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  1. If you get conscious (!!!) of it, then you will feel an instant freedom. An instant detachment. Everything is perfect as it is. If you rationalize it as a bad thing, then the point is not yet understood. A "good" label to it is just the same. Once you're properly detached from everything, your true motivation will surface (some say from the Higher Self). The more detached you are, the more authentic your life becomes. Don't panic when you hear emptiness or nothingness or meaninglessness. They can NOT be negative. They just are. This is something to be understood through conscious experiences. Don't rationalize or conceptualize any of it. I would recommend Trinfinity Academy to you. Probably the best practical course i have seen out there. I'm doing that myself right now at the moment.
  2. Universal Mind is defined as a collection of all structures of all kinds. There is Change and Change gives birth to all kinds of processes. The structures are formed by self-organizing processes that happen in Presence on the canvas of consciousness, and they are metaphysical in nature, which means they are pure information, patterns of nothingness. Our physical universe, bodies and human minds are tiny parts of the Universal Mind. Universal Mind is near infinite, contains all worlds and universes and is all knowing and omnipotent. We are that universal Mind in fact, we have assumed this limited form and gotten identified with it. All you need to do is realize who you are, and you can enjoy this vast scenery of infinite creation. How? What? Why? All such questions are answered in detail here:
  3. Concentration - 5:00, Meditation - 20:00+ What a great session I just had this morning. I used the same "count to 100" strategy to concentrate, while just imagining an old digital clock with flipping numbers for each second. After that I started my meditation session and it felt like one of the strongest yet. A couple of very random insights I want to note for myself from it were: a lava lamp of nothingness, a blanket/pocket of nothing to reside in from my thoughts, an elevated view of an everlasting canopy of nothing, and familiar waves of feeling in my feet. When my 20:00 timer went off I silenced and carried on, like I wasn't ready for the session to be done. Only when my girlfriend opened the door was I finished. This has been the first Friday + Saturday without at least a hit of weed in a long time. Honestly, it hasn't been weighing on me too much. I have been keeping busy though, but some of the things I have been doing I used to smoke and do so there is definite progress here. It has been a real busy weekend but I was able to still get in some weight training, cardio and cold showers. I have never had such an urge to do cardio. I have also had some time to just sit, looking out my front window with no sources of stimulation. Gratitude: I am thankful for the sun this morning. I am thankful for safe travels all weekend. I am thankful for all the wildlife living around my yard.
  4. Maybe, but it seems to me that he is saying what every teacher is saying. It is beyond comprehension. I mean think about the implications of no free will. It means that you will realize when you realize. Everyone wants to make a model of reality in terms of enlightenment. How is this any different than science or religion? Further, how is being obsessed with finding the perfect model any different? Seeking obsessively inherently means that you are not accepting what is. Also, it is a real possibility that all of the teachers applying concepts are only activating the self. The self deals in concepts, but awareness deals in direct experience. Do you think that thinking about reality is any different from being a self? Maybe the best way to explore reality is to .... be reality. I mean, anything beyond the subject, like a concept or experience, is an object, which is duality. Around us is a singular expression of what is. Any form of seeking assumes that there is some experience outside of your self that you need to seek. That is duality. In some other videos, he talks about how there is no moment in time because time is infinite. So specifying a moment is like claiming that a circle has a beginning or end. It all just is. It happens simultaneously. What do you think memory is? Are any of your memories in the 3rd person? IT seems to me that memories are all 1 experience of what is. In my meditations, I have been going through memories, and it as if I am projecting consciousness to the memory and reassuring my consciousness (at the time of the memory) that everything is fine and this is just reality expressing itself. I have told the separate self that it is ok to allow emotion to express. So Im not saying that exercising meditation practices are dumb. I am saying that you have absolutely 0 control in deciding to do them. They just are. It is 1 continuous expression of the same awareness. Our "brain" generates a reality, and beyond the bounds of that, we will not ever know what is. The dualist would say that there is information beyond what a person is aware of, that comes into awareness and is perceived. The non-dualist would say there is no separation, there just is. The experience arises as part of the awareness expressing itself, but there can be no separation. It is all one continuous expression of the same nothingness which is also everything. The only way to see this is to stop applying concepts and to be the actual experience. Seeking prevents this because when you are applying a teachers concepts, there is no difference between that and applying any other concept. It just is. The self cannot consider this, so it seeks to understand the un-explainable instead of just being it. Its the same thing with choice. There can be no choice for a dualist because a choice is a duality. It all just is. There can be no choice. Accepting no choice (as if you have the choice about accepting choice) is a big step toward acceptance. Again, none of what I have said has any bearing on you, and even if it were to make you "change your mind", that is an illusion. You were always going to change your mind, and the self creates the illusion that new information caused you to make a choice. So stop feeding the rational self. Be what is, what always was, what always will be. (but what also never was or will be because past and future are illusion).
