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  1. Even after a day of experimenting with this I've been able to make so much progress thanks to her simple explanation. I started to feel so good I had a hard time actually doing anything, I just wanted to stay with the bliss. Dealing with energy blockages has never been easier for me, not that I've tried for a long time. Almost like a quick fix, but takes some open-mindedness.
  2. To me the human condition is this: We are infinite and limitless potential (what) manifesting as perfectly divine apparently seperate beings (who). We are moved to create through desire, gross desires are material, violent, and generate suffering. Elevated or purified desires are more spiritual and generate bliss with no negative consequences. Not knowing who and what we are we live in fear of losing in all its forms. Losing what we have now or losing in the future. We ossilate between appreciationn and lack, love and fear, pure desires and base desires. We all want to recognize our own infinity but we tend to reach out externally instead of internally. We make conclusions and close down our minds with beliefs to feel safe, but it backfires. We open up to the mystery and groundlessness and come back home to bliss.
  3. @snowleopard I just remembered something I read days before, and it seems to be perfectly in alignment with trinity.. According to what you quoted: Dhammakaya is the truth body, which is the Father in trinity; Nirmanakaya is the body that is manifest; which is the Son in trinity; Samboghakaya is the body of bliss and pure energy, which is Holy spirit in Trinity.. ....................................................................... Dhammakaya is really not a body in the physical sense, it just figuratively refers to the absolute truth itself; Dhamma means truth in Pali language.. This is the Father in Trinity... Now read the below Buddhist sutta (It is a conversation between Buddha and another person, in which Buddha speaks the following).. Buddha says that one who is enlightened, can say that I am the true son of Dhamma... i.e. true Son of the Father... And Jesus also said 'I am the Son of God'...He actually meant he was the son of truth, as per this Buddhist verse.. There are already theories that say that Jesus was in India between age 12-30 and many suspect he was a Buddhist student, some people say he was an Yogi. All this seem to be very interesting. I will continue to do more research on this..
  4. @Shanmugam That is a fascinating correlation between the Divine triune of Father/Son/Holy Spirit and Sat/Chit/Ananda, which I too have speculated about. There are of course many expressions of the trinity archetype that one comes across in metaphysics, including Buddhism's Trikaya, which although it is referring to the three bodies of the Buddha, also shows some intriguing correlation to a Divine triune: The Dharmakāya or Truth body which embodies the very principle of enlightenment and knows no limits or boundaries; The Nirmāṇakāya or created body which manifests in time and space; The Sambhogakāya or body of enjoyment which is a body of bliss or clear light manifestation Here is another elaboration on that Trikaya/Trinity theme which I resonate with ... "In general, the trikaya teaching is a way to explain a Buddha's experience of being. There is the apocryphal story of how the Buddha found his name. Seeing him shining brightly on the road, a man asked him what he was -- a god, a wizard, a man? “No,” said the Buddha, “I am awake." What did the man see? And what was the Buddha feeling? Being/Sat/God/Dharmakaya can be understood as the formless groundless ground, the "empty witness" without attributes that is behind or primordial to appearances, as the Origin or Source. But that description is not complete because it lacks dynamism, intent, feeling tone, life. If we conceptualize God as solely that then the materialist's argument against Him has traction -- because how could such a complete nothing be effective in any way? But the Dharmakaya, like the vacuum state, has an energy associated with it, the Sambhogakaya. You can get something from nothing because the actual nothing is more than the concept nothing. If the ground of being is not material, then “nothing” cannot be a mere absence of material. It is something else, with its own being. This energy can be understood as the natural expression of the fundamental emptiness itself, of its being. The Holy Spirit is associated with this energy as the creative energy that impregnated Mary. This is how Jesus was both the son of man and God. God the Father, Dharmakaya, emanated a Son, Nirmanakaya, through the intermediary of the Holy Spirit, the Sambhogakaya. As an incarnation, a gross form in our dualistic world, Jesus was a