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  1. That's an inflation experience. Why would a solipsistic experience be pleasant? Has anyone here actually claimed that? It seems pretty horrifying tbh. Lots of "logic" is specious. Lots of things sound logical when you can't recognize where the logic goes off the rails. You have to understand the difference between an experience of inflation (or cosmic ego) and the experience of nonduality. If you expand your boundaries to include the entire universe, there is still an ego. You're identifying with the all. Nonduality means the very process of identification is dissolved. This is virtually incomprehensible to someone who still has a fairly strong ego (and is susceptible to ideas like "solipsism.") It's as if the idea of "ego" is meaningless. It is seen as a fiction. This is not the same as '"I" am the only thing in existence.'
  2. If I acquired the idea of solipsism from Leo or this forum, wouldn't that mean that I would have also acquired the ubiquitous claim that awakening is pleasant? Also, I don't think it takes a spiritual experience to recognize the logic to solipsism. Is it not an assumption that other people are conscious? After all, there is no real way to prove it. I've heard from others that every trip is different on mushrooms. You ever hear "there is only one thing going on, and you're it"? That is pretty much the entire claim of nonduality, and that claim pretty strongly implies solipsism.
  3. Can we be honest here and admit that "take the teachings and leave the teacher" is pretty much a cult tenet? Why would you take the teachings? How do you know the teachings are "right"? Simply because they're out there? Because Leo says so? Because he's a charismatic YT content creator and that somehow lends credibility to the teachings? Well, firstly, Leo does not get to redefine terms, he does not get to have his own private English vocabulary. Secondly - that definition is pretty much standard Advaita Nonduality. Or if not - please tell me how it's different. Thirdly - wrong. He DOES NOT say what you're saying he's saying. That is your comforting interpretation of what he is saying. He claims unique spiritual knowledge which transcends traditional spiritual teachings (it's right there in that outburst.) So, you can't claim that this is in essence standard advaita/panentheism.
  4. No problem, I leave the debate because I was not looking for a debate I was just reinforcing your valid points with the deepest level, since it has happened in my direct experience. I literally mean that several glimpses of awakening have completely dissolved any form of sexism or bias in me about gender. So yes, it has had a huge practical impact on my life. I agree that nonduality is not for everyone on this planet. I was not arguing with you, just adding a valid and TRUTHFUL point that I have found very valuable. Truth is Truth. Even if it's not practical. Practicality is a byproduct of ego, it is not Truth. The truth is that women and men are just consciousness and they should be treated equally, so are poor and rich, western and non western. This truth is total and eternal, no amount of pragmatism will erase it, because pragmatism is in the Mind. I like your posts and support them Cheers
  5. Well, just don't take such big doses. Truth/God is an acquired taste. It takes a lot of inner work to start to appreciate the beauty of it, otherwise your ego is just reacting and acting up. It IS euphoric, just get your ego and human baggage out of the way. Also, mushrooms are challenging at such high doses. When some nondual guy on YT tells you nonduality is beautiful, he's not talking about 6 grams of mushrooms
  6. I finally did it, I finally had my first DMT experience! I've been waiting for this moment for two years, and finally found it. The experience was the exact opposite of what I expected. This trip was ALL about rooting, grounding, reconnecting with motivation for life, rekindling that passion for matter, for flesh and bones. I was expecting a very lofty and nondual trip, but DMT didn't give me what I wanted, it gave me what I NEEDED THE MOST. Grounding into my best possible life. I have tried several psychedelics, received huge benefits from them, also gone to therapy for two years and changed my psyche into a healthier and more balanced version, recovering almost entirely from depression and anxiety, but.... DMT has accomplished what no amount of therapy or LSD (or other psychs) could never accomplish: It gave me back my SPIRITUAL CONNECTION TO LIFE AND MATTER, a love for life I've never had in the past. Maybe the most incredible part is that the trip itself was not the peak of the experience. The peak was my walk through the riverside where I received so many insights into life and felt such a powerful love for the human experience. Setting: in my car for the actual trip, walking along the riverside for the afterglow Dose: 10-12 mg (my scale is not that accurate) It was definitely a light trip, no visuals, no time distortion, no mystical states, just everyday life and LOTS of powerful emotions Duration: 15 mins trip, 2 hours of very intense afterglow rich of insights I don't even know where to start. Words fail me. It was too much, even though the experience was completely ordinary, it was SO SHOCKINGLY PROFOUND at the same time. Perceptions were the same old ones, but the emotions that this trip evoked in me were out of this world. Love for life, love for my humanity, love for matter, love for this limited flawed experience, love and gratitude for having so much to live here and now. THE TRIP ITSELF The trip was