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  1. If this was truth, then there is no hope for anyone, if their belief or present experience is that of suffering immensely, and that is where they "should" be right now then what is the point of anything, where is the possibility, might as well not be alive is suffering is inevitable and that is that, nothing to do about it lol. Yes one must accept things as they are right now, if Your feeling suffering then that is the way it is, but acceptance does not mean you want it to be this way or that nothing can be done about it. Who wants to suffer, really? No one wants to suffer, we are designed to live at higher levels of Pleasureable experiences, everything about us works better when in a pleasureable state like Bliss, so that is the point of it all, one may never get to a point of Bliss, but at the minimum they can be at Peace within themselves as a natural experience, compared to suffering every moment of the lives like many are doing now...
  2. Like You said here, the opposite path leads you to hell, what is hell? Hell represents suffering, Truth represents Bliss, or intense pleasure, pleasure not in the sense of eating a ice cream cone or having a favorite meal, Pleasure in the sense of feeling fulfilled, complete and intensely alive. There is one equation in Life, gain as much Pleasure/Joy/Bliss vs avoiding as much pain and suffering as you can, most all your choices come from this fundamental. You respond to posts because not responding is more unpleasant, this equation is happening every second for every decision you make, just try it now after reading this post, observe your reaction to it and see what need comes up in your mind in how to respond, then resist it, see what happens...
  3. Question: How can one conquer sleep? Mataji: Sleep cannot be conquered, yet under certain conditions, the need of sleep vanishes of itself. When you are keenly interested in something you do not feel sleepy, on the contrary, you remain wide awake without any effort; but afterwards you get a reaction and have to make up for your loss of sleep. When you have not slept enough you cannot do good work. On the other hand sound sleep refreshes you. At least a few out of the twenty-four hours of each day must be spent in sleep, otherwise you feel tired and wretched. Why? During deep sleep the activities of the senses are at rest, and moreover although still covered by the veil of ignorance, you touch your Self. Unless this happens at least once a day, you cannot endure life; it becomes an ordeal. This is so for the average person. However, as one progresses in sadhana, the senses get more and more rest and one draws nearer to one's Self. In proportion to the discovery of one’s Self, the necessity of sleep decreases. When the Self has been realized, when one has become absorbed in the bliss of the Self, then there is no more question of work, of experience or of sleep, because there is only the ONE! Then sleep will not exist for you anymore, you will have gone beyond it. This is why I begin by saying, sleep is not conquered, it ceases of itself. Nevertheless, it is also true that a yogi may conquer sleep by the Divine Energy that awakens in him through his yoga. But for the àtmànishtha, established in the Self, the question of sleep can no longer arise. The amount of sleep a person requires depends on various factors. When tamas predominates one needs more sleep, and also when the body is weak or unhealthy. The kind of food one eats also has a bearing on the amount of sleep that is required. Question: How is one to know whether one sleeps too much out of laziness or because the body needs it because of weakness. Mataji: if you watch yourself carefully you will soon find out. - As the Flower Sheds its Fragrance, p100. Diary Leaves of a devotee Atmananda on Ma Anandamayi.
  4. Love its quite simple, an Emotion, a strong sense of pleasure, you feel it because of the Oxtocycin in your Brain, mostly triggered by subject/object attraction then something clicks in your brain, the hormone is released and you feel a great connection with other. Being Loving is another thing all together, its you expressing what You are feeling within Yourself, which is where all experience and feeling comes from, Love is not about the other, its just stimulated by the other for most. You want Love to feel Bliss, if Love made You feel pain and suffering then you wouldn't want it...
  5. There are others, other bodies, other minds, we as Humans just have the ability to feel/experience Oneness, in a physical way we show by hugging, cuddling, and other such acts, but actors do this all the time with others but have no personal or real feelings towards the others, its just an experience Your having, which is good and fine, just don't make it about "I". When I went thru these states it was just about having Bliss, having Oneness of Experience, everything is me, I am everything, then trying to share it, either one takes it in and accepts it or doesn't, that doesn't involve me. Only in the realm of Oneness, where all possibility exists, there is no individuality there, but here there is, we just have the capability of making our fundamental experience that of Oneness, will still embodied and dealing with everyday life and having to survive another day...
