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  1. I just don't understand one part. If there is only void and nothingness in reality how can it have consciousness to imagine all of this reality? Then it's not nothingness anymore right?
  2. A thought is basically a distinction. As in something that is distinct from everything else that its not. The thing is since there are no real boundaries between things, and there are not even things technically heh, the distinction is illusory. Reality gets fragmented through thought in order for the human to navigate it and survive. And so what isnt a thought would be observation, or the nature of the thing itself... that self aware infinite nothingness people are always talking about Its a deep topic and hard to explain Read the Book of Not Knowing by Peter Ralston, it will help alot. He basically tells you the answers to these questions but also helps you contemplate them yourself so you can get the deep existential insight firsthand.
  3. Happy Mistakes In my life, I feel like I have tried nearly everything to ease my depression. In fact, my experience on earth started to a become a trial and error experiment in finding a cure for my depression after a while. I became a master of making mistakes. This path led to a lot of agony: relationships, cheating, lying, stealing, alcohol, drugs, sex, nihilism, religion, diet & exercise, vacationing, being a homebody, laziness, perfectionism, succeeding, following my dreams, becoming a workaholic, forcing myself to socialize and more. Damn, I tried it all in an attempt to find an answer (see video above). I ended up causing myself a lot of suffering. Only when I started listening to what those experiences were telling me did I get to my Truth. And the Truth I experienced was a realization that, unfortunately, none of these external experiences had made me any more happy as a person. Only turning inward and reflecting ever helped me. Now I need to learn to put all the external junk behind me. When I was putting a gun to my head, I asked God to show himself. I was sobbing asking "where are you?" over and over. I was met by complete stillness and silence. Nothing. Little did I know, that was the answer I was looking for all along and couldn't see it. It's all nothingness, but it all means something at the same time. You must apply your own meaning to everything. A popular choice of new spirituals seems to be seeing everything as love or a cry for love. I would say this is a good way to go, but to get to this point you must travel inward and face your darkest fear, which is yourself in the end. The difficult part is that fear manifests in different ways for different people, so you must search through your own limiting beliefs to find the Truth for yourself. I was listening to Leo's video on setting proper expectations and was reminded of this aspect of my journey toward enlightenment.
  4. @egoless There IS a base building block element of reality. And it is nothing. Imagine Lego blocks made out of pure nothingness. It's like that. Except anything you imagine is wrong. The world is made out of differences, and behind these differences there is nothing.
  5. The absolute truth is that all things would either fall into the category of something or the category of no-thing ad infinitum. There’s no two ways about it. No-thing means absence. But an absence of any or all units under consideration is not equivalent to nothingness of any or all units under consideration. Therefore, absence is not about nothingness but instead it is about no-thing-ness. No thing means no becoming or no changing. No changing means no suffering. No suffering means no mind. Mind is the forerunner of all states. No mind means a completely neutralised state of affairs - that is nibbāna as per Buddhism.
  6. this question cannot be answered with words. go look by yourself if you have enough courage to experience true Nothingness. hypothesizing is almost useless for it can only expand your curiosity for true (un)knowing.
  7. i personal think it most likely become like it was before we where born (nothingness)
  8. There are many techniques that can bring you all the way. The question you need to ask yourself is which one has the best results for me at this stage of my development. A technique that works great now might not be so suitable in a couple of months from now an visa versa. So I'd suggest, dedicate to a technique for a week and see how much you progress. Are you seeing changes in your daily life? If so, continue until you feel the need to try something else or you stagnate. From my experience Vipassana is a good technique to burn through layers of your emotional wounds. Contemplation & inquiry is good to have a breakthrough, which results in a direct of experience of what you focussed on. If you focus on nothingness long enough, you will experience it directly eventually. If you would be able to sit down and focus intensely on nothingness for 20 hours a day, you would get there in no time. A breakthrough experience will shed layers of your ego and emotional wounds. Letting go of your ego and emotional wounds will make it easier to have breakthroughs. Start somewhere but start and practiced diligently and persistently, diligently and persistently.