  5. Jesus said: I took my stand in the midst of the world and in flesh I appeared to them. I found them all drunk, I found none of them athirst. And my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their heart and they do not see that empty they have come into the world, and empty they seek to go out of the world again. But now they are drunk. When they have shaken off their wine, then they will repent. Jesus said: If the flesh has come into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel; but if the spirit has come into existence because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. But i marvel at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty. Jesus never renounced the world, he was standing in the midst of us all. He was not an escapist; he moved in the marketplace, he lived with the crowd. He talked to prostitutes, laborers, farmers, fishermen. He didn't go out of the world, he remained here amidst you. He knew the world better than anybody who has escaped from it. It is no wonder that Christ's message became so powerful. I TOOK MY STAND IN THE MIDST OF THE WORLD AND IN FLESH I APPEARED TO THEM. And he was not a spirit. Many masters go on continuously visiting you in their spirits. Buddha still knocks at your door, but in the spirit. And if you cannot see a person who has come in the flesh, how can you recognize Buddha? Jesus says: I appeared in the flesh to them -- I was in the body, they could see me, they could hear me, they could feel me, but still they missed. They missed because... I FOUND THEM ALL DRUNK. They were not there really, no consciousness at all. I knocked at their doors, but they were not at home. If Jesus comes to your home and knocks, will you be there to receive him? You will be somewhere else; you are never at home. You go on wandering all over the world, except to your home. Where is your home? Inside you, where the center of consciousness is, is your home. You are never there, because only in deep meditation are you there. And when you are deep in meditation you can recognize Jesus immediately -- whether he comes in the body or bodiless makes no difference. If you are at home you will recognize the knock. But if you are not at home, what can be done? Jesus will knock and you will not be there. That is the meaning of the word drunk: not at home. Jesus said: I FOUND THEM ALL DRUNK; I FOUND NONE OF THEM ATHIRST. This has to be understood, a very delicate point: if you are drunk with this world, you cannot be thirsty for the other. If you are drunk with ordinary alcohol, with ordinary wine, you cannot be thirsty for the divine wine -- impossible! When a man is not drunk with this world, a thirst arises. And that thirst cannot be fulfilled by anything that belongs to this world. Only the unknown can fulfill it, only the invisible can fulfill it. So Jesus says a very contradictory thing: I FOUND THEM ALL DRUNK; I FOUND NONE OF THEM ATHIRST. Nobody was thirsty because they thought they had already found the key, the treasure, the kingdom. So then there was no search.This world and its wine can give you only temporary relief, can give you only temporary gaps of forgetfulness. I FOUND THEM ALL DRUNK; I FOUND NONE OF THEM ATHIRST. AND MY SOUL WAS AFFLICTED FOR THE SONS OF MEN, BECAUSE THEY ARE BLIND IN THEIR HEART AND THEY DO NOT SEE THAT EMPTY THEY HAVE COME INTO THE WORLD, AND EMPTY THEY SEEK TO GO OUT OF THE WORLD AGAIN. AND MY SOUL WAS AFFLICTED.... You cannot understand what suffering happens to a Jesus or a Buddha when he looks at you, drunk with this world, not thirsty at all for the divine, for the truth; living in lies, and believing in lies as if they were truths -- and missing for nothing, missing all for nothing. Then it happens that the smallest things can become barriers. AND MY SOUL WAS AFFLICTED FOR THE SONS OF MEN, BECAUSE THEY ARE BLIND IN THEIR HEART, AND THEY DO NOT SEE THAT EMPTY THEY HAVE COME INTO THE WORLD, AND EMPTY THEY SEEK TO GO OUT OF THE WORLD AGAIN. Empty you have come, but not exactly empty: filled with desires. Empty you will go, but not exactly empty: again filled with desires. But desires are dreams -- you remain empty -- they have nothing substantial in them. You are born empty, and then you move in the world and accumulate things, just believing that these things will give you a fulfillment. You remain empty. Death snatches everything, you move again into the grave, again empty. ... BECAUSE THEY ARE BLIND IN THEIR HEARTS AND DO NOT SEE THAT EMPTY THEY HAVE COME INTO THE WORLD, AND EMPTY THEY SEEK TO GO OUT OF THE WORLD AGAIN. Only the heart can see how empty you are! What have you gained? What maturity, what growth has happened to you? What ecstasy has come to you? -- no benediction yet? The whole past has been a rotten thing. And in the future you are going to repeat the past: what else can you do? This is the affliction of a Jesus, of a Buddha. He feels miserable for you. BUT NOW THEY ARE DRUNK. WHEN THEY HAVE SHAKEN OFF THEIR WINE, THEN THEY WILL REPENT. This is about you. Don't think 'they' -- they means you: when you are shaken out of your drunkenness, you will repent. This word repent became very meaningful. Repentance is beautiful if it comes