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  1. There is Absolute Truth. And you are it. Absolute Truth is not a perspective. It's not even right to think of it as nonduality.
  2. God/Infinity is beyond nonduality. Although it doesn't contradict it.
  3. Well said. One of the big traps I see in my spiritual friends is when they make maps about the depth of their not-knowing. This is obviously a fabrication, because they're still dealing with maps. But to them it feels like they're engaging in not-knowing, because that's what their map says. A map about not-knowing which claims to not be a map. What a perfect tool for a spiritual ego! I've tried encouraging them to burn the map, but they can't see how that's different than what they currently have - "map, no map, same thing! it's all one!" - they say as they continue to feel as though they've understood. My strong opinion is that, when you ACTUALLY understand. You humble yourself, and you're truly left with nothing. This manifests in your behavior as silence and acceptance. Because you understand, viscerally, personally, and immediately the profundity and ineffability of Infinity drowning out everything else you've ever known. There isn't even room to "communicate" "with other people," this all falls apart into true union. People who happily mix and match nonduality with their relative experience OBVIOUSLY don't "get it." You can just sense it in their haphazard delivery. They have no respect for the raging storm of true not-knowing. They would shit their pants if they actually (in direct experience) left the shelter of their maps. This is a large part of why I personally don't engage in nondual/spiritual rhetoric. I've been to those peaks of consciousness, so to speak, and it shut me the hell up. In the NOW I am not aligned with those peaks, so it's totally out of integrity for me to even pretend to know anything about them. When I return to those peaks, I will once again be stunned into silence. Basically, no matter where I find myself, there is no room for me to communicate any kind of map on The Truth while maintaining inner balance, because either I do not know, OR, I do know, but my life has vanished. This is not to say that spiritual rhetoric should never occur. There is definitely value in propagating the possibility of enlightenment as a beacon of Hope. However, if you are in the position of spreading enlightenment, you have to be REAL fucking careful about how you use your words, because 99.9% of even the most spiritually advanced people usurp words to primarily feel good about their current existential condition moreso than to be truly benevolent.
  4. @Cykaaaa thanks. funny thing is it has been like 4 or 5 years since I started getting into nonduality, and listening to Leo, Alan Watts and Ropert Spira. This the first time I experienced borders breaking. I will be near this stuff. Got a lot of Life decisions to make.
  5. 5-MeO will take you way beyond nonduality and classic enlightenment. God-realization makes nonduality and enlightenment look like a joke, which they are. Just more dreams. Keep going deeper
  6. - This is my 3/4th time doing shamanic breathwork Today I revisited shamanic breathing for a couple of reasons (I'll get into that later) Physical effects we're the same: Vibrating skin, contracted eyes and mouth (that's the best I can describe it, It's a physical reaction similar to biting into a lemon, only without the sour taste), after a while my whole body was tingling, this is the order in which it spread: Teeth->Eyes->Cheeks->Upper part of the skull, it also started in the fingers and worked it's way up my arms, later on it started in the toes and worked its up to my balls which felt... weird. But not discouraging. I felt really thirsty and hungry after, even though I ate and hydrated before I did it. What lead me to do it today I didn't really have a goal going into this one, I've been looking into making psychedelics since Vacation is near (perfect time to do it) I saw news about a youtuber who I used to watch as a kid, Dead at 23 years old - Cancer. I was perplexed, couldn't believe my eyes... It reminded me of something. We're always so close to death, death is here, death is now. these frail bodies of ours won't last forever. a quote (by Steve Jobs) popped into my mind "You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart". I'm naked, aka I don't have anything. Nothing is mine. Because life is rented to me by the universe. I am a real estate tenant and the universe is my landlord. I have the freedom to do anything I want and exit (die) through the same door when I'm done. ^ That ultimately let me to doing it again The aftermath Even though the trigger to doing this again was Death, I didn't think about death while doing it. Every time I did it, shamanic breathing always gave me a confidence boost for a little while. First, my bad memories surfaced up (as they usually do with breathwork) but its always a different topic, this time It was about self-doubt, I realized how I was lowkey doubting myself all the time, I realized that I am unlimited and that I am creativity, it wasn't nonduality but.. It was saying that I can, as an ego. I can be happy, I can be independent, I can run a business, I can live a purposeful life, I can have friends and I can have a girlfriend. the whole thing was centered around healing this doubt within me, saying that I can't have a great life. It made me aware of the stupid pressure my family was putting on me, If you want to have a great life you will need to work on everything, right now I am career focused and I'm leaving all the relationship stuff for later, that is my choice. I'm now aware that I (as well as everyone else) will have to put significant time into these important areas, and one way to do that Is to focus on one at a time. My friends choose to Party first and then (hopefully) work on their careers, that's their choice. they choose Immature relationships to build up experience first. and that's fine. My last "trip" was a lot more emotional, It centered around abuse. I actually cried during that "trip". an ongoing pattern here is that my mind always picks a topic for me and then brings up memories related to that topic. And that's shamanic breathing for you
