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  1. Deepest gratitude for sharing this song. It's bathing my whole being with bliss and joy.
  2. Sounds like what Eckhart Tolle also had which led him to enlightenment. Because they listen to the conventional system that tells them this state needs to be deemed bad (when in fact it's threatening to the system), And then start loading you with prescription psych drugs that brings them tons of profit. If people live in constant state of bliss, peace, and love, how would the Big Psych/Pharma be makng their billions? Thus brainwashing propaganda. Nothing new.
  3. They probably experienece something else completely different . What you read about those symptoms have nothing to do with that . Looking inward brings peace, bliss, love , liberation until self realization occurs
  4. Most likely it is. I havent been practicing attention on the self for very long and I am almost constantly in bliss all day. Many people practice it wrongly though, they keep asking them self questions and repeating "I am". But in truth what Ramana taught and jnanji yogis practiced is constant attention on the feeling of you "I-feeling" I-sense" Repeating a mantra keeps you in the realm of thoughts.
  5. If i Google my symptoms, i get the results of being depersonalized/dissociative. Thing is it gets noted as something extremely terrifying or unpleasant, which brings anxiety attacks with it and stuff, i'm not experiencing that at all. I'm in fucking bliss that's all. But yea, i'm going to stop explaining stuff because i even find it hard to explain. "I" probably sound like "i'm" just going crazy or something, Lol. "I" even have to remind myself of what a thought/thinking is like at this point.
  6. You are addicted to suffering (so am I) because you haven't experienced the peaceful bliss of present awareness. Once you practise that, all your suffering will gradually vanish. I myself had one moment of awareness (long time ago) where I could clearly see the illusionary nature of suffering. It is so scary what our minds do to us when being unconscious.
  7. I think you are to stuck on the idea of thoughts. You can be enlightned and have no suffering and be in a 24/7 bliss state with thoughts. What more do you want?
  8. I've never done anything like this before and I've never written a trip report, but I had the most beautiful experience and I'd like to share it here... I took 2g of thai cubensis mushrooms dry and in the late afternoon on an empty stomach. Before I ate them, I set my intentions and asked for a good experience. The taste I didn't mind at all; it reminded me of sunflower seeds. I sat on some pillows with my blanket spread out on the floor, incense burning, and began to meditate. I wasn't keeping track of the time for the entirety of this trip, but if I had to guess, I would say about 20 minutes went by before I started to feel...something. I just noticed that things were beginning to take effect and kept meditating. But soon this was almost impossible because I began to giggle. little by little I began to laugh more and more until the idea of being human and being alive became absurd and hilarious to me. I remember seeing faint rainbows on the inside of my eyelids. I then saw what I can only guess was my spirit guide. It was a man in some kind of native spiritual clothing, like what a shaman would wear. I never saw his face, and most of the time I was too giggly to even look up at him, I just remember seeing a white beard and a bright light blocking out his face. It reminded me of my late grandfather. He began to pull back the curtain of reality (that's the best I can describe it) and I began to laugh more, but then he stopped and waited for me to collect myself a bit. Once I was ready the trip hit me and I went...somewhere. I don't remember exactly what happened next, but I remember coming back and being completely unafraid of the whole experience, so I did what anyone would do in that situation and took off the rest of my clothes. I sat there wondering if I was going to be able to keep any food down and eventually got up and had a banana. Best banana I have ever had. I remember enjoying the sensation of having a mouthful of banana, and even just drinking water was something special. I had a weird hot and cold sensation for a while, and I remember coming back to my room and taking the blanket I had on the floor and folding it over myself while I lay there with my knees to my chest, laughing at the absurdity of being human and talking to myself the whole time. I remember coming up with this analogy: the monkeys and the centipede. It was something along the line of all of us are just monkeys that are concerned with our monkey business and it seems like the most important thing in the world to our monkey selves. We sit on a tree in a massive jungle doing whatever; jobs, family, eating bananas nude... but we ignore a giant centipede marching through the jungle. He is life; long and flowing, without care or an agenda. He goes over bumps, but they just ripple down his body, and riding him is pure bliss. Mr. Centipede is so long that you cant see either end, and he's a big silly guy as well. The problem is that the monkeys either don't see him when they are wrapped up in their monkey business, or