  9. Jokes aside, you can see it from a hindu perspective. The universe is nothing but the interplay of Shiva (male) and Shakti(female). Shiva is the ultimate nothingness/stillness/awareness itself. Absolutely still. Shakti is the energy counterpart of Shiva. Shakti lures Shiva into a cosmic dance and that's how universe and consciousness comes out of utter nothingness. So its Shakti's nature to disturb the stillness of Shiva in order to immerse into the game of cosmic creation. Like so, women test and excite the energy in male to higher and higher levels so that both can be joined in that heightened rapture. Either in bed or know.....
  10. In the eyes of God everything is right, there is no wrong. You thinking that something is wrong, is also right. So you can not try to ban wrongness from your life, since wrongness is also right. The path of self-actualization is actually going through the uncertainty of right and wrong, and learn from it. Not by running away from it by trying to contain it into a concept. A lot of spiritual and personal seeking is just a way of running away from the "realness" of life. It's very comforting to try to run from life in concepts like "nothingness", "spirituality", "God" etc. But if you still do not truly embody this in your day-to-day life. It is just that, concepts.
  11. You have no free will. But there also is no you! Believing you exist combined with believing you haven't free will = emotional disaster ofc. Realizing you don't exist combined with seeing that it doesn't even make sense to talk about free will or no free-will = enlightenment. It's true; from a scientific perspective, of course you cannot have free will. Everything is determined by casual links and quantum randomness; the univerise is a physical machine! In any case, 'you' dont have a free will, cos 'you' dont exist. But You - the real you - decides how to interpret everything in life. So in that sense, you DO have full control; it's just a matter of being aware of it or not. When you play a game, like a board game, that's really interesting and really takes you in, you could also forget that you're playing and believing that the it actually REALLY matters who win the ludo-game. That's what makes it fun. In the same way, the real you is having so much fun right now, pretending it's a poor little sepearte self, Pristinemn, who's sad because it doesn't believe it has free will... haha, what a story!:D with 'real you' i mean God, Awareness, Absolute Infinity, Consciousness, Nothingness, etc etc, in other words: the REAL YOU!=)
  12. @Serotoninluv but exactly that thought ( I am not in control, infinity/god/nothingness is acting through me and creating a false sense of self in my mind ) is making me feel really calm and peaceful. like I can lay back and that one day everything is going to click. but it's still very abstract and heavily based on intellectual concept. nothing I have really felt I probably need a real kick in the ass, come right face to face with a reality which erases my 'I'. like the experience you described with 4-aco. I guess that would really take my understanding to another level. and make me feel all the fear and panic
  13. it is true, I am the devil what I condemn in others, what I judge in others, I have in myself as well. I am just not aware of it most of the time. as soon as I become aware of my own devilish nature, all condemnation and judgment towards others starts to dissolve into thin air. I am selfish as fuck, I want so many things. it doesn't help to act all nice and spiritual here, I have to be honest. at least to myself. I want everything: appreciation, validation, love, success, money, health, purpose, value, admiration, friendship, shelter, security, adventure, freedom, peace, beauty, comfort, luxury, honor, results... I want enlightenment. I want awakening moments, glimpses of infinity. I want to feel this big love that is all one. I can see the irony and paradox in this. the ego wants to see that it is part of god. but as long as there is ego, no such thing is gonna happen. I can see the conflict there, from an intellectual standpoint. but I can't help it. I can't deny my desires. I want all those things. frustration arises. but as I don't resist it, something else awakens too: amusement. it truly is paradoxical. it's so deceptive, it's a piece of art. who is the genius who invented this stuff? it's an ingenious method to keep an illusion alive. incredible why do I want all that? I think it's a self worth issue. I sometimes feel worthless and meaningless. in order to feel worthy, I need all those things (love, validation, success...the whole package really) I feel like I am nothing without those things. I feel empty and small. insignificant. maybe it's time to ponder in that emptiness, meaninglessness, worthlessness, insignificance. maybe it's time to face this hole in me, which I constantly need to fill. it's time to dive into the nothingness I've always tried to run away from or cover with achieving my wants. what resists, persists. how do I face all that?