through the heart, if you realize that, "Yes, Jesus is right, we have wasted our lives." This is unique to Christianity. If you repent totally, if it comes from the heart, if you cry and weep, if your whole being feels and repents that you have been wasting God's given opportunity -- you have not been grateful, you have misbehaved, you have mistreated your own being... you feel the sin. This is the sin! -- not that you have murdered somebody or that you have stolen; that is nothing. Those are minor sins which are born out of this original sin: that you have been drunk. You open your eyes, your heart is filled with repentance, and then a scream, a cry, comes out of your being. There is no need for words, you need not say to God, "I repent, forgive me." No need. Your whole being becomes a repentance. Suddenly, you are cleansed of all the past. This is one of the most secret keys Jesus delivered to the world. It is one of the oldest keys. But understand what repentance is. Just saying the words won't do, and saying them halfheartedly won't do. When your whole being repents, your whole being throbs and you feel it in every pore, every fiber, that you have done wrong, and you have done wrong because you have been drunk and now you repent -- suddenly there is a transformation. The past disappears and the projection of the future from the past disappears; you are thrown to here and now, you are thrown to your own being. And for the first time you feel the inner nothingness. It is not empty negatively, it is just that the temple is so vast, like space.... You are forgiven, Jesus says, you are forgiven if you repent. BUT NOW THEY ARE DRUNK. WHEN THEY HAVE SHAKEN OFF THEIR WINE, THEN THEY WILL REPENT. JESUS SAID: IF THE FLESH HAS COME INTO EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF THE SPIRIT, IT IS A MARVEL; BUT IF THE SPIRIT HAS COME INTO EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF THE BODY, IT IS A MARVEL OF MARVELS. I think Karl Marx missed this! I wonder what he would have thought if he had come to these saying of Jesus. Jesus says: ... FLESH HAS COME INTO EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF THE SPIRIT... as all religions say -- God created the world. That means flesh has come out of the spirit, matter has come out of the mind; consciousness is the source, the world is just a byproduct. Then, Jesus says: ... IT IS A MARVEL -- it is a mystery. BUT IF THE SPIRIT HAS COME INTO EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF THE BODY... as atheists say, materialists say, Karl Marx, Charvak and others say.... Marx says that consciousness is a byproduct of matter. This is what all atheists say, that the world is not created out of the spirit, but the spirit is just a 'by-phenomenon', an epiphenomenon of matter; it comes out of matter, it is just a byproduct. Then Jesus says: ... IF THE SPIRIT HAS COME INTO EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF THE BODY, IT IS A MARVEL OF MARVELS. The first is just a marvel: that God created the world. But the second is a marvel of marvels -- if the world created God. To believe the first is difficult; to believe the second is almost impossible. It is possible that the lower is born out of the higher, just as a man can paint a picture. We can say the painting has come from the painter, it is a marvel, a beautiful painting. But if somebody says the painter has come out of the painting, it is a marvel of marvels. How can spirit come out of matter if it is not already there? How can a flower come if it is not already in the seed? But Jesus says, anyway, both are marvels. But the third thing is the greatest marvel, and that third thing is: I MARVEL AT HOW THIS GREAT WEALTH HAS MADE ITS HOME IN THIS POVERTY. You are poor, a beggar, because you are always desiring, always asking to be given more. Desire is begging, and a desiring mind is a beggar's mind. You may be an emperor, it makes no difference -- you just become a big beggar, that's all, a great beggar, that's all. But you go on demanding. Jesus says this is the marvel of all marvels: ... HOW THIS GREAT WEALTH -- of divine beingness, of divinity of God -- HAS MADE ITS HOME IN SUCH POVERTY. Drunken people, asleep, poor, begging continuously all their lives; asking for ugly things, fighting for ugly things, obsessed with disease and illness -- and God has made it his temple, and God has made it his abode, his abode in you! Jesus says this is the best -- impossible, incomprehensible -- mystery. Marvel of all marvels! Nothing can transcend this. This is the affliction of a Buddha, of a Jesus: looking at you -- emperors, who have the kingdom of God, begging; asking for worthless things, wasting your time, your life, energy, opportunity. Repent! Look at what you have been doing. It will look so foolish, you will not even be able to believe that you have been doing this. The whole thing will look nonsense! Look at what you have been doing with your life, look at what you have done to yourself. You are just a ruin, and the ruin is growing every day. In the end you will be just a ruin, totally ruined. And in your begging heart, in your begging mind, there lives the king, the supreme. This is a marvel!
