to work and actually apply the insight experiences you've had with psychedelics and living in with those insights 24/7. That will start changing your life on the 'depth' axis, not doing your 58th DMT session this friday.
  23. It's funny because I was thinking something similar the other day. Not Genius/Math, but /intellectual /Awakened. A lot of Awakened people seem to be intelligent or intellectuals. Why is that? If you take notice, a lot of people who are Awakened, or claim to be, seem to have some form of intelligence or are intellectuals. Is this a coincidence or is enlightenment reserved for a selected few. Obviously not. But there seems to also be a trend there. You don't see too many uneducated people or of low intelligence speaking about enlightenment or that many Gurus for that matter. Is enlightenment reserved for a certain kind of person or is it for everyone no matter what caliber they are. Obviously the latter, but I don't see too many people online who come from a certain background or who are lacking communication skills or a certain kind of intellect or intelligence speaking about enlightenment or awakening but you do see a lot of that, with due respect, in the religious community. Makes me wonder if we can intellectualize our way to enlightenment.
  24. @Jowblob def easier said than done i wasnt even concious in the void. While i was in there i didn't know i was there and when i was out i completely forgot i was in it. I thought I just dreamed it but then I ate some mushroom 8 years later and the mushroom told me that I was in a void then and then I understood what conciousness is instantly and kundalini awakened. I don't know how I will react if I go back. All I know is it was probably the least fun thing I've ever experienced in my entire existence as a soul. Id rate my experience with void 0/10. It indented my soul so much I was very depressed for 8 years after and I was going to kill myself if not for the mushroom . Infinite abandonment forever is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on anyone But these are the things we have to deal with
  25. Don't worry guys, I'm not as grandiose and omnipotent as Leo. I do not claim to be the most awakened one, the God of all Gods or anything like that. I do consider quite a few people higher above me - if you will. I do think there are more 'woke' folks out there than me. For sure. And for all you brainwashed nondualists: chill, I know there is no 'others'. But consider the possibility that I know something you don't. I do have deep respect and admiration for some. Even on this forum. But sadly, those are very few. The majority of members that wanna be smart with me and prove how much more awake they are than me... are ignorant sleepwalkers. Another insult you can write down and memorize. If Leo can beat you with a zen stick, then I guess we can all bash each-other too. After all, we are being lead by an example. Right, princess? I know this place well. I learned to speak its language fluently - a while ago. I know which buttons to push. I know what it responds to. I will not be the one to clean up the mess. But I will say it's shit if it's shit. With all the good intentions, of course.