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  1. Reification (what you call concretization) is a problem in all religions and cultures at all levels of spiritual development. Getting rid of reification is the last step in the journey of spiritual awakening, even most awakened people are unconsciously reifying some concepts.
  2. On an Absolute Level, yes. But in my opinion pushing that concept is not helpful because it will just lead to ego=God inflation on the way up to the mountain summit. On the way up the mountain one wants to transcend the ego/separate-self (aka cut each and any arising constituting the separate-self off before it elaborates/fully rises in Awareness). Inflating the ego/separate-self and its narcissism is the opposite of that. That just stops the ascend, or generating Awakened Nondual States. And on the mountain summit its obvious anyway. One doesn't need this concept on the path up the summit in any way, as all meditation system align on.
  3. Here he is referring not to Leo/gross level of reality (this world), but to higher subtle/lower causal states where manifestation works like that. From the perspective of Reality/"God", if one is inclined to call it that) it works indeed like that. And as Leo also already found out, it doesn't work on the Leo-Level of Indras Net like that, or else the million dollar would already be on the bank-account. Or why the camera didn't capture the Alien: Because the totality of Indras Net overpowers with its will/manifestation/imagination-process the will of the little Leo-Node in it. When one becomes (Unity-state) the whole net of Indra, of course one wants exactly what Indras Net (the manifested Totality of Infinite Consciousness) wants at this moment: This world manifested/imagined exactly as it is(!), with strigent laws of manifestation (physical, biological, psychological, spiritual/Karma and so on) with no million dollar on the bank account by wishful thinking. And if one would still want the million dollars (egoic arising), one wouldn't be in a Unity State with Indras Net! It is just one huge assumption that these insights and higher subtle/lower causal states (Union with the Totality of Indras Net) can not be had on the meditation/mystic path. Or in a more pure/impersonal way on the psychedelic path when combining it with more ego/separate-self transcendence/meditation. Why? Because Absolute Reality is IMPERSONAL, or in other words PURE Infinite Consciousness/Awareness. It is these ego/separate-self arisings/filters/lensen that kill the awakened nondual state in normal sobre-ego-state, and it is these filters/ego-lenses that get mostly lifted (not totally) in the psychedelic state, and on top one gets the nondual infinite experiences/states, and many Awakenings n+1 of all different kinds. All disfigured and partly misinterpreted by these last remainings lensens/filters of ego/separate-self in the psychedelic experience. All of that also has the hallmark of confusing remaining separate-self/ego remains/lenses with Impersonal Pure Consciousness/Reality itself (the higher subtle, lower causal levels (Indras Net) and Impersonal Infinite Consciousness itself). Why? Because with psychedelics one gets these states "for free" without paying the "normal" price of ego-transcendence before. So of course one perceives all of these states through the lenses of the not completly transcended ego. And one doesn't even "see" or realize this lense of perception, because one is still identified with it, sees "through" it. Because if one would be aware of that, it would be already gone&transcended. And that is why Leo totally sincerly makes the claims he does. He can't see the lenses that block nondual awakened states sobre, and he can't see these lenses through which he interprets all of these state-experiences and Awakenings. And that then results in the Infinity of Gods Videos, which sould have better been called an Infinity of God-Egos. The last ego/separate-self mechanisms/lenses/filters are extremely subtle and hard to spot. Very subtle arisings that are formless (not coarse thoughts or feelings) and create the illusion that one is not already all of Reality. It takes a long time in certain awakened nondual states to get rid of these towards Pure Impersonal Infinite Nondual Consciousness. It is these subtle arisings that don't let one see (or bask in) the True Absolute State of Awakened Infinite Nondual Reality in the first place in sobre states. Selling (Impersonal/Pure Awareness) Water by the (Infinite Impersonal) River
  4. Perfectly. The Infinite Intelligence that constructed the former illusory separate-self now runs the show. The small separate self just gets out of the way. The Intelligence of Reality itself can run the show on a relative level way better when the filter/distoration of the separate-self-illusion (of being not the whole Enchilada but only a separate-self fragment in it) is gone. At least my experience. Besides, one gets for the first time a real shot at cutting off the negative emotions that regularly arise as a necessary building block of any separate-self (to keep it busy chasing experiences to get good emotions to easy the suffering/bad emotions, aka as keeping the illusion going). Imagine you could just produce your own bliss by resting in a nondual impersonal uncontracted state of awakened awareness, and just let the relative self do its job/daily life without interfering? Runs by itself, way better than before. I believe it is way better to have ones relative life sorted out (as much as possible) before crossing over. The chance is high that crossing over will only happen when the relative stuff is more or less sorted out and handled. And the separate-self is not squeaking in suffering all the time because its lower levels of manifestation (emotional needs, safety needs, job, relationships and so on) are more or less sorted out. One tends to continue exactly as before on a relative level/habits, but the fear-driven motivations drop away. Imagine that you needed fear-driven emotions before to keep your relative life going, and not doing it out of self-actualization. Then there can be quite some havoc if the fear-based-motivations (like fear of loosing job or fear of being lonely) drop away. Or: The cave. Or Eckhart Tolles 2 years on a park bench. I prefer an integrated life. Not that Enlightenment needs it. After waking up from the dream, one can still have a lucid nightmare or a beautiful lucid dream.