  6. First, the holographic principle is only an idea at this point with no direct evidence, nor formal proof and so far only applies to hypothetical universes. In my view it's an oversimplification that allows scientists to get their math to work in imaginary situations, but has yet to be found viable in real world situations with complex dynamics. It sounds nice for some and it makes things seem easier, but in my view it suffers from "corruption through reduction via simplicity" which creates a distortion in our perspective of reality (just like absolute nothingness as a paradigm in my experience). Second, I am basing what I say on first hand direct experience that comes from many years spent developing the core capabilities that determine the depth, quality, and coherency of that first-hand experience. I use science's observations of reality to corroborate that first-hand experience, it is secondary to my experiential knowledge. I am not just theorizing about the core things I talk about, I have practical application and real life success with them. I can point to examples of my 13 core dynamics occurring all over reality, both within me and outside me. They are foundational and universal patterns of movement. Third, you talked about "something physical, but brand new & never seen before outside of my home by anyone, ever (like an original painting or sculpture)". There is a VERY important difference between a brand new combination of existing things and something completely or absolutely brand new. That painting was formed, not created in the absolute sense, by combining different pigments and then applying them to a canvas in a particular pattern. Then some one applied effort to transport it to your door. There is a sequence of events, a sequence of combinations in every facet of "creation". But, when you make the mistake of focusing on a static absolute you lose touch with the steps in the sequence while at the same time losing awareness of the previous steps taken for a shape to be in the current form that your conjecture is starting with (like the cotton or linen the canvas was derived from). That is in essence what the holographic principle does for scientists, by following it they create a focus with two static points rather than staying connected with the whole process of constant movement, because "it's easier" or "more economical". It presupposes an absolute containment, which ignores or discards the potentiality for permeability and access to expansion beyond their "beginning and ending" points. In my experience the compulsion to attach to absolutes is a sign of lacking tensile resiliency in a person's mind which leads to focusing on extremes and static positions, rather than maintaining the tension of constant motion and nuance, plus constant access to potentiality/change (there is a difference between constant and absolute). Internalizing too much of a static position will make a person rigid and atrophy different inter-relations which a person relies on for the proper functioning of certain capabilities like differentiation as mentioned above. Basically, people get subtly pushed around by the pressures of life, which subconsciously pushes their mind and emotions, influencing them to attach to extremes and derive paradigms based on extremes. Human history is rife with this problem and those paradigms are deeply rooted, but hopefully we can evolve from them before it's too late. It's something I've been working on for years by gaining access to deeper layers of my sub-conscious and working with pressure differentials, plus many other things.
  7. @Whywolf I think this one, it's big, it was for a friend who helped me in the journey of awakening I'm looking forward to see them! I love drawing skulls, you might like those too, the last one was inspired in this poem from Bukowski "My dear, Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a lover."
  8. @Salaam Let me ask you this first: do you belief that there exists a material outside world, and you are a human inside this world? It is in fact impossible to prove an external world. Any "prove" you might take would be inside your direct consciousness and would then require a causal interpretation between an event outside of you and the "prove". What you describe with the screen is not the visual screen itself, but interpretations of other sensual sources like hearing or feeling that there is this screen even if you don't watch it. That is a belief. In actual experience, the (visual) screen dissolves into nothingness. Yes, every belief is an attachment, because it is the assumption of a concept being true or very probable, or having some judgement over a concept. But I don't agree that every concept is in itself an attachment. Concepts can arise and dissolve in the field of awareness without being attached to them. Just like a tree can arise and dissolve in your field of awareness when you drive through a forest.
