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  1. Awareness is not a "thing". These nonduality teachers are teaching bullshit. You are Consciousness. Consciousness is Absolute Truth. The end. It is a mistake to try to do some reductionist deconstruction of your conscious field, trying seperate out perceptions from "awareness". That will not result in God-Realization. These people do not know what God is. They are parroting nondual dogma that they have brainwashed themselves with. Nonduality is just brainwashing at this point.
  2. To make some parallels with spiritual traditions, what Leo teaches is fairly close to Advaita, just presented in a modernized language and conceptual framework. The idea ais that our "Atman" - pure consciousness-awareness that we directly experience, is ontologically identical with "Brahman" - the "Ultimate Reality of the Infinite Universal Consciousness". But Advaitists and neo-Advaitists fail to realize that is it just a belief, an assumption. It is a reasonable assumption, no question about that, at least more reasonable than materialism or naive realism. But the fact that it is reasonable does not necessarily make it ultimately true. In other words, Advaita is still a religion. However, Zen goes beyond that, beyond any religion. Zen is living in a direct experience of the given at the moment of now without any views or suppositions about the "Ultimate Reality", without any interpretations of the given. It is just "THIS", be it a pure presence of awareness without any phenomena, or presence-awareness with a flow of qualia-phenomena. There is essentially no difference between the presence or absence of phenomena. Any ideas or concepts are also included in the flow of phenomena, but with clear realization that they are simply contingent ideas, they are just thoughts, not true and not false in the "ultimate" sense, but some of them may be more practically useful than others. This "given", as it is given, is neither dual, nor nondual. It is just what it is. "Duality" and "nonduality" are just concepts automatically included in the given. It is true that this "given' is only our direct conscious experience, yet we do not know whether "all there is" is also only conscious experience, or whether there is anything beyond that. But we do not need to assume whether "all there is" is only conscious experience or not. Either way, these assumptions would still be just concepts and beliefs.
  3. Were the Greek gods just a concept or metaphor to allude to the divinity of all things much like in Hinduism and all their different gods? We know looking back that there are enlightened people from that time such as Heraclitus also with the Eleusinian Mysteries.
  4. That's good, but there are still degrees of no-self realization. No-self is still pretty profound. It is not to be poo-pooed. A) Much of mainstream nonduality is shallow Neo-Advaita stuff. B) Just because Sam is familiar with Maharshi does not mean he understands the depth of what Maharshi was talking about. Maharshi had some serious God-Realization going on. It wasn't just some tepid no-self insight. You need to be careful to distinguish all these different teachers. Some of them are shallow, some of them are deep. Rest assured there is a lot more for you to become conscious of and awaken to. The really good stuff is way ahead for you. Serious Awakening is very special. It's not some tepid insight. No book will convey to you how special it gets.
  5. Leo, and guys, have you ever attended this conference? What do you think? Are you going this year? Leo, will you have something like this in the future? When are we going to meet you in person? Thanks for your feedback
  6. So, I don´t know how this happened but I got seriously "spiritualy" triggered (if you can call it this) by last week video "Skepticism & Nonduality" which was posted on the blog. Once it happened I had to turn on the lights and go do something to distract myself because I experienced a change in perception (i got scared). In the minute 27:30 to 28:00 Leo talks about how when you doubt about fantasy and real world, you come to a point when you realize there is no real criteria to diferentiate between real world and fantasy. Well once he said this (he said it so fucking serious) , I suddenly experienced a change of perception, I suddenly got a "fear of perception"( that I like to call) which i tend to had sometimes when I used psychedelics the first time and I dont know what was happening (but was happening something that it seemed real but couldn´t be). I also had experience this a couple of times with meditation, but definetely in a much more "soft" way. Also, I dont know why but when I watch "mind-fucking" staff at night, I am a lot more sensitive to it, like a 400% more than If i have watched this video in the afternoon at 16:00. Well, something very similar happened this time, but luckily I was able to distract myself fast and turn off the video. I dont know what would I happen if I watch this on drugs (by the way, I had not taken anything recently, not even coffee :D) I want to congratulate Leo for this, holy shi** you are a great "communicator" of mind-fuck stuff dude. I can watch hundreds of related videos of spirituality etc and none of them has literally triggered me fear just "talking" in any way ever, this is something to be valued. Be advised to everyone else if you haven´t watched the video yet xD.
