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  1. This tells me that you might not have the precise idea what Enlightenment is. You don’t eliminate any of those you mentioned. On the contrary you become one with everything and realise that all of these you mentioned are made out of you - the pure awareness. Why do you make this assumption? Why can’t there be nothingness without awareness or consciousness? Try not to take anything for granted when exploring for the Truth.
  2. Here you infer that you still exist. What if no you and nothing at all exists? You are trying to explain it with circular reasoning... Again why do you take it as granted that smth should be experienced at all. Why? Why do you infer that there should be time in any form? What if there is nothing at all. No consciousness, no time, no manifestation, no you, no onnes, no god. Absolute zero - absolute nothingness.
  3. It could be debated (and already has been by some) that deep sleep is "nothingness", but states have touched this body that are deeper. 1.) Jhana in full Commentarial Absorbtion. Source: Hard Jhana/full relative time stop/direct consciousness in personal practice. Secondary source: Visuddhimagga/Vimuttimagga, and other individuals alive now (anecdotal) such as Ajahn Brahm for example. This is deeper than "deep sleep" delta waves, since in deep sleep one's body can have contact at the ear sense door, and awaken from slumber. In Absorption one is fully disconnected from "mind" and the 5 sense doors, including hearing. Most markedly, from the standpoint of an outside observer, the body barely takes in breath and is basically comatose. Otherwise it doesn't qualify for commentarial Jhana. This isn't even to mention Nirodha Samapatti, which I won't even unpack here. 2.) Nibbana, defined this time as the cessation of all formations (not just mental, but those found at Contact with the 5 bodily Aggrigates). Personal practice source: Annica 3 doors experience, body skips like a flat rock against VOID. Things really are quite simple, but if we try and simplify them too much in concept, it's just gibberish and folks get confused and waste time in fear and traps, or more tragic forms of ridiculous do-er-ship. Ramana mentioned in his collected works that deep sleep was a time when the world was gone, but he *may* not have realized that the substrate "I-I" was an impermanence wave that comes and goes. In any case, the Buddha gave a much more exhaustive and useful treatment of these issues with his elucidation of the 4 noble truths and particularly the 3 Lakhanas of conditioned existence. I don't mention these states and terms in order to be literal or fundamentalist, but if we do practice/yoga, self-inq. whatever, then we have to come up with a consistant language in which to communicate our efforts. Without that, it's a bunch of idiots pasting ridiculous pictures at each other and spinning in content. Uh oh! Snap.
  4. Unfortunately emptiness and “no self” isn’t truth. It never was. That’s just a trick we tell ourselves. We attempt to strip everything away to get to “truth” because we think that is what truth is. But it’s not. When all is gone and you swim in nothingness without fear you see it isn’t the truth, it’s just another view. The same thing with ego, just another view. We seek “it” but there is no guarantee of finding it or knowing what it looks like. We use our sense but even that is flawed. Mots like looking at a video game and seeing colored lights blinking, or at a movie and just seeing actors, you don’t see the reality. Stripping it all alway doesn’t get you truth or the absolute, just a different lens to look through. But we are so convinced that the lens is correct instead of seeing it for what it is. To say reality is empty is wrong. Whatever “reality” really is, we won’t ever see it, just different views of it.
