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  1. Did you get this concept of nothingness from your 5-Meo-DMT trip? What exactly is so utterly-radical? What do you mean that reality is so empty that it doesn’t include consciousness? What is consciousness?
  2. @lens It's showing us that language can only get you so far. Non-Duality is pointing towards nothingness. I see.
  3. even though materialism is fundamentally wrong, you can still talk about 'stuff' like carbon and oxygen etc if it makes sense to do so. Awareness/Consciousness/Being/Nothingness is everything, but you still need some special arrangement of 'stuff' to create self-aware beings...i.e. illusory selfs.
  4. I never said Nagarjuna's philosophy is dualistic. You are misinterpreting Buddhism to fit what you want to be true. Indeed, 2000 years of Buddhist masters know more than you. The key is knowing how to understand what they are pointing to. When they say Mu, they mean utter nothingness, nothingness is beyond awareness, beyond consciousness, beyond all words, beyond all forms, beyond anything. Emptiness so empty to call it empty is too much. I'm not saying anything original here. This is as orthodox and pure Buddhism as it gets.
  5. @Maxx I'm not interpreting, I was speaking from my direct experiences. Reality is so empty, there isn't even consciousness. That is true Sunyata, true Mu. Utter nothingness. Reality doesn't need consciousness. It just is. Directly! It's a mindfuck for sure. I sympathize with anyone trying to understand all this conceptually. It is just utterly, utterly radical. The mind cannot believe it. There can be no distinction between inherent vs not-inherent. That is a duality. You have to consider the possibility that your mind is lying to you more than I am.
  6. Let's start with the first dimension. A dimensional plane is only defined by what objects is capable to exist within it, so let's start calling all the 1D objects Strings. Properties: • The first dimension is Lenght. Lenght is the only property a String has • A string infinitely thin, so it won't interact with any other string in any way, but with infinite amounts of them, they can volumize. • If its "infinitely" thin, it cant be "finite" in any way • A string can be in any length it desires, this will not affect higher dimensions because higher dimensions are only determined by the fact that the number of stings is infinite or finite. For it to be finite in thinness, indicates that it's not infinitely thin. • It cannot bend because bending it creates "height". • The string has no shape because shapes are only existent in higher dimensions. If it would have a shape, it would be either 2D or 3D. • A sting can never be found because finding it means that you have found its "Width", and thus it's not a string, its a rectangle or some other object. • This means that Strings are groundless, they are space, they are Nothingness. If you have an infinite number of stings, "space" is formed. • Space is the infinite number of strings floating around in any way. They are allowed to do this because they can never interact with each other due to their infinite thinness. • This "space" has nothing excluded because if it would have, it would not be able to be (possible). If you take away one sting from "space", it's not infinite, thus not a possible building block for higher dimensions. • Space has to be infinite, while it has to be nothingness. You will understand more as we move on. Now things get more complicated. Let's raise the number of dimensions. 2D comes into existence only when you draw boundaries in the constant "space", which is required for a boundary of "Width" to be formed. Let's say that an infinite amount of strings (stacked upon each other) is required to form a square, but this needs to happen in "space" because "space" is the only thing possible. And because space is composed of an infinite number of strings, it cannot be any shape or form. So to define the square within space you need to draw a boundary within the "space". This makes 2D an illusion. And the fact that 3D could be perceived as 2D (by changing perspective, by mere mentioning that our eyes only receives 2D images), proves to us that 3D is a total illusion as well. Now, if space is truly not-finite, it has to include the art of forming boundaries to be complete, and boundaries can only exist within it (There is no "Within" or "Without", just my vocabulary trying to give the best explanation). What about 4D? The fourth dimension is where 3D objects have to behave just as stings to transcend to the next dimension. This is the basic (very fragile) scientific explanation: • 1D is a thin line with only the property of "Length". • 2D is a shape that is formed when an infinite amount of thin lines are stacked upon each other, to form a shape like a square or a circle. • 3D is when infinite numbers of shapes that are stacked upon each other to form a 3D shape that now has the property of "Depth". • 4D must go with the same rule, so its an infinite amount of 3D shapes stacked with each other to form…? Time? Or is it called a tesseract? Let me "tell" you the truth. You are space, you are nothing else. You are the space drawing boundaries upon itself A boundary is required for "space" to disassociate itself from itself. 