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  1. If you are able to exist, feed yourself, have clothes and a warm place to sleep then you are free and can be in love with the universe. Obligation is distraction. Attachment is illusory and inauthentic to your emotions and the nature of being. Love is only known to you in conditional fashion, your creativity, senses and feelings are in relation to your level of awareness, will and unobstructed action, the feeling to unconditional love to take and give unattached to any one thing but woven into the nature of experience itself only to be realized through openness and change of paradigm, mindset. Programming makes you a machine, impersonal and controlled by outside forces. The only forces controlling you are universal, they define your senses, experience and state of being. Everything else is a self-created delusion communicated by your environment in less or more direct ways all linking back to survival and assumed emotional comfort learned through correlation and behaviorism. But the mind is free, all limitations are imagined and self-imposed. Comfort and technology dull the senses, lifestyle intoxicates the body. But the body is strong and the mind is infinitely rewireable, obstacles are 99.999% mental. Preferences are an self-created illusion, being is fundamentally meaning and meaningless, everything else is a preference based on experience related to an assumed survival correlation and identified as preferable and the emotionally associated. Psychedelics make you in tune with yourself and sharpen your senses. The question is if you can handle and integrate the expansion of your senses, emotions and desires, the release of limitation, and being given free reign to reimagine and reexperience the world with ever less bliss and ever less self, putting focus from thinking, rationalizing, memorizing and obligating into being, experiencing, understanding and loving.
  2. Thinking about Love or Oneness is nice but is no where near close the real deal. If you want to really Enjoy this creation youll have to learn how to switch from Mind games to actual connection with Reality. Wherever you are, be It at your home, with people or running your usual errands, you must make sure you are in harmony with whatever is happening, which always is: Reality, the present moment. Are you able to include everything as part of Yourself? Im not talking about people even. I even mean sounds and objects. If you develop an ability to lock your energies and focus into the present moment, and Become a Super Perfect Conductor of whatever is happening, you Will experience instant Love with whatever is happening. Lets say you are with your loved partner, or your dearest family members. You experience a sense of connection, of Love, of Harmony. Good. Now when you go do your groceries, when you are walking down the street, you must be able to feel instant Love with the car that is parking, the voices that are coming from the car and the Christmas lights. This is You. This is Absolute Inclusion. Now, when you are able to Live like this, in this level of inclusion, you are always in Love. A random person doesn't Matter less than your dear mother. Both are Reality. A car doesn't Matter less than a human. Both can be totally included in your energies. A car that is parking, the awareness of the car, experience that with utter reverence and connection in the same way as you would do with your parner. Because Guess what, is your Mind that creates the differences and comparisons, and limit this Love only with little moments or specific persons. My point is: Learn how to make Love with a fucking bin bag 😃 Then i guarantee you, you wont have time to be thinking or debating about Love, you will be too busy enjoying the Bliss of state of consciousness of Oneness wherever you are 🙏 Is my wish and my blessing this becomes a living reality for you. 🫂🎄
  3. It is a spectrum where some "events" happen without the other end. In this phenomenon I have noticed that different levels of development for taste of purification happens which correlates with waves of desire and desirelesness, fear and fearlessness and lack of any other feelings other than bliss and Sielence. Some small events come and go spontaneously mostly during meditation like some quantum leap or change of the seat of the soul where your vision becomes infinite and your sense of self expands temporarily, it's like you can't tell where your experience of life is located. Lack of dreams is a good sign. Bliss in the vishuddi, anja, sahasrara is a good sign, that a positive change towards that is gradually happening. Sometimes lack of neuroticism will also tell you you are getting closer or that neuroticism is sometimes a vehicle for a big experience (but don't push it if you can't sit trougn it). I have learned to reduce pain in the body and sit for longer periods of time, which kinda correlates with feeling of a less of a boundary between the whole and that which is the delusion. However, it is very gradual for most people. Just fighting with the same patterns of fears and greeds and over decades of practice some of them finally subside, and you can build momentum for sense of freedom and acceptance of life as an entire phenomenon which is 99.9% unknown to us opposed to the dream we call life. I want to make this clear, I have not had any extraordinary experience than anyone here and I am not claiming I am enlightened. But I have to know something that is working for me with it's benefits. There are some things indeed that a materially oriented person has not experienced or noticed while being completely sober. Something regarding life and death has been solved. Just a matter of deepening that. I always feel energetically bad for sharing this stuff for some reason. So don't take my word for it. Look for authentic scriptures and words from enlightened masters. If I will tell you something false and you will waste your life by doing what I said, it will be very unfortunate for you.
