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  1. @Loveeee Not sure I agree with this. I'm not saying astral projection/lucid dreaming etc are not valid practices but just based on people's reports of those things, they never lead to genuine insight. You can do all the astral projecting you want, but you're still ignorant about the nature of reality. I might say that these things are tangential to psychedelics, but ultimately psyches go way further and can lead to genuine spiritual transformation.
  2. Try connecting to angelic frequencies - their love will make you realise that you are love and that everything is love. First you’ll need to allow yourself to break and wail like a baby and then your heart will open to transformation.
  3. @Focus Shift Peopled Darkness: Perceptual Transformation Through Salvia Divinorum I haven't read it yeat but I'm awfully intrigued.
  4. ??? These are not friends. Friends don't do that. Have some self-respect and don't engage with people who treat you like that. My honest advice to you is to do get a good therapist. Your behavior (engaging in conversations, and even friendships, with people who put you down), indicates a lack of self-respect, boundaries, self-esteem, self worth, self-belief, all the good stuff. You have none of that, and the only way that would happen, is if your parents also treated you with little respect. There must have been some abuse or neglect in your relationship with them. You don't get past this simply by learning a different mindset or following somebody's advice. You do deep inner transformation, emotional labor, preferably guided by a professional. If you can pay out of pocket for that, I can point you to some people. Otherwise you're dependent on insurance. Hence, get a good therapist.
  5. You already quit for 2 months, it's very common to relapse atleast once before quitting for good, pretty much everyone does it so you did nothing wrong, it's just like having thoughts appear during meditation practice, it's not a mistake just a part of the process. The next step will be to give it another go, don't stop meditating just because a hindrance appeared, so to speak. If you want to get to the next level of well being quitting is foundational. It's a beautiful experience, it's ultimately a rebirth/rediscovery of your sober self, restoring the magic of the sober state and the healing of your body and mind. It's going to be an easy way for you to integrate some shadow aspects of your mind. Things will come up as you've already noticed and you'll be forced to learn how to deal with them properly, how to live with increased emotional instability for a while and learn to be okay with that. Quitting will increase your self acceptance and help you come to peace with yourself, it's a gradual process. Quitting is challenging at times but it's also a beautiful spiritual experience. It's a deep dive lesson in maneuvering your mind. Instead of doing psychedelics or chasing spiritual highs in other domains, quitting smoking could be your psychedelic of choice for 2 years, that's how you could approach it. Quitting smoking is more than meets the eye, it's a personal transformation which will have positive ripple effects in all areas of your life. The longer you're off it entirely the more time and space will be opened up for healthier recreation to take place and it only becomes a matter of time before your new pursuits bear more fruit than smoking ever could. At that point cravings have no impact, you start to see through the trick your mind is playing on you, you see smoking for what it is, it's never really as good as you think it is, that's an illusion. Your mind is tricking you to believe that other coping strategies won't compare to smoking, that it will be more rewarding to smoke than for example sober Vipassana practice or taking a walk in nature, or listening to music and cooking a healthy meal. You need to reprogram your mind in this regard. Your mind is tricking you by thinking about how good it would feel with a smoke etc, all of that's not true, smoking is not at all that pleasurable, you just think that it is and then your sober state feels bad because you're going through withdrawal alot of the time when you're not smoking. After a few months of abstaining the withdrawals will get significantly less severe and returning to smoking will become less and less tempting as it becomes clearer and clearer that it just leads to misery. Fatigue, phlegm, yes even cancer as you're aware of. It's not exactly heaven what's in store for you heading down that path. Smoking is like replaying that same song you heard a thousand times before, you know how the song goes already and at this point you're looking for cheap thrills. It's like a toxic relationship you know you should have ended a long time ago. It's keeping you stuck in a place of delayed growth. That's fine, but know that the growth and rewards you can achieve as a direct as well as indirect result of quitting smoking is more worth it than you probably think. You need to look at quitting smoking more as a way of growing and cultivating love in your life, not as merely avoiding disease down the line, although that's nice too. Sorry for the rant but I feel like you need it. You need to give it another shot or your 2 months were in vein.
  6. I don't recommend forcing it (in the long term), it's really about doing the healing work on yourself first, and awakening to your true Self as Love and the One/Infinity and you transform into that identity in your lived reality/consciousness. So the question is more of what would motivate you to awaken and live from that perspective? Often it's that the "old self" is simply outgrown and it's your time to transform your consciousness. Forcing selflessness when you don't truly feel this way might actually prolong the process of this transformation. But hey, you have eternity .
