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  1. You only want relationships to enhance Your inner experience and wellbeing. In survival mode its good to be in a tribe of sorts, the odds of living another day are better, but here and now where survival is not the top priority in ppl's lives, in the west anyways, we use relationships and extract from others due to Lack felt within, this is not so good, its much better to establish Your Being, then go out and share it with others, in this context its all about Sharing, not extracting, so it depends on what level of Existence we are talking about, if life is decent, things are provided for basic living, then that is when we go within to our Beingness, establish Peace or Bliss as our base experience then go out and have relationships, it works much better this way imo:)
  2. The word Soul is very misconstrued word in today's culture, like everything nowadays everyone is making up their own definitions of words and meanings and creating individualistic ideologies that only separate them from others and everything, a sign that the intellect (dissecting tool that separates things for us to understand) is in charge. Better to use a word like Life, Source, Grand Intelligence, Brahman, Divine..Basically Soul is the Life you have capatured within You, we are embodied beings, living in a dual material world, but have the ability to be One with everything as an Experience and everyday foundational one. Wrapped around the Soul/Life, are Shealths, the Food, Mental, Energy, Etheric and Bliss shealths, what keeps it all together is Your Karmic Substance, its like Glue, when You die Physically, what travels to the next body is the Energy, Etheric and Bliss body which encapsulate the soul/life, which is why You are born with certain karmas/tendencies to work out in this life time, but we are born with Free Will or the possibility/potential of it and much more, we can be Conscious beings and not be bound by our physicality, or karmic substance, if You get this far (Enlightenment) then You may lose Your individuality and go back to Oneness realm and Brahman or Shiva nature (Shiva means "that which is not")
  3. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 2 "A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself." Neils Bohr "God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension." - Freeman Dyson Founding fathers of quantum mechanics as mystics and idealists: The early quantum mechanics pioneers like Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck, and others were sympathetic to mysticism and anti-realism. Their work in the early 20th century challenged the notion of a clockwork, materialist universe. The importance of epistemology in quantum mechanics: Quantum mechanics raises profound questions about the nature of knowledge (epistemology), particularly issues related to the subject-object problem and the grounding of knowledge. Niels Bohr on the abstract nature of particles: Bohr discussed particles as abstractions, with their properties only definable through interactions with other systems, emphasizing the holistic nature of reality. Niels Bohr on the limitations of language and physics: Bohr mentioned the limitations of language to fully describe reality. He characterized physics as a method of ordering human experience, challenging the traditional view of it as a study of an independent reality. Objectivity versus subjectivity in physics: Bohr highlighted shifts in our understanding of objectivity and subjectivity, influenced by the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, where the traditional objective world of science is reinterpreted as a blend of objective and subjective components. Religious and spiritual content in physics: Bohr argued that religious content can't be spoken of in objectifying language due to its deeply subjective nature and that different religious forms may offer complementary insights into reality. Werner Heisenberg on the unity and complementarity of reality: Heisenberg criticized the separation of reality into parts and articulated the observer's effect on nature, stating what's observed isn't nature itself but nature exposed to our methods of questioning. Max Planck on consciousness and matter: Planck viewed consciousness as fundamental, with matter being derivative from consciousness. He highlighted the importance of consciousness as a basis for all discussion of reality. Quantum mechanics' challenge to materialism and rationalism: Gura claims that quantum mechanics reveals the limitations of rationality and traditional materialism, illustrating the profound interconnectedness of observer and observed. Emphasis on open-mindedness in scientific interpretation and exploration: Gura urges contemplation and intellectual openness in embracing various interpretations of reality, beyond the established material and rational perspectives. Max Planck on the ultimate mystery of nature: Planck believed that since we are part of nature, we cannot solve its ultimate mystery. He recognized a paradox in epistemology—the study of knowledge—and its relationship with metaphysics and physics. Science and generational resistance: Max Planck argued that scientific truth prevails not by convincing opponents but when opponents pass away and a new, more receptive generation grow up. This implies that current materialistic views might persist until a new generation familiar with non-duality and mysticism emerges. Materialism as modern scientific dogma: Leo characterizes the current scientific establishment as akin to religious