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  1. I disagree with this. Every single time you have a realization like that, you're actually out of the space of undifferentiated everything and localized back in your head differentiating and categorizing and creating separation and distance. That space, that you call nothingness is more than good and more than the limitations of absolutes and perfection. Absolutes and perfection are human concepts that imply endings and are reliant on having a contrast in order to define themselves and all of that is indistinguishable from the undifferentiated everything. However, and this is a big thing people trip up on, there is a difference between something being indistinguishable and non-existent. All these movements and actions and physical manifestations that we then create symbols for to differentiate for ourselves, still exist, but the distinctions and separations and the conditions, don't necessarily have to be applied to constrain and contain us. That is the point of gaining access to the space of undifferentiated everything. It's to gain the freedom to choose how much distance and conditions to apply and when you want to. You lose that freedom when you make the mistake of differentiating the undifferentiated everything after you've had a taste of it. When you do so you create binary separation with EXTREME distance and separation and EXTREME conditions that get in the way of undifferentiated everything's nature. A couple other points in response to your later block of text. There is a universal "evil" by the way that is recognized by more than just humans and that "evil" is the corruption of trust. Humans, animals, plants, cells, all react in a similar fashion to corrupting forces that twist and make normally healthy connections or bonds unhealthy or unsafe to initiate. I personally find the word evil to be a an overly simplistic and primitive concept, but the above is what people were trying to describe when they came up with the etymological root of that word and of course added their connotations of human personification. Secondly, up and down, left and right, are indeed a differentiation, but they are nuances of distance. Distance does indeed exist if we want it to, because it is a part of everything and it occurs every time we categorize and differentiate. It's what plays a HUGE part in the kinds of emotions we feel. You mention hot and cold and that is a perfect example of how distance works. If you go out and stick your hands in the snow for a bit and then come inside, room temperature water feels a lot hotter than it normally would. This is because the distance of contrast between your now much colder than normal hands and the room temperature water is much greater than the distance of contrast between your base level hand temperature when normally placing them under room temperature water. This is also why winning a million dollars is more exciting for a person with very little money compared to someone who is already a billionaire. It's the distance that modulates the emotion. Going from 40 degrees to 70 degrees is a much greater distance than going from 65 to 70 degrees. Going from 0 dollars to a million dollars is a greater change to a person's life then going from 1 billion dollars to 1 billion, 1 million dollars. In economics they have a concept of marginial utility which plays off this same universal principle of contrast distance. And finally, your last sentence makes that mistake I mentioned earlier that people constantly trip up on. It's not "the only reason you exist is because you say so" but instead, "the only reason you are distinguishable is because you say so". Undifferentiated everything allows itself to distinguish itself in localized zones we call human beings, but these human beings don't get to choose existence. Not in the absolute sense. Why? Because nothing is ever created or destroyed in the undifferentiated everything. Everything will always be everything. We can't make the mistake of falling back into differentiation and coming up with these extreme conditions that we then try to place on the space of undifferentiated everything.
  2. Good questions. We are in the realm of mathematical mapping of reality on paper. 0 is the mathematical representation which points to emptiness. The numbers are the representation of things as mathematical symbols. Try the following visualisation exercise to see what I mean when I talk about emptiness. Visualise a cow. Now see the cow pop as a balloon leaving behind nothingness. That nothingness doesn't have a particular shape or size. It was also always there, it was just that the cow was appearing on top of it and not allowing it to be recognised, because the cow is standing out. Doesn't this sound familiar? Khm.. Khm... Ego.. Khm... Khm.. Now you can do this exercise with ordinary objects you see too. See that TV? Now imagine it pops, leaving behind 0, *( what 0 points to). But that nothingness again doesn't have any shape and size, it seems like it has always been there, and actually if you look around, you see that this same nothingness or 0 is everywhere. It's just hiding behind all the objects / numbers in your perception. These objects include inner phenomena.
  3. Ofcourse hehe, 0 is a label pointing to emptiness, I think we should be pass explaining that point. I cant show you pure nothingness in a post, but I can talk about it. Why don't you have a problem with dots, lines and planes, since they are also not the label? Also every word ever spoken lol... Actually, considering thay everything is emptiness, this post including all labels in it, even those that arent the label 0 are the emptiness itself so there! I did put emptiness on a post for you after all, you just are not seeing it as a 3d entity, just like you arent seeing dots, lines and planes.