  5. I wasn't specifically asked, but allow me this comment: BOTH, meditation and psychedelics, is probably the fastest path for most. But there are dangers, and an obvious danger ist downplaying the meditation-part, or getting ego=God delusion via psychedelics. Psychedelics give the nondual awakened states for free (and a lot of other stuff), without much emptyting out the separate-self/ego-mechanism towards the Impersonal/Pure Awareness side. And Reality/True Self is Pure Impersonal Awareness. With meditation, before one gets to nondual awake states, the separate-self is already emptied out ~95%+. One already is very(!) proficient cutting each and any thought/feeling arising of the separate self/ego, and any other concept/thought on top of that also. And the awakened states still get hijacked by the remaining 5% ("enlightened person"), but there is much less potential for ego=God inflation because there is less of it left in the first place than on the mainly psychedelic path.
  6. Very true. What Leo doesn't get - and will not get until he is truly fully enlightened (which will probably need some major humbling down/character change and meditation practice, and for starting that probably some really major suffering): In Full Enlightenment: it is understood (or available all the time) how the complete(-!-, each and any possible) illusion is constructed and what its essence is (oneself, Suchness). What the essence of each and any illusion-mechanism is. He thinks the enlightened beings "tell" themselves the story that they are enlightened, or have thought arisings like that.. and are still deluded doing that. Which of course is a joke for an enlightened being, because all of that blabla is seen as object-thoughts floating in ones Infinite True Self, besides which nothing can exist. Exactly that is the pre-requisite for Full Enlightenment. That all concepts, I-thoughts, I-feeling float in ones True Self, and is not who one really is. Not as idea, but as actual deep realization & reality, that holds in daily life and sobre states. INCLUDING that realization/understanding and its elaboration (if the thought-elaboration of that realization/understanding) happens. It comes with actual nondual states in which the boundlessness/infinite nature of Reality, and its character as mere appearance of any possible object/arising/thought/feeling/world is vividly clear as arisings/manifestations in ones True Infinite Self. Which is ones own TRUE BEING, which is realized by first BEING it (impersonal,nondual, infinite, mere appearance), and then asking/Koan what is "beyond" that/what is that/what is aware of that/what is constant in all of that. But Leo can't understand that, because he doesn't have these states sobre with impersonal empty awareness, but only with psychedelics where remnants of the separate-self are still active as lenses/filters/centers/identities. These prevent Full Enlightenment. On the classic path of meditation one only gets to these nondual states by already severely emptying out the separate-self/identity towards being largely impersonal/empty. And the rest gets kicked and emptied out in these nondual infinite awakened states. That doesn't happen in psychedelic nondual states to the same high degree (magnitudes lower), and that is why the true (nondual and so on) Awakenings later get hijacked by ego. One gets the nondual states for free without paying the empty/impersonal/ego-transcendence price. And that backfires... He truly believes that a full enlightened being has falling for the delusion of identifying/thinking of himself as enlightened. Which indeed would be a delusion, and that often happens after some smaller enlightenments. Thats the true part to the story (nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time). With Full Enlightenment, it is absolutely clear that this move is one more idiotic delusion-mechanism ("the enlightened person") on top, and even that has to go. Together with each and all mistaken identity/I-thought/I-feeling arisings. And THAT understanding/realization is final. It brings bliss, peace and freedom from fear. It shows ones true immortality, and the essence of each and any (alien-, n+1) realm. And that essence is Ones True Self. There is no other, in any and each realm, never possibly could be. That is all manifestation/relative stuff/mechanisms/realms. There also was no one really confused and ignorant, just the illusion-arising of that happening. There CAN'T be any other higher Awakenings/Realizations than that. Only more Awakenings/Insights into more understanding of manifestation mechanisms of various realms, or these (alien for example) realms themselves. Of which there is (the bummer) an Infinity of them. Which God is exploring. Forever and ever and ever. And Leo has hijacked Gods job of doing that (as a mere mortal), has