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Found 6,477 results

  1. What comes to mind when You read Infinity & nothingness ? If Infinity cannot be imagined then what is infinity?... No, answer my mind comes up with will be ever be the answer . The words and images flickering in my mind ( just assumed Its my mind) are real just the story they have is not real.. Is Infinity An absolute? Space seems infinite . Since no-thing can be imagined is it also infinity/ absolute,? Isnt that what we are? Would you consider space nothing but if it is nothing then ive made it into something... Are we inside nothing. Who said there was an I to be inside something. Inner and outer world distinction is illusory. ? Maybe. Random thoughts!
  2. I have had 3 awakening experiences that I am able now to maintain as a way of life... Ego and old programming still throw punches at me, still trying to convince me there's more to clear.. Ego adores work. It adores creating and solving problems. It adores PAST and FUTURE... it adores knowing, factual information that it can debate, it is thirsty for drama and "logic"... But when the Knowing of Nothingness is there, it has less and less power to trip us into the story. Once we see through it, Ego becomes a channel, a sort of tube through which Grace flows. The most unfortunate thing is that fake spiritual movements, capitalized on the terms that enlightened people have used in trying to describe how it is like - so now, even if we hear them, they are devoid of meaning and substance. They became just another story.. another doing..