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  1. One of the best posts, inspires me a lot. I only don't get why people insist on saying they "know nothing" even though they do know something. For example you know you're not your body. Doesn't that mean it's a lie that you know nothing? The quote is: "I know nothing and even that I am not quite sure about" or something like that, because even knowing that you know nothing is knowing something and therefore a lie in and of itself. Or perhaps you mean that you are aware of nothingness and therefore "know nothing"? Hehe, but again, very nice inspirational read.
  2. In Jed McKenna's works we are encouraged to perform "spiritual autolysis", basically get rid of all of our beliefs until what's left is a Truth. And I certainly think there is something there, namely the being of nothingness. But even in doing that, couldn't there be Truths outside of the Truth that we have direct access to? How do we know that things we (perhaps used to) believe in aren't true? In McKenna's theory of everything, he proposes that the physical universe is a subset of consciousness (his C-Rex vs U-Rex idea). I tend to agree (in a way... at least it seems according to our best theories in physics that the universe is absolutely nothing like our human interpretations or intuition of it, and that the act of observation makes things "real"), however his argument seems to be along the lines of "everything we experience we experience within consciousness, therefore consciousness is all there is". Perhaps that's true from the perspective of a human life, but how can we know that a physical universe doesn't exist outside of our conscious awareness (however radically different it may be from our perceptions of it)? I get that we can't KNOW that there is a physical universe, but if asked "is there a physical universe or is there not", wouldn't it be perfectly reasonable to answer "I'm not sure, but if I had to guess I would guess there is"? How can we KNOW there is not one? Even with an experience of Source, or Cessation, or Absolute Infinity, or Empty Awareness, or death before dying, etc... Even with that experience how can we know there isn't something outside of it and the consciousness experience it gives rise to (namely, a physical universe)? It seems just as reasonable to me to say that in such experiences I'm basically going straight to deep sleep while maintaining awareness. I.e., nothing too out of the ordinary, just a profoundly relaxing experience and practice, but one that could happen in a physical universe where one somehow trains their brain/body to enter deep sleep while remaining aware. I ask, because I can see enormous benefits from completely freeing myself in the belief of a materialistic universe (namely, not feeling threatened whatsoever, not feeling the need to accumulate goods, compete, exploring mysticism, etc.). So far, the most convincing argument I've come up with is "how can there be something rather than nothing"... There can't be! It makes no sense that there would be something. Therefore, there is nothing, and every "something" is an "illusion", i.e. not real, i.e. not physical. Would love to hear other's thoughts on this matter, pun intended.
  3. It is YOU who are experiencing all these sensations. But the thing is that you are just confused about who you are. If not intellectually, then at least emotionally and/or intuitively. Probably both in your case. In my eyes you become enlightened when you you are emotionally aligned with Truth, i.e. you are no longer confused about who you really are emotionally. It is easy to intellectually grasp that you are not a person, a body nor an indvidual seperated self. Anyway, intellectually speaking, it is *you* who are experiencing all these sensations. But *you* is not who you *think*. It's not a thing or a concept. It's God/Nothingness/The Absolute etc etc etc.
  4. Try one method I like doing: Gaze into your closed eyelids and really look. What colours do you see? Do you see any mind projections? No? Good! Look beyond the blackness. What is infront of it? Behind it? To the left? To the right? Become aware of that emptiness, nothingness. Imagine a line of symmetry in the middle. Everything to the left and right - mirror images. The same yet opposite, like your hands, like your eyes. Like nothing and everything. All the while asking the question: Who am I? Who is looking? Whoo is on the other side? See that experientially you cannot seee the subject, but you know it is there. Perhaps it is transparent or perhaps, like the eyes, it cannot turn to look at itself, or perhaps, dare I say it, it's not there! Or another question, dealer's choice! I've had experienced trips while doing this. Btw, make your own techniques, experiment. Why be so confined and limited to one practice. Different things work for different people.
  5. @Leo Gura Could you clarify something? I know you talk about being conscious of infinity. Who are some enlightened people who do that because I don't remember any of the ones I've studied using that term. Nothingness and the metaphors for that seem to be most common. So I'm confused about this whole infinity thing. Is infinity and nothing two ways do describe the same thing, are they two ways reality could be described?