  5. Stay with that emptiness..that’s a sign that there is discontent with everything that thought has put together. U see the narrow superficial structure of thought and are not compelled to react to it because you see it’s limits and its shallow nature. Most people escape that discontent into some-thing that fills that void. That’s why one never gets that immeasurable state of nothingness. They are afraid to remain empty and therefore fill that space of fear with some form/projection of thought which they think will bring a sense of security psychologically. If you stay with that sorrow, loneliness, and fear and let it play out by not reacting ‘suppression or control’ you will see that it will start to fade. So don’t escape that emptiness. Any movement to escape is a movement of will that seeks psychological security witch only leads to disorder and prepetual conflict. Simply let conciousness empty all its contents being your fears, pleasures, desires, beliefs, and so on. By not fueling those reactions with your desire/will remain with that discontentment and don’t try to escape. Either way you can’t escape anyhow because you are not different from those desires. Once u see that fact you will remain in conflict because the reason for this conflict is the result of the division through thought that there is a difference between “you” the controller and that which you desire to control. There is no division. This seperate you is where the confusion and conflict manifests. Do you see this? I would start off by not asking others for anything, because how do you known they know? Listening to others assumptions, opinions, and ideas about what they think they know and what you don’t is never going to be any help. So don’t listen to anyone and don’t take what they suggest as any form of truth, this includes myself??‍♂️. Because truth can not be maintained by any thought/thinker/self. If you stay with that emptiness and all the conditioning and it’s content dissolves by seeing that reaction, suppression/control solves nothing, there will no longer be a self “who reacts” or that clings to that conditioning/content to sustain a state of security. Therefore no movement of will to resist what is. The resistance of what is is where the conflict arises. Only when the self is not truth is. Only in emptiness is there an essence or quality of truth. Just do your own thing friend
  6. @Thanatos13 It's a farse! It's a lie! It's nothingness! it's pointless, meaningless, and futille! All of this is lie, the love and hate you have for others is a farse, your memories hold no water, your friends aren't real, it is pure emptiness with nothing to truly justify it. Even your despair is a lie, how can you not see that, you are playing a character who thinks he has gotten there and is seeing the horror, the twist is there is no character and there is nothing to see here! If I got a penny for each time Irony was present in this forum I could buy Leo a wig and mildly convince him to wear it Look, i'm not defending psycs, but what makes you think your experience is any more real than the drugs? Sure, it feels like despair, but by your own I even need to finish?
  7. @Thanatos13 You undermined yourself, shot yourself in the foot, long ago, and now you are feeling the effects of it. You fell for some philosophy about this “nothingness” this “void”. All you have to do, is admit to yourself, that you have not actually ever experienced this “nothingness” this “void”. You constructed an idea of it in your head, and you are believing that idea. It’s just an idea, it holds no value, no weight, and it is FLAT OUT WRONG. What’s you have missed, because you have not experienced the “void” for yourself, is that it is not a void of nothingness. It is SO much more than that. Can you admit this error to yourself though? That’s the only question. When you do, you’ll be free of it. Then, day by day, things will get better. Be wrong. It’s deliciously liberating. Choose yourself, choose you happiness... who cares about being right? Thinking you’re right that it’s all this meaningless void of nothingness - that’s just some bullshit you got from some shithead, it’s unequivocally wrong. When a master refers to God as Nothing, it is because they have experienced God, and they know what you do not. Don’t mistake their meaning for “Nothing” to be your meaning for “Nothing”. Before you type and spout off about how right you are about your nihilism, just pause for like literally one minute first. A MINUTE, that’s all I’m asking. I know you got a minute bro. This path you’re on blows dude. It fucking blows. It’s taken you straight into the depression. I know this because I did the same exact thing. You’re doing it, and it feels terrible because you think it’s the fault of the reality you are in. It’s not. It’s your fault. Stop bullshitting yourself. Begin to free your mind instead. There is a man on youtube named Les Brown. Just sit and listen to him. You can do this. You can do anything you want. You just need a little help in seeing this is already the case. Want for yourself man. You deserve to be happy, you deserve joy in your heart, you are worthy of everything. Whole Universe got your back, all you have to do is take one step.
  8. No, only you babe. If the body drops dead, all perceptions would cease and the world would disappear -- I would assume. What actually happens after the body dies is technically unknown until you get there. There could very well be bardo states, etc. From my current understanding, upon physical death you will merge into absolute infinity. But I could be wrong. There might a sort of reflection period where you get to integrate all the lessons you've learned in your life. I sort of expect that. But this is just my best guess. The point of enlightenment is that you disidentify with the body, the world, and all perceptions. You realize you are Nothingness, and so after that, you no longer really care if the body and world disappear. In the same way that you don't really worry about getting a haircut because you know you're not your hair. Good for him. The problem is, for you, everything he says is still hearsay. You do not know what he knows. And you do not know if all of his knowledge is accurate or if it will apply to your life. He did his journey from scratch. And so should you. The problem with following great people is that you start to blindly accept everything they say. This is especially problematic with Sadhguru because he's clearly so realized. But that doesn't help you! That opens you up to the trap of dogma and belief. The key to this entire path is independent critical thinking. You can't trust any authority figure. There are no authorities. You have to become your own authority.
