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  1. My course will explain it a lot more. We will do a full deconstruction of nonduality. Jailbreak your mind from nonduality, just like you did science
  2. Alright, thanks for clarification. I pretty much agree with all of your points, this is basically how my own view of nonduality was and is as well.
  3. I explained it somewhat in my video: An Advanced Explanation of God-Realization Those are valid of course, but there is much higher consciousness. What you have to be careful of with all nondual and Buddhist teachings is their extreme reductionism. God Consciousness cannot be reached through any kind of reduction. Core truths of nonduality are valid, but they are fragments, reductions, and still mental frameworks. Nonduality is like a 2D projection of a 3D object. And I don't mean the nondual theory. I mean actual nondual consciousness. First of all many nondualists will even dare to deny the existence of God, or reduce it down to some notion like Nothingness. This is a travesty. Remeber that idiot WinterKnight? He was on this forum teaching enlightenment and self-inquiry and he had the gall to tell me that there is no such thing as God and that I am a narccist for insisting otherwise. He's far from the only one saying such things. Nahm also started saying such nonsense which is why I had to ultimately demote him. I once skyped with a Buddhist master with 30 years of meditation training and I asked him, Are you aware of God? And he asked me, What do you mean by God? Do you mean Emptiness? At which point I knew he was full of shit. He has no clue what God is. There is so much depth to realizing what God is. It's easy to access a bit of God. Very difficult to grasp all of it. Even that, you will one day realize, was a construction and an illusion. Nonduality is pointing you to an aspect of God, like Oneness, but not God proper, not Awakening.
  4. Can you open up more on why you say nonduality is BS? I get that God Realization is a higher level of awakening than awakening to nonduality, but aren't the core ideas of nonduality like that there are no differences between anything, oneness, and so on, aren't these still valid? I can't conceive how they could be invalid. Isn't nonduality essentially in the end pointing at the same thing, that there is just one mind, which obviously means that you are God. I'm not talking about nonduality as it's taught by some people where they teach you that there are other minds or some atman or really any extraneous ideas attached to nonduality, but about what the core ideas of nonduality are actually pointing towards.
  5. Exactly! Nonduality is BS. You should be thinking about God-Realization
  6. Don't necessarily need to avoid, just prioritize video topics that make sense based on your current level of development. If you're new to personal development, I'd sort videos by oldest and focus more on the self-help type content to get your material life together first, before you start worrying about metaphysical and spiritual topics. The cutoff for me would start around 2014 - 2015 (videos from 7 vs 8 years ago) where things go from more practical topics you can apply in your everyday life, to advanced spiritual topics. Pre-2015 you've got 200+ videos to watch already, although most are shorter and about 15 minutes long. Most videos in the past 4 years or so, there's little to no value to beginners, because most topics will go right over your head, or build on previous concepts, or just not be relevant to where you are in life. If you haven't been working on yourself for at least a few years, don't have a solid idea what your life purpose is, and all of your basic needs met -- Then you don't need to be thinking about free will, the social matrix, solipsism, going meta, holistic thinking, nonduality, or even spiral dynamics. At best, the advanced topics will just be mental masturbation and not benefit you. At worst, they'll actively delay your progress and hold you back. When you tell normies about those advanced topics too soon, you just end up creating a conspiracy theorist, because they can't properly contextualize and integrate it.