  6. @electroBeam its because they think enlightenment is a withdrawal from illusory form. Which it is, like the first half of it. Then you complete the circle, and you come back to form - shakti. Advaita is the first stage, then you return to form/life/love. Another good metaphor is the divine feminine and masculine. The father that dwells in heavens - nothingness, the divine mother - shakti, kundalini and form. Full enlightenment is merger of masculine and feminine. Ah I just recalled Leo once saying that meditation is like having sex with reality. How accurate, the father nailing the divine mother.
  7. Guess who's not back Reading a lot lately in the bus (have to commute 4 hours per day O_O ). Almost done with reading the book of nothingness, it is so profound. I now get where a lot of the content leo generates come's from. All the topics discussed in the book can be contemplated by yourself and there would be endless content. Genereting some content for myself too I got so many idea's for video's I'm now doing a course for SEO and ranking in youtube so I hope that will give me some actual traction for creating video's that actually get watched. I really don't have a lot of free time, about 4 hours per day where I need to eat, shower and keep my social connections up. I'm quite amazed at the fact that I could still produce this video. Here it is hope you watch it and tell me what I can do better in the comment's thanks!
  8. Ok the confusion stage had gone, just to add... When I say glimpse, it was more of a perspective, an awareness. I realised I am no different to a tree. My mind is what makes me indipendent of the tree. I physically felt/saw the nothingness. Tell me I'm going down the right path? I don't want to fall into a trap
  9. Hi, I just started meditating/self enquiry. the first time i did leos guided video i saw two eyes and then a doorway and my eyes fluttered open before i was like wtf am i a doorway? lol This time i was just sensing the "raw data" as he puts it. But i dont really identify with nothingness. My awareness seems to be visual in nature as it moves around seeking while the other senses just pulse. I've also for a long time had swirling patterns when i close my eyes and focus (or let go). so when everything is stripped away that's usually what i'm left with. i enjoy exploring it and look to it for answers to my questions, Is this considered "monkey mind" stuff that i should be trying to quiet? At the end of the last session "being" was kinda like a spark cloud. just a distraction? or is this valid "self inquiry"? would appreciate your insights. peace
  10. @Nahm Well I found some nice stuff on how it is an allegory for ego death. How it represents light and dark...what comes up must come down (the sun also does a good job representing this)... what is created must be destroyed... I get that there is this on-going cycle. Within our minds, within our (illusionary) lives, within the earth, the universe, the matrix of consciousness. Up and down and round and round. A never ending song, that we are all singing together. Evolution. Destruction. More evolution. but anyway, I still can't decide if love (pure love) is born of egoic desire, or something separate. It either existed before human ego, or not. Perhaps it is the essence of the God ego, and behind that, there is nothing. (In other words, we shred our human ego and dissolve into the God ego, before we finally dissolve into nothingness.) If I'm way off base, someone correct me **Edit I see now I am using the wrong word in title, haha. I mean conscience.
  11. Well I thought I would share my first experience of AL-LAD for those interested. So yesterday I took 150mcg of AL-LAD at 2:15pm. I have previous experience with psychedelics: LSD, mushrooms and from what I had researched I felt confident I could handle 150mcg for first try. So the setting is me alone, solo trip, my roommate is out of town and I have no plans with anyone or anything just how I wanted it. T-0:00 take 150mcg AL-LAD and pop on Leo's video of AL-LAD to refresh myself a bit on what I can expect to expect. His trip report in the video has me excited and feeling confident for what I can hope to expect. I am kind of nervous and anxious so I was just listening to Leo and pacing around my apartment for the next hour. T+0:45 I was beginning to doubt anything real profound at all was going to happen. I kept asking myself and looking for signs of any effects and I felt nothing. T+1:30 I am starting to notice darker shading of things and colors are starting to look more vivid along with slight trailing whenever I move or wave my hand in front of my face. The effects are very subtle and mild at this point and I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to be disappointed. I started to think that this was as hard as I was going to trip. I sat down and