  4. When full awakening has become established then it never leaves you, it is always there; just like your shadow it follows you. Then you have become an individual. Then the individuality has also to be lost. Become one from many and then become zero from one. This is the whole mathematics of spirituality -- from many to one and from one to nothingness. One has become the rest. Ordinarily, when you are a person, you are in tremendous unrest. Restlessness is what you are. When you come to full awakening you have become very, very restful. You are and you are rested, deeply rested. In enlightenment you have disappeared, there is only rest, nobody resting... eternal rest. Full awakening you can feel for the first time what enlightenment can mean. The first taste, or the first distinct perfume of enlightenment, comes through full awakening. So full awakening is helpful; but anything that is helpful can be a hindrance if you cling to it and you feel that it is everything. full awakening has a bliss that can fool you; it has a bliss of its own. Because you have not known enlightenment, this is the ultimate that comes to you, and you cling to it. But if you cling to it, you can change that which was helpful, that which was friendly, into something that becomes a barrier and an enemy. So one must be aware of the possible danger of full awakening. If you are aware of this, then the experience of full awakening will be helpful.
  5. @Brivido You are the body, but the true nature of the body is consciousness, the true nature of consciousness is no-thing-ness. So the true nature of you is fundamentally nothingness. The nature of nothingness is infinite. So we could say right now you are in a dream. Its up to you to wake up. ~ rise & shine~ After a deep enough enlightenment it will make sense & you won't be identified with your body anymore.
  6. so between numerous role models I follow, including "our" Leo Gura and also (I recommending) Tai Lopez, there is often a message of - study. Reading, research. Certainly I'm intending to pick up a habit of this in the future, of digging into philosophy and psychology and history and physics, however that is not a now-concern... I have other focal imperatives for the nearer future. So I'm not pushing for that study habit just yet. But, I wonder, wouldn't the types of literature and discourse that Leo often criticizes as low-level consiousness, not be necessarily bad? I'm trying to go through my (so to speak:) "spiritual" work through a pragmatic approach of in-the-action mindfulness, rather than one of solemn meditation - I have been in my life spending "too much" time reflecting or daydreaming or gaming, and instead not-doing, so one of my main current priorities is to focus on being pragmatic whenever I have the capacity to be focused and with healthy pose of body (my body atrophy and subsequent weakness from my 3 years of depression), and when my body and/or my mind is not up to that task, I'm more often than not making sure to rest in some way, even to the point that I allow my mind to return into "sleep". this leaves no room for meditation or for direct study. So my idea is - I could be reading fantasy books, watching non-documentary movies. It really is OK. For two reasons - as I move forward in my mindfulness work, I cannot just suddenly be mindful all the time - so neurotically criticizing my consumption of so-called low-consciousness content is silly! just watch it/read it, no big deal. But Also, the thing that I'm very aware of - which Leo and most other role models too, either are unaware of or neglect to emphasize or even mention - is the reality that all experiences in life are just as meaningful in inspiration, worth, good, etc. - as anything else. Well, we sort of do talk about this - but the more precise nature I'm referring to is how: Even a child with no experience, we learn from; Even an addict with full-scale neurosis, we learn from; And even from the addictive medias - we learn from them too. So in this way - when working on mindfulness - consumption of "low consciousness media" has a twofold direct usefulness in our pursuit of transcending our low level of awareness - The first being that it is a good way to practice being mindful of our addictive nature - just because we have these addiction sensations and drive doesn't mean we must avoid that activity, altho being mindful of the self is possible in such moments certainly hard - in that it gives us practice of allowing our awareness to falter and yet still return; and when we can keep ongoing consciousness more powerfully, we can increase that strength. The second being - that with mindful attention to the movie etc for the focus of finding inspiration, with enough practice (and I have a whole life's worth for this specific skill) we will actually discover that literally all things inspire our growth of ideas. Of course, in that, I bank on the strategy that being the monkeys we are is in fact the authentic "self" that we are - tho we can transcend that self with increased awareness, despite the infinity and the nothingness and the nonduality that existences is, in contrast to that absolute existence our "local" existence remains to factually be one of sensation and duality. We may be struck by delusion, but to deny that delusion blindly would in fact be denying the nonduality itself! disclaimer - this has been a discussion of thought from my current perspective. I do not claim any of it to be true or useful for you, and certainly none of it is True being. but these ideas are true and useful for me any thoughts, responses, reflections, piggybacking, all encouraged thanks for reading.