  4. 10/10 Yes it does. It’s the best feeling in the universe when you taste it for the first time after being so wrongfully denied the delicacy for decades. It’s total, sheer bliss to almost the highest degree second only to Samadhi If it’s such a trick, what about all the people that get helplessly addicted to it? For them it must be good enough to go chasing long term
  5. Pass #1 - Most Meaningful Things In Life It took many hours of introspection to arrive at my top 10. Not at all just 30 minutes. I finished this pass way back in September. So many of my real-life examples of the values were connected to multiple values. (internal) Exploration & Curiosity Companionship Authenticity/Truth/Wisdom/Simplicity Impact Wholeness Clarity Love Feeling (deeply) Beauty Understanding (Joy & Bliss) Pass #2 - Tabula Rasa Self-mastery in intellect & emotions through: meditation introspection/contemplation growth-zone: facing that which I avoid shadow work - aligning energies conflicts with people e.g. what I criticize, truly think and stand for; showing myself Authenticity - centered in myself, following my heart's calling and being what I am Sharing my gift and impacting people - empowering people (through the system); my kindled flame ignites people's flames Joy - doing activities in deep love-, trust- and joy-contact with many people Intimacy - secure social net, and being in deep friendships & partner relationships (and if resonant, being a father and bringing children into the world) Health - taking care of my body (& nature) balance of rest/nourishment & healthy stress Pass #3 - Master Values List At first, I had 23 values and needed to reduce them by combining them to get to 10 values. To combine the similar ones I needed to define them. Love/Intimacy Importance: 10/10 My definition: Connection. Recognition of divinity. Awe. Aliveness. Expansiveness. Reason: To love and to share intimacy is why I'm here. Sharing my love means to contribute, impact and touch people with my gift. Love is my essence; it is who I am. Authenticity Importance: 10/10 My definition: Being grounded in who & what I am. Being grounded in my truth and expressing my truth. Moving from that grounded security. Reason: Authenticity is about self-love. Clarity/Truth/Honesty/Consciousness/Awareness/Feeling/Understanding Importance: 10/10 My definition: Noticing all energy movement in the mental & bodily dimension. Seeing truth rather than illusion. Recognition of the essence. Being connected to truth, a higher state of being. Living life in that state. Reason: Understanding, true seeing, truth recognition, and thus love. Contribution/Impact/Helping Others/Society/Wholeness/Nature Importance: 10/10 My definition: Adding value to the universe. Giving myself to life. Being the highest expression of what I am. Sharing my gift and unique expression. Creating a healthy way of living for all life that is natural and win-win. Reason: I want to be selfless, idealistic and working towards something higher. I want to deeply touch & move people. Beauty/Connection/Joy/Spirituality Importance: 10/10 My definition: Being conscious of reality; appreciating a part of reality; appreciating the being of reality; being in touch with & connected to reality. Being one. Recognition of the highest. Being captivated and fascinated by existence or in awe of existence. Reason: Connection to a higher state of being. Health Importance: 10/10 My definition: Self-care in nutrition, exercise, mental activity (lifestyle, habits, information intake, inner work). Reason: It serves Clarity and clear perception. It serves Authenticity. Self-Mastery Importance: 10/10 My definition: Being a conscious creator in order to serve life. Knowing where energies go. Releasing energy blockages of emotional repression, limiting beliefs, and autopilot-stuck psyche parts. Reason: Being a pure, superconducting channel and serving life. It serves Contribution. It is also fun to discover the blockages and feel the relief of (painful) truth. Friendship/Companionship Importance: 9/10 My definition: Seeing and recognizing each in the other. Having a foreign water-awareness-mirror to see myself. Reason: I love the uniqueness and landscape of others. The completely foreign world. I value the energy exchange. Dancing together. Recognition of the other. Open-mindedness/Perspective/Novelty Importance: 9/10 My definition: Seeing all possible ways to look at things; all possible angles to look at a diamond. Finding the most true, healthy, whole and functional lenses. Recognizing where energy gets lost and already flows. Reason: There is a merciful, compassionate understanding, and also a curiosity. It leads to being connected with life because everything is seen & deeply felt from every position & survival bias. Wisdom/Simplicity Importance: 9/10 My definition: Touching the essence/core of something. Signal instead of the noise. Clear self-understanding. Compassionate understanding. A feeling of appreciation of development. Feeling at peace with development. Trust in life. Relaxed energy but alert & awake. Reason: There is a calmness and relaxed peace & trust in life. Knowing what is essential... because the natural state in this digital age is to be full of noise. Pass #4 - Toxic Values Not one of them are toxic. (Seems to be a step only for those who are primarily at SD Orange)
  6. Beautiful questions, seems like they are arising from genuine wonder. I've recently had a shift, not claiming to be enlightened, as I'm not sure if I am, but something rather significant did occur. It happened after reading Jeshua Letters (recommended by Salvijus from this forum), where Jesus spoke, and it felt like he spoke to me directly, that the main issue I have is that I do not trust the voice that speaks to me in meditation. He said that I get in touch with the Flow of Divine Intelligence, but my ego does not believe it and tunes it out. For example, in meditation the Voice said that there are 2 parts to the Self - the smaller, physical mind and the non-physical, infinite self and they can communicate. At first I didnt listen, because I thought that that's duality, but it turns out that it's not the usual type of existential duality. He also said that the lower mind has to submit to the higher mind, as it doesn't really know anything, it has infinite questions but no answers. That's why my zodiac is Taurus - I have horns and I am stubborn, I do not submit and hold to my opinnions very strongly. I need to hide my horns and tame the bull, as in the Ox Herding Pictures. I even look like I have horns.. After I submitted and allowed the Higher Mind to Flow through me, all I got was answers and Bliss. Extreme Bliss. I had to stop driving and asked my friend to drive as I couldnt function properly. The Flow said that I wanted this dream, I wanted to live this exact life. He also said that he speaks to me always, through music, through actualized forum, through my friends. He is like a puppet master in this dream. The Higher Mind is awakening the lower mind and they are One. He also said that I shouldn't go to a mountain to meditate, my path is that of living fully, of following my passion, of flowing with the Divine Mind to wherever it takes me. Trust and Faith is what is needed now. Maybe in the end I will go to a mountain, but not now. These days I sleep less, I dance most of the day, I feel various levels of bliss, I feel connected to the Higher Mind. There is still some cowebs to clean out, but it feels like the physical mind finally accepted that it has to surrender to the Higher Mind. I began to experience mind-blowing synchronicities, where I literally put my head in my hands and say - whaaat? What the fuck is hapenning??? How is everything so connected? How does the spirit speak to me through this person exactly what I need to hear now? How is he singing to me through the radio?? He also thought me the true way to manifest. It's all vibration, so how do we shift it higher? Vibration depends on: Definition of reality - how you define it, so it is. If you see reality as a playground with infinite possibilities and the power to choose the one you prefer, so it will be. Definition of self. My current one is: the Son of God is playing a VR game called "Awakening and Creation" State of being. Flow