  9. @Vingger Words hold no meaning, only distinctions from other words, we assign meanings (loop), we are makers of distinctions. . It can be helpful, to see that the illusion is all of one fabric, so to speak, so that which is not relative (absolute) shines light on the inherent short comings of nihilism: According to Derrida and taking inspiration from the work of Ferdinand de Saussure,[14] language as a system of signs and words only has meaning because of the contrast between these signs.[15][13]:7, 12 As Rorty contends, "words have meaning only because of contrast-effects with other word can acquire meaning in the way in which philosophers from Aristotle to Bertrand Russell have hoped it might—by being the unmediated expression of something non-linguistic (e.g., an emotion, a sense-datum, a physical object, an idea, a Platonic Form)".[15] As a consequence, meaning is never present, but rather is deferred to other signs. Derrida refers to the—in this view, mistaken—belief that there is a self-sufficient, non-deferred meaning as metaphysics of presence. A concept, then, must be understood in the context of its opposite, such as being/nothingness, normal/abnormal, speech/writing, etc.[16][17]:26 Further, Derrida contends that "in a classical philosophical opposition we are not dealing with the peaceful coexistence of a vis-a-vis, but rather with a violent hierarchy. One of the two terms governs the other (axiologically, logically, etc.), or has the upper hand": signified over signifier; intelligible over sensible; speech over writing; activity over passivity, etc. The first task of deconstruction would be to find and overturn these oppositions inside a text or a corpus of texts; but the final objective of deconstruction is not to surpass all oppositions, because it is assumed they are structurally necessary to produce sense. The oppositions simply cannot be suspended once and for all. The hierarchy of dual oppositions always reestablishes itself. Deconstruction only points to the necessity of an unending analysis that can make explicit the decisions and arbitrary violence intrinsic to all texts.[17]:41 Finally, Derrida argues that it is not enough to expose and deconstruct the way oppositions work and then stop there in a nihilistic or cynical position, "thereby preventing any means of intervening in the field effectively".[17]:42 To be effective, deconstruction needs to create new terms, not to synthesize the concepts in opposition, but to mark their difference and eternal interplay. This explains why Derrida always proposes new terms in his deconstruction, not as a free play but as a pure necessity of analysis, to better mark the intervals. Derrida called undecidables—that is, unities of simulacrum—"false" verbal properties (nominal or semantic) that can no longer be included within philosophical (binary) opposition, but which, however, inhabit philosophical oppositions—resisting and organizing it—without ever constituting a third term, without ever leaving room for a solution in the form of Hegelian dialectics (e.g., différance, archi-writing, pharmakon, supplement, hymen, gram, spacing).[17]:19
  10. @egoless Hi Friend, You do See that Your Idea Of Infinity Is Simply A Finite Concept. Absolute ZERO And Absolute Nothingness Are One And The Same. If You Get What the Word Means. Absolute Infinity Is Beyond The Concept Of Intellectual Understanding. It Is Even Beyond The Nature Of The Intellect. It's the TRUTH Which Is Truly EVERYTHING Beyond Everything. So Now Is That Clear To You?? RIN. RIN. RIN.
  11. The funny thing is that in nothingness there is no-one left to be afraid. Source: deep sleep
  12. Consider the fact that you experience the nothingness of consciousness without an object every time you sleep.
  13. Yeah i have noticed this insight. That wanting to be happy is the number 1 source of suffering for me. Through acknowledging and accepting your true selfish nature and being ok with it allows you to be as selfless as you possibly could be. Whilst they contradict each other they are bound together by love, you must love yourself first to be able to properly love others. A voice in my head, not so much a voice but something told me as i was meditating before experiencing nothingness, "i must not want to be better" I then let go and This seems counter intuitive because you are trying to aim for something for someone. Inside and outside. Having an inside automatically assumes there must be an inside and vice verse. They are so dependent on one another they might as well be one thing. Which then kind of invalidates their meaning.