become addicted to it to ease his suffering, and is now suffering for ever more of that wonderful blissful Awakenings (they are beautiful, but still passing) in a grasping way. And selling this as path to salvation. Bravo, well done! Instead of chasing Porsches, Yachts and Villas, we chase AWAKENED STATES and understandings into Alien Realms, N+1. I would have no problem with him doing that for himself until wising up. But he is promoting and selling this to partly young & vulnerable beings which risk crashing their life on a relative level (education/professional career/friends/relationships) by doing unhealthy transdence (grasp for the higher + dislike/disassociate/neglect from the lower levels of being = opposite of healthy development which is defined as transcend and include and integrate, and not transcend and disassociate/dislike/hate (the relative, including humanity) and no integration - anybody seen this with Leo?!). That is the direct path to sick development, instead of healthy development/growth. So, then some little predictions from my side: The enlightened ones will never change their position on these points of Full Enlightenment. Because a) self-evident and b) final. And apparently a few ones are already haunting this lovely forum. Leo will probably not accept that until he himself is fully enlightened, or being severly humbled by suffering. Since he is not even aspiring or keeping the possibility of Full Enlightenment in an open-minded way (which is the cardinal sin in spirituality), he will go chasing higher Awakenings until being severely humbled up, probably by severe suffering & crash burn. Or he will just continue in grasping, seeking and suffering ways for ever higher Awakenings, and act the "lovely" way he does as ONLY AWAKE BEING on the planet. And just act more or less narcissistic and inflate his Ego as God. Like in ONLY ONE AWAKE ON THE PLANET, instead of the less insane (but also illusory) MOST AWAKE of everyone he knows of. He needs to belittle Full Enlightenment to keep his perspective of the superiority of ever more AWAKENINGS n+1 going. Which is a fulminant cul-de-sac preventing further growth towards real impersonal (non-narcicisstic, non-ego) Full Enlightenment. And its not the first time that the psychedelic-only path has been tried. It never worked. Here is Ken Wilbers comment on it: "The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. That if somehow it just kind of closes them down. It's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it doesn't quite cause the transformation it can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience". Sounds familiar? Water by the .... River!
  7. @De Sade then think so, but if you are honest it's just mental masturbation and you know nothing. You create your own theory about reality with your limited brain and reading your comments is funny because I can see through your comment that you just intellectualize and conceputalize about some other who intellectualize and conceputalize who have it from someon who really awakened. How about really experience for yourself whats true? And then based on that you can intellectualize?
  8. Some people are either permanently in a state or can enter a state where there are no ego boundaries and no mental noise/ego beliefs to interfere with effecting the general consciousness (i.e. of "others.") Stigmata is easily explained the same way any psychosomatic symptoms are explained: the mind is powerful enough to effect physical changes. It's just in one case it's pathological and unwanted and in the other it's acceptable and even desired. I don't think so. Some people who have siddhis are not enlightened. Certainly for some siddhis you just need to temporarily know how to enter a state, you don't need to be permanently in that state. At a certain point in the awakening process, the religious belief drops away, as training wheels eventually come off a bicycle. One is awakened to reality in a manner that supercedes any kind of conceptual beliefs, which are intended for those who still have an I-thought, so require the balancing counter-concept of the divine/God. Religion is a valuable tool on the way to completed awakening, but it's a means to an end, not the end.
  9. Thinking something an awakened person might be experiencing doesn't make you awakened. You still act at the level of consciousness you are. Conceptual understanding is "fake awakening."
  10. She's partly awakened and somewhat based when it comes to intersexual dynamics, so I guess that raises her above a vast majority of content providers. Being quite above "normal people" is not a high bar to clear these days, which is kind of sad. A "normal person" isn't remotely close to being stabilized in nonduality Stage 1, e.g., so that automatically puts you in the 1%, and probably even the 0.1%.