  14. I just found one of the coolest web-apps ever. Cube.gif is an experiment visualizing gifs as 3D cubes by encoding animation time as another spatial dimension. We can then slice the gif cube using a plane, projecting the data back into two dimensions and producing images that capture multiple frames of the original animation. Using the app kind of helps me visualize higher levels of reality. Mainly, it helps me see reality as one frozen block of absolutely infinite conscious potential. So take this 3d gif block and then add sounds, tastes, touches, thoughts, emotions. Then instead of imagining a 2d gif getting played back, make it 3d. This by the way, is how Einstein thought up general relativity. For, the way a line is an infinite series of 0 dimensional points smoothed together, the way a square is an infinite series of 1 dimensional lines smoothed together, the way a cube is an infinite series of 2 dimensional squares smoothed together, the 4d is an infinite series of cubes smoothed together. Notice how by moving the plane in a certain direction, 'movement' appears in the block. Anyway, our soul is itself that which penetrates the block using a form of existence known as the now - a made up plane to help us see things "moving" frame by frame. We make up and are time as a way to experience and manipulate the world. Depending on the angle that you penetrate the block you would have a totally different experience - one of Me, one of you, one of George W. Bush, etc. That would literally be the only difference - the perceived angle of the space-time penetration. Apart from that, it is exactly the same being penetrating the universe. To anchor in a certain plane of perspective, a brain or other nervous system might be used. In this way the brain would not be a generator of the block, just an anchor for a plane to cut through the block. Now make shit a little crazier. Instead of having a frozen block with everything determined already, instead take the block and add different timelines of potential. Infinite choices at any point, where the block can split off. Imagine so many choices that every possibility gets exhausted. So much so, that the terms predetermined vs at random are useless because literally every possibility gets realized at least once. Then imagine the aforementioned plane of existence going through one angle, then another, realizing every single possibility. Each time the plane goes through, the block "disappears" - its back to nothingness before going through another go around to figure out the block. The plane would forget entirely about the previous experience before returning again. That is, every time the plane passes through, it would have no recollection of its previous go around. No plane penetration, no block. This is our infinite soul. It's the perceiver (the plane), the perception (the slicing), and all the infinite configurations of the perceived. The plane would pass over everything you see. The thing that you are encompasses everything and everyone you see. The plane would not be able to exist without the block either, by the way. For without penetration of the block, it would have nothing to perceive, including itself. I hope you can now begin to have a small little window into the craziness of the meaning behind total non distinction. An absolutely infinite block of every possible percept pasted together - its useless to describe unless you come up with some type of little window to describe it. And that's what we are, a little window to describe it.
  15. Spirit guide meditation: I am not sure what really came spontaneously and what I only made up (maybe it's all just the same?) (maybe everything comes spontaneously from nothingness and we just think we made it up ourselves?) however, the spirit guide gave me money. I don't really know what that means. Do I feel lack? do I feel financially insecure? I don't think so. I feel financially dependent. for sure Maybe I am still attached to materialism far too much for a spiritual and minimalist life style. for sure. But I am working on both problems. maybe my spirit guide just wanted to remind me. I had a lucid dream, my second so far. It again, just happened without forcing it. In the middle of my dream (it was an intimate dream about my ex..) I realized I was dreaming. I stayed relaxed, cool and just surrendered to the sensations. A man came with the intuition to kill me (for some reason, I just knew that, but I was not afraid, I stayed cool). there was another man, a bodyguard who shocked him with a teaser. later during my dream, I remembered, that all characters of the dreams are actually me. this is a great opportunity to get to know myself, to talk actively to my subconscious mind. so I went talking to the man who had wanted to kill me and asked him why. fuck, I don't remember his answer. then I went talking to the bodyguard. I don't remember that conversation either. what a shame. but a good experience nonetheless.