fundamentalism with its strict adherence to materialistic dogma and suppression of mystical and non-dualistic perspectives. Limits of truth quantization: Leo criticizes the view that all truth must be quantifiable and communicable. He points out that much of the truth extends beyond the scope of what can be captured mathematically, leaving blind spots in rational understanding. Interpretation and assumptions in science: Quantum mechanics reveals that all facts are subject to interpretation and that scientific observations are inseparable from perspective. Thus, accessing the absolute nature of reality transcends the capacity of reasoning, language, and mathematics. Heisenberg's alignment with Hindu and Vedantic philosophy: Werner Heisenberg compared Nirvana to a state of pure bliss and knowledge beyond individual ego, and discussed resolving karma through a continuum of existence, views that reflect non-duality and transcend materialist conceptions of individuality. Erwin Schrodinger's non-dualistic perspective: Schrodinger melds the principles of quantum mechanics with non-duality, emphasizing the unity of the now, the illusion of multiplicity, and the limits of logical thinking in comprehending the absolute nature of reality. Albert Einstein on cosmic religious feeling: Einstein described a profound, non-anthropomorphic, cosmic religious feeling that recognizes the unity of existence and the significance of super personal values beyond the need for rational foundation—an experience that motivates scientific inquiry. Freeman Dyson on reason as a passion: Dyson warned against the dangerous overvaluation of reason. He highlighted the importance of realizing our insignificance within the universe and cautioned against the arrogance associated with an exaggerated sense of rationality. Freeman Dyson's Views on Mystery and Materialism: Dyson contends that both a butterfly and superstring are mysterious and absorbing interests for scientists. He criticizes the dogmatism of both religious creationists and scientific materialists, noting that they bring disrepute to their respective domains by being insensitive and arrogant. Dyson also expresses disappointment at the idea of a finite set of equations describing all of physical reality, as he believes reality is infinite. John Archibald Wheeler's Extended Physics Views: Wheeler, who coined the term "black hole," believes that physical things ultimately originate from information-theoretic sources, making reality participatory. He also reflects on existence as the ultimate question, which he posits cannot be answered from materialist or rationalist perspectives but only through a non-dual approach. David Bohm's Quantum Interconnectedness and Non-Duality: Bohm reversed the conventional notion of independent elementary particles being the fundamental reality. He suggested that everything in the universe is interconnected, and both consciousness and matter are deeply interwoven within this whole. Bohm promotes a holistic perspective and believes that fragmentation is an erroneous perception which hides the true continuous nature of existence. David Bohm on Fragmentation and Reality Projection: Bohm stresses the problem with fragmenting reality and the need to cease projecting a mental grid onto the world. Removing this grid helps erase the concept of self and others, shifting from duality to non-duality and unifying the observer with the observed. Bohm's Thoughts on the Observer and Observed Relationship: Bohm elaborates on quantum interconnectedness where the observer and the observed are inseparable parts of a unified reality. He also challenges the ability to analyze the universe, proposing that it is a single undivided whole that transcends particles and fields. Sir Arthur Eddington's Notion of Reality: Eddington views physical reality as fundamentally constituted by "mind stuff," noting that the physical world and its phenomena are symbols connected interdependently by mathematical equations. He proposes that what is conventionally perceived as physical is actually part of a mental construct. Eddington on Mind Stuff and Material Reality: Eddington emphasizes that everything, including the concept of physical matter, is essentially "mind stuff." He implies that science is the study of patterns in this "mind stuff," thus redefining the essence of reality as inherently non-material. Transcending Physicalism: Both Freeman Dyson and John Archibald Wheeler depict a reality where physical laws are superseded by an infinite and participatory universe. David Bohm and Sir Arthur Eddington further reinforce this by explaining that reality is non-dual and that physical laws, matter, and material concepts are projections of a higher-dimensional "mind stuff." These ideas suggest that our perception of reality is an illusion, and true enlightenment lies in understanding the intangible and interconnected nature of existence. Nature of Reality and Illusion: Eddington proposes that reality as we perceive it is not concrete, but rather a product of the mind's symbolic representation. What we consider to be substantial matter is actually an elusive concept escaping capture at each scientific advance. Limits of Physics and Symbols: Physics, according to Eddington, reaches only a symbolic representation of reality, unable to penetrate the true nature of phenomena; the discipline focuses on the behavior of symbols, not the essence of what is symbolized. Spiritual Nature of Reality: Eddington asserts the intrinsic nature of all reality is spiritual rather than material or dualistic. Scientific