  11. Yes, this is just my intuition. but it goes a long way. When i feel it coming on, it is the Love of God washing over me, it is Pure Being. But it never goes to a full non-dual state of mystical consciousness anymore, because I've already awakened. So my intution tells me that one day there will be a permanent awakening. If you do not understand what I am talking about it is because you are not genetically gifted. Do not take that as a bad thing, you are just in the same arena as Leo. You have to rely on psychedelics to bring you to mystical states of consciousness - but it will not be the same as a natural awakening. Nothing ever could be.
  12. Who's talking about dualism?! I don't give a rats ass about dualism! I'm talking about awakening and that just because you awakened to truth on one level. IT DOES NOT MEAN DEEPER LEVELS DO NOT EXIST. Levels that completely transcend your previous understanding even though it is still truth at that shallower level.
  13. For the Totality/Wholeness of the Absolute and Manifest aspect: The gold (Absolute) and the ring (manifested side of the Absolute/arising/appearance) made out of gold metaphor. It is a Infinite Unity and Totality. Always gold, but the ring can appear or be gone. The nature/essence of the ring is gold. But not the other way round. And for equating anything with the Absolute (and not with its manifest side or potential): The Absolute is truly Infinite. It is neither this nor that, not even love. It is beyond it all. It couldn't be any different. It is your true BEING, but not what you think your being is right now. Realize it, then you will understand. The Absolute is beyond it all. If you would understand it, you would be enlightened right now. It can't be communicated in words. Once you start intuiting/realizing it, it will be totally clear. Where was unconditional love in deep sleep? Before your birth? After your death? These are all Koans that pointing directly to your truly Infinite Absolute Nature, which is literally right here right now, but covered under a myriad of clouds of mistaken identities (thoughts/feelings). These Koans have a very clear answer, just not one that can be carried with words and language/duality. A good approximation is: The Absolute is both totally empty (undescribeable) and also infinite potential. The Infinite Potential contains the potential for unconditional love, expressed then in the manifested side of the Absolute/Infinite Consciousness. But that is already to much concepts. The referent of the signifier must be there: Realization of the Absolute in an awakened state. That is then called Enlightenment (the full&final one). Sorry, language ends somewhere here. Maybe one more idea/metaphor: The blind men describing the elephant: One says its a hose, one says a trunk, and so on. The facets of Awakening. If the elephant is the manifested side of consciousness, then the whole (infinite) elephant has love as its essence so to say. Because fundamentally it is a nondual Unity. And where there is an other, there is fear (Upanishads somewhere). And if there is no other (nondual infinite unity), there is only love. And the Absolute would be the spaceless locationless unmanifest (no body, center, location, anything. FULLY EMPTY) Awareness of the elephant, "seeing itself", but also in nondual union with it. The gold from the ring-metaphor and the elephant the ring. And if the elephant is zapped out of existence, the Absolute Awareness is neither aware of the elephant, nor (and that is important) of itself. There is no time, no space, no nothing. But the POTENTIAL for sentience/awareness. Unaware of itself. But as soon as the elephant arises/manifests again (with love as its essence, see above), Absolute Awareness "sees" again - love. So it can only manifest as metaphysical love so to say. And now make elephant infinite (no boundaries) limitless... And there can only be love! Yet the Absolute can not be defined with love (only). Not even with (Self-)Consciousness/Awareness, since that doesn't happen when nothing arises/manifests. But with potential for Awareness if something arises. And since the separate-self-contraction is perfectly capable of clouding over the original state of infinite love&bliss (resulting from nondual infinite unity, aka "no other"), instead of doing all these metaphysical conceptual word-games, it would be better to sit down and practice cutting off the mindstream with all its illusion-arisings of the separate-self-contraction. And become empty nondual infinite impersonal Awareness itself. Then love will flow freely anyway, which is all that counts. Ok, now a Zen-Master or two are probably going to kill me....