  6. @Scholar You only want Love because it is pleasurable, you avoid pain because it causes suffering over time, non pleasureable, Peace is 0 on a scale of 0-10 on the pleasure scale of intensity, Love is about 7, Bliss is 9, Esctasy is 10, devotion is above Love, its 8 I would say:)
  7. @Davino Well yes but its not the Ego directly that is the problem, its believing or experience it as You, so we have to get more fundamental, if all of us had no Ego, then how would you deal with other ppl, other personalities and identities and situations, its bad enough as it is, but with no ego's, I don't know really how it would be, its a tool and something to use to function in society better, I think either if we had no ego then we would be in a sense of oneness and bliss all the time and our species would not have survived this long or it would have continued to be chaos and such war like environments all the time everywhere and hence again would would not have survived as long..What is saving us is laziness, ppl are addicted to media, internet, entertainment and drugs/Booze, it causes problems but the vast majority are out of touch and do nothing with their lives, hence why we have a lonliness problem as well...
  8. You guys are making great point and I’m enjoying this conversation. I think you’re absolutely right about psychedelics, they are limited and can create all kinds of delusion. There is something very pure about natural sober awakening. It’s nice and slow, stable and clean. Now, this does not discount Love at all. You can awaken and merge into reality, realize you are imagining it as God. You are the creator. Okay, so why? Why this whole thing? It’s just for the Universe or Being to experience itself. To know itself. What about the joy of this evolution, the bliss of this evolution, the Love of this process? You think Jesus was deluded when he preached about Love? How about all the other highest mystics who mention this as the ultimate structure of reality. None of them tripped and came to the same conclusion. Metaphysical Love is undeniable. It might not be the whole thing and there are certainly other aspects of awakening. But if you can’t acknowledge Love as the point of all this. The highest realization. You’re missing something vital
  9. You know how everyone like to talk about how everything's already perfect and love, well don't worry to much we are also already in hell, ANY suffering no matter how lame, weird, unique or how small is "hell", we are already in hell too, we just don't take small sufferings seriously, we only need to learn that ANY suffering is "bad", real and valid, like fearing the color blue, the true confusion does emerge because suffering only exists because of "pleasure" but pleasure can exist without pain or suffering and hence we forget suffering, the trick here is to complete our personal stories/journeys where all your personal pleasures merge so harmoniously that they loopback into creating a true unique "ego", identity/identifier which has the advantages of the form of "suffering" without suffering, this enables multiple different supreme beings to exist at the same time in an individualized and interactable domain. Even bhudda or whoever anyone looks up to as the most supreme CANNOT handle even a single moment of an ant's SMALLEST suffering, they CAN however enjoy an ant's bliss while a less developed being might not, in other words for an ant having to move 1 cm extra due to an obstacle might be an infinitively small "pain/suffering" due to the extra energy required to process the obstacle created by that slight extra movement for a "supreme being" a 1 cm movement is also just as "horrific" even though they ARE supreme and for them that would be even TRILLIONS of time less infinite suffering(like billions of times easier than moving a finger) they would still choose not to suffer it, the point is we are only going to get "somewhere" different with joy/pleasure/bliss, if that 1 cm movement can be like the enjoyment of a dance then perhaps it has some value now, so it DOES not matter how silly a suffering is, at that given time and state it is utterly real same as any silly and even "evil" pleasures, evil gets more complex but it's basically the same thing but we'd have to understand both bliss/love and suffering at the same time to truly get "evil". That said this all just a real story for fun.