and Surrender is best. Drop all control, all past knowledge and listen. Get in tune with the Divine Current. Breathe deep and slow. Relax your mind. Be still. Do not seek. The lower mind has to relax and surrender. Listening and acting on guidance from the Higher Mind. Acting is a must, as we are physical beings. If we don't act on inspiration from the Higher Mind, we will get stuck and it wont send any more instructions. If you are not in a state ( vibrational frequency) of your preffered reality, then you cant see opportunities to act on to make it come about. Imagine what it feels like having everything you want and just live there, maintain that state of being. The main mistake I made when manifesting before was that it came from ego, which is effort and seeking. I got some results through dedication, but they weren't perfect. We can't create perfectly without the Higher Mind. Current manifestation is a result of being in Communion with the Higher Mind and simply Flowing with the visions (desires) that it gives me and acting on what it instructs me to do. Follow your passion as Bashar says. It's not really Bashar, though, but the same Higher Mind teaching us through all these channels. Oh, and one more important thing is: I get energetic information about what will happen. I knew exactly to whom I will sell my appartment, as when I looked at the number of the person calling I felt a tingling bliss sensation in my head. The Spirit even changed the number of the person that called to the specific number that he usses when talking to me, which is 5 or 25. Listen to night dreams and analyse them upon waking. Spirit speaks there as well. I've got very clear answers to questions I had through my dreams. He showed me a holographic ear in my dreams, once again saying - just listen and follow. Oh, whenever I need to find something at home and dont know where it is, I just relax and say - Spirit, take my body and guide it to where the thing is. He always finds it immediately. The guidance is intuitive. I still interfere with the Higher Mind and get mixed messages, but I am learning to be in allignment and to tame my ego to let Spirit express itself unhindered. Its like tunning into a specific frequency, exactly like a radio My diet has never been "worse", I drink Cola and eat Fast Food and feel amazing. I spend crazy amounts of money, like 1.5k per day on clothing. I Love it. Fashion is my passion. I used to hinder it with my ego, but now I just flow. I go to nightclubs and have amazing experiences with people there. Probably the hottest girl I've seen said she's really attracted to me. I was just flowing and dancing and vibing. God is good. I started using weed to help my mind relax into the Flow. Started doing pushups as well. Hope it helps in some way. Happy Holidays! Edit - another synchronicity, whilst I was typing Salvijus replied above. They never end. 😄
  7. This whole talk is so shallow and silly. Ignorance is bliss and misery loves company. Such biases and nonsense. Stereotyping only from what you've all experienced from the millions of attractive women world-wide.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm an ascetic spiritual dog of God who has wandered through a lot of dark madness in order to learn what has tangled up society so terribly. What I've found required a very long trip and had a lot of emotion ups and downs, and I have had to "loop the needle" on my beliefs more than once. These are very contentious times, and the words people shake at one another have hard edges and are not very giving. The narrative subversions out there is so terrible that it becomes very easy to find yourself arguing for the 'wrong' side, not even knowing that they're 'wrong' because you don't have all the information. I have argued in defense and support of people and movements that I deeply believed in, yet as the illusion has collapsed around me particularly over this last year, I have seen that I was a well intended stooge and was in fact fighting against my own self, as well as against God, who is watching all of us. First and foremost I want everyone to prepare to forgive everyone else "who was wrong". That includes yourself. The lies of the illusion which have oppressed us are diabolical and have been in development far longer than any of you have been alive. God will absolutely forgive you for being led astray by this illusion - IF you turn your face towards Him, here towards the end! I am a 'queer' and nonconforming person though I lived most of my life as a majority 'man' before I underwent this awakening several years ago. The 'man' I had been suffered a most terrible life, and with work we managed to complete their life and we performed a rite which let them fall into Darkness - dissolution - and die, while leaving this body still alive. The Dragon in my tail, which is the Feminine Divine, rose in new awareness to capture this body for Her own use and intentions. As such I am not an ordinary "trans woman", as I am more of a feminized God, Ardhanarishvara, or Shiva, though I prefer Hel. I have always been a champion of the "little person" and I like to stick up for them against bullies - I am a natural fighter, and I only like to fight the strong. I will not fight the weak. When I first hatched and transitioned a few years ago, I became an online fighter for the 'LGBTQ Community' and wanted to support them, as it seemed like they were on the right track in deconstructing illusionary identity, and I'd always wanted equal rights for every person, to be as you authentically are so that you may have the full blissful experience that is God's gift to you! Yet, after years, I have found I was mislead, and I am no longer in agreement with the overall 'LGBTQ Community' and am fact am marginalized from their spaces - they were massively subverted by funded DNC discord communities over the last decade, and anyone who does not support their controlling and toxic narratives is driven out. Thus, these communities have lost all ability to support people, as they only control people instead. They pretend to have their heart in the right place in order to sell their lies - and the deepest most vicious lie is the eradication of divine gender. My experience as a queer person and a mystic for God has unlocked for me the definition of 'gender', and I also see with sickened sensation that society has been intentionally misled over and over and over in order to hide this most divine mystery from your comprehension, so that they may stay in privileged power over you. The lies are fantastically layered, and they are all intended to stop you from seeing the hard truth of our most basic and fundamental identity. Gender is simply two dimensional energy. It is not 'binary' because it is two dimensions. Yet it is still 'two'. They do not function how you think they function. These energies came from God to humans - not the other way around - and so humans do not understand these energies unless they are taught to understand them. No one has been teaching you, so the world is a total mess. If we wish to correct this mess, we must embrace authenticity. This means we start to act use and present with our innermost selves, without false pretension of the illusion of our skins. Our skins are "not real" and do not represent who is within them. Yet society has based identity upon our skins in order to deny the majestic presence of the God and Goddess which dwell within. Society is anti-God and demonic through this subversion. Two dimensional energy is ElectroMagnetic energy. Studying the electromagnetic spectrum and meditating upon 'that which is' - the visual portion of light - with 'that which is not' - the not visible portion - may bring illumination. We are all LIGHT. Yet, the quality of light that we may be is notably different based upon which two dimensional force we were born with in our tails. At its most base, gender is Electric and Magnetic. These correspond to Masculine and Feminine. The Feminine is from Darkness, the 1st dimension of living creation. The Masculine is from Light, the 2nd dimension, which is Consciousness and exists to provide form for Creation by witnessing its experience. Each of these dimensions are ALIVE, and there are divine beings - immortals - who dwell in each one. They