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  1. What are atoms made out of? What are the things that atoms are made out of made out of? At some point, you reach the unknown, or nothingness, or infinite regress, which means there is nothing to limit it. For every limitation you can identify, there is the unlimited lurking in the background.
  2. Mind has a tendency to grade and sort. There are no such things as multiple dimensions. There is ONLY ONE "thing". You are not your body, correct. Body is being dreamt. You are the whole entire EXPERIENCE. THE WHOLE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE! which includes and creates body through five senses. None of these senses are real but rather imaginary. And that thing that is having experience is ultimately NOTHINGNESS. In order to see this, you need to go through multiple steps. You need to train your mind to retain ONLY one thought "I AM". You need to train your attention. Concentration is a great tool. Conceptual thinking MUST be disrupted in order to become "IT". Without this, it is impossible. however, if you are diligent enough, you can awaken to your true nature withing 3-6 months. Atma vichara is a great tool.
  3. All I just said ^ is the cosmological version of the ontological first statement in the thread "there will always be something". Neither our world (cosmological) nor any possible world (ontological) are contingent unless they are intended, the latter is necessary through either 1. direct experience (suddenly in my case) or logically (by reference to experiences as negating the logical condition of a pure absence/nothingness). But is it as necessary that if the world were contingent it should be intended, as it is contingent if it were intended? Can we argue that our world is itself necessary? Can we extend the ontological argument into the cosmological? We really have no other alternative than god vs necessity in relation to its peculiarity/identity, so which is it? Everything Im saying here sounds fancy and philosophical, but it really isn't, it desire is as simplistic as what humans have been doing for hundred of thousands of years, it only is in addition self aware of where it derives its god-concept. It does not treat god as a question until it knows what it wishes to ask through it, it does not ask it until it knows why. It leaves nothing open except for whether there is intention and therefrom the possibility of higher purpose to our existence.
  4. From what i have understood the void/emptiness is a representation of gods limit, all existence leads to gods limit. The limit is gods question how it came to be, and why at the highest level it's the only existence. I think this is what void represents. Like in the void i was this infinite vibration/energy but i was just a tiny thing in this infiite void that was all around. It was like this is where everything starts. But the thing that i also understand, is that i was lead by higher power/energy to this void and it started with something showing me my heart beating twice so i could go to that place. I also have experienced/seen how much power i had just by mere thoughts, it was like i was god for some time. From what i understand and have seen is that there is some being/energy/vibration that keeps splitting itself constantly into different dreams of itself forever, in that state there is only "you" and you're the only chooser. It's basically like every single person that exist chose his own dream from that level and i also had a feeling that it operated like an AI and did everything automatically that was best for it. I think being infinite in nothingness is what god tries to avoid, it rather have an experience at all times then to be there for infinity. That's also the reason why god is so fascinated with death.
  5. The times that I have experienced emptiness is with 5meo, and it is: absolute, there is no me, there is nothing, there is only a well of infinite emptiness, and that is all. utter nonsense horror. The second time that happened to me, I thought, well this is what I had to see, you have to accept, not force things, integrate, blah blah, and after 2 minutes I put more than 20 mg in the pipe without weighing it, I don't know how much, I gave it fire and thought: show me the truth or kill me. and inside. reality exploded . Let's say the void opens. emptiness is the ultimate limitation. when it opens it is the unthinkable: infinite, and you are that, you always have been. I got up and saw what this moment was, what my body was, everything was obvious, the joy was total, without the slightest stain. Total freedom. dance, perfection. the infinite is not floating in nothingness, it is nothingness, and everything. nothingness does not surround it, nothing can surround it, it has no limit. it is unthinkable. Now the work is to understand how to realize deeper what we are. Break the barriers that keep us imprisoned. For now, If I do a medium dose of 5meo, the experience is infinite emptiness, nothing. the work is to become that and not be horrible. it is not. it is horrible because we have horror vacui, it could be extremely pure. is in the infinite void where the key is, but it is not something that can be articulated in thought. It's something I still don't understand, just beginning, but it's fascinating
  6. @puporing Basically i was like the only conscious being that vibratated extremely slow and powerfully in the darkness/nothingness all around me, all life/existence was inside me. This is very scary, you rather have an experience and eat shit then be in the infinite nothingness and be at this level where you're like the only conscious being. How did you experience this heaven/everythingness as you? @Breakingthewall The thing that gets me everytime is that just how you see the world with your eyes open, i was looking like that at my heart with my eyes closed. I could slow it down or make it go faster, but i knew that i had to stop it. 1st time i couldn't do it and i go up from laying, second time i lay again and close my eyes and god against shows me my heart beating. Then i pierced it, and i got into this void. I was like the only/most conscious being that has ever existed, which was so scary.