  10. Suffering "shouldn't" exist because it self nullifies, therefore all there is is "love/bliss", since that clearly is not the truth since anyone alive does experience suffering it means that suffering exists only because of love not in spite of it, suffering cannot exist on it's own and does not, love does exist on it's own at least as an "imagination" that it is drawn from. Because love can exist on it's owns it doesn't need something "more", or more quantity of it or to evolve. Therefore this love we are experiencing is the horror of extra infinity, the creation of an "extra love", the possibility of impossibility, in other words one of the only things that are impossible are occurring here, an infinity that goes beyond infinity, which by definition is impossible yet we suffer, suffering does not exist by itself it's always mixed up in love. Perhaps it's this extra love which hurts the "other" loves, quantity and time are the manifestations of extra infinity/love, since having and being more than infinity is an impossible concept, extra infinity comes in and grants us the impossibility which is called suffering, while it's true it cannot exist on it's own, when "mixed" with love it forms the connection from one love to another different love, when you have "two" loves the suffering has done it's job as if it never existed in the first place as suffering is likely the product of "pure" conceptual difference between to initially different types of love. Then likely comes EXTRA extra infinity because if everything was just being assimilated "perfectly", or one to one, one at a time, so 1 love and another love mixing and creating suffering out of their attempt at connecting and becoming "more" than love, "more" than perfection which is also impossible this creates a more than 1 suffering at a time situation. Therefore it is not only possible to have more than "one perfect love" it is possible to have more than one love and more than one suffering at a given time therefore creating not just a difference in forms but also time which then explains both infinity, forms, quantity, types, stories, dualities, asymmetries and finity. I realized people like/understand the word suffering much more than pain, my bad since English's my second language I didn't realize it was so strongly associated with bodily suffering because I've only recently came out of a 15 year long chronic bodily(and emotional) torture that started round 15 years of age, getting "unfairly" tortured by life in several different ways without actually dyeing while continually regenerating from it while being "spiritual" and actually trying to understand reality and what's happening to you works as a pretty powerful "psychedelic" energy wise, this of course is just another story, suffering isn't needed, for now, I'll wait for the ultimate infinite impossibility where suffering is somehow truth, probably already the case, at least the form of suffering but not it's feeling.
  11. I think they are facets of our being. Bliss feels different than love. IMO Love is not liberation. It feels good, sure. But there are higher dimensions. The more higher on the ladder you go, the more liberation. Until total dissolution happens. Love means someone is being united with other. There is still duality. IMO, in Love There is still a Self. A Self experiencing Love, which might feel really good, but still Self. Still a trace of subtle suffering and compression. Still not total dissolution. (This is my experience, take this with a grain of salt. Also my experience of Love might be different from yours. At the end of the day we are dealing with the limitation of words here).
  12. Well among other readings I am doing these days and making art and editing y new commom book, I want to share that I am taking time to make my own summaries of the Videos I most like, not in a particular order, just the ones that I fell conect with some insigth that vibes with my daily life topics Since I was imersed in my Commombook builting I remembered to check the video about it and also the video about Content vs Structure. this one below : So what i think is nice to do is to make a summary for yourself. why? because maybe I f I would make to someone else I would have the tendency to adapt it to capture most of the examples he gives in the video, I personaly dont need all the content of one video. sometimes what really get are one or another highligth I will of course not post in the forum all summaries I do . I just sharing this just to give one ideia : my Summary end up filling a small page in I will post here. Probably some videos are unsummarizable (for example the video WHAT IS ACTUAL) because are more a guided meditation and not a explanation of conceptual ideias , my guess: Content /Structure Dvd disc (Structure) vs Data on it (Content) English Language (Structure) Stuff writen or thougth is Content built with English structure Event (Srructure of it ) vs (Contents of the Event) Dreams (Structure) vs (Houses,people, dogs…) Movies (Structure) vs (Content ) "You can wake up from a dream by changing content withing a dream, by going to talk with people, catching books, buying a house.. You break up from it by realizing that there is a metalevel in it, you see something so weird going on that you shift attention from the content and you realize the structure and then you BING, ah I am dreming!! And you wake up" Going Meta is needed to see the structures, a steping back to see better the dimentions of it The ideia is be able to see the Underlining Structure of Things, not getting wrap-up in the content Going Meta on Science: Seeing the Structure of it Going Meta on Religion: No see the content but underline structure of all religions (Ideology,Dogma, Authority figures) Reality is Nested Structures Differences in content distracts from seeing the sameness in the structure Examples of this point: Christianity and Islamism (different contents but same structure) Atheist and Theist (Both belive they are rigth and the other is wrong) Start Studying the Structure of Consciouness and dont get lost in Content. The content if a Infinite Sea. Like a fish in the ocean not able to go Meta and undestand the Whole Stucture of the Sea STUDY THE STRUCTURE OF YOU MIND: Projection Denial Ideology Clinging to Ideias and Beliefs Confirmation Bias CheeryPicking Paradigmes Question Begging Self-bias Justification Moralization Group- Think Conformity Cult-psycology Judgement Demonization Ego Emotions Meaning making and storytelling Roles you play Posing You biggest problem is Happiness (it cant be solved on the level of content since all you can add as content will not make longlast change Happines is a Structural Problem, Go meta here and change the Structure of your psyque. Even a Psycadelic brings Bliss Content but after with no change in your structure the effects fade away and you are back to your default structure. Psycadelics is to show the Structure so you go and do the Work on the Structure so you get the fruits. Whatever you go there you are, you take your structure with you, your mindset, habits all..