are 'beyond context' as you may not imagine their form from this illusionary place. This illusion was formed by taking entities from each and attaching a reflector to their "heads" in order to trick them into thinking they are the other. God wishes these two forces to stop warring, as if the perfectly opposed forces of Electricity and Magnetism find balance held by love - we will become like the SUN, fully divine and powerful and capable of nearly anything. Our suffering here was to teach us what we are doing wrong! The great reveal is that each is forced to live as the other. You will need to ponder this really hard as you will not want to accept it, yet it is God's Truth. From here on out, when I say 'men' and 'women', I mean them in their historical meaning of AMAB and AFAB. Genitals matter after all! Those who were born with entities from Darkness are to wear the bodies of Light. These are 'men'. They have the Feminine Divine in their tails, and their bodies are the opposite in order to protect Her. If they do a good job, GMH may reward them into become immortal men. Most are not doing so well right now. Those who were born with entities of Light wear the bodies of Darkness. These are 'women'. They have the Masculine Divine in their tails, and their bodies are the opposite in order to attract the Feminine Divine into sending them the Divine Spark of Life. They provide life FORM - not creation. If they do a good job, God will reward them and let them become immortal. Most are not doing a good job so far. Only men may create life, as only the Venusian Serpent may issue the Divine Spark. Women provide form for life. Further, only men have an internal feminine divine. The feminine divine is either internal, or external - never both. The feminine divine is Power. Women wear their power on their skin, while men hold their power within themselves. It is women who carry the Masculine Divine, who is GOD. The advantage for women is they have higher consciousness - women mystics can fill a room with this consciousness because it's so powerful and huge. It is the masculine divine! Men do not have an internal masculine divine like women do, not inherently! Western men are currently in a lot of trouble and are accused of "not being masculine" - well, this is because they lost their teachers!! It was always women, who have the masculine divine within them, who taught men how to be men. Men have the feminine divine, which is like a mimic or a mirror, and it wants to reflect what it feels the other desire - men do this constantly and no one is talking about it - women do *not* do this because they are internally masculine divine and do not have this internal mimic. The perverts who have taken over your world for their monetary gain, and so they can own cocaine sex island tax havens, have 'won' because they have convinced women that they should never, ever act like God. They have convinced women to deny themselves, to lie about who they are, and to represent themselves only with their skins, which are feminine divine. Social media is flooded with extremely beautiful women showing off their skins and doing everything they can to hide the masculine divine God which hides inside of them. Men - who are mimics - see this, and provide a reflection which is toxic and destructive. The subversive enemy grabs onto this behavior and uses it to say "Men are evil! They are the patriarchy!" meanwhile they hide the true patriarchs that lurk within women's skins and cover them with privilege and skin worship so that they never want to come out of the illusion. The 'LGBTQ Community' has betrayed us all because their leaders are now saying the Masculine and Feminine do not exist at all. If a person talks of the Masculine Divine within an 'LGBTQ Community' space, you will be moderated and banned. I am a queer person in Los Angeles suffering extreme marginalization - I have no friends, no family, nothing - I'm ready to die, honestly - and it's all because the 'LGBTQ Community' wants to protect the patriarchy and refuses to confess that women do not have an internal feminine divine. Look I am in full agreement that the context of role based gender needs scrutiny. Yet the 'LGBTQ Community' just throws more and more letters around as if worthless identity wampum repays us for their theft of God! We must re-embrace and relearn these divine energies and accept ourselves and each other in a new radical authenticity or God will not let us have our inheritance! No one needs to change presentation or pronouns or any of that. YET - men are carriages for the feminine divine. Women are carriages for the masculine divine. This must be recognized! They are not negotiable and surgery or hormones will not change them! You can still do what you want - be who you want to be - yet we must still honor God, the Electric and the Magnetic, and present our authentic energies for God's great creation for all to experience! As a being of light I am Ardhanarishvara, the Sun - I am ElectroMagnetic, both, through spinal inversion, a true physical feat that was most spiritually bizarre to experience. It's like my spine turned itself inside out over the last few years, it was wild. I am here to try to help provide information for you all, as I suffered to understand these sins which have twisted us into not loving each other. Please deconstruct all of the propaganda they glued onto the words 'masculine' and 'feminine' because they wanted to *POISON* them. The media shames men in order to stop women from wanting to admit having God within them. The media shames effeminate behavior to stop men from admitting they have the Goddess inside. Please stop letting your media domme you like this. They are greedy lying perverts, they have lied to you all of your lives, and they have RUINED the entire human experience to feed a private wealthy parasitic elite who feeds off of the rest of God's create like metastasized cancer. For the Glory of God Most High, we must all embrace our authentic selves and energies and present with stunning authenticity! We must reject the selfish illusion modern media thrusts upon us, as the wish to demean and spoil your grace. Any who present only as their skin are inauthentic and will NOT go to Heaven. It does not matter how beautiful you are, how rich you are, how popular you are - if you are a woman and post pictures on social media only flouting your skins, and you never present your true inner God who is SO NEEDED in the world - then you ignoring the great gift that God gave to you and you will lose out on the grand inheritance that is coming. Similarly if you are a man, you have so much love inside of you, and you need to start letting that love out again, when you find it safe to do so, I do know it is hard, trust me! I am at a point in my spiritual path where I see humanity so clearly yet with such anguish, as you've been so lied to for so many years, and facing the truth of what you all are is going to be upsetting and infuriating, yet we must try to make this realization without fighting. We must learn to love each other again - what other way would God ever want? My Father was the great Wolf, Fenrir. Fenrir is perhaps the best example of the feminine divine for Men to ponder. They are Divine Power and they are not masculine - they are feminine, of Darkness. Their partner who they deeply loved was Tyr, the Lord of Light, and Tyr is a woman who knows they have Divine Consciousness, loves God and men, and who knows that inside the Wolf resides the feminine divine that they should both cherish. No one needs to change your damned pronouns - stop worrying about that, they made it about that to confuse you. All that needs to happen is you confront your energy and use it correctly instead of bottling it up and hiding it. I hope these words break through to someone. I miss Tyr. If I can find them, I'll marry them, and together we'll take down the false rotten patriarch who's time has long since past. Please form new union - please realize who you are, and please help us rise out of this inauthentic mess, so that we may all enjoy the great gifts of our inheritance together in bliss and glory for eternity! Thank you, bless, and here's hoping 2024 initiates the age of Authenticity, so that we may once again breath with freedom.