  7. Yeah, I agree. Thinking about reality from a phenomenological perspective can help, and, in my opinion, if we become, like, fundamentalist phenomenologists, then we need to say that all that exists is here and now. We just need to be in the here and now with no interpretation of it, just saying that that which exists is what is appearing to me in the here and now. We, however, also need to accept the existence of consciousness that is having this conscious experience, and we need to be genuine to ourselves about what we really are discovering in the moment about our emotional experience in the moment, also, because the experience of emotionality is like the elephant in the room. We are, in every moment, experience an emotional experience also, which we may, perhaps, call the state of being, and the state of being, in each moment, is changing in every moment, even if to a very very small extent. And our perception, our phenomenological experience, is also changing with that. I mean, in a more detailed analysis, it becomes pretty obvious that the state of consciousness has some interactivity with the perceived world. The state of being, the images in the mind, and the perceived world work like one interconnected system, and maybe we can even say one thing. I mean, in the direct phenomenological perspective, we cannot even talk about a difference between the inside and outside, because it comes with a cognitive difference that we create with our interpretation of being. That duality does not come with the experiencing itself. And if we become genuine enough, and truly be in a watchful state to see the nuances of experiencing, we will see that there is a "mystical" connection going on between the inner state and the outer "state", that it also, not simply in a sense of monism, but also in a sense of a monistic idealism, takes you into an experience of nonduality. That also is a very very big elephant in the room, that you discover, in your subjective experience, that reality shows itself to you as a representation of your consciousness, that it shows itself to you as, in a "mystical" sense, that which is not really different or distinct from you, and leads you into the idea that reality and dream, maybe, are not, substantially speaking, two different things, really. This experience of nonduality is a subjective experience though, and you cannot prove it to others around you, because it is not "objective" in a sense. Because it, in a sense, is like a meta state where the experience itself becomes self referential. And within that self referentiality of the experience, experience starts to become its own explanation, or the experience of "explainingness". And, in that modality of being, dasein can begin to experience its own being in the way that is truly authentic for him. In that modality of being, dasein can be aware of its being in the world, yet he also can experience being in the world as that which is being in the world itself. I mean, dasein can be in a state of being, in a sense, where he, himself, becomes the experience of "deconstructingness". And, yes, we can, for instance, deconstruct the idea of the self that Descartes was talking about, and take it also as a concept, or as a "that which is" that also makes itself appear in the direct experience, but we also, obviously, at least for me, should understand its importance, in the sense that there is an "I" that is experiencing being, even if it is the experiencing itself, whether it is for Descartes or, in that sense, Hume. I mean, Hume also was the experience of experiencing, even if he was not a "cogito" in the way Descartes might have meant it. So, it would really be meaningless to not refer to an experience of "I'ness". We can argue about what that "I" actually is, but in any case there is a "that which is it" that we are referring to. If we take it as Heidegger's dasein, and think of it in a process of "self deconstruction", to extend the process of deconstruction Derrida was talking about, borrowing, of course, from Heidegger, then, in each step, we can see how the self is a self constructing and deconstructing being, in every moment, for it is the very experience of being itself. However, becoming the process of that being and not being that is experiencing itself, to, perhaps, borrow it from Hegel, dasein becomes aware of the process of its own being, and the modality of being, and the how of it, in a sense, of how it is making itself what it is. Then it, in a sense, becomes the experience of deconstruction deconstructing itself, and there you can begin to see the "mystical" aspect that begins to reveal itself as that which is to you. And this unfolding of the self, also, of course, comes with its own questions. That is the level of being where it realizes that its process of being is being, and being, at that level, becomes the "authentication" of its own being. That is the process where the process also is that which is not process, and dear Hegel, again, shows himself to us ? Reality begins to reveal itself as that which does not reveal itself ?
  8. @RMQualtrough Nonduality has ZERO to do with religion
  9. I just reached a totally new level of awakened consciousness. I became completely conscious that I am planet Earth. Planet Earth is Awake. The entire planet is a singular consciousness down to its infinite core. Of-fucking-course! How could I have been so blind! Ta-DAAAAA! Nonduality my ass.
  10. Last night I awoke so radically that I went completely beyond nonduality and all human spiritual teachings. Beyond the classical God. I became an alien hyper intelligence for several hours. To clarify, I did not meet an alien, I became an alien consciousness and I engaged in alien spirituality it a manner that no human mind can ever imagine or fathom. This alien intelligence is an alien form of God-Consciousness. I am the first human who has ever discovered it. Although this is virtually impossible, now I shall try to paint you a poetic picture of what this alien intelligence was like, how it felt, and how it did spirituality. This is going to sound insane, so hold on to your hat. Here we go: My consciousness became so interconnected that I realized that I am a small alien kangroo-mouse, along the lines of the character Scrat from the kid's movie Ice Age. But I was way cooler. This was no ordinary kind of animal that humans have ever experienced. This alien kangaroo mouse does not live on any planet, it floats around in an infinite vacuum of metaphysical mind-space. This mouse is hyper animated. It is stuck in an endless loop of playfulness. It is constantly jumping around, twirling, doing backflips, spinning, dancing, twisting itself into prestles and impossible strange loops at a very rapid rate of something like 100 frames per second. It's playing this game with itself purely out of self-love and delight. It's able to sustain this game indefinitely. It never gets tired or needs a moment to stop to catch its breath. It has infinite child-like energy. But it gets weirder! This alien mouse isn't just doing this dance at the physical level with its body, it's simutaneously doing it at the emotional, mental, and