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  1. 1. The ego is always focused on THEN WHAT. Mines is too so I understand your question...also I did mention that some people become more creative. There are spiritual gifts that are awakened as part of the process. For example..being able to taste the food of others without having to actually put it in your mouth is considered a psychic ability. So one change is you break the boundary of the individual and experience the collective consciousness. 2. When I tell you other people's bodies are your bodies you aren't getting it. When I tell you, you are talking to yourself you aren't getting it. Every conversation you have with another person has a different meaning depending on the perspective. There is subtle nuance you can gain access to at certain states. Again you can only understand this through Awakening. But I'll do my best to give an example. Somebody could tell you something and at one state of consciousness it could be hey go talk to that person maybe they can help you. At another level you are literally telling yourself that person you are telling yourself to go talk the KEY TO EVERYTHING YOU ARE TRYING TO DO. THIS is what I literally changes your ability to read situations. You can also literally access the emotional, and bodily sensations of others, which means when they talk to GET THEM. You truly understand them in that moment at a level you can only understand from their perspective....which is SECRETLY YOUR PERSPECTIVE. This is the bonkers level paradoxical aspect of reality you can only experience through awakening. Even telepathy is possible...because there is no location/destination/time, everything is always absolute wherever you go. When you watch a video on youtube....that video wasn't made months ago, YOU made that video....INSTANTLY and tell yourself a story. All of reality is separated through explanations/stories, sensations, so intelligently that you will only ever get to perceive what I am saying through a dedicated daily deconstruction and meditation to untangle these webs. But in truth, if you are doing awakening to obtain aren't going to make it. You must want to awaken because you just want to know the truth of reality, what it is and why it is the way it is. You must desire to connect with it and awaken more than anything else. If you want to awaken to get more money, or improve your some point that motivation will falter. Because awakening actually strains relationships....because it becomes harder to relate to others after you awaken. You see through all their egos, and egos....can be tiring because they are addicted to the future or the past. Egos don't care about NOW. The only time they ever care about NOW is when they are hungry, or bored. But once satisfied they immediately start planning to maintain that satisfaction out of fear of losing it. The ego never stops....always scheming, and planning for a better experience. Well guess what? Awakening trumps any experience you can buy. ANY. Because you escape the confines of time/space/ ....but not in a way for personal gain, but in a way where you experience the TRUTH of what you are. Example: Duality/Falsity/Illusion: You listen to music. Unity/Truth: YOU ARE MUSIC. This is an example of how an awakened person perceives reality. They listen to music....but are aware they ARE THE MUSIC. TOTALLY different experience than listening to it as if it is separate from you. Think of awakening as being able to turn the dial up, on the intensity of the experience. When you become music....every note is felt as if each note is your arm, your leg, etc. Like being an ocean of melody. Versus a person listening to the melody. But the beauty couldn't understand the beauty of being the ocean of melody, without the contrast of being a person listening to the melody. So awakening isn't even valuable without the experience of being asleep.