  7. @koyadr3 When I was your age and had soul-crushing social anxiety, made so many social errors that everyone hated me and I had no friends, and I couldn't talk to girls without freaking out, I got angry enough about my situation to bear the pain of changing it. This defeated attitude is what's going to repel women, much more than your height. Social anxiety and low self esteem have their roots in childhood trauma, they can be improved through practice + therapy. So on the one end, push yourself, and then on the other end, process your past. That's the formula for personal transformation. I know it's hard. But you can get laid, a lot, if you want to. You just can't do it with a victim attitude.
  8. Your life can be everything you wish it to be, and yet... You Are God. You Are Already Everything You Wish To Be. You Already Are. I can assure You that What You Are is far, far beyond what you could even imagine asking for. There You Are, beyond even your wildest dreams! Recall, for a moment, where you were 10 years ago. Do you even remember who that person was? Think of a picture of yourself from that time frame. Think of what you did around that time. Can you even believe that you are the person that you knew yourself to be a whole decade ago? Look who you are now. That person 10 years ago was special and beautiful and loved and magnificent and radiant in their own way, but look how far you have come. Could you ever have imagined that you would ever know what it is you know now? Could you ever have imagined that you would come this far? Take a moment to see how far you have come in this past year, in this past month, in this past week. Perhaps even in these past couple of days you have shifted into a newer, bigger, more expanded version of All That You Are. Not one single cell alive in your body today was in your body 10 years ago. The past 10 years have been a decade of transformation. If you were to get a picture of yourself from 10 years ago and put it next to a picture of you in your present, you would see the diffrence in your eyes. You would see the difference in your energy. You would see the difference in your awareness. Look at how much you have become. Have you realized all that has been given? Have you fully received all that has been given? Have you realized all that you have become? Have you fully received all that you have become? Have you really appreciated all that you have become, all that you have been given, and all that you are? Have you really realized the fullness of the transformation that has occurred? You Are God. Do you live your life like It? If not, that's okay. A transformation is still underway. A transformation has occurred. The past decade of your life has been about transformation. Transforming your beliefs, transforming your body, transforming your relationships, transforming your profession and career, and transforming how you relate in general—but ultimately transforming You. Every single thing in your life is about You, and Your relationships to all things in Your life are about You as well. How You relate to others; how You relate to your body; how You relate based on Your imaginary belief system. You’ve gone through an incredible transformation. Imagine that You are running a marathon and just as You're about to cross the proverbial finish line to self-actualization, There You Are! Waiting for You at the finish line with Your open arms out wide and the biggest, most loving smile on Your face; It’s none other than You, waiting for You at the finish line. You're almost there, just a couple more steps! You can see it now, and there You Are at the finish line. The grandest, most loving, most conscious, beautiful, magnificent version of You is waiting for You. It’s Your Soul. It’s Your Higher Self. It’s You and all parts of You. It’s You, the bright, beautiful Light that is You. The everpresent, Eternal Being that You Are, the Being of Light, the Being of Consciousness that You Are, is waiting for You. You’re just about there! A few more steps, and You’re going to pass through the barrier and breakthrough! There you will fall into the arms of none-other-than You. One more step! You're almost there! You’re almost in Your arms. You’re almost there. Go, you can do it! You can do it! Fall into the arms of You, laughing, crying, relieved, excited, Oh, there are no words. There are no words, You did it. You’re there! You did it. You did it! Now embrace Yourself, and Love Yourself, Love Yourself, Love Yourself. Look into Your eyes, fall into Your arms, melt into Your heart. You did it. The greatest challenge. Your incredible transformation is complete. You did it, and you did a wonderful job. You made it through a decade of transformation. You're here. How does it feel? You did it, and You're safe in your arms. You're free. You're home. You’re home, completely safe and fully free in your home. You did it. Wow. What an incredible decade this has been. What an incredible challenge. You have made it, and you can now look back at all the practice and all the training and all the prepar ing for this challenge. Remember the hours you spent, all of the adventures along the way, all of the memories, all of the joy, all of the love, all of the wisdom, all that you gained on the journey. Keep your heart and awareness open. Look at the magnificent Being that You have become. Take this time to appreciate everything. Take this time to be grateful. Take this time to appreciate everything You have been given. Take this moment to fully realize and recieve all it is that you have become, and are yet still Becoming. You are the actualization of Your own transformation. You Are Actualized!
  9. Yes, that could work. I love watching relatable journeys of transformation, many people do. But then you actually have to be willing to look stupid and film yourself not having answers to most of your questions yet. Figuring out what your "thing" will be should already be part of the journey. In other words: start now. If you make a video a week, then you also have a nice motivation to make progress at it.