  14. Sure, but it clearly shows you what is Absolute (or fundamental, or Reality itself) and what is just a temporary arising within it (as it of course, but still within it). It clearly shows (or makes one realize and understand) which is eternal, omnipresent, timeless, changeless, infinite. And that is how you can define Reality, or God. In other words: It shows what is always there, and can not not be there. Which funnily is also the True You. Metaphysical love: Lets do a thought experiment like the following: When nothing arising, you don't know that you exist. Deep Sleep. Yet you are. You reappear every morning. So even a very subtle (self-)consciousness is an arising IN Reality. That becomes very clear once having had these states in meditation. So when anything at all, however subtle arises, a "you", a consciousness "of" can appear. Or just the colour red for example, without self-consciousness (in an animal for example). But it arises and is being "awared". That is manifestation/arising. And as soon as there is red (or any other arising for that matter), there is also underlying fundamental love. Because the reality in which it arises, that which arises, and the Awareness of it is a Unity, and love is the opposite of division/duality. It is the intuition, experience, and pull back of/from this underlying nondual Unity. The Totality pulls all beings with that love back home to their True Being. And that is why love is as fundamental as any other of the first manifestations occuring in the Infinite (like space, time, first forms/archetypes of manifestation). How that works in practice: Feel in certain empty awakened states into an appearance, and use something like the Koan "what is this really". The answer will be something like you & light of Reality & love. But that is not the fundamental Infinite Absolute. The Infinite is really fully infinite or empty, or not definable. It is YOU. And YOU can't "see" YOU as an object. The eye can't see itself. Everything you see is illusion-arising-manifestation IN True You. At that point you have fully realized how "you" (small y) can be fully switched off in deep sleep and yet True You (capital y) still be there as the Absolute Infinite. That realization is a beyond a mere conceptual-insight, and can't be fully explained. It is a realization which can only be had in infinite boundless nondual mere appearance awakened states, and then asking what is "beyond" that, or what is True Me. You have to BE it, and then ask yourself what IS it. And then "you" or It can realise itself, but only out of this certain states. But that you is not a thought. That you already has to be the Totality in a nondual way. And to get to these states, you need a lot of training in getting an empty mindstream and cutting off each and any blabla concept in the mindstream. Psychedelics get you to these nondual states, but its not empty/impersonal enough to realize what is "beyond" that. And then one confuses the Totality of Manifestation with the Infinite Absolute Unchanging Timeless beyond. The real realization is a very clear and simple answer, a direct realization, without any FURTHER or beyond or n+1. And it is not a fundamental reductionistic baseline, because it is the Realization of Reality itself, and of realizing the essence of every arising in it. General Omniscience so to say. Not the content of all realms, but the essence/suchness/substance of every possible manifestation. In other words, of anything possible at all. That is why its final, and why Osaid said that once the Ultimate Truth is realized, its done. Everything else is just content/manifestation/realms: Fun to explore, but why grasp & suffer doing it? God is doing the evaluation of its endless potential anyway, and will never(!) run out of worlds/realms to explore (remember, its infinite). And God is doing a better job at it with more grace than currently Leo, who does this clearly in a grasping and suffering way. But declaring that project higher than realizing Ultimate Truth. A perfect recipe for suffering: Declaring/confusing the lower (Manifested Side of Infinite Consciousness) with the higher (Absolute, totally empty and infinite at the same time, without opposite). Ok, back to love: So love is so fundamental that as soon as any manifestation arises it is there. One could say that the Absolute is love. But on the other side it is not, since the Absolute can be without any arising. So its a question of what is more fundamental. And since the realization of this Absolute is the all deciding "point", a pointer saying the Absolute is love is rejected as a non-efficient pointer by most enlightened persons. Yet, it is a very difficult topic, because one could validly say that the Absolute is maybe not love, but its first manifestation is love, the essence of any manifestation is love, the essence of any possible world is love, love is what got the whole game going and what makes the Universe evolve back to its source, grow in complexity so that it can realize its own Unity in the form of enlightened beings. And in practical daily life, as we have heard thousands of times before, all that matters is love. That is true! The only remark is: To fully love all the time, the separate-self-contraction has to be fully transcended, since it keeps the game going with unloving periods, and its "projects" chasing experiences to get back the love/bliss. Selling Water by the River PS: And the realization that you can not not be there, even if unaware in Deep Sleep: That is really coming home, You can NEVER loose yourself, and never did. The world becomes home, all separate-self-contractions that were the essence of "un-love" or "masked" the natural and inherent flow of love stop, the underlying infinite Unity becomes apparent, and the mindstream becomes love & bliss. For some, even divine/celestial perception showing how universal consciousness rolls out reality starts, like Harri Aalto or David Buckland for example. That is where Leo thinks he is the only one exploring these realms with psychedelics, but that is wrong. Life then becomes the celebration that its meant to be. And that is not the "end" of Enlightenment, but just the start of all which comes after, this life and the following ones. Each being expresses this realization differently, since individuality as separation gets lost, and not individuality as being/mindstream. Each one will express his/her enlightened love differently.