  2. 1. Awakening is really just about waking up to your true nature. If you don't awaken during your life you will awaken at physical death. So all will eventually awaken. 2. Awakening does have some tangible benefits that differ depending on the person. Some become more creative, some get over past traumas, etc. Awakening can make you more loving in that you TRULY REALIZE you are only ever talking to yourself at all times. This discovery is more outrageous than you realize. I'm not kidding. I'll put it in easy to understand terms right this exercise right now. Close your eyes. Imagine a boy and girl sitting on a bench. Have the girl and boy talk to each other while you are watching. Now in this scene walk up and introduce yourself. ^^^^^THIS IS YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!^^^^ So your entire life is just you talking to yourself. Your trauma is with yourself. Your suffering is with yourself. For many they don't like this message. This is why awakening is about SELF-LOVE and one of the main components to awakening involves solitude. For many they don't want to know others are really them. They feel like they lose something in the process. But this is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The water you drink is you, the air your breathe is you, everything is you. An intellectual understanding is not enough. Without an AWAKENING which is a DIRECT INTERFACE with all there won't really understand. Do you know you can be so awakened that someone next to you could eat Pizza and you could taste every bite? Do you know that you could be so awakened that you can smell and feel every sensation in a supposed OTHER? That you could become so aware that they are you...that the boundary between you and them collapses so much that there is no privacy? You feel everything you normally feel in your own supposed individual feel it in their body. Why? Because their body is really YOUR BODY!! This is how ridiculous awakening is. This isn't some normal thing. It completely eradicates all current scientific understanding about life....because IT IS JUST YOU DREAMING!!! Right now I currently can talk to TOTALITY, as I can imagine a duality between me and INFINITY and have a conversation. You can too....if you are willing to deconstruct everything......but it is not easy. You will feel like you are going INSANE. SHIT IS BONKERS!!! But how bad do you want TRUTH? Lastly here is the counter-intuitive nature of life. The most awakened people...would probably not even be recognized. You see one of the biggest barriers to personal success. Money, fame, fortune, status, etc. make awakening REALLY TOUGH. As a result some of the most awakened beings....could literally be homeless beggars and you would never know.
  3. Well, you're wrong about that. Truth is a very tricky thing. Which is why Awakening is required to understand it. No unawakened person knows what Truth is, nor do most so-called awakened people. In the end Truth is very simple, but your mind is so full of wrong ideas about it that you are all tangled up and confused. Just take a moment to look closely at your hand. That's Absolute Truth.
  4. What are you doing then? This is what the work is about. A concept is a concept. You must know permanently, so to speak. This isn't a state, though. Perceptive abilities remain the same. Your experience of yourself, the world, others and emotions remains largely the same, except that now you are free from them. You can be bored and enlightened. It's clear to me you're holding some ideal about this. Monks experience despair, desire, jealousy, joy and pain. Awakened warriors throughout history killed people. Enlightened people aren't suddenly able to walk on water. If you cooked amazing omelets before enlightenment, after it you would still be able to do so. See? Solutions to what? What is self-serving might conflict with what's true.
  5. Yeah the forum has definitely evolved. In the past, people were still talking about book like Think and Grow rich and how to be successful. And then, people move on to law of attraction. And then to non duality. And now so many people are on psychedelics and so many are claiming to be awakened.
  6. I’d like to introduce you to the foundational concept/“doctrine”/dhamma of Buddhism which distinguishes it from essentially all other forms of spirituality. This is the concept of dukkha (suffering, stress, dissatisfaction) and dukkha nirodha (the cessation, or end, of suffering, stress, dissatisfaction). This is by far the primary focus, teaching, and practice of Buddhism. You will find this simplified way of explaining the aim of Buddhism in a bit more complexity when looking at “The Four Noble Truths” which is also seen as a foundational aspect of Buddhism. I will use my own words for simplicity’s sake, but you can research the four noble truths in more depth on your own. 1. There is dukkha in existence/experience/life. 2. There is a cause for dukkha. This cause is a combination of clinging to what we think we truly want which will make us feel better AKA stop feeling dukkha in the moment, being aversive to what we do not want AKA what we believe causes dukkha for us, and the ignorance (avijjā) or lack of wisdom paññā AKA perception of a stable, real “self” which can be threatened or which must find peace for itself, failing to understand the nature of dukkha, and failing to see the transient nature of both pleasure and pain (anicca — impermanence). 3. There is a real and obtainable end to dukkha. There is a real and obtainable end to suffering which at least thousands of human beings have already realized. 