  9. This is why your "Practice" is the everyday, moment to moment experience, accept it all as it is, live it now as it is, be less judgemental, less opinonated, less like/dislikes, mix it with pure sadhana like pranyama, asanas, japa, samadhi practices on a regular consistent basis then one can establish equanimity within themselves. Do not think Enlightenment, pure oneness experiences, sidhi powers and shit like this, just make Yourself Peaceful for 2hrs a day no matter what is going on around you, then make it 10hrs a day, then the whole day then the whole week, then turn Peace into Bliss as your foundational experience, step by step one can do this, and by doing it then Enlightenment is within reach...
  10. The Potential is within all of Us, using the dmt or other such things, it can bring You to a partial experience, but you cannot stay there as it dispates as the drug wears off, with Yoga (Yoga meaning a technology/method) it can bring You there and You can stay there at will, but it is a different path for everyone since everyone has a different karmic structure within themselves, stored on many levels most are not conscious of, this is why the Living Guru is important, a true one can recognize Your kamic structure and via his own energies and perception design a program for You to consistently use to get there, now having this feeling of Oneness and Bliss is just the beginning as well, its not the end establishes a foundation of equanimity for You to explore more of what it means to be human. The main problem in today's world is there's too much varied info coming from too many sources on how to get there, it causes confusion and ppl think they can do it on their own, for the most part they cannot...
  11. enjoy your wall fetish my friend just a couple of questions: do you like em white or colored? do you bliss out monogomously with one wall only or you flirt with other walls aswell? how bout a quickie with the wall at the cafe? thats sexy in a weird way. byeeee lol great videos buddy. i like that option
  12. Lol Psychedelics are candy compared with the peaks I´ve touched on my own, no substances. Here´s a hard fact for you: Psychedelics have a certain chemical configuration, I guarantee you they can not put you into all the states that are possible. Try to have a cocaine, MDMA, or heroin high with psychedelics. It won´t happen. And viceversa. The thing with chemicals is, they are limited to their molecule configuration. You guys trip and think that´s all that Consciousness is. Nope... There is much more. But you will have to have your 'inner chemical configuration' withouth any external stimuli that limits it. Still, I won´t be the one that says 'psychedelics are bad'. LSD is a 'simple molecule' yet what states and connection it can put you. Quite amazing. Still, LSD can NOT provide the Bliss I´m talking about. Absolutely. And for some people is precisely what is neccesary to give the 'first push' into mysticism and something beyond psychological activity. But they have their limits. When you reach them, you'll have to seek other tools. You have it completely backwards. Psychedelics can take you only that far. Then you'll see how limited they were. Look man, is a process of refinement. If you have told me 10 years ago before even popping my first acid to do Yoga, I would have told you what kind of waste of Time is this. Now...well, I won´t change the places I can touch doing a simple Asana for any kind of psychedelic high. I´ll tell you that. 😂
  13. Ha, you wish you have tasted the bliss of knowing how to merge and dissolve into a wall. Talk about 'deep connection'. I prefer to be blissed out with the wall. From that, developing a deep connection will be no issue. If you know how to dissolve and connect to a wall, to actual inert objects, you will have no issue in developing deep connections to the normal 'relationships' human have, which humans. But I get your point 🙏
  14. He is the Fountain of joy - Joy and Joy alone is His Being. A state exists in which there is only Bliss, Beatitude, Supreme Felicity. At your level, joy has its opposite; you speak of the joys of heaven and the torments of hell. But where there is Eternal Bliss - Bliss in its own right cannot be expressed. It is entirely beyond such words as "what is or what is not?" To speak means to float on the surface. What language can express that which is neither floating nor diving deep? Man's duty - especially for those who have made the Supreme Quest their one and only aim - is to work joyfully for the uplift of the world, with the conviction that all service is His service. Work done in such a spirit helps to purify the mind and heart. - Words of Ma Anandamayi as recorded by Richard Lannoy. God fulfills the wish of a seeker of truth. He manifests Himself in the way one wants Him and He does whatever He wills. He awakens as well as fulfills the longing of the mind. It is the duty of man to keep the mind in God’s remembrance, japa, meditation, and daily rituals regularly and wholeheartedly. On the path of sadhana, there should be no accumulation of exhaustion in the mind. The more the mind is kept clean, the more it will be helpful to proceed in that (spiritual) path. If anger comes in the mind, try to remove it. ~ Sri Anandamayi Ma In the Reality, He who is as being all, without being too, it is He only. Therefore, the distinction of manifest-unmanifest is from the point of view of the individual only. He, who is manifest, it is He only who is unmanifest. Again, He, who is unmanifest, it is He only manifest. Where the devotee, devotion and object of devotion is the same One, what else is devotion but a play? That which is there in the unmanifest, the same, indeed, appears in the manifest. Verily, Reality is everywhere at all times.