  14. I have been having recurring dreams of what i believe to be experiencing of nothingness. It usually starts off taking acid or mushrooms. I always trip, and it's always attributed with fear and anxiety. Since the last and first time i experienced nothingness, i later was able to relate that experience to this recurring dream i was having. Throwing away everything you have known to love and hate can be very frightening, ultimately beautiful but the process before pushing through the threshold i experience fear and panic attacks. Regarding the process before becoming nothingness my mind offered plenty resistance in fear and in panic attacks . And this process has been integrating itself into my dreams. Before the dreams were pure terror and ineffable, they still are ineffable in the fact it is nothingness but i am able to bring back some forms of understanding that can point to what i experienced. When i experience the recurring state in my dream it is extremely disorienting, completely dizzying, non stop dizzying. It used to be attached to fear and anxiety but that is slowly changing. It's as if I'm trying to comprehend nothingness with dizzying proportions as I'm funneling through time from moment to moment. Filtering out the past or future (that i'm aware are concepts at a behavioural level-won't act on them, simply observe). Kknowing them to be a fable contrived and arbitrary as you are swallowed up in all the happening of the moment. I can't help but feel the sense of despair as it really feels like I'm throwing my life away. This is what holds the fear, so i do have some feelings that don't leave. Interpretation is the opposite of being nothingness as you are putting a fable to nothing. Everything seems baseless, and this i know excites me as i am limitless, but it also frightens me. I wake up knowing i understood something that i do not in my waking that transcended somehow the fear. I have moments of grasping then forgetting, 2 or 3 times a week. This always comes in the form of my dreams. I would appreciate any thoughts, help or guidance with this if you think you can help. Appreciate you's.
  15. How do we evaluate and using which mechanisms of logic do we validate or discard the presented reality? The answer is that we don't, we can't there is no separation between being and it's evaluation, You are yourself precisely as a consequence of evaluation. You cannot exist if these two elements were separable, When one thing becomes the mirror of the other unity emerges. By evaluation here i mean the broader and more abstract form of it, the way we see that life is a series of decisions based on making distinctions, And evaluation is the process of arbitrarily putting labels of descriptive information and value on nothing. You think it's only being and you've made and evaluation, You think it's all evaluation and you've made a mistake. You're neither, God is in a category of it's own he slips from nothingness by being no thing and in the same time slips from everything by also being no thing. That is the only category Get a grip on the real world Throw a rock at your stagnant self, Announce the revolution. What are you but transformation ? Collect yourself and remember That without aim you are all potential yet none And that with one you become one. You think you see the rose? You are the rose You think you are the rose ? You're nothing, an after glow A Fragrence There is only the rose Blooming expression.
  16. God or nothingness is there because its just there, how can it not be there? It exist and doesn't exist. It can be otherwise. And otherwise is infinite chain which boils down to that it cannot be otherwise, and cannot not to be otherwise. If you ask HOW, then you can come up with tones of explanations. Its like how rain occurs? Well you can come up with exact process, but it also has many aspects at play, and that can go ad infinitum if you wish. But if you ask WHY. The answer: its just is. And also its just isn't. lal But if you want to know about why there's this very moment. Then think why universe is the way it is. Because its the most sustainable or stable way in which it can exist. Think why earth is round and circling around sun, and sun's going around milky way galaxy. Why gravity is there as it appears to be. Coz its the most sustainable and stable way to exist. Think why universe will collapse from heat one day, because thats how things work, its the most sustainable way. And another word for stable and sustainable is good. Good in a way that allows everything to be. You might say God created world for his joy. Not good and joy in a sense that absolute infinity has special feelings like humans, but joy and good in some way which is beyond our imagination. And in the same time its within our imagination because that joy and goodness is manifested and seen in our feelings that drive us and in literally anything you see around. Why kid plays? For his joy. Why kid cries? He experiences something which doesn't allow him to have joy. Why do we survive? it feels good to survive. Why do we die? For creation to continue it needs to be changed and recreated, otherwise its unsustainable. Why we suffer? We experience something that makes us afraid and doesn't allow us to have joy, Why fear exists? So we can survive and have joy afterwards. If there's no fear, no animal would survive hence evolution would end. Why we go to work? For joy or because we think it can bring us joy. Why we fall in love? Its joy. Why lion hunts antelope? Survival feels good. Why someone's survival goes together with someone's being dead from that? Thats from our human perspective, but from absolute perspective its just how creation can be continued in the most sustainable way. Why people kill people? To survive. Or they think it can bring them joy in the end Why commit suicide? Coz there's no joy, and suicide can save you from no joy. Why hitler was the way he was? He thought its good for him, his ppl and his ideas. Why attain moksha? To escape life, don't have experience anymore so no more non-joyful things. Or because liberation from existence is more joy even compared to joyful existence. Why some ppl seek truth? Because its good for them. Why some do not seek? Because its good for them. Why ppl lie? Coz they think it will do good or they need to survive. Why live? Coz it feels good. Why don't live? Coz its better compared to life which can be non-joyful sometimes. Why we do evil to others or to ourselves? Why we cant stop doing bad even when we know its bad for us? Because our instincts or motivations or thinking that are designed to survive and they assume that its good. Or you can say its god that doing all shit to us, then god thinks its good thing to do. Why we label something as evil? because we think its good for our life to do so. Why say absolute consciosness has no reason to be? It feels truer for some hence better. Why say absolute consciousness has some good reason to be? It feels truer for some hence better. So we can say that consciosness is just is. We can also say that its just good. We can also say its all bad, and god is asshole. And why do we say that? It feels good for us to say it. It can also feel bad, and want to feel bad sometimes because its just how our survival machine works to survive. We can also say there's no meaning or good, its just silence, and we say it because it feels truer and better. Man you can't abstain from being. Language of god is silence, everything else is translation. Doesn't matter what you say or do, you always driven by infinity which has its only aim - TO BE and NOT TO BE simultaneously.