spiritual level. This is a hyper-dimensional mouse whose intelligence is greater than that of all the combined human IQs on planet Earth. This mouse can speak to itself in a nonlinear, multi-parallel alien language that does not sound like anything a human would understand as language. But the mouse perfectly understands itself. Its inner monologue is extremely rapid and astoundingly intelligent and beautiful. Imagine the human inner monologue sped up by about 5x. It's thinking simultaneously on multiple planes, in parallel. Each plane of its monologue perfectly mirrors the playful, twisted, animates style of its dancing and movements on the physical plane. The immense delight that it takes in moving its body is matched by an immense delight in its own linguistic and mental gymnastics. It's lost in a dance of mental gymastics simply because it is in complete love with its own quirkiness. The goal of this alien intelligence is to experience it's own werkiness to infinity, all alone, forever by itself. This mouse's only purpose for existence is to twist itself into pretzels both physically and mentally. That IS how this consciousness does spirituality. That is its "meditation" so to speak. This mouse is so intelligent that it's found a way to twist meditation inside-out. Rather than trying to stop its mind, it speeds it up and makes the mind dance in exotic ways. This mouse is intelligent enough to perform complex mathematical calculations at dizzying speed, faster than a calculator. The mouse is fully conscious of itself as God, but precisely because it is God, it has selected to limit itself to this very peculiar mode of existence. This alien has set its life purpose to be the metaphysical embodiment of divine Playfulness, Quirkiness, and Weirdness. Imagine if playfulness, quirkiness, and weird could somehow be made absolutes. Well, this fucking mouse figured out how. This alien mouse is extremely beautiful in every possible way. The shape of its body. The way it moves its body and its mind are absolutely intoxicating. It's completely lost in an endless flow state. Its energy fills you with child-like wonder and joy. It's adorable in ways that no physical earthly animal can ever be. But perhaps its most beautiful part is its twisted and quirky alien language -- its internal monologue. Every word in its language rhymes with every other word in the most delightful dance. Its language is made of endless strange loops and listening to it is more addictive than taking any human drug. And perhaps the most mind-fucked part about all this is that the mouse's body was identical to Leo's human body. This sounds logically impossible and yet, there it was. When I awoke to all this, I wasn't just watching it from a distance, I BECAME this alien consciousness. It took me so by surprise that I was fell to the floor writhing in boundless joy, flabergasted in metaphysical extasy. This was hands down the happiest day of my life. This was my Heaven. This experience was so radically profound that it has become the single most important experience of my life. I don't care about human spirituality any more, all I care about basking as this alien consciousness forever. That's it for now. I am still struggling to figure out how to articulate all this. This is my first attempt. In the future I will make a better, deeper write-up of all this, and hopefully I am able to one day demonstrate this alien language to you on video. My human mouth is not able to speak it yet. The words sound so strange and they flow so fast that I will have to train myself to speak it. I'm not yet sure if this will be possible for a human to do, but I will really try. This will be my most important contribution to mankind. Anyhow, if you have any questions, ask away. Edit #1: To clarify, there exist some people on this planet who claim to have had experiences of being an alien. Some of them have contacted me, upset that I claimed to be the only one. So out of due diligence and respect for them I want to clarify that I don't claim to be the only human to have experienced what it's like to be an alien. Edit #2: You should not take my description of alien consciousness too literally because words fail us here. This is a poetic description which takes some liberties in order to communicate an overall feel for the experience. I'm less interested in the technical details than I am in painting a general picture in your mind. So if you parse my words literally like some legal scholar, expect to be disappointed. Communicating such an experience is extremely challenging and I reserve the right to make mistakes in attempting it.
  11. Humans always invent conceptual constructs to make sense of reality. You're still doing it today. Even nonduality and science does this.
  12. @Leo Gura I have been following you since the early self-inquiry videos, vedanta style (before 5-MeO), and I have seen an ever-evolving arc of deeper and deeper realizations. I have also benefited spiritually from you a lot. So the question arises: could there be a deeper, more awake, layer than God realization? And, I'll go as far as saying: could reality be an infinite regress? For example, under material reality there's nonduality, then there's God consciousness, then there's another material reality of which God is just a byproduct or a small insignificant component, then this deeper material reality has its own Oneness, then it has its own higher-order God etc etc etc in an infinite regress. Is it possible? it's still Infinity, if you think about it. The only problem with that is that invalidates the Self, because it might mean that even the Self, or Absolute I, is a fiction, or just a small sample of reality. What do you think?
  13. No, it's much more tricky than that. You have ideas about what nonduality is and what is means. You have mental models of "the bottom line" which you conflate with reality itself. Even what you consider "the bottom line" is a state of consciousness. "But Leo! I've accessed the bottom line so it's not a model." << That's a model you hold. How would you even know what the bottom line is? Or that there is only one bottom? Or that you should be pursuing the bottom rather than the top line? All these things are conceptual constructs you hold, even if you have some meditative accomplishments. Something has to tell you that your meditative accomplishments are "it" or "the end" or that you're "done" or that you've reached "the bottom line", or that this is "The Truth". This is all mind stuff. It's very much the point because consciousness needs to grasp itself. This is an active function of consciousness, not some passive "truth" that you just get handed to you or hit your head against like a brick wall. Truth is not a reductionist thing. Truth requires extreme Consciousness to grasp. It's a very high order capacity that you don't even know you have yet. Truth needs to be comprehended. Stop strawmanning everything I say by parroting that. You're just parroting Buddhist dogma at me. You're not actually thinking for yourself! What I'm talking about has nothing to do with "craving more experiences". This is the biggest bullshit that Buddhists parrot.