Nirmanakaya (tulku/Rinpoche), but his Consciousness/Chit/Sambhogakaya was an energetic expression of the Father, the Dharmakaya. Buddha was similarly a Nirmanakaya, an incarnation or embodiment of the Dharmakaya. At the level of expression or message or transmission of the Buddha, we speak about bodhicitta (awakening-mind). Bodhicitta is known for its compassionate warmth, but it is rooted in the absolute being-knowledge of the Dharmakaya, which is utter absence of limitation, restriction, or suffering. Bodhicitta is symbolized by a lotus, which begins in the mud and then sends a shoot up through the water, blooming in a pristine, stainless flower. The Sambhogakaya is especially related to symbol. Normally we think of symbols as pictures that we invent to refer to actual objects. But it would appear that there are natural symbols that are not merely conceptual fabrications that illuminate gross objects, but those which naturally arise directly from the Dharmakaya as expressions of its qualities. At a deeper (that is, more subtle) level than their Nirmanakaya manifestations, both Buddha and Jesus are symbolic expressions of the Dharmakaya, though in different ways. Where the Sambhogakaya of the Buddha was a presence of profound peace, scintillating intellect, and a glowing, blissful brightness, Jesus was like a bolt of lightning that connected Heaven and earth, a shocking transmission of knowledge. The beginning of Valentinus' Gospel of Truth states it this way: The gospel of truth is joy to those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of knowing him by the power of the Logos, who has come from the Pleroma and who is in the thought and the mind of the Father; he it is who is called "the Savior," since that is the name of the work which he must do for the redemption of those who have not known the Father. For the name of the gospel is the manifestation of hope, since that is the discovery of those who seek him, because the All sought him from whom it had come forth. You see, the All had been inside of him, that illimitable, inconceivable one, who is better than every thought. Think of how different the conditions were where Jesus taught. The Buddha appeared in a place and time uniquely suited to his transmission, and he found his place immediately as a culmination of existing teachings. On the contrary, Jesus, while a fulfillment of prophecy, was both a great joy but also a terrible affront to those who "did not know the Father." So where is bliss in all this? This is the feeling-tone of the energy of this transmission, which is beyond merely feeling good. The fact that we don't associate bliss with crucifixion gives some clue to the special meaning of that word as it applies to the Sambhogakaya. This special meaning becomes most clear when we add the fourth Kaya, the Svabhavikakaya, which is the union or experience of them all together, and also the essence, the single meaning. That meaning is pristine purity: The profoundly simple, ever-fresh, brilliant isness of form, which never impedes the infinite, spacious peace of being. The crucifixion is a testament to the difficulty of living that view and also shows that it is possible." ~ Mark Robert
  5. I see a striking similarity between the concept of satchitananda and Christian Trinity... Sat, the truth is the father.. Chit , the consciousness is the Son Ananda, the bliss is the holy spirit. Ananda can be also said as the life energy. The experience of reality is not only complete and peaceful but the life energy is without any conflict... So, when they say that a person is filled with holy spirit, it can be understood that the life energy is pure, conflictless and peaceful. But they are not really three separate things; They are actually one, just like they say that Trinity is actually one... This is my interpretation but I can't be sure if this is exactly what Jesus meant..
  6. @Highest It can be actually said in three different ways, because there are three different dimensions to it.. There is a word called satchitananda in India, which can be broken up into 'sat-chit-ananda'. They are three different words.. 1) Sat - this word means 'truth'. It can also be said as 'existence'. Because in reality, that is all which exists.. Nothing but truth exists and there is no duality. 2) Chit - this word means 'conciousness', can be also said as awareness... This is what gives meaning to existence. If there is no awareness of existence, then there is simply nothing, nobody is there to witness the existence.. 3) Ananda- it translates into bliss. But this is not happiness as people understand. This is the experience of pure reality.. Completely indescribable to a person who is living in duality. As long as it is understood that words are nothing but pointers, there is no problem..