  15. If you stand in Truth, and ARE Truth, the rest of the world including all "others" can do whatever they want. Why does that disturb you? There really are no others? Sorry, but when Absolute Truth is at ones fingertips, always here, and self-evident by just reaching out, one doesn't need validation of anyone, anything, any -ISM. Then you can truly stand on your own feet, in your own true freedom, and need no confirmation and validation at all. What you write above is a rationalization, and a dangerous one. Stand free in your Truth AND love/openness/acceptance of this reality. Not by lashing out on others/other views to reach "orbital velocity", but by openness of your own heart & love to hold all these differing views in YOU, in the Reality that you truly are, without contracting. That is why love/compassion/boddhichitta is such an important practice in any spiritual tradition. Don't you think that the whole world already "gaslits" an enlightened being 24/7 all day every day in daily life, and it doesn't ever matter? Love and compassion is what stabilizes this Realization and its Awakened States, not lashing out against other closed minds. They are all the children of your Being, no matter how less-than-smart they behave & think. Not being an oak yet is not a sin of the acorn. Although I understand you from a human level, that is what is demanded as a price for True Enlightenment and Realization: Stand on your own, in your Truth, as Truth, and LOVE all of Reality, and also for those who think different than you! You can't stabilize Awakening & love any differently. One is totally alone then, but also everything in a total and infinite way, with more love flowing than necessary to endure that "aloneness" there, if done correctly. Yet, you can never be alone then, since that which can be alone and unloving is gone then. Having said that, despite all my criticizm on certain views of yours: On a deep level you truly have my sympathy, as doing what I describe above and standing alone Truth as Truth and keeping the heart open is among the most daring tasks any being can endeavour towards.
  16. That is how it looks like when one has not reached Full Enlightenment. Full Enlightenment is the realization of what everything is (Reality), and what oneself truly is. By BEING it. He thinks he has it with his Awakenings, but I agree with Inlightened1 and Osaid that he confuses the lower with the higher. Leo is busy engaging in the exploration of that which is already manifestation and form, although of the higher/highest realms of the manifestation of consciousness. But still manifestation occuring IN the Absolute and not being/realizing Absolute itself by being it fully and truly. Impersonal. And that exploration can easily become an addiction and disfunction. To ease the suffering of the ego/self-contraction that is not transcended. Hence, no Awakening in sobrestates , because the self-contraction is in the way and not cut off/transcended fast enough in real time. No nondual awakened states sobre, because the untranscended self-contraction/ego prevents it. And guess what this untranscended separate-self/ego is doing in AWAKENINGS? Misinterpreting the Awakening, and what the true self really is. Although it doesn't see that all these Awakenings are interpreted though the lense that the self-contraction constitutes. Ego = God. Wilber on that in Religion of the Future. Chapter Dysfunctions of the 3rd-Tier Structure-Views, Violet Meta-Mind: "The “visionary” nature of the violet meta-mind is fundamentally due to the growing perception that the entire Kosmos is indeed a coenaction of consciousness itself, and the present given universe, as normally perceived, is merely one of hundreds or even thousands (or more) of other worlds (and this, indeed, is one interpretation of the string theory of modern physics). On the one hand (from one perspective), these are all different aspects of One World; on the other (from another perspective), they are all completely separate and different worlds altogether. Individuals often have the sense that they can “penetrate” or “step into” one or more of these other dimensions —the world is just such a wildly open, transparent, diaphanous, sheer, gossamer, filmy place that one can walk right through it and intoother worlds. And the Present moment itself is often the doorway; it is not by “transcending” temporal duration entirely that one can penetrate to an alternative reality but by entering into this Present with more and more Presence. One can step deeply enough into the timeless Now to step into another dimension altogether—just step right here, and push hard. It’s easy to get lost in those worlds, which are, at bottom, simply different dimensions and perspectives of one’s own (violet) consciousness (although, as noted, from another angle, they are all real, ontologically different realms because they are each genuinely co-enacted by a different perspective in consciousness). Given that this stage is the first great transition from “earthly” realms to “heavenly” realms (as a permanent structural enaction), getting lost in these “higher worlds” is indeed one of the most common dysfunctions of this level. The deeply