methods leave room for the reality of spirit and consciousness, proposing different avenues of knowledge are needed to comprehend this reality. Quantum Mechanics as a Pointer to Infinity: Leo Gura illustrates that quantum mechanics acts as a pointer to a transcendental, infinite reality that cannot be fully encapsulated by symbols and equations; it suggests an underlying unity that science alone cannot reveal. Richard Feynman on the Limits of Rationality: Feynman recognizes the paradoxes inherent in understanding reality, expressing the limitations of scientific theories as representations, and highlighting that truth can be known beyond what can be proven. Critique of Modern Science and Academia: Leo criticizes the disconnection that arises from the abstraction in modern science and academia, where the sophistication in methods leads to a greater disconnect from being and reality. Philosophical Reflection on Science and Religion: Leo challenges the false dichotomy between science and religion, urging recognition of a higher, transcendent truth beyond intellectual positions or the clinging to content. Escape from Conceptual Matrix: Leo suggests the ultimate aim is to escape the entrapments of the mind and experience the raw state of being, which is a non-dualistic unity with reality. Objections Addressed: Gura responds to accusations of cherry-picking evidence to support his views by inviting critics to research deeply and confirming his selection represents the essence of the quantum mechanics pioneers' thoughts. Reality Beyond Intellectual Positions: Leo highlights the necessity of letting go of intellectual positions and ego to access the transcendent truth that quantum mechanics and mysticism point towards. Influence of Background on Perspectives: Leo's personal journey from Islam through materialism and atheism highlights how cultural and intellectual environments shape beliefs about reality and the metaphysical. Experience of Reality and Emotion in Materialism: Materialists struggle to reconcile rational understanding with emotional experiences due to rigid boundaries imposed by their worldview. David Bohm as a Cautionary Tale: Despite David Bohm's intellectual grasp of quantum mechanics, his inability to embody these ideas led to emotional suffering; highlighting the difference between knowing and being. Critique of "God of the Gaps": Leo refutes the accusation that quantum mechanics is being used as a "God of the gaps" argument, stating that God represents the void which encompasses all existence. Materialism Critique: Leo asserts that materialism became obsolete with the advent of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, yet it continues to influence thinking, likening it to a "zombie mind virus." Irreducibly Mystical Nature of Reality: Reality is described as fundamentally mystical, with being and knowing becoming one in the state of non-duality. Transformation through Choosing Being over Knowing: Leo advocates for prioritizing being over knowing to fundamentally change one's relationship with life and emotions. Debunking Outdated Scientific Models: Popular scientific models, such as the clockwork universe, are dismissed as outdated narratives no longer reflective of reality's true nature. Non-Duality Independence from Scientific Models: Non-duality is presented as independent of scientific theory or evidence and as an experiential understanding of reality's infinite nature. Expansion of Scientific Understanding: Science should evolve to include first-person experiences, represented by phenomenology, to become a more comprehensive exploration of reality. Essence of Science: True science is characterized by radical open-mindedness and the investigation of the nature of everything. It is not limited to symbolizing with mathematical formulas but includes various methods such as rationality, intuition, or even unconventional means. Science seeks to understand the entirety of reality and must be open to it all. Infinity and Existence: The concept of infinity is central to Leo's explanation of existence. Infinity must exist because it includes the possibility of its own non-existence. Thus, nothing and everything exist simultaneously, embodying the nature of infinity. Broadening Science: Science must evolve by incorporating first-person experiences and varying methods. Non-dual practices like Yoga, meditation, self-inquiry, and phenomenology are deemed scientific too. Science’s methods must adapt just as the concept of science has evolved through history. Corruption of Truth: Leo argues that corruption in religion, government, science, and individual actions all stem from the ego's nature to distort truth. He warns against using his statements to justify personal beliefs and emphasizes deep self-reflection instead. Non-dualism as Future Knowledge: Non-duality is predicted to become common knowledge in the distant future, going beyond the self-serving tendencies of both the individual ego and institutional dogmas that have corrupted this truth for millennia. Pitfalls of Materialism: Leo laments how society prioritizes practical concerns over truth, causing suffering and an endless pursuit without fulfillment. He calls materialism a trap that prevents discovering the infinity encompassed by non-dual understanding. Advice for Scientists: Those pursuing scientific careers are urged to gain direct non-dual experience to avoid becoming dogmatic materialists. Being a mystic is seen as an essential complement to being an effective scientist—or any profound professional role. Question Cultural