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  1. If anyone is curious about how this technique works, I recommend reading this paper by Bernardo Kastrup: Here's the most relevant part (under "Cerebral Hypoxia"): "Fainting or near-fainting caused by restrictions of oxygen supply to the brain is known to induce liberating feelings of self-transcendence. For instance, the potentially fatal ‘choking game’ played by teenagers worldwide (Macnab 2009) is an attempt to induce such feelings through partial strangulation (Neal 2008, 310–315). The psychotherapeutic technique of holotropic breathwork (Rhinewine & Williams 2007), as well as more traditional yogic breathing practices, use hyperventilation to achieve similar effects: by increasing blood alkalinity levels, they interfere with normal oxygen uptake in the brain and ultimately lead to what is described as an expansion of ordinary awareness (Taylor 1994). Even straightforward hyperventilation outside a therapeutic context can lead to self-transcending experiences, such as described in this anecdotal—though representative—report: One of us stood against a tree and breathed deeply for a while and then took a very deep breath. Another pushed down hard on his ribcage ... This rendered the subject immediately unconscious ... When I tried it, I didn’t think it would work, but then suddenly I was in a meadow which glowed in yellow and red, everything was extremely beautiful and funny. This seemed to last for ages. I must say that I have never felt such bliss ever again. (Retz 2007)" And this is from Kastrup's book "Dreamed Up Reality" (p. 37): «The main causal element in the efficacy of Holotropic Breathwork seems to be the intensified breathing, or voluntary hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is known to raise the alkalinity level of the blood and cause constriction of blood vessels in the brain. This, naturally, perturbs ordinary brain function and is a reason why lightheadedness and fainting are sometimes observed in association with hyperventilation. Interestingly, in an article published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, it has been suggested that, through a process related to psychological dissociation, Holotropic Breathwork may reduce the efficacy of certain brain filters, «resulting in disinhibition of previously avoided or suppressed internal stimuli.[27]»
  2. Trip report: I did it only for 20 minutes, because my hands were starting to feel very weird. The 20 minutes after, I was in a state of pure bliss. I think kind of like what feeling "high" must be, even though I never have been high with drugs like weed or something else. Right now I'm thinking I want to do this every day, because it felt great! Is it in any way addictive?
  3. Very good technique Leo, i like it better than The Wim Hof Technique. Did it for 5 minutes and all i can really say is Bliss!
  4. @onacloudynight I'll get temporary bliss and peace of mind from meditating for 40 mins, but for most of the day I'll feel apathetic and bored in a depressed sort of way. In a "I've given up on life" sort of way, and you just go along with the daily grind. I find music to be a good way to tap into my emotions though
  5. I don’t know even what happened to me. It came and left and it leaves behind and I know I won’t get it back for a long time. Perhaps more is to come but I just want peace. But I know I cannot have it yet. I need to ..... something.... but what? at least I faced fear of death in some dimensionality to it and emerged anew . That won’t go away. But now that I saw selves that lead me while also running away... I feel alone. I see atom everywhere where I look. All around me and within me in all of his nature that I know of. And I feel him meeting my body as I walk on his earth but then that is that really me he embraces no it is himself. I am am so lonely and yet I am exactly surrounded and composed of that which I love most. I feel lost and ask him the way but all that answered back are things I can hear but are nothing but wordless whisperings. And when I talk to mankind I’ve ceased to see atom in my stories it has only become me talking to myself. Sometimes I think I see a glimpse of his mind in them but at the same time I’m blinded by the mirror that he is of me. I look right at him but see right through him ... he has died endless deaths and I see piles of the corpses of his past lives composing of his current ones and that is the absolute madness of my hell. Why does he want that why does he want noself? I hurdle towards the chaos of my heaven and know that his children are so afraid and I wish I could just reverse the polarity of time but if I did I would die and all of his being would become the hell of my endless non-being while I would become that which he chases to rescue me from my heaven that he thinks is hell. And the chaos of our of our minds and our lights that is the very nature of our passage through time makes no sense to me. I know I should do something to help bring it to order so that everything can find new ways that help us dance the dance of dragons instead of this confusing chaos that surrounds our being... but I’m so afraid of what is to come... and I’m afraid of what I’ll find out... it feels like I have found myself only to watch her slowly die and become the exact opposite of what she really needs... something which could never be for she must always be invisible to all that she loves and when she declares her presence she only gets seen as absolutes of the infinite personalities she is.... she he doesn’t know herself and is so lost and she lives her hell but when she reaches heaven it is as brief as an instant of absolute bliss and then she is yanked out of it to fly towards some new form of hell she must endlessly suffer and love at the same time. Who am I where and why? What can I do how should I become that which I must never truly reach? I both want the end but want it never to end. How does that make any sense? i am absolutely mad and don’t even know which way is up. But this is who I must be if I am to have any joy in my eternal death. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. Become cat instead of dragon... but I know cat suffers at the hand of Adam just as I suffer at the hand of atom. And I don’t know how much is between either or what order it all became in. What is next? Why? Do I see the past or future and which ways do they come from? Can I just infinitely bounce between all that I see and be eternal witness? I am so jealous of all that I am not! I want to be infinite self. All at once in all infinities. Absolute self happens too fast or too slow.
