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  1. @mohdanas The theme is always self discovery, which is love. The main character of every movie, every story, ‘defeats’ the protagonist, the villain, etc, but that is not what is emotionally celebrated, what moves us - it’s their discovering of their self, that they could do ‘it’ - what they’re ‘made of’. Every human relates to this, as each is made of the same infinite love. So you courageously ventured vulnerably into this relationship, and discovered your love (self) more deeply. The misunderstanding (duality) was that this love you experienced came from her, as if she emailed it to you, or blew it in your ear or something. It did not come from her, it all transpired in You. It is still there, it will always be. The love in you is bottomless and ever-present. Ambition: She, possibly, does not have resistant thinking to success like you do. For some, the simple life is genuine, bliss, and utter peace - the way. For others, the simple life is not genuine, a denial of self, a failure into one’s own resistant thinking. This lack of self, lack of courage, and barrage of ego can ruin marriages, parent - child relationships, undermine financial success, etc, etc. There is no reason you can not discover the truth, self actualize, be wealthy, and live in love with the universe - unless of course, you think there is. Then you have resistance, self doubt - and the ego will invent a complete repeating cycle of justification to keep the life you desire at arm’s length. It will sacrifice everything, ever person, every relationship you hold dear, to support the false sense of “right”. Careful not to fall for any of that. You can have, do, be, achieve - anything, OR, you can be right. Just be sure you pick. Life goes by fast.
  2. Take this in mind: We are atrophied, muscles, joints, neural pathways, all this in a physical way. Because we limited the body/mind to only some ideals or ways of being. Now shutter the old blueprint of the ideas and you will start feeling pain, horrific pain in some cases. Continue in that pain, because the body/mind will recalibrate the re flow of energy in the system. Enlightenment is reaching a state peak within oneself when you start re owning the state in which you should have grown naturally. So the process is painful at first and as like any other feeling of extreme pain, joy will arise. In a sense is like growing as a child to adulthood, you feel the growth, sometimes is pain and heaviness, sometimes is bliss and joyfulness. The coping mechanism is to identify the growth and enjoy every part of it. Namaste, Mfks!
  3. @WildeChilde Funny enough, I had an awakening when I was singing. I was blasting New Divide by Linkin Park in the car. It was night outside and my friend was driving very fast. I was singing at the top of my lungs and noticed that I was hiting even the very notes perfectly. On a very high note, close to the climax of the song, I felt like I was going into a state of union unknowingly. I felt like the song was singing itself. My whole head was vibrating weirdly. My body became very relaxed all of a sudden. I could feel my awareness expand into my surroundings and felt bliss coming all over me. I was like a full cup of water that was spilling all over. It was very hard to take in that much pleasure, plus the fact that I never felt like that in my life and blindsided me totally. It was a kind of orgasm that I hadn't experienced before. I thought about it for two days straight after that.
  4. I feel like I am cooking up stories in my head that there is something left to say, blah blah blah like one last chapter and shit, lol. Somedays, I try to sell myself to this conclusion, someday, I am fine...though I do feel something in my chest. Short detail - She was ambitious and I was very simple, she looked at collection of wealth for great life, my ideology was simple and honest living. I was pretty satisfied and full filled with myself until she left me, which made me question and doubt everything that let me to learning about everything up until today. And, I kinda feel like calling her up and taking about enlightenment and explaining her how I was not wrong, eternal peace and bliss lies deep within, show her direction but at the same time, I am questioning myself that why I want to do that?, Weather to lift my esteem that she shattered or to help her? guess, it is both. I lost all my worth in front of her, and I think I wanna show her that, and show her where she was wrong.
  5. Buddy it's time to go full circle and start self-destroying yourself. Not everything has to be bliss. I know you're trying to help people with anxiety/ptsd/shitty lives overcome their problems by telling them there's nothing to worry about and trying to kill their conceptual little ''self' so they can go and live life without worry. Haha guys! life's just a dream! Then follow your teachings, i loved it when you posted that hitler meme as your weekly video. Go nuts, become scared, experienced psychedelics not to connect with god, but the devil. Are you afraid? He's part of this dream too I just dropped out of my job and told my boss that i jack off to horse porn and laughed like a maniac before leaving, he was scared shitless of the sudden change and he's the one calling me right now trying to get me back to come back to work. I'm strategically planning on what crazy thing i'm going to do next, maybe go to my parents house and start masturbating in front of them? Maybe even ejaculate in front of my mother and tell her she's no different than the coffee table.