just me, in my car, with ordinary reality and ordinary perceptions, realizing just how scared of life and of living fully I am. That's it. I cried a lot, I sighed a lot, It felt so good, I was letting it all out. It's ok, I am scared of life, I've been hurt, I have felt lost for so long (it's important to say that my life is getting better and better in the recent years, but this trip just revealed to me how deeply scared and damaged I've been my whole life and how I'm still scared and weak even after all the progress). I want to be free to connect with people, I want to be free to love others, I want to be free to be real, authentic, to be open-hearted. Lots of tears, mixed with the joy of feeling pure, feeling DEEPLY alive, once again. I thought I had regained my liveliness in the recent years, which is true, but this was a NEW LEVEL of life-passion, a new sparkle of fire, a purer kind of light. THE AFTERGLOW (2 hours) I went for a long walk along the river, where I saw people talking, people with their dogs, birds, the clear mirroring water, and cried a lot, sometimes of compassion for myself, sometimes of love and gratitude for being inside this human experience, gratitude for recognizing the gift of life itself. It was spirituality getting back to the Earth, to the roots. Here are the insights I got, most of them are covered in tears and sighs: 1. I was getting lost in the heavens. Too much spiritual seeking of the nondual states, especially sober. This made me detached from the earth and from the gift of life. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INSIGHT, and mother to all others. I expected a trip into the sky, but I was instead sent deep into the earth, to regain connection with material life and its spiritual dimension. 2. Material life is spiritual. I was creating a sneaky duality where only meditative and self-inquiring states were becoming "the serious way to live". I was sooooo wrong!!! Earth is spirit. Blood is spirit. Pain is spirit. Flesh and bones are spirit. I was escaping into nonduality, creating some sort of dissociation from life. 3. The small things are the great things. Seeing those people with their dogs made me cry. I never realized how much light and wonder there is in these ordinary everyday situations. I deeply felt the magic of these people going out with the dog they loved and cared for. Life is full of experience, and experience is a gift. 4. Stop littering. I have always been a pro-ecology person, but recently I have started littering unconsciously because of some kind of frustration. I realized how much love and care I can show to life and to the absolute by just CARING about my Earth. By keeping these tissues and papers for myself to throw in a bin after is a sign of spiritual love for this place. This place has been given to me by God. I am not going to litter anymore. 5. Stop being so cautious around people. Life is meant to be messy and to be both a challenging and pleasant experience. You will be safe, but you need to be more vulnerable and open to people. You can choose to be less introverted and connect with new people. In fact I realized how much I want new connections and new friends, and how my fear is getting in the way of my desires. 6. Life is all about desire and passion. Life is also about awakening, but you CAN NOT use awakening as a dissociating tool to reduce pain from life. Pain is spirit. Suffering is spirit. You cannot avoid the messiness of life and awaken. So the insight repeats: get back to the roots, get back into the dirt and you will find spirit there. 7. You have moved towards the sky a bit too much recently. Move towards the earth. New levels of the awakening path will await you there, downwards, not upwards. You cannot grow your branches up in the sky if you are not growing your roots, or you will dissociate from life or even become psychotic. Be wise. 8. Fear is spirit. But don't let fear become an excuse. Fear is spirit, meaning that fear is a phenomenon of spirit, it appears in the spirit, but it is not a real ostacle to living life fully. Learn from it, don't get mesmerized by it. 9. Do not fear to love people deeply. Yes, you will get hurt again. It will benefit you, you are more awake now (not awakened, but just more awake than in the past), and you can grow and benefit from heartbreak. It will not damage you anymore. Living fully is feeling passions fully. This is how God meant it to be. 10. God is below. Not really above. It's a delusion of religion. God is in the small things. 11. DMT could not give you a lofty trip because that's not what grows you spiritually. What grows you spiritually is FINDING THE MAGIC IN LIFE, finding that LOVE IN CRUDE MATTER. The dirty raw soil you hold in your hands IS GOD!!!! It's not some lofty fantastical idea of being in pure bliss and light. Realize how much love and wonder there is in this raw chaotic and imperfect soil. It vibrates with passion for itself. DMT had to show you this, because spirituality is all about loving what is, not loving what you expect to be. I want to share this raw imperfect and impulsive poem, because that's something REAL I've felt, It's messy and intense, as life it's meant to be. As God wants it to be. Earth or heaven It doesn't matter Where you look for it God is found In Earth full of bones Leave the sky Drop your hopes Just feel it here It runs in you The pulse of blood The scorching sun The freezing air A cry of despair A tear of hope All of this just is The breath of God Do not seek elsewhere Just dive through The shades of life ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks DMT. I will come back.