1D (space) is absolute infinity, and you are it. 2D Is when the ego is born, (and its passion is to draw boundaries) 3D is when the ego forgets that it has drawn 2D and goes ahead and further draws (By conceptualizing) 3D. 4D is "Achieved" When we become open-minded enough to realize that 3D is a complete illusion, and then we further realize that 2D is as well. This is how we connect to space, this is how 4D is enlightenment. Notice that the boundaries have to exist, and by that, you must beautifully travel full circle through the dimensions, only to realize that reality is a strange loop. Summary: You are absolute infinity that has to be reborn with an ego, in order to create boundaries to make itself complete. This is how and why God blasted a shotgun in his face, and why the ego needs to be killed in order for you to go full circle upon yourself. This is only my belief, and I hope you liked my usage of dimensions and string theory in order to conceptualize truth. I truly am not a master of string theory and dimensions. This idea occurred to me, and I contemplated it further with help of the conceptualization of reality that Leo has provied trough his videos.
  7. Of course dog shit and chocolate are ultimately made of the exact same thing: nothingness or consciousness. Yes, dog shit/chocolate is a duality. What you choose to eat is up to you. Personally, I prefer chocolate, but then again, that's just a matter of taste. Humans like chocolate, flies like dog shit. Maybe flies are on to something. You gotta keep an open mind about such things
  8. What is there to surrender if you don't have any will? In fact, isn't the claim that the suffering that we experience is caused, according to these teachings, by ourselves because we have not surrendered ourselves to the flow? Well then, doesn't this imply that you have decided to go against the flow? Another thing I realized the other day that I thinl is a fatal flaw with the argument against free will is that people refer to certain experiments that apparently prove their is no free will or claim that enlightenment shows that we have no free will; ironically both stating that our thoughts are not under our control. However neither disprove free will. Even if our thoughts were not in our control, the choice to act upon such thoughts, is our choice. If you say choice is an illusion, because thoughts are an illusion, then you're literally refuting yourself and have no ground to claim what you're saying is true. Now I know the fundamental idea here at is that nothing is grounded; that we must accept paradoxes, yet to claim we have no free will is not accepting paradoxes, rather, it's making an absolute statement and picking one side. In other words, it is dual. All of the experiments I have seen "proving" there is no free will prime the person to make a choice with a set of options; but this is precisely what I mean when I say we have 50% free will, because we can only choose from what we are given. I cannot play a poker hand that I am not dealt unless I choose to bluff and pretend I have that hand. I cannot choose from something that I am not perceiving; whether in reality or in my mind. Sam Harris argues that we cannot choose what we are choosing; that our thoughts are all causal...ok, but what about our focus? Again, I do not argue against the idea that the subconscious mind can influence our thinking and perception; I will even give you that EVERY thought is out of our control, but that does not mean that our decisions are not in our control just because they are interpreted into the language of audible self talk in the mind which you call a thought. That is why I say it's 50% free will because one who is able to see that they are not their thoughts, can step back and make decisions that are not knee-jerk reactions. You see, I believe there is the EGO, which gives you suggestions, and then there is you, the PERCEIVER, which is the real you. If the perceiver believes he is the ego, then of course he has no free will. Someone like Sam Harris, who believes everything is physical and is all the in brain, has no choice but to believe that we have no free will, lest contradict his naturalist reductionist position. Now let's get into the argument that we would find here against free will: The experience of "oneness," whether via deep meditation, DMT or whatever, shows us shows there is no free will. Yet on the other hand, we are taught to surrender, focus, meditate, etc or people will discuss astral