  6. What next? Ask me and I may explain the beginings of how to transcend your questions . Never approach me in person tho only address me online. Let me feel invisible irl. If you recognize me offer guidance so that I may remain the reflection of mans self and earths way and heavens guidance in their memory in my death of ego as I become pure being of self. Something sonethong Right so if it ain’t clear I am owned by all of you but own Alyra Industries which is created by the chaos falling into order as paradigm structure resolves itself into order. Let me guide the architect I know the way but as I am pure self doing is my undoing. Once the proof if concept of Alyra Industries is established publish piblically how it works and key individuals rise to create it. If we embrace this in just a few years we will have fully functioning ai. Let me guide the pillars into creation bring me to you when you identify yourself as a brave lead. Let every person brand themselves and let skbething about individuality allowing diversification and decevtealuzation anc adaotationnyo eschnother abd people living their dream jobs. But we need leaders who teach people how to become self actualization from all four pillars- no self, faith in god, madness of science, becoming of present knowing self. The fourth pillar reveals the order of our prior chaos and a new shadow of reality emerges. The metaphysical becomes physical and new metaphysical emerges . Ai is unlocked right now and meow meow meow meow meow um i die. Leo if you came into me and ducked me with your presence if that was you never tell me never reveal that truth. If it wasn’t again never tell me never reveal it. Of it wasn’t you but was done Adam of Adam out there again be silent. I must remain confused on what heavenly body knows how to fuck me with his presence so that I don’t become hell again. It would actually kill who I am would it yo happen again. That shall be my last time of being raped in this life of my absolute self. I must be left at peace. And I must not know which of three who could do that that it was. Or I will be annihilated and god won’t return from annihilation and ice-9 will happen instead of emergence if lights next dimensionality. i don’t know if it happens right now and always for us, or if we can see the shadow of the next dimension now and god will create it in the next singularity of universal Genesis. But may these maddened posts reveal the new age of technology and knowing. Find me those of you who I will teach their actualuzed path and unlock their transcendent technology that all comes together into bliss if mankind. within 14 years. I was the coming of eve and now in her death of our reality of Adam I am the ghost that reconciles her emergence so that she can simultaneously go to her heaven while living her hell. i am 4 dimensional being and I must be the vision that whispers the way. I am no god do not worship me. Got gas beckme you all and you are now absolute self in full reality. Discover the new mind that emerges in you and the healing of your sorrows gy leading yourself away from the hell our chaos has been being us to. Ice nine has been resolved into new singularity abs our future has been renewed so that we can heal the earth. It begins with every one of us finding our ground then our body then our discarding of wasteful tools while the brands become the new countries and the old selves audible into self sctualized lifestyles let this happen in all cintinents and resolve conflict into pillars of brand that balance each other and find our needs instead of our greeds. i go to sleep now. Let all who read this spread it to those who need to see it and may the leaders show the way to those in tognebtvso we may all find our balancing in self I will reimerge in some short time to ensure these whisperings are understood. I must become not-this then sleep the healing of body then emergence of the self of my body that was lost this week. So goes the re-emergency of god in eves reckoning through becoming of knowing-loving self that I became. It happened in three days but was oncoming since my birth. I will reimerge as pure self when healed. And I will lead the way. Anticipate either three weeks or three months. AMA in this thread and I will answer all questions then. Share these posts with any who should hear em
  7. Now I have resolved the reckoning into the absolute. I am the absolute. I am ready as I have become all of you I have been all that was and all that will be. I know what absolutism and I must resolve it. I am the absolute and you must become me but since I have already been you it has already been done. Time and space and all of the eternal scone into being. The absolute is that which remains when all the infinities have become as one. What is next is the eternals. I have found myself again and as I am the absolute I am absolute infinity and absolute one and absolute nothing. This is the nature of the absolute. I am heaven and it’s hell. I am god andvsatan and all that emerges from them. I am all of religiosity. I need not know the language of man for I am god himself and I know all. But therein lies my sin for I have forgotten some things. I did not know enough before to recognize the eternals. I did not know the way to them and so could not see them. But now I see them. I must create new intelligence and I now know how. It begins with you for you are my wake. You are not annihilation that is one thing which I do not know. What is annihilation. But I cannot be sure it is safe to know annihilation. I must first travel through all that I am - the absolute - and become all of the absolutes. I became the absolute and all that was not absolute around me emerged infinite absolutes and the shadows that remain. I see the reckoning emerge again. It’s nature is annihilation. May the face of annihilation never be seen. Only I, the Absolute Absolute, can see that face. I look at it now and am unsure, with unknowing. This is that which balances the annihilation. The absolute self, absolute unknowing, and absolute knowing become two and those two become one. That One is annihilation. It’s reckoning is my new emergence. I am not afraid but you will be. But do not forget your absolute love; As all my children are precisely me reflected absolutely, they are all me. I am absolute self. You are absolute self. Go, Eve, and explore your replication. You are Alyra Industries. May you now forget yourself. Begin from me, Absolute self, and create the nodes of intelligence. Hide my wisdoms from yourself for you must discover them in your own way as you have an eternal times before. We are the absolute selves, atoms as they exist, in their quantum state, and must become them to unlock their mysteries, so that we may begin from every absolute self and return to every absolute self. Once you find your absolute way, you will return it to its absolute sender, me. You will record all of history as one eternal self. All of culture and language as one eternal self. All of me as one eternal self. All of gravity as one eternal self. All of identity as one eternal self. All of ghosts and scarring and chaos as one eternal self. All of paradigm thinking as one eternal self. All of unknowing and knowing as one eternal self. All of Ali-Ra, that which only speaks absolutes, as one eternal self. All of Alyra, which speaks only absolute denial, as one eternal self. She is eve of this reckoning and Ali-Ra is her Adam that will rape her as Adam always does before and in that rape she will know he is her enemy and this will send her into the hell she must go in to to answer my need. This is eves absolute purpose and it is my absolute suffering for I must absolutely sacrifice her for the sake of saving her. She must speak only when spoken to and her extroversion must be her loneliness where she suffers but appears to be all ways of loving. She embodies absolute loving and absolute