  7. I acknowledge that i was very ruthless and vicious in my posts about Nahm, and i see that everyone is always doing their best and i believe Nahm did his best. That being said, I felt the desire to respond to Nahm calling me a liar about what i said about our calls, and im calling it out for transparency sake. He said he told me after months of free calls that this won't work and that i should seek out therapy. But according to his own logic, he then went on to accept thousands of dollars in donations from someone who he believed he was unable to help. Im not sure how anyone can look at that logic and conclude that Nahm is a fully honest person who acted with complete integrity and honor in our interaction. It should also cast into doubt the validity of whats being shared on his forum, and the wisdom and integrity of the core community who stand by him. one “user” who did experience sessions, who claims I am a charlatan, taking advantage, “unenlightened”, etc, and outright lies about what transpired, is experiencing the same trauma, the same suppression, the same denial, and the same deflection & projection, as Leo. This is why Leo not only allows, but subtly supports the lies and claims by making threads about, “Nahm”, and”Nahm’s Neo-Advaita teachings”, etc, etc. Making a dreamboard, understanding the emotions experienced, inspecting thoughts & beliefs - this is obviously not neo advaita, and aside, there is no such thing as neo advaita or neo advaitan teachings. That, is actually, Leoism, or… basic, obvious, trauma, emotional suppression, deflection & projection. The one “user”, after months of twice a week sessions for free, was told this isn’t going to work for him because there are no enlightened selves, and no one can enlighten someone else. He was told to seek out psychoanalytical therapy specifically. To this day, this “user” continues to project, and the chief complaint - that Nahm promised him enlightenment - which is an outright lie, persists and is supported by, one purporting to be, a teacher of nonduality, in that separate selves become enlightened.
  8. It's a thought provoking subject for me Can people that have achieved nonduality experience duality again? I have 2 views on this. 1. Like working out, when you stop you lose your gains. One would presume that achieving non duality and then quitting the practices that got you there in the first place would cause your ego to redevelop itself once again, slowly and then at once you would lose non duality, and fall back into duality. 2. But then the other side of the story would suggest that once you've understood it, there isn't going back, despite stopping spiritual practices, since its a reality that you've grasped and then it's something you can't forget, since you see it working through everything. i haven't the slightest clue as to which one to go with. Share your thoughts
  9. Depends how your brain is wired. For some people it can work. A single rigorous 10-day retreat can get you to see what nonduality is talking around. But nonduality is not God-Realization. There are minor human benefits, but not serious existential understanding -- which is my primary concern.
  10. What I find hard to understand is how we have these experiences of nonduality, oneness or 'I am the universe' etc; then drop back into separateness with this appearance of us all being distinct bubbles of consciousness. If you really are the universe, and awakened, then you are also everyone else, and the whole universe is awake. So where's the need for saviours? Yet here I am with my problems and delusions. Are you and me the same being? If so, how come you're awake and I'm not? If you're not me, how can you be awakened?
  11. Hello everyone , im a big fan of leo. In leos recent philosophy video he said that he is one of the only humans to get to the end of philosophy and that we can get more from his work than kant, socrates, nietzhes etcs work combined. My understanding was that what leo was doing was making nonduality easy to understand without using subtle/ complicated "spiritual " language Eg -lots of other spiritual teachers wont outright tell you that "you are god" , " you are immortal and death is imaginary" , " everything including murder, war, suffering is love"etc But these ideas have all been there for 5000+ years in the form of hinduism etc right? Does leo have any ideas/ beliefs that are uniquely his own, which others havent talked about? One ideas of his that is quite uncommon is solipsism. ( that the other peoples/ animals among us dont have an internal experience) But other than the above i cant remember an idea that i hadnt heard in hinduism, bhuddism etc The reason i ask is because i distinctly remeber leo saying that othet gurus etc havent realized what he has etc
  12. I grew up Christian then quickly transitioned into atheism and became a pretty hard skeptic slowly transitioning to that we can't know anything. I did find nonduality in the past year or so and I just had this deep "knowing" that this is the truth despite my critical approach to everything before. I had all these experiences that showed it to me. Yet I always have these questions of "How do I know I can trust this feeling, these writings and teachings?" Nonduality makes logical sense but that isn't inherently evident that it is the answer yet I feel this feeling of just wanting to accept it. If I accept it as truth then I come off as indoctrinated and ideological. Especially when trying to explain it to people. One person would say "The kyballion is about as correct as elmo being God" How do I know and trust a mind that constantly morphs data and hallucinates what I see? My mind could easily trick me into thinking I "know" the truth.
