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  1. So, I just went through the dark night of the soul, which made everything meaningless, in a depressing manner. I had a ton of spiritual awakening symptoms, some are gone by now, but something wanders my mind. I had this one dream a few days ago where my mother told me to stop running from an entity that was chasing me and I just fell in a total blackness in my bathroom, while everything was disappearing, including my mom, which I was being afraid of initially, but felt like a total bliss once I "died" there(I found out that there were people who got enlightened while dreaming, like Jiddu Krishnamurti) . After that, I woke up with loud sounds in my ears(which I had up until that point, but now have disappeared) and a wild energy rush through my spine. Ever since then, I'm living in the Present Moment all the time, as if I'm constantly meditating. I permanently have the feeling you get after a meditation session, being extremely calm and peaceful. Matt Kahn also helped me a lot, with his love teachings and acceptance techniques. The "problem" now is that my ego tries to grasp this new realization that there's nothing to realize, do, fear and it's kinda confused and apathic. Adyashanti said this is a normal thing after awakening. I also see through my roles everytime I'm in different groups of people, or when trying to impress or manipulate people, and I see through all my schemes and victimizations. My intuition is skyrocketing, basically. I want to know your experiences on the matter and what do you think. I know that I'm not fooling myself, but man, I'm drunk on emptiness, as they call it. Death seems like a concept. Kinda shocking, I gotta say. I also totally relate to what Adyashanti says in this video
  2. I'm posting this topic here and not in nutrition, as this is not about food and it's relation to health. This is about ethics. What we as finite minds relatively see as brains/'systems of neurons' is obviously what allows Infinity to play the game of life - to see itself as a finite mind. We are all one consciousness. I'm as much the pig getting slaugthered in the slaughterhouse as I am this dude typing this text. This is how pigs gets sedated in Denmark before they get slaughtered. Doesn't seem so nice. And Denmark is arguably supposed to be a country where animal welfare is 'better than average'. Eating meat is something we in the western world do only for pleasurement (it tastes good). There are zero health benefits and we absolutely don't need to survive to eat meat, but can do just fine on non-meat-food-sources. An argument for saying 'ok to eating meat' could be that as long as the animals have a decent life until they get slaughtered, then it's fine - because the animals doesn't know they are going to die, they live in blisfull ignorance, and we all know that death itself is perfectly neutral and 'fine' as long as 1. the conscious being getting killed doesn't suffer before getting killed in any way (anxiety, bad mood or pain) 2. no conscious beings are left alive that are hurt by the departure of their friend/beloved one When an airplane with 100 young children crashes and they all get killed - well it's not sad for the children, they died quickly and painless and are no more. Perfect bliss in a sense. However it's sad for the relatives to the children - they are most likely destroyed due to natural egoic reasons. Anyway, obviously, we more or less treat agriculture animals like slaves. Isn't it obvious that they are getting hurt in some way (as in the video)? As you reading this text is just as much the pigs getting killed in the video, why do you endorse the proces above by buying pork roast for Christmas? Let's have a discussion. Please don't talk about health benefits (or cons if they exist) of going vegan/vegetarian - this thread is NOT for that.
  3. Hmm, can you explain this, it seems to be backwards to any idea of what enlightenment could be like. Do you believe an addiction to these things is possible? I'm asking because unless someone stays in a permanent state of GOD or enlightenment, could this not set the stage for a craving for more? To know how much further you can push it in hopes of having it last longer and possibly drive you into a permanent state of bliss?
  4. Ignorance is bliss. Suffering is depressing. Wisdom is peace. This pretty much sums up my view on happiness. With no knowledge you are filled with pleasure and joy, since you are blocking off the knowledge of the suffering in the world. The problem with this is that you cannot stop yourself from gaining knowledge of the world, therefore that ignorant state is not sustainable. No matter what you do, you will die, you will fall ill and you will age, etc. And so will everyone around you. Suffering is inevitable therefore bliss is never sustainable. When you do have knowledge of the suffering you do not have the wisdom to process that knowledge properly. It's like the difference between being intelligent and being knowledgeable. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you do not know how to use that knowledge it will be rendered useless and in some cases harmful. Especially when most people who have lot's of knowledge of the suffering in the world, tend to distract themselves from that knowledge and are afraid of learning more. The wise person at the top has gone through all the suffering and gained all of the knowledge and with that knowledge he can gain peace. I guess you could say being wise is just another section of knowledge, but i think the general point is there.