  17. -Thank you I thought it clever to use the brain as cpu hardware. It is interesting that druggies can fry their brain and selfdevelopment can enhance the ability of the same organ. Both possibilities co-exsists within the same shared illusion. Well, it could also be an illusion that the shared illusions actually is shared. But I think that that is an illusion. It is, in a way, strange that so many (if "they" actually excists) seems to face resistanse when trying to develop. Assuming, that the amusingly clever being @Nahm (who made me read his post seven times!!) is not me the illusion talking to myself the illusion, I would like to ask you?, me?, God?, nothingness?, the Voice?, the observer?, the observer of the observer?, -Why are the Enlightened program, that is already on the drive, so difficult to run install.exe by click only, but needs to be first unZipped by a slow CPU, so slow that a overclocking might be needed. I am a bit thoughtful that going that route would be like trying to run Win 98 Plus on a pre-Pentium machine. Yes, it can be there but might not work as intended but rather as designed. With or without overclocking.
  18. Although you are actually nothingness, you still need to do something because without doing that your body cannot survive, and the body WANTS to survive. Do you think that Buddha never ate anything , or had no desire for thirst simply because he knew the nature of his self? Well no! He did have diseases, he did get old, he did get food poisoning and died like anyother ordinary individual! . Once you are back from the realization, everything is same except there is perfect knowledge of the nature of the self. That is why he was laughing when a man came and spat him and scolded him. Think about it, Buddha laughed at him because he could see that man's delusion of the self, whom was he insulting? There was no one to insult! Buddha knew this, but the man was in his pityful state of egoness. And if by 'doing anything at all' you meant in life purpose sense, then yes ! Once you are enlightened there is nothing to do at all! Everything becomes fruitless, because all those things become petty in contrast to the joy of existence!
  19. To see these limits of thought one becomes free of thought. The very perception/insight of the truth of these limits is its own action of becoming free from those limits. Therefore when this is grasped the mind and it’s conditioning does cease therefore the mind does become empty. This has the quality of nothingness. Such a mind is orderly. A disorderly mind has the quality of chaos and a orderly mind has the quality of cosmos.
  20. You are afraid to face truth! And it's a legit fear! This is why.. ..If you trace your way back to God/nothingness, you will realise how profound and perfect everything is. Everything is complete. There is just an overflow of love, bliss, love, peace and beauty. There is nothing to do and nothing to become. There is no goal what so ever, you already are the goal. Now, because of this overflow of positive emotions, God transcend itself so speak and arise if a form of a body-mind. A mind is a derivative of God one can say. The best thing a mind can do is to let it sink back and dissolve itself into to pure awareness/God again. Which is what happened when the mind is stripped of its limitations. Awareness plus a certain set of limitations makes up your mind, there is literary NOTHING more to it. Your mind has many hopes though, many things it will accomplish, you have 20+ years of indoctrination into that mind of yours. Of course, that will be frightened to realise that the only thing worth doing is to dissolve itself back to nothingness again. Life(ego) is great, but even greater, MUCH greater is no life at all. No one is dying here, only the wrong idea that the the mind of yours is something other then limitations of what you really are. Since awareness is infinite, that's what we really are. It can limiting itself to "your" particular mind or "my" particular mind. Your fear is the fear from "your" ego, which is nothing but an imaginary unit.