  13. Interesting expression, juxtaposed with love and light, this guy just goes straight to the business.
  14. Hello! This is going to be a very drug oriented post. Psychedelics are highly regarded as being capable of being tools for personal development and getting introduced into nonduality. My first experience of the nondual paradigm was on 1mg of LSD. An absurdly high dose. I was basically on the floor most of the time but during my come down it was pure bliss in which it clicked like a lightbulb that everything is one. I didn't know why. I just knew. It took such a high dose I think because I've grown up as a highly logical and connected person to my perceived reality. Although I don't know if autism has any role in that as I was told that I am a high functioning autistic when I was young, No idea if I was diagnosed. I also expressed many attributed behaviors as a child to this. But I digress. I stumbled upon DXM in OTC cough medicine soon after graduating high school and the idea of a dissociative intrigued me so I began to experiment. I ended up going into 3rd and 4th plateau territory in which you can perceive landscapes in darkness, tons of shapes and images. I remember visually seeing time come to a halt and seeing what I perceived as God. If you decide to experiment yourself after seeing this post, beware that high amounts of dissociation can be scary if you don't know how to handle it. Its also very habit forming. I had a bit of a problem for a little bit, but fortunately wasn't very hard for me to correct. Always do research! To the meat of the story: this one instance I decided to combine DXM with LSD. 300mg of DXM and about an hour in I took 500ug of LSD. I was also in a call with a friend for this. and OH BOY was it a ride. Its a very hard experience to recall. The first thing that happened was my mind went to heavily focus on the electrical sounds of my computer. Almost like I was tuning into it. It was then I knew I was in for a ride. Visuals and colors were cycling on everything I saw, the colors blended like a smooth gradient, the visuals like the tracers were SO intense that I felt like I could create my own reality as if my hand was a paintbrush. I remember perceiving the universe being built up from its most fundamental form up. It was as if LSD made me hyperfocused on my perceived reality but DXM was the key I needed to take my mind out enough to really let the LSD lead my mind. I remember talking to my friend about reality once I was able to get myself together to talk and I was in awe at the sheer infinite scale of reality and I just started laughing and said "IT JUST WORKS" A full near 8 hours stuck to my bed and my mind like pushed me off a cliff straight into nonduality at hyperspeed. It was this trip that meditation made perfect sense to me and I questioned why I was even confused by it. It was realization after realization. It shattered what I had thought before and I spent a long time after it just trying to fathom the knowledge I had received. This trip was also when I was shown Leo's video "The magnitude of reality" and was introduced to Actualized. This sole trip was what caused my entire paradigm shift unexpectedly when I kept doing LSD before to try and understand what all these guys on these psychedelic forums were talking about. Now it all made sense. So this has made me question. We see so much about psychedelics for nonduality purposes, but can dissociatives be a tool for such too? Has anyone had any profound experiences due to dissociatives? Maybe I just found the drug combination that worked for me? But still it blows my mind to see just adding a low dose of DXM what it can do for me that high doses of lsd was nowhere near close to doing. (I have no experience of 5-meo but DMT will be soon )
  15. Lets begin. There are no limitation to consciousness. You are only saying that and have come to that conclusion because of your own lack of understanding of yourself as consciousness. Firstly it can be biased. How so? By being a man, woman, cat etc. Any finite manifistation/form of it by definition is gonna be biased, and let us not get to how survival of any different form makes consciousness biased. Yes in its pure formless absolute infinite state it is Love and unbiased. What does it mean to reject? It is to seperate and that in the Absolute Truth is an ILLUSSION. Unity, nonduality, oneness etc. Are not meaningless names. There is much more to explore in this biased topic alone. But I wanna keep it simple and be straight forward. There is a reason for why Leo is pointing at Omniscience and how everything is Infinite Love. What are these two words pointing at? And lastly there is no evil. You almost sound so afraid and sad of accepting everything as yourself. Let me spoil it for you thats the only reason why you came here, and why you're not in your Absolute Infinite state. Don't wanna keep digging on this point, but I have a lot more to say. Sorry but you're wrong it can create things beyond our wildest dreams, things that we as humans can't comprehend, that is Infinity for you. Like I said before, you came to these consclusions by your lack of consciousness. No thinking, logic, contemplating (without psychedelics), imagination capabilities, basically all things comming from the human mind can make you realize and understand what Consciousness is. The funny thing is that you came to the conclusions of the limitations by your own limited mind. We can't comprehend Infinity by our ego minds, you need to connect to it to fully understand and realize what it is and what it is capable of.
  16. Just watched this youtube video featuring 3 people that are very very, intelligent. They discuss nihilism, but of course from a dualistic perspective. Many, many times they border on the possibility that all of reality is groundless, but that's never really explored... Well ya can't blame them, the only way to explore it is by drowning in silence Just as a disclaimer, I'm not trying to discredit these guys at all. I just found it fascinating that you could intellectually reach the edges of duality but nevertheless end up trapped. I suggest you check out more of Cosmicskeptic's stuff, though he is fundamentally one of those "Atheist channels" that seem to run contradictory to most of the stuff we do here at, the guy really does try hard to push his boundaries and you can see him questioning a lot of things including himself.