  7. There is always this question comes to my mind that if our life end up as nothingness as Leo says so why do we have to care much to do everything perfectly and to achieve most of our goal! So my point is in here that if we go towards nothingness then there would be no point to remember anything no matter what we do in this life, no matter if we have long or short life, happy or unhappy as it will all go to nothingness. However its different for religious people since they believe for another life afterwards.
  8. Why Do We Keep Reminding Ourselves To Enjoy Life And Do Best Before We Die? Any story about life is one created by ego, which is only a fabrication, and not real. It's just a story, it's nothingness. Truth is the only reality. Anything else is not true and not real. Unconditional love is the expression of truth. By being true, unconditional love becomes our expression. This is the ultimate life joy and the best we can be. If we keep reminding ourselves to enjoy life and do our best, it is because we are not true and have become nothing in the first place. And deep down we know it. So the reminder is a declaration to wake up and be true and loving before we die as a person who missed the point in life.
  9. @philosogi you already experienced nothingness because you were nothing before you were born.
  10. When we go to nothingness, I'll be experiencing going to nothingness
  11. I seem to follow a slightly different path and outlook then other's on here, but thought some might find value in my experiences and comments on this matter. So... for those who aren't familiar there is a space or position we can inhabit where everything is everything. Words can't describe the place, because words in and of themselves are tools or products of differentiation, which create degrees of separation and conditions. Even calling it nothingness is a flaw in my opinion, because that is a differentiation that narrows the scope of this place and everything that it is, creating misguided connotations. I prefer to call it un-differentiated everything, but lol, even that is flawed... but maybe less so? When you are in this position, "you" are a part of this undifferentiated everything, and the differentiation of "you" does not distinguish itself. The sound of water running is you, everything is you, but only a "you" in the sense of being the localized experience (in my opinion). This is different from others who say the you does not "exist", you can still exist while being non-distinguished, in my experience. Anyways, it's a really nice space that I can slip into at will, but maybe unlike others it's not one I'm trying to be in at all times. Instead I find great value in just having free access to that space and also how it counterbalances or provides contrast to being in a position with differentiation and conditions (which is of course any time our mind begins to categorize distinctions). The benefits I have found so far from that contrast are the following: It loosens up the intensity of attachment to differentiation at its most fundamental level, which also makes more flexible existing structures of mental differentiation with their associated conditions, rules, and biases. This provides more space, more freedom, to pull away from those structures and let our body's chemical build-up rest and clear out, which helps ease mental rigidity and fundamental prejudices and internalized programming. It sensitizes me to the contrast between the differentiations that arise as the world changes around and within me versus the differentiations I stack on top of it with my mind as it narrates, labels, categorizes, and distinguishes change. This gives a person a kind of blank slate to build upon based just on the natural flow of the universe and it makes more visible the internalized direction our programming will take us within a moment. This is great for trouble shooting, because you can catch unhealthy directions, slip back into base state non-mental differentiation, and then "re-set" with something more positive. It's kind of nice to be in the un-differentiated space and feel the pull from my mind back into mental differentiation because things feel so good (labeling it good or positive or blissful is a differentiation). This is helpful, because I can stay in non-differentiation and let everything be everything and let my body naturally rest and re-orient itself so it starts pulling me towards positivity, rather than trying to be positive through the creation of conditions. It's a nice alternative, because often through the effort of creating positivity we create conditions that actually push us away from it or make it seem out of reach. It's great for dealing with energies and situations we would tend to differentiate towards the negative. Facing and becoming those energies in a "I am that" sort of manner, but different because, when you are un-differentiated, there is no need for the second step of differentiating that I am that... lol this stuff is kind of challenging to talk about. When you become the negative, the negative becomes everything and everything is more than negative, which eases things and helps a person's body process that stress and get back to a balanced kind of state. Conditions we have for love and the embodiment of certain positive positions become much easier to meet or non-existent, because you become them, which means you're natural reactions of rejection or resistance to those feelings don't get in the way to block or disrupt their emotional expression. The limitations or caveats I have found from this space are: This state of non-differentiation is only localized within my domain. Although I am embodying others and can feel without condition, they have to choose and be capable in order to be in the same place to meet me there. However, they are effected or influenced and helped to more easily get there because of the captivation and emotional transference that can happen during communication. Thinking and speaking pulls a person out of the space, however being in or out is not a binary "yes or no", but with degrees of shifting and degrees of overlap, so a person can think and then sink back into it, allowing for the best of both worlds in a way. There is value in both differentiation and non-differentiation. Like yin and yang, the magic is in how they dance and inform each other through contrast. I think people get caught up in conditions when they slip out of this space and try to force this condition of being un-conditional at all times, which creates a kink or paradox that might stymie people who don't certain levels of calmness and stability and perspective already in place. Anyways, I hope these thoughts help some people. Any thoughts or questions, please let me know.