  9. First of all I highly disagree with the line "everything you theorize other than that is theoretical speculation that can never be proven". It's much easier to prove that there are very real, solid things outside our immediate sphere of awareness, then the belief that everything in the universe ceases to exists once we focus on something else. How? By the simple fact that I can influence a person's reality, my own reality even by triggering things outside of their zone of awareness that then enters and carries a dominant role in their potential movement forward. What you seem to be saying is that you believe that anything outside of your own field of awareness no longer exists and becomes nothingness? No, offense but that is almost like regressing to how a child see's the world, unable to distinguish that there are things in life outside of it's bubble of awareness, and that those things move and change independent of the child's relatively weak influence on the universe. It completely ignores limitation and inter-dependent cooperation/communication. It ignores containment, coherency, depth, range, and potential. But, what it ignores the most is connective tension, which are the threads or fields inter-connecting everything and relaying communication from one self-contained shape to another. Personally, because I can feel this tension, when I turn on my screen, I can feel the electricity humming and shifting, spreading out from the outlet in the wall, to transfer and spur motion in my pc and monitor. When I turn my head away from the monitor I can still feel the electricity coming off the machines and interacting with the air currents around me. It's the same thing with women, if we have a strong chemistry I can feel them in the air, before I even see them, and after we've connected I can subtly feel them around me even with my eyes closed. I feel the pull, the activating effect it has on my body and mind, and the way it shifts my focus. This points to a very core reality of the universe. That in order to expand our awareness, we must connect and cooperate with other things, forming a synergistic bond that increases our potential. For instance, if we want to see the finger prints left on a crime scene, we must use dust in cooperation with the skin oils left at the scene to make the finger prints more distinct. Did those prints just appear out of thin air? No through the contrast of the dust and oil inter-relating, the prints were made visible enough to surpass the limitations of what the human eye could clearly pick up and distinguish. Just like through the synergy of machine and ink, I have a printed receipt I can hold in my hand that will spur the memories stored in my head of a place that is a store, that is placed at the same address as the one printed at the top of my receipt. Ah, it appears to me that you're idea of attachments might need a bit expansion and differentiation. Good and bad are judgements about attachments, which influence how you are relating to the attachment and are derived from chemistry, but they are steps after the actual attachment itself. Every belief you have is an attachment, every conception that connects a word in a language with a particular configuration of shape (object) is an attachment. When you eat, drink, and breathe something your body breaks it down and attaches with it's part and pieces, literally absorbing what is useful and releasing it's attachment on what is not, to be expelled from your body. Our bodies have different ways and mechanisms of attaching, and so to does our mind, our focus, our relationships... they all involve connection and some configuration of attachment. Every preference, every distaste carries with it a physical response of push/pull that mediates as the different layers and parts of our body come into contact with the potentiality of attraction/repulsion for a given thing. Then there are degrees of attachment, intensities of attachment, configurations and flavors of attachment, and then the chemistry of that attachment as it relates to other attachments or potential attachments. Like, the repulsive chemistry some here have to my assertion's about the flaws of absolutism, in comparison to their attractive chemistry they have for the internalized belief about the "truth" of absolutism.
  10. Hello. I just want to inform everyone that Magic Truffles can be a powerful tool for conciousness work. Sorry if I make grammar mistakes, English is not my main language. The shops where Magic Truffles are sold are named Smartshops, not Coffeshops. I went to one located in Red Light District. I told the clerk that I wanted truffles for meditation practice, and he recommended 10 grams of "Atlantis" tuffles. 15 grams is the recommended dose for full effect, but better start with 10, trust me. A friend was taking care of me while tripping. I took them without empty stomach because I made the mistake of having a big breakfast before, and I was in a time constraint. I should have only drink a juice. After 1 hour, my body started to relax. I started to notice colors way more vivid and I developed more visual acuity. I also noticed more sounds with my hearing. I had a small visual hallucination when looking to the ceiling of the room. I saw a lot of small bones and skulls. I understood that I don't have to be afraid of bones and skulls, because some day I will be part of them as it should be. I started to talk with my friend. I noticed how I didn't have any worry or anxiety. I was happy as I was in that moment. Then I understood how worries and axieties are toughts, and also my sense of self was also a tought. So we were just nothingness. We stayed silent for 20 seconds. We couldn't add anything to the conversation. I dind't have a non-dual experience, but now I understood way more deeply what Leo and Eckart Tolle talk about. I have 2 friends that are great examples on how to live life. Free of fears and anxieties, having a lot of experiencies and enjoying all the range of possibilities that life offers. My life has no rational meaning, but I'm here to grow and blossom as best as I can, as these 2 friends do. There is no sense on living a life with fear, anxieties or anger. As I said, all these things are nothing new for me, but this time it hit way more deeply. I wanted to live my life to its fullest. I also cried when I realized how insignificant is my life. But I cried because I was having compassion of myself. On how much I suffer, trying always to do my best, taking my problems so seriously. This deep realization lasted 1 hour (cried for 5 minutes :P). After that, my body keep in a relaxed state for a few hours more, until the effect of the drug finished. By the way, I have taken MDMA some years ago, and I think the effect is pretty similar. The problem is that I mixed them with alcohol and partying, so I din't experienced these things before.
  11. To be aware of everything that presents itself. You don't need to know the answer you need to be aware of the question. Hold awareness on that single question. Who am I? To be aware of everything around you that is presenting itself. Take a step back and become aware of your surroundings. Just some thoughts. Become aware of who you think you are and cut the roots. It's all about being normal. And everyone is normal, because we all come from the same nothingness. Ego is the denial of that fact. Everyone is equal, because we are all 0. The Truth has no opposite. We are the surroundings. We are bubbles of possibilities.