  17. Leo is the only person I know of who claims it is possible to know why there is something rather than nothing. I remember his answer: there is no difference between something and nothing. Conceptually, I can't argue with this, and I think it is much more reasonable than the common materialist worldview. Leo also has many other claims about the nature of reality, such as the universe is intelligent, I am the universe, and I am actively creating my own reality, but I have not been able to independently verify such claims thus far. I just want to point out that Leo is the ONLY person I've seen who explicitly states something like this and is not question begging. I will say that my knowledge of various spiritual claims is not very broad, but it is pretty descent. I have studied a lot of Physics, Christianity, Buddhism, and even nonduality (from people such as Fred Davis, Thomas Campbell, Elkhart Tolle, Alan Watts, and more), and not one, NOT ONE, has told me that I can understand that fundamental question, or even seems to be interested in the fundamental question, except Leo. These are the questions that Leo says can fall under the category of actual philosophy: 1. What are the right and wrong ways of doing philosophy? 2. What is reality? 3. Where did reality come from? 4. Why is there something rather than nothing? 5. What is Consciousness? 6. How to live the best life possible? 7. How to construct the best society for the good of all? Really. why. WHY isn't EVERY philosopher who has ever existed repeating some variation of these questions as a mantra? What could possibly be more important and intriguing? This isn't to say that other sects of philosophy and spirituality haven't done valuable things though. Buddhism gives you a practical way to achieve supreme long term happiness, Christianity tells you how to live a "morally correct" life, physics tells you how you can understand the physical machinery of the universe using math, and nonduality tells you how to transcend your ego and begin your true spiritual journey. But Leo is the only one who dares to ask the big questions. The fundamental questions. And he claims to have answers. For this reason, Leo is one of the only true philosophers in the world.
  18. @Thought Art No amount of yoga, meditation, Zen practice, scripture study, physics, maths, or psychedelic trips will prevent the ego from drawing wrong conclusions. I take solipsism very seriously concerning the Infinite Mind of the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness - the Absolute (but here, you must bear in mind that this is a human concept). I do not know anything that any of the participants of this forum accomplished the complete transcendence of the ego - therefore, speaking about The Absolute compressed to any individual here is, in my opinion, at least an intellectual abuse. The problem is that Absolute Nonduality does not exclude duality on the lower levels - in God's Dream. Many people here cannot open up to this possibility - which I believe is a symptom of intellectual immaturity, not enlightenment.
  19. Oh trust me, I haven't been "following" him for quite some time. I am following my own path and my own heart. On another note, this whole "alien" descriptor is EXACTLY how McGilchrist describes the experience of schizophrenics. That is one of the defining characteristics of it. From the standpoint of nonduality, schizophrenia is actually quite interesting. Much of it actually resembles enlightenment, but at the same time the subjects are terrified and anxious and ungrounded. To me, it seems that the sense of self exists in both halves of the brain, with the left being more gross and conceptual and the right being much more subtle (time, space, context, etc.). Schizophrenics essentially LOSE the subtle sense of self while retaining the gross sense (because it is a disorder of extreme left-brain dominance); this results in a half-enlightened terror state for most. Leo isn't so terrified because of his experience with spirituality, but nonetheless he seems to be going deeper and deeper into this fantasy realm of pure abstract conceptualization, devoid of embodied presence and relationship, devoid of aliveness and inseperable connection to the source experiences which ground and inform abstraction to begin with... Alien. Genuine enlightenment typically involves unraveling the gross sense of self first (via inquiry, vipassana, etc), and THEN as insight clarifies, concentration deepens, and equanimity is attained, gradually unraveling the extremely subtle sense of self (right hemisphere identity, essentially). When both are complete, Reality simply shines as itself. So, healthy progression arrives at Thusness in a way that is "big to small", grounded, and supportive of psychological health.