4. There is a path to become a human being who has realized the end of suffering in their own life. There is a clear path, method, guide manual, and practice to ending suffering. This can be seen, at least in part, to be The Noble Eightfold Path which are eight steps or necessary requirements which acting in unison lead to the complete end of suffering if they are developed to the necessary degree. Hinduism talks about Liberation, and in many ways Liberation in Hinduism also means an ending of suffering. You can think of Buddhism as a later evolution of Hinduism which focuses primarily on this goal whereas Hinduism has a bit of a different approach and less clear or emphasized end goal when it relates to suffering. The whole idea of what it means to be fully awakened, or an Arahant, in the models of Theravada Buddhism (the original school based directly on the teachings of Guatama Buddha) is that you have freed yourself from the grips of suffering. The first important step is to see that this is an actually obtainable goal for us. You will likely not believe that this is possible whether consciously or in more hidden parts of your psyche until you reach an experience which clearly convinces you of this possibility being a reality for yourself. That moment is adequately called “stream entry” or the moment one has entered the stream which carries one to full awakening in the definition of the Theravada model. This is also the moment it is literally impossible to doubt the efficacy of the Buddha and the teachings he gave on eliminating suffering. Ending suffering is different from ending pain. Ending pain is not the goal of Buddhism. Pain is a reality of embodied life. Suffering is the amplification of pain into a much worse thing to bear. Suffering is mentally-created dissatisfaction and a lack of accepting the experience you are having. This can be eradicated. Freedom from suffering is in part about non-resistance, but true non-resistance has very little to do with allowing rape, allowing injustice, or perpetuating pain through a lack of action. True non-resistance is dissolving the false view of an actual self as an entity and arriving at the point in which you turn from a person who is alive to life itself. The human experience has built in preferences and in turn preferred modes of action. A lot of that is about reducing pain and increasing pleasure. There’s nothing at all wrong with that. The issue comes when you create a false view of an individual who can fight against LIFE IN THIS MOMENT AS IT WISHES TO BE EXPRESSED. Stop fighting, and allow life to live as it lives. There’s a hell of a journey in front of you to get there in a consistently experienced sense, but you will thank yourself immensely once that journey has been completed.
  7. I like Snoopys perspective on these not so happy transitionings from this life to the next: ... and the end of suffering is possible, as stated by every spiritual tradition since millenia. Thousands of Realizers over the centuries stating that. And the recipe is transcending the illusion of the separate self-contraction, becoming the Nondual Totality/Reality, and then finding out what is aware of all of that... or the real You, Reality itself. And before talking about keeping that final Realization while being nailed at the cross, it is a good start maintaining some Awakening during everday life. There have been prominent cases who have had challenges with staying in the awakened perspective during these unfortunate transitions (Jesus on the cross “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me"). But since the Real Nature of every being has no moving parts or anything else objective/material that could be "damaged", apparently "IT" didn't get damaged while suffering that procedure. Or any other of the lovely mishaps you mention. But Nightmares are possible in the dream for sure. IT never changes, because it is empty pure Impersonal Awareness itself without any core, mechanism or objective/material anything. And it is also all of manifested/imagined Reality in a nondual way. Worst case you can have is a nightmare. Although a veery realistic one. That is why Karma is so important: Its all a dream, but one can have a nightmare, and Karma works with mathematical precission. So, anyways, just take up some hopefully efficient practice and see for yourself concerning the topic of the end of suffering. Selling Water by the River
  8. @UnbornTao That is the issue. You are putting labels on to the gurus and assuming they are Awake as a trophy. You think being Awake is having a certain experience that leaves you "Awakened" for ever. It does not work like that. You can only be Awake in the Now. You can not grasp, hold or "save" in a closet the Awakening and claiming that a person is Awake for life. Awakening is not an understanding that you come, or a conclusion. Is an opening in your energies, and activation, a boundless state. If you lose it, that's it. The end. You can't be cheating saying "Nahhhh I'm awake but I do have some addictions here and there, damn, let me go smoke some blues...but all is alright, I'm awake! I'm God and everything is a mind yada yada". ??? You guys just don't get that having an experience and building a conceptual knowledge around it can be done by anyone. That is certainly not being Awake. Unfortunately I suspect Leo's supposed "Awakening work", is built around this structure, seeing he kinda of thinks about this topic in the same way as most of you.