  12. id like more discussion on this, to be no-thing. to not be a thing, well what is a thing? an object, a form, a body, a thought, I think what describes a thing is that it can perish. Temples get destroyed ,bodies age and die, emotions pass, thoughts pass,people come and go...I think the nothingness is what remains unshaken throughout all this. Our perception, our awareness is the only thing that is persistent. We've never not been aware. It's who we are. So to identify with simply being aware of things is to be nothing. To identify is to be content, to feel completely fulfilled just being aware, which requires the emptiness of ideas and desires we think are a part of us, but are not. Desires are an outward motions, ideas are expressions of ourselves, both are creations of ourselves,but if one wants to be happy he should not identify with his creations, but with himself, the creator. The awareness that creates. Ironically to ascend you have to let go of the creations you love and desire so much. It's sort of counter-intuitive because we want to create, we want to fulfill our desires. But perhaps before we can do that, we should first realize our identity as a creator, and that means putting ourselves before any sort of outward desire. To be nothing.
  13. To be aware of everything that presents itself. You don't need to know the answer you need to be aware of the question. Hold awareness on that single question. Who am I? To be aware of everything around you that is presenting itself. Take a step back and become aware of your surroundings. Just some thoughts. Become aware of who you think you are and cut the roots. It's all about being normal. And everyone is normal, because we all come from the same nothingness. Ego is the denial of that fact. Everyone is equal, because we are all 0. The Truth has no opposite. We are the surroundings. We are bubbles of possibilities. Do you love life or no. Think hard and decide. Be yourself, peace. We are all human and we understand each other. This is a pleasant experience in itself - to understand how your surroundings work. Walking meditation.
  14. @LetTheNewDayBegin Why should attachment be required for interaction? This is a thread about nothingness where we have a discussion about something we disagree with. What do you expect me to say? To agree with something I don't agree with to prove that I am not attached? Possible it is. Care to show me these examples of the fallacies that describe my mind in perfect detail? If you can I would be grateful.
  15. How else can one interact if not by transient attachment, @Echoes ? I have an observation:, you keep saying non-attachment is the recipe, yet you stay so attached to this "nothing". Why is that? Basically, all you're the fallacies of Salaam that you're exposing here, seem rather to describe your state of mind in perfect detail. Investigate, maybe your ego got attached to the concept of things coming out of nothingness?
  16. Hey! Chill out mate. What you had there sounds like a semi-ego-death experience. The illusion (the ego/'that which you ordinarily experience yourself to be') wasn't fully killed, only stabbed a little by a sharp knife. After that you had/still have an existential crisis. That is to say, your ego got bothered by a taste of truth. Why bothered? Because the truth is that there really is no ego to be found! The ego is a hoax! And the ego doen't like that, initially, because it still *FEELS* it's a real thing (and thus the actual, real you -- which is a no-thing -- also feels that, who/what else could feel it but you? ) BUT! There is no "you" (ego) to be found anywhere! "You" don't exist as a separated individualized person - that's a hallucination fabricated by the mind/brain, which in turn is fabricated by 'the real you' (= consciousness/nothingness). "It is a truth that there would be 'no one' to experience the bad stuff but it is also true that there would be 'no one' to experience any joy in life" Of course there IS someone to experience all the bad and good stuff in life! And that's you! The 'no one' IS YOU! It is the fundamental nature of reality and it IS you! The real you! And you know this very well! Only you currently won't acknowledge it, but will seemingly rather choose to believe that you are an ego (=a person/soul) inside af a bag of skin (the body). Listen to this music to calm you down: And here are some words of wisdom from Alan Watts cherry-picked for you:
  17. I don't agree that nothingness is the ground or the start point or the beginning. Personally, I don't tunnel vision on a single thing and say that's the start. Instead I see superposition, which is particle, wave, field, void, etc all superimposed and happening at the same time, rather than one being replaced by another. That's why I push so hard against the ABSOLUTE appellation being thrown around, because it's extreme to me and breaks the delicate balance of superposition by discarding the other stuff. I don't discard, I add and transform, maintaining space for the foundational things that are all inter-connected and can flow and access and transform into each other. All the while interacting and having chemistry with each other, because it's that chemistry, that activation that courses through and outside my body alongside normal human feelings. Well, there are different kinds and flavors of attachment. Every time you focus on something and come to a conclusion about it, you are attaching to it and creating an internalization about that particular focus that gets stored in your body and carries with it a particular chemistry that will then influence how new things you come across and attach to that are associated with that internalization will feel in contrast. This particular process is a mix of mental and physical attachments. It is the fields that are responsible for the push and pull to attach and it's their tension that intensifies the closer something is to the cusp of attaching, but fades when something completely attaches or is to distant for it's connecting fields to activate with their chemistry. I have the ability to consciously pull and release on those fields as needed. (This is all information derived from direct experience by the way. I can literally feel and observe that whole process unfold inside me) Nope, superposition is way more preferable, healthier, and creates way more evolution for me. I don't mind effort and I don't suffer. Lol, man when I was writing some of this stuff earlier it felt like breathing in pure ecstacy. It's not always the case of course, the fields I feel can bring horrible pain as well, but that's because it's honest and I'm not a victim from it (pain isn't all that bad, I even enjoy it in certain contexts and appreciate it in even more). If I fuck up or over-extend and violate the balance it will hurt me and make me sick. But, if I take my time, protect the integrity and fidelity of things, then I grow stronger and feel things that before I could never have imagined. Honestly, most of my nights I spend trying to ignore and not get pulled into all the pleasure my body has access to. It's got a gravity to it and it's amazing, but if I over-indulge it tires out my body. Lol, same thing with sex, my orgasms are so powerful with my wife, that I have to slow down and keep myself from over-indulging in my sexuality so I don't overheat when the climax rips through me. My energy is like a nuclear reactor. Almost literally, in that they share similar principles of volatility encased in cooling stability.