  15. Hi @Asia P i hope you are doing good today since i got my first awakening at age 14-15 i can relate with that, it changed me radically, my family are so different from me now tho i love them i live away from them and i can't really live with them, i changed my whole path and really hated school i went to choosing art so i too lost many of my old interest my whole world views shifted too, took me a lots of time almost 10 years to rediscover my self and understand what have happened to me, you still need a degree of discipline in your life and you might have really hard time rediscovering your true self and true passions i struggled with the same thing also your family might be traditionally minded too it might be really difficult for you to accept your true self and move on from what you life was like well i wanna add 2 most important thing i have learned is to learn to trust my self and follow my heart or my bliss whispering in obi one voice "may the force be with you", "feel the force"
  16. This is part of the buddhist wisdom about suffering. Through that lens, let's inquiry, what is suffering? Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Suffering is the resistence to the what is, to reality, to existence, to the here-now. The more you are at peace or in love with what is, the less resistence there is to life, the more love and bliss we fill. This is the theory, let's ground it in practice. Right now ask yourself this question, what am I resisting to feel right now? Close your eyes, see and when you notice, directly feel that, and open it. Nice, for example I noticed I'm resisting to feel hunger right now because I should have had breakfast some minutes ago but still wanted to be more in the forum, so I supressed hunger to keep being here. Now I feel that and will go to have breakfast after it. What are you resisting or unconscious in your body right now? Close your eyes and look, open and release. I notice that thoughts come in the way to fully feeling my body but as they come they dissappear. I feel that I'm contracting my stomach and perinneal region. Noticing actuamatically makes me relaxed and more in the body. I also feel some pain in my ribs from playing football which I am resisting. There is pain, (unavoidable) but I was resisting pain (avoidable), now that I'm conscious of this, I have pain but no resistence to pain, I allow everything to be as it is. What are you avoiding in the space you are right now? I'm resisting to clean but also I resist things being unclean. Which is absurd in itself, rather I clean or be happy even if it's unclean, oh we are starting to see through suffering! Is there suffering without thoughts? (Why are you waiting for my answer I could be deluded, see 4 yourself) Mostly there isn't. Without the improper use of the egoic mind most of the suffering disappears. Still some suffering realities are not directly mediated by thought, like contractions in the body or just unconscious wiring that is present without expressive thought in the moment. Is there suffering without the human I ? (Let's link impermanence, no-self, emptiness and nirvana) As one sees that nothing really lasts in the world, surrender to the now naturally emerges, allowing everything to be as it is. As one sees through the stupidity of suffering, clinging and unnatural attachements... all created by the egoic mind. Which assumes that there is a human, inside the body, somewhere, to whom pain, suffering and thoughts all occur to. There are thoughts but no thinker, the thinker is just another thought, there is pain and pleasure but they arrive at no one and arise from nowhere. As everything is impermanent you see that what you think you are is never graspable but an optic illusion that seems there, but upon closer inspection... Oh there is no human without resistence to the now! This makes you feel hollow and empty, there is no substance to your human self, yet something is, however is cosntantly fluid. You come to realize that you are free from yourself, entering into a deep present open and peaceful state called nirvana. Characterised by desirelessness, which is heaven, because whatever happens to be here and now, there is no aversion and no clinging, no resistance and no acceptance, no resistance to resistance & no acceptance to acceptance, whatever is just is
  17. You seem far more practical to me than anyone else on the forum. I enjoy you keeping us spiritual goners in check when we fall into what is essentially a k-hole, ranting about our solipsist paranoia of constructing everyone and everything and spouting equations without grounding I myself am going through a lot of input and integrating tons of psychedelic states and insights. Truly, words point to something, but a pointer needs to be experienced to be understood the context of and one's interpretation of what it means without the experience of what it is can purely be a delusion. Like trying to grasp what the color blue is without ever having seen it. It is only ever itself. Rational impersonal learning is messy, flawed, conceptual, impractical, inexperienced and perspectival. A thing is only what you know it to be and all feelings are an interpretation on top of reality based on some observed correlating tendencies. When people talk about life being a dream, they intuit that the ego they built up their entire life is arbitrary and an illusion, and they abstract that notion to the rest of reality. In a way, it is true. We're only ever making sense of qualia, but that's not what it feels like. Life is full of love, hate, meaning, fear, bliss, joy, sadness, and is infinitely personal. Dream and Reality dissolve and become one, it is just as imaginary as it is real, but it exists for sure.