  9. GPT-4 script about a movie of a dmt cult ChatGPT Title: The Elysium Experience Setting: A secluded compound deep within a lush, wild forest. The area is dotted with ornate tents and communal spaces. A large wooden temple stands at the center. Characters: Lea: A journalist seeking to expose the truth behind the mysterious cult. Elder Cyrus: The charismatic leader of the Elysium cult. Believes in unlocking higher dimensions of reality through DMT. Raven: A cult member who befriends Lea. She's torn between her loyalty to the cult and her budding relationship with Lea. Jonas: A skeptical ex-member on a mission to rescue his younger sister from the cult. Act I: Lea infiltrates the Elysium compound under the guise of a seeker. She's introduced to the rituals, mainly the DMT ceremonies led by Elder Cyrus. Lea experiences a DMT trip and it's unlike anything she's ever experienced, causing her to question her original mission. Raven befriends Lea, sharing her personal story and why she joined. Act II: Jonas sneaks into the compound, sharing with Lea the dark side of the cult – how they exploit members for money and how some members never return from their “trips”. Lea and Jonas discover that Elder Cyrus has been altering the DMT with other substances, making it more addictive and easier to control members. Raven confronts Elder Cyrus about the real intentions behind the DMT ceremonies after overhearing Jonas and Lea. Cyrus, feeling threatened, decides to accelerate his plan: a mass ceremony where everyone will ascend to a "higher dimension" together. Act III: Lea, Jonas, and Raven plot to prevent the mass ceremony. The climax of the movie is a dramatic confrontation between Elder Cyrus, armed with his enhanced DMT, and our trio. Raven, caught between her loyalty and her newly awakened skepticism, ultimately sides with Lea and Jonas. this cult is southeast asian in the Han Dynasty ChatGPT 2 / 2 Title: The Cult of the Mystic Orchid Setting: Southeast Asia during the Han Dynasty. A secret enclave in a hidden valley, lush with tropical vegetation and a striking, ethereal beauty. The central focus of the cult's compound is a massive temple made of stone, adorned with colorful orchids. Characters: Min: An adventurous and curious young Han official who has heard rumors of a mysterious cult. Shan: The mystical leader of the cult, who claims to have knowledge of the ancient arts and the ability to commune with higher realms through DMT. Zhen: A loyal cult member who befriends Min. He has a quiet skepticism and is more aware of Shan's manipulation than others. Lin: Min's elder sister, a renowned healer who uses natural herbs. She's concerned about Min's obsession with the cult. Act I: Min, intrigued by the tales of the cult, disguises himself as a local and infiltrates the enclave. He witnesses the mystical rituals, where members consume DMT extracted from local plants to induce visions and altered states of consciousness. Min experiences a DMT trip and is profoundly affected, believing he has glimpsed a different world. He becomes enamored with the cult's teachings. Zhen, wary of Min's rapid devotion, takes Min under his wing, showing him the daily life of the cult members. Act II: Lin arrives in the area, looking for Min. She discovers the cult and, pretending to be a seeker of knowledge, gains entry. Lin witnesses Min's increasing involvement and becomes concerned about his well-being. Zhen confides in Min and Lin about his growing doubts regarding Shan's intentions. Together, they uncover that Shan is exploiting the members for their labor and resources, enriching himself under the guise of spiritual enlightenment. Act III: Min, Zhen, and Lin confront Shan, demanding an explanation. Shan admits to his exploitation but defends his actions, claiming that he it's about a family, their daughter, and their relationship to the cult ChatGPT Title: Beneath the Blossoming Trees Setting: Southeast Asia during the Han Dynasty. A tranquil village on the edge of the majestic forest, which conceals the hidden valley where the Orchid Cult resides. Characters: Ling: A headstrong and curious young woman who becomes entranced by the Orchid Cult. Mao: Ling's protective father, a local blacksmith. Mei: Ling's mother, wise and intuitive. She has a deep connection to local folklore and traditional remedies. Shan: The mystical leader of the Orchid Cult. Zhen: An older member of the cult who becomes Ling's guide. Act I: The family leads a harmonious life in their village. Ling often listens to Mei's stories of spirits, other