Metaphysics: Leo encourages questioning the blind acceptance of cultural knowledge and metaphysics for truth alignment and personal growth. He challenges listeners to consider the alignment of their feelings of satisfaction or suffering with the nature of reality. Science Evolution and Purification: A call for science to be continually questioned and purified from dogmas to remain aligned with the pursuit of truth. Science is envisioned to become more visionary and creative, rather than limited by bureaucracy and dogma. Final Reflection on Science and Niels Bohr: In concluding, Leo expresses his passion for a progressive science and his criticism stems from wishing to see science reach its true potential. A final quote from Niels Bohr was intended to be shared, illustrating Leo's admiration for one of quantum mechanics' most influential figures. Fidelius Charm
  4. Hi @strika When I first saw this reply, I felt that you were likely under some false impressions. I usually don’t like to start back and forth discussions on here as they often fail to really help anyone or bring people to better understanding. I saw this video today and immediately thought of you and what you said. By your standard that you have set, not even the Buddha meets your expectations. Now, it is possible of course that you’re correct in all of this, but I must say after a decade of going after spiritual development to a pretty hardcore degree, it seems more probable that you are picking up incorrect expectations from people who are either blatantly inflating their own level of realization or are lying to both themselves and any who follow them. I’ve experienced plenty of blissed-out states of consciousness while entirely sober, and it is my opinion that this is not the highest goal for a sincere individual on the spiritual path. The Buddha felt pain and Christ even for a time felt forsaken by God while on the cross. Having these expectations might harm yourself as well. Eventually, it is probable that you yourself will not be in a 24/7 state of immense bliss, and at that time, it might be hard to be compassionate even to yourself at some levels. I wrote this to try to help you. If this was not of benefit to you, please feel no need to reply as I am not interested in unproductive debate. I wish you all the best in your spiritual practice ❤️
  5. 100% Suffering is grace, and inevitable. What suffers is the Ego. When it starts to realize reality is not what it thought to be When its attachments are being stripped away The Ego suffers! Oh nooo, my money is gone!! Oh noo, my wife cheated on me!!! Oh no, my lovely mother died!! Ego is attached to impermanent things, it is stuck finding temporarily dopamine rushes. Its true origin is bliss and love but ignorance wouldn't allow it to shine Soul must go through hell before it realizes God. And this hell is the hell its created for itself. It's not a punishment or anything by anything else. This is how it all works. When soul wakes up, it'll realize how perfect and what a beautiful intelligent system the whole thing is.
  6. Let's see, the problem is that if you spend your life in a limited state, you limit yourself more and more, since the configuration of the human mind is like that. This increasing limitation translates into unhappiness, a mental state that point to hell. The only way out of this is to access unlimited states on a regular basis, since they reset your hard drive and allow you to see clearly, access a vital state of bliss, all of that. Psychonauts sometimes seek knowledge and understanding in these states, which for me is a mistake since knowledge is limited by definition, and seeking the limited in the unlimited is madness. The unlimited state is absolute freedom, your true nature and what you are seeking, and there is no more. any more is less.
  7. Powerful - it gave me the bliss of enlightenment
  8. Brrrrr. Right on. Luckily ignorance is bliss.
  9. The values of a saint are your own true values, but due to ignorance you have forgotten and have gotten lost in the dream. The saint is pure awareness that's perfect bliss manifested in human form, it's your true nature this perfect bliss. You will eventually have those values which are never gone, but hidden under ego. But all of it starts when the soul is exhausted being dreaming for too long, it seeks out.
  10. The Spiritual path is all about this but its not about a Conversation, its about the Realization of what we are, so Realization is the important part. Once You touch Your Bliss Body, as a part of the 5 shealth (Earth, Mental, Energetic, Etheric, Bliss Bodies), then Your intouch with a part of that aspect, they call it Bliss body because it is non physical aspect, and You as an embodied individual living on a dual material planet, and being a Human Being, You can make this the fondation of Your Experience by identifying with, because that is You...So conversation is limited and low level, Experiencially Bliss is the language of God or Creation/Creator...
  11. The individual self by its very nature, wishes for bliss. Because this bliss is present within Himself, that is why He can ask for it. Otherwise He would not. He cannot do without asking for it. If noticed, the craving for bliss and peace will be seen in all living beings. Even lowly creations like insects and spiders do not wish to go near heat. They desire peace, security and rest. Creatures suffering in the heat of the sun, long for shade and cold water. Likewise, being afflicted by the triple miseries, man also seeks for God, the abode of peace and the mine of bliss.