  13. @BlessedLion dont let the realization of Love as the nature of reality prevent you from doing the apprenticeship. I also was enlightened via meditation- and the realization of Love was nowhere. And i had 4 to 5 back to back massive awakenings. Yet they were all Love without it being said. Leo claims Bliss is different from Absolute Love - it is not.
  14. @Circassia To Rostov All is one. You are god and you are everybody else. It is the monad, brahman, and Dao. Separation is an illusion. The duality reduces to the monad. You may get reincarnated and go back in time and be your current sibling, friend, coworker, parent, etc. So they are you at this very moment. This applies to all of history. Another thought is maybe in some other dimension we actually volunteer for experiences like torture. It may be the most sought after reincarnation. Another thought is dualism and the two black and white fishes going around in the yin yang symbol. So after infinite reincarnations, 50% of them are bad and 50% of them good. It all averages out. The torture will be balanced by euphoria and bliss. Stop thinking and live. Just be. You are mentally masturbating yourself and avoiding the real work. All is distraction. The Hindu Maya. Follow the Hindu Lila. Good luck!
  15. Suffering is Unwillingness. Bliss is willingness. Learn to love discomfort but don't make an identity out of it.
  16. What god are we talking about? A subject god? A person god that can suffer? A god that feels? A god that carries biological intents? A god that imagines humans? Or a god that creates the universe and humans losing itself in it as one? A god that is a vessel for experience? A god that is the experience? A god that is pure being devoid of emotion? Or a god that somehow acquired emotion and projected it onto a universe simulation? A god that forgets? A partial god? Complete god? What even is a complete god? What is not god? Are emotions part of god any more than forms? Is the mental aspect more god than the form aspect? Are we god? Are we a subset of god? Are we a simultaneous multi-projection of god? Does base god even have emotion? Does base god even carry understanding? Does base god remember? Does it learn? Does it already know everything? Is it evolving? What's the nature of this God? How did it acquire its first forms? How did all forms evolve? What is this mental qualia of desire and emotion, suffering and bliss?
  17. Sri Ma’s Special Directives for advanced Spiritual Aspirants In order to advance towards Self-Realisation, it is absolutely necessary for an aspirant to yearn constantly for his sublime goal. He should practice sadhana regularly, whether he feels in a mood for it or not. To criticize people or to feel hostile towards anyone harms oneself and puts obstacles into one’s path to the Supreme. If someone does something bad, you should feel nothing but affection and benevolence towards him or her. Think, ‘Lord ! This is also one of Thy manifestations.’ The more kindly and friendly you can feel and behave towards everybody, the more will the way to the One – who is goodness itself – open out. Take care not to be contented at any stage. Some aspirants have visions, others realizations. Or, someone experiences bliss, great happiness and thinks he has himself become God. On the spiritual path, before true Realisation supervenes, one may get caught in supernatural powers (vibhutis or siddhis). These constitute obstacles. The positive proof that the aspirant is centred in God is that he ceases to hate any person or object, and that good qualities such as love, forgiveness, patience, forbearance go on increasing in him. When this change takes place in an aspirant, he will come to see that the One Brahman pervades each and every form, all sects, creeds. An aspirant should not indulge in useless conversation or gossip, but speak only when it is really necessary, which means that he must be a man of few words. Try and try again to reach the goal you have set before yourself. So long as Realisation does not come, you must never relax your efforts. Let this be your firm resolve. In the quest of Self-Knowledge, Love is the crucial factor. Whether it pleases you or not, you will have to make the Eternal your constant companion, just like a remedy that has got to be taken. Without loving God, you will not get anywhere. Remember this all the time. -Ma Anandamayi. Meeting with Sages and Saints. Compiled by Sri V.Ganesan.