  6. A couple of days ago I realized how closed minded and contracted my motives and desires are. I've decided to pray for everyone everyday twice. Let all beings experience and live in Infinite intelligent, abundance, well being, ease, flow state-synchronicity, existence, consciousness, bliss that is ALWAYS, ALREADY lying in plain sight. After all, from whom am I hiding all the goodies? With whom am I competing? Will this petty mindedness be something enjoyable at death bed? I was in this delusion that by being the gatekeeper of this infinite abundance, I'm saving all the goodies for myself. But in reality, my own mind is only getting petty and selfish day after day; getting unable to experience real, authentic, expanded happiness. So for now, my definition of Noble is that which expands your mind like an ocean and a point it knows no limitation and lack. The way it is being expressed in my life right now is by praying wholeheartedly and slowly developing a conviction to selfless service. ''The belief in lack is the cause of suffering'' - Bentinho Massaro
  7. Hello all, this is my kundalini awakening experience that occurred about 2 weeks ago. I have been meditating for 2 years off and on, but more consistently the last 6 months. I am also a energy practitioner. I occassionally smoke marijuana and meditate because I find that I am more sensitive to prana after smoking a joint, so after smoking with my friends I went to my dorm and laid down on my bed and decided to try a guided kundalini awakening meditation. After about 5 minutes I began to feel an energy in the form of a snake slithering intensely throughout my body throughout my spine. I could feel it rising up throughout my individual chakras and opening them up. The energy felt like it got stuck at my solar plexus, so I imagined a gate opening to let the energy flow through, and it did. I saw a huge flooding of fire and energy rushing through me. I immediately surrendered to the energy and allowed to rush through my third eye and crown chakra. During this experience my awareness seemed to be split from my body and in a deep vision where I was seeing all sort of dimensions from my third eye. It got stuck again at the top of my head and so I visualized the energy flowing and I surrendered to divine love and allowed it to flow through me. After the experience I felt a supercharge effect, where my energy field was stronger and I saw my aura clearly in the bathroom mirror. I also felt the observer awareness that allowed me to look at reality where it is completely divine and beautiful. Everything looks heightened and almost visually enhanced, similarly towards on LSD, but less distorted. After this experience I have become much more sensitive to energy, and have committed to the spiritual path. Before i felt like I was walking the middle path, but this experience has convinced me to stick with the spiritual path and now I am split about 80% spiritual and 20% nonspiritual. I also see what it means to be asleep in this reality, meaning I feel as if I have awoken and that it would be nearly impossible to go back to sleep. This experience changed me permanently, and i have had following experiences where the kundalini raised again to my head. My third eye has opened as I now see and hear spirits if I choose to concentrate on them. I have also started to have more OBEs and psychic abilities like telepathy. Meditation is beautiful, because for the first time when I close my eyes I feel that I can tap into the stillness because the energy runs smoother throughout my vessel. These are the following symptoms that have occurred since my awakening. Also I want to add that I realize that this is just the start of my spiritual journey, and that I want to very clear to readers that I realize I have A TON of work to do regarding my ego and transcending it if I wish to reach enlightenment. This experience however has allowed me to concretely say that spirituality is REAL and that I have finally accomplished something after aimlessly meditating for 2 years. Symptoms: - lighter body -feeling of a higher vibration -more prana running throughout the body - less need for sleep and food -alertness that seems to be behind my thoughts 24/7 -distance from thoughts -feeling that I am the soul and not the body -cleansing of the chakras -increased intuition and connection with feelings -alienation from others and feelings of not being able to relate with others -feelings that reality is magical and that everything is according to a divine plan -deeper connection to nature -profound states of bliss, joy, contentment, and beauty while simply being -a straighter spine -auric field is much stronger and feeling of being the etheric and physical body at the same time -awareness of emotions and ability to "direct emotions" I also purchased the book that Leo recommends for Kriya Yoga, and have been practicing it for about 4 days. The techniques so far have proven very powerful, and I am excited to see how I progress in the future. Let me know what you guys think, and also if you have had any similar experiences. Eternal love!
