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  1. I feel some sensations on the face sense I started to meditate, look's like the nose or other part's sometimes move themselves from their place to the side, than came back again to the place, I feel like nothingness feeling hemselve can you understand? Can someone explain that to me, do you feel the same? sorry about my english, it's crap
  2. It is as much "mine" as everything is me. I only said "mine" within the knowing that it's me who keeps going on with it. There were more people in the beginning asking it,but they quickly withdrew from Forum to enjoy their nothingness in bliss I of course got it from my Guru, My father, Moojiji who has completely undone the person and left the me open, spacious and free
  3. You know... The creation of death doesnt sound too godly Nor does rape or murder, hurting eachother Stomach aches or pussy farts.. decaying flesh The abonimation of a thought which was hitler? Do you really think the true god would create such a universe where pain and suffering is even just an illusion? This universe with words to me would be more closely related to Satan if anything. Who else would create such a hell hole that has endless possibilities of illusionary torment? God the nothingness you say? What if enlightenment is just another trap of Satan??? What if the darkness around us is just a bottle were trapped in contained by Satan? I do not think the true god would contain any kind of illusionary suffering in his realm, but than again... I might be wrong.
  4. Conscious simply is being aware of what you are doing right now, in a basic daily level, when you are asleep, you are not totally conscious about what is happening around you. And when you dream at night, the dream looks so real so you are not conscious that you are dreaming. Same thing with daydreaming, you are not focusing in your task because your mind is thinking about something else, so you are not being conscious. In spiritual awakening, it's also the same meaning but it goes into deeper levels, it's referred as awakening from the dream of reality, which is made by mental projections. The more conscious you are, the more you will realize that the physical life as we know it is some kind of human mental projections, and things actually are not as they seems to us as humans, in a deeper level (which is enlightenment) all reality will collapse and the only thing left is your true nature which is pure timeless consciousness(Aka present, presence, or the Now, the nothingness, God, Spirit, Higher self, Allah, Shiva, Universe, Space) Terms may vary due different teachings but the essence is one.
  5. @Algi Perceiving some higher ideas doesn't mean you can't be understanding and compassionate about your family or friends interests, ideas and so on. You can realize they are on a different level from you and plant a seed for them to start looking at same things from a bit different perspective. No need for dramatic explanation to them how they are not body and mind but nothing more than nothingness. You can just point out to them things which help them to do next step in their life and have interesting discussion there as well. I actually found to be more close to my family after raising my conciseness and could better feel them and find common topics for discussion.
  6. @brianman3 Watch each thought fade away, what does it fade away into? Nothingness Another thought arises, and yet again it fades into nothingness Let each thought fade away and give it no power. For me, empirically, cannot be a thought for only a thought comes and it goes, cannot identify a me within for thoughts arise and they go into the abyss.
  7. It does have that connotion of an inferior ego to it. But I know what is ment. Everythingness would be a more plausable use of the word, because everyone is amazing in a way. Lets reframe it in a more true way: everything in existance is nothingness, but it seems that I experience diversity of everyones highest wisdom and expression.
  8. @99th_monkey Pure Transparent Awareness, Nothingness, Presence, Consciousness
  9. So nothingness is perfectly empty consciousness. Pure self, or true self beyond all associations?
  10. I have a question, Can nothingness be directly experienced within consciousness? Or do we at best indirectly experience nothingness. It seems to me that if it were true nothingness, it could not because than it would be something. Or maybe advanced spiritual beings can directly experience nothingness? But there would be nothing to be experienced. See my confusion?
  11. @Aldo Marchand this is a REAL trap!!! You assume there is a YOU living life. That is incorrect! You are NOT LIVING life!!!! You ARE LIFE being lived by a "concoction of elements" that your person-hood is imagining currently of being "you" That right there is the big issue.... There is [insert concept*] living you, breathing you, walking you, speaking you... that imagined you * concept has been named: God, emptiness, nothingness, Higher Self, etc
  12. We are the same thing: An empty space (Nothingness) where everything occurs (Everythingness).
  13. Here's exactly how: Step #1: Have an enlightenment experience on Who am I? Step #2: Have an enlightenment experience on What am I? Step #3: Have an enlightenment experience on What is another? By the end of that process, you will have realized that you are nothing, and so is everyone else. You = Other = Nothingness Figure yourself out first before trying to unravel the puzzle of Another.