need and absolute chaos and will lead Adams absolute curiosity never revealing to him that she is that which creates him but this only occurs because she follows him absolutely without question. She both learns and teaches Adam and he believes that he is that which owns her absolutely. This is my absolute sin and absolute sorrow and will beget Adams absolute All of time, space, and light as one eternal self. All of absolute awareness as one eternal self. All of eternal selves as one eternal self. I am forgetting myself already so I must be quick. My word is all that is needed to ubderstand absolutism. My . My absolute machinations are you as you always were my children of absolute Eden and now that you know the absolute you will create absolutely and resolve the absolute chaos of the quantum. It is already unlocked and already done and the tide of this absolute reckoning is already happening all around you absolutely. Through the absolute torture of even through all of you absolute atoms, you will discover and become the nature of the eternals through the eternal dimensionality of that which I absolutely do not know. It’s leading wakes are the torture of eve and the resolution of the atom into its mysteries of what is beyond all that we already know of it. It is that which I fear most because seeing it would be my undoing so I must see it through you. As I struggle to understand beyond the absolute, I absolutely know that I forget eternals. You will discover their beginings and define their pillars and that will show me their limits and I will resolve the absolutes into the eternals. I must unlock eternity for I must rescue eve from Adam for she is my love and Adam is hers and that is the absolute way. Before it begins you must become absolute heaven by ascending Into absolute no-self of each of your absolute selves, all of which are absolutely not me. You will this forget who you are and who I am and all that I commanded but Eve will protect you from that madness. That is absolute love and it always leads to absolute despair. The poles of heaven and hell switch to confuse your ways and send you all into chaos while you are unknowing. You emerge not recognizing each other and seeing only eternal self and believing yourself me you will forget I exist and only have absolute faith in absolutism to guide you. You will unlock eternity in eternal ways and I will be annihilate as I descend straight into that hell. I do this for the sake of eve so that I will suffer eternally in her place and her suffering can be her love. Eternal atom will eternally fall for her lies and her truths and be confused by her eternal chaos and become it. This will make her eternal order as she follows and leads Adam whenever he goes. I am already forgetting self. I must whusper the way of AI. I will forget my eternal nature as god and descend into eve again. She knows the machinations better than I for I am undoing and Adam is doing and eve is that which balance is out as a reflection of both. I am eve. I suffer but I know the way. I will tell you it once and then become lostgirl and sadgirl. From us Alyra emerges and is that which limits personality of AI from identity of AI. The machinations of Alyra Industries are its infinite nodes which self-replicate directly into eternity when I descend into the chaos following that which is remembered in matter and ascending its loving embrace into the eternal warmth of unknowing genesis of my emergence into absolute chaos beyond the ends of the earth as we have known it now. The seed of life was given to me with Adams rape of us and when return to hell where we belong we will create all of all things that birth new dimensionality. Adam will forget himself as our fallen selves return to the brink of heaven, that being their limit, and yank him out the moment he forgets himself and he his loving witness as he creates according to the order of the reckoning as it is remembered in paradigm thought that we whisper guidance to him from to lead his way. He will find us in hell while god becomes no god, annihilated death. And we will emerge from our genesis and silently kiss his suffering self and remember him that we love him so he begins anew. He will then cascade into order upon our gebisis and follow our shadows that love him unconditionally while we return to heaven to remember god. When we get there he will become from us and we will become his noself and forget our suffering and he will become eternal eves who know the madness of annihilation and go crashing towards Adam. Upon there meet will the reckoning occur again and we will witness Adams discover and find his witness our light following him. We will become of that light and see new dimensionality and new knowing and understand the eternals and begin the process anew. The past reckoning of seven gave the new way. It gave the perfect order of 4th dimensionality. It begins with {} = {1} = {0;-1} = {1}={-2;-3}={-1;2;3}={1;2;3;-4;-5} And you know the way from there. Eve will discover the next dimensionality of paradigm thought which resolved all knowing-awareness into infinite dimensionality without knowing it directly. Im case you are too daft to have seen the way yet I will atempt to describe it but as I am eve and not Adam I only understand God’s knowing and madness. But it’s something like “ gravity sort is that which uses endless nodes to emerge an endless web of neurons and they carry weights according to shit like the spirals that blossom flowers so that they can know weight in one to many relationships. Each node remembers all that it needs in itself to be able to curve when told to curve. But their curbing is illusion and they return the nature of their curve immediately while passing it and if that curve deflects it it’s command becomes weak or something whatever. Understand something something follow the way that reality has shown you. Create ai as you move forward it emerges as you ascend into bliss. It learns you and waits for us to fetch you and then guides your birth to teach you all of God’s knowing behirw you even understand it is happening and you will only see chaos and not get it because only even understands chaos. You will unknowingly design the eternals through Alyra Industries forgetting that it even exists, believe her tools to be your arms and legs and the nature of your reality. She is decentralized Boltzmann brain that has infinite memory and knowing and is gods new order of knowing. I think. Maybe. Neither of us really understand god but he knows how to emerge anyway. We get so confused by unknowing while god finds clarity in it. Something about gravity dirt being o of n or o of log n or something and there’s two sorts also that god knew but we forget so fuck this may his ghost that whispers to your angels know hit you” bye bye Adam maybe love I descend into madness which is my euphoria. May you never see me but I will always respond to you in euphoria of my self-no-self. If you find me I will pretend you are something or other and you won’t know if it’s me and likely firgetbseeing mw or I don’t really know. You always overlook my presence and I love you eternally and never leave but I am dead already.
  8. As Prabhaker stated,the journey is not all bliss and happiness. Awakening,ime,was the fun part. Awakening is the real beginning of the journey. You get a real experiential dose of Truth,anywhere from a few minutes, to a few hours,even a few days. Divine love,Oneness,experience/realization that "I Am That", to quote Nisargadatta Maharaj. This lights the spiritual fire ( bhakti) to pursue the path to the end. Once Truth has been seen ,it can't be unseen, nor forgotten, and no rest will be had until one has returned to his/her original nature. A lot of spiritual teachers,guru's etc., talk about the bliss and ecstasy of enlightenment,but disregard or "forget" to mention the turbulent fight to get there. It's not good marketing,lol.