they try to go under him. The problem with that is that while Mr. Centipede is very silly and blissful, he is to be respected because he WILL trample you and he WILL hurt you because he doesn't stop for any single monkey. Some monkeys try and go under him again and again, swinging into a forest of marching legs on a vine over and over, and on the back swing is when those monkeys start to think that this is all there is to this whole, "life" thing. So I'm sitting there in pure bliss, finally understanding the meaning of what "bliss" actually means and having all sorts of insights on love, relationships, spirituality, and what it means to live. Lying there enjoying the colors I was seeing and feeling the energy of the room when purpose began to hit me. I began to realize things about myself: my groundings, my direction, my values, and my masculine/feminine balance of energy. I was in my true state, I felt, and said to myself that this is how I naturally am without the burden of my egoic clingings. I realized that this state was obtainable without psychedelics, and I realized that I didn't need my addictions; they don't help anyway. I'm a massage therapist, so I work with helping people heal, and I think I want to take it to a level of helping people obtain this bliss through healing and setting the foundation to do so. Finally once I started to come down I set my blanket and pillow back on my bed and began to think about the whole experience. The end of the trip was actually a bit frustrating though. One minute I was sleepy and ready for bed, the next I was up taking a shower. Tired, energetic, tired, energetic, until I was finally able to sleep. I took a few things away from this. First was the monkey/centipede thing. The monkey is the ego, and the centipede is life. The meaning behind it is that in order to build a solid foundation, you have to ride the centipede, and later you realize that there's more than just Mr.Centipede out there; its a whole jungle, and a planet that it's on, and a universe that the planet is in, and so on. The other was sort of finding myself and what it was I wanted. It really opened me up spiritually and helped me just let go and enjoy the flowing bliss of life and all its beauty. I'm definitely going to do mushrooms again, I want to do other psychedelics as well, and I feel more motivated to reach the highest state of consciousness I can than I ever have. It was beautiful...all of it.
  9. The reason self inquiry works (awareness on the self) is because it's the most direct approach to self realization. Other meditations such as on objects also leads eventually to awareness on awareness or awareness on the self, but it takes a very long time and isn't direct. Meditation on the self cuts through all the crap and goes directly to the source hence one will experience tremendous bliss and love very fast and to get self realized in a mere couple of years if many hours of practice a day is done.
  10. There have been sages in the past who have managed to turn off their thoughts and live in bliss. You can't live in bliss 24/7 without turning them off.
  11. I don't know about no thoughts at all... but about the end of suffering and living your live in complete bliss 24/7 there are plenty of sages that have reached that state.
  12. People who say there is not a self is because they didn't even get a gimpse of it. trust me when you do you will be drowning into divine love and bliss
  13. I think I'm in need of a little guidance and encouragement right now. I feel really LOST! lol And it's making me feel very depressed and confused. I've been on the enlightenment journey for a few years now. I feel that this is a top priority no matter what occupation I have or do or where I am in life. I know that your mind creates your reality. You are what you believe yourself to be. I see how fear can play a huge role in our lives and prevent us from going after what we truly want. Inner happiness and fulfillment is created from within, not from external circumstances. Things started to get really confusing for me when I took this Transcendental Meditation class a month ago, as a favor for a friend. I attended it to give my friend support to help her with her PTSD. I had no idea there was a connection with Enlightenment from doing this meditation. And that you can achieve enlightenment from using transcendental meditation. I KNOW what I truly am. I know what consciousness feels like and what it is. I know consciousness is the Unified Pathway, and that we are all one. I have experienced it many times first hand. I know I am energy and I am infinite. But I don't feel this way all time. I only feel it during times of meditation, or when I use reiki, or hypnosis. I keep reminding myself of what I am, and what I have experienced, but that EGO gets in the way a lot. I'm guessing there are different levels or stages of enlightenment to gain that full realization. Where can I find more information on the different levels of enlightenment? I guess you could say that "shit really hit the fan for me" when I took this class and I learned and realized that we are already "enlightened beings". (It's one thing to understand it, but to actually know it and experience it is a whole other thing!) It is our "natural state of being" and