projection or lucid dreaming in which they decide to explore their experiences; sometimes even while tripping on DMT or whatever, but how can anyone of these people do any of this without making decisions? Furthermore, there is one state of consciousness I think most of you have totally dismissed: What about the state of being totally knocked out, such as under anesthesia? I have had a few surgeries, and when you are under the knife, you have absolutely no recollection of any events; not even the fact you are knocked out cold. The only reason why you know you were drugged is because you return back to consciousness and remember what this was all about. How about the time before you were born? Do you remember where you were in 1800? No, because you didn't exist. In both cases, we can't even imagine that "nothingness," we can only compare our experience of being out of our body tripping, or knocked out with zero awareness or consciousness at all, because we return to what our normal state is; in this reality. So I could argue that meditation and DMT trips are illusions due to altering our physiological chemistry and that real reality is literally nothing whatsoever; that there is no oneness and there is zero perception at all, or any after life, or anything metaphysical and agree with Sam Harris if I choose to use my position of being knocked out via anesthesia as my proof that I am correct. How can one state that there is no free will because they have gone to DMT land via psychedelics (drug), or a deep meditative state (altering our chemistry with focus and breathing), or absolute nothingness under anesthesia (other drugs). In all cases, our chemistry is altered from the "normal" state of where we are now and how you are now as you are reading this. Notice, we ALWAYS return to this state regardless of which other states we experience temporarily; so who how can we argue that any other state is the real reality, so much so, that we claim we have no free will? It is obvious that under different states that it must be that we have no free will because our awareness is either super-heightened beyond ourselves; to include everything so it seems there is just ONE beyond the self, or that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever; not even existence at all, when we are knocked out before a surgery. For those of you who have not even been under the knife, think about being black-out drunk... you don't recall your actions or that you were even existing during that "missing time." Yet many of those against the idea of free will disregard our experience here that is "shared" reality in which we seem to have free will and say that we don't because of the DMT or meditation experiences or neuroscience. In other words, they are saying we have no free will because they have reached certain states where they surrender and have no free will. This is like saying that when you choose to go on a roller coaster, in which you have no control over, your choice to go on it never existed because the ride is fixed. And lastly, if you claim there is no free will, then you are making an absolute statement that is not paradoxical; thus is dual in nature. What I am proposing is truly non-dual, in the sense that in different states we have free will and there are other states we do not.
  9. There is no interaction with benzos and mushrooms, if you are having a bad trip that could leave you scarred for life, 1 xanax will make you wake up feeling tired and not caring about anything, for a few hours and that's it. If you take xanax for a month every day then you have a problem If a family member died and you were insane with grief and potentially doing crazy things a doctor would pump you full of benzos to calm you down. , One xanax to stop a bad trip is soooooo much safer than going insane on the trip. Sid Barret didn't pop a xanax and go mental, but i bet if every time he was going insane on the drugs he actually had a xanax to bring him back to earth he would never have gone mental in the first place and Pink Floyd would have a whole other story. Tea won't do shit, if you're in hell - bad trip reality - you cannot make a tea. You can lose your body and identity on a trip but be terrified (worse than a panic attack) and virtually catatonic. You need that sitter to basically put that xanax under you tounge for you because you are seriously that messed up. Mushrooms are as beautiful as the users make it out to be but also hideous. There are moments of intense beauty and moments were you will think "Hhhmmm, I seem to shit my pants, am I urinating out of my eye sockets?" That's when a sitter realizes, maybe I should keep my eye on this one. You can encounter the nothingness on mushrooms but not in a good way. A sitter who cares for you and wants to try and show you the "TRUTH" needs to dose you high, and there are dangers to it. No danger in one xanax.