  7. @Carl-Richard I have not banned anyone. Usually other people here are more stricter, I just give points unless somebody is a spammer. I dont think I am unreasonably judgemental. If I called you all the wrong pronouns and gave you advice that does not apply to your gender, you would lose your shit really quickly. That happens to me everyday, just imagine that. You gotta go out in clothes youre uncomfortable wearing or you get beaten. Like guys wearing pink shirt and colorful skirt and makeup. Imagine what that would be like. Why are you undermining that so much for the sake of being right? I dont even think you are right. Alright, thats a good observation there. We dont even know what transphobia is here. And I dont even think many of you can imagine what it is like to be trans. I can see how thats a big obstacle and I am sorry I assumed you know. Defining it as something that makes trans people potentially uncomfortable is really broad and subjective. What if we just mention that our gender is really personal and whatever ideas we have are specific to us, without claiming any objective universal truths? I have no problem if you identify with your biology. Just dont shove it down my throat. (Some people think trans people are shoving stuff, when its actually the other way around often times) Imagine I called you madam instead of sir and then got surprised why you react confused. if this kept happening to you all the time, if you had to explain yourself, usually against a majority that disagrees with you, you would lose patience with constantly explaining. Just dont deny any experiences, unless theyre dangerous, and be mindful that what you think may only apply to you and nobody else. If I created a thread saying that cis men are not men because they just assumed they are men because society told them they are and they did not find an authentic way into their manhood, unlike trans men, how would that feel? I dont think Its any different, but maybe you have some comments on that? I think if anyone thinks its any different, they are having a double standard there. If they claim also that all genders are equal. I think points should be given. Or at least I will be giving them. I dont see how transphobia is any more understandable or more justifiable than racism or islamophobia for example. Or slut shaming, victim blaming, homophobia, aphobia (fear of asexuals), etc. I simply get a lot of hate in my life from my parents, friends, teachers etc. It is draining for me and I dont have the energy to explain things to strangers. I can put links to explanations into my bio that people can research, if they care. If they dont care about being accepting, they cannot be on this forum, because I am not willing to sacrifice creating a safe space here for myself and others. I am not trying to change the whole world here. Ofc not. Some people think they are showing me a way out here. They are not, I am aware that I have to toughen up, but then this is just one online space that should be liberal according to its guidelines, therefore I feel like I can enforce these guidelines, if somebody calls me mentally ill, invalid, dangerous, deviant impure or whatever. Or who is closeminded and unable to reflect. I think it is worth it to fight for a more diverse and accepting forum, for Gods sake, we preach love and nonduality and truth here. I am seeking truth about myself every day by having this experience. This is not some impossible goal, theres like just a couple of you guys, if you all stop denying my validity, if you just let me live my life and stop trying to impose your views down my throat, I will be chill, its not hard.
  8. Today I want to show you how the Buddhist phrase "Emptiness is form, form is emptiness" actually directly relates to nonduality and God, just in a rather implicit way. First we have to understand that the fundamental unit of reality is consciousness, it is all that there is. There is no nonduality without consciousness. But what is consciousness? Consciousness is simply the capability to take on any properties whatsoever. These properties are things like colors, sounds, distance, depth, time, space, thought, feeling, and infinitely many more. Because consciousness is the only thing that there is, it is not limited to any set of properties. So it can take on any properties it wants to. This is the ultimate power of consciousness. It can be arranged in every possible configuration. In this way, consciousness must itself be empty of qualities inherently in order to take on any qualities. So it actually directly relates to emptiness in this way. Form is what all of these qualities of consciousness are. Emptiness then actually just refers to pure consciousness that doesn't have any qualities. So this Buddhist saying is actually talking about consciousness being capable of taking any qualities. Obviously, these qualities, i.e the form, is also just consciousness. This further implies that one is God, because there is just one emptiness which has manifested in different forms. It is all one in other words. It implies oneness, because all form are emptiness. No form can thus inhibit emptiness, and all forms are also it, so it gives emptiness the power to take on any form whatsoever. This is the power of nonduality, there can be no limitations, because all limitations are just form, which is emptiness, which itself isn't constrained by form. It implies that YOU are God. Emptiness is just another name for God. It also implies omniscience, immortality, love, and more, but I won't go into why its so for now. I just thought it was cool how this phrase actually contains implicitly in it the no limitations, infinite possibilities, and oneness aspects of nonduality.