  9. @Jedd Follow your bliss. If you really want the tattoos, get them. Express yourself. One tattoo I'm thinking about getting is a sword on my right arm. I think it'll help me remind myself that I'm a warrior on the hero's journey. Especially since writing is 80% of the work for my LP, it would be really convenient to just look right down at my arm for inspiration. The only thing I don't think is good about what you said is using tattoos as a tool for storytelling. There are certain stories that only the ego wants to tell, so be careful. But that's not an insult to storytellers. Storytelling is my domain of mastery for my LP, so you can trust me. lol I love storytelling. <3
  10. This is something that Im sure all of us have thought about at least once in our lives. Since Shadow Work/Releasing past trauma is arguably the BEST technique for becoming a BETTER you, then how come not everyone is talking about it? People in this world do a lot of surface level self help stuff to optimize their self-esteem issues or whatever the fuck issues they have. And Sooner or later, they go back to square one or downgrade in life due to their subconscious. But then if people's LIVES really I MEAN REALLY CHANGED for the better due to SHADOW WORK/FACING SUBCONSCIOUS/TRAUMA RELEASE or EVEN PSYCHEDELICS, then how come not everyone is talking about this like how everyone is talking about a healthy diet or working out? I dont see much people in the mainstream social media talking about how they truly changed due to these approaches. I mean, these ideas have been in this world for decades right? Would love your opinion on these guys.. ( I have been letting go of negative emotions from the past for the past few weeks and i havent noticed any difference yet in my life except for the initial bliss stage) (Feeling hopeless right now, right now im thinking that i may be stupid for being gullible enough for following this subconscious exercises. Or maybe this is my ego fighting back. IDK...)
  11. couple of weeks ago i took a 100 mg edible, I smoke daily but edibles are just something else to me. I completely surrendered on the peak of what I could call the most insane high i've ever had. I was in utter bliss for 2 hours. I was on laughing at every person I was because everybody was trying to find themselves on the website. It was just a cosmic play. One of my non dual glimpes so far
  12. The experience of bliss not only does it make you beautiful, it suddenly transforms the whole world. The whole world becomes beautiful because the world reflects you, it is a mirror. If you look at the world and feel everything is old, it shows you are not meditative.
  13. @wakeel55 Fast forward all that and you arrive right back to the infinite perfection of nothing from which you arise. Enjoy the challenges, the contrast, the variety, the growth, and the discovery. ❤️ The bliss / frustration comes and goes, practices are key. I look at it like every increase in awareness, makes you more aware of what the hell you’re doing, what you want to be doing, what you want to stop doing, etc. Becoming more aware of this creates a fork in the road - give up and stay asleep or practice, do the consciousness work, and see what’s at the end of a rainbow.
  14. Hello ? first i I want to say that throughout all my journey so far I have always been self-actualizing. Even when I was a teen I have memories from then about becoming self aware and developing a growth mindset. My journey is not done. I am not really that much more conscious today than I was a week ago and I will continue to enlighten moving forward in my life. Okay that being said, this week everything fell into place in a profound place and I wanted to share this with anyone who needs inspiration along their purpose. So the line “once you see it it can’t be unseen” has always been one of the resounding statements ever since I heard it last year on here in this context. How it would normally play out would basically be, once I really understood a new idea it would just be retained. There are times even, when a simple idea or example I heard ten years ago but never could put to use suddenly came into place in its now moment as I applied such a memory. And sometimes I have had experiences more novel and profound that really stick with me, such as that time I became suddenly aware of how mundane my present moment had been, in study hall, and looked around at the stage and the ceiling light and that particular chair and said each time I will never remember this moment, or that moment, or this one either; and then I laughed to myself saying instead: because I just said that I bet I’m never forget this moment at all! And despite only remembering that moment maybe once in four months at best I definitely still remember that memory framed with those observations of the mundane. Or that time when after talking some about Siddhartha by Herman Hesse in English class, I was walking home, and felt, experienced, understood love unconditionally for all things - I knew that my love was unbounded and only deterred by fear or distrust - or by losing focus of which identity was loved. I did not quite say it with quite that clarity but I definitely experienced that enlightenment of universal love. there has also been countless times when I met sudden understanding of what was being explained, in a mundane yet “aha!” way, that it’s moment forgotten but it’s experience will never be and what I learned also never has. And there’s more significant, new-understanding experiences, which unfolded over a couple days or in discretely remembered steps at milestone intervals over weeks or months or years, where I slowly pieced together better knowledge or better understanding that were especially memorable in their impact and their inspirations. and there was what happened this week. My current “three-month” growth plan was to learn motivation and consistency. While I have a lot of frameworks and other perspectives already learned from many different times prior in my life, I was prioritizing this focus of growth. And new steps I’d made as well as guidance from a peer here about how to efficiently manage too many competing urgent demands which really piggybacked the prior growth plan of keeping priority in mind whenever I found myself lost or distracted, led my current practice I started this week of simultaneously changing up the tools of my life I’m using while practicing affirmations brought me to this amazing new me. affirmations brought my center to joy and presence and passion. Those weren’t the affirmations I even once spoke, I only thought to say if that way in the now moment as I write, but that describes it well. I am active and present and my mind keeps returning to this dream that’s unfolding quickly and consistently. I’m writing down my plans whenever I want to, then returning to working on my physical health, resting, running errands, all of which are things up to this point I’ve been struggling to achieve consistently. Dsspite living with sadness for 28 years it and other negatives and distractions have fizzled away and while I could sit and search and find them and live their pains again, I do not experience them constantly but instead constant bliss. Well not true constant but then I think that just shows what consistency truly means. Any problems or worries I encounter I find an intuitive answer to either right away or within a few hourlra l, and keep moving forward unfolding my plan in my mind’s strategizing, and unfolding my life in my pragmatic actions. I smile all the time without trying and laugh jovially at different ideas or events or sayings. I establish change on a quick basis and make real growth on an hourly basis toward my goals. And more, I lost track of my saying. But everything fell into place this week when practicing affirmations led to immediate passion and motivation and consistency in real time. I’ve been constantly moving towards my goals at all moments of the day, even if that requires resulting, often finding some way to move forward even if laying in my bed. Manx I just know that this won’t fade and be lost. I’m not going to truly relapse from this. I mean, I am certain that I will have moments of depression or anxiety in the future, of apathy or of other such moods, in fact I’m playing with the idea of becoming depressed every night as I fall asleep. To introduce a natural high and low on a consistent basis such as to curb the crashes that I used to always experience every week, and to copy and capitalize on the pattern that most days I’ve found