  7. IT is available any time, and most of the time it is always there without doing anything. If the character gets annoying and tries to generate bad emotions via suffering (which has reduced tremendously anyway), "I" just look into it, see what "I" really am, what the "substance" of the character trying to close down/feel bad really is, and the bug is dead and transcended again. Goes from "oh, that is not good"-character-arising to a small voice somewhere in the background unable to grip attention, and the field again nondual and infinite without center. The arisings of the separate self just stop, don't get believed anymore, loose their hypnotic power, because it feels way better and the "choice" is there. Yet, my functional character works better than ever. Less filters, more intuition, much more bliss, love and compassion. What would it be worth if it wouldn't be always available? Its actually too good to be true, besides being true. @Arthogaan wrote that a bit more direct experience description is appreciated, which I understand. Which I don't often do, because here is already enough ego-bravado, so I tend to write more on the neutral and technical side. But at the same time, sometimes it is probably good to write a bit more about direct experience. Besides, when I write technical descriptions, I write it from own experience and understanding, and use the best sources I know to show how similiar the deep structure is over various systems and paths. Water by the River PS: And a more technical description, using an analogy: Before fully realizing what one really is (Impersonal Infinite Consciousness/Awareness/Nothingness without a second), one doesn't really know that 2 +2 is 4. One intuits maybe that it is more like 3,9 than 8,5. One intuits that it is eternal (always here), nondual, infinite, mere appearance (lets say thats 4.5). But its not fully impersonal, some individuality of being a separate "anything" (although already an aware nothing) being still there. Ones Deep Identity is not obviously fully it, because that Realization is still missing. Roger Thisdells Videos stage 4 and stage 5 are the best material I am aware of to describe that subtle (but absolutely deciding) difference. But once knowing ones True Nature (when it becomes really nondual, fully impersponal, yet at the same time really the Whole Reality), one knows exactly that 2 +2 is 4, always has been, always will be, and can't be different. There is no more doubt about. Couldn't be. Doubt is moving within Oneself, it doesn't make sense, one knows its structure as moving arising appearing (doubt-) thought. Reality is directly known and understood by BEING it. Infinite Consciousness/Reality understands/realizes its own essence/being. There is nothing else besides "it", and nothing else that is or could be aware. So it can only be known by being it, the boundless infinite nondual Totality. The first time realizing 2 + 2 is 4 is a direct and unmistakenable realization/experience into THAT which is (and was) always here and the case. The magic word is fully impersonal, fully empty, separate self fully transcended/dead/gone. That is the common denominator of all Full Enlightenment Experiences/Realization descriptions. They all use different surface language, that is the deep structure element in all of them. If that is missing, it is one of the preliminary Enlightenment/Awakening Experiences on the path leading to the Full Realization/Shift. And after knowing/realizing 2+2 is 4, that knowing is always available in case one gets sloppy and the character tries to create some confusion or suffering. I look into the character-arisings, see there Nature/Substance, which is the same unnameable Suchness of Everything, of Reality, and 2+2 is 4, the character bug is dead again, and doesn't cause suffering. So in that way, it is always available (it is and was there all along anyway), and one reorients the whole character to constantly stay in that. In Ken Wilbers Words: From Peak Experience to Plateau to Permanent (which holds for all transformation stages). But once 2 + 2 = 4 is known, then the separate self character just burns like ice in the desert. Maybe that is a bit helpful. PS PS: And of course, lets not forget, only @Bazooka Jesus is AWAKE. The ONE and ONLY.
