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  1. @Saitama looking/awareness is the only path, but asking can be of use because it can set things in perspective to each other. If you hear a pointing, check it for yourself. Truth is the nothingness that holds the polarities together. Don't try and understand.. sense it.
  2. "Enlightenment" is even beyond nothingness, it's everything and nothing at the same time, I heard one Zen master say: "I love paradoxes" I embrace them. So that became my focus. Reality is all these different Qualities of experience that we are aware of. The ultimate truth is beyond these qualities and yet it enables these qualities to exist. So the general direction that one should pursue is the "letting go" of control (the nothingness) and being aware of all the qualities that one can be aware of, even the "bad" ones (existence arising from the nothingness). And also take nothing I say as true, see for yourself. Namaste.
  3. It's a lot simpler to just assume that there is no reason for nothingness to "create" existence -- without falling into the trap of nihilism (i.e. avoid the "OMG, everything is meaningless. I feel empty and depressed." at any cost) Looking for meaning is a series of big hairballs, best to just cough them all out . At this point, I'm perfectly happy with words such as "isness" or suchness" , "thisness." There doesn't have to be a reason for existence - it's a bad assumption to think there must be a reason. It's also a bad assumption to think that there was a beginning to all this.
  4. That is very much possible,and yogis have achieved this for centuries.The ego wants you to believe that it is not possible so as to protect its own existence.Part of what this guy said is really good,but at one point he made the mistake of thinking the ego to be the animation software.But we are infact not the hardware,the OS or the program but total nothingness.What is there is really the hardware which is not what we are.I am not my body.Infact I am just nothingness that came out of nothingness to interact with other nothingness.Pretty abstract and indescribable unless we experience it ourselves
  5. It does involve deconstruction and unwiring, but the actual enlightenment itself is being. You become what you actually are, rather than what you presently believe you are. You are an infinite field of awareness within which all of life occurs. This field cannot be seen. It is not an object. It has no shape. It has no location. It is self-aware Nothingness. And you are it.
  6. This is a quote from leo: Seems that this state of enlightenment can be achieved (after lots of hard work) even in our normal day to day life. Meaning when your hanging out with a friend you can realize that you and him/her are really one. You are both nothingness you are both one with reality etc etc. I think the goal its to achieve these really high states of awareness and then live with that awareness in our everyday lives...when we eat, talk with friends, have sex, write on the leo forum, when we crack our knuckles...we can all strive to live with this higher state of awareness even when we are doing every day normal things. BAM!
  7. The following is a quote from Leo's video "All religions explained in one video" I think this is a really awesome idea. I want to start this thread to really expand on this idea. Specially that this "nothingness" which encompasses all of reality, is the source of all reality. Or like Leo put it "this nothingness is a unity, it’s a One" So if we take that as the ultimate truth, then that means everything in the universe (apples, clouds, water, the ocean, mars, bubbles, fingernails, fire, wind, protons, thoughts, ideas, desire/will etc etc etc) all came from this nothingness. "He" (the nothingness) is the source of all those things. Ok, now lets think about this. That means that this nothingness created all these things (everything in existence). That means every enjoyable experience that you've ever had and will have in this world and everything you see in this world is all unity with this nothingness and sourced in this nothingness. So given all of that as absolute truth. I guess we can ask "why did he do it?" Obviously if this nothingness is the source of all reality, he must of had a reason for doing it. Think about it...image you had the ability to create an entire universe and an entire reality with trees and planets and humans etc etc (what if God was one of us...just a stranger on a bus....) why would you do it? Just for fun? Why would you create these little humans with brains and eyes and tastebuds and genitals and the entire universe etc etc...WHY DID "HE" (the nothingness) DO IT? Before I start postulating ideas as to why he did it, (And again i'm assuming that there IS a reason) let's realize that whatever the reason issss, it wasn't made known to us. Meaning, this nothingness never "communicated" with us and told us why "he" decided to be the source of all of reality. So we'll also have to examine why it's been kept a a secret from us. Ok, now for what I think it the reason. I think the reason for "him" having "created" all of reality (including "all of us") was in order to give us "humans" pleasure. Think about it. Look around the world. There's this thing called food. Theres lots of different types of food. Hundreds of different species of fruits and veggies and tins of different flavors and spices and meats and fish and chicken and duck and thousands of ways of preparing all of them. Isn't it awesome? Don't we all really enjoy eating good things? Now image that