  7. Love it, Onacloudynight! Your experience is similar to my last one. I felt like I wanted to die or be dissolved into nothingness. I realized it was impossible. Even if I died and my body turned to slime or ash, I survive and get to be a part of MANY "things." I get to be bigger. Still, a part of me missed the point from which I originated. I called this "the whole." I don't compulsively enjoy music or podcasts anymore. I was a real addict. It is wonderful to have some peace from the nonstop assault of those things. Could you have been obsessed with the security of your car, women? Were video games and TV an addiction? Be simple. Be quiet. Turn lots of things off. Seek silence. LSD changed me. Mushrooms tried to convey these things to me but weren't able to persuade me to change. They did break my addiction to sugar, though! I thought the same thing about my car! Feels good to have less potential for devastation! The answer I got during the trip is to enjoy the bleakness/bliss and preserve it by spending some time in meditation and then contrast it by embracing all the life I possibly can. Sexuality, social interaction, humor, adventure.
  8. As i said for general happiness: They are living in balance and simplicity - more harmony with nature and the natural flow of life. They are more in the present moment and don't ponder in thoughts or man-made ideologies so much. You were asking for (extreme happiness) so i laid it down in a slightly sarcastic yet truthful way. Meditation, Mindfulness and spending more time in Nature or anything or anywhere that is a representation of balance/simplicity and harmony will help raise your overall happiness default mode overtime. What you surround yourself with eventually you harmonize with. I have a friend who is like this almost all the time and never done any self actualization or spiritual work, maybe not extremely happy but generally happy enough to be one step ahead of most people but he till this day acts like a complete child in almost any situation being in the present, playing with the day like its the last day of his life, being silly and fun and childish with everything it ultimately is a form of mindfulness and a representation of being how creation intended you to be. We are here to play above all else. So all in all living your highest excitement and doing things on a daily which you are passionate about that allows you to enter and stay in a state of joy, love, ect... is more effective than meditation or other forms of practice because you are simply "living" the natural flow of source energy(which you already are) and not trying to "achieve" it. Love/Joy hold the highest vibration so the more you are in these states the faster you will propel into eternal bliss.
  9. Here it comes again - huge resistance in my body and mind. I can't sit still for longer than 10 minutes, I feel really tense, which is always the case after a state of clearity and bliss. Most of my life I thought I knew stuff and the last year, upon hearing various spiritual teachers it's beneficial to not know anything , I adopted that attitude. I did exactly what one shouldn't - i pretended I didn't know anything while I thought to myself : yeah I might be wrong about some little things, but really, I have it all figured out. What a joke! Now that I've really started to question everything, I see how horrifying it really is. Is anything really real? Is Trump an alien? Am I living on flat Earth? Is scientology the answer to life's questions? Is wheat evil? Does global warming exist? What is death? What is anything? Do other people exist? I just DON'T KNOW And I can finally accept it
  10. For the longest time now I've been thinking about starting a journal to document my SDS journey. Now I feel like I've gotten to the point where it's necessary to shed some light on all repetative circles one goes through during this whole purification thing. Some basic info about me: 19 years old Student of English and sociology Been meditating for 1,5 year - SDS combined with self inquiry- minimum 40 min a day Along side meditation, also have a concentration and contemplation habit Never used a psychedelic Realizations I've had so far: I don't exist I'm not a human being Space doesn't exist External reality doesn't exist All suffering is a product of resistence Suffering is made up and illusory I am already dead Things I've noticed repeating througout my practice: Insomnia Bursts of anger existential crisis Crying non stop for days Sensitivity to everything Moments of deep gratitude Moments of awe and love Doubt in this whole thing Questioning everything I know, feeling confused and lost Moments of forgiveness Feeling blank and numb Feeling suicidal/ homicidal Massive mood swings Laughing at random moments Moments of bliss and peace Revisting past trauma Laying on the floor screaming Feeling exhausted for no apparent reason Feeling energetic- dancing around or jumping all over the place Feeling lonely Feeling misunderstood Feeling disconnected from everything Losing interest in things I used to love Feeling stuck Feeling hopeless Feeling nostalgic Feeling 'high on life' Feeling overwhelming compassion for people Losing desire to find out the truth Being nihilistic Feeling motivated Feeling doubtful/ skeptical Feeling blessed Feeling cursed Feeling insane I will write insights whenever they come to me. Hopefully they will benefit all of you who are going through this pathless path
  11. 5 minutes after i read your message some strong peace and bliss came and its not going away
  12. @Patoto 20 mins- coffee while listening to Abe hicks, 50 min run jammin to music; researching & writing - transferring that energy, 20 min workout, 30 min med - (focus on breathe), raw meal shake, 24/7 stomach breathing focus, only wanted thoughts, love love love love love love love love, 1 or 2 more raw meal shakes, more love, sleep 6 hours, repeat. ?❤️ Side note- find bliss in being alone, and the world is your oyster.