transcendental, otherworldly, electrically visionary nature of consciousness at this altitude makes fixation to this side of the street an incredibly inviting and alluring venture. This is likely to couple with the dysfunction, discussed earlier, of standing in heaven and giving a blistering critique of life here on earth, with all the semiprophetic pomp and pomposity that comes with it." And for the claim that no one has reached or explored what Leo tells about with all the Alien Awakening and so on stuff, because no one is telling/writing about it. I disagree here: Maybe check Harri Aalto, Christopher Bache, David Buckland, Stanislaf Grof and Jürgen Ziewe (and his descriptions of the Superrealms). And many others more on request. I have not seen one fundamentally and structurally really new description of the explorations he claims that has not been described before. I doubt he has read much about other explorers of these realms, and that is why he thinks he is the only AWAKE. And when he claims he is the most AWAKE on the planet: Little Public Relations-recommendation: The most awake on the planet of all those he knows, read or heard about. Or better claim clairvoyant skills (able to judge each person on the planet) right from the beginning. Water by the River
  17. If the consciousness of a psychopath and its emanations float your boat, perfectly fine. Good luck staying in awakened states sobre with the states that the psychopath-exploration-mindstream brings with it. And for all the importance of love you are proclaiming: Rolling out the side-effects of that exploration of psychpath-consciousness on your audience appears to cause a bit of confusion among the audience, and will harm some for sure. You will care about the suffering that this mindset & its actions bring. Make it harder.
  18. Excuse me ?! But there are others that get critcized and attacked at least as much (or more). And apparently they are able to stay respectful, compassionate and loving, even though they are not pushing love as an Absolute. But as an utmost important property of the awakened mind-stream, the basis of any ongoing nondual awakening. Very very close to the Absolute, and the first manifestation of it. Truth can stand on its own perfectly fine. Truth survives all lies and misunderstanding. Truth is that which always was, always is, and ever will be true. Or the case. Just because it is true, and because Truth is defined like that. And compassion & love promoting this Truth also stays compassionate and loving all the time. If it is true love and compassion. The Love of Reality can not easily be shaken, which is what Leo agrees on in pushing it in such a strong manner. On which we agree. The only thing that pushes "its" truth in a not so lovingly and compassionate manner is.... you guessed it: Ego. And for gaslighting: How can Truth be gaslit if it is truth? A Truth that is self-evident and always in reach as soon as "one" reaches out and touches "it", being IT? "Truth" can only be gaslit if that "truth" and its proponent needs confirmation, acclamation, emotional & intellectual agreement & support, money, business, whatever. Anything of Maslows Pyramid up and down. Truth can stand perfectly fine on its own. And Absolute Truth and Love can also absolutely fine stand on its own. Although it probably hurts, because Leo has produced a lot of amazing stuff (and I agree with Inlightened1 here, until around Infinity of Gods): To judge a path, congruity between walk & talk tells a lot... That is called conduct with which one lives ones life. Which is the utmost spiritual test of any claimed realization/awakening. There is a low chance that a follower will end up more loving, compassionate, wiser and happier than his/her teacher. Water by the River
  19. Is that the love that you are preaching? The emotional state in which these aggresive and profane threats are written prevents any awakened or nondual state while doing so. You are racking up huge bad Karma for you (visible in the emotional states/energy you are writing in), and for fellow beings that follow this narcissistic solipsistic ego = God path that results. I assume the next round of severe crash & burn, suffering, and forced humility and atoning is right aroud in the corner. Besides racking up bad Karma for you, you spoil the life of lots of beings with this Solipsism stuff that makes them unable to tell the difference between narcissistic ego and their True Being (impersonal, nondual, infinite and free). Narcissistic solipsistic ego is not God, it prevents True Realization and the path towards it. Actually, you are setting them up on the exact opposite path, contrary to transcendence and deeper into narcissistic ego/contraction/separation. Doing that corresponds to the activities of the gentlemen with style that is represented by three number (between 5 and 7) that your Awakening live video shows. What does the gentlemen with style do with the human tool once he is finished using it? Can't you see that? For me it appears that the universe is using you to a) either to make a severe warning example out of the narcissistic solipsistic ego = God and mainly psychedelic path and where it leads (suffering, misery, egoity, narcicissm, and genereal meaness) or b) show catching the corner and finally wise up towards the True Realization that Inliytened1 and Osaid tell about. What the outcome will be I don't know, but you are playing with fire and your own life here, and you know it. Contemplate if version a) or b) is better for you personally. You will never change the realizations of Inliytened and Osaid and their testament of it, because they know the source. It is available to them anytime always. All the best Water by the River