  8. Yes. Let me allow to hijack the post Beyond the "no-self" of no biographical self/ego self there are some more "encompassing" "higher" no-selfs. Or better said: Some stages of much more empty no-selves. First personality/biographical self/"ego" goes (1) then time goes: Always here Mind, time is just a concept (2) Then the locatedness of being in the body for example goes: one is the whole visual field, or beginning nonduality (3) then that becomes infinite. Anything that could appear appears in boundless Reality/Infinite Consciousness. (4) Then we have personality/egoless (1), timeless (2), boundless/nondual (3) and infinite (4). All of these are Awakenings/Enlightenments. But not the Full Enlightenment/Waking Up. But then there is even a murky no-self still there: It is nothing, totally empty, but still some individuality/separation still there, moving as I-thought/I-feeling on Reality/Oneself. This here: IN that state (1)+(2)+(3)+(4), when all last traces of individuality are seen moving within onself (that takes time), then the Big Bang or Waking Up or Full Enlightenment can happen, where one actually becomes Reality, no more questions left. And Infinite Absolute Reality/Infinite Consciousness/Nothingness can be described as (True) No-Self (since no individuality is left splitting Reality in two), or as Self (because all possible worlds appear in it). Then You ARE Absolute Reality (everything that shows or could ever appear, and all beings/perspectives), but no longer confuse a separate individual part for your true self. I have written about that before in previous posts, one can search for examle if one is so inclined for Basis Enlightenment in my posts. The problem quite often here on this forum, and with the effect of some of Leos teachings: Thinking one has realized No-Self, while one has NOT achieved True No Self, but some of the preliminary versions of No-Self (see above), boosted by psychedelics, and including a lot of higher realm stuff accessed with that. Nothing too bad with that, if it is just a step/stage, is just not the end of the story, and doesn't end suffering. Or worse: Not even having had the Awakenings (1)-(4), and just conceptually boosting the separate self and equating it with God/Reality. Problem of these stages: Instead of finally transcending/killing the separate self, these moves boost it. And most important: Only @Bazooka Jesus is awake. I mean, come on, that mother of declaration of AWAKE can not be topped, so I think that is something we can all agree on Selling Water by the River PS: To make it a bit more practical: Ever dreamt you were somebody/something completely different? Or dreamt of being just an empty camera not self-reflective at all, just watching, thinking and reflecting nothing? That is pretty near. Infinite Consciousness is totally empty, just aware. Can take any feeling/thinking of being anything, anyone, anybody. It is empty, impersonal, so that it is compatible to any mindstream. "IT" is already the Awareness of all Beings. YOU! Already. But not what you think you are. Only an empty Awareness can be in the perspectives/mindstreams of other beings/perspectives, not the "loaded" mindstream of a being that still feels separate (has ego-arisings the cause the illusion of being something specific/separate). Imagine being somebody/something completely different. An Alien. A cat. And YOU, your Awareness is still there. And nothing really is lost if such a shift were to happen. So nothing is lost, just the illusion that all the thinking/feeling brings, moves, in you. And besides this Awareness/Nothingness, nothing is, was, ever will be. THIS is also all appearances, Consciousness appearing as appearances, nondual. IT is Reality itself. And to fully get/understand that, ALL identity has to go. Impersonal, Fully Empty Awareness. Nondual and infinite, timeless, always here, never not possible being not here. Anything possible necessarily appearing in IT/YOU. And the True One/You are still there... Impersonal. Silent. Infinite. Aware. Timeless. Containing all appearances. Nothing besides it. One without a second. Reality itself.
  9. Leo's latest video has helped me connect some dots, and I'm finally understanding the nothing-infinity paradox a lot better. I've also been integrating concepts such as Ralston's "not-knowing," and it appears as though the act of not-knowing is what reveals the nothingness of everything. Is this off base, or am I onto something here? I have also struggled to experience the interconnectedness of all things in the past, and I am wondering if it is this nothingness that equates all "things." And where does "consciousness" tie into this? My concept of consciousness disappears when I am not-knowing.