that there is no point in life. There really is no purpose, just for enjoyment, and happiness, and to follow your bliss. And by following your bliss/excitement you are listening to your higher-self and that is your life purpose. After finding this out, I just became really depressed and had this lack of direction and motivation. I thought I would be happy and there would be this huge release and weight off my shoulders but I'm feeling the opposite effect. I'm even questioning my career choices and may be switching jobs to create more bliss and happiness in my life. Is it normal to feel this way? Am I missing something here??? I've discovered on this journey that there is a huge correlation between Enlightenment and the Law of Attraction and creating your reality. I have used the Law of Attraction to successfully attract a new romantic relationship, where I am loved and respected. And I've been manifesting/projecting to the Universe for the last few months that "I am already enlightened" and that "I have transcended into a higher dimension or frequency". So I am sure I have attracted these circumstances into my life. I read a lot of stuff from Bashar, Kevin Trudeau, and from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (the Transcendental Meditation guy! lol). Now that I know that absolute infinity exists and that all of reality exists and I create my own reality....I've started to question everything I know. Are angels real? Aliens real? Am I God? What exactly is the higher self? Or am I creating/manifesting these things into my reality? It's really thrown me into this emotional loop. It is possible that there are things in my personal life that are being garbled with all this questioning of life right now. Last week was the year anniversary of my dad's passing away from stage 4 colon cancer. And the day before my dad passed away was my mom's birthday, and feeling the pressure of trying to keep her happy and emotionally balanced all week hasn't helped. I've started to question my career choices and if I want to continue hypnosis and reiki. I just feel so incredibly lost! @egoeimai, @Sarah Marie
  14. This morning I watched this and it might be of value to you. Nice progress Oops wrong vid! Here The Illusion of the State of Bliss: Cant delete the other cause on phone ?
  15. @How to be wise without judgement, and from the heart, it's an interesting question, and one I have been asking myself the past 24 hrs. The thought arose, and the heart confirmed, that there is definitely a shadow and light aspect in the aftermath of Self Realisation, in that you have direct experience of who you truthfully are, and that who you thought you were is just an illusion The shadow aspect although realising there is no me, returns to an I perspective after realisation. The thought I am enlightened is a sure sign that the shadow aspect is at play. Despite realising there is no I the shadow aspect hasn't completely removed the I from the centre and as such still lives in the world of judgement and positioning, thinking along the lines of there is only I. A good example of this is Ram Dass. Very switched on dude, who knew what was going on, but he identified with his I and believed his hype too much. His life story will point towards the results of the shadow aspect. The light aspect is whereby the I has been completely removed. They live as our natural state being Absolute bliss and happiness, and have an acceptance of the order of all. It is a point of no resistance, and acceptance and is a direct reflection of the Absolute. The perfect example is Sri Ramana Maharishi, who didn't identify with the I at all. Both have a place in the divine order, with yin and yang a great representation of both aspects as one. The light still has a touch of darkness, being the appearance of a person and a mind in the case of the enlightened, the darkness still has a touch of the light, which is the realisation The One. Both come from a base of unknowing, which once realised can never be unknown as it is all That is. The enlightened will wait for you to ask and act based off what was asked letting pure and clear thoughts arise naturally from the heart, the shadow aspect will tell you what the Truth is without anyone asking. I have experienced both states, with the "I have" aspect a very clear indicator that I am at a point of self realisation, not enlightenment at the moment. Here is the thing though, there is no devil refering back to your question, there is only That, it doesn't favour either the dark or the light side, which is what makes the light 'enlightened'. Don't worry all is well as at the end of the day That is the source of it all. Hope this is helpful
  16. I think this is incredible given your struggles. A huge pat on the back is in order! I do not pretend to know what you are dealing with but some of what you said really resonated with me. I had childhood traumas myself and was in and out of the hospital for years before getting back on my feet. I know from my journey how difficult it can be to do anything when things seem so distorted. My heart truly goes out to you. Try to remind yourself that bliss can only be felt when it has something to compare itself to, and the lower your lows are today, means the higher the highs will be in the future.