the world as we know it had no food. No apples, no oranges, no fruit smoothies in the morning, no veggies, no meat, chicken fish or any spices....nothing! And in order to stay alive, all we had to do was eat this weird type of rock which tasted like dirt, but gave us ALL the nutrients we needed to be healthy and function great. That means three times a day (or once a day...whatever) every person would just eat this rock and that would be all he would need to ingest for the day to be completely 200% healthy. If you've imagined this, now snap back into reality. Realize that reality could have easily been like that. If we're taking it as absolute truth that this nothingness is the source of all reality. Then that includes food and all of their delicious flavors. Ok back to the point. Why did "He" (this nothingness) "create" all of reality. So it makes sense to me to suggest that he did it in order to give us "humans" pleasure. We can see this from the very fact that in our reality exists this thing called food with its many flavors and "He" could have just have easily created reality with thos little rocks. The same ideas holds for SEX. Obviously ONE of the purposes of sex is the continuation of our species. If no one had sex for 100 years...bye bye humans. But we can again go ahead and imagine that sex wasn't pleasureful (or much less pleasureful). This "nothingness" obviously "has some desire" to give us pleasure from the fact that he "created" this reality with so many ways for us to achieve high levels of pleasure. Now, first of all i apologize for the long post. Thank you, if you've read this far. Ok for all of you who do meditation and all that good stuff. Maybe try this: The next time you eat something. Right before you put it in your mouth, just think for a second or two that the pleasure your'e about to experience is a direct result of the fact that this "nothingness" "decided" to create a reality where you should constantly achieve high levels of pleasure throughout the day. Also try during the actual chewing to continue to "meditate" this fact. This should bring all of our minds very close to "becoming one" with this nothingness. I think that doing this is a good way to achieve enlightenment. Again this is all based upon this absolute truth that this "nothingness" is the source of EVERYTHING and ALL OF REALITY....everything. Thank you for reading!
  8. @Ramu I am no expert and I haven't "opened it" I would say that it would be good for you to read about it, my dad knows a great deal on yogic meditation, he says that the chakra connects us to our guru, and I tend to believe so too. But I think that's just a metaphor (I think the guru is just the "real self", wholeness or as Leo would put it "nothingness"(or at least a real guru would try to make us see that)) either way, just focus on perceiving reality, feel that location for what it really is, without worrying or trying to get to a goal, that would be the real approach to me. But still, I'm no expert, if you want deeper insights, I would suggest for you to read Swami Satyananda, or Niranjananda approach to chakras.
  9. 6th day on pure water. Tonight I got hungry. I have read so many words.. what is the meaning of all this talk? The books, the quotes, the enlightenment.... the minds spinning, the versatility, the cockiness.. the ME... and the You.. and the They.. and the Us.. Seems so out this world. My world. Mind doesn't want to linger in the past anymore. Mind doesn't want more words. Mind is playing around silly... The nothingness ...the emptiness, the I am... being trashed by fingers typing on a piece of plastic.. I love this play. I love these people. I love you God Thank you I love you
  10. Hey Guys, So nice to read you and realize that I am not the one asking all these questions :). IMHO, yes, that is hard to verify the Truth. We can speculate about it over and over again, but it would be just another mind game. Pondering about it for so many years, actually, did not take me anywhere. My questions are exhausted now. What am I? Really, I guess NOTHING. Nothing is just a word, label. Probably not even that. Leo, I really loved your words in one video, you said: " Everything couched into Nothingness" This is my favorite phrase, I always keep these words in my mind, trying to contemplate them deeper.
  11. Thoughts arise from the nothingness and turn into nothingness. It might look like a certain "environment" puts thoughts into your head but you really need to question that belief. It goes far deeper than that. You can be in a slum with kids with no education and you will still have magnitude of thoughts running in your head.
  12. "In nothingness reveals infinity" - actually. Made this one up to remember the 4 letters on Jesus's cross INRI. I'm an atheist but I just like to know things. " This above all to thine own self be true" - Polonius in Hamlet. the supposed true meaning of this quote is not as eloquent as it sounds, but I like how it sounds anyways. and my favorite " Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn" -Delmore Schwartz
  13. Science (scientific method) is not by any mean the absolute way of life. It is a tool created by humans, an imperfect way to explain and help us understand the world and life around us. It isn't the life itself. Try to explain nothingness and it will become a concept. We created the code, the words and numbers to conceptualize and discover the applicable laws and relations between them. Yes they work. Yes, we can evaluate our comprehension and cognition through them. But the limit is the code itself.