  10. @Leo Gura who is it most suitable for? Someone who is ready to shred reality to pieces or someone serious about enlightenment? Or do you see it suitable for normal people too (with some understanding and use of psychedelics ) ? Trips on 5meo seems so mixed up I can’t really tell how some people awaken to “the universe is made out of love!” and others saying “it’s just blank nothingness and you end up not enjoying it”
  11. 1-there is no empirical evidence that you gonna die someday in the future. There is no empirical evidence that there will be a future. In fact ..the universe might just disappear completely and turn into a black blank void of nothingness just the next moment . There is no glue that is holding everything together. Yet..miraculously..everything is alright and functions very well. 2- synchronicities which we all take for granted.. like the fact that we miraculously find a job..the planets are miraculously holding themselves together etc this graceful flow of consciousness might break down and devolves into a disruptive stream. Chaos rather than graceful transition of form. Existence is like a house of cards..yet all of us treat it like its not made of cards but made of concrete. And we somehow think realizing the dreamy nature of form will somehow make us immune to suffering if that dream collapses. Existence is flowing extremely gracefully right now. The fact that you can sanely sit here and read this post takes beyond infinite amount of grace. All of your billions of cells working perfectly together..form that the finite mind is looking through is holding its solidity and only changes slightly..your work colleagues call you at paced times. even if you complain.. your ego destructs at an extremely peaceful and good pace along the path. Your memories are perfectly in sync with each other and with form. All of this is extremely malleable. You're a nano meter away from all of that grace just crashing and chaotically imploding on itself. Its a house of cards..not concrete.
  12. A few days ago, I posted a question asking help to wrap my head around nothingness. Many of you gave your own insights and perspectives. Today, I was helping one of my friends to understand oneness and the epiphany hit me like a brick wall that infinity is indeed nothingness. Nothingness is so vast and boundless that it can contain Infinity, so to speak. PS- It is funny how the mental mind constantly tries to find logical explanation and fails. Sometimes this tiring is needed so that the untiring can illuminate.
  13. At what level would you interpret the saying? I understand the importance of taking the saying as it feels natural to me, however, I still seek your point of view on it. Taking time away to sit in nothingness is powerful but take too little or too much time to do and there would be consequences. So, maybe what I'm asking is, what do you recommend in terms of getting the clarity on what you really want? I think it's still useful to go above experimenting and seeing what I like and don't like, even if I do figure out my core desire/s to avoid becoming stagnant. Even so, it seems that overall you're alluding to a mix of both time in nothingness and time in conscious experimentation no?
  14. Hello Actualized community, Some of you might remember me from a long time ago when I was just beginning to awaken, and I contributed some of my knowledge and tried my best to help the community with these subjects. I purposely stayed away from this forum and Leo's videos to dig deeper into awakening, god, reality, whatever you want to call it. I'll be speaking with a relative "I" — before anyone frets. I've had 80+ awakenings in the span of a year. I have been spiritually gifted since I was a kid, without even knowing it, but I seem to have a pretty easy time creating the experiences that lead to awakenings. There were periods where I had multiple awakenings in a single week, and the majority were NOT drug induced. I made sure to always write down the revelations that I learned and I am ready to share them with you all. I had experiences where I was literally sucked out of the scene I was in and thrown into an empty void of pure light, love light. I am going to make this short and sweet. This is meant to help you awaken quickly. Before I start though, you're going to have to accept some shocking truths, so before you read this, please open your mind. Trust in what I am telling you here. I have personally verified every single thing I am about to share. I will refer to God as "That which cannot be spoken" — as the word God is a bit silly. 1. You don't have a face. Notice for yourself, that you feel like you are located above your neck, but notice that instead of your face, you have a huge open window. This open window is your view of the world. Instead of your head, you have the world. The world is your mind. But it's not your physical mind, somehow inside a brain. No, no, no..... your mind is absolute and is shared with everything else. Prove it to yourself. Try to locate your head, and point to your face. At no point does it reach you. There's nothing there. Instead, you have colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, touch, etc. The entire room in which you are right now is a "part" of your head. Your head is the godhead. It is completely empty, is nothingness, yet it exists. 