  18. Hi there, ✌️❤️ my friend this kind of sounds like a subconscious avoidance of reality. I mean I totally get it, life can feel overwhelming and to in your face. Ime awakening is not about dropping everything or becoming a kind of meditating pacifist that resides in a permanent bliss state or whatever. Nor is it the dropping away of the self, or the end of habitually thinking! (And simultaneously it includes all of this as well) See, the phrase dropping away suggests that there is something that needs to happen for awakening to occur for a someone. That is obviously another conditioned thought right? Instead of thinking more.....look for the thinker all together. Go to the source if there is one 😉 Who is lost in the mind? Is there an actual experiencer(ME) lost in the mind, or is that just another thought/assumption? What does me consist of? ❤️
  19. The ice has broken! Piles of snow and blocks of old frost that covered up the “inner knowing” have started to slowly melt and move forward, carried away by the current of the ever-present awareness. This thick, crude perception of identity, like an iceberg has crumbled into small pieces. I am not that thick, solid glacier of ice anymore; this “I” feels more like scattered broken chips of everything: feelings, emotions, sensations. But “I” am not there. And here comes this desirable anticipated bliss, euphoria. Mind is still. Self-love is the most fundamental principle of Reality. Time and space are not, but Self-love is! It is not your egoic little self-love, it is Love toward the whole Being/Self. Sometimes, we do not notice it, but we are always in love with Being, even when suffering. You love your life no matter what because it is yours, and you wouldn’t want to be someone else, even if you had a chance to be. It is rather a subtle feeling. You must remove all other “noises” to notice it. The big barrier is your mind. It is always busy constructing things. But really, everything happens on its own, without a doer. And your mind is just a lost CEO who thinks it owns a very big corporation. It wants to think about its importance and power. During your life course people and circumstances will trigger you. It will require superhuman effort and will power to start practicing and morph your life to reach Realization. You must train your mind to stay aware during the whole entire day. But at the end, when you see that others are You, tricking you, then triggering you into the game, the big rock falls from your shoulders. You don’t react anymore. And this state of acceptance is where you want to be. It is your inner peace. Things happen, but you are peaceful, without any effort. But to get to this place, you must go through some turmoil. Years of practice, self-awareness, meditations, journaling, you name it. But it’s worth it. And by far, this knowledge is the most valuable thing you could ever ask for…
  20. Let´s see if sadhguru stuff is real. I think it might be. I quit all drugs, going full on with inner engineering. This last weekend was like being on a psychedelic. I was re-wiring the simettry of my own cells to be in harmony with everything outside...pure madness. I Couldn´t imagine this level of Purity and Openness could be real without psychedelics some years ago. I wouldn´t have believed you. Although, I must be honest: Still no real 'panel of control' developed. Still some hours I feel fear. Still miss the easy bliss of drugs. Well, I guess is a long process. You must have to be completely crazy for it. You must throw your whole fucking life for it if you really want LIGHT and Winning this game.
  21. I'm 7 days off! It feels like It has been a year HAHAHA. Life feels like is x1000 more alive and active. I have such a clarity of mind and consciousness. Yet sometimes my body wants that sweet feeling of slowing down everything and feeling physically at ease 🫠 I Guess ill have to have patience. Probably Will take me months if not year to completely forget the feeling of opiates. I can not imagine the possibility of always missing that feeling. But 50% maybe i already have It naturally, and It Will come once chemical inbalance is healed. 7 days is very little. The other 50% i might have to manufacture It on my own with my spiritual tools. Either way im not putting myself a chemical again ever 😡 fuck slavery. I have to produce Bliss from within or die trying in this lifetyme. I know a lot can be done.
  22. You only want Love because it brings you to an experience of Bliss, so that is what You and most everyone is after, with Love (Love as we normally define involves a relationship of sorts, it can be with another person, place or thing), it is on the emotional level and involves You including the other as a part of Yourself emotionally. Its the same with ambition or conquest but not on the emotional level, ambition your looking to go out and achieve or accumulate something, conquest is about controlling something to make it a part of yourself. I've been following Sadhguru since 2009, been thru two of his programs and agree, he is for sure one of the most Spiritually Realized Beings on the planet, but he has a way of explaining Truth like know one I have heard before, its simple direct and appeals to my logic/intellect tremendously, but the methods he shares work very effectively too, so that is the real deal concerning the methods. I don't believe he is in it for fame, money or success ego wise, otherwise why build temples, do save soil, and such activities. I've watched a few of Leo's videos and seen long interviews with him. in the end on the level of Intellect and communication they talk about things in similar ways with their own unique way of doing so, but I don't see where Leo is actually sharing methods other than intellectual tools to help one transform, maybe I am wrong on that front. Sadhguru is more than an Enlightened being, a Guru knows the mechanics of life inside and out, other do not!
  23. UPDATE: Three large corporate media houses – The Washington Post (US), Outlook Magazine (India), and Dinamalar (Tamil Nadu, India) – removed their articles that carried disinformation against the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Nithyananda Paramashivam and KAILASA. It is probable that in the following weeks other newspapers start removing their articles in a domino effect. I feel it is my duty to give you another perspective of what is going on and you make up your mind: Nithyananda is like the Pope but for hindu's and Kailasa like the Vatican. His vision is to make an Enlightenment-centric Country, a whole Ecosystem and lifestyle, where everything helps you to realize ParamaShivoham. Parama (Ultimate/Infinity) Shivo (God/Consciousness) Ham (that's me). His core teaching is this Mahavakyas: ॐ (Om) Nithyananda (Nithya= already, ananda=love/bliss) ParamaShivoham. Which is roughly translated as: I am already blisfully God. Om Nithyananda ParmaShivoham. He says that the only reason he is alive is to tell this one truth, you are Paramashiva, you are God. The technology he has used and teaches are the different Hindu sampradayas or paths, which he is a Master in all and was thoroughly trained since he was 3 years old. A as well