  12. Living to Your Highest Potential, not being a part of the problem (suffering from depression, anxiety, anger, past experiences, etc) but a part of the Solution, creative energy, compassionate, internally at Peace or at Bliss, giving not extracting from anything, making the society a more Inclusive place to be...
  13. Over the years of personal practice and researching Spiritual systems and theories, like we all do, we personalize it and come up with our own way of describing it. On a scale of 0-10, 0 is Peacefulness, all experiences are within a range of Intensity, Peace is a certain Intensity of Pleasantness, its calm, cool, collected, silent in basic nature, but it is the start of the ladder. Above this is Happiness, which I would say is around 4 on the scale, Happiness is more about external stimuli, looking at a beautiful sunrise or sunset, flower, woman/man, eating pleasant food for You, laughing at a joke, etc, sometimes You wake up happy because of a nice dream or just the way Your body/mind are that morning, but then it can go away... Bliss is around 8 on the scale, Bliss is more than a state of Emotion, its in the realm of Realization, when in Bliss You realize somethings about Life, its much more intense than Happiness and is more permanent than Happiness, its not reliant on a outside Stimuli like Happiness, but is dependent on how you keep the Reallization Alive within Your Awareness and Consciousness. Ecstasy is 10, it is Bliss on Steriods, You cannot function physically or mentally very well when in Ecstasy, everything is beautiful for You, even the cold winter cloudy day, this is a temporal State, between physical and non physical and while You are here on this Earth You don't want to stay in Ecstasy states too too long, but once a day for a short period of time will do You wonders, and bring You to Your hightest potental and possiblity!
  14. The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms! Power of psychedelics for self-actualization: Leo is exploring psychedelics, specifically magic psilocybin mushrooms, for their potential to enhance consciousness and aid in personal growth, rather than for recreation. Immediate meditative and awareness effects: Upon consuming mushrooms, Leo experiences a heightened state of awareness reminiscent of the clarity one might feel after a 10-day intense meditation retreat, causing an immediate sense of amazement and hyper-awareness. Visual hallucinogenic effects: About an hour into the trip, Leo observes vivid, saturated colors and patterns that emerge on flat surfaces, displaying complex, tribal floral designs that are both hypnotizing and beautiful, reminiscent of ancient civilizations' atmospheres. Frequency and nature of psychedelic trances: Leo experiences powerful trances that repeatedly consume him during his trip, causing him to lose consciousness and sense of self. Upon emerging from these trances, he is left with profound insights and wisdom. Integration of experiences and education: Leo attributes his positive experiences with mushrooms to his extensive background in various disciplines like meditation, psychology, metaphysics, and non-duality, suggesting that this groundwork is crucial to how one perceives and handles psychedelic experiences. Duration of psychedelic effects: Leo's psychedelic experience with magic mushrooms lasted about four to six hours, with trance effects fading after four hours, leaving behind lingering patterns and sensations. Animalistic behavior during trip: Leo felt like he was behaving like a primitive creature during the peak of his trip, mimicking animal-like movements and experiencing a sense of being a creature raised in the wild without any language. Contrast between typical behavior and uninhibited state: The trip prompted insights into Leo's everyday reserved behaviors versus the uninhibited, authentic animal-like state induced by mushrooms. He felt his movements were more natural, loose, and authentic during the trip, offering a refreshing contrast to his usual restrained and artificial actions. Delusional aspects of the psychedelic experience: Despite having profound insights, Leo recognized the delusional quality of his trip. He found himself laughing hysterically and talking to himself as though he were having the most profound thoughts, only to realize later that some insights, while interesting, were not as groundbreaking as they seemed during the trip. Amazement at the human body: Looking at himself in the mirror, Leo was astonished by his own human features, experiencing a childlike sense of wonder and amazement at his hands, face, and the existence of his body. Visual hallucinations and self-perception: Leo observed luminous, flower-like patterns on his face, similar to tribal tattoos, which made him feel like a native from the Amazon. This was accompanied by a compelling visual of light rays emanating from behind his head, creating a halo effect. Ontological orgasm during the second trip: Leo describes experiencing an 'ontological orgasm' during his second mushroom trip, which gave him a profound sense of ego loss and the realization that his life's narrative was a complete fiction. Rapid onset and ego loss realization: With a quicker onset during his second trip, Leo felt a creeping sensation of ego loss, eventually leading to a powerful realization that his life's story was an illusion, culminating in a state of surrender to the psychedelic experience. Psychedelic narrative