  13. The first rule of meditation is not trying to meditate. You only experience bliss effortlessly; your experience of bliss was effortless, right?
  14. Hello good people on this forum. I want to express a situation that happened to me a while ago. A quick bio about me: I'm 18 years old and still in high school, but I will graduate in a few months. I stumbled across personal development a year ago and have been gathering knowledge and information. A few months ago I decided that my level of knowledge is sufficient to start this journey, and that it's time to put this stuff into practice. Time to take massive action. Enough mental masturbation. Anyway let's start the story. The strangest thing happened to me. I was in my classroom and the class had just finished. As everyone else was talking, cracking jokes and socializing, I put on my headphones. I sat there at the back of the room and played some very chill rock music. And suddenly, it happened. I mean, WOW. I was present, just like that. Looking at everything there, as if I've never seen it before. It was ineffable. The closest I can describe it with my limited vocabulary is TRUE BEAUTY. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves, even though they were unconscious, was mesmerizing. I was looking at the desks, the chairs and even my hands, just shocked by the fact that I haven't noticed them before. I mean, sure I have, but never like this. This was something totally different. This was awe. This was love. This classroom was filled with love. I quickly noticed how stupid some of our arguments are sometimes. We are blind to the feeling, blind to the bond that we, the people in this classroom, have. It lasted until the next class started, so probably around five minutes, before I finally got occupied by other school-related responsibilities. As I reflect on this moment, I would guess that I experienced a period of no-mind, or enlightenment, but I'm not sure as I am just starting to dabble into spirituality. Somehow, by eliminating one of my senses (hearing) from "reality", and listening to music, instead of being lost in it, I was catapulted deeper into the present, into the now, into reality. I am interested by how and if this method works and hope to do more research on it in the future. I am interested to see if I can make this happen again. The reason I am writing this post is to ask for help from some of the more experienced spiritual people here. Am I doing things right? I've felt a state of bliss similar to this before while meditating. Is music always a distraction to awareness or can it be beneficial (like in my case)? I would also love to inspire some of you guys reading this to experiment with it and post your results. Have you guys tried anything like this? Did it help you or not? Here's a link to the actual song that made it happen.
  15. I am currently studying darkness retreats. I have a 14 day darkness retreat coming up in january. I was first made aware of this by the story of a woman's darkness retreat in the book "The Psychedelics Explorers Guide". It is really nice to read, but probably not worth buying the whole book, if it is only for that reason. I can recommend the book "Dawning of Clear Light" by Martin Lowenthal. Really a beautiful book. It is not very long, but many sentences go very deep. If you contemplate and try to get to the meaning behind some of it you can gain a lot of insight from it. And then you can find good information on this page: I have so far tried to meditate for 40h in the darkness. I already noticed shifts in my awareness. I speak about it here: The brain supposedly releases DMT and even 5-Meo-DMT after about a week in the darkness. So you start to see visions and are basically "tripping". From the reports I have read, it is very different though. You are still in full control obviously. And if you manage to meditate and stay calm it is a great opportunity to face ones fears. This is considered to be a difficult practice for advanced students according to buddhist teachings. I would not consider myself to be advanced in my practice. It will be a major challenge for me. I am going to post my "trip report" here at the end of january. I will have a speech-recorder with me in the darkness. It has no display and only one button for recording, so I can use it. So maybe I will be able to catch some first-hand insights that I have during the retreat. Notice the profound similarities between these four experiences, despite being triggered by very different things. "I became Consciousness facing the Absolute. It had the brightness of myriad suns, yet it was not on the same continuum with any light I knew from everyday life. It seemed to be pure consciousness, intelligence and creative