  18. "After more than 100 years of debate featuring the likes of Einstein himself, physicists have finally offered up mathematical proof of the third law of thermodynamics, which states that a temperature of absolute zero cannot be physically achieved because it's impossible for the entropy (or disorder) of a system to hit zero." "This explains why, no matter where you look, every single thing in the Universe is moving ever so slightly - nothing in existence is completely still according to the third law of thermodynamics." Hopefully, people can take the article and evidence above and apply it to their philosophies on life. Understanding that the seeking of absolutes is a flaw humans have yet to evolve and expand from due to our brains compulsion for tunnel-vision and propensity for choosing extremes rather than nuance and diversity, as well as foregoing balance through contrast rather than this blind reaching for balance through homogeneity. The void as an absolute is nonsense. Life is always a mixture of diversity to one degree or another and efforts to reach some idealized state of nothingness will always eventually lead you out of step with reality and how the world truly moves. Motion is the most honest thing in the world. Motion is life and understanding that, the elements of motion and how they provide shape and distinction and potentiality will do more for your development then chasing a void.
  19. @Salaam Well if you are stating that what another is saying is ignorant, below your level, is twisting things to make them feel better, thats per definition a degradation of the things being said. Not necesserily of the human being. So where exactly are we disagreeing? When you know that there is this nothingness, you should also know that it is the ground in which everything is arising and dissolving. Why would you attach to something if you are at peace and happy if you are non-attached? That doesn't make sense to me. Thats like saying "What's better not needing an orange, needing an orange, or having the ability to choose when and where you need an orange" You can enjoy the same things non-attached, and an attachement is always a illusory mental fabrication that is only real when you think it is. Why would one attach to transient things? I'm not saying that your 13 different compound patterns or whatever isn't true, but I am saying that they are existing and arising in empty awareness. Yes, there are many modulations and things one can do with consciousness, but that doesn't change the background in which all this takes place.
  20. Ah man, that's the thing though. I'm not doing it blindly. I know the experience of nothingness. I went years where I had compete silence in my head as a rest state. Some would even call it enlightenment. I've been there already. I can bring about that nothingness or no-mind state whenever I want. It's effortless. I've done the attachment and non-attachment thing and can choose what I attach to and modulate the nuanced degree of attachment. What's better being non-attached, attached, or having the ability to choose when and where you attach or don't and the degree? I choose the latter. Buddha seems to have chosen the former. I have 13 different compound patterns of foundational movement that exist and are occuring at all times at the same time that I am using to discern capability. There is a kind of goldilocks zone that has certain characteristics of feel when all 13 of those foundational elements are harmonized and synergized within that zone. Leo is missing some of those and I call him out on it if I come across that missing in a context that I feel will do a person harm, just like I do to anyone else. It's not about my approach, it's about these elements of movement. I didn't create them. I'm not even saying those 13 elements are all that is out there, in fact I'm saying the complete opposite when a person realizes that those elements encompass uncertainty, potentiality,mystery, and ignorance. Again we all have ignorance, it's the degree and context of ignorance that matters and how it inter-relates with every other part of us. Having a different level of development is not a degradation to me. We can still be relationally equal in humanity, despite what flaws we may or may not have. We are discussing views and approach and what we trust, not who is more valuable as a human being. At least that's where I'm coming from, in case you felt differently from my writing.