  16. I see, hear, smell, taste, sense. but I am not a sight, sound, smell, taste or touch. that's quite clear to me. I think and I feel. That's what I usually identify with: my thoughts, especially my inner voice and my feelings/emotions. for the most part in daily life I'm completely immersed. sometimes I get more aware and realize that I am not any of them. I get those small moments of -wtf, wait. I can hear my inner voice talking and talking. I can see my mind firing thought after thought. I can feel my emotional body sending sensations all over me. I perceive all of that, I am not it.- those moments are gradually becoming more frequent. when I meditate or do consciousness work, I can see my thoughts, hear my inner voice and feel my emotions. I am not them. I am the one perceiving them. But I can't grasp where/who this perceiver is. I know that's the point. I know there is no one to grasp. I know it on an intellectual/rational level. I still have to feel it. But I want to, I want to feel that nothingness in my bones...
  17. Hey Guys, So if God is infinite, literally infinite, that means that every single scenario, even the most absurd and illogical, exist somewhere? Like for example the Pokemon world exist somewhere in "another" dimension from this one? And the Christian hell too? So reality is literally like Rick e Morty depicture it? with infinite dimensions like one where I'm writing here, another where I'm not, one where a meteor falls on me where I'm writing this and one where without a proper reason the ananas near to me explode and kill me? one where I'm literally simultaneously in hell and in heaven? All this LITERALLY exist? Personally my answer would be more yes than no: our premises and criteria for judging something absurd and weird comes from the only things we know, what we think it's normal etc... but if you for example look closely at your hands aren't they the weirdest thing ever? they are like a super mega precise incorporate tools that our weird body have and that we can control even the slightest millimetre movement of our finger; and generally speaking are super weird looking: we can kinda say that they are like a earth star fish with some kind of shells that and are filled with millions of little tubes that carries red stuff that contains micro part of a banana to make the hand work. And this literally applies to everything: just to the same thing I did with your body, with a chair, with trees, cats, hairs, mountains, planets, emotions, amusement, sex, laughter, you're face, bread, floor, sky, shoes, language etc... and for fuck sake think about bananas or whales, you can't argue with those. Immagine what would be like to see a human for the first time. Wouldn't that be weird as fuck? (if you still don't have watched this movie do it, a part from the fact that it's really a beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful ridiculously fucking amazing movie, his way of -literally- thinking about enlightenment it's genius; personally I think it's one of the most far sighting movie that we have). So yeah, my answer would be a yes. However I know this maybe would be considered the worst thing could have said because it's not directly related to personal development and spirituality but more related to how literally the universe is, aka it would mean a scientific statement with not really enough proof other that: God is infinite therefore everything literally exist. (I mean there many be other arguments like: if we could think about the concept of infinite and found in nature some phenomena that are infinite like fractals; why therefore infinite would not be a characteristic of the universe?). So yeah, again my answer for now tend to be more a "yes" (not a radical yes, because you don't know until you know, ya know ?) and I would like to have the point of view of a truly enlightened guy and/or Leo's point of view on that question so that it would be easier to me to move with my big picture understanding of the universe. Anyway if this new rational prospective to see the universe could help us to open ourself up to the "sensation" and "existence" of absolute infinite showing us how "physical matter" is paradoxically really near to characteristic like infinite and nothingness, it it doesn't really help our spiritual work. It's an "upgrade" on our web of belief, of theory; our beliefs would be more aligned with reality, but of course they are not reality, the map is not the territory, so yeah, again a big meditation retreat or psychedelics would be more "meaningful" because it would lead you to actually "feel" having a natural insight of this by experiencing it. So yeah, just a little reminder. Thanks _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are some other "literally" infinte stuff fractals: this shit can go on to the end of time. In the end it's just one. But a literally a one.