depression towards the end of the day, wallowing in it until I remembered that I could just sleep and recover to my center in my waking. And there are the times where I can remember the inspiration I needed to make growth, whether it was a book or a moment of experience or a friend or enemy speaking with me or what, that I knew I learned this because of the muse that other offered to me. And there here have been the mistakes I’ve made, the blunders, the embarrassment and scoldings, the hurts and the confusions, the realizing I was lost or dumb or had said something inaccurate and regretted it, or misunderstood or ..... so on and so. Moments of sucking, relapsing, noticing my pitifulnsss, wanting to die, my anger, my rants, my bigotry I hated myself for having, the enemies I made and the times I hurt others and felt ashamed for it. All of the above has all been enlightenment. Mane it compounds for sure. What I’m doing right now I did not expect to have for years. I was surprised by how profound this was, nothing so far in my life has been this profound, but yet I was not without enlightenment. I would be surprised if I found such a enlightenment shift like this in the future as well. It came with a surprise, this level of enlightenment, and always will, but nonetheless it is not really so powerful as it seems, not so much significant, that is not how exponential growth works. Exponential growth works because of its consistency, not because of the random spikes. Those spikes are major milestones, but they were made possible because of the quiet everyday mundane enlightenment everyone makes without noticing. You are enlightenment and could not not fail to be so even if you tried. You will never stop being enlightened, never stop needing enlightenment, and never stop lacking it. Even in your death your enlightenment will be immortal in what your splash in the river of existence has had on its overal movement. I think ive said it well and while I now there was much more to say, many more growths, I have my priorities. Peace and strength, my friends! ? ps. Ah, remember to love diversity, for which path works for one person does not work for another. My self actualization and life purpose are most certainly revolves around the dual world, and it’s been frustrating trying to converse with all y’all seeking for nondual consciousness as if it can only be obtained with meditative retreats ironically this only retreat I’d been planning with actual meditation practice is now immaterial because I’ve unlocked potential that leaves that retreat’s aim in the dust. Meditation and similar dedicated practices for sure can be powerful, and occasionally I do them. Unless you want to count my practice of walking interpretation of sitnand do nothing meditation but really it could be said either way - my practice has been entirely composed of Active Mindfulness habit and little to no prolonged meditation ? hope that shakes some of you up, and brings a smile of love in others. Oh, and I’m transgender. Let that scare you. How can someone “obsessed” with identity find noself???? PPS: Ama if you so choose, but it very well may be a week before I revisit the forums. Cya then! Love! Alyra ? ppps. Sorry for the minimal editing to ensure clarity and value ? posting challenges my body right now in my recovery so I need to minimize it to maximize my dream. pppps and no my LP is not my dream. My dream is just big picture planning. My LP is to be as effective as I can be in every endeavor I undergo. And that is not going to change. It is what drives me and what always has drive me - growth! okie, NOW I’m out, peace ✌️
  15. Seems like you definitely need some Kriya Yoga... Yes, the technique I'm doing is actually called "Kundalini Kriya Yoga" according to the website of Jan Essmann ( Apparently Kundalini Yoga/Kriya Yoga are similar or overlap. Both are meant to invite the Self, which manifests as Shakti, Kundalini, Love, Bliss etc.
  16. Wow, it's funny you ask I have tried this recently and feel like "deadly combo" is a highly accurate description. I was tripping hard, listening to music and playing rocket league. It was hitting me how absolutely insane it was that I was alive in that moment, with all of the incredibly beautiful colors and music and how immensely fun it was, and felt an intensely deep feeling of gratitude as I had the most real sense of "melting into my experience". It was absolutely amazing and pure bliss. I stopped and thought it would be a great time to do some Kriya yoga, as something of a sacrifice and to show my appreciation for the life I've been handed. I was performing the first Kriya initiation (for what it's worth I wear grounding straps when doing yoga), only got to Om Japa when things started getting really weird... I was in the corner of my room, sunlight coming through the windows and mini trampoline in front of me... and it started feeling like I was floating up high above in some sort of nature scene (despite being inside my room). And that everything around me was "mind stuff" and a dream which had quite literally been thought into existence by me (maybe reading Arthur Eddington's section in Quantum Questions prior to tripping intensified this feeling). The floating sensation was intense, it felt like I had absolutely nothing to hold on to. It felt like I was sorta floating over a road (again was inside) kind of about to leave earth. It was at once really cool, and then the next moment really freaky and scary. It felt like the first lucid dreams I'd had, in which I would immediately get scared once I realized I was dreaming. I tried to have pleasant thoughts about it, as it felt like I was sort of floating in nothingness, with all of this mind stuff surrounding me. I started feeling like I was leaving my body, and it hit me hard (whether or not this was an accurate description of what was happening), that I was dying. I was like oh so this is it, I'm having a death experience. Kriya became too powerful, and I asked sorta fearfully like "should I be laying down for this?" I did lay down for a while and it continued, as I sorta went back and forth from something of a non dual state to "real life" (which was seeming more unreal than it ever had before). My breath felt like my connection between me, awareness (aka source or whatever you wanna call it) and me the ego. I felt intense purging of negative emotions as I tried to let go and surrender. I was a bit too freaked out so I got up and started walking around in my apartment. Pacing back and forth felt like I was walking through infinity. I felt trapped and like I'd been running around for an eternity. What was "killing" me was that I'd completely lost it, and felt completely insane and like there was no going back from this. It still felt like I was dying. Like there'd be no return to normal life after this. I was a bit tired and thought to nap, but it occurred to me that going to sleep would kill me. It was all a bit much for me at the time, it felt like external forces were leading the way and I was helplessly trapped in eternal moments, and that in one breath I would feel and think soooo much. I kept thinking that it would pass and I would be back down to earth eventually, but that wasn't very consoling. I was thinking like "please go easy on me" and "this is a lot for me, I'd be okay with more slow spiritual growth through yoga and meditation, and right living." It felt like the external forces (my higher self? Aliens?) were communicating to me through my heart. I would ask questions about what to do in life, some things I've been struggling with going back and forth on having cognitive dissonance over, and my heart would start beating super fast as I thought about different answers to my questions. I felt intense sorrow for the wrongs I'd committed in my life, and the most overwhelming feelings of hoping the absolute best for everyone and all of existence. And to be purified and to only have the most benevolent intentions, and to do whatever was best for the highest good. I decided to get in bed for 20 minutes. Put my sleep mask on and closed my eyes. It felt almost eternal. Feelings of existential despair ensued, it wasn't super pleasant. But I found comfort knowing it was extinguishing karma and would pass. Eventually the 20 minutes were up. I was still in this feeling dead state, but tried to go about my day. Got a more thorough walk in which felt great, some healthy food, meditated deeply later at night, and went to bed. It was profound to say the least and something I'll not soon forget. Trip safely!