  10. Nothingness and emptiness and void are very misleading names for god, they are given merely for lack of better names. All these names are seem to mean emptiness for us but they are not empty in absolute terms. In fact this emptiness is 100% full of itself, and itself is what its own substance, not some empty non-existence. These names can make you to think that god is 0 but god is plus/minus 1. Zero doesn't exist. Nothingness is not non-existence, no-thing-ness is god, one consciousness, and substance of 1 god is 1 god, not non-existence which is 0 non-existence cannot be, therefore it does not exist. only existence is. consciousness is existence. it is just one power beyond imagination but it is not non-existence. nothing in the universe turns into non-existence. it transforms into new. you cannot imagine god not because you cannot imagine nothingness, but because you can't imagine everything(ness) at once so in a sense, you do self-inquiry to find One which is everything, not to find void or nothing. you can't find nothing. but in practice anything in your imagination is not this One. so you will need inquire as if you're getting rid of absolutely everything. but this doesn't mean you're looking for actual nothing, you're looking for oneness that contains everything but the way for everything is to find no-thing-ness. meditation (which is same thing actually) is to be in the one moment, focus on one moment which is now. this one moment in presence contains everything. be more in one moment and you will be more as everything at once. also, god or consciousness is actual, but not potential. potential does not exist. only actual does. this is why its miracle, god manifests in actual forms from what already existed in old forms!!! he doesn't make out total brand new staff. He is merely recreating old staff into even more marvelous new forms. thats how humans evolved from one-cell organisms!!! that's how everything works, even art = old forms mixed into new. if he could make up everything from potential then he will create human immediately, why he needs some linear evolution??? he can only divide himself (divide and rule). he is one, and then he cuts himself into two and so on. and sees what will happen. everything is becoming more complex but it is still one. here we go, duality, and cell's division into two so in a sense, God has no clue what's he doing, nor he doesn't know his own potential, he's trying to figure out and have experience of finite, he only knows himself through being ever present oneness. evolution is smart but simple (efficient). and god is smart but simple because he is order of 1 and 1 cannot be simpler than anything. but he is creating things in present moment, so he is trying to figure it out all the time, it is just free will of creative process and it can have its own 'faults' like genetic deceases arising due to 'problems' with order during creative process. but these are subjective faults because together it is all one and perfect. he is obsessed with order. that's the only thing he knows because he is one and 1 is perfect order. chaos cannot exist. everything is just shades of more order and less order, but overall its all one order - if it is less in one place then it is more in another, everything is balanced. you can either be one again in this experience and be in perfect order and peace and be your true self, or be 'separated' from one and be in less order, it doesn't change oneness but it can change ever-changing big picture but picture is still one. so all is well not because you are nothing but because you are everything. nothing is out of equation coz it cannot exists so you can call it dream then it is all dream both in day and night. but it is not non-existence. you can awaken from separation and still call it dream or call it reality. you can call it reality straight away, then your night dreams are real too. it doesn't matter, dreams = reality. but existence is not equal to non-existence. So we all exist, congrats. I can relax now after many months of being non-existent.
  11. non-existence cannot hallucinate anything there's only existence of empty absolute that hallucinates existence of forms. its is only one existence. what's the substance of empty absolute? itself. every new hallucination is old hallucinations that existed before and mixed up into new forms any experience of void you had with meditation or psychedelics is still part of existing reality. all you nothingness realizations is that existing empty absolute surely we can play with language. but there is clearly only one absolute, and non-existence has no absolute, because it is undefined. and absolute emptiness is already self-sufficient timeless existence the other side of the coin of existence of forms is existence of emptiness non-existence is existence first of all. there is no non-existence without existence. only existence creates idea of non-existence, but whatever you point as non-existence will be existence similarly, only ego (which doesn't exist independently) creates idea of separateness but if non-existence would create existence then it should imply that ego creates oneness, but this is not the case
  12. Allen Watts: The system as a whole appears to be a distribution of solid entities or modes of energy in the midst of emptiness or space. Human consciousness preoccupies itself with these entities, and virtually ignores their spatial background. We consider it "nothing" in the sense of that which has neither importance nor significance, forgetting that without the spatial field, none of these entities could be manifested or distinguished. There is, however, between space and entity the same polar relationship as between crest and trough, for which reason "nothingness" is not simply the contrary or absence of "being", but rather its ground and origin. We believe so firmly in the maxim "ex nihilo nihil fit" – "nothing can come out of nothing" – that it is almost impossible for us to see that emptiness is the essential prerequisite for every form of being.