energy transcending all polarities. It was infinite and finite, divine and demonic, terrifying and ecstatic, creative and destructive..." – 5-MeO-DMT account (Stan Grof) "As I neared the warm glowing radiance ahead of me, I felt pure ecstasy. I was in the beginning of the light. I was part of the light…It was as if I had come home. I had come home to the beginning of not just me but the beginning of all eternity." – NDE account(via Kenneth Ring) "I was absorbed into this light, and this light became the entirety of space around me until I was only this giant, radiant light-filled void. I was real and home again and bigger than a trillion of our suns." – Darkness retreat account (Lindsey Vona) "At one point in my meditation, my head opened and flooded with light. I watched and felt this quiet bliss and gladness take over and noticed that my body became pure vibration." "I was a gigantic bigger-than-all-concept-of-universe radiant unending shimmering ball of light emanating perfect compassion forever without cause." "Even my experiences of perceiving the maya, of perceiving emptiness and suchness throughout my whole “life as Lindsey” as a spiritual seeker could not come close to this total absorption into self-remembering perfection of words and description annihilation into truth-light." ...etc.
  16. Intellectually we know we live in a "dream-state" acting out our roles. Achieving truth is fully breaking down yourself until there is nothing left. But you yourself will go trough hell, You will DIE in the full sense of the word. You'll be left as a nobody but you'll know what the hell is going on in this life. The other choice is just stay in the dream and play the roles you have always played. There is nothing wrong with that either. Ignorance is bliss. Read the books by Jed McKenna to get a grasp of this.
  17. @OnceMore I can only speak based on experience, and having experienced the passing of grandparents, parents, a newborn child, friends and lovers, even in the midst of the most profound grief, there is the possibility of the most profound love/bliss ... It seems there is neither cold-hearted detachment, nor needless, story-based, woe-is-me suffering. Just this ever-deeper appreciation for another mystery, another paradox, another wonder to behold. Anyway, best prepare for it, as best one can. Inquire, inquire, inquire, etc.
  18. Yoga? Body (or breath based) meditation IS raja yoga. If you can allow the choppier/courser vibes to settle in favor of more subtle movements you will get deeper, and gain insight. Then again it takes some yogis/yoginis a few years to purify/pacify those course vibrations. Apply the 4 truths to the feedback loops. No reason to take forever if you are mindful of what is happening with your attention, and what attitudes lead to letting go of tension. Sounds like what Therevada buddhism maps as Jhana. The experience if vastly more powerful than orgasms however, even multiple/tantric (well, tantric could be an exception at times, but that is for Insight.) Jhana is a concentration practice, which if I am not incorrect, some TIbetan practitioners also attain via different but similar techniques. See Leigh Brasington's Right Concentration - Practical Guide to the Jhanas, or The Vissudhimagga/Vimmutimagga for the hardcore details/instructions. These practices, when used for more than just simple craven "pleasure feeding", build discernment, sharpening "Manjushri's Sword." Valuable skills can be built, such as learning the difference between discernment and delusion/hindrance....Makyo and Kensho, or peace vs. fear and disaster. Plus the kind of surrender needed for full Jhanic absorption is good human training for A&P or Magga Phala, if one chooses to find these maps useful in their work. On the other hand, some only use Jhana for pleasure seeking, and fail to see the insights, don't gain discernment, and worse -- use Jhana to escape responsibility from life's grit by hiding in Bliss. So I'd keep an eye on that, since that's not the path (out of suffering). Metta! -B
  19. @Jedd Like Azrael said, this isn't unexpected; it isn't about 24/7 bliss ... Using the strange loop metaphor, try looking at it this way: That which 'one' is in essence is never dichotomized into two apparently separate opposing sides of the strange loop ... It is ever-knowing the only side there actually is. So it is not dichotomized into euphoria and depression, the extraordinary and the ordinary, the highs and the lows, and there is no exclusive identification as such. It is not any identity -- some happy me vs an unhappy me. To paraphrase the song lyric -- freedom is another word for no identity left to lose. There is only the strange loopiness of all that is, never not right here, right now.