  17. Entry 234 | Fear Of Achievement Theory: Even though success is a wonderful thing to behold, sometimes you can fear it for no good reason. Applying it: Be mindful of all the ways in which you distract yourself from knuckling down and doing your work. Be compassionate but also see that these behaviours cannot serve you or your highest values. Today ended up being a productive day. If only it were all that way. For a good few hours I wasted a lot of time watching YouTube videos and eating nut and protein bars. It was all a distraction from the fact that I was actually kinda scared to do the work. This seems really odd and new to me. For most of my life, I've been scared of failure and rejection. Now that I've studied success and personal development a lot, those things no longer provide me with fear. Instead, it's like I've become scared of success. Scared of achievement. It's bizarre but I know what the root cause of it is. Essentially, all that has to happen now is for the old 'me' to die so that the new successful 'me' can take it's place. The old me loves watching YouTube videos, snacking on food unnecessarily, procrastinating, living in a bubble. And now I must reconcile the fact that this version of myself needs to be shed away. It feels empowering to have the knowledge and the awareness to recognise this necessary action, but it's not bliss as ignorance would have it. The old 'me' wants to argue that if it dies, then things will be so much worse off. Sure they'll be far less comfortable in the short-term but once I reach the point where I've fully embraced the new person I want to become, I will never look back and wish for the simpler life. It feels sad that the old 'me' will have to die. But so long as I keep focussing on cultivating the new 'me,' so long as I look positively towards the future, so long as I can use my mind's eye to visualise the life that I desire, then it will seem a lot more like a rebirth than a death. Pick of the day:
  18. @blacksapp Monkey mind is a trap covered in trap buried in trap. Practice your focus. The past is gone. Bliss is now. All the love you could ever handle is right under your nose.
  19. Living organism is afraid to die. All what living organism does is surviving. Whatever we do is aimed to live now or live more in future, and all our motivations come from this. We work to live. We create art coz we will feel more alive if we do. Whole society is structured in the way to make life better or at least people THINK their structure, system will make life better, but still it stems from desire for life. And society advances coz people want to live better. We treat deceases to live more. We fall in love to live because need for love is a need to feel alive = desire to live. We do science and try to learn new because we think knowledge will make life better = we will feel more alive, OR we learn because learning is interesting, and feeling interested = feeling alive = desire to live. We do religion to have better life, or to have better afterlife which also comes from biological desire to live. We do personal development to have better life = to feel more alive. We even self-destruct to feel more alive! We drink alcohol to feel alive, to feel good. We harm ourselves, we blame ourselves or beat ourselves up because we want to fix something in order to improve life and feel more alive eventually. We even commit suicide coz it is one way of dealing with problems and dealing with problems = improving life = desire to live, so we kill ourselves because we want to live! Very paradoxical. So our whole life is simply a run to win some more time in this world, getting some more life for yourself or for whoever you identify with, for your family, kids, friends, countrymen, homo sapience species, any living organism, planet Earth (that's why we care about climate change). We pursue enlightenment to know the truth, to be happy, and why we naturally want this truth or this happiness? Because we will feel more alive. Truth is nice, right? Truth will ultimately make you very bad? No, Truth will make it very good for you. Desire for absolute truth is desire for life, for more life, for having this very moment constantly. Life is all about life, and desire for truth is all about life, all non-living things don't care about life, and all living only care about life. Our cells are charged with energy, plus and minus, and it is scientific fact. Positive and negative energy, ying and yang, life and death. Cells have negative energy so they can die out to create new cells, but this have its limits for human. But not for all animals, there are some animals who never age like Greenlandic whale, naked mole-rat and some others. They can die though in this wild world but not from ageing. So doesn't all that mean that the point of life is to live forever and living organism is not necessarily designed to die eventually, and what Jesus and Buddha tried to make is a manual of eternal life for a living organism, all nirvana and heaven notions??? Was it not the manual of creating heaven on Earth, right here, right now with your own mind and body? And heaven is where your are young, happy and live forever. What if they saw that heaven is possible on Earth? What if they implied not only achieving understanding and experiencing of infinity, eternity but actually living forever as a human-being in your own body. They gave us some diet advices, some good habit advices, good behaviour advices etc which all aimed on making us to get into heaven state. Of course their knowledge was limited comparing to what we have now. The truth and enlightenment are not enough, I guess for this matter you have to have your whole life to live in certain way, like super-healthy, not living in bad ecology, only drinking some very high quality water etc. I understand that life and non-life dichotomy or borderline only exist as illusion within absolute. But can we make a thought experiment? What if absolute infinity is sort of a life within nothingness which is sort of a non-life. Absolute infinity wants to live forever, while nothingness doesn't care. Interesting fact, meditation slows down ageing, I guess enlightenment even more. But what if there is more to enlightenment, deeper and deeper enlightenments? Longer and longer, until you constantly experiencing bliss and happiness, and peace? And what if there is a stance that will make your body to stop age and die, and make your cells to reproduce without limits? Of course, given that your lifestyle and environment is healthy in all terms. I mean, if some animals like naked mole-rat have gone trough evolution and now don't have genes that is responsible for ageing, thus staying eternally young, why can't human do this without waiting for evolution? So, can we say that human-being only desires to live forever, i.e. to live in this moment infinitely, and actually able to live forever? Coz 'human being was created in the image and likeness of God', and God is infinite. I want you to realise that your rationalisation of acceptance of eventual death doesn't matter coz your instincts will always make you to try to survive even when you are on your deathbed. You can even feel that you accepted death and feel that you had a nice life, but on your deathbed - your body will try to do anything to live one more moment and one more moment and so on for infinity. Just like the universe. Sorry for my english, i hope its all clear
  20. the end of suffering. the complete annihilation of the ego (manonasa) 24/7 bliss-love-happiness-joy Kundalini has transcended to the crown forever.