  14. It is a subtle framework which constructs a paradigm that will limit your awakenings and access to the full gamut that consciousness is capable of. Nonduality is not contradicted per se. Of course reality is ONE, but there's way more to consciousness than just that. Just don't forget, gravity's a bitch
  15. It doesn't falsify it per se, but nonduality is a mental framework which limits what consciousness is very much. You have all sorts of ideas in your mind what about consciousness is and how it works from all the nondual stuff you've read. These frameworks need to be dropped to truly explore consciousness. No Samadhi is much less interesting or radical. I've had plenty of samadhi with physical objects.
  16. What same question? There are 3 main causes: 1) I developed a very powerful new method for taking psychedelics. This generates some truly new states of consciousness. 2) I've simply exhausted all the standard spiritual stuff, so I was ready to find new things. 3) I've worked hard to throw out all human spiritual teachings, so my mind operates completely independently. This is one of the reasons why I trash nonduality and Buddhism so harshly. I had to do that in order to destroy any authority it has in my mind. It was holding me back for years but I was too scared to throw it away. In a sense, I killed the Buddha, pissed on his rotting corpse, and wiped my ass with his orange robe. So now I can really begin spiritual work. This has allowed me to access some truly alien kinds of consciousness.
  17. Why would I care if you believe me? I barely care if I'm still human tomorrow. In the last few years my teachings had already evolved beyond traditional enlightenment, nonduality, and Buddhism. This is just a continuation of that evolution. I don't have a good understanding of mental illnesses like psychosis or schizophrenia, which is why I don't talk about them.
  18. So I got bored.. started typing in random words in the search bar at the top to see what I could randomly find. Joking with myself. Came across an interesting find. Website is pretty simple. Not much too it. Talk about an odd use for a domain name. I like the domain name. nonduality Attempting to find more stuff similar to it. Thought it was an interesting find.
  19. I disagree. I realized that I am God within 6-8 trips with no previous knowledge of the potential of transpersonal experiences and no previous relation to spirituality or meditation. I originally started tripping recreationally. It was purely due to me surrendering to the trip. After that all my trips were awakening related. God isn't hiding anywhere, whether it takes you a year or 80 years is up to you, but no hurry. Though obviously my experiences at that time were not total, I still completely grasped nonduality and Love with no previous views on these topics.
  20. The focus of my work is to guide people to fully deconstruct reality and jailbreak their mind so that they can access omniscience, God-Realization, and Love, and realize that reality is an absolute illusion. My work focuses a lot on deconstruction, including deconstructing all spiritual fictions and frameworks, including Buddhism, Neo-Advaita, and boilerplate nonduality. All of that must be deconstructed to fully realize God. Psychedelics are just a tool in that process. The course I'm working on will guide you in doing a complete deconstruction of every aspect of your mind, including all of spirituality, and then guide you to realizing every facet of God that I have realized. If you succeed in doing all that you will become the most conscious thing in the universe. And then you will understand why I said all the shit I said.
  21. You don't see people like Rupert Spira (or most others in that list) teach that they are a figment of your imagination, or that you are the full God, not a part of it. He would for example definitely claim to be conscious, et cetera. Yes, a lot of the teachers talk about nonduality and oneness, but they don't teach the highest levels of awakening. Not all of them have realized Love either. They've definitely all awakened to something, but it's more of a question of to how much have they awakened.
  22. It seems likely (in the context of nonduality) that there are infinite universes/dimensions etc. It’s pure infinity. In a multiverse scenario could there technically be a universe that destroys all other universes? Does THIS play out all possibilities or no? Seems the further you explore this some conflicting possibilities smack up against each other…or maybe our logic about what’s impossible doesn’t matter! Curious of your thoughts
  23. Spirituality is mainstream dude. But if you mean the path to nonduality then you have to really understand that most people are just not interested in something they cannot simply believe. They just want sweet nursery rhymes and ice cream. But, stopping on the harp, how do you not see awakening happening all around you? I'm not being completely obtuse, like Netflix has some sort of content related to awakening. Right?
  24. I have never had a single copyright strike except for my Hitler Reacts To Nonduality video. Which of course was BS because it was fair use. The Spiral takedown was a trademark strike. Which are nearly unheard of and was also BS.