really just let reality hit me in the present moment. Just being real with myself and how I felt. I started to think that this is just how reality is and all this psychedelic bullshit, Leo's bullshit, meditation, positive thinking is all just bullshit on top of the same old boring existence I already know so well. But then to my delight as I kept looking for more signs of the effects they began to grow steadily stronger and more enjoyable as they did. I didn't really have much of a plan for what I wanted to do during this time so I just sat in front of my computer listening to music and inquiring within myself with whatever came to mind. T+2:30 The effects are extremely noticeable at this point and probably the strongest they were throughout the whole trip. I am just sort of going with the flow. I feel great! Everything looks absolutely incredible. It looks as though I can see electricity infused within everything I look at. Subtle patterns, similar to when you close your eyes, are cascading across objects occasionally in the most subtle but beautiful way. I feel amazing. I had energy so I was standing in front of my window looking out and just reacting to how my body was feeling. I closed my eyes and started to just allow my body to do whatever it wanted to do. I found myself being drawn toward one side in a kind of playful way, something just felt good. I started to turn my body slowly in circles to pursue this feeling. Eventually I opened my eyes and realized I was spinning pretty fast and just threw myself onto my bed to stop it. I just had a minute or two of traditional dizzy feeling that was pretty intense but I just totally embraced it and it felt awesome. I laid on my bed in deep thought of how it didn't even feel like I was spinning until I had opened my eyes and realized that I was spinning. I was looking at my ceiling and it had just come alive now. Beautiful geometric colors and patterns rippling across ever so elegantly. Very electric looking again. The colors sort of have the "burn" effect to them. I just laid there and stared at my ceiling enjoying the show. T+3:30 The energetic happy playfulness and trip visual intensity has leveled out by this point. I put on a meditation by Rupert Spira titled The Borderless Field of Pure Sensitivity (from the Light of Pure Knowing meditations). Spira then led me through an experience unlike any I have ever had. I clearly saw how my body is just a conceptual projection. It almost felt as if I was if i was a nothingness being learning how to human from Spira. Unfortunately my attention span was very short and I could only do one of his meditations. I then began to notice that I was trembling occasionally. It wasn't like a whole body shake as if something was really wrong with me physically, but more of a fear tension that I was holding in my throat area. I clenched my teeth together slightly and notice by jaw is trembling. I spent a long time trying to identify what this was and trying to accept it, fix it, allow it, ignore it. I have come to think it is some type of repressed sadness within myself that keeps showing itself during my trips. I even allowed myself to become very sad and cry if needed but I don't think that was the issue. I have had this issue with myself feeling shaky and I would really like to solve it. T+5:00 I felt like I had done most of my heavy lifting that I wanted to do for the trip so I decided to try out my VR headset. I allowed myself to become totally immersed in it as though it were actual reality. I spent some time with this thing on my head and then out of no where the screen went totally black. I sat with the VR on my head in total blackness and watched myself as I began to grasp at something because I had become totally disoriented. I had a pretty deep insight as to how nothingness needs this reality to orient and ground itself somehow. These were just a few moments I am recalling throughout my trip. Obviously there was much much more to it than just these moments I am sharing. Summary: - I had a moment where I looked closer at nothingness and it really scared me. Like I always had this picture of this stuff being all sunshine and rainbows but when you look at nothingness its fucking scary, but yet I am strangely fascinated by it. - I can see how nothingness needs reality to orient itself. - I don't think this path is going to be all sunshine and rainbows like I had imagined. - This reality will be here no matter how you look at it. All in all, it was a great trip! I would highly recommend AL-LAD as a first time psychedelic for sure. The head space is very clear minded and controllable. You can let go and go deep and play with it or you can focus on traditional reality if needed. I can't wait to explore further with this substance and hopefully gain further insights into the true nature of reality and consciousness.