  20. Day 1: Complete Today was pretty smooth sailing. A lot of stuff happened today. For one, during one my meditation sessions, I had an overwhelming feeling of sexual energy come over me. By focusing on this energy, I was able to increase it until it felt like I was having a Full body orgasm, which was pretty pleasant. Who needs women if you can give yourself an orgasm with your mind. Only joking.... I am started to feel invincible. Most things simply can't touch me, there are a couple of weak points here and there, but as I start to meditate more, these weak points are gradually fading away. I feel like I am gaining so much more awareness. It just baffles my mind that so much more is even possible, when I already feel so much bliss and peace throughout my day. Looking forward to tomorrow!
  21. @UDT It’s simpler.... who is happy? Who is unhappy? No one. The Infinite beyond duality will have you crying like a baby. Bliss. It IS Joy. Happiness requires a little self deception. Just a little. Don’t settle. The Joy IS You! It’s everything! This is why society equates joy to God - they don’t know what they are!
  22. The ancient spiritual traditions take quite different approaches to this question of Awareness. Vedanta's name for the Absolute is Brahman, which is considered inseparable from the triune of satchitananda, meaning: Being/Consciousness/Bliss. Buddhism, meanwhile, seems to make little mention of consciousness or awareness. I've always resonated with Taoism's approach to defining such terms ... From the Tao Te Ching: "The tao that can be told is not the eternal tao ... The name that can be named is not the eternal name". Even the choice of the word Tao seems quite deliberately nondescript, perhaps to avoid any definitive conceptualization. In any case, somehow it seems best to not get too attached to definitions and names, because what is truly essential is a profound realization of that which is being referred to, and ultimately defies all names and definitions -- which, given the inherent limitations of language, are always going to have to settle for 'true enough under the circumstances'. As such, even the name 'The Absolute' can be problematic, if it is seen in prioritized opposition to 'the relative', and there is then some exclusive identification as I am That, as opposed to other-than-that, thus falling back into the dualism trap, when in nondual terms, however paradoxical it may seem, the absolute is not other than the relative, and vice versa. This is also what Buddhism's Heart Sutra is getting at when it states that "emptiness is not other than form, and form is not other than emptiness" -- albeit, that statement doesn't seem to be in contradiction to 'Awareness.' So perhaps it's as good a name as any other -- keeping in mind, as Leo rightly points out, that it's not to be confused with some dichotomous subject/object awareness, in the conventional way that perception it is understood.
  23. Hi guys! I want to share some of the experiences I had with my LSD trip yesterday. It was in a social setting (with 2 friends), so unfortunately not a lot of time for myself. Preperation This was my 3th LSD trip. I took around 200 micrograms, one tab (at 14:00 pm). We tripped on 2cb and truffels before so we were all right. We prepared all our food, drinks etc. We always buy fresh orange juice and chocolade. It intensifies the experience. We put couchins and blankets on the cough, matrasses on the ground. Also some nice incense sticks and tea. And of course, comfortable clothes. Lastly we put our phones and whatches aside for the duration of the trip. Oh and by the way, buy fruit when you trip! Best thing ever. Oranges, bananas and stuff. We rubbed them for days. The trip Let's jump right in. I planned to do timestamps, but time was no not present during the trip. We felt the acid hit quite fast. Only 20 minutes in and I started seeing things move. Colors became brighter and I started seeing mayan-like patterns and eyes in every object while they morphed in other objects. I could endlessly stare at it. It was like a living organism that created visual loops and patterns. The more I focussed on it, the more it came alive. I know you guys love pics, so here you go (first pic was the most present one) But then... BOOOM!! The acid really hit me. It's so hard to explain it. I think people who tripped before can relate. There is no way to put it into words. There is just amazement and bliss. It lasted for about 8 hours. This is what I wrote in bed while contemplating what just happened: (sorry for the amount of "I" in this one, my brain farted it out) "I am the creator. Every scenario I come up with is perfect in itself. If the scenario went downhill the mechanism would pick