realms, and traditional legends. Ling encounters members of the Orchid Cult in the village market. Their tales of enlightenment and other realms captivate her. Against Mao and Mei’s wishes, Ling ventures into the forest to find the Orchid Cult. Act II: Ling is initiated into the cult, introduced to its rituals, including the consumption of DMT extracted from rare orchids. Mao and Mei discover Ling's absence and set out to retrieve her. Ling's experiences with the Orchid Cult make her question the values and lessons imparted by her family. She becomes more distant, drawing closer to Shan. Zhen, witnessing Ling's transformation, feels a bond with her, reminding him of his own daughter who he lost touch with after joining the cult. Act III: Mao and Mei infiltrate the Orchid Cult, disguising themselves as seekers of truth. Mei, tapping into her knowledge of folklore, quickly discerns the manipulations of Shan. Zhen, recognizing Mei’s wisdom, confides in her about his past, expressing regret and the wish to help Ling see the truth. Mao, Mei, and Zhen form a plan to show Ling the true nature of the Orchid Cult. Act IV: Mei challenges Shan in a public display of spiritual knowledge, drawing upon her vast understanding of local legends and traditions. As Mei’s wisdom unfolds, many cult members begin questioning Shan's teachings. Mao finds Ling and pleads with her to remember her roots and the love of her family. Ling, torn between the two worlds, has a profound vision during a final DMT ceremony. She sees her ancestors and the spirits Mei often spoke of. They remind her of the importance of family and the dangers of blind faith. Act V: Ling, with renewed clarity, decides to leave the Orchid Cult with her family. Zhen, inspired by the family’s bond and Mei’s wisdom, decides to leave as well, seeking to reconnect with his own family. The cult disbands as members, disillusioned with Shan, seek genuine spiritual paths. Shan, defeated, contemplates his future as the forest reclaims the hidden valley. Closing Scene: Back in their village, Mao, Mei, and Ling sit beneath a blossoming tree, a symbol of renewal. Mei tells a story, one that Ling has heard many times but now hears with new ears, about the strength of family bonds and the enduring spirit of ancestors. The scene fades as Ling places an orchid in her hair, symbolizing her journey and growth.
  10. You're conflating consciousness with the way you live and with emotions, which are relative. Enlightenment doesn't change anything. Examples of awakened individuals doing silly (and human) things abound. Because they still have to act like a person. Nissargadatta smoked, zen warriors killed people, etc. You could be enlightened and stream games. And certainly get bored, angry, jealous, etc.
  11. Awakening to yourself as God is not the same as awakening to perfect self-love. For example you can reach a unitive state where you awaken to everyone being you and can have a temporary awakening into Perfect Self-Love. But to have a permanent awakening you need to do the following thing. 1. You need to clear your Chakras, all the way from the root all the way to the Crown Chakra. 2. After clearing your Chakras you need to be energy sensitive enough to connect to your heart chakra until you find your inner voice. To find your inner voice your throat chakra needs to be clear. Your heart chakra is the key to the kingdom of God. The voice of the God/Absolute within you is found in the heart chakra. This is where Infinite Love/Perfect Self Love rests. 3. Your Crown Chakra is how you connect to the Collective Consciousness where Infinite Intelligence Resides. If you open your crown chakra and are not ready to deal with the infinite voices, visions, etc. that comes from the Collective Consciousness it can drive you mad. So be careful with this one. 4. The key to your journey will be faith, you need to trust your synchronicities, you need to trust your resonance, the purpose of your life is to unite your intelligence with your heart. This is the beginning of inner wisdom, because now your mind can communicate with the source of your authenticity which is your heart. 