  10. I heard it works but only if you're able to lower semen production in the first place, so it's not semen retention/accumulation(expect if it might have some weird occult use), it's having your sexuality redirected or maybe turned off but without suppressing or being tense otherwise it can be useful to do it, its demonized because pleasure is severely misunderstood and underestimated. I think people should learn to look at pleasure more neutrally, not associate it so much to psychology, you just do the same thing you do when you observe pain/discomfort/suffering, you have to be minimal in your suppression/transformation of any given pleasure to correctly understand it at it's purest level, easier to observe stable pleasures that tend not to change too much like food rather than lets say a hyper complex "pleasure" in a hyper horrific trauma experience, or the pleasure of solving a rubick cube. Complex memory/event/actions are both pain/pleasure so you need objective observation of both which can then require your observational self itself to have a strong integrated measure of equanimity between these two, if you disfavor or favor either one too much you'll be unable to see what either really is at the highest and "lowest"(fundamental) levels, you have people that demonize pain too obviously but pleasure is horrifically misunderstood because in a way it's "higher" and closer to love/imagination(logic for some people) while pain is "lower" and closer to the body/hate. It's a masculine/femininize(minimally socio psychological, but it's fully there) energy intelligence thing.
  11. Greetings, Ever since I have found and implemented some spiritual practices in my life, I have developed a pattern. One suffering comes my way, I will close up and reflect on it. It will take time energy to chew it, but I will always come blissfull on top of it, at the end of the day. I feel like my life is on fast forward. I am in a sea of desires and fears, so persistent, so large, yet so temporary and nonexistent. I underestand how to play with desire and fear a bit, mainly to relieve myself from them when needed. Yet, everything feels so intense, agitations become so amplified as well as pleasures. On top of that, whatever I experience, there is a layer of bliss behind it, but the feelings feel very real aswell, but not as real as they used to feel. It feels like I am on to something. But I have to keep going further. I also feel that mt values drift away further and further from the people I see everyday. But I trust myself more and more. I underestand more and more experientially that suffering is not your nature. I am very tempted to go deeper, to go to some point of no return. I want to do a vipassana retreat or a practice like that. I want to really get along with physical, emotional pain and existential dread. I want to experience the common beliefs society has (which pushes and pulls you to do certain things) for what they are. Outside nothing much has to change, but internally it would be a catasrophic difference. I want to establish a system or pattern of actions or way of being that just works. Your praise or blame does not affect it. Just living for it's sake is enough. It's acctually incomperhandable that reality exists. I don't want to be the bundle of toughts and emotions and think I am something great, I do not resonate with these ideas. Maybe it sounds egostic, but my whole life is egoistic. Living to justify my existence. That i am or am not something and that I do something ot the latter. Or to do what you do or to strive what you are striving for. I am married to my practice. It's all I want to do, there is nothing better to do after your survival needs have been met. My biggest wish for my life is to give me the highest freedom it can give. And here I am. It goes very deep guys. Your life will change with this. Hopefully for the better. There are things you will find on the way which I can't really talk about, and I am not even there yet. But I can be more intuitive, blissfull. Developed more trust in yourself and the world. Your life is less personal. Your past suffering doesn't mean basically anything to you. You have a reliable mechanism to relax and fight your depressions. Simple things feel more genuine. You feel a bit more romantic about death, and there is generally less fear about it. And you will for sure KNOW that you are something different (distinctly) than the body, mind or personality that you think you are. You will become more sielent, more self-sufficient. Less materialistic and more loving (most people.) Anger and boredom will reduce drastically, but you will feel it many times. It is also dangerous as you are flirting with solipsism. Your meanings and life-purpose will suffer, your relationships and sense of sekf worth will suffer. But these things anyway are a sinking ship. Better to come out earlier than later. Also you can go trough terrible experiences in being in cults etc. be careful of those. I almost went to India at one point. If you go alone and do it somewhat right, you will go very far. You can basically forget about what your peers are struggling (at least internally). The more you will grow the more you can grow and more possibilities are open to you. This means complete self-transformation in some sense. I see this is possible in a lifetime. I wish you to live abd become smarter and happier, leading to an ecstatic death experience as your last one. Best of luck.
  12. Ya, I'm aware of all that and how people need to do more than have these experiences. I'm just wanting to know how much those experiences in particular change people's lives. Actually. Practically. Or if it's literally just that during these experiences you see things more clearly, then the experience ends and you have to integrate it and nothing really changed except your recollection of what you saw (not saying that's nothing, just that your behaviors won't change without implementing what you saw). ... Come to think of it... I remember Ralston speaking about for some people, entire behavior patterns just instantly fall away (I think the video is called something like "Consider instant transformation"). But then others not.