2. Reality is a moving painting. The colors, sounds, smells you are experiencing are NOT the byproduct of your brain. I repeat. They are NOT a product of your brain. There is no light going into your "eyes" (you have no eyes, or face) — there is no brain to turn audiowaves into music. When you hold an apple, you think that you are seeing the redness of the apple in your brain, but notice that you aren't looking at anything. The apple is existing, IN your consciousness. It is BEING inside of your head. You are not seeing it through no mechanism. Reality is RAW and you are compressed into it and through it. When you see the red of the apple (unlike science which says that colors only exist in brains) what you are experiencing is what Gnostics call The Truth. Sounds, colors, smells, feelings, thoughts. – THAT IS OBJECTIVE REALITY. You get it? You aren't hearing or seeing at all, because reality appears 1:1 instantly in the screen of your consciousness, which is that void that we talked about. 3. Close your eyes. Realize that when you close your eyes, that dark field is really you. You are the entire dark field in which reality appears. When you close your eyes you cannot locate yourself. You just see an endless void of darkness with no edges or divisions. This is what you would call your soul. Your head is a projector. The colors you see are not happening in a brain, because the brain would need to have a physical screen upon which the colors are looked at. They have to exist in some way for your visual field to appear. Therefore this is false. No brain. 4. Is Solipsism true? No. Other people ARE in fact conscious as they are other *instances* of yourself in a parallel timeline being imagined by consciousness simultaneously. REMOVE the idea that only your individual ego is having a conscious experience. Drop it. IT'S NOT TRUE. Other people are as conscious as you, but because THEY ARE YOU. Other people are other POVs that "That which cannot be spoken of" is creating and animating through its presence. The entire universe is like a program running in the mind of this unknowable conscious being. Your life is a program, my life is a program. We are divine expressions of that being who is on an eternal quest to understand what it is, and it cannot do it without your point of view, because reality would be finite without your existence. 4. Is this being knowable? No. And please don't refute this with "But awakenings!" — "That which cannot be spoken of" is completely out of reach and is the literal bedrock of existence. It does not have a subjective experience like you and I do. It's asleep forever. Any awakenings you may have, are a connection to its SPIRIT, not its mind, as its mind is busy imagining everything. 5. Is there an objective reality? Yes. Even thought the entire universe is the dream of this being that is asleep, it exists, but not physically. The universe is all mind. But yes, there ARE people doing other things outside of your POV. It is all happening simultaneously, and through relativity. But those people ARE you. Just in other avatars for that lifetime. Other people exist, and your ego is not alone in the universe. You are at all times surrounded by infinite copies of yourself. 6. Ghosts, demons, gnomes, fairies, and all other mythical creatures are real. I have verified this myself through multiple instances where I communicated with extra-real entities. 7. Magic is real. That's right. Magic IS MIND. Magic is reality. Magic is the power that was required to bring this dream into being. ——————— Reality is NOT a simulation, NOT solipsism, NOT eternal suffering, NOT physical, NOT awful, NOT evil. Reality IS a gift, IS a moving painting of pure light, IS magic, IS mystical in origin, and IS eternal. ——————— I cannot express to you the absolute truth because I cannot communicate the experiences I've had, as they are ineffable. But trust me on the following: Solipsism is false There is no infinity of Gods, this is another trap. There is only ONE being who makes infinite copies of itself to embody avatars in its dream. They aren't separate gods. Reality is, again, a moving painting, and the painter is a being that is "asleep" and dreaming the entire universe up. Reality was NOT created. It ALWAYS was. Colors, sounds, feelings, thoughts are objective reality. The apple is really red. Water is really wet. You aren't seeing anything. Objects are existing in you. Your visual field is a window or a negative sculpture. There is no actual "you" anywhere specifically. Rather, you are the entire visual field, and all the content inside of it. Hope that helps.