  5. Here's a thought: What if happiness is an empty glass? What would you put in it? For me, I wouldn't put excitement in it. I'm not saying that excitement is bad. I'm just saying that it could get extreme - in both ways - the positive and negative. If I put peace in it, there are more chances of it being calm and tranquil. Now, bliss is heavenly joy, the enlightenment state. Although, it's a great state, it's going to pass and we still have to come back to this earth phenomenon and deal with different situations.
  6. If someone pay for this, could you describe what are the steps of the meditation ? I have like 0 money in the bank that I can use for it right now
  7. Bliss is serene, tranquil, cool, it brings contentment. When you are blissful ,you are at ease, at home. It is ecstasy without any excitement.
  8. So, bliss is peace?
  9. Our happiness is always excitement. Bliss has nothing to do with any emotions (aka excitement). Bliss is tranquil.
  10. @Key Elements If you are asleep, then pleasure is happiness. Pleasure means sensation, trying to achieve something through the body which is not possible to achieve through the body, forcing the body to achieve something it is not capable of. People are trying, in every possible way, to achieve happiness through the body. The body can give you only momentary pleasures, and each pleasure is balanced by pain in the same amount, in the same degree. To the sleeping, pleasurable sensations are happiness. He lives from one pleasure to another pleasure. He is just rushing from one sensation to another sensation. He lives for small thrills. His life is very superficial; it has no depth, it has no quality. He lives in the world of quantity. The non-meditator sleeps, dreams; the meditator starts moving away from his sleep towards awakening. Then happiness has a totally different meaning: it becomes more of a quality, less of a quantity; it is more psychological, less physiological. He enjoys music more, he enjoys poetry more, he enjoys creating something. He enjoys nature, its beauty. He enjoys silence. He enjoys what he had never enjoyed before, and this is far more lasting. Even if the music stops, something goes on lingering in you. And it is not a relief. The difference between pleasure and this happiness is: it is not a relief, it is an enrichment. You become more full, you become a little overflowing. Listening to good music, something is triggered in your being, a harmony arises in you – you become musical. Or dancing, suddenly you forget your body; your body becomes weightless. Pleasure is animal, happiness is human, bliss is divine. Pleasure binds you, it is a bondage, it chains you. Happiness gives you a little more rope, a little bit of freedom, but only a little bit. Bliss is absolute freedom. Pleasure is dependent on others. Happiness is not so dependent on others, but still it is separate from you. Bliss is not dependent, is not separate either; it is your very being, it is your very nature. This moment is all. Now is the only time and here is the only space. And then suddenly the whole sky drops into you. This is bliss. This is real happiness. There is not a single person on the earth who does not have blissful moments sometimes. Even though we have become very unnatural, nature asserts itself; there are moments it takes us unguarded. A bird suddenly starts calling and you fall silent... and suddenly, the benediction of it. Or it starts raining and it takes you unawares. You slip out of your mechanical habit for a moment; you are no more a robot. And the smell of the wet earth.... Anything new, anything that surprises you, brings you out of your robot-like existence, and there is nature in all its beauty. Those moments are rare because they have to come in spite of us.
  11. What you call happiness is a kind of excitement - and what you call unhappiness is also an excitement. You call the excitement that is pleasurable to you as happiness, excitement that is unpleasant to you as unhappiness. Happiness is worthless; it depends on unhappiness. Bliss is transcendence: one moves beyond the duality of being happy and unhappy. One watches both; happiness comes, one watches and does not become identified with it. One does not say, ‘I am happy. Peace, it is wonderful.’ One simply watches, one says, ‘Yes, a white cloud passing.’ And then comes unhappiness, and one does not become unhappy either. One says, ‘A black cloud passing. I am the witness, the watcher.’ This is what meditation is all about, just becoming a watcher. Failure comes, success comes, you are praised, you are condemned, you are respected, you are insulted – all kinds of things come, they are all dualities. And you go on watching. Watching the duality, a third force arises in you; a third dimension arises in you. The duality means two dimensions: one dimension is happiness; another is unhappiness. Watching both, a depth arises in you: the third dimension, witnessing. And that third dimension brings bliss. Bliss is without any opposite to it. It is serene, tranquil, cool. It is ecstasy without any excitement.