  21. shadow boxing, part 42. I'm so goddamn depressed and suicidal and angry right now. At everything. At the world. At Dad. People should be waking up, not falling for this State of the Union bullshit! GAH! Is this true? Fuck yes! Spiral dynamics? The evolution of the psyche? This is the 21st century, and there's still racism! You've gotta be fucking kidding me! Why can't people be more like me? Is this really really true? Yes. Raising consciousness is the prime directive of life, and most people are asleep to it. How do you feel and act when you believe that thought? Furious. Especially at Dad, with his petty little unconscious ego defense mechanisms. My God, wake the fuck up so I can have a decent conversation with you! You're so damn rigid! It's like I'm stepping on eggshells when I talk to you! I have to purposely close myself down and be quiet and agreeable just to please you so I can stay in your house and be a good boy so that I don't have to live out on the streets because I'm too neurotic to support myself otherwise. In other words, Dad, why don't you change your ways and get into PD so I can connect with you instead of having to go out there into the cold dark world myself in order to find my tribe and risk failure and rejection in the process? (Wow, that one's an egoic mouthful.) Sad. This world is going down the shitter. Our ways are not sustainable. We're all going to die prematurely. Nihilistic. Why even bother in a world like this? What's the point? This is a fucking zoo that I don't want to be a part of. We all spiral in and out of nothingness, with a few peak experiences but mostly suffering in between. As human beings with a separate sense of self hard-wired into the brain, we are hard-wired to suffer. We huddle in tribes to avoid the black hole in the center of our existence, adopt beliefs that limit reality and create the illusion of security, and grow like a cancer. What's one stress-free reason to keep these thoughts? I don't have to participate in any of it. I can just kill myself instead. I said stress-free. The act of suicide is very stress-inducing. None. Who would you be without these thoughts? Just someone who does my own business with no concern for those who are asleep. They'll wake up when they wake up. I'd be at peace with it. I'd go elsewhere and find people I can connect with on a deeper level. Maybe I'd admit myself to some facility so I can at least learn how to talk with people without debilitating anxiety. I'd love mom and dad and let them do their thing, while I do my thing. You secretly believe you should be waking up. Yes... I've been distracting myself a lot lately. Not being present. Cutting meditation short. Not doing the work. You secretly believe people shouldn't be more like you. No, they shouldn't. I'm a neurotic mess. I don't accept myself as I am. You secretly believe you're not sustainable. No, I'm not. I would be terrible as a father. At the rate I'm unraveling, I will die prematurely, psychologically and perhaps literally. You secretly believe people who aren't ready shouldn't be waking up. No, they shouldn't. It's a long, arduous process that takes lots of emotional labor. Not everyone is ready for it in this lifetime. You secretly believe you're a fucking zoo that you don't want to be a part of. True dat. I feel out of control, my body feels like a prison, nothing seems to work for me or with me, and I want out. You secretly believe you should wake the fuck up so you can have a decent conversation with your Dad. Yes. I'm too enamored with my own projected bullshit to actually see the soul that is my Dad. Maybe if I let go of all my anger, we could joke around like we used to. You are rigid. Yes. I'm militant about PD and spirituality. Anyone I see who supports tradition and stagnation bothers me. And yet, by holding onto my militant views about PD and spirituality and expecting people to change, I myself am being rigid. Are you willing to let people stay asleep? Are you willing to let them fall for the "State of the Union bullshit," as you call it? Yes and yes. It's too painful to stay angry. If you get triggered in the future, you'll know your work isn't done. Understood. Can you let all of this go now? Yes. I'm sorry for all the bullshit. It's all okay, love. Will you let it go? Yes.
  22. A few years ago, I got my wisdom teeth removed. The surgeon gave me an anesthetic. While I was unconscious, there was no body, no mind, no world, no time, no space, just absolute nothingness. I wasn't aware of anything but I didn't die. All of our experience right now is a fantasy. The same thing can be experienced if one succeeds in meditation. From that experience, I concluded that the body, mind, and consciousness work together in an INFINITELY complex manner. It's so complex that we can't understand it through our mind. I'm not going to try to figure it out because that would lead to mental masturbation. People who say we are the body are partially correct. People who say we're not the body are also partially correct. For people who tried 5-meo did you experience something similar to this? Everyone is welcome to comment.