  12. Living organism is afraid to die. All what living organism does is surviving. Whatever we do is aimed to live now or live more in future, and all our motivations come from this. We work to live. We create art coz we will feel more alive if we do. Whole society is structured in the way to make life better or at least people THINK their structure, system will make life better, but still it stems from desire for life. And society advances coz people want to live better. We treat deceases to live more. We fall in love to live because need for love is a need to feel alive = desire to live. We do science and try to learn new because we think knowledge will make life better = we will feel more alive, OR we learn because learning is interesting, and feeling interested = feeling alive = desire to live. We do religion to have better life, or to have better afterlife which also comes from biological desire to live. We do personal development to have better life = to feel more alive. We even self-destruct to feel more alive! We drink alcohol to feel alive, to feel good. We harm ourselves, we blame ourselves or beat ourselves up because we want to fix something in order to improve life and feel more alive eventually. We even commit suicide coz it is one way of dealing with problems and dealing with problems = improving life = desire to live, so we kill ourselves because we want to live! Very paradoxical. So our whole life is simply a run to win some more time in this world, getting some more life for yourself or for whoever you identify with, for your family, kids, friends, countrymen, homo sapience species, any living organism, planet Earth (that's why we care about climate change). We pursue enlightenment to know the truth, to be happy, and why we naturally want this truth or this happiness? Because we will feel more alive. Truth is nice, right? Truth will ultimately make you very bad? No, Truth will make it very good for you. Desire for absolute truth is desire for life, for more life, for having this very moment constantly. Life is all about life, and desire for truth is all about life, all non-living things don't care about life, and all living only care about life. Our cells are charged with energy, plus and minus, and it is scientific fact. Positive and negative energy, ying and yang, life and death. Cells have negative energy so they can die out to create new cells, but this have its limits for human. But not for all animals, there are some animals who never age like Greenlandic whale, naked mole-rat and some others. They can die though in this wild world but not from ageing. So doesn't all that mean that the point of life is to live forever and living organism is not necessarily designed to die eventually, and what Jesus and Buddha tried to make is a manual of eternal life for a living organism, all nirvana and heaven notions??? Was it not the manual of creating heaven on Earth, right here, right now with your own mind and body? And heaven is where your are young, happy and live forever. What if they saw that heaven is possible on Earth? What if they implied not only achieving understanding and experiencing of infinity, eternity but actually living forever as a human-being in your own body. They gave us some diet advices, some good habit advices, good behaviour advices etc which all aimed on making us to get into heaven state. Of course their knowledge was limited comparing to what we have now. The truth and enlightenment are not enough, I guess for this matter you have to have your whole life to live in certain way, like super-healthy, not living in bad ecology, only drinking some very high quality water etc. I understand that life and non-life dichotomy or borderline only exist as illusion within absolute. But can we make a thought experiment? What if absolute infinity is sort of a life within nothingness which is sort of a non-life. Absolute infinity wants to live forever, while nothingness doesn't care. Interesting fact, meditation slows down ageing, I guess enlightenment even more. But what if there is more to enlightenment, deeper and deeper enlightenments? Longer and longer, until you constantly experiencing bliss and happiness, and peace? And what if there is a stance that will make your body to stop age and die, and make your cells to reproduce without limits? Of course, given that your lifestyle and environment is healthy in all terms. I mean, if some animals like naked mole-rat have gone trough evolution and now don't have genes that is responsible for ageing, thus staying eternally young, why can't human do this without waiting for evolution? So, can we say that human-being only desires to live forever, i.e. to live in this moment infinitely, and actually able to live forever? Coz 'human being was created in the image and likeness of God', and God is infinite. I want you to realise that your rationalisation of acceptance of eventual death doesn't matter coz your instincts will always make you to try to survive even when you are on your deathbed. You can even feel that you accepted death and feel that you had a nice life, but on your deathbed - your body will try to do anything to live one more moment and one more moment and so on for infinity. Just like the universe. Sorry for my english, i hope its all clear
  13. @SelfPeaceIf i understood correctly, "creativity" is another mechanism of the ego to aid survival? So it's essentially an "instinct" that is part of the animal brain like every other thing the ego does? This would suggest that creativity is part our lower consciousness or as Leo would called it "chimpery"? @Key ElementsYes it is clear that we have no control over our thoughts. I'm now quite confused, do creative ideas really come from "nothingness"? It definitely feels that way to me and others here at least. But now upon further thought, last night I had this dream that I was on a vacation to this city, it was quite surreal and I never saw it before; it was mesmerizing. But it was still a "city", something that we all know. I also realized that I (at least myself) could not come up with something that is truly "original". Everything that I make was based from something which makes me question, is creativity simply a manifestation from the accumulation of our perceptions that originates from the ego and our subconscious? I don't think thoughts actually come from nothingness since they are the creations of the "mind" just like imaginations and fantasies. Creativity for me at least is evidently accumulated just like our "self".