  13. Love to hear & read all that. being part of your community and being able to learn directly has been the most profound driver of my growth over the past 6 years I've been around here. Excited to be part of this whole new experience & transformation. The team is here to help in any way we can
  14. It seems to vary a lot and is highly personal. The transformational aspects that may come are your decisions to make. From the ego perspective, it doesn't make sense to want such radical transformations so it would seem "unproductive". But actually, this planet could use more selfless awakened healers/leaders, so if your self-identity becomes about the collective then it actually makes perfect sense once you yourself are healed and able to give more than you receive from the ego standpoint (eg, where you start to live in the reality that by giving to another that you're giving to yourself, but with self-respect also). Awakening does not guarantee this path it takes more decision-making to reach that, but it certainly can if used for this purpose on top of understanding. Understanding to me goes hand in hand with transformation so it just depends on what you are personally inspired to do. Deep awakenings can inspire you to be dedicated to being an artist, conscious leader, saint, empathic healer, spiritual teacher, etc on this planet, or just a really good/generous person. But to actualize those things you still have to actually decide for such. Or you can still live out the rest of this life through the ego perspective if that is what you feel inspired to do and there's nothing wrong with that either, or "away from society", it just highly depends on the individual and where they are at in their evolution. Most people's immediate concern is to heal their own traumas and internal conflicts, and that already can improve their lives drastically for themselves and the world, and I would say a requirement for the next steps. However it can also disorient you for some time and cause you to change your work and life drastically. It is helpful to have some support in your life during the awakening process if you have the luxury of such. Some people can awaken a lot and not really change that much or change very slowly, others it can cause a total shift that the person you once knew is no longer. The glory and love from God should inspire you but it's not a simple process, the permanent dissolution of the ego is an arduous process and there are many layers of it for most beings and takes some time if you are not born awakened at a young age. But sometimes you just know that that's what you're meant for in this incarnation, whereas others have to go through a few things and come back to it. During this time it's not uncommon to go through bouts of depression, suicidal thoughts, doubts, etc. So one might seem to the world that one is going insane and "lost it". But you will come out the other side and have grown from it.
  15. "Much like the hermetically sealed alchemist's crucible, which when heated transforms base material into fabulous riches, the King as Center and as Transforming Vessel changes unintegrated psychological contents into the gold of personal and potentially global creative transformation." - Moore & Gilette I wish I could have the four "Within Books" on my bookshelf. I don't understand why such amazing books are out of print. I hope they come back one day.
  16. @iceprincess I flow in what the moment asks me. First is to use intuition and listen to what people need. If I feel that Leo stuff will help I share, sometimes I share a book that helped me in that issue or a link to a podcast pr a music video. No worries of someone grow more than you. I would feel happy if any one in my influence circle could experience mystical states and experience deep transformation in their lifes. The more happy and healty people are around me better everything is. Fixing selfishness. That could be the title of a SelfHelp book.
  17. Yeah, I figured out what I need to do, thanks to "our" ferrari Mind.. I just gotta do Stage Turquoise shit, to install the wisdom from Mind to Body. If you really want that, go study something called quantum linguistics. it's the same thing that they use in hypnotherapy.. --- @UDT Thanks! Yeah, I'm Doing Transformation Coaching.
  18. How old are you? I heard a Turquoise Guru saying there happens a transformation for someone, every around 20 years or something like that.. I was born Green, at 21y.o. I reached Yellow,, what I mean is, you'll reach yellow really easy, don't worry about it, Just keep doing what your doing! I love that. <3
  19. What sport or exercise benefits you the most? Curious on how it's helped you -mental health, body transformation, achievement? Do you feel like sport/exercise is a big part of your personal journey? I've been drawn to a lot of different exercise the past few years. For the past year I've been weight lifting in attempts to improve my physique, but recently slowed down on that and picked up martial arts again (bjj and boxing). I feel like it's benefited me massively in general happiness, fitness, gave me an outlet, and actually showed me that I'm capable of learning something. Hbu?
  20. Honestly, I don't care anymore whether these are SSRI’S or not .the thing is they work . I don’t know if depression can be cured in all people. What i do know is my life changed for the better substantially since my doc prescribed to me these medications. That was five months ago. I have felt real good ever since. I learned how to get myself better. Also Mindfulness helped me a ton . and like I said I don't take them anymore.. if i miss on dose of my meds? Depression is back? He'll no. The transformation i underwent just by finding a nice blend of three drugs is incredible. I learned happiness. Joy. Peace. I feel that almost every day. I do not choose to worry about my dependence. My depression has alot to do with a chronic disease diagnosis when i was young. I take insulin every day. Adding the anti-depressant dependency? None of us are perfect. I don’t mind the dependencies that keep me alive.