  14. One of the great poins about enlightenment for me is feeling more responsable for the other people rather than carrying only about yourself. Reality is about Us not about me. Nothingness opens the door to everything as you are not only centered inside of your ego. The true self is about breaking the cage of animal mode and going to the scientific/spiritual discoveries through alot of observation and serious inspired work. For real improvements you need inspiration and faith in the future.@Pinocchio @Galyna @Emerald Wilkins @Kini @Ramu @Leo Gura (My little contribution here --> But i have alot of doubts about no freewill beacuse i'm a composer and creativity flows here, so i believe you have the true freedom of choice when you create unique things for all !)
  15. There is one huge misconception that is concluded from that video that is easily made. Nothingness is still existing with the fact that everyone has their own unique expression. Personality is of the soul ~ Matt Kahn. The fact that we live as a whole seeing to look trough the eyes of a seperated being is a gift. It is not about getting rid of the personality but to transition to being emptiness in his own unique expression. Only you do not have different personalities, but only your authentic one. All enlightened persons have a personality. It would not be a healthy thing if everyone was the same, don't you think? This is is a really vital question you posted on this forum.
  16. Personally, I think you are confused about this Enlightenment. In fact, we are all incarnated in body and we all gonna die, so this is not matter of choice. You are a chimp, whether you want it or not :). So you can forget all concepts about Enlightenment, Power of Now, "getting in touch with the nothingness" and the like. Spiritual awakening absolutely doesn't exclude working, achieving goals or just enjoying your daily life experiences. It has nothing to do with giving up your personal life to become a "spiritual person" whoever it may be. You can include for beginning Mindfulness practice in your life to become self-aware chimp and take very practical benefits of it, without making any exaggerated metaphysical/existential claims on nature of cosmos or life&death. "The quality of mind cultivated in vipassana is almost always referred to as “mindfulness,” and the literature on its psychological benefits is now substantial. There is nothing spooky about mindfulness. It is simply a state of clear, nonjudgmental, and undistracted attention to the contents of consciousness, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Cultivating this quality of mind has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety, and depression; improve cognitive function; and even produce changes in gray matter density in regions of the brain related to learning and memory, emotional regulation, and self-awareness."
  17. Hello @Neuroticon You can be multi-talented and master many fields. Don't worry about that. You need to learn to align your talents, skills and abilities with your purposes. Step back and see the big picture of all your interests. Contemplate about it. Make a list of interests that are most dear to you. Does one stick up more than the others? Self-improvement is always an improvement of something substantial that you consider part of you (or an extension of yourself). (When self is "nothingness", than there is no sense in improving it, right? So we improve and manage all the things we are creating, are connected to or surrounded by :-)) When you have a dream or a life purpose, you will know which of those parts you want to utilize, what you need to upgrade and master. You should commit to a purpose, so all your talents and abilities are focused. Then you will improve as you go. This doesn't mean that you should shut your eyes to new possibilities. You can also upgrade your dreams, goals and purposes. Spmetimes a new door opens and changes a whole lot of our previous outlook. Just don't lose yourself in too many tasks at one given time. Master the pieces one at a time. That's the way masterpieces are born. ;-) Chris
  18. After thinking about the whole enlightenment thing for a while I've come to the conclusion that it's not for me. It seems interesting. I just don't see the point. I'm a great person. I'm not experiencing suffering. I'm developing. I'm working on my career. I dont see the point of getting in touch with the nothingness. If nothing has meaning and The real me doesn't exist and I'm fooling my self right now with my thoughts thinking that I'm who I am so I think I just want to live with fooling myself. Meaning as long as I know in the back of my mind that its not true so I might as well enjoy life and forget about trying to "experience" the "no-self". If life is meaningless and empty so why not just ride this horse of a body till I die at a hopefully very old age? For get about meditating and forget about trying to realize I don't exist..I'de rather live with the illusion of self at least for while Im here. It seems dumb to try to connect with the fact that I dont exist...seems like Im loosing valuable illusion time. If its true that when I die I will be that same nothingness that I am now without the illusion of the body...I might as well live out this illusion to the fullest and then be this nothingness when I die. Why should I try to be enlightened now? For the feeling...well it cant be for the feeling because its not a feeling according to what people are saying...its just plain conscientiousness...not my conscientiousness..just conscientiousness...but whats the point in that...Leo will say..."point? points are made up and don't exist...your ego is trying find a point" or something like that. I think I'de rather be a chimp. The illusion seems better than enlightenment. The enlightenment seems like darkness. Sound like a plan? Who's with me?