  12. Entry 128 | Zero Fucks Given Theory: The fear of criticism can prevent you from sharing your work with the world. Don't be consumed by it. Applying it: Even if you have niggling fears in the back of your mind about completing a project, just complete it anyway. Don't give a shit about what others think about you. Honourable shoutout to @Zane for introducing the "Zero Fucks Given" method! Today, my music videos arrived ready to publish on YouTube. There were several voices in my head regarding the criticism I may face with these videos. Largely because I have never released music videos incorporating singing as a feature. What will people say? Will they like my voice? Will they hate it? Will they pretend to like it? Will they ignore it? But when I looked back at everything that I had done to create these videos, there was no way that I could NOT share them. So that's exactly what I did. The voices of criticism in my mind will just have to lump it. To be honest, those voices are an essential part of a musician's creative process. Sure, music can be created out of sheer nothingness. But without the important critical voices, those ideas would never evolve into something magical. However, when those voices simply can't shut up and let me enjoy the moment, the need to rise above them presents itself. So with zero fucks given, I will now shamelessly share my music videos with you. Not because I want to be liked, nor do I want anything else in return. It's simply just what I have to do to serve something bigger than myself: the creative Muse. Pick of the day:
  13. There is always this question comes to my mind that if our life end up as nothingness as Leo says so why do we have to care much to do everything perfectly and to achieve most of our goal! So my point is in here that if we go towards nothingness then there would be no point to remember anything no matter what we do in this life, no matter if we have long or short life, happy or unhappy as it will all go to nothingness. However its different for religious people since they believe for another life afterwards.
  14. @philosogi but will you be remembering then fun we go to nothingness?
  15. @Snick-The ThinkTank The YOU is the most irreducible element of this whole thing. All there is, is YOU. And YOU is not an absence of anything, it's the presence of everything. Whatever ideas you have of Nothingness or Void, it's not that, it's more like the opposite. The Void is bright and full.