  23. @Matteo Hi Brother, There You Go. There You Go. There You Go. Now, Stay with Your Essence. Stay with Your Essence. Stay With Me. Never Betray It. Know The Good and The Bad, But Always Be Good, For You are Goodness. And Goodness Serves All. It Is the relative truth. Nothingness Is the Absolute Truth. Stay With Your Smallness. Surrender Your Allness.
  24. Explain this statement if you will. Edit: Ah, I see now that you explained this in another reply. The natural world behaves the way it does objectively, we don't have to believe in gravity for us to be effected by it's forces. Yes, our experience of gravity is subjectively perceived but it doesn't make the natural world behave subjectively, we don't fly away because we subjectively perceive we can fly. Our spiritual or mystical experience is our own, it's our subjective perception and what one calls "truth" another calls 'false'. If someone believes that you go to hell if your don't submit to their belief system it isn't any more truth than them being subject to a belief of the infinite absolute or a tribal shaman's belief in animism. Sure, quite often people believe their own subjective experience faithfully in such a way they believe it to be the "absolute truth". That's what makes it so "absolute" for them in their own experience but no matter how much one believes in their truth of hell or reincarnate or nothingness, they can't make it truth for anyone else. Yet, well all fall down even if we don't believe it.
  25. I have this question that keeps boggling my mind. It seems like with the model of the brain and subjective reality you can explain all of the enlightenment experiences that people have. The fact that losing the ego leads to the mind identifying with all the content it is producing is quite obvious from a "simulation" point of view. And of course it would be the most joyful experience the mind could possibly produce, because it is a limitless expansion, which is all that the human mind is striving for. I don't understand though how one can trust the mind with the judgement that the truth is that "I am god, god is all there is", because this is clearly the judgement it makes. It immediately takes the new experience, or the newly generated subjective reality, and claims that NOW it knows the truth. Now it knows that ego was illusion, that all form is illusion. Though, it still claims that it is nothingness, it still creates a concept, a map. Without the map in fact it wouldn't even have a reason to be joyful, because it didn't realize anything, all that changes is the experience. As enlightened people claim themselves, they have always been nothingness, but yet they enjoy "knowing" it. And I have this feeling that the knowing is actually another delusion, because it is just more identification. Shouldn't the true realization just be not knowing, to such a degree that one would actually cease to exist completely? So much so that no concepts will follow? Or is Leo actually dead inside right now, and all the words he is speaking are delusional anyways? Because all concepts must be. I don't know, but it seems like Leo even though he pretends to be skeptical, he actually just believes it. "Direct experience = reality", but that's just another concept, how does he know that it's true? I don't know if I'm commiting Zen-devilry, but it just makes me more skeptical of Leo's judgement. It's even worse because what I say has to be illusion too, so it cannot be true, that would mean that nothing can be true is actually not true, and that would be paradoxical. I guess what I am saying is that what if the ego gets attached to the experience of "god"? From having had boundaries it just extends itself throughout the entirety of consciousness, so that all experiences are identified as "me". "Oh I'm infinity, I am god! I am all enlightened people!", why is Leo so certain that this conceptual claim is true instead of "Oh, I am my mind, and my mind is all of my reality, all experience is me". It's so weird because from Leo's perspective his claim is actually absolutely true, like from my perspective all of my reality is a product of my mind, so of course it is all me. The delusion comes in the assumption that the mind is reality, and not just illusion. So the "Oh my GOD, I AM INFINITY" is actually the delusional ego claiming it's own illusion as itself. Sure, you are "infinity", but infinity is just another illusion. So you are not actually infinity, you are nothing at all, and to actually realize that would be to have no experience at all, meaning true death, no joy, no nothing. But then again non-dual teaching does say that there is no difference between nothing and illusion. I'm so confused, and I do not want to be deluded with fairy tales, even if it is direct experience for me. Right now it is direct experience to me that I exist, so why wouldn't my mind be capable of creating the delusion that I am the absolute, as an actual reality?