  21. Lol, nice way to characterize me. I disagree with it of course, but whatever, enjoy yourself. What's your motivation here? Do you really want to understand me or are you entrenched in your own view and see mine in an adversarial light? Quantum Superposition is within and among and on top of, all at the same time. Personally, I can feel the shifts when my brain moves to send activation to my thoughts to start narrating and when the energy shifts elsewhere. I literally feel the subtle ways my magnetic lattice or whatever inside my head bends. I can feel which part activates when I'm thinking about numbers for instance versus thoughts of my wife. It's not about creation or arising but a different pattern of movement coinciding with different levels of activation across my body. I feel energy or fields or the shift of magnetism on top of my normal senses at all times, so my experiences and content of information will probably be different from yours. The thing is when I shift into that pocket of nothingness that you feel to be absolute, it's not an empty void for me. I feel those energy fields all throughout it, and feel at its edges all that is containing and being restrained around it as well. But who cares right? If you have no reference for it yourself and a predisposition to believe in something that conflicts with what I'm saying then these words mean nothing to you.
  22. @Salaam I don't see your disagreement as a degradation, but your constant labeling of other opinions as ignorant, and not on your level of development. Those are just blind assumption you make about people you don't even know, and you are doint it just because they have a different view. If you label Nothingness a paradigm, your "cognitive development" is also just that. You don't even know what the nothingness "paradigm" has to offer or how the actual nothingness feels, yet you are comparing it to your paradigm and saying that it is a higher developed one. What makes you think that the things I talk about are not things I experienced for myself? Again a blind assumption to validate your own viewpoint. That's the exact same thing that Leo for example is saying about Enlightenment too. See? Yours isn't the one and only true approach.
  23. Well, remember ignorance isn't a "yes or no" binary thing. There are degrees and areas, levels and layers. Ignorance is a very deep topic. Agreement is not the fulcrum upon which ignorance is being decided upon here. But, capability and how that capability expresses is (at least on my side of this discussion). It's interesting that you see my disagreement as a degradation. I guess you could call it that, but that's a little extreme in my opinion. It's more so an invalidation and rejection, due to the fact that I have a better view and grasp on reality, again according to my experience and awareness of the world around me and within me, compared to your absolute nothingness paradigm. Yea, you could say the same exact thing to me, in fact you are and have been since your initial reaction to becoming aware of my words. You can say and choose to believe whatever you want, but that won't change the fact that most of the things I've talked about and experienced and capabilities I've gained, you have yet to experience and manifest for yourself. Most people haven't and most people won't, because it's fucking hard and requires at least a decade of dedication constantly exposing yourself to the edges of all that nature has awaiting us. A couple years of hourly meditation and some visits to a retreat are not up to par. Will that rub people the wrong way? Maybe, but maybe that just means they need to work on their humbleness more. Once you balance and anchor into both confidence and being humble, you don't fall that often into either superiority or inferiority when you become aware of others differences in relation to yours. It's that swing to the extremes that people bitch about when it comes to ego. Eh, at least I tell you why I'm rejecting it and provide counter-points of what I think are better ways and myriads of examples all across the universe that show that reality is moving in harmony with my chosen paradigm. Man, I fucking love the universe. Just feeling it move through me is like breathing in ecstasy right now. I wish more people could feel the fields permeating the universe at all times. Y'all are missing out
  24. @Salaam What makes you think that I have not faced my own ignorace? Is it because I am not agreeing with you? So everybody who is not agreeing with you hasn't faced their ignorance, is "arrogant", and is twisting things to make them feel better? You assume other opinions are merely "internalized beliefs" and they are triggered from your perspective. Have you considered that all this maybe is not the case? That you are projecting your own mentality onto others? Why the need to degrade other opinions? See, I could say the exact same thing to you. You haven't yet realized absolute nothingness and the background in which all of your cognitive dynamics are arising, and therefore I don't trust in the conclusions you have come to. All of what you have said plays in the relative realm of experience, you haven't yet touched that in which all this plays.
  25. See if a person actually makes deep progress with awareness and internalization, they experience that there are many layers of consciousness and sub-conscious automation that require particular flow states which also have to do with different types of brain waves and chemical cascades within our body that need their time of activation and expression. When I sleep, those are the processes working and I have trance states that occur as I transition from those layers so the depth of my awareness and ability to observe doesn't disrupt or collapse their process. I can actually have half of my brain awake and the other asleep much like seals do as I transition, which protects the flow and activation of other parts of my brain as they come on line. So, no I don't arise out of nothing when I wake up in the morning. Why? Because I've expanded my awareness and sensitivity to deep layers of my sub-conscious, while still being delicate enough to not disrupt their integrity and coherency. This allows me to feel all the other things going on, that other people without this connection to deeper layers won't have access to. I get it, this absolute stillness/nothingness is a belief you're highly invested in and attached to. But again, based on my years of experience and success you're basing that belief on a level of cognitive development that is not reliable for making absolute conclusions. If you can't see that or don't want to see that, can't admit and humble yourself to the further development needed then...