it up again to turn into a perfect scenario. I became the whole loop. I became every scenario in it and made it perfect just how I wanted. There was no way for it to be something negative. And man it felt so INFINITE and ENDLESS. You just couldn't escape it. No way. I am IT. I am the whole scenario and the whole mechanism. Its perfect. Like how a machine is programmed." "It's all happaning by itself. I am creating myself. And i'm looping these "thoughts" back into the loop. Automatically. I am the scenariowriter. I am the scenario. I am the writer. Social and verbal interactions made no difference. Everything they said fits within my perfectly created scenario. For a moment it was all fine that I was the silent guy. I was just being me. And they didn't judge me for it. This scenario set the trigger for the loop. If I got caught up in the scenario, I would create more scenarios in that scenario to feed the loop. It just felt so great. Like it could never stop. And there is just no way to put in into words. The only thing I could possibly do was make noises and laugh. I just let it happen. Laughter and sounds became the explanation. I was the creater of all music. I orchestrated it. Even in silence." "Through thought I was able to convince my friends that I created the music that was playing. I automatically synchronised them with my thought patterns. They became my thoughts and my scenario. I became their guide. I controlled their actions, I controlled their speech. It was insane. If I thought about standing up to get a cookie, the person next to me would instantly stand up to get the cookie. It was just like that. I was in total control. I planted these thoughts in their system. But looking back at it, these were no real thoughts. It was just reality creating itself in the infinite now." Thoughts create your reality. "Whatever you bring in, comes out. If you think positive, you become positive. You are the scenario writer of your life. External influences can't harm you if you create your own positive reality. Just smile. You are perfect. If people judge you or laugh at you, SMILE at them. That's the paradox. They are creating their reality, not yours. YOU are fine!!" And eat a banana now and then!! (biggest insight) Looking back The trip was so nice and intens. But I know it goes so much deeper. And i'm so fucking ready for it. I think I'm ready to trip alone now. I like the social setting, but it holds me back from truly exploring myself. I NEED to kill my ego. My whole life has been going so well. Too well. I'm an overall happy and energetic person. I used to have a lot of friends when I was little. Now I don't, but I don't really care. I love flowing with life and not crave anything. I enjoy being alone. It feels like it's a sign. THANKS FOR READING! I hope you liked it and find it useful. I also plan to do more detailed reports with more practical advice than this one. I would also love to improve my writing for you guys. It's not my best skill. I haven't watched leo's loop video, so i'm gonna do that now Safe flight! Cheers. Wesley
  24. @eputkonen thanks for taking the time to share what you did. I experienced some insights while reading it on the distinctions I’ve made with words / meanings, in terms of - I hold some strict definitions - and holding them itself isn’t assisting me in terms of communication involved in helping someone else. I don’t know personally (outside of the forum) know anyone who has practiced meditation for years. A handful of people in my life have asked me about my mood, mental state, ‘progress in life’, whatever, what I “do” to feel the way I feel, and I always recommend the practices. I think, for a while, I might ask if they want to know what they are or not, and just leave it at that, and maybe that is an ‘entry point’ for assisting / deducing use of my energy. I want to experience that communication and collect the experiences from it. I see a lot of suffering, and I do see that meditation can ease it, but I am open and contemplating that ‘style’ without the basis of self inquiry, meditation might reduce suffering, but it might be likely it will just continue to surface. I realized a few years ago, I was choosing to live out my life in this bliss, or I was going to attempt to do that and help others. Then I realized my path is of course, both, as ‘others’ are no more or less me, than Nahm. So I think I’m learning the importance of ‘meeting them where they’re at’. I’m the point is, thanks!! And any thoughts and insights from you are more than welcome. One more thank you....I had a little more insight into my lack of distinctions between enlightenment, self actualization, and life purpose. Just a little, but a little there is a lot. Thanks!