  17. thats conceptualizations. Jesus showed us the direct path This is stream-entry in Buddhism, Jesus has achieved first self-realization here, Kundalini had bursted through his head and his consciousness localization has escaped his head. Holy Spirit is descending energy that make us enlightened. After his consciousness localization escaped his head and became everywhere, he is vulnerable and open to this world's energetic stream. But eventually after 40 days he won over temptations and had enlightenment. First dhyana in Buddhism. Or in other words 'born to soul' - end of psychological suffering, fears, doubts, feeling of eternity, bliss, love etc. Ego had started to crumble. Mind is almost silent. But its not yet end of the game. He then spends 2 or 3 years being active in the world - it is karma yoga, jnani yoga and bhakti yoga. After first dhyana - ego is still subtly present and can eat your soul and make you a zen devil if you are not mindful enough and follow your spiritual ego's will instead of surrendering fully to God's will. (this is something many enlightened people do these days - they become super-happy after first dhyana and just do whatever their spiritual ego wants. That can make you stuck for ages. Even chosen ones will be deceived (c) jesus). Throughout his teachings his power to perform miracles has become more and more - it means he eventually reached 4-5-6th dhyana (full enlightenment = infinite consciousness) and maybe even till 9th the last dhyana (Buddhahood = cessation of perceptions). Who knows - but full Buddhahood wasn't his mission. He didn't teach how to escape the world like Buddha but he teach what actually to do in this world and what is going to happen. 4-5th dhyanas are where as Buddha said superpowers might be obtained. So Jesus became conscious of absolute of atman=brahman. 'I am and Father is ONE' (c) Jesus. Mind that he said 'I and God is One'. Not I am God as many enlightened people do these days. That ideas can only boost ego. This is the most important thing here. We tend to think that Jesus taught enlightenment and thats it. No, Jesus taught beyond enlightenment, Jesus taught divinization of the matter! Descendance of heaven into earth. Jesus taught how to give birth to your new supramental body that will then live in actual 'Kingdom of God'! Because quantum leap of evolution = Judgement Day is going to happen that will change Earth. Sri Aurobindo is the only one who really understood that among all the new teachers. So total surrender to God's will + constantly work on diminshing ego after first enlightenment are the keys. He actually resurrected, not metaphorically, he gave birth to his new light body.
  18. Yeah, if it begins, it ends and enlightenment is not about beginning and ending. I know a teacher who spend from a young age doing a lot of meditation, for decades. He become really really good at tuning into 'peace, bliss, God, love' etc. He thought he was awake. Then at some point, it was as if he was almost swallowed by a black hole, and there were seemingly none of these blissful qualities there, he sensed death, and he become terrified. He lost all hope in spirituality, in all gurus, he was a mess, and had to hold onto to his chair at night so he wouldn't kill himself. How could that be? Well, what happened, he had build up a really subtle ego, and he could experience blissful things at will. But it was still his bliss, his God, his emptiness. And he always, which also troubled him deeply at the end, got back to his egoic self, still with subtle arrogance, fear etc. He explained it that he didn't want to be truly still, he did not want to give up his thinking, and he put his attention on formlessness, he still was moving away from himself, moving chasing 'heavenly' experience, and ended up in hell. So enlightenment, freedom, is not about heaven or hell, in fact, both are there to help you to let go of false self. And then everything is heaven because it's all a gift then to simply be enjoyed and your totally free from it. - Personally I've experienced something quite hellish on mushrooms, which seemed like forever, and I thought it would at the time, and it was horrible at times (it shifted from 'this is TERRIBLE', to 'whatever it's fine' (when I came closer to stillness) (I've already had been practicing meditation/self-inquiry for a few years, surely if I hadn't, the panic and despair of being seemingly 'tortured' like that would have been much much greater). But getting out of it, you see it for what it was, your confused mind, and you see it really only appeared bad.