  8. I came across a wonderful article, written by Dr. Harsh Luthar, about nirvikalpa samadhi. He has a wonderful blog about enlightenment. If you have time, read it. Hereis a link: Nirvikalpa translates to "without differences" and samadhi means merging with the Self. To summarize the article, Dr. Luthar says there are two types of nirvikalpa samadhi: Nirvikalpa samadhi #1- In this samadhi, the Kundalini shakti goes from the base of the spine, to the Sahasrara (crown chakra). It goes through all the chakras and the person experiences bliss. The experience feels so GOOD that the person doesn't want to come back to egoic consciousness. This is the most common one we hear about. Nirvikalpa samadhi #2- In this samadhi, the Kundalini shakti can bypass the chakras and go straight to the Sahasrara. Afterwards it goes to the Spiritual Heart at the right side of the chest. This is taught by Ramana Maharshi (RM). According to Ramana Maharshi, Sahaja samadhi is more advanced than nirvikalpa. Here is a conversation where RM talks about the difference between nirvikalpa and sahaja: In sleep the mind is alive but merged in oblivion (see (4) above). - In kevala nirvikalpa samAdhi, the mind is alive but merged in light, like a bucket with rope lowered into a well, that can be drawn out again. - In sahaja nirvikalpa samAdhi, the mind is dead , resolved into the Self, like a river discharged into the ocean - its identity lost - and which can never be re-directed from the ocean, once discharged into it. (Talk 187) Link: In many conversations, RM says sahaja samadhi is the natural state. The natural state can mean anything. It can mean whatever we're experiencing right now. It can mean being in a child-like state. A lot of masters say nice things out of compassion. I'm guessing Sahaja samadhi is when the kundalini remains at the Spiritual Heart permanently. Here are some people who claim to have a kundalini awakening (experienced nirvikalpa samadhi) in the west: Vivek Govekar Craig Holliday channel: Val secrets
  9. Also the obsticle that keeps me from ,,going to the other side" with this meditation or with any meditation that i do is this: When I did this for the first time I just started this path, I didnt really understand it evan intelectualy, I understud it a lot, but the no self part wasnt in my understanding then and i coundt really get it what that no ego state is, or awarness and so on (i read eckart tolle at this time, outspansky, had one mdma experience and so on), this guided meditation or better say inquiry gave me the answer witch i didnt know, i experienced it, then i know it... So i listened to Leos guided video, and really did search with all my attentin for my self, I also did everything what he said as strong and passionate as i could, and then, at the end of the guided part, (maybe the last 15 sec of the guided part) it started, i suddenly found my self, and it was nothing to find, but i found that nothing, you cant explain that, how can you find nothing, every day i can go and serch something and dont find it, but when you get that nothing, its like finding a thing but the thing is now --THE NOTHING--, not like you really didnt found nothing, because u found the real nothing (paradox, isnt it), and the room started expanding, i felt ligh or light like nothing and some other side stuff, stil my mind and worked and I wasnt my mind at at all, there was no difference betwen body, mind, wall because i wasnt that, i Wast nothing and that nothing was atctually in everything, like the body is made of nothing but its like nothing is a kind of material that is stil nothing as much nothing can get, then my mind started anallyzing it, and i got pulled back, I also was scared and schocked because before I Imagined it to be like love, light, bliss, something beautifull, but not nothing, a part of me (the ego) was disappointed... I was scared and it was so radical and a shock! a big shock! Also i needed a lot of time so i could fully understand what it was and how it was... Here is the obsticle, NOW i know what I am, (no i dont know, that was to little and not comparable what Leo or you guys experienced) and when I meditate or listen to this guide i know what awaits me, i know what I ,,search for" how it ,,feels" i want it, and i also try not to expect, not to search, not to await, but it's not working... The first time i searched for something and nothing came by it self, now (evan if i try not to) i search for nothing, and i only find the body mind senzations, it try not to serach and a lot other thing, but it aint working
  10. Possibly after awakenings but Enlightening experiences pretty much cures depression on the spot. Maybe years after if you no longer reside in the state and have fallen down in illusionary states again but as far as i know psychedelics can do that but natural endogenous experiences its usually ongoing bliss and peace no matter where you are. If you don't know what to do your not enlightened and possible was not an enlightenment experience. In true enlightenment everything is understood.