  18. @Princess Arabia @Thought Art So you have never suffered I guess? Because stop believing the nonsense that you are princess arabia or thought art. That's the character 'God' is playing. The character can NOT suffer because the character is a fucking mental object/illusion/projection. It is not real. Is like you say a washing machine can suffer. So here´s the thing. If you come to a place of recognition that your ego is not a thing, is just a mental concept you love to play around like a wildcard, the only REAL shit that exists is You/God/Awareness. So now inspect all your life and see if it has been suffering at any moment. If answering YES, then there you go, I just proved to you that God can suffer. Because you are fucking God, right fucking now. There is No such a thing as princessarabia/thought art as an 'ego' or as an 'human' and then God 'up there' in the 'truth dimension'. Stop playing these twisted identity games. You are always the Real thing. Now. The 'Real thing' can be identified with thoughts and indeed suffer. Good points. In my view suffering is 'just' God having a hard time with the grandiosity it created. We are in the process of knowing how to handle this creation. I´m Bliss but I can get myself in a mess ... @Water by the River Of course, I´m not denying that. 🙏 What I mean is Like I said to @Princess Arabia and @Thought Art is that the 'Real Thing' can be identified with thoughts (in a contracted, ego like state of consciousness) and indeed suffer. Ego or human can not suffer because human body and mind are simply biological objects. They do not have existential reality at all Is like saying a knee can suffer. Or a cell can suffer. Or a neuron can suffer. No such a thing. Only what Is Real, is Alive, and Exists can suffer
  19. I think you're speaking about purity/clean state when you close your eyes, it is like heaven and bliss, you see endless action or whatever you imagine in its purity. This is not the highest state!! It is something like an ascended master state, or perfect human being state. Your highest state is a small point of infinite awareness in nothingness, and endless emptiness no matter where you look. Just as haidakhan babaji said that he was nothingness. Probably that's why you don't understand the things that i say.
  20. No, you are bliss itself. The moment you tap into it your delusions that suffocate you relaxes.
  21. There is a lot of talk going on about astral journeys nowadays. People lie down and just imagine that they are flying here and there; that is not it. That is just hallucination. What is being referred to as astral travel is, leaving the physical body, mental body, energy body and the bliss body intact, and just allowing the etheric body to float around. This means you can still conduct your physical activity in the world because your physical body, mental body and energy body are intact. That is a certain kind of mastery. Physical body, mental body and energy body are physical. Bliss body is totally beyond the physical. Etheric is a transitory energy, it is neither physical nor beyond – it is a transition. Etheric body is not something that you can touch unless you are in a certain level of sadhana and intensity within yourself. You cannot just psyche yourself into it. It needs enormous sadhana for a person to do that.