  12. When full awakening has become established then it never leaves you, it is always there; just like your shadow it follows you. Then you have become an individual. Then the individuality has also to be lost. Become one from many and then become zero from one. This is the whole mathematics of spirituality -- from many to one and from one to nothingness. One has become the rest. Ordinarily, when you are a person, you are in tremendous unrest. Restlessness is what you are. When you come to full awakening you have become very, very restful. You are and you are rested, deeply rested. In enlightenment you have disappeared, there is only rest, nobody resting... eternal rest. Full awakening you can feel for the first time what enlightenment can mean. The first taste, or the first distinct perfume of enlightenment, comes through full awakening. So full awakening is helpful; but anything that is helpful can be a hindrance if you cling to it and you feel that it is everything. full awakening has a bliss that can fool you; it has a bliss of its own. Because you have not known enlightenment, this is the ultimate that comes to you, and you cling to it. But if you cling to it, you can change that which was helpful, that which was friendly, into something that becomes a barrier and an enemy. So one must be aware of the possible danger of full awakening. If you are aware of this, then the experience of full awakening will be helpful.
  13. their eyes there probably ain't no real shit in your playlist you're just a product of what the government has created <3 love this one also good one: bliss n eso - weightless wings
  14. Yes they were, the terror and bliss weree amazing, there is no way to understand it if you haven't experienced it. Imagine the happiest moment in your life, now multiple it by 10000! It is not happiness, its bliss, but even bliss is a weak word.
  15. Be sure to check out Australian Hip Hop Group... Bliss N Eso
  16. There are some things I feel I should mention concerning Kundalini and meditations, which although Leo skins over Kundalini in some of his videos I feel we need a more comprehensive layout of what to expect. Unfortunately, in life, rarely, if ever, does any serious transformation occur without pain. People who want power- so called supernatural power- will find in most cases, they will have to go through pain in order to achieve this. Our bodies and minds are used to running on a certain amount of life force (bioelectiricty). When we begin to make some serious alterations with this very life force, certain nasty side effects can crop up. This is a given and is also individual. The life force, like any electricity is HOT. BURNING HOT. There are different physical responses to extreme heat within the body. Some which are quite unpleasant. Inflammations, eruptions, burning sensations and so forth are the most common. But expect lots of heat. This signifies excess astral energy and clearing through energy blockages .Knowledge is everything- to know what can be expected is to understand. One friend of mine found his metal pendant that he always wears has become so hot it burned a mark into his skin. This sort of thing passes, though it can take anywhere from a week or two, to a few years. Once the physical self adjusts, the soul has been completely transformed. This is no different than strength and mass building through weight lifting. I remember when I first began working out- there were times I couldn't even get out of bed I was so sore. It took a few years, but the bone density and body strength/mass I have are permanent. Remember, in meditation, the same thing. Unlike physical exercise, once you enter a point, there is no turning back. You can only move foreward. Stopping can be disastrous in some cases. One may lighten up, but this will do little as a certain point has already been crossed. Very few, if any articles or materials contain any contraindications concerning the effects of advanced meditation. 1. People who are epilptics or have had any siezures, should either take it EXTREMELY slow or not at all. You are increasing the electricity within the body and the brain- enough said? Even in normal people, physical adjustments to the increase of electricity can cause mild siezures. 2. Everyone should ALWAYS make sure the air they are breathing in during meditation is clean. Deep breathing is no different than aerobic exercise such as running/jogging and will affect the lungs and system accordingly. Cold air can cause pleurisy, inhaling polluted air, lung problems. Keep this in mind. Signs the kundalini is about to ascend: 1. Spontaneous physical/electrical energy surges can Cause jerks, twitches, shaking, and energy waves and even convulsions. 