5. The heart never judges you, the heart always accepts you, the heart does not care about your personal survival, it cares about the collective survival of all. Your mind only cares about your personal survival. If you do not jailbreak your mind (which is how you open your crown chakra) then your ability to expand your perspective to a universal perspective cannot happen. You will have a close/small mind and will be unable to see outside your perspective. This is a terrible state of affairs because you will be short sighted, quick to anger, and unconscious to the truth of what you and life is. You will scheme and manipulate your way and will never reach true happiness which comes from complete SELF ACCEPTANCE. Both the individual and collective self. For me to reach this permanent state, I had to be broken ALL THE WAY DOWN. I am currently from a survival stand point at rock bottom currently. Pretty much everything that can go wrong as gone wrong and yet....THIS HAPPENED. So its paradoxical, I discovered the true meaning of why we are here by having my social dignity stripped of me. Also I cannot stress this again. You will NEVER achieve perfect self-love through demonization of the ego. Demonization of the ego is a trap. I will say it again. IT IS A TRAP. Demonization of the ego= Self-Hatred. YOU CREATED your ego, if you created an ego dedicated towards love over personal gain then you will not fall for this. If you created an ego dedicated to personal gain then you will hate your ego. The key to life is to realize that while personal gain is nice, nothing beats love. When you only seek the personal at the expense of the collective your punishment is self-hatred. Why? Because whatever you do to another, you are doing to yourself. This is an ABSOLUTE. You have never hurt another, only YOURSELF. You have never judged another ONLY YOURSELF. All this is merely words, you will have to walk the path but I will give a couple tips that will blow your mind. 1. If you demonize ANYTHING you are walking counter to the path. With that said discernment is not judgment. Many people get this mixed up. Discernment says that is not for me and here is why it is not for me. Your heart does not engage in discernment only the mind. When they connect an inner conversation takes place. Your mind says what it likes and doesn't like but is taught how to lovingly express its preferences while also being encouraged to consider a much wider perspective. 2. It is impossible to waste your time because once you make a concerted effort to walk the path EVERYTHING is going to serve you and I do mean EVERYTHING. 3. This concerted effort to walk the path must come from an authentic deep seated desire to unlock the kingdom within you. 4. I had no idea what I was doing with my chakra system and did a lot of foolish stuff. But I was protected and ultimately cleared out and connected the whole system. I now understand what each chakra represents intuitively. Here are some traditional Spirituality Traps. 1. Spirituality likes to demonize human expressions of nature i.e. technology as inferior to the forest or the woods. This is a trap. I literally broke through USING technology. For example video games and online Satsangs and Leo's own videos all were important for my work along with psychedelic trance videos as well, and chakra music. 2. Porno was helpful as well, it allowed me to heal sexual trauma that I was unaware that I had. In fact porno actually supercharged my awakening process as I was able to wake up faster using it as a tool. If you use it excessively though it will cause an imbalance in your chakra system. 3. After you break through all you need to do is follow your inner guide your inner Guru and enjoy and share your love. That's it!!! Finally!! I thought sober Unity Consciousness was enough, I didn't know there was a higher level beyond that.
  12. Where do you stand on your Life-Purpose? If you meet this 'ideal woman' tomorrow and she asks you 'What contribution have you made to the world that you're the most proud of?', what would your answer be? This is your problem right here. If you can't answer this question, the conscious women see you as a guy practicing 'new-age pop spirituality' and they don't take you seriously either. That's why you meet those kinds of women yourself! And, to give you an idea of how things could work with someone who's genuinely awakened and who genuinely has integrity, she will be interested in what your Life-Purpose is, she will see whether it aligns with her values or not and if it does, she will fully support it. An unconscious woman will hold you back from following your passion if it means that the profit goes down for a month. But, a conscious woman will not nag you when that happens and she will support you instead.
  13. By the way, there is no such thing as be an awakened person, there is access to awakened states. if you are awake, you are awake, if you are asleep, you are asleep, now.