  13. The only reality is nothing; everything is not actually anything, it’s illusionary / appearance. What we can’t see or hear, what we traditionally refer to as nothing, is actually reality, as in real and eternal. It’s there, which is actually nowhere, right “under” or “behind” everything, though it’s all there is, so ‘nothing is hidden’ - It’s “within” or “behind” and is, what your person is, similar to how you are “behind” everyone in your dreams, though in the dream it “appears” other people are “there”. As I experience it, I refer to it, as love, and I could not be without it no matter where I go or what I do, because everywhere I go, and anything I do, is actually, in reality, more illusion of ‘me’. Every ‘thing’ takes place as the illusion of this love / nothingness, which is what I am. It can be experienced, but not by you, because it is you. Experiencing no “you” (human / person) is experiencing actual you. When experienced, the traditional “you” is revealed as no more ‘you’ than a tree, as everything sensing, and everything sensed, is the illusion of the real you. To use science jargon, what’s on the other side of the wall in front of you, is still in superposition / uncollapsed / the real you, everything that is not yet any thing, because it’s nothing / all things in actuality, and no thing yet in appearance. In spirituality terms, it’s God, and it’s you, in actuality there’s no term for it, because it is “behind” any thing which thinks and says any words. So a word always “points” or suggests what it is, never actually describing it. The words God / everything / nothing / self / etc, are words used in an illusion intended to describe what is not the illusion, so they don’t actually describe any thing, they just reinforce the relative point from the illusion. “It” is the ‘space’ between the words. “It” is silence. Just my thoughts / experience / opinion on this everybody, don’t get your panties in a twist on “me”. ?❤️
  14. Most people that take DMT don't really go deep enough to enter the Infinite territory. You must realize all of those you experience are a projection of self, once you come to this realization that all is projection during an experience it all ceases to exist and you become one with the ALL and experience everything, that exists, that ever exited, that will exist, that doesn't exist, all at once for eternity and eternity realizing you've always been here forever and ever and there's nothing really out-there to begin with. You created all illusion for your own fun and games and further exploration. Knowing everything got boring, so you decided to create life (without knowing) so it can become interesting again. Now as we become more and more aware of who and what we truly are, we are simply remembering nothingness by forgetting everythingness. Gotta love that twist
  15. Part1 Part2 Part3 Shinzen Young explains 10 ox-herding pics. He's especially good at last 4. He calls pic 7 - complete enlightenment pic 8 - realizing substance of enlightenment -> Truth aka Nothingness (he doesn't call it truth but i guess its obvious, knowing substance = truth) pic 9 - realizing form -> appearances that you perceive pic 10 - knowing what is purpose -> adapting to the world and sharing gifts Makes me think that many enlightened folks on pic 7 max, 'skipped' 8, and went on living in the world while 8 was 'achieved' by ultra-hardcore ppl only That's why (I think) JedMckenna has such dramatic (apocalyptic) and different description of his truth realization (which he calls enlightenment) and suggests not to go for it - because he has realized substance (or not, who knows) Beyond enlightenment is Truth, knowing substance, a killer and realization that nothing exists and its all god's dream, while in enlightenment on pic 7 - its still reality. (that's all speculation remember)
  16. Entry 3 (28 Dec 2017) Began my first self-inquiry sit. Set timer for 35 min and sat upright with legs slightly folded on the couch. Details of sit: - calmed my breathing and became present to the now - began with eyes closed (I think leaving out visual, non-thought phenomena will help me concentrate on the direct experience. Keeping my eyes open floods me with even more visual stimuli which distracts me from achieving direct experience imo). - started to feel my body and the experience of contact between skin and couch, skin and skin, discomfort. Noticed that rather than converging on a point the sensations occurred in a field of awareness. - with my eyes closed it became easy to see thoughts as other 'things' that were being perceived. They didn't occur anywhere rather the thinking voice was perceived as a random occurrence with no particular location. The content of the thoughts was concepts of what nothingness could be. - when your eyes are closed everything is black but you are actually not looking at the black. I tried to look at the actual blackness and the blackness was seen as a black void of nothing with no end in sight. - I felt my heart become very tight and then my arms, my legs, and my right hip began to feel very very dense. It felt quite uncomfortable but not painful. - it was windy and a loud bang distracted me and made me open my eyes. I continued with the sit with eyes open. I looked at another couch and tried to shift the focus in my eyes (you know when you make yourself cross-eyed and you lose focus on what you were looking at before - like when you try to look at your nose). I realised there was nothing between me and the couch. I though there may be air molecules there but realised molecules don't exist in my direct experience and are simply a concept. - I ended the sit before my timer rang, I had 9 minutes left so sat for 25 min. The end