2. Increased sensory awareness- heat, cold, sounds, Strong tastes, odors, heightened sense of body image Or absence of such, feeling a strong burning aura, Disturbing thoughts [this is why void meditation is Necessary to banish them as is a strong mind]. 3. Sleeplessness, insomnia. One woman did not sleep For 5 months 4. On the upside- increased understanding, much easier Communication with demons and the sixth sense is Increased and enhanced greatly. Feelings of extreme bliss, peacefulness. 5. The external environment does not have any affect- People getting angry, you remain calm. This is the awakening stage of the Kundalini. Much wil depend upon the individual. Ones health and any former meditation done in the past. The stronger you are in every respect, the less problems. Kundalini/bio-electricity is hot like molten lead. A Warm sensation at the base of your tailbone- some of us have felt a pulling upward- sometimes spinning sensation. This indicates your kundalini has been activated. All of the chakras must be completely open and unobstructed. The serpent of fire will ascend piercing through each chakra. For some people, this is as hot as a glowing iron. One must stay focused and direct the energy out the crown chakra. The kundalini will sometimes crackle and roar as it Flashes like blinding white lightening as it hits the 6th chakra. This can be brightness beyond anything you Have ever experienced or seen in your life. This is where calm, complete control comes in. Kundalini is individual for everyone. What some people may experience, others may not.
  17. No. What I am saying is, was, and will always be valid. "Ascension" as you call it has been happening for thousands of years. It's not as if kundalini ascensions and spiritual awakenings are just starting to happen lol. They have been going on for thousands of years. 50 years ago has nothing to do with measuring the validity of my post. One cannot constantly "drown their self in love". Other emotions and beliefs, a lot of them suppressed subconscious thoughts and feelings, must surface and process through the central nervous system for one to empower themselves fully with astral energy. This is the catharsis phase. Trying to mask emotional experiences with love every chance you get is borderline escapism; trying to mask the negative aspects of the subconscious mind with this hippity dippity New Age idea of drowning yourself with love. Ahahah it's funny to think about because I used to think like that about the Path. Proper catharsis and processing lead to a more sustained period of being "Love & Bliss Drunk" as organic, enhanced endorphin receptor sites flourish from years of proper energy work. The human organism functions as it was intended to. But a person WILL harm themselves, their neuropathways, energy circuits, and astral body if they follow what you are saying about "pushing it to your limits don't stop the time is now blah blah blah". This is a sacred process and you are trying to promote rushing through it fast and hard, and promoting escaping through unpleasant feelings. A person should never do this, always take your time and never overdo it with your energy work. You can really harm yourself in a plethora of ways. Martin you can go suck a fat one while I pound your mom, YOU are the pussy filled with ignorance from head to toe; the definition of Nescience. Do not come at me boy I am not the one, trust me. In response to your little analogy, you are the type of person that would drown by swimming forward before the tide is calmer for you, while I am the type who waits for stillness and goes out to rescue your poor drowning body because you tried to wrestle with currents you couldn't handle yet. When one meditates on chakras using vibration, pranayama, mudras, visualization concentration etc etc the thought process is actually directing astral energy of that harmonic to your energy body. Since your energy body (or astral body) is fully integrated with your physical body any changes to the energy body manifest themselves in the physical. These physical manifestations can show up as various responses from heat to endorphine release depending on the energy work being done. Your chakras are major energy nodes located by important glands, organs, and nerve clusters so you can start to develop a more intuitive understanding of what a healthy chakra would translate to physically. For example the throat, third eye, crown, and other minor chakra points are directly linked to the development of our astral senses. It is through the stimulation and use of these 'psychic' chakras that our bodies begin to manifest biochemical and biophysical changes as an evolutionary response to astral energy work. Hope that helps Message me with some questions and why you need to know and I'll get back to you.