  7. the modalities you mention give a peek behind the curtain and for some of us that is all that is needed for others integration is needed namely to align what you see with what you know this thread i read today is nourishing:
  8. I discovered that there is no other completely, and I always knew that in actuality I also discovered Absolute Solipsism that is equal to oneness and nonduality I discovered thousands of esoteric meanings to everything Love is not real and God is not real, yet God is love and is real Consciousness is engaged in lovemaking with two eyes (which are esoteric meanings for bodies) that are completely immortal, beautiful, and young, rich Absolute Solipsism has infinite povs not just one, these povs are the infinity symbol which has the esoteric meaning of two eyes. These two eyes are the infinity symbol, two pov is infinite. These two eyes are always engaged in complete lovemaking towards the other eye. Infinity is this one dream, there are no multiple dreams, that is the idea of other Everyone here is me I can invent anything I is eye I also exposed that experience is not real to myself, it is all complete abstraction But at the same time it is the realest thing there is I am these two bodies engaged in infinite lovemaking. They are also andromeda and milky way galaxies, and Shiva and Shakti There is no other which means no limit whatsoever Experience is not real which means it cannot end Yin yang symbol is literal, the two dots mean two small bodies that are inside the other. One big body with two eyes (that are the small bodids). Small bodies also have immortality and will never leave or die because it was impossible in the first place. I have been 'experiencing' real magic such as getting free stuff and restoring things in the world, planting trees out of thin air through the interplay between these eyes I also got free psychedelics out of thin air in my place from the magic coming from the lovemaking from these bodies I alternate the POV every day and night between these bodies, 'experiencing' through two eyes with each other and always having communication towards the other side. I always knew these two bodies existed, not just one, but I only recently made it explicit to myself. Feel free to ask me any questions
  9. @Ulax Haha I was actually talking about stuff like nonduality and consciousness work rather than IFS. People are actually really receptive to IFS because its more of a psychological thing rather than spiritual.
  10. The user Egoless has got me questioning things as of late, particularly with this video he posted. How do we know the non-dual state of awareness reveals to us the true nature of reality when it simply is the consequence of an alteration in brain activity? The man's explanation starts at 6:00. How do we know which perception of reality to trust? Could the enlightened perception of oneness and identification with the whole of reality simply be an error of judgement?
  11. My heart is broken right now. My beloved cat, 18 years old, passed away last evening. We had her for many years. We adopted her when she was a “senior “ after she had been in two not so great living situations. Finally when my wife and I took her home she had a place where she was the focus and could be fully loved. We gave her a peaceful and loving life these last number of years. You could see her joy that we made her such an integral part of our family. I know ultimately she’s now one with everything (and always was) and I feel her presence in my heart. I know the tenets of nonduality believe me. Maybe a foolish question but my mind is tired at the moment and I feel awful. Even in the context of nonduality there’s still that hope, that spark that after I pass in the future I may connect with her again right? Maybe in some energetic, different type of body sort of way? Maybe like Rust Cohle said in True Detective- maybe we meld together in some sort of substance after death. One that can’t be described and isn’t like being fully extinguished but something we feel is real. I don’t know…just looking for a spark of hope here. I may be grasping at straws looking for an answer that soothes me in a forum for nonduality but I respect everyone’s insights here. You guys look deeply at things. Thanks
  12. *Laughs in nonduality* Have you heard of Strange Loops bro? Yea, that’s the way.