deconstruction: Leo discusses how psilocybin mushrooms can dismantle a person's life narrative, reveling in how the substance dismantles his own perceptions of existence, identity, and personal history, leading to laughter and a sense of absurdity. Meta-analysis of reality: Leo uses mushrooms to achieve a meta-state of consciousness, comparing his everyday life experiences with the hallucinatory mushroom state, leading to insights that transcend both realities and suggest neither is the ultimate form of truth. Ontological orgasm: Describing his philosophical insights as becoming tangibly real, Leo experiences what he calls an "ontological orgasm," a profound realization where the distinction between real and unreal, along with the concept of being born, dissolves into absurdity and laughter. Breakthrough to divine love: Leo details how his psychedelic experience culminated in a breakthrough into divine love and bliss, where tears of joy express his immersion into the infinite nature of existence. Non-dual perception and indiscriminate love: In his non-dual state of perception, Leo expresses love for mundane objects like a vomit bucket, treating them with profound admiration, and disregards conventional notions of cleanliness and impropriety. Time as an illusion: Leo views time as a human construct and an illusion, experiencing a permanent now that is disconnected from the traditional linear concept of time. Mundane transformed by divine love: Leo expresses profound love and beauty towards objects typically viewed as dirty or insignificant, such as a clump of pubic hair, lint, and dirt, perceiving them as manifestations of divine beauty. A prayer of profound gratitude: In a state of deep reverence, Leo's body becomes an instrument of gratitude, leading him to pray fervently, an action borne out of an overwhelming sense of the beauty and sanctity of existence. Experience of Praying: Leo felt a deep sense of the sacredness and beauty of existence during his mushroom trip, leading him to understand the true intention behind religious practices, which he believes are not about beliefs or rituals but about experiencing divine love and wisdom. Intense Non-Dual Awareness: Following his bathroom experience, Leo entered a state of thick non-dual awareness, feeling as though he had achieved full enlightenment and reached the wisdom of historical sages and saints. He felt that he had experienced nirvana and reached the pinnacle of enlightenment with nothing left to achieve. Feeling of Enlightenment Completion: During this phase of intense non-dual awareness, Leo had the sensation that his life was fully realized and that even death would be perfect. He was struck by the profound sense of completeness and perfection of existence. Desire to Share Insights: Despite feeling fully enlightened, Leo was overwhelmed with the need to share his profound insights with others, recognizing it as his life purpose. He was struck by a deep compassion to impart this wisdom to his audience. Challenge of Communication: Leo articulated the difficulty of sharing the ineffable, powerful insights of his experience with those unfamiliar with such states of consciousness, questioning how to communicate the experience effectively. Authenticity and Life Purpose Insights: From his psychedelic experience, Leo gained insights into the importance of authenticity and directions to take his work with to deeper levels, reinforcing his life purpose. Insignificance of Achievement: One palpable insight Leo emphasized was the realization that the concept of achievement and success is illusory and that nothing tangible needs to be achieved in life. Lasting Effects of Mushrooms: After his trip, Leo felt a lasting calmness, detachment, and increased resolve and motivation for enlightenment and meditative practices. His resolve was supercharged by the realization that such work is the only truly meaningful pursuit in life. Comparison of Existence Joy to Conventional Life: Leo experienced such profound joy and beauty in the state of enlightenment that it made all conventional life pursuits, such as business and family, seem meaningless by contrast. Psychedelics as Self-Actualization Tools: Leo believes psychedelics can offer a glimpse of the most advanced self-actualization concepts he has discussed, bolstering one's resolve for pursuing deeper work in meditation or self-inquiry. Depth of Societal Ignorance: Highlighting the pervasive ignorance in society, Leo suggests that most people live like a baby raised in a prison cell, never knowing there's anything beyond their confined reality, emphasizing the deep ignorance most people have regarding their own ignorance. Necessity of Direct Teaching: Leo defends his blunt and sometimes obnoxious teaching style as necessary to awaken people from their ignorance, suggesting that anything less would not be effective in encouraging the pursuit of true enlightenment. Understating the Significance of Enlightenment: Leo acknowledges that he might exaggerate the significance of enlightenment in his teachings, but asserts that anyone who has achieved non-dual awareness would see his statements as understatements, given the depth of most people's ignorance. Reaction to Enlightenment Teachings: Leo notes the defensive reactions he often encounters when challenging people's life values with his teachings on enlightenment, and laments that such reactions prevent the transformative potential of enlightenment from being