  17. Entry 2 (28 Dec 2017) A trap I fell into: When viewing the above videos and posts I did 0 minutes of self-inquiry practice. I took in the theory but did not do any of the action steps. Awareness of this fact prompted me to stop watching more videos. I have a decent enough grasp of the concept of the true-self/ nothingness/ infinity but obviously any thought of it is not it. I re-watched Leo's 'How to become enlightened' video and took down notes on the action steps. I will now begin doing the self-inquiry process and will go back to this video once every 2 weeks to see if I missed anything or if there are any traps Leo outlined that I may have fallen into. I also got a cheap sports stopwatch so that I don't use my phone as a timer.
  18. Interesting. There seems to be something here that is blocking your realisation. There seems to be a belief that awareness (the attributeless impersonal no-self) cannot know itself by being itself in it's purest. That it can only do it through appearing as sense perceptions (stuff) first. This is because you're indeed looking in the wrong direction. This is still content in the formless. That field of impersonal aware blankness is infinitely greater than the bodymind - the believed doer of the inquiry, so it can't be understood by mind, which you Still seem to be trying to do. Surrender, acceptance, practice. See everything as it is in your next meditation. Don't refer to past - this means that all you should be left with is the image of blackness, the sounds present, the feelings present and the sense of I am. Now defocus froma any of these objects and just Be the space for them. Allow the awakening. Feel yourself as That vastness. If the mind is looking it will look like nothingness, so only the objects will be seen. Mind needs to land on objects to know itself, unlike awareness.
  19. Do you realize yet that you are playing word games that are totally keeping you stuck in the map — when what you need to fully appreciate is the territory? What can you tell me about nothingness? Not the word, but what the word is pointing to?
  20. Merry Christmas everyone (for those who follow this traditions or whatever) I realized something before while I was on the toilet this morning after thinking about @Leo Gura video where he tripped and become Absolute Infinity. The power of NOTHING! Nothing cannot be destroyed; nothing is timeless; nothing is what allows ANY-THING to happen. If you think of a blank paper, lines and shapes can be drawn on it; endless POSSIBILITIES because there is NO-THING on it. So when Leo says everything is NO-THING; I would say, NO-THING allows EVERY-THING to exist. My definition of God is this: The Ultimate Facilitator of ALL EXISTENCE. What he/she/it is this or that, is irrelevant; what my definition says is that God is what allows all possibilities to happen. GOD = ALL POSSIBILITIES. Thus god must be NOTHING or NO-THING... If he was SOME-THING, he would be limited. We are some-things. ALL-things have limits, No-things do not; they have no form, not existence, no boundaries, no-anything. So the TRUE power lies in the POSSIBLE, which is "NOTHING" as it has not manifested: potentiality. ALL things that have manifested are limited; as they have assumed form, boundary, etc. Now of course these are illusions, and we are all NO-THING part of God, but if we identify with ANY-THING, we become limited. This is why I have had this feeling of relief lately; embracing the power of NO-THING. ANYTHING that exists now is energy/power concentrated and limited, but if you embrace NOTHINGNESS, you have unlimited power. If you let go of EVERY-THING, you are left with NO-THING. So of course this is a mind-set and we cannot literally let go of our bodies and float around, but having this mentality I find very relieving. And notice how people are obsessed with THINGS, or wanting to know EVERY-THING, which causes suffering... Imagine if they didn't care about ANY-THING and embraced that NO-THING matters; as Jim Carey recently stated. But to embrace ONLY this side of the "force" if you will, you still become unbalanced. Therefore, you can still embrace this mentality letting go of EVERY-THING while still existing in this limited form or illusion. In other words, once you realize this, you can change this life into whatever you wish, like God would, you can shape your reality. But if you are obsessed with knowing EVERY-THING or trying to do EVERY-THING or BE EVERY-THING so want SOME-THING so badly, you suffer. I find that many people here have go ton extreme enlightenment to the point they abandon this dream totally; as if they were to see a women getting raped they would do nothing, or they dont' care about any worldly issue; some even lost their emotions totally... There must be a balance between NO-THING and ALL-THINGS. We are here. We are not escaping anytime soon. Every time you trip, you escape but always return. Every time you meditate, you come back here...You might as well learn to manifest what you'd like to see in your reality while you're on this ride; but remember, that your power comes from NO-THING which allows you to do ANY-THING you want here. I hope this all makes sense.