  14. @Waifu Yandere Imagination is a tool, like art, for example. If you could find a way to incorporate it in your life purpose, career, work, etc., because it comes automatic and natural, that would be great - no stress/less stress and freedom. Did you notice our thoughts are automatic - coming from "nothingness." This could be used to our advantage. The answers are there. I think that's why they call it, "answered prayers."
  15. Perhaps the Truth isn't obvious, because there is no Truth? And just like nothingness, not seeing it IS seeing it.
  16. @Thomas Razzeto That Picture reminded me of the Picture true, true, Truth. Yea, probably not but intuition is in my opinion closer to oneness than logic nevertheless. Intuition is a communication mechanism from the higher self (that is abiding in oneness). However it's possible that it also points to awareness, the Picture points to the sun. Light is revelating and awareness is also revelating. So light=awareness and we are childs of light? Hmmm. Yes I agree. But I would like to add a point to that. From my point of view and experience essences can vary. Every essence is oneness but we are not all the essences. We embody essences separatelly. This in my opinion are examples of different essences: I have just cropped a column from a Picture on this post. BTW: watch the movie Jupiter Ascending. If you read between the lines it's obvious what the subliminal message was in that movie, we are souls experiencing a temporary body-mind. A few new downloads: We are children of light. Light is revelating. Awareness is revelating. Nothingness -> Awareness -> Consciousness -> Matter ->Universal mind ->Personal mind We are self-aware field of consciousness.
  17. Totally. To be perfectly honest I came at it from a similar angle. I wasn't someone who meditated, I didn't have a specific religon, although I favoured Jah as the label I placed on That as reggae music was my thing. Don't sell yourself short on looking within and time, it's a natural occurence. If you have a realisation follow it and use it, implement it in what you are doing. Cracks will appear and it will start to open up. That is already knocking at your door, that is why you question and you are here. Logically speaking, Truth makes perfect sense once realised, being that nothing makes sense and is real. Think about it, nothing makes sense, no thing makes sense, nothingness makes no sense. It is completely logical, and so simple that you do not see how logical it is as you are looking for meaning where there is not. I mean seriously, how can any of this make sense, life feels empty because it is. None of it makes sense at all. Life simply is, pure and simple. That is the heart of every religon, although of course the egoic aspect of consciousness distorts and manipulates so that we miss the simple essence at the core of it all. Religon in it's purest form is simply to know God, the rest is just projections of nonsense. That is the how people of every religon can wake up, whether you care to accept that or not. Don't you see That wants you to know who you really are, that is why religon exists. Consider this, imagine if all religon was clothed in the same garment, how boring would that be, if we all walked around as the same. I personally couldn't think of anything more depressing. That is why I celebrate the diversity of what is, and what appears to be beyond an infinite number of possibilities as to how that manifests. It is freaking magic beyond belief, all from the One Source. What if it is all deception? To be honest I have considered the potential that this is just a mind loop within consciousness, which is a thought that makes sense sure, but you know what, discovery of That, and living and acting with awareness of That as your centre in every breath is such a simple and beautiful way to live. In its purest form a natural expression of love, compassion, humility, peace. It saddens the heart to see how easy that is to reach, while it appears as so far away. Like I said I am not there today but I can here the undeniable call of silence at my door, and I am opening up. I don't need you to follow me or believe me, all I am saying is to find the answer within yourself. I don't have an answer for you, how could I when there is no answer? And whether you believe me or not to be perfectly honest is just noise. No matter how you cut it up, you can not deny that this moment right now is happening, it just is. Nothing makes more sense than that. Hope this makes sense and is helpful in some way
  18. The thought of someone else is out there is just created by my mind. There are no boundaries to reality. It encompasses it all. I am the teacher, the student, teaching the student, and the student listening to the teacher. A one ultimate cosmic orgasm right here and right now. Either you can tune in to it or not doesn't matter. No structure, conformity, no rules, or even a sense of knowing what's going on; it just exist and I am that, is all that I can make sense of. Deep sense of belonging and relaxation, just a cosmic hug to me. I am forgiven for all my worst deeds only because I was ignorant/ lacked awareness. A beautiful ballet like cosmic dance with duality both masculine and feminine merging, merging and dissolving, dissolving into God which I am. Addictions don't seem to be possible in high states of consciousness. Addictions are merely comfort zones for the already agitated mind. The mind doesn't see that it needs to pass this hurdle to enjoy an even more cosmic pleasure. It's so ass backwards and paradoxical. I will enjoy an even more greater pleasure and deep relaxation once I pass the hurdle of nothingness and Being. The Universe it trying to do me a favor but I lack the stillness to follow through with it. Treat others as you would treat yourself. Don't go out with an agitated mind. Find stillness and lightness before you leave the house. Deep relaxation and calmness of the mind before you step outside. I don't want to add to it no more. I think I might've realized my life purpose or what I would love to do during this trip. To be a dancer or a choreographer to emulate God's divine and ever so expanding movements. Hahaha I don't know. I would have to look deeper into that one.