  14. I would love to get everyone's opinions on the realities of finding a highly conscious partner as a young person. I'm 23 yrs old but I've been doing this work earnestly for many years, and I've gotten decently far for my age. However, of course, it's rare to find anyone in their 20's who takes this stuff seriously. I seem to run into two situations when I'm talking to a girl I'm really interested in: I meet some girls who are into spirituality, but it's more of a new-age pop spirituality. Moreover, I find that most women I meet in this group often have a lot of trouble with really basic maturity, like managing their finances, developing emotional intelligence, and communicating well. I meet some girls who are super mature on a character level and I have great chemistry with, but they have absolutely no interest in spirituality... and my dedication to spirituality is confusing/frightening to them. I know that the deeper I get into this work, the bigger the rift is going to be between me and the people in my age group when it comes to spirituality. I've done the pickup thing and I've also gone to tons of spiritual events in Austin, TX where I live... and the only dates I go on end up in one of those two groups. I generally have no problems attracting a partner, but it would be so much easier to get along in a long-term relationship or marriage if we both have those same values. I really genuinely would like to get married and have kids someday, but this is leaving me wondering - should I just settle for someone who I get along with on a personal level even if they don't care too much about spirituality or just practice new-age pop spirituality? It seems to me that I could spend years pounding nightclubs and hippie events and still never find someone in my age group who is going to take this stuff seriously. Not just as a hobby or a couple of yoga classes - but genuine spirituality and awakening... aka cares about and experiences the shit our boy Leo talks about. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this! Super grateful for this community and for!
  15. Let's see, @Javfly33 is right, awakening is the end of suffering, and whoever says no is not awake and has never been awake for a second. what happens is that it is extremely difficult to be awakened and you return to dream state, then you suffer. but that is not why you are going to say that awakening is not the end of suffering, it is, completely. mental suffering is like physical suffering, it pushes you to withdraw from a harmful situation. if you succeed, the suffering ceases. If you are awake, you are out of suffering, and whoever says no does not know what awakening is, equates it to knowing things, which is precisely the dream
  16. @Sugarcoat I've watched a couple when I first found God and even then I was like these people are saying absolutely nothing they are just repeating the same phrase over and over again. I don't think they know what they are talking about or they are so awakened they have become drones of reality. I will see comments under the video saying stuff like 'wow this is really deep and eye opening' I can't beleive it.
  17. I swear to god. I downloaded tik tok a few weeks back to see what’s up and have barely opened it since. Such social media can be nice tho if you closely curate exactly what you follow so you create this specific feed for yourself . And the Awakened subreddit has golden nuggets once in a while too but this place is something else
  18. @Javfly33 don't burn yourself friend , Just expose your thing, there are those who appreciate and understand it, and others who don't. My opinion: you're right, when you're awake to a certain degree there is no boredom or suffering. but you can be awake now and not be awake in half an hour, when I come into your house to tell you that you will be impaled tomorrow, you will get into deep sleep with nightmares. I mean, It is not easy to maintain awakened states. we're on it, at least we get awake moments. for something one starts In general, I agree with a lot of what you have said.
  19. she leads the awakened drones. they just ramble on saying the exact same thing over and over and over. They have 40 minute videos repeating the same sentence in different ways
  20. This type of awakened person you’re describing probably wouldn’t write such a post so I don’t see the point of this on who’s behalf are you even speaking on
  21. Thanks for describing your experience. I do agree with that, based on my own experience. And thousands of others in all cultures and centuries described it like you do. That is a very important element of the path. It probably sounds quite a bit nuts, boring and strange. At least I would have interpreted it like that a few years ago... But that is exactly how the Impersonal (Silent/Pure/Empty) Infinite Consciousness perceives all of its manifestation in certain awakened nondual states, watching itself, perceiving itself, being itself and the world, by itself, for itself. (1) That starts to happen when the self-contraction/separate-self is seen through, transcended and cut off either with high enough speed & proficiency, or with some more energetic state-change techniques. So the resulting flow of bliss makes it no longer possible for any grasping/contracting thought/feeling-arising to grip & contract the focus/attention (and cut the nondual field into two, or