  9. Hey guys, I’ve recently been watching videos on how immortality might be possible by uploading our minds. Apparently some scientists think it’s very possible. I’m curious what all of you’lls view is on this 1) do you think the uploading of mind and living forever is possible? 2) if so what would this mean for nonduality? I’ve heard teachers say that one of the main purposes of creation is re realize that you are god and not the ego. If we are able to upload our egos and become immortal would we become permanently separated from god? teachers like Rupert spira claim that all mental suffering is actually a result of us being disconnected from our true nature (ie-god). If ego immortality through mind uploading is possible wouldn’t this mean we would be in a permanent state of dissatisfaction due to being permanently separated from god.
  10. @Someone here nice bro! These realizations are like the zen ox taming pictures. What you have said here are some of the same realizations that happened to me in 2018/2019. What happened here is that I took these realizations and applied them inwards into who I was as a person....what makes up this character called ME!! There seems to be endless and ever-changing perspectives as to what makes up this individual called ME! It's infinite and can't be pinned down or separated! This is exactly the realization that nonduality is pointing out. ❤
  11. @Tyler Robinson Yes, I do believe that more people became spiritually mature when more people were seriously studying the teachings of the Vedas, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad etc. and it held center stage in the collective consciousness. Everything you know about nonduality today has been known for thousands of years, arguably for all of human history.
  12. Well, in Buddhist philosophy, the ego self is an illusion that does not exist, this is distinct from the spirit. which is pure mind, our real identity. I agree with this philosophy, as I understand that our ego is formed by social shaping, which makes us appear to be something that we’re really not. But don't forget that you don't exist as a separate self. That's the illusion of separation .but you exist as pure consciousness itself. When you wake up from a dream.. you don't say that you were a character because you are the creator of that dream. The entire dream (not the dream elements) is actually you.. not only the character you're playing. The other characters that appear on that dream are just components that make up the whole dream.. they don't have a life of their own to wake up at the same time with you. Don't take this too literal.. just that in real life you're not a character or a human, you're the entire Universe that you're experiencing right now. This is not solipsism . This is absolute oneness and nonduality.
  13. I go completely by the feeling, because truth and bliss are actually the same thing, if the truth makes you unhappy it likely is not the truth. Nonduality is extremely beautiful True solipsism is also the least lonely perspective that there is with infinite creative and playful potential
  14. That level of nonduality makes all things identical, including rightness and wrongness morally but also ontologically, truthfully, really; that is, if you say there is no moral difference between two acts based on your nondual perceptions, you must also admit that the supposed "truth" of this statement is equally imaginary with its opposite and permeated by the same God, you must admit Evil and Love being the same is the same as Evil and Love not being the same. And of course, Evil and Love have different forms, though they are attributes of the same substance. If you are moving from one reality to the next, both realities are real, or existent. They exist, such as 1 exists and 1 exists, therefore 2 exist. One moment exists and one moment exists, thereby meaning time as them together exists. The only way to collapse motion, moments strung together, is to deny what your experience is. You have never seen a frozen "single-moment" in your life, just motion.
  15. So pain is just a sensation; suffering requires comparison. And yet you use comparison when you say "pain is as pleasurable as an orgasm to me" or "euphoric state, on par with or maybe even better than an orgasm" or whatever else. "Survival" or at least some viable stand-in for it has to exist for minds and bodies to function, whilst making choices, performing acts, etc. So it seems as though you've tapped into nonduality (the duality between pain and pleasure collapses) and infinite imagination (the future where this pain is alleviated is imaginary, therefore there is nothing better than this pain and all is perfect), but you still must have biases, which are "survival" in a sense. Time exists.