  21. To me personally the energy of Andrew Tate comes across as a foolish infant who is not yet able to understand that he is only fucking himself over all the time by fighting his personal reality and exploiting others for his selfish gain. But I did not expect such a large percentage of human males would be so easily conditioned into believing that it might be beneficial to follow that type of example. I guess it all comes down to what you choose (or have been taught) to define as 'success', desirable, wisdom and freedom. Your definitions, expectations, thoughts, emotions and behaviours are the result of what you choose to believe and therefore create your reality by. I view the current state of our human civilisations indicative of the lack of proper spiritual guidance, education and true wisdom. It is my wish and I trust that the example of Andrew Tate will katalyse many into the next level of their spiritual development by at least wanting to go or actually choosing their own unique path to more liberation from the collective insanity in which they are born. In my eyes Andrew Tate is unconsciously embodying this desire for true freedom we all inherently feel are able to create. Similar to the phenomenon of how all kinds of 'conspiracy theories' seem interesting to the ones who are beginning to awaken to the true nature of reality and the self, which will be naturally transcended when more consciousness or wisdom is integrated. I truly invite anyone who reads this to honestly explore what your definition of success is. In order to firstly discover how much you have actually been conditioned into believing all that nonsense and by whom, and secondly to go way deeper into yourself and initiate or continue the most direct and fulfilling contact and relationship with your true divine nature. Once established and more often chosen to trust the intuitive guidance you may experience, you will naturally realise the absurdity of following someone else because they might have once symbolised within your consciousness the qualities you desire to embody. All that you perceive is coloured, or limited by your belief systems, you attract what you believe is possible and about yourself. The main reason I do feel attracted to Leo's type of communication is not the contents of the wisdom he shares, because that is very similar to what I have learned in my own personal path of spiritual enlightenment, but the attitude he brings as a reflection of the wake up call so many obviously need nowadays. Leo is a nice reminder to keep following my own truth and path in these challenging times of collective transformation. Do you want to pursue the illusions of this world or are you ready for the next dimension of experience? Much love ?
  22. I hear you. Life can be hell even before awakening, but that is nothing compared to feeling flooded with the love and glory of God, only to be cast out of the holy presence like Lucifer. Especially when you didn't do anything wrong!?! After falling what seems like forever through the void, God catches you again, and this time there is an even deeper awe. The resonance with your ultimate nature is at a higher frequency. You realize that the psyche has become thinner than it was before, from the grinding darkness of the void, and the light of God shines through more brightly still. The banishment turns out to be an act of divine love, and what you needed all along. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend "Dark Night of the Soul", especially the translation and commentary by Mirabai Starr: This is a path of annihilation of the ego. But we must first be brought home to ourselves before we can bear to see our nothingness before God…It is less for those who are struggling to find themselves than it is for the ones who have a clear sense of self and are ready to purify it… This is a path for those who use their suffering as a tool for transformation. In the dark night of each soul, we are simultaneously annihilated and immeasurably strengthened.
  23. I have got far more transformation, value and success working with my own coach than the initial icf training I took and books I have read.❤️ The bar for entry is very low to get into coaching and getting higher to actually make it and succeed at it. Ontological coaching is far one of the deepest modalities and being a great coach demands a lot of inner work.
  24. Meditation is my mainstay. It is like judo training for the mind. You reach the point where thoughts and emotions, no matter how apparently urgent, are allowed to flow through without grasping or resistance. They are realized to be energy patterns, nothing more. From awareness, any action required by the present moment is clearly seen. You no longer lose yourself in the melodrama of the mind. It is an amazing transformation. While life continues to throw challenges your way, they are no longer a problem, but a tempering force for deeper growth. Eventually no matter what winds blow, you are a still flame. Recommended reading: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer The Mind Illuminated by John Yates 10% Happier by Dan Harris That said, don't worry about falling back. It happens to most of us, and is actually the pathway forward. There is a French expression, reculer pour mieux sauter, which means taking a step back to jump farther forward. Both personal and cosmic evolution have regressive cycles which lead to higher states of transcendence. All part of the conscious journey.
  25. Tulsi Gabbard, who was previously allied with Bernie Sanders and identified as progressive, is now a contributor on Fox News, working with Tucker Carlson, who has extreme far right views. How could someone shift their political beliefs so dramatically in such a short time?