realized. Teaching style of Zen masters versus Leo's approach: Zen masters may embody bliss and detachment without actively promoting their insights, often understating the experience of enlightenment. In contrast, Leo takes on the role of bluntly communicating the significance of these insights, aiming to provoke a shift in awareness in his audience. The challenge of overcoming ignorance: Humanity's primary obstacle throughout history has been ignorance, particularly regarding the truth of enlightenment. Sages and Zen masters have struggled to convey their knowledge to others who are deeply entranced by mundane life and dismissive of profound truths. Role of psychedelics in awakening: Leo points out that while psychedelics are not crucial for him due to his dedicated work in enlightenment, they can serve as a wake-up call for those indifferent to deeper realities, granting them a taste of what they're missing out on due to their limited vision. Responsibility and misuse of psychedelics: The misuse of psychedelics, whether for recreation, confirmation of spiritual beliefs, or as a shortcut, is often more psychologically damaging than physical. Psychedelics require a well-prepared mind and should be used responsibly, enhancing the work of self-actualization rather than replacing it. Misconception of psychedelics as an enlightenment path: Leo stresses that psychedelics do not lead to enlightenment and warns against the belief that they can be a substitute for the rigorous work required for true personal development. Psychedelics as tools for self-actualization: For earnest practitioners of self-actualization, psychedelics can be powerful tools that broaden their understanding and deepen their experiences, but should not be mistaken for the achievement of enlightenment. Harnessing psychedelics for therapeutic purposes: Beyond the quest for personal growth, psychedelics hold therapeutic potential for healing, addiction treatment, and providing insights into life, thereby kindling an interest in reality and truth. Anticipation for responsible psychedelic use: Leo announces an upcoming episode focusing on responsible psychedelic use for personal growth, promising to offer practical tips, discuss appropriate substances, and underscore the importance of self-actualization as the ultimate aim. Obliviate
  15. teachers are not worth the robes they clothe themselves in instead of speaking on esoteric bliss states tell us what happened when you got up this very morning and how you are maintaining that through the day have you meditated today? or this month? how often this year? yea? tell us about your practice schedule and what happened today; what insight did the time produce stop giving us thousand year old book knowledge to show how holy and wise you are tell us what the absolute shared with you today if you don't you're wasting our lives not just your own are you yourself enlightened? what does that mean and how is that impacting your activities today have you gone as far as possible in the path yourself if so what's your plan for today and if not what are you working on today can we just get real and drop the marketing spiel to the fawning masses be an ordinary example not a scripted caricature this is the only content i pay attention to whether from a teacher or from a forum only tell me about you
  16. I would say (as someone more than twice Your age), that Your a bit fragmented right now, too many goals and those goals probably are not even original too You, but picked up from watching others and what they are doing and supposedly living. I was lucky I accidentally walked into learning Wing Chun, I didn't intend to learn or teach any Martial art at Your age, but it came into my life and basically that is all I could think about for 5 or 6 years, since then I don't practice anymore but taught up until covid hit the scene so that was over 30yrs of teaching and research, so it was great for me. Since then in 2009 I found a Yogic Guru (Sadhguru) and use his practice to find Bliss and Enlighenment, but I research others, both Martial Arts and Spirituality are passions of Mine, I still work for a living, am married to a much Younger woman from a totally different culture than mine (never thought this would happen lol), and live in a terrible big city with all its chaos, I think of it as a spiritual challenge..So hopefully You find one or two things to focus on, that come Your way and Your super passionate about it, but first and foremost start a Yoga/Mediation practice, find a method that appeals to You, do it daily, make Yourself Happy and Healthy naturally, this will be with You your entire life and thereafter, the other things may come and go, but that won't and it will serve You well:)