  15. Yes. Lasting Happiness = Resting in Ones True Nature = Full Impersonal Enlightenment into Infinite Consciosness/Nothingness/Reality (pointers I like), or what Inliytened1 is pointing to below. The alternative is the merry go round of chasing experiences/states for the relief of the suffering the separate self-identity/contraction causes. Francis Lucille videos linked above are along these topics. Water by the River
  16. In my awakening, I had the following clear insights: We are all one There is only Love energy True love is unconditional The Ego does not exist The true I AM is completely indestructible The true I AM is everywhere - in the mountains, in the rivers, in birds (the same words that I uttered during the glimpse) Life has a harmonious design Everything that I ever knew was an illusion and a lie. There is no such thing as time and space There is bliss and ecstasy hidden underneath the illusion These insights have stayed with me since the initial awakening and they have matured deeply. However, my monkey mind doesn't understand what Nothingness means because in the awakening, the awareness had a characteristics of Love. So, it is not even Love? Is there more beyond it?
  17. I don't hate Moksha, I don't even know him. But I´m not going to let being fucked in the ass. Simple as that. Yeap. The issue here is as always, that I don't buy people's words on a forum. First, whatever 'it' you want refer to, you already have to have come a conclusion that that "it" it's Enlightment and it's the best thing. Secondly , by his words, I don't at all get the sense he is talking about Pure Nothingness or pure No Self (if you want to call Enlightment this), but rather a surrender-allow everything/be in the observer, kind of Awakening. If he thinks this is Awakening and The 'Totality' of what he is, he is for a rude awakening (Ironically LOL) And thirdly, I don't believe for a mere second that he abides in "it" for 24/7 of time. If not, there's work to do. GOD WON´T DO THE WORK FOR YOU! Because you are literally God. This is the classic advaita trap people fall for and I got the sense he is selling/advocating for that. As sadhguru put it, a Belief its great for solace. But you want solace or do you want an actual solution?
  18. @Moksha As pure Light that we are, we are seeking always the maximum states of being and pleasure in reality. It serves no purpose to gaslight people that are actually doing action towards to discredit them as "addicts, or addiction seeking style". But I know you don't mean in a bad way. It's just a shame you haven't touched what I'm talking about. And also, What I'm talking about It's the most simpler thing ever, pure concentration, intensity, no self, life energies everywhere, no being here, pure intensity, Aliveness, ecstatic empty light, pure explosive nothingness...and all of that while refilling the gas tank. Don't think that being in that State of Being means you are not functional or you body getting damaged. That's why it's so good ??? Yeap. Unfortunately I know I'm kinda of alone around here. I suspect not a single drug in the whole world can replicate what really infinite intensity or an absolute activation of Life Energies are
  19. For quite a long time now i've been trying to understand the concept of nothingness found in most mystical and spiritual traditions in some form and I few days ago as I was driving home from work I realized that in my experience the world i'm seeing visually seems to vanish into non-existence or literally nothing as my car passes through it(my sensory experience in the moment). Hopefully I explained it well, it makes sense if you observe your experience of the world and how every individual experience is impermenant and seems to disappear into non-existence. Then I remembered hearing about the concept of "gone" and "vanishing" from shinzen young which describes this experience very well here for example: now I can't stop thinking or trying to understand this teaching So I am just deluding myself or am I on to something here?