  19. 1. Think about it. What is nothing? What can you say about it? What do you see as the space between you and the fire when you look at the fire? That is That, it is inconceivably empty, that which does not change or in more popular terms it is Absolute. 2. Nothingness is just the base, it is inseparable from the other aspects. 'Pure' awareness is just awareness from the perspective of base. 3. Do you see how you seperate something from nothing? They are inseparable, you can not have one without the other, that is the nature of duality and how our minds have been conditioned. Think about it, look at any object. What would that object be if you took the nothingness away that appears to surround it? All is yin and yang, not just yin or yang. Does that make sense? You ask good questions which is important? Ask the same questions within you though, without taking a bunch of ideas as to what you expect the answer to be and see what arises? Don't stop until there are no answers left. I hope the above is helpful in some way.
  20. 1) What is nothingness? - emptiness? void? are all these the same? 2) If nothingness has awareness then how is it nothing anymore? 3) If nothingness has egos, experiences and illusion how is it nothingness (emptiness, void) anymore?
  21. Ok, lets see what arises in a more practical sense. To try and bring a pointed focus lets just try and focus on each question at a time. I will try and keep my answers short. I used to think I was enlightened, but today I do not. The moment of enlightenment was like nothing else, it was recognition of That. I could tell you a story of why and how that was enlightenment (for example it manifested in the physical realm as witnessed by others) but really it is just a story, and I do not see a point in revisiting it as it created a new identity over time. If you feel as though you need to hear the whole story msg me and I will tell you away from public viewing. I didn't watch the video to be honest, as I was at work when I first saw it so didn't click play. 3D - to me implies 3 aspects. I see the 3 aspects as That (Nothingness - utterly unperceivable) - Conciousness (perceived as thought) - Physical (perceived as senses) The 3 fields are insepperable. Does that make sense? To try and keep it clear can you try and ask short specific questions and I will try and give short and specific answers (knowing that there is no answer that has been realised that is more accurate beyond no answer, at least not to my awareness)
  22. All these words... we don't know anything what is true and what is just words. Do you consider yourself Enlightened? Than I can take this answer and consider that you simply can't express it because you already know it. But if you are not Enlightened I would prefer that you describe your understanding of it so far. I can speak same to others but do I know it yet? No... so that would be a big lie from me. Let's drop all these metaphors and poetry for a moment and let's make simple and on point explanation of how we understand on an intellectual level the nothingness. This is all I ask for in this topic. I don't ask for perfect or correct answers. I ask for the best try as this guy in the video attempted.
  23. I know that there is lot of work to be done to achieve higher consciousness. But understanding my true nature conceptually will only aid this process I think. Why Nothingness needs to be self aware? Why can't it just exist as nothingness without any other additions? I don't understand how and why nothingness got awareness then it is not nothing anymore??? Like why can't pure nothingness exist without all these egos, illusionary reality and other additives?
  24. Why even try to explain the unexplained? When your kundalini is moved far enough to experience something extreme, after that you have reached enlightenment. Because what you experience denounces everything mankind has ever said or written into nothingness, useless chatter. It's not just about experiencing some phony who am I stuff, it's much much more than that. Most spiritual true masters would be announced mad or psychosis, in truth they have experienced something extreme, they have transcended experience itself, the world is nothing for them, everything is a phony lie trying to deny the ultimate truth, which is the existence of almighty God, and supernatural entities. Finding out what or who I am is just the first step, the road is much longer and extreme.