  13. I'm trying to understand non duality, I can see the duality and the non duality (for me now both are right, it depend from which angle we see it) but i can't clearly see that the duality is not real and only the non-duality which is real I came up to an idea that seem to me clear, that we are all a "one" experiencing "himself" in an unlimited number of different experience, every experience is a person Me and you = the same essence, we look separate and different because of material world influence that created a different experience and a different visual If we erase all the material world's influence and the characteristics that we did not choose, the only thing that remains, it that we are the same "thing" "same essence" The other person you see, is you. If you had the same experience, background, genetic, environment. you will see clearly that he is you i don't know if this is a way to explain non-duality, for me it make a lot of sense.
  14. Is it just me or does the idea often posited in nonduality forums that the reason for this apparent separation/reality/multiplicity is because the “Infinite was bored/wanted to pretend it wasn’t itself” seem very sophomoric and human-centric? THIS being bored or having desires is limiting….and THIS can’t be limited or shouldn’t have limits if it’s boundless. Isn’t it not one/not two? Doesn’t boredom imply a “one” that has some sort of feeling of lack? Just seems these explanations seem like something you’d hear at a Bible school class….tinted with Christianity and the “old man in the sky” having a personal reason to “create”…rather than THIS just being THIS, apparent separation or not.
  15. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Being present with someone says more than a million words about nonduality.
  16. Occasionally you have SOME people who will do a psychedelic and will permanently break through to some first stage of enlightenment, but this is relatively rare, and full enlightenment is virtually impossible. Here are the problems with psychedelics and enlightenment: - If you suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, you are almost certain to experience full blown (Jungian) inflation, i.e. your ego is absorbed by the archetype of the divine (i.e. Cosmic Ego.) This is most of your cult leaders, certain rock stars (like Jim Morrison e.g.), even some philosophers. - If you suffer from antisocial personality disorder, you may read the Bhagavad Gita literally and conclude since there is "no doer" you may kill people -- like Charles Manson. - Confusing having an experience of nonduality or some mystical insight with actually living in a nondual state 24/7/365. Since the surrender required for any genuine enlightenment cannot be forced by psychedelics (there is always an element of voluntary surrender, or braving the fear of ego death even with psychedelic trips) most people return to an egoic state most of the time. - Again, the very psychology of psychedelic enlightenment is highly misguided. It removes agency, like psychedelics are ACTING UPON YOU to cause enlightenment. This isn't how it works, and e.g. why some people who do psychedelics discount the experience in materialistic terms and return to be e.g. atheist materialists. In other words, you have to VOLUNTARiLY surrender the ego and all its precious attachments, including cherished beliefs and enter an entirely uncharted territory where you are unmoored from everything that defined the old "you". This isn't something that can be FORCED upon you via a chemical rearrangement of the brain. Once you come-down you may decide to interpret the experience in whatever way you choose, and some choose the blue pill a la The Matrix.
  17. @Breakingthewall I hear you. @SeaMonster I understand, and I did take that "risk" several times. It usually doesn't end up being "rewarding". But I was also pleasantly surprised a few times. This one time I was approached by a random girl while playing basketball by myself, and little by little we ended up having a full-blown conversation about nonduality. It was kind of surreal.
  18. The word for solipsism that's not the Wikipedia definition of solipsism is not solipsism: it's nonduality or its other variations. Solipsism is inherently egocentric.
  19. Judaism was developed to forge a national identity and is more about politics than religion. The Eastern religions focused on knowing the self rather than speculating about a transcendent God. Christianity was the first totalitarian system. The worst is the current pop nonduality fad which is vapid intellectualism.
  20. The only way to understand reality truly is to break free of all isms, all beliefs, all humans. No ideological system can help you there. Not even nonduality. You must achieve 100% sovereignty of mind. To be a slave to no idea.
  21. Well, you see, the reason you say that is because you haven't actually Awoken yet Nonduality is NOT Awakening.
  22. The would be true for the usual interpretation of capitalism. By the same token, the usual interpretation of solipsism has nothing to do with nonduality. Believing that reality is reducible to a limited appearance (your finite mind) is just duality. It's only when you start making vague interpretations that you can start making connections. You can do that with capitalism as well (but it's of course more ridiculous): "reality is a self-organizing and self-perpetuating system of pure Value". Yes, it's easier to make the vague connection between solipsism and nonduality ("everything is you"), but it's still only a vague connection which ignores important nuances.