  20. selfless = nothingness= infinite self
  21. First off, yes. Nothing is just anything And also, if you like, no, nothing is not "just" anything. The word "just" is a manipulative tactic used by the ego/relative mind (similar to the word "but") in order to suggest that ourselves and others should place less value on one concept, in this case consciousness/nothingness relative to another, such as the quantum field. It's understandable that we might use this tactic here. After all, if we were to suppose, or realise, that the words nothingness, consciousness and quantum field were all being used interchangeably for the same relative purpose, we might indeed agree that they are synonymous, at least in practical usage. However I don't often hear people say "While meditating, I experienced a state of the quantum field". I imagine that's because quantum field, which is a theory, is used more intellectually as a concept. A framework. Whereas, the word "consciousness" is more often used to describe our experience, or even, we might say, the essence/basis of experience. Hmm... my words won't do consciousness/nothingness justice here
  22. There is nothing quantum about reality. It's just a story. Reality is pure nothingness
  23. Spiritual Autolysis - Journal Entry #30 - Sun Jun 10 '23 - 12:41 PM I Love Neale Donald walsch' Conversations with God. This is my version of it. Okay back to truth work: Lower self: is God real? Higher self: I don't know. What is God? Lower self: God is real. I can feel him. Higher self: How? Lower self: He is in my bones. I can hear his voice. I can smell him in the flowers. I swim with her when it's late and gloomy. She is with me in the shower, washing my hair. I can see her off in the distance, miles away. I can feel her warmth upon my skin. I can hear his raspy voice inside of my head. I can hear his thunderous booms bursting through the windows throughout the night. I can see her bright yellow flashes of magnificence on a cloudy night. I can see him in my mother's face. Oh the beauty. I love you mama. I can see him in my head, bartering at a tag sale. I can feel the love of him throughout my bones. But... where is he? Where has he gone? God: I am right here. With you. Now. Just feel and look. That is it. Feel and look. What do you see? What do you feel? That is how you can find me. Whenever you have lost me. Know that I cannot be lost. For this would be impossible. Where would I go? What would I do? As far as I know there is only one real place to be and let me tell you it's a pretty cool place to be. You can be whatever you want, you can do and have anything that you desire. Now who wouldn't want to live in a place like this? Ben: But there is all of this suffering. Millions of living things dying every day! Now what is so cool about that? God: Ohhhhh come on! I'm the coolest gal around! Ben: No you're not. You cause suffering. I suffer all of the time. All day long. This life is hard! God: What is it that you suffer about? Ben: I suffer because I CANT reach my goals. I can't fall in love with myself let alone another individual. I mean what is wrong with me? God: Nothing is wrong with you my child. You are not unusual. The reason that you suffer is because you want to love. You want to love sooo soooo bad. You want to love every nook and cranny of this universe, of this existence. But it is difficult. I have made it difficult. Ben: But why? Why have you made life difficult? Ben: But why didn't you turn us into God's ourselves? God: You are God. Ben: Yeah but not really. I can't fly on over to Venus or drive my magic school bus to the next galaxy. I didn't create the universe. God: Oh yes you did.. You just forgot! Ben: What???! And why would I forget a thing such as that? God: How else could I experience myself? If you knew exactly who you were, then you would behave like me. I don't want you to behave like me. Behave like yourself. However it is that you would like to behave. That's what you should do. Whatever it is you want to do for a career. Do that. Find a relationship. Start a family. Or don't! I don't care. Do as you wish, and know that there is no judgement going on in the universe unless you want there to be. You are loved and will always be loved. By us all. Ben: But why? Why do you want to experience yourself? God: I already told you. I got bored. So I started creating things. You can only stare at a void of nothingness for so long. I had to make something. Ben: Is the universe really infinite? God: Of course the universe is infinite. What kind of God would I be if I could not create an infinite universe? With infinite possibilities. Infinite meanings. Infinite deceptions. Infinite desires. Infinite creations. Now that... Is a damn cool place to be. Ben: An infinite universe... Wow... Now this is a lot to take on... God: Why is it so hard to believe? Ben: But I don't want to live in a universe that is infinite. That's too big! And that would make me too insignificant. Too small. To worthless. Too unworthy. I am saddened by this. God: Ohhhhh... You humans and your sentimentality. Is it really so bad that you're existence does not have cosmic importance? I mean if it did have cosmic importance, that would be a hell of a lot of pressure, wouldn't it? Have fun with life. Have fun with it. Don't take it so seriously. And most importantly, don't take me so seriously. Enjoy it while you are here. That is all you need to know.
  24. What @Inliytened1 refers to as potentiality in nothingness, @justfortoday refers to as database. I prefer @Inliytened1 use of words because database can suggest that it is actual in some way but only Now is actual. Just like when you have dreams at night, you only have one dream and your Mind has the capacity to dream every other dream but I wouldn't say that other dreams are "stored" in some part of the brain. It just pure potential of the Mind to dream up something different, so I would not say that others exists. But you will experience their POV. If you will want to as Godhead.