  16. I would consider it radical nonduality, not neo advaita. With that said, yeah it is just like watching Netflix. Unless of course one is actually serious and is really grappling with the message to the point where fear is felt -- if they stay in the body with those sensations right in the center of where it's most painful, then that's as good awakening practice as any. Again though it's just like watching Netflix if they aren't actually serious about their practice, in which case they don't need radical nonduality.
  17. Nope I have done Salvia, but only small dose. Salvia is some crazy shit. Still takes me into nonduality and infinity. Just in a weirder way.
  18. The words and language and meaning are nothingness, and all the mental and physical mechanisms and structures are nothingness. The only thing that exists is the nonphysical awareness, the nonphysical consciousness, that is able to appear as infinite forms and realities. There only is the here and now that is nothingness that forms and constructs itself as the socalled physical reality. That's the point where we are talking about the consciousness becoming, and simultaneously being, infinite realities that are all here and now as infinite possibilities that becomes realized depending on the state of consciousness, and that is what the experience of continuity even is. It is becoming spacetime realities and guides itself through its... All existence is the absolute meaninglessness. It is not any different than the experience of you taking some psychedelics and then, for instance, experience a parallel universe as a parallel version of you in that universe for some decades, while all of that has happened within only a few minutes in this... All the history, and the world, and languages, and meanings, and so forth, are being created by consciousness in the moment with the idea of the experience of space and time etc built in within itself for the experience, otherwise there would be no experience of a continuity. Otherwise there would be no world, no people, no minds, no experiences, no languages, no knowledges, no selves, no individualities. There would just be the deep sleep, the void, without any content or meaning or meaning of meaning or meaning of meaning of meaning, ad infinitum, and there would just be nonduality, both conceptually, and physically.
  19. @Blackhawk Sure. All beliefs are concepts. You seem to be looking for intellectual conviction. Don't try to climb an imaginary mountain. Unfortunately, no matter what others tell you, self-verification through direct experience is essential here. Don't expect to be "sold" to nonduality through a logical and mental validation process. If it isn't possible, then what is all this fuss about? Seemingly sincere individuals throughout history have pointed out the possibility of grasping your true nature beyond belief and doubt. To be fair, most charlatans do indeed hold nonduality as just a cute or revolutionary idea, but there have been a few who have actually "awakened", see Gotama Buddha. Consider it an invitation for personal exploration, not for believing stuff -- which is antithetical to the real work. Lastly, I'm afraid you might be looking for things to justify a negative cosmology (worldview) that you're holding. Drop that. That could cause unnecessary suffering. A positive relationship to life is far more enlivening, intelligent and healthier. What do you wanna know? Contemplate that deeply until you become directly conscious of its nature. Check out Ramana Maharshi's self-inquiry and, perhaps, study his example.
  20. I copy paste this without edit. I had no idea prior to this what "nonduality" was, and had no religious inclination whatsoever. This is exactly as I recorded it and attempted to interpret it without the aid of ANY knowledge gleamed from researching nondual tradition. I found such tradition via searching "monism" after the fact. This was vaped n,n-DMT on the peak of 500ug of acid. --- BLAST OFF It was on my second inhale of DMT using my Mighty vape that it hit the fan. I closed my eyes and experienced a complete out of body trip to heaven with visuals... full color visuals, intricate and detailed. To walk through from the beginning, first of all imagine you are a Matryoshka doll (those Russian doll things). The innermost doll. Well what happened was, my human vessel which was this innermost doll was left down below and I was launched/sucked away from myself and upwards. And as I kept going up it was like outer shells of dolls were shattering as I broke into higher and higher realms of reality. Like going from the smallest doll in the set to the biggest all-encompassing doll. Rather than a tunnel of light going towards heaven, it was more like I was being sucked up from my human self into heaven - I was watching my lower-level-consciousness-selves as I was propelled higher and higher up. The visuals were very vivid and intense, but difficult to explain... It was like I had a collar around my vessel (whatever was being launched up into these planes of reality), and the patterning was on this collar, like perhaps yellow vibrant squares for example (but these weren't just random shapes on