  21. I feel like the fruits of my meditation practice are finally starting to show themselves. I was dancing to music and my body was just moving on its own. It felt like something took over me and my dancing took on a whole new level. My friend said it looked choreographed lol. Anyway after the dancing I was in complete bliss. I just sat down in a trance in complete ecstasy and felt like I was absorbed into something. It is hard to describe. It felt perfect and everything was really white. I don't know if this a taste of enlightenment or some samadhi experience or what, but it was really pleasant and I had a bit of an afterglow afterwards. I was also not on any psychedelics.
  22. @Bufo Alvarius Yes. There is no one to have control. Control is based on time. When the ego thinks it has more power then the laws of nature. Like for example: "I Will write an entire book in 12 hours, without taking a break, I swear that I Will write this book." Then reality strikes and you have to go to the toilet. However, one can respond in the now moment (the only moment in existence is now) . Respond = ability to respond. Yes. One can be a Devine creator. Because one is not identified with the mind or body complex, one can use these as tools and not be their tools (by unconscious identification with those systems). Synchronization with the Devine bliss is accelerated and established when the Devine creator is embeded in the 3D human vessel. Mind and heart is synchronized. The two brain hemisferes can function as one. If one is simply observing, one is stuck in the observer ego trap. One can fall into this trap if one does mindfullness meditation for a lot of time and can stay stuck in it forever. I mentioned this in this topic.
  23. Hi All, I've been making some significant progress with meditation and lucid dreaming/dream yoga on a path to awakening. I have had insights into ego death, the feeling of not being my body/mind during meditation and outside of meditation. Having those realizations that "of course" the I does not exist and everything is one. I have found this to be very amusing and laugh spontaneously at the absurdity. I have experienced an increase in senses, to the point of when I am reading a book the pages feel delicious to touch. Staring at my hand as if I've never seen it before. After sobbing during one mediation, I was left with a feeling of bliss lodged in my chest. I am smiling and happy and this won't go away. However, this did not scratch the surface of what happened in my dream last night. This was in the very early stages of sleep after a bought of insomnia. In my dream, I was sitting at a table with a friend (also very spiritual). Suddenly, I had an incredible feeling of disassociation with my body. This increased exponentially, until I slumped over the table (in my dream) as the feeling increased infinitely. My freind was saying "it's ok, it's ok". My ego died, and I was left with the most unbelievable feeling/experience of being God I suppose! It was beautiful and terrifying. I can't describe it. A trillion trillion trillion diamonds all shattering at once, leaving a viscous pool of infinity. It was incredible. Oh god the feeling. I still can't process it. The feeling became so intense, it woke me up. What the fuck was that? I've opened Pandora's Box. How deep does this rabbit hole go?? Please, and comments/reassurance would be MUCH appreciated!
  24. I tend to experience a similar thing. I seemed to fluctuate between no-mind meditative states, and feelings of self-doubt and of emptiness, i was questioning the value of existence. Recently i have taken a more firm hand in my psyche, and started watching motivational video's, reading about confidence building techniques. From this i concluded three things: Ideally i would be bliss 24/7 and not need motivational confidence building techniques building up the self in between moments of no-mind is preferable to the alternative (depression) Watching the mind and steering it by rejecting doubt, increasing confidence and strength, takes a form of mindfulness For me, just watching it without intervention, was spiraling me into depression in my daily life. This did not impact my meditation rly. I am curious to learn how others view this, am i going backwards or forwards in my spiritual practice, by keeping my mind in check? A small addendum: I was not bothered by my lack of motivation, or my feelings of emptiness emotionally. It was all perfectly fine for me. The issue was, it was impacting my work, my social life. I was not really living anymore, i was just mindful and passive all the time. I could find no reason to do anything anymore, other than striving for enlightenment.