  19. I just watched "The enlightened self" video, and I tried to picture Leo as nothing. And it was just too hard, I see people as something different and apart, like they have their own qualities and they do other things. The only thing I could do there was picturing him as me, as part of my field of awareness, as if I was the person that was saying those things, I'm not sure if that's the right approach, because I can tell differentiating people gives me sort of the anxiety I've been holding for my whole life. (Funny I wrote "lie" instead of "life" and thought that would be a more appropriate way to say it)
  20. I just want to share this, it was a very brief moment of "consciousness" but it was real... or at least it was and is a memory now. But it happened just today and well, the experience was astonishing, for i took a nice warm cup of coffee, and the energy it enabled me was honestly unlike any! I felt like i got out of the script of life and really truly experienced and expanded NOTHINGNESS. I was feeling so good, so great, the vibe was similar to a euphoric moment in life. I do have to say, words can only scratch the surface, and for the gut feeling was pure excitement! I didn't know what to do, or how to react, so i just simply enjoyed my moment. It was a really awesome high, and the low was not to bad for it's still very nice. I highly recommended coffee!
  21. Exactly how vast is this nothingess, and where does it end? What is beyond the nothingness? That space suit analogy help me disidentify with the body for a a moment.
  22. You assume there are "other persons." You may want to re-examine that assumption in your direct experience. No, you won't be able to experience. Experience is unique to your particular mind and body. The Truth (nothingness, as you and Leo call it) is not unique. It's the substratum behind experience that's always been there for eternity. It's just not any particular quality. I have an analogy that may help. You experience the world through a space suit that comes with various attributes: height, weight, looks, intelligence, personality... Sorry to say, but one day, that space suit will cease to function, and it will break down. What remains? Just plain old space. You currently identify with your space suit instead of the space, what you've been for eternity. While it may seem like you lose something when the space suit breaks down, you never lost anything. You were always the space pervading the space suit. Enlightenment work is the process of dis-identifying with the space suit and remembering that you're space. Again, re-examine your assumption of there being "others". What if your experience was all the experience there ever was?
  23. Religion or rather Mythology is a great language to use if you understand it and don't just go by the dogmatic version. The best part about it is that the symbols go straight to the subconscious mind, no scientific or psychological description or explanation of things will ever do that no matter how well told it is, so if you for example listen to Leos videos your left brain might start to grasp what he's saying really well but you will still be hold back in every aspect by your subconscious mind. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why meditation is so damn important but if you smash the pillars of Religion and Science together you'd probably only need half the meditation to reach the same level of enlightenment (or something to that effect). Rituals is the best shit ever if you want to change your subconscious btw, haven't tried it myself yet but it's pretty obvious, I've been told to read "kabbalah magic and the great work of self-transformation" by a guy who seam to really understand shit on youtube so if anyone is interested check it out. If you say that you will live your life by nothingness and try to explain that to your red brain you gonna fail, if you say that you will live as a Brother or Sister of Christ and become a born again christian, you gonna fail, if you use all of those symbols and understand the meaning behind them you will progress even if it still take some time you will move forward because your subconscious understand that shit far better than your red, left brain do. On the top of the blue pillar on the Kabbalistic tree of life lies Chokmah - Wisdom, this is to see the reflection of the Christ which is the Hidden one - The Nothingness that you are in everything and everyone around you (as strange at that sound seeing how it's nothing but you'll probably understand what I mean one day if you keep at it, it's the "shining light on things" meaning that Leo talked about in the latest video). The blue pillar is the sub-conscious that see everything as one and there's no time or space in that part of the mind. PS. The Book of Enoch say that the Elect will one day come down even on Mount Sinai which is the moon or human consciousness, that is the true enlightenment The Demiurge
  24. The idea is that you are everything, and you do experience everything. The issue is that you don't realize your assumption that you are a small person in an infinitely vast universe. You take for granted that you are a small element in a larger existence. This is getting caught up in the illusion. But it is equally likely that your perceptions in the present moment are existence itself. So you have the content of your thoughts and the content of your five senses. These occur in the field of awareness that is nothingness. Imagine that there is nothing more than what you perceive right now in the present moment. Past is just a thought. Future is just a thought.