  20. This is an incomplete list of things that you can realize. It includes facets of truth and things that I have personally realized. This is not complete because I Have not yet probably realized every facet of God. All of these things are something you can awaken to. The list is not in any order of importance, I just wrote what came to my mind spontaneously. Many of these realizations are very radical and can break your understanding of reality completely. Love is real Love is truth Everything is Absolute Truth God is real You are God God-Realization God is consciousness, reality is consciousness, there is only consciousness Consciousness = Love = Reality = Imagination = Experience = God = You Other = self There is no other God is Love Absolute Goodness, God is Good Infinite Beauty Infinite Intelligence Your mind is Infinite, an infinitely intelligent Reality is your mind Everything is intelligent, even walls, machines, rocks, plants, words, music, and everything in your experience Everything is alive, including all listed above There is only qualia There is nothing but direct experience, if you did not experience something it literally did not happen Absolute Solipsism, nobody else has consciousness, they are fragments of your own consciousness There are no differences between anything Nonduality and all the ramifications of it Oneness God has infinite and perfect understanding of everything Death is not real, you are immortal I AM Infinite and Absolute Power Absolute Will Absolute Infinity Your senses in "your" body are not generating sounds, sights or so on. They appear directly in consciousness. "You" do not have a face. Everything is your desire, you are desire itself Reality is absolute bliss Everything is playful, nothing is serious. The cosmic joke You cannot be hurt in any way You are omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent Truth is God, Consciousness, and Love Absolute Nothingness, this is nothing, this is emptiness. Everything = Nothing, Nothing = Everything, Something = Nothing Everything is mind, there is no matter or physical objects Reality is infinite imagination, everything is imaginary Protons, atoms, cells, etc do not exist, there is only direct qualia! There is nothing behind your direct experience You are constructing and imagining every aspect of you direct experience right now, none of the experience gets "carried over" from the past, you are imagining every aspect right now. Reality is an infinite mystery, completely mystical, completely Love is not an emotion or a feeling, it is the literally everything, but realizing love gives you the emotions of love too. History does not exist, Hitler never existed. Nobody in the world actually suffers, except for you. The whole universe did not exist before "you" were born. You imagined the universe at the time you decided to start playing in it as a human. Nobody in the world will be left once you die, because you are the only one here. The universe cannot exist if you are not "alive" in it. Nobody else has had an awakening, nobody else than you can be awake. Reality is infinitely better than you think. Reality is a real illusion, it is real but the contents are illusions. Reality is a dream. Being You are Being, this is Being The meaning of life (find it out yourself ) Magic powers are real, paranormal activity exists Reality is groundless, there is no ground for anything. Absolute Sovereignty, you are Sovereign God is an infinite orgasm, that is why you are called an organism! Everything is self-designed, you designed the universe God loves you totally Infinite unconditional Love Everything is a state of consciousness Unconsciousness does not exist You have absolute control Absolute Perfection, everything is perfect, there are no mistakes Everything is infinite, there are no finite things Your experience (Aka You) has infinite resolution, it has infinite depth Reality is an infinite fractal, everything contains everything else (Jijimuge) Reality is a strange loop Consciousness has always existed There is no time, only the present moment, which is eternal Every moment is eternal God dreams the same dreams an infinite number of times, every scenario will be "repeated" infinitely God dreams an infinite number of variety of dreams Every dream is crafted with infinite intelligence Ego does not exist, God only masquerades as the ego, while having infinite power There is only God! There is an infinite amount of qualia, there are infinite spatial dimensions, infinite possible senses infinite colors, infinite sounds, infinite forms, infinite everything You can zoom infinitely into anything, in or out, forward or backward There are an infinite number of dimensions similar to ín/out or forward/backward God is formless, but formless is also form Emptiness = Form, Form = Emptiness Everything is beautiful, you are beautiful God is absolute unity, absolutely unified Everything is infinitely interconnected, consciousness itself is omniscient God is infinite creativity, it wants to create and experience Consciousness can do anything Everything is possible God can and will create infinite number of things on the same order as time, space, emotions, senses, and so on that do not exist in this dream, but will exist in your other dreams. Evil, sin, hell, and so on, do not exist. Nobody has ever died. There is a total and absolute awakening. When "you" are dead, you will be in an omnipotent and omniscient state with absolutely no suffering. You will be in states without a body, because consciousness existed always, before your body. You imagined your body, your memory, and your abilities. The past has absolutely no effect on the present moment because the past does not exist. The future does not exist. You are not anywhere, not in any location. Most importantly: You are God! Feel free to add more to this list if you have realized things that are not included in this list. I especially think there are facets missing from this list that could be very important, that did not come to my mind. I think this list has some very radical content in it that many people have not yet realized.
  21. @vladorion I'm tired of listening to your nonsense. If you do not open your mind I am banning you. You have zero idea what Consciousness is. Zero. Yet you keep acting like you do. This goes not just for you, but for any others here who subcribe to Buddhism and nonduality. Your arrogance knows no limits and I will be banning all of you if you do not start to demonstrate openmindedness. Consider this your last warning.