  25. Disclaimer: This is just for fun. I didn’t write this in keeping any particular organization in my mind. Many of the ways that I have described here have actually been adopted by many authentic gurus. But this is just to show you how sometimes fake gurus may take advantage of this. . It is good to be aware of this dangerous possibility. This is a repost of my answer to a Quora question: How can I outsmart the existing Godmen in India? I will offer you a solution but make sure you implement it as quickly as possible. Because, once everyone gets to know the trick, then the system will no longer work. 1. Read some books of Osho, collect some anecdotes from lives of Shankara, Ramana Maharishi, Ramakrishna and also collect some jokes. It may take approximately 1 or 2 months. 2. Now, you have to create a meditation technique for the basic course. It is easy: First, go to this link: Custom Random Number Generator Enter the lower limit as 1 and higher limit as 10,000 and click ‘Enter’. It will create a 4 digit random number. If the sum of all digits are less than 20, then try again. For this example, let us assume that the random number you got is 6834. Now collect 4 random short spiritual practices. Try mantra chanting, pranayamas, asanas etc. Be creative! Now you just need to assign each digit from the random number to one specific practice. 6- some kind of asana, 8- some kind of pranayama, 3- mantra chanting, 4- silently sitting and doing nothing. Your basic course is now ready. It contains 6 minutes of the chosen asana, followed by 8 minutes of the chosen pranayama, 3 minutes of mantra chanting and 4 minutes of silently sitting and doing nothing. Create an appealing Sanskrit compound word as the name for the course. How about ‘Anandaspandana kriya’? You can fix the price after analyzing the competitor rates. In the beginning, you can start with about Rs.800 or RS.900 and then slowly increase the price. 3. Follow a similar procedure for the advanced courses. Advanced courses may contain practices like non-stop jumping, shouting, lying down like a corpse, laughing etc. 4. Create your enlightenment story. This should be dramatic and touching. This is a very important part. So, be creative! Choose a date for your enlightenment. You can Google for sample enlightenment stories or ask a question in Quora to describe someone’s awakening experience. You will get an idea. The success of your Godman career depends on the nature of the story you create. Let it be unique and interesting. 5. Now, you have to create your past life story. Go to a real town, preferably out of your state. Note down the important details of the town which will help you work on your past life story. Collect some historical details. Now, use the same random number generator to create a three digit number. Subtract that number from the current year. The answer you get is the year you were born in this town during your last birth. This way you can create story that sounds genuine. 6. You need to register a non-profit organization and also have someone design a website for it. There are lots of fancy names that you can choose from: Lifemantras foundation, Anandasutra foundation, Brahmashanthi foundation, Jeevasiddhi foundation etc (all four names are available; I checked in Google and no Godman is currently using them). 7. Your website should describe your enlightenment experience and your past life stories. Photograph some people doing meditations while faking extreme ecstasy on their face. Most importantly, take some photographs of yourself in perfect lighting. You have to do a lot of tweaking in Photoshop. 8. Now you can work your way to build your empire. You can start offering courses for free for a few days. Then gradually start offering paid courses. 9. Initially you may need to temporarily hire some people who sit with other course participants and then do some creepy things as if they are experiencing some kind of special energy or bliss. Each person’s reaction should be different. one person should cry, another person should yell, yet another person should shake their head left and right continuously for a few minutes. Seeing this, other participants will also somehow try to fake it. Make sure all these things are videotaped. 10. Now you need to work on other things like creating testimonials, planting some trees and posting the pics in your website etc. ........................................ Thats it. This is the basic structure that you need to know. How you take it from here depends on your creativity and imagination. If you have good English, good voice and public speaking skills, you can easily start making money in the next one year. Some additional tips for extra-income: Within one year, you can start selling the books that have your transcribed talks (price range Rs.200 - Rs.500), DVDs (Rs.500 per DVD), energized lockets, energized rings etc. You can also sell your laminated pictures for Rs.200, Rs.500 and Rs. 1000, depending on the size. In each program, show the participants a video that explains how volunteering is good for spiritual growth. You will start getting volunteers to do a lot of the work without pay. A large part of income comes from donations. So, use it wisely. Learn some cult programming techniques from here: How Cults Work - CULTWATCH . This is very important to get dedicated and large number of followers. Once you get established in India, it is time to set up a branch in US. The real growth happens after that!