  18. Man, the first few years of personal development I was so driven, excited, grateful, calm, peaceful, joyful. I would regularly cry about how amazing I felt. I did the work as prescribed by Leo and from all the other sources. Then I had my first God experience. It opened my curiosity up a lot, and made the world that much more beautiful. Then the second,far more powerful God experience, which rattled me to the core, staring at the nothingness that I was. After several months it has me feeling like i'm stuck in limbo, and have no clue what is real and what is not. I am literally always in a state of unknowing and confusion. I am stuck in this Nihilism. I feel the only way to get out of this is to see the full picture. And of course despite feeling terrified of the existential, I can't help but continue, because I have no where else to go, nothing else I can do. I feel like that rain drop on Leo's InSights that has bounced twice off the ocean and still has another 4 bounces before it merges back with its source. Leo seems to deliver his weekly Video's and looks pretty damn happy every week, considering how long his Hey's are and how Smiley he's getting! Am I missing something here? Are you all also facing these Dark Nights for extended periods? How do I stay motivated when I am nihilistic, sane when I am insane, and joyful when I am in purgatory? <3
  19. Day 55 Days in a row: 9 Start time: 7:35 p.m. Finish time: 7:55 p.m. Location: Balcony at my parent's house Technique: Leo's Guided Meditation Eyes: closed Highlights: Today when I woke up I didn't feel like doing yoga and meditation, as I usually do, but I didn't want not to do it, so I just stayed lying on my bed for a long time, reading tweets. It got really late, and then I already had things to do instead of doing yoga and meditating, so I just skipped it. When my house finally calmed down (some workers were here repairing the floor) I decided to meditate already. I went out to the balcony, and closed my eyes. During the guided meditation the mosquitos (of which we have PLENTY in here) ate me alive. I could feel them biting me deeply, but I didn't move, I managed to just accept it as part of reality. It was funny how more or less at the end my arm suddenly moved the way the muscles of some animals move unconsciously, precisely to avoid insects biting them. Well the same happened to my left arm when I felt a mosquito starting to bite me again, I felt like a horse. At a short moment I forgot exactly where I had sat down, so I felt as if I was floating in nothingness. I may start looking for meditation spots that I don't identify very well to recreate that feeling of the world outside disappearing.
  20. Naturally, we do know things and happenings exist because it can be known and felt by our senses. And our minds interpret event or happening as a condition that one has to go through, to persevere with, to soldier on with, to carry on with or to undertake with, inevitably. In other words, what exists is defined as that which can be known. If it cannot be known by the mind consciousness, then it does not exist and things can exist as in fallacy or in reality. Since things and happenings existed long before we have a slightest opportunity to recognise and understand it well, we are bound to suffer (bear with) ignorantly. However, as human beings, we have the wisdom to make recognition on the entire cycle of events or happenings in Mother Nature. In the realm of subject-object duality, our mind consciousness could observe the fluctuating vibrational frequencies arising because everything in the material Universe is made up of energy. Atoms and molecules are made up of energy. Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our houses are all made up of energy but what makes them different is their vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a different frequency under the influence of conditional phenomena. In other words, energy is the underlying element that exists everywhere within Mother Nature because every single thing or happening would involve with it, without exception. In fact, energy is an expression that emptiness exists. When one sees into energy, one sees into emptiness; when one sees into emptiness, one sees into energy. This is the rationale for the saying, ‘Form is Emptiness.’ The principle in effect: seeing into form is seeing into matter, seeing into matter is seeing into energy and seeing into energy is seeing into emptiness. At the same time, emptiness is a necessary prerequisite for any objects to exist; without it, the object would be impossible and this hypothesis attributes to the saying, ‘Emptiness is Form.’ When we examine into Mother Nature, its intricacy is negated, what is left is emptiness that is portrayed as in a uniformed translational motion i.e. a bare becoming process. When the two opposing translational forces clash against one another, vibrational forces arise concurrently. The arised vibrational forces would appear in a regular pattern of waves i.e. standing and traveling and this in turn would give rise to deflective forces. The traveling waves would involve with higher vibrational frequencies and the standing waves would involve with lower vibrational frequencies. Subsequently, the conditions of duality and multiplicity would arise out of the combination of deflective, translational, vibrational and rotational forces as the becoming processes moved into an advanced level of complexity. And only when there is a balanced circumstance, there is a chance for the integrating process i.e. under a balanced phenomenon, one could witness shapes or forms arising; under an imbalanced phenomenon, one could witness no shapes or forms arising - and the cycle of conditional phenomena continues endlessly. This scenario can be portrayed in the cycle of dependent origination shown as below: - Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge. Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion. Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation. Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity. Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling. Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to imbalance. Imbalance leads to adjustment. Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to new balance. As depicted above, the elements of awareness would begin to discern some simple varying frequencies that consecutively give rise to consciousness - that basically arises out of awareness. This is the soul thing that we talk about all the time. Consciousness would then progress and expand into a manipulative typecast i.e. mind or also known as consciousness in individuality. Therefore, soul is referring to a blueprint of endless evolving mind consciousnesses. Such a blueprint would serve as a steering wheel and is often mistakenly deemed as a permanent entity. In fact, soul is dependent arising and anything that is dependent arising would involve change and therefore, it cannot inherently exist in Mother Nature. In summary, we could mention that firstly there is the arising of preliminary awareness, and then there is the arising of consciousness-cum-intermediary awareness, thereafter the arising of consciousness-cum-advanced awareness, and lastly the arising of ultimate or full awareness. This means every existence would contain with the elements of awareness that is known as the seeds of emptiness. And when we talk about seeing into emptiness, we talk about the progressive realisation of the mind on the reality of things. Therefore, emptiness can be realised into stages as below: - Stages of Enlightenment Stage 1 Elementary Realisation · All things and phenomena are lack of core essence. · Nothing is unchanging and permanent. · Everything is inter-related. Stage 2 Intermediary Realisation · Ability to differentiate the way things are perceived to exist and the way things really exist. · Only seeing without believing. Stage 3 Advanced Realisation · No dualism of the subject and object, and no appearance of multiplicity. · All things and phenomena rise and fall within a singular condition. · Only uniformity exists. Stage 4 Ultimate Realisation · All dependent arising are completely blown off or extinguished. · No string attached, and nothing is left remaining. · Infinite, unchanging, permanent, and unconditional. · Exists beyond all conventional phenomena. The ultimate realisation of emptiness would mean a phase of perfect intermediation being accomplished by the mind consciousness (a.k.a. full enlightenment). A perfect intermediation would mean a comprehensive absence of any or all units under consideration. It is also known as a complete neutralisation of conditional phenomena. But an absence of any or all units under consideration is not equivalent to nothingness of any or all units under consideration. Therefore, absence is not about nothingness but instead it is about no-thing-ness. No thing means no becoming or no changing. No changing means no suffering. No suffering means no mind. Mind is the forerunner of all states. No mind means a completely neutralised state of affairs - that is nibbāna. The state of nibbāna is inexplicable in conventional terms but still, it can be tasted by the enlightened ones during deep meditation. At the end of the day, the cyclic processes of so-called seed and fruit would continue ad infinitum until upon uprooting ignorance from the mind consciousness. This is the ceasing moment of rebirth i.e. the evolving consciousness or stream of consciousness of a person in Mother Nature.