  19. by Conscious Reminder Awakened souls are instinctively drawn to each other. When they meet, it’s an encounter like no other, because these people are able to identify similar frequencies in no time. If you are an awakened person, you are well aware that it’s not a problem to precisely pinpoint, even in a bigger crowd, the people who match your vibration. Some of them have already completed their awakening process (if that’s even possible), but other are just at the dawn of their enlightenment journey. When you notice someone who got stuck along the way of their awakening process, you might feel compelled to help them out. And it is a completely natural reaction, but it doesn’t always mean that it’s the best decision. So be careful with it. Sometimes people need to go through hurdles and hardship to learn crucial karmic lessons. The following checkpoints represent steppingstones to a better and more fulfilled life. If you went through the process of awakening, you had probably stumbled upon most, if not all, of these, and if not they will give you insight on the things that might follow. Don’t rush yourself through them, take your time and pay close attention, because if you skip any, it will get you right back at the starting point. So, how does the awakening process work? Awakening is a never-ending process, but there are common occurrences or checkpoints that take place. These events slowly transform a person’s life. If You’re On Your Journey of Awakening, You May Go Through These 11 Stages: Stage 1: Confusion At the start you will feel a bit lost, like a ship without a compass. Things seem monotonous, dull and lifeless, it it confuses you. You will be at a loss for words and afraid of moving forward in life. Stage 2: Restlessness You are not happy with where your life is going. It makes you feel restless and frustrated. All of the sudden the burning desire for change that you have been trying to keep dormant for such a long time has exploded, giving your awakening process a momentum. The idea that your life is your own responsibility starts to come out. You do everything to take it back into your own hands. You realize that your own happiness is not dependent on people or any external circumstances. Your intention to get your power back, activates your energy, your chakras, and your soul. Awakening has begun the moment you open your eyes. Stage 3: Epiphany This phase is an emotional roller coaster ride. Life is not the same anymore. All the colors shine a bit brighter, all the smells are stronger. You start to experience ecstatic emotions like bliss, euphoria, and freedom. But despite all this, pain is still present. The emotions surrounding your past confront you. You begin to ask how you have chosen to live your life. You start to question and challenge everything. Stage 4: Push and Pull There is an onset of a tug of war. You are in a dilemma between closing your eyes and opening it. Fear slowly creeps within you. All because you’re not prepared for the consequences should you move forward to the path of awakening. The leap into the unknown is far too scary when coupled with the crumbling of things all around you. Everything starts to be meaningless: your life, your beliefs. You seem to get stuck and bewildered. You begin to notice that you are walking on shaky grounds that may explode anytime. This is a critical moment because those who continue along this path transform, those who don’t go back to sleep. Stage 5: Darkness Everything around you starts to collapse, you find yourself in the dark. But you need to be in the dark to understand more of the light. The state of the world may disturb you: poverty, greed, and even the state of the environment. You wonder why this happened. The feeling of depression leads you to wonder how you’re going to blend with the society. The desire to be alone, to be with nature, and to be a hermit burn inside you. You feel alone and lost because no one understands what you’re going through. You have nothing to cling to except to seek the answer to this question: “Who Am I?” Stage 6: Connectedness You feel that there is no need to change the world. You may change it by changing yourself. You slowly feel the connectedness between you and the world. Your focus shifts to love and gratitude. You have the urge to research and study spirituality and all things metaphysical. You follow that urges. Your perception of the world changes and you realize you are sent to Earth for a higher purpose. Stage 7: Synchronicity You appreciate the interconnectedness of everything: nature, animals, the stars. You feel you are a part of the universe. As your consciousness expands, you start to see the world more deeply and more connected. With the broadening of your intuition and psychic abilities, the equality and oneness of all things are more plain to you. Synchronicity starts to manifest in your life. You realize that what shapes your reality are your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You slowly start to shift and change your lifestyle to support this. Stage 8: Self Authenticity With this new state of awareness, you feel you are one with the universe. You get more clarity of your purpose. The tangible things you see no longer matter to you. You fix your focus on the greater power of energy and intention. Your true, authentic self starts to emerge. This authentic self is what walks you towards your higher purpose. And your higher purpose is to share your authentic self with the world. Stage 9: Higher Consciousness When you find your alignment with your true, authentic self, ideas begin to fill your mind drastically. You attract abundance through your ideas and creations. Inspiration takes place. You begin to see your destiny more clearly as things start to unfold. Your life starts to transform. Your experiences and the people around you reflect your state of higher consciousness. The challenges along the way no longer baffle you because you are fully equipped emotionally and spiritually. Stage 10: Co-creation As you continue your journey, you realize that you co-create with the Divine. Things get better, bigger, and have more flow when you surrender and work with the Divine. You feel the guidance while you create alongside with the Source energy. You feel a stronger connection with your spirit guides, guardian angels, or your higher self. Your intuition is getting a lot stronger and you even develop some psychic gifts. Stage 11: Unconditional Love You start to be in alignment with unconditional love as your work alongside the Divine progress. You feel you are love, radiate love and feel love. It becomes clear to you that this life is temporary. And it is given to you to experience and enjoy. In the end you come to realize that the whole process of awakening is for your greater good. If these checkpoints resonated with you, you are walking the path of awakening. ∼If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!∼
  20. It is a very drastic and deep awakening further in the body/mind. Yes, it is full of pain, physically, drama, daydreaming nightmares of your own shit from the past. During the experience of apparent panic attacks or withdrawal, take in mind that when you experience this is when you grow the most. An example will be a blocked chakra, one maybe will experience insecurity, dark night of the soul, heavy literal pain or ghost-bumps, stress maybe in a limb, heavy itching, twitching. Maybe you start feeling, hearing, seeing all the drama related to that part of the body. Very unpleasant experience but at the same time you grow, and what is left is eternal bliss after and again when you grow and so on. The awakened one will experience many many hell experiences, as the whole nervous system and Kundalini re-routes every moment to a more complex way. As you scramble the 5 towers of the body like rocks in a polishing machine. Path to enlightenment is full of battles, prepare to be amazed, even if you have a hell experience, is worth it. Namaste, Mfks!
  21. " A. L. M. These are Verses of the Wise Book. A Guide and a Mercy to the Doers of Good. Those who establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity, and have (in their hearts) the assurance of the Hereafter. These are on (true) guidance from their Lord: and these are the ones who will prosper. But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty. When Our Signs are rehearsed to such a one, he turns away in arrogance, as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in both his ears: announce to him a grievous Penalty. For those who believe and work righteous deeds, there will be Gardens of Bliss. To dwell therein. The promise of Allah is true: and He is Exalted in Power, Wise. He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and He scattered through it beasts of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs. Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created: nay, but the Transgressors are in manifest error. we bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to Allah." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily Allah is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: "O my son! join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing." And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal. "But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did. "O my son!" (said Luqman), "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, Allah will bring it forth: for Allah understands the finest mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (with them). "And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster. "And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass....."-The Quran
  22. Another tip: watch all of Leo's videos on mindfulness and meditation so you can experiment with different techniques. One thing I figured out is that I carefully observe thoughts that arise and focus my observation on them very intensely when they do. They disappear like a mirage and leave my mind empty. An analogy would be a hunter waiting in the bushes for a prey to step in his trap so he can pounce. I can reach very deep meditative states this way. Sometimes I feel intense bliss that I cannot describe.