  14. good points @Ayla @Arik Because I think alot about the purpose of it all, and to be honest I dont see any purpose to life more than just the being. All other purposes are ego thinking, man made. But on the other hand we have this that I call "the human protocol", we gotta have that built into us. How to act human, i mean, a lion gotta have its protocol to act the way its supposed to do. or am I wrong on that? Then im thinking,, if all comes from this "nothingness" and we cant control it the way we want. why bother? Thoughts come from nothingness so our realisation about enlightment and all must come naturally beacause thats the new step of evolution. Its getting us where we need to go. Sometimes I get so scared thinking about where we actually are, like really, where are we? and where am i going? If not on this earth for example then where? Those thoughts has scared me since i was very young. I remember first time, i got so scared I just fell to the floor, trying to grip my mind togheter. It happend in just a few seconds then it was like my ego came back and "saved" me. I have had this a few more times after that, but I really have to go meta on it. we think we humans are special in a way more than other species but we are not, its just the ego telling us. Hope you have my bad english in consideration when reading this (:
  15. I do breathing exercises and then meditate for a short time. The moment I focus on my breath , I am in present. If at all thoughts come, I don't resist. Ultimately I reach a stage where a dot kind of a thing leads me forward into nothingness. Thereafter I feel as if I am watching myself meditate. Do share your experiences as well. Thank you!
  16. So I'm thinking basically that what you need to do to reach your higher self is think about nothing for a very long time without the "nothingness" being interrupted?
  17. Attempting to find that magic pill to get me to be enlightened and at the same time recognizing that there isn't one. Wanting to understand Leo's take on things with regard to love. If there is not love, how can anything be real? When I explore Who am I? and others ponders of "going meta" I have a conflict that comes up. I am not religious, although I have been in and out of church's and currently seeking a spiritual understanding. Is that a story in the abstract? Is it not real the overwhelmingly impressive feeling of love? I had an encounter, something different than our traditional story encounters. This was unique. It was undeniable, and felt more real than almost anything! Although I recognize my inner voices tried to hush it, and downgrade it etc. This experience is very hard to describe with in the confines of words. It was an extremely strong feeling of love, this was nothing like the worldly love I have felt throughout my life, like love of family, husband/ wife love, not like that. More unconditional, and BIGGER. It was also an experience of understanding. IT was a HUGE reality that everything is in fact perfect. I also understood that I am simply able to not see it outside of this experience I had and I even understood that is was currently impossible for me to understand it, even though I was blessed (sorry don't have another word here) to have the glimpse of it. If it is not spiritual than what is it? I got the sense I have a mission, a time sensitive one at that. That I choose to be here. Not me- the essence of me, I actually knew what I was getting myself into. All these questions, all this suffering. Ok- so I AM seeking the truth. This will be an outlet of my discoveries, if I am so allowed to do so freely.
  18. Let me clear something up for you. I think you're under the impression that enlightenment is some sort of fleeting experience. Upon realizing Truth ("nothingness"), you may experience bliss, heavenly feelings, kundalini, joy, gratitude, full enjoyment of the present moment, still mind, and a bunch of other side effects. But those experiences are not Truth itself. How could Truth feel like heaven if it's nothing at all? The Truth itself is very very subtle. It's also not an experience, because all experiences are fleeting, and Truth is eternal. You don't have to "extend the time of being in such a state" to abide in Truth if you're fully enlightened. I'd rather not go into full detail on the "how-to get enlightened" - you may want to buy Leo's book list or watch his videos to help you with that. What's so heaven-inducing about Truth is that at that moment, you realize you are not the body, the ego, or any other ephemeral things in your experience. What a friggin' relief! How do you know when or if enlightenment happens? I can only give you a crappy analogy. How do you know if you've orgasmed during sex? You just know.
  19. I had a lot of experiences where the mind was still, so no monkey mind during that time. And sometimes it kind of feels like you are enlightend (you enjoy the present moment fully and dont think about anything else). But Leo once said that "Nothingness" feels like heaven. And I can´t remember feeling that good. It always feels nice to be fully present but not THAT good. My question: Did I have temporary enlightenment experiences? It is no permanent state for me yet, but how does one know when or if enlightenment happens? Is it just the absence of monkey mind and enjoying the moment, or is there more to it? Because that I had a lot, and even people who know nothing about this topic have it all the time. For example when they are having fun with their friends, starring in the eyes of you loved one and so on. I thought this was it, but I am not sure if there is more to discover, or if I just have to extend the time of being in such a state. Thanks for answering and have a great moment
  20. When you say "nothing is supernatural" what do you mean? Nothingness ou no-thing. anyways, I like your point of view. It shows a deep look into life. Maybe we should go deeper!