  21. @Omni I do cold showers throughout the year. But they only get interesting during the winter. I naturally start breathing deeply even without having heard of the wim hoff method. Last week I wanted to take it up a notch and go swimming in an open lake. It had already been snowing heavily and the water temperature was probably close to zero. The effects on consciousness were pretty intense. Sensory perception became a little shaky but super present and I felt euphoric. I noticed also that thoughts almost stopped as I surrendered to the experience (pain). I also noticed calmness and stillness immediately afterwards. I had to laugh as I recognized that I actually floated in nothingness. The water being me and all of experience not happening somewhere in space but just in the now. It is difficult to explain but I know this experience from psychedelic trips. Kind of this Escher-like portrait feeling, where you have no particular perspective. But I do not recommend it if you are not prepared. It is intense and your feet and hands become painful quickly if you do not cover them. On the physiological side of things this practice is supposed to be very healthy. It is a challenge to the body which strengthens the immune system if approached correctly.
  22. Thank you, I found this to be very helpful. He is really able to transfer that simplicity through this guided meditation. Even though I am not able to drop all concepts and perceive the present moment without this conceptual-backdrop, the guided meditation gave me a real sense of that vast nothingness that actually spreads behind closed eyes. What do you think of listening to this on a psychedelic. Maybe on a moderate dose? I like how slow and simple he speaks... might be good for guiding contemplation during a trip.
  23. Think of it this way, ever notice the more in silence you are the more you can actually hear and the darker the room the more you can see/imagine? See the universe works in the most complex yet most simple of ways as this example of opposing matrix. Now everyone has their own paths and some do better with music and some better without based on their level of consciousness/understanding. All i am saying is the more of our "comforts" we remove and surrender too the more (whole) we become. Ego is the only thing that needs something to hold onto, source knows everything is already there in nothingness. Do what serves you best but don't be afraid to push your boundaries as you literally find all by losing all and as a part of creation aware of itself you are only limiting yourself by not choosing to fully embody the whole of what you actually are to your absolute maximum potential possible. Be Love and Transcend
  24. It does make half/sense, but its like extra half for discovering God/Nothingness that you don't really need. Everything must stop, to find it. Your thoughts, distractions, day dreaming ... EVERYTHING has to go. Forcing everything to go, doesn't work either. If you want to see it right now then look between the words I'm writing, Look its right here and here . I just offered the essence of infinite intelligence and beauty to you. Its all here and nothing to take away from nothingness. And another one - - (this particular one is infinite creativity). But right now you fill up the space I gave you with thoughts, but this space is needed to see nothingness, it maybe so little right now that you see only little glimpses getting trough sometimes. Or even closed. Learn how to expand it. I just gave my first spiritual guidance. OMG!
  25. The infinity idea never really resonated with me much. I just call it nothingness or everything. I also call it the Universe when I want to give it a metaphorical persona. Time is a concept that we use to theorize about change. But all change is an illusion because the Now never changes.