  22. Precisely Or you melt into Infinite Bliss. (Enlightenment)
  23. Why Am I Depressed - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Depression Epidemic of Depression: Leo outlines depression as a widespread issue, particularly in developed nations, where there is a notable increase in depressive symptoms among the population. Blunt Diagnosis: He suggests that the underlying reason for most instances of depression is not clinical or genetic but rather rooted in "bad psychology," encouraging non-clinical cases to take responsibility for their mental state and personal development. Clinical vs. Psychological Causes: While Leo acknowledges the existence of clinical depression that may require medical treatment, he insists that even in these cases, psychology plays a crucial role and should not be overlooked. Responsibility for Personal Happiness: Leo emphasizes the importance of self-responsibility over victimhood, stressing that individuals have significant control over their psychological state, which influences their level of happiness. Genetics and Happiness Set Point: He references studies showing that around 50% of happiness is genetically determined, but maintains that addressing one's mindset and psychological software is vital. Self-Absorption Leads to Depression: Leo identifies excessive self-identification and ego as major influences on depression. He suggests that a self-absorption tendency deeply ingrains negative thought patterns and contributes to a negative self-image. Negative Subconscious Beliefs: He posits that beliefs about oneself held on a subconscious level, originating from past experiences or trauma, can perpetuate depressive states. Relationship Struggles as a Depression Factor: Leo discusses how relationship issues, stemming from insecurities and the need for external approval, can exacerbate depression. Meditation and Present-Moment Focus: He advocates for meditation as a practical tool for addressing depression, claiming that consistent meditation fosters presence and can significantly alleviate depressive symptoms. The Illusion of Ego and Enlightenment: Leo explains that grasping the illusory nature of the ego is an advanced concept tied to enlightenment and meditation, which could lead to a deeper understanding of depression's roots. Real Happiness through Egolessness: Leo emphasizes that genuine happiness is a natural state when the ego is removed, and that feelings of depression vanish in the present moment when one taps into this state. Persistence in Meditation Practice: For those new to meditation, initial discomfort is normal. Leo suggests starting small and gradually increasing the practice to reach moments of pure happiness. Depression as a Self-Created State: Emphasizing the importance of introspection, Leo argues that much of our depression is self-created and that true happiness comes from within, not from external sources. Value-Based Living: Depression can be exacerbated by living out of alignment with one's core values; addressing this can reduce feelings of guilt and procrastination which fuel depressive tendencies. Authenticity as a Cure for Depression: Inauthentic behavior and people-pleasing contribute to depression. Leo encourages living authentically and understanding that fulfillment is inherently internal. Introspection to Combat Depression: Leo insists on repeated exposure to the idea that one's ego and inauthenticity are at the root of depression, advocating for personal responsibility and acceptance. Meditation as a Daily Necessity: Stressing the importance of meditation, Leo recommends daily practice to manage depressive symptoms, treating it as essential for wellbeing. Exercise as an Antidepressant: Citing research, Leo promotes physical exercise for its effectiveness in relieving depression, noting its benefits outlast those of medication. Aligning Actions with Values: He advises identifying personal values and living in accordance with them, suggesting that not doing so contributes to a lack of fulfillment and depression. Purpose and Depression: Leo contends that a lack of life purpose is commonly linked to depression; having a strong sense of purpose, particularly one that involves serving others, can be protective against depression. Enlightenment as an Ultimate Solution: Recommending spiritual practices aimed at enlightenment, Leo suggests that this will lead to the experience of a natural state of bliss, countering depressive states. Vision Beyond Depression: Rather than merely overcoming depression, Leo urges listeners to aim for an exceptional life, emphasizing the value of big goals, purpose, and personal development resources available on Reducto
  24. This thing about all of us being One, and there is no separation, is complete BS on lots of levels. Ultimately Yes it is true, but that is on the level of non physicality, on this level, Earthly Bodily Material level, we are not one, and we are separate individuals, but we can have an Experience of Oneness within Ourselves, that gives us a connection to everything, as well on a more subtle physical level we are all connected via the trees supplying O2 for us to breath/survive, the Sun is supplying heat and other life giving things to all of Us, there are many levels of connection in that manner, we are not totally independent of one another but we have separate bodies and minds, neither of which is what we are in reality, body/mind is accumulated by us over time, what is us is subtler than that, but we still have to deal with the duality and individuality that is present when Embodied..On Subtler level of Psyche yes you can feel others intentions, feelings and the grand feeling of the earth and if You sensitive enough the entire Universe as we are not separate from any of that, it just depends on what You identify with, body/mind, or the Life you are within Yourself...Never suffer anothers pain or suffering, that just adds to the suffering of the world, just notice it, and maintain your own peace/bliss within yourself and see what You can do to help others not suffer as best You can, that is all one can do...
  25. Chat Gpt , tasked with depicting a bunny progressively in higher states of happiness - bliss . Draws dmt looking image as the final with the description : ' here is an image of an entity that, embodies the ultimate form of happiness transcending all beings and concepts . This entity is the very essence of happiness , the only existing being and the defining force of all existence ' Cute right ?