  16. Nice! I'm looking forward to feel "fantastic amazing, drowned-in-pussygrabbing, president of my united self, rich, loving-tripping-best-time-of-my-life-independent hardcore attracting best at what there is to best at and who has eternal love that shines through the internet through other side of cosmos and divine being mr-nothingness-himself-is-blessed-extrasuperblessed-becauseImamazing-godlovesmethemore-I love God the more he loves-the poor children in Africa and North-Korea, I'm sure he ment well-loverboy". Sounds like a great exercise! Will try it out
  17. Entry 127 | More on Death I don't know specifically what I want to write in this entry, so I'm just going to type as I think. Death has been on my mind recently. What with my uncle being on the verge of death now after months of coping with cancer and everything. But also, I had a dream in the last few nights about death. At some point, it occurred to me that I had never witnessed anyone die right before my eyes. This caused my subconscious mind to simulate that event in the form of a dream. It was night, and I was stood at a crossing with around 20 people. As we waited for the traffic lights to change, one guy stepped out in the middle of the road in front of the oncoming traffic. It was obvious that he was hoping to commit suicide. In the shock of the situation, I looked away at the instant the car ran over the guy. I slowly looked back to see the man lying on the floor with blood gushing out of his severed leg. He wasn't dead. But he wasn't far off. He leant forward as if to grab his leg in pain but, of course, it was missing. Something suggested that he was regretting the idea. Then earlier today, I envisioned another suicide scenario happening on my way to university. I imagined the guy jumping off one of the university buildings with the cry "OH MY GOD." Again, it suggested that he regretted the decision completely. But his fate was unavoidable as he splattered on the tarmac. Thankfully, these were imaginary scenarios. But why now? It's not like I'm actively looking to commit suicide nor do I wish to see it happen to someone. Nevertheless, it got me thinking about death. It hit me in the Indian music ensemble that one day, I will die. One day, I will return to the nothingness of death. And somehow, I don't feel scared about that. Given that the next few years will prove to be the most challenging for me, this is something that I must keep in mind. Nothingness is whole and complete as it is. There needn't be life at all. The fact that it exists for the meantime is just a blessing. The pursuing of goals for materialist benefits seems shallow and unnecessary now. Once upon a time, I just wanted to be a famed guitar player. Now, I just want to make the most of what I am now. The process seems more important than the end result. Now is better than then. All I can do is enjoy the moment for what it is. Any goals that I pursue will come from that place of love and joy for being in the now. They won't become my life. They will just form a part of it. Because if there's any goal that's worth pursuing, it is to love life to the full. Pick of the day:
  18. @West Heard that guy's name a few times. He sounds pretty interesting in that respect. Like you say, he must have done a heck of a lot of consciousness work to become so resilient to and accepting of the pain. I've not yet been experienced to physical pain of that nature. Although, my karate background may have made me more able to withstand the pain later on. It's hard to say. Meditation will certainly lessen the suffering, maybe to the point of nothingness one day.
  19. Yes nothingness is the matter but the mind and the Ego doesn't want to accept that so they distract my whole being so much that i can't really let it flow ! And even if sometimes i can, it's coming, even if i start to understand that what comes from the mind got to be rejected in order for this process to complete itself.
  20. Emptiness, Nothingness as i like to call it
  21. Nothingness is real and is who I am "Split wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, you will find me there." - Jesus
  22. I like it that someone understood/read this I think most people have allergy to numbers. Also I was just hit by the realization that if that which I am seeing is illusion, false, that means it is untrue, that means it is a mirage, nothing, 0 ultimately. It is just perceived as something by the true 0 that we are Mindfucking. So everything we see is the untrue nothingness and the one that sees is the true nothingness, but that which we see is still who we are Just the false us in an ultimate sense
  23. Yeah, exactly, we are the same nothingness\pure awarenesa experiencing two different infinities part of a bigger infinity. But we're identified with the separate body and mind that we observe, which is an infinity itself, that's why it deserves to be! All infinities are made in Absolute infinity's image. Smaller scale. But the awareness is where we all meet into oneness. And only That is true- that and the present moment experience of that awareness. The experience is of something untrue by itself, but its the awareness that makes it true as experience
  24. Like soul is saying- The teachers you are asking about have recognized that addiction to spirituality is no different than any other addiction. The problem with a lot of the spirituality message is that it suggests that all of these amazing things which are outside of your experience will all the sudden be given to you if you become enlightened. What that does is creates a feeling in people that what is already in experience isnt whole, so they need to seek out enlightenment to be whole. It is the same cycle of wanting that is behind any addiction. Outside of perception is nothing. Assuming that you need to find what is outside of yourself is assuming that you need to know nothing. It is completely unknowable. Liberation is realizing that what is happening is already whole. It is not about becoming a psychic, or attaining some power that will make a self more special. It is about what is already there recognizing that it already is. It is not about what is already there reaching out into unknowable nothingness and pulling an object back to itself. There is no one there to be improved in the first place. There is what is happening, not what might, could, or should be happening. All of that is the thought process of self, and is an utter illusion. It is what Leo would call a trap. The assumption underlying it is that to be happy, the dream has to be made better with objects that are separate. It's ass backwards, and it is the self trying to fight against not having control.
  25. Check again, now there no God, only nothingness.