  21. @Niki Hi Niki! Let's clear the air for a second. When Leo says "the self is an illusion," what does that mean? An illusion is something that appears to be there but does not actually exist. The self is something that appears to be there in your experience, but it doesn't actually exist. It's just an idea, like Santa Clause. So, technically, your experience right now, forever and always, is one of no-self. Seeing that the self is an illusion is a totally different story. It sounds to me like you're thinking of enlightenment as an experience: some sudden experience of joy, bliss, ecstasy, feelings of oneness, etc. Those particular things may be side effects, but enlightenment is an inner realization of your true nature, and Truth is not an experience. Experiences are fleeting and don't last forever; your true nature has been around for an eternity. You're frustrated because you want to recreate that amazing experience you had, thinking it will promise you salvation. In fact, you may want more of those experiences. If you would like more of those experiences, look up Kriya meditations; you can get in some amazing states of bliss doing those. However, that will not cure your frustration. Your frustration likely lies in the stories you tell yourself about enlightenment and your feelings of unworthiness for not making enough progress on your journey compared to everyone else. If you're serious about enlightenment, you have to realize that there is no such thing as progress on this journey. Progress means gaining something, moving towards some ideal destination. Enlightenment work is kind of the opposite: it's a regression back to your primal state of awareness. Regression means losing things, returning to where you've been this whole time. What are you losing on the journey to enlightenment? Illusions. Illusions about who you are, what defines you, where you are, what you should and should not do. This frustration of yours is an opportunity to see through your first illusion. What is your frustration trying to accomplish? What's the hidden agenda behind it? Maybe it's not frustration, but it's depression? Maybe it's deeper than depression; maybe it's fear that you won't get the most out of life? Who knows? It's your job to dig deep into yourself and uncover your own illusions. Here's a reference point: Every belief you have about reality, about who you think you are (even 'I am nothingness'), and about what you should do, is not true. Every belief is an illusion that has no existence outside of the mind that constructed it. Any beliefs such as "I am a worthless piece of crap" or "I am a painter" are illusions that don't actually exist. You probably didn't sign up for contemplation. Facing your emotions and examining them is painful. It's much easier to meditate, and while that can help on the journey, you probably don't want to depend on it completely if you're really serious about enlightenment. And don't just abandon your practice when you're away from the cushion; Life itself is your spiritual practice. Any time you feel emotional resistance in your day-to-day activities is an opportunity to inquire about the hidden illusions that are fueling these emotions. See through enough illusions, and all those things that once caused your suffering won't anymore. Once you discover how the magic trick works, it's not even worth seeing it again. Cheers!
  22. This goes in to my last post but I felt it was getting to long lol. When you respect someone truly you will show them the truth regardless of how they feel about it. I don't always know exactly what the best way to do that is because my ego can get in the way of the correct direction but yes sometimes you need to use that "Female Mercy" to just encourage the person you're talking to and try to sneak the truth in there or something but the "Masculine Mercy" is also very important and both versions can be true humbleness, not only the female mercy (I hope you've seen Leos video on that so I'm making sense lol) which often turn out as a false sense of humbleness which is complete fucking communist bullshit where everyone are equal as we base what "we" are on our dogmas and opinions. Yes, everyone are equal - nothingness is equal and (/because of it) can not be compared to anything, the ego which think it is something can be compared and a broken computer spreading viruses or a sick cancer cell is not worth nearly as much as a great computer repairing itself and work wonders or a completely healthy cell in the body. btw, female mercy is meant to follow that spiritual nature and see how we are nothing while masculine mercy is aimed at the armor, the lady in red (seen everywhere) or whore of babylon (aka Jezebel) as seen in the bible is the woman taking the mans position and say that all egos are equal when the ego is only the student who keep evolving through life, it doesn't stand still when working correctly or go in infinite cycles of repeat like in the luciferian system most people are stuck in. Ultimately we are all cells in a greater body but we all have a cancer (yes me too, I'm anything but perfect of course) however most people defend this cancer and fight for it (like explained in the first matrix movie), those cells eventually need to be healed or killed in order to heal the greater body. However many centuries that may take...
  23. You've mentioned some symbolism but not a whole lot, if you've studied it some that would be awesome to see. I gonna assume you can't see how the same symbolism is everywhere in movies and video games etc judging from one of your more recent videos where you talked about how we spend our time on meaningless stuff but if you start looking for it and find it you'll discover all the benefits of it and to me it's the most amazing shit ever so to get a community like this to start talking about it would be really awesome. I made a thread about it in the Philosophy etc forum but no one have replied and it is a very difficult thing to start to grasp but it's there if you wanna see some more stuff than just "God is nothingness". (don't have a clue how much you've read yourself and how much you've just taken from other sources but if you've read stuff like the bible yourself and extracted that knowledge it should be pretty obvious)
  24. The video from Leo on free will is contradicting in a way. I completely understand his perspective, but why do enlightened people like Matt Kahn, Teal Swan, Abraham Hicks talk about free will. The choice between fear or love is what they mean I think, or the point of focus in nothingness. Note: not in like 'who made the desicion', but I they mean that the observer self has a point of focus. The problem with this teaching is that you can ask yourself 'who am I', and still not be nice. For the people that do want to be enlightened, the who am I is not gonna get you far. I highly recommend the teaching on self-love that is overlooked here.