  18. If you don′t escape, if you allow the suffering to be there, if you are ready to face it, if you are not trying somehow to forget it, then you are different. Suffering is there but just around you; it is not in the center, it is on the periphery. It is impossible for suffering to be in the center; it is not in the nature of things. It is always on the periphery and you are the center. So when you allow it to happen, when you don′t escape, you don′t run, you are not in a panic, suddenly you become aware that suffering is there on the periphery, as if happening to someone else, not to you, and you are looking at it. A subtle joy spreads all over your being because you have realized one of the basic truths of life: that you are bliss and not suffering. I am not saying be a masochist; I am simply saying suffering is there, you need not seek for it. Enough suffering is there already, you need not go in search. Suffering is already there; life by its very nature creates suffering. Illness is there, death is there, the body is there - by their very nature suffering is created. See it, look at it with a very dispassionate eye. Look at it - what it is, what is happening. Don′t escape. Immediately the mind says, "Escape from here, don′t look at it." But if you escape then you cannot be blissful. Through suffering you become aware of the opposite pole, the blissful inner being. So when I say enjoy, I am saying: Watch. Return to the source, get centered. Then, suddenly, there is no agony; only ecstasy exists. Those who are on the periphery exist in agony. For them, no ecstasy. For those who have come to their center no agony exists. For them, only ecstasy. Spirituality means not escaping from suffering but living with it: living with it, not escaping! And if you live with it, you will become more and more aware. If you want to escape, then you will have to leave awareness. Then, somehow, you will have to become unconscious. There are many methods. Alcohol is the easiest, but not the only method and not even the worst. You can go and listen to music and become absorbed in it; then you are using music as alcohol. Then for the time being, your mind is diverted toward music and you have forgotten everything else. Music is working as alcohol for everything else. Or, you can chant a mantra. You can use these things as alcohol, as an intoxicant. Anything which makes you less aware of your suffering is anti-spiritual. Anything that makes you more aware of your suffering, and which helps you encounter it without escaping, is religious. That is what tapas – austerity – means. tapas means this: not escaping from any suffering, but remaining there and living with it with full awareness. If you do not escape, if you remain there with your suffering, one day suffering will disappear and you will have grown into more awareness. Suffering disappears in two ways. You become unconscious; then suffering disappears for you. But, really, suffering remains there. It cannot disappear. It remains there! Really, your consciousness has disappeared, so you cannot feel it, you cannot be aware of it. If you become more conscious, in the meantime you will have to suffer more. But accept suffering as a part of growth, as a part of training, as just a discipline, and then one day, when your consciousness has gone beyond your suffering, suffering will disappear not just for you – it will disappear objectively. Use suffering as a stepping-stone; do not escape from it. If you escape from it, you are escaping from your destiny, from the possibility of going beyond knowledge by using suffering as a device.
  19. When mystics talk about bliss, they are not referring towards happiness. In Indian languages we have different words for bliss and happiness.
  20. Meditation is sitting in what's true. If what's true at the time is not a feeling of bliss, it doesn't make it a false meditation. I felt wonderful during my enlightenment experiences, but was it love? Maybe we need to talk differently about what love is. If it's a deep regard for humanity, I've always had that and that hasn't disappeared. There just isn't an emotion I would think to label "love" along with it. Maybe it's just the preconceived notions about what love is confusing the situation.
  21. Bliss is not happiness, happiness has excitement in it, bliss is serene, cool , calm. Bliss is ecstasy without excitement.
  22. When you meditation does not brings blissfulness and love, it is not true meditation. It is easy to meditate if you don’t want to be blissful — it is very easy to meditate. If you want just to be blissful and you don’t want to be in meditation, that too is easy. The rarest combination is meditation plus bliss. Meditation minus bliss is easy; bliss minus meditation is easy. But meditation minus bliss is not true meditation and bliss minus meditation is not true bliss either. They are true only when they are together. Many people have tried to meditate without bliss because it is simple, less complex. You have to take only one work upon yourself: that you have to still your mind. And you can force your mind to be stilled, but you will become sad, you will have a long face. You can meditate, force yourself to be silent, but you will the real thing. And you can also try to be blissful; that means you can pretend, you can practice, you can rehearse bliss. You can always try to be blissful, smiling, at least looking happy. Slowly slowly, it becomes so practiced. You can practice it. You can practice blissfulness too, but a practiced blissfulness is false. Anything practiced is false, remember it — never forget it. Things have to be spontaneous and natural, not practiced, not cultivated. Cultivated blissfulness is only a mask. You are smiling, but the smile is not in the heart. You are showing joy, but you are not joyous. Bliss PLUS meditation. It is difficult of course, arduous, to manage both. Why? — because they seem to be polar opposites. Meditation means silence and bliss means dance. Meditation means stillness and bliss means a song. Meditation means escaping from the world and bliss means sharing with the world. Meditation you can do in a Himalayan cave, but to be blissful you will have to come back to the world. Bliss needs to be shared; it exists only in sharing. It can’t exist when you are alone, it disappears. It is a communion. Meditation can exist in aloneness and bliss can exist in togetherness. But when both exist then you have to learn a totally new way of life.