  17. I would say You had a glimpse of it, as most of us have, but not totally there yet..I haven't done any hard psycedelics yet, just some pot, and a bit of psylocibin, but have had some natural experience of oneness, bliss, and general well being via the Yoga practice I do...Have done a ton of research on trips though, I watch a guy named Shawn Ryan, he's an ex Navy seal/Cia contractor, and has a big podcast channel on Youtube, he went away a couple of years ago to try DMT and Ibogane and recalled his experience in a video, it was very similar to Yours, feeling of Love and Oneness, that everything is perfect..One thing I notice though since coming to this forum, when ppl talk about their trips and their feeling of Love, it always includes I and God and Love is everything, since I have been doing practices and involvement with Spirituality for a long time I guess it is just my education on the subject coming into my mind when I read this sort of thing, but isn't it a feeling of Bliss that You are having? When I feel in Love, I feel Blissful, very happy and excited and intense about it, the thing with Love as most of us know it involves a relationship, You and Object, so when someone says God Loves itself, Reality Loves itself, that is two entities one Loving and One being Loved, how is it that God is Two? But it is good to have these sorts of experience, just root it in practices now and try to get there naturally, its awesome as well:)
  18. This is just silly, stop acting like you’re so enlightened that you see no difference between love and bliss and pain and depression
  19. Yes this ideology of gain "strength" and becoming "stronger" via dealing with stress situations, pain and suffering has been around a long time, "What doesn't kill you makes You stronger", for me when I hear or see this in action and intellectually, it still lives on the level of survival, strength, being strong, going thru struggle, that is survival level of existence and experience, its our low end for human beings, we have much more potential than living via this way or ideology. One can learn and be more creative and have more clarity via the Bliss route, and its more empowering overall for all others and society as a whole imo..Change happens on the physical and mental level, unchanging in the reality of Oneness and that dimension of Reality, the non physical part of existence is Unchanging, never created, never destroyed, always there, the foundations of everything, what was there before the supposed Big Bang...
  20. For me this is crap, I've been in depressed state over period of time, not just one day but for a few months at a time, would never want that for myself or other, been blissed out too for mths at a time, which much rather have that. The ones that say all experiences are necessary are kidding themselves imo, yes if Bliss is possible, Depression is possible, but it doesn't mean I have to experience depression, just because its available. that is like driving off a cliff because it is there and beside the road lol...
  21. I don’t discriminate between bliss and depressed states. They’re both beautiful, and in fact, can both be expressed simultaneously.
  22. Don't Love Life, that indicates You and Life, that's Two Entities, You are LIfe, One entity, so Just be Bliss, as a foundation, many ppl have a fondation of Depression, Sadness, Anxiety and they are just barely making it, many are here on this forum its obvious, so make Your Foundation that of Bliss, this will appear to others that You are Loving, as well for You being in Bliss is closer to Life Source, but when You Love Life, it is about two things, don't divde it and make it more complex that it has to be, just find Your Bliss, get closer to Life intensity and completeness, and things open up:) Good Blog, enjoying reading it:)
  23. This is just intellect dividing things up more and more, making things more complex and such. We are not talking about Spirituality here on this forum, we are talking around it, because language and communication comes from intellect, logic of which is a foundation of intellect, so intellect divides and separates, dark side this, light side that, sub concsious, unconscious, that lables and divides are just there for us to explain, which is intellectual, so that one listening and reading/watching can get curious, on the intellectual level. Most all of Humanity nowadays are highly intellectual, very much into their thoughts, emotions, internal philosophies about themselves and life, none of it is reality, reality is Your Alive, the sun has risen, the atmosphere is provided 02, your able to access the librarys of the world, and your still anxious, depressed, but if those things can happen within You at levels of intensity, so can Happiness, and Bliss, at the same levels of experience and intensity, so make the choice, that is Human Nature, Free Will, make the choice as to how You want to be, don't go searching for Dark Side, Light Side Ego or Super Ego complexes it just gets you further away...
  24. I mean i honestly don't care who is enlightened and who isn't and what it means and all that bullshit, all i care about is who is in the 24/7 state of bliss, and those who are i take seriously, if someone starts talking about how enlightement is great but it won't improve their life and state of being that much and there will still be suffering and pain after it i don't take that person seriously because that person is obviously in hell, and i don't want to listen to someone in hell on advices for entering heaven.
  25. Let me put it like this because you want it binary, Leo and basically no one on this forum is enlightened, she is enlightened. Of course you can realize something without embodying it, that's what most people do in spiritual communities, they realize they are God, love, bliss, blah blah blah and then they aren't any of that in their human life, they live a blissless, loveless, selfish life, everything they have realized isn't showing in practice. I mean psychedelic realizations are a perfect example of that, psychedelics give a high that goes away, it's not constant, it gives you an orgasmic state and then it goes away.