the back of my eyelids, these were like, fully lucid visions of an alternate dimension) - and I was being sucked upwards through the middle into higher realms of reality and I'd go up through these layers of visions higher and higher. Until I reached the ultimate reality. I reached heaven. It was not heaven in the sense that it felt blissful or anything. That's the thing, it didn't feel anything, it just WAS. But it was heaven in the sense of being the ultimate reality. When every layer is peeled off that's what's left. I was in heaven. I have visited heaven. I saw spacetime itself form shape: Outside the boundaries of what I was seeing was void - colorless nonexistence. I had wondered what possible layer deeper I could have possibly gone except by dying; but then I realized that dying would not do it - because non-existence does not exist, and it's not possible for anything that exists to NOT exist... "I" or "you" may """die""" (quote unquote) but we will never get to not exist, we will *ALWAYS* exist... I can see where people get ideas about reincarnation... A tree can sprout many leaves - we are the tree... We as in "you" or "I" might THINK we're the leaf, but that's just an illusion, a subsection of the whole which is the tree that we ACTUALLY are. We are all existence, anything that has existed cannot ever NOT exist because non-existence does not exist. WE are existence. WE are spacetime. WE are eternal. WE are all there ever was and all there ever will be; always "were" and always "will be". The alpha and omega. We are unstoppable because we are existence itself. WE are EVERYTHING. ... I also did speak to a divine being or something of that nature but my recollection of that is incredibly scant. I think between my visions through heaven I opened my eyes and spoke to the deity and asked what it wants me to do (I think?) and if it wants me to bring back the experience and tell other people, something along those lines. I don't remember the specifics but definitely something along those lines happened... I saw a large female deity's face across my ceiling briefly, I recall. But the "divine being" did not feel more powerful than me, us, you, WE... That was part of the thing - that everything was one and the same, everything in existence was one. Nothing exists but existence itself. Whatever this presence was, was simply a manifestation of a part of US that was helping facilitate my journey... I in fact felt like I had gone even further *beyond* the realm where this presence existed. Using the tree sprouting leaves analogy, perhaps these presences are like the branches. One step above us "leaves" but a step below the ultimate reality of the tree. I feel like I reached and reunited with the tree. I consider this to be a legitimate religious experience, along the lines of Buddhist/Monistic belief (I never had any religious belief prior to psychedelic use). This was not getting "high" this was literally a religious experience, a deeply earth-shattering spiritual/religious experience. --- Everything that I write since, and everything I have searched for and researched, is due to this trip. Which I now cannot recall experientially aside from perhaps a miniscule memory of visuals, which is also just a vague fascimile. I have never reached that state of being ever again, albeit other trips after were still "enlightening" when not just random alien rave scenes or panic attacks. I never came back from that trip... I've been trying to make sense of it since.
  21. God doesn't exist. There is nothingness, which is as you would expect, without limit, beginning, end, etc. It can't be created and it can't be destroyed, because it is nothing... Within it, there is limit, a consequence of its very own unlimited nature (meaning infinite potential, etc, as it naturally follows for several reasons), and this limit appears in the shape of forms. Your hand is one of those. So am I. So is Leo. So are you. So is your emotion. So is your thought. So is the wall. So is your phone. ANY THING is a limited finite appearance taking place within it. Some "things" (important to note) are not perceived and hence never appear as form. As an example, I don't think anything perceives subatomic particles in a qualitative way. These are still things, manifestations of nothing. This is important because many people think nonduality means that when you can't perceive something it doesn't exist, which is false. Like if you put a kettle on boil and leave the room it would never boil. These are misconceptions. It's about what things ARE in substance. The apparent thing ("consciousness") with which you observe everything is not a thing, but actual nothingness. Literal, pure, sheer, nothing. If you remove all objects of "your" awareness (for ease of understanding I phrase it that way), you the character cease to be. Your hand is not God. Your hand is a form out of nothingness. It is made of nothing (substances do not exist). Pure nothingness = creation itself. It can't help but create within itself because it is without limit. It has no choice: Wanting to create or not is itself an appearance (thought, desire) made of nothing and hence already a manifestation of it.