  23. What the . some of these comments are like...kindergarten...really.. So marriage is no longer sacred ? It's only about law, court, alimony. Who says so ? And the solution is only porn ? Omg. Why ? People never existed before. your grandfathers and great grandfathers never existed. Didn't they work hard to keep the marriage together. Didn't they have happy marriages ? Married is permanent prostitution ? Lol what have your parents taught you. To look at a woman as a whore ? Just because you didn't get married, and your marriage didn't work out doesn't mean every marriage is a sham. Do not generalize so much just because you cannot the marital bliss that others have. And even if they didn't have, it could be a problem of the fuckn porn generation, don't blame a strong institution that existed for so many years. You people are taking marriage so much for granted. If a marriage has to work, both parties have to work hard for it, Don't blame Art if you can't become an artist. there are others who can. Marriage is not just romance, its also living together, sharing together, loving each other, caring for each other. IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH. IN THE GOOD TIMES AND THE BAD TIMES. that's what marriage is. If you are a cyuk, nobody can help you, then satisfy yourself by fapping to porn, who cares, huh? But don't disrespect the hard work that wonderful couples put in to make everything work. So much cynicism here, absolutely amazing isn't it. it takes a lot to be a good husband, a good father just like it takes a lot to be a good wife, a good mother. Didn't y'all parents even teach you this much. Don't make mockery of a beautiful sacred institution just because you cannot honor the commitments demanded by it. You are always free to look for your cheaper substitutes of Porn, casual fucking, sex robot, woman robot(whatever the fell they call it), sex toys and all that. True loves requires lot of strength, commitment, loyalty, hard work and all of that pays off really beautifully, If it doesn't its your bad luck, sit with it. Don't dream of true love when you cannot keep it. I know in the real world, divorce happens, bad things happen, but understand this - What you create is what you get, If you want it to work, then you gotta create it. Manifest what you want by setting yourself as an example. If this is the attitude then real love has really died, no hope sorry. Looking for love when not ready to invest the effort and then placing blame on the opposite gender, looking for excuses and settling for Porn, one day you'll even get tired of porn, because its only sexual satisfaction. It doesn't fulfill the heart. Marriage is hell, marriage is bondage. What d. Marriage is equally hard for a woman, try being a woman sometimes, and especially a mother you whiny babies!! Marriage is bondage only if its unsuccessful and when you mess it up, when you cannot take responsibilities, and when you get a bad wife, yes I admit, aren't there bad husbands, do you only see bad wives, huh ? Just because one wife is bad, start painting the brush and call all women bad...great. Mistakes and failures happen on both sides. It takes two to make it and anyone or both to break it, Dissatisfied cyks crying like fox and the grapes - because I cannot them, oh, well they must be sour !! What a pity......................... generation these days sigh
  24. There is two ways to see this: The neurotic approach, where you HAVE TO be successful/have lots of money, have the trophy wife/perfect husband, be funny/have a great body in order to be happy (which never happens, because there is always more ...). This is the lack of inner work which tends to fuck you in the ass, because you're inconscious of your true nature. The "whatever happens" approach, I will enjoy life at its fullest, by following my bliss/intuition and sharing my love of life with others along the way. This approach can only be lived if you did some inner work (with or without spiritual knowledge).
  25. @Russell Thank you for this post. I'm down for the bliss but what about demons? This is where I get lost.