  21. What is with people here? One of the key guidelines to advising is knowing what it's like to not know what you know. Imagine not knowing anything about personal development. Nothing about meditation. Nothing about mindset. Nothing about discipline. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Then you get odd ideas like, "You are the universe." "In a deeper level, you know everything." "Your ego is just making you think you are superior or inferior when actually everyone is equal." You'd think, "The fuck. What is this mambo jumbo bullshit?" Even if you knew some background into this and was open — new information you find isn't going to help you much. This is the kind of stuff that makes people so skeptical of ideas like spirituality. It's too vague. Dig up some examples. Sprinkle some analogies. Throw in some methods to realize this. Chop up their worldviews with arguments. Splash in some quotes from someone who explains it with more quality. Muse on a damn story. Draw a line around the boundaries with a definition. Anything other than a sentence with barely enough explanation. The ideal is to have people know something both in an abstract level as well as a concrete level. I'm not telling you that you have to do this. Everyone has a different style of advising and you're free to do what you want — I'm just suggesting another perspective. If you have any objections or criticisms, feel free to tell me. Which means : Abstract level." It allows an understanding of the theory. 1. Plan English. "Enlightenment is oneness without being similar." It provides a direct to the point statement when needed. Useful for clearing up misunderstandings. But many people overuse this to the point of being too vague. 2. Analogies allow some deeper understanding of the theory. "Enlightenment is like a carpet. It has different shapes and colors inside it but they are all part of the same carpet." 3. Definitions. "Enlightenment is nothingness. Not the nothingness of pure black. Or something empty. It's not the word or the idea of nothingness. It's just nothingness." It allows a more precise understanding of what we're talking about here. Some people talk about the same words but not the same ideas. Concrete level It allows understanding of the practical side of this. 1. Examples allow you to see the idea in everyday life. "Look at a book. When you remove the ideas around it — its history, your memories, what the use of a book is, its cultural ideas and your ideas of what to do with it in the future. Remove that. Just see the book with pure seeing." 2. Methods. Needed for obvious reasons. Something like Leo's Practical Guide to Enlightenment on the Meditation forum. If I remember correctly, it goes like this, "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "No — who the fuck are you?!" The different questions are the methods. He also provides some tips arnd warnings. 3. Stories. This provides some emotional influence with the reader. What's more inspiring and motivating? A scientific study on growth mindset? Or a story about a man struck in poverty and finding the hope to make a living for his family? Objective information allows for the right decisions, but feelings are what motivates to go towards these decisions. ----- I based it from this. Yes, it's for math. ADEPT technique. Analogies. Diagram. Example. Plain English. Technical. Somewhere sooner or later as a STEM student, I realized this could also be used for science concepts that didn't use math. Then I realized it could be used for ideas like history or politics. One day I thought it could be used to understand and teach personal development. Just change the technical to not the mathematical definiton or equation to a definiton about the life concept. And change the diagram of it to a life advice context picture. And boom. Eureka!
  22. Exactly what I thought man! This was just a surface level experience. It did not feel like infinity. I did not expand into nothingness itself so to speak. Good to hear it's in the right direction, tho, thanks
  23. @Nahm first, there is a difference between believing you are a soul and actually being a soul. Yes you can believe in a soul, spirit and all that, but it doesn't change anything, it only changes something when you are being it. You can't identify the soul in any perceivable way, and you can't identify awarness, being, or nothingness. So that is the True reality, because you can only be that. After you "identify" as a soul (being) ), it's the same as being enlightened because you can't identify the soul in any imaginable way, it's impossible, so that doesn't conflict with enlightenment at all. It's a lot better to come to a realization that you are a soul than to a realization that you don't exist at all, because if you then start believing that nobody exists you can become apathetic, which lowers the vibration of your being by a lot.
  24. I might agree with you. It looks like I probably do. I'm talking about what Being and nothingness reference. But even that is a duality. Language is a duality. Rather than your "nothingness" -- I prefer "no-thing-ness." Nothingness sounds too much like a belief. No-thing-ness gets at the non-dual aspect of Being better than nothingness does. This is my preference of course, not the absolute truth. Belief is not reducible to thought or to duality. Even saying "Being is One" is a duality. Oneness implies a duality, it implies a not-oneness. Once the Mind-Matrix takes a slice with duality, even if it carves with the finesse of Bobby Flay, augmentation of Being is necessarily effected; fantasies are born.
  25. Nothingness is beyond Being, my friend. And even beyond non-Being.