  20. No gaslighting, just a misinterpretation of what Ralston is saying. Enlightenment encompasses all the different aspects of truth you talk about, because there really is just one truth. To define it strictly as "love" becomes misleading for someone who is looking for that and has NOT achieved it yet. This is so obvious. Your forum is 100% proof of this. Hence all the confused and disturbed threads about solipsism and love. You yourself are confused, so you interpret the confused threads as just "part of the work." You think, "Oh, I've been there before, they'll get over it and become as awakened as me eventually." No. They are misunderstanding things, full stop. The fact that this could happen in the first place should raise alarm bells. Their method of accessing truth is corrupted. You yourself are constantly "refining truth" and having "deeper awakenings", it should be contemplated how this is even possible in the first place.
  21. I've been using AI to explore my experiences and insights with... Check out these pics of some of what I've come up with: Lmk if you guys are interested in this sort of thing , I'm all about it An integrated SWOT analysis on a MBTI+Enneageam+Instinctual Variants+Spiral Dynamics levels(with gaps)+Baseline for Awakened State of Consciousness A response outlining info about Awakened States of Consciousness A uniquely awesome characteristics of a highly neurospicy person (wow-ed me) And further ways to break down the integrated profile with further assessments
  22. @Leo Gura, when you say that your baseline consciousness doesn't really ever increase that much. Do you mean that people have confused re-contextualising their perception of reality with the insights they've realised while actually in higher states of consciousness either through psychedelics or any other practise, like meditation or yoga with a sustained expanse in consciousness? When actually their level baseline state of consciousness is pretty much the same its just now they've filled it with more truthful awakened content. Like they've swapped out the lens that they perceive reality through to a more truthful one, more accurate to how reality actually is. But there hasn't actually been a sustained expanded level of consciousness that they now live from? Because the ego is designed to automatically reimpose limits the second you stop the practise which dissolves the limits, like struggling to hold your focus in a meditation, or the molecule of whatever psychedelic being transported out of your synapses as you come down?
  23. If you believe it or not, there are actually some who have free sobre access to these nondual awakened state (any time) that you get on psychedelics due to longterm meditation practice. In my case that was over 15 years and 1000s of hours practice. And that is exactly the problem of the psychedelic path: One gets the nondual states, but not the hundreds of hours in them necessary to get the separate-self fully transcended. Not to even talk about the 1000 of hours emptying and transcending the separate-self/ego-mindstream to get to nondual awakened states going in the first place. Ever wondered why you don't have that these awakened nondual states in daily life? And why you return from the nondual state when your trip wears off? Untranscended separate self elements. I believe you when you write that its hard for you to make sense of my messages. I can't write easier about these complex topics. You can find in my archive many posts argueing against making conceptual castles in the sky of the Absolute. At some point concepts have to stop. But not before. Meditation Practice is actually cutting off each and any conceptual arising. For a really good show of trying to think ones way to the Absolute in a conceptual style, I guess there are plenty of examples of that here also.
  24. there is no appearance in a non dual state, you will not understand me till you experience it for yourself, this is free for anyone to experience do not take my word for it. An awakened view of the boundaries in consciousness being illusory is not the same as experiencing a full non dual state.
  25. Nobody contradicts that. there is simply the appearance of limits, and limits create the appearance of a self. Many of those who say they are awakened reach mystical states with psychedelics in which they replace the everyday self with the great self they call God, and enter messianic delusions. Awakening is the breaking of limits, realizing your true nature: total reality, impersonal, unlimited and free. Ant it brings an energetic change. many people don't like this, they need the super sayan level, because they prefer to keep the self, greedy attitude that bring suffering