  22. For those who are not familiar with the Dall-e 2 project, it's an AI system that creates Art based on a description in natural language , Just for an example "a bowl of soup that is a portal to another dimension as digital art" will generate you this picture: link: I wasn't able to get the full version of the Dall-e 2 (don't think its available for the public) however, there is a demo called DALL·E mini : It isn't as impressive as the main version, but it can still be interesting to do some experiments on it: I tried to use words such as nonduality, consciousness, love, truth, nothingness, oneness, reality, unity, no self, nihilism, illusion, strange loop, paradox etc. (If you try to write "God" it will show you pictures of Jesus lol) and I got some very beautiful results: You can also share your results here if you want
  23. Are there any Muslim friends here, I wanna have a chat about how Islam and nonduality are related.
  24. This ultimate nonduality is the untarnishable unity of the world as Brahman and Brahman as transcendent to the world, but you're claim of a Brahman (completely)/abstractedly transcendent to the world where there is no world due to the world as creation being anterior is not something we can ever access, because we in our current and future states are tied to "the world" of form. Since the world cannot be prior or anterior to anything, since any time necessitates the world, the world is eternally itself without having been created except through self-existence. That means all we have access to are mystical states of God unrealized becoming realized, the Infinity, the Nothingness, the Everything, that rests within every objective or subjective aspect of reality. It is a truth that we are progressing. Your "criticism" of that truth misunderstands it. The model does not worship matter or vitality; it recognizes them as lower holons. "They are more fundamental but less significant." Ultimately, everything is nondual as per the law of Spirit, but the logic, the procession, of reality follows a holarchical pattern of raw, dead, inconscient matter forming into more complex vitality, primitive life that is built into more complex life, until finally there is the yet more complex noospheric mind. This is matter to life to mind to soul to nondual realization of Spirit. Or, in terms of Vernadsky or Teilhard de Chardin, the physiospheric components making up the biosphere, which arises the noosphere, which itself is transcended and included in the greater and more complex patterns that are emerging. This is a truth that is ineluctable. No appeal to the authority of Eastern mystics falsely prophesizing about a cyclical decay can stop this; there are no cycles, and history does not truly repeat itself because everything is novel. It is obvious that once life arose, there was no going back. The same applies to the mind, and to what comes after. And the idea this is not leading to something specifically more complex and truer is preposterousness and an idiocy that stains the mind. There were Western mystics like Plotinus which could just as easily serve as an authority like the Eastern "seers" of back in history, but authority says nothing on this except that which can be proven by self-revealing truth. There is no decay; that simply is not the pattern here. Any "chaos" you see is temporary, or even something so complex it does not appear to be order. Nietzsche's strength was tearing down Christianity and placing the concept of an Overhuman in its place, but this is not good enough; it does not realize a truth or the Truth. It is untenable because it lacks basis in reality. As "ideals" of progress, North America is Spiral Dynamics "Orange" whereas India, as beautiful and mystically exploring as it is/was, was "Purple". We have more access to further progressed patterns and may observe them; they could not. The same way our systems can only intimate or warn about or dream about what's to come beyond us through thought and feeling and intelligence. That's because by the Wilberian terminology, people that worship matter are Descenders, whereas ascetics than only worship disincarnated Spirit are Ascenders. Those that integrate both are superior, in truth.
  25. True. I don't really care. But sometimes I have to interact with Blues, and I have to talk about something. When they ask why I'm not religious, and I want to have a productive/interesting social interaction, of course I'm gonna talk about nonduality and shit.. What else? This is the only way in which I can meaningfully contribute to the topic, and display a side of my personality. If I, instead, just nodded and agreed with everything they said, it would paint a completely incorrect picture of my personality, and the social encounter would go down as a complete failure and waste of time. This is good. Definitely. But they make up like 90% of humanity, so finding a way to convince them is more worthwhile anyone else. Yes???? Why is everyone so scared???? (@Leo Gura another video idea/request) That's the long approach, and requires them to be able to engage with you at an intellectual level. ?? I'm still thinking that, with complete omniscience, you should be able to figure out a combination of words which will get Blues to think. And if that's true, then it's possible for us to figure it out, with enough time. E.g. What's the first best thing to ask? It could be something like "how did something come from nothing?" or "how did the big bang come from nothing?". Something like this could be the best first step, as it's a broad/universal, profound, yet simple question. And from there you could explain how everything else naturally came about. If they managed to understand this, then their beliefs about God may seem unnecessary, and as not really contributing to solving any problems. But that's just an example. I'm wondering if there is a "best" set of questions, with a "best" order to ask them in, with the "best" language to use, etc., as if there is, then it would be worth conducting a proper study, possibly with thousands of participants, and figuring out the most impactful set of questions/ideas to give to a Blue.