duality), and create bad emotions/stop the flow of bliss. And motivating the separate-self with that resulting suffering again for searching or avoiding certain experiences to eradicate the suffering, and relax the contraction again. That process you describe is the natural way that leads the transition to the deep identity level change to ones True Nature, the Infinite Silent and peaceful/blissful Abyss of Pure Consciousness without location or any kind of objective appearance... When not finding IT (or Consciousness, or oneself), at some point the localization of consciousness dissolves, making every appearance (thought, feeling, cloud, tree, the whole world including ones "small self") just an appearance arising in the Infinite, silent & empty and not-personal Eternal Reality of Ones True Being, Infinite Consciousness, or Reality itself. (2) And when it is seen that even the "Understander" of this Nondual and Awake Realization is nothing more than a bundle of "understanding"-thoughts arising WITHIN THAT, then Full Enlightenment is finally seeing that there never was a separate-self besides an illusion, and nobody (besides) an Illusion actually woke up. Pure Infinite Consciousness/Being was there throughout, undisturbed, just containing some illusion-arisings. And yet, that Realization or waking up of that perspective of Indras Net makes all the difference in the dream of that perspective, finally dissolving the self-contraction/separate-self illusion even of the "Understander" of all of that for good. Selling Water by the River PS: (1) are the stages of dissolving the separate-self into nonduality, and (2) is going from Nonduality/Unity towards even relaxing/dissolving the "Understander"-separate-self-illusion of that into Infinite Consciousness/Reality itself. More on that in this post: PS PS: For Infinite Reality to create a separate-self/self-contraction/ego and to maintain it, there are just two emotions needed that have to regularly occur in cycles (not permanently, that would also kill the separate-self) : 1) suffering (in the meaning of non-satisfied-ness, or "non-bliss" , and 2) boredom. That starts all of the projects for getting back again the bliss via certain experiences (whatever that may be varies a lot). A bliss that would be there if not the separate-self-contraction would stop its flow via contracting. Of course, that can only be seen after having touched the natural bliss of ones True Being, because if that would be seen earlier the whole process would be shut off immediately. But if there is no technique available to just cut off the contraction/suffering, one has to stick to grasping for certain experiences, because that is then all one has...
  22. Is not about kidding myself. Is about setting the bar to a level that is enough high so the word "being Awake" means actually something real. I do not consider anyone to be awake if he falls into ego. Since Reality is always Now, if Now you are not awake, that's it, you lost. You might as well say that you awakened 10 years ago, but the previous 9years you have been a crack addict with a miserable life in very poor and compressed states of consciousness.
  23. You really think god will put someone in that "awakened" state for a long time? God wants people to live life and suffer. I was once in this childlike state where everything was magical and new but it didn't last very very long, it was a high state induced by psychedelic. You can't control your state of consciousness
  24. Yeah, well, life is a dream. So what? The power of the dream should not be underestimated. If you think awakened people can't get addictions I think you're kidding yourself. You still have to be vigilant against bad habits otherwise you will end up like Alan Watts, an awakened alcoholic who drinks himself to death. Awakening is not a get-out-of-jail-free card.
  25. Beautiful post! Exactly what I needed to hear. I recently had an experience that changed my way of thinking about things. It was such an intense understanding that I knew I had to start living my life this way. Every day I am improving on integrating that understanding into my life and my anxiety has really improved because of it. During this process.. I am realizing awakening is such an individual experience and that challenging myself to think in a different way is not always easy. And that's okay! So long as I can recognize and improve every day. Sometimes reading some of the posts on here can be disheartening because so many people hold on so tightly to what they believe is awakening. It made me question if I am just losing my mind or if I am actually on a journey of awakening. What I have come to understand is that we all have different experiences with our journey and are at different stages. There is no right way to become awakened IMO. Yes . there are things to do that definitely support advancement in your journey but those things are there for when each individual is ready to use them. I commend any and all that even show curiosity in awakening because I feel it means they are on their way in their own time. My focus should be on my journey and not to worry about what other people are doing. I can learn from those people and pick out the advice that resonates with me. For me..u know when I feel something in my heart then that is something I may need to consider utilizing in my own journey. Thank you for posting this! ❤