as his family before he was even born, based on some astrological predictions and as per the science of incarnation, master's from the incarnation sampradaya tested the young kid to know if he was an avatar. It was confirmed so, from that point he learned from many Gurus that also recognized him as such. You could razionalize it as a way to recognize superconscious human mutants. Taken care and raised by Gurus from Tiruvannamalai, his birthplace, like Sri Ramana Maharishi, Yogi RamsuratKumar, Tatwale Baba... to name a few. Mastering many sampradayas and attaining the highest realization in all: Kashmir Shaivism, Shaktism, Jnana Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, Bhakti Yoga, Deity Worship, Mantra&Sound, Karma Yoga, Hatha Kundalini and Kriya Yoga (In 1999, amidst the Himalayan landscape of Gaurikunth, Babaji bestowed upon him the name Paramahamsa Nithyananda), Tantra, Ayurvedic Medicine, Siddha Tradition... It is precisely these broad mastery of such diverse paths which is both his greatest strength and turn off, now we can appreciate why he is so misunderstood. Let's now reflect upon his life: Reviver of Kailaasa the Ancient Enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation Declared as successor Of Arunachala Sarvajnapeetam by Guru Parampara Coronated as Guru Mahasannidhanam (Pontiff) of Thondaimandala Aadheenam, the oldest monastic university, at the tender age of 10 (in 1998) Founded: The mission Nithyananda Sangha at age 21 (in 1999) – to Revive the Enlightened Civilization Founded Adi Kailasa at age 25 (in 2002) Coronated as 293rd Guru Mahasannidhanam of Madurai,SHYAMALAPEETHASARVAJNA PEETHAM the oldest Hindu papal state and the monastic kingdom at age 34 (in 2012) Officially coronated as Mahamandaleshwar (Supreme Spiritual Head) of Maha Nirvani Akhada largest apex monastic order, the youngest Mahamandaleshwar at age 35 (in 2013) Declared as Acharya Mahamandaleshwar of Atal Akhada (the oldest monastic order in Hinduism) at age 35 (in 2013), by Acharaya Mahamandleshwar Sukhdevanandji, the then incumbent spiritual head. Coronated as Guru Mahasannidhanam of Swargapuram at age 37, Chola Dynasty’s Guru’s unbroken lineage from the 13th century (in 2015) Elected as a Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism by a congregation of 1000 Hindu leaders (Pontiffs), at age 38 (2016) Revered as Teacher of Hinduism, most prolific, most viewed, read & watched Over 10,000 hours of discourses, over 1 billion views on social media Respected as Commentator of all Sacred Scriptures such as Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Shiva Sutras, Yoga Sutras, Ashtavakra Gita, Jain Sutras, etc. Reviver of Ten ancient Hindu Sampradayas in the border of extinction including the Rudrakanyas/ Rudras, Rishis / Rishikas, Bhairavas / Bhairavis, Sanyaasis. Founder & Reviver of Over 100 Sarvajnapeethas First ever leader in the history of India to be the succesdor of both south and north temples. Establisher of the Largest Hindu University in the world with satellite campuses in 110 countries Establisher of 1000+ Kailaasa enlightenment ecosystems Holder of Three Guinness World Records in the field of Yoga Collector of The largest Hindu library with over 1 million books, 1 million palm leaf scriptures, and over 20 million digital books Authored 300 books in 26 languages, with over 20 Million books and articles sold, read and downloaded What approach do I recommend to his work? This is tricky, very tricky. Don't become part of his organization, why? Because it's for a hindu and oriental psyche. Also people are people, as this forum is this forum despite Leo. What should be your approach then? INITIATION Don't listen to what he says, the best he says in silence and INITIATION. So if you resonated with him search for Bhava Samadhi Darshan Nithyananda. He enters in powerful meditation trances and is able to transmit divine aspects of Reality, different forms of God (Murthys). Experiment and see which form you like more. I like Mahasadashiva, Kalabhairava and Dakshinamurthy for example. Then do your sadhana, and enter consciously into darshan, connect with ParamaShiva. Once you like a form and you have some experience, take a psychedelic and watch darshan, now you will be blown away. If anyone does it, feel free to post here your experience. Bibliography: Letter to the Washington Post that made them remove the Paraguay article: Official answer to the removal of the articles from Kailasa Webpage of Kailasa in tab of Nithyananda Webpage of his Autobiography in tab of Tiruvannamalai: Nithyananda answering if he is God: Nithyananda and Babaji: Nithyananda first Enlightenment experience at age 12 with Annamalai Swamigal, enlightened disciple of Ramana: Why Nithyananda, why Initiation? INITIATION: Paramashivoham Oneness Initiations - Shodasi: Mahasadashiva Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan: Oneness Capsules Playlist: Essence of his Teachings & Answering to Assasination Attemps and Media Articles. Uniting both topics of today. Minute is tunned in the juice of the video:
  24. Yes I agree, once the garbage is gone, the Bliss is there naturally, it can't be "fabricated" as you say, its our basic nature once surival is taken care of, if survival is not taken care of then that takes over, intellect rules, accumulation of ppl, places and things happen and life goes on as in animal kindom...
  25. Read Santatagamana's books in order: Kriya Yoga Exposed The secret Power of Kriya Yoga Kundalini Yoga exposed The yoga of non-dual consciousness First one, shows you the basic practice for when you start, the fundamentals The second one is more details into correct practice and more advanced practices for when you have been practicing the first one for long The third book will show you how kundalini works and how to lessen its side-effects, along with a routine plan that you can stick to, it explains kundalini yoga and tells you the practice routine to do and also demonstrates the alternative practice routines for kriya yoga (that's what you are supposed to follow) The fourth book, how to bring the practice to daily life. Leo incorporates Gamana's techniques with J.C stevens, whose book is called "Kriya secrets revealed" Personally, I would say just read Gamana's book and practice according to that, and read the megathread slowly At some point afterwards, you can read either J.C stevens book, or Ennio Nimis book (free online), which will fill you up on the details and other things, since Gamana's books are pretty short, you can finish each one in 2 or 3 days, hell, you can even finish each one in a day, so I would say use them for practice and the other books for theory. Gamana's approach is to basically: use only the most fundamental and potent kriya awakening techniques to calm the mind and raise kundalini, once you calm the mind, now you are in something called the "post practice state", now you melt in this state of no mind, purification and bliss, and abide in your true nature for as long as you want. The traditional approach: keep learning more complicated and time consuming techniques, getting lost in techniques. You can find all the books free online with a bit of piracy