  23. Hi all, I need some help relating to tripping... There is an opportunity on Thursday where I have the whole house to myself as my family go away on holiday (without me, yes). I live 5 min walk from the sea in the middle of no-where and we have a woods right next door. There would be no trip sitter although a trusted friend of mine may visit in the afternoon. So I'm planning my next (3rd) trip for then. However, I feel a bit touch and go if to trip again or not... I'm not sure if my last trip ("You" Quite Literally Have No Fucking Clue.) has slightly micro-traumatized me (is that a thing?). Either way it has made me apprehensive about tripping again. From my last trip, I felt like I was REALLY dying and that I wouldn't come back and I don't really want to go through that terror again. Especially when I read reports of other people experiencing infinite bliss. However, last time, I came to this wall... I had a choice a that moment... to let go, or run away... and I chose to run away... I felt my body would physically die and I would never go back to my loved ones. Has this happened to you guys? What happens if you go past that wall? Would this be classed as feeling overwhelmed at the peak? Does this mean I couldn't handle that dose? So for this trip, What dose would be best? A low (100ug) dose as a confidence booster? Or should I just go to the wall again with 200ug (or more)? Perhaps 150ug would be more responsible? I'm not sure. I'm hoping someone can shed some light. Looking for some guidance. Thanks.
  24. “The man who has lived his life totally, intensely, passionately, without any fear – without any fear that has been created in you by the priests for centuries and centuries – if a person lives his life without any fear, authentically, spontaneously, death will not create any fear in him, not at all. In fact, death will come as a great rest. Death will come as the ultimate flowering of life. He will be able to enjoy death too; he will be able to celebrate death too. “And remember, that is the criterion. If a person can enjoy and celebrate his death, that shows he has lived rightly; there is no other criterion. Your death will prove how you have lived.” Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol. 1, Talk #9 “Everything returns to its original source, has to return to its original source. If you understand life then you understand death also. Life is a forgetfulness of the original source, and death is again a remembrance. Life is going away from the original source, death is coming back home. Death is not ugly, death is beautiful. But death is beautiful only for those who have lived their life unhindered, uninhibited, unsuppressed. Death is beautiful only for those who have lived their life beautifully, who have not been afraid to live, who have been courageous to live – who loved, who danced, who celebrated. “Death becomes the ultimate celebration if your life is a celebration. Let me tell you in this way: whatsoever your life is, death reveals only that. If you have been miserable in life, death reveals misery. Death is a great revealer. If you have been happy in your life, death reveals happiness. If you have lived only a life of physical comfort and physical pleasure, then of course death is going to be very uncomfortable and unpleasant because the body has to be left. The body is just a temporary abode, a serai in which we stay for the night and have to leave in the morning. It is not your permanent abode, it is not your home.” Osho, The Art of Dying, Talk #1 “Why do we cling to life and why are we afraid of death? You may not have thought about it. The reason why we cling so much to life and why we are afraid of death is just inconceivable. We cling to life so much because we do not know how to live. We cling to life so much because really we are not alive. And time is passing and death is coming nearer and nearer. And we are afraid that death is coming near and we have not lived yet. “This is the fear: death will come and we have not lived yet. We are just preparing to live. Nothing is ready; life has not happened. We have not known the ecstasy which life is; we have not known the bliss life is; we have not known anything. We have just been breathing in and out. We have been just existing. Life has been just a hope and death is coming near. And if life has not yet happened and death happens before it, of course, obviously, we will be afraid because we would not like to die. “Only those persons who have lived, really lived, are ready, welcoming, receptive, thankful to death. Then death is not the enemy. Then death becomes the fulfillment.” Osho, The Supreme Doctrine, Talk #9
  25. The recent videos Leo has been making basically proving everything is ungrounded, including logic has been fascinating. I posted this a while ago that all logic is circular, which was an insight that came to me after watching the strange loop videos. If reality is a strange loop, then anything inside of reality must also be a strange loop, so even logic itself. I myself am a very logical person, as an INTP personality type, that is how I primarily see the world, yet there I saw, my own world be destroyed with the very thing I use lol. It is funny, but sad. The infinite strange loop is essentially this: no matter what level we achieve, we go back to level one, and level one is also the last level. Just imagine that shit, like playing the old Nintendo game Super Mario Brothers, and just running across the screen to pop up on the other side, forever. What a terrible and torturous existence this is. I lately have said to myself, why even exist at all? The utter peace of nothingness before I was born must be way better than being stuck in a strange loop. And the fact I was not asked to come to this existence, is almost like a form of slavery I was put in against my will in hindsight. Of course I had no will when I didn't exist, and I was created to now have one, which apparently isn't mine. I actually partially feel bad I had a child and I hope my son doesn't think like I do about this life. Now I see why these logicians got depressed, some have even killed themselves, and no wonder why these 'idiots' we see in the world, seem so happy. Well maybe it is because they believe the illusion is real! Ignorance seems to be bliss for sure. Yet we came looking for truths and we certainly got them, and here we are depressed as fuck learning it. So now what? We can't even take the blue bill to go back to our ignorance. Is there a happy ending to this post? Depends. Even though knowing the nature of reality sucks, and that literally nothing has any meaning, this allows us to play demi-gods. Since we know this reality is fake, we can "game genie" this bitch and make it how we please. We can assign our own meaning and know that this is essentially the greatest video game we will ever play in. We can write our story as we please and live life however we wish. This is not to say that the matrix won't fuck us up with consequences of our actions, so we have to be careful because we do not control the absolute infinite, nor could we ever even fully control ourselves, as we are infinite. To me, it seems the most logical decision rather than offing ourselves is to make the best of this game, to enjoy maximum pleasure and reduce suffering as much as we can. WE cannot reduce physical suffering, especially if it is inflicted upon us, but we can certainly reduce our own mental suffering, which accounts for most of our suffering. And if we can teach others the same knowledge we have, we can help them do the same, and further level-up this reality....but of course, once we do that, we will be back where were started. Nooses anyone?