  11. Have been searching the net and found some of the answers. the Mundaka Upanishad (3.1.9) explains that the living being is the soul, and that: “The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect intelligence. This atomic soul is situated within the heart, and spreads its influence all over the body of the embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited.” My Thoughts Beautiful, so the soul is as small as an atom, not like the energy in the human shape as shown in movies. It is situated within the heart and spread its influence all over the body, so this basically hints that it is more than blood that is going through the body, the heart is performing its function to regulate blood but underneath much more is happening, this make me curious as to what the soul is doing to channel its influence throughout the body like heart. It is further explained that we should know that which pervades the entire body by consciousness is indestructible. No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul. Only the material body of the eternal living entity is subject to destruction. . . For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, undying and eternal. He is not slain when the body dies or is killed. . . As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. My Thoughts So, the soul just is and is forever but then why does it go through different bodies? What is the reason for the journey of the soul from body to body? The Katha Upanishad relates that within the body, higher than the senses and the sense objects, exists the mind. More subtle than the mind is the intelligence, and higher and more subtle than the intellect is the self. That self is hidden in all beings and does not shine forth, but is seen by subtle seers through their sharp intellect. My Thoughts Layer of human being - Body - Senses - Mind - Intellect ( what is this ?) - True Self/ No Self From this we can understand that within the gross physical body, composed of various material elements, such as earth, air, water, etc., there is also the subtle body composed of the finer subtle elements of mind, intelligence and false ego. The psychic activities take place within the subtle body. It is also within the subtle body wherein exist the memories of past lives, however deep they may be. Yet, the living being has his spiritual form that is deeper than this subtlety, otherwise he could not have repeated births. A person actually sees his spiritual self as well as the presence of the Supreme Being when he perceives that both the gross and subtle bodies have nothing to do with the pure, spiritual self within. Therefore, it could be asked that since we are separate from the gross and subtle bodies, why do we so strongly identify with the material body? It is explained that though the material body is different from the soul, it is because of the ignorance due to material association that one falsely identifies oneself with the high and low bodily conditions. My Thoughts Alright, I do believe in reincarnation and past life, and now this text tells me that we can have access to the memories of your past lives. Yo Leo, have you accessed your past lives yet? So, to summarize, the soul is a particle of consciousness and bliss in its purified state of being. It is not material in any way. It is what departs from the body at the time of death and, in the subtle body, carries its mental impressions, desires and tendencies, along with the karmic results of its activities from one body to another. To understand and perceive this self, which is our genuine spiritual identity, is the real goal of life. Such a realization relieves one of further material existence. As it is explained, those who have purified their consciousness, becoming absorbed in spiritual knowledge and absolving any impurities in the mind, are liberated from karma that frees them from any future births. They are free from any more births in the material world and are delivered to the spiritual atmosphere. How to do this is the ultimate accomplishment of human existence. My Thoughts If soul is a particle of consciousness, then what other particles constitute consciousness? So the personality of the soul would be related to the mental impressions, desires and tendencies, and karma that it takes away after death of the body? According the author and blogger "Stephan Khapp" - to understand and perceive this self a.k.a enlightenment is the real goal of our life. - It will free yourself from the birth cycle. Is anyone familiar with the work of "stephan kapp", should I order and read his book on vedas understanding and enlightenment?
  12. I am curious, what good is tripping on 5-Meo DMT if the enlightenment experience just wears off after sometime and you are back to ground zero after the experience. I mean, okay so you got a glimpse of the absolute, but now what are you going to do after 1 week from that event? It does have a benefit in that it can act as motivating factor towards the pursuit of the absolute, but will your life alter completely? Or will you be the same person you were before you took it? I highly doubt that the former will happen. At the end of the day, it's not just the experience, but the disintegration of all kinds of mental bondages. That is Nibbana. It is the measure of how much bliss you can extract out from mere existing under a bodhi tree , or by a river, with nothing but the lawn underneath and the sky above. If you need 5-Meo from time to time to feel good, then that is not what Buddha is talking in his Suttas.
  13. Implemented this active meditation technique 3 days ago, I plan to do this for 90 days right before a breakthrough NN-DMT trip im planning which is also going to be right before a 10 day Vipassana retreat. I've gained enormous amount of wisdom in the last 3 days using this technique. Active MeditationsOSHO Kundalini Meditation OSHO KUNDALINI MEDITATION This “sister meditation” to the OSHO Dynamic is best done at sunset or in the late afternoon. Being fully immersed in the shaking and dancing of the first two stages helps to “melt” the rock-like being, wherever the energy flow has been repressed and blocked. Then that energy can flow, dance and be transformed into bliss and joy. The last two stages enable all this energy to flow vertically, to move upwards into silence. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day. Osho on How to Shake: "If you are doing the Kundalini Meditation, allow the shaking – don't do it! Stand silently, feel it coming, and when your body starts a little trembling, help it, but don't do it! Enjoy it, feel blissful about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it, but don't will it. "If you force, it will become an exercise, a bodily physical exercise. Then the shaking will be there, but just on the surface. It will not penetrate you. You will remain solid, stonelike, rocklike within. You will remain the manipulator, the doer, and the body will only be following. The body is not the question, you are the question. "When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rocklike being should shake to the very foundations, so it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And when the rocklike being becomes liquid your body will follow. Then there is no shaker, only shaking; then nobody is doing it, it is simply happening. Then the doer is not. "Enjoy it, but don't will it. And remember, whenever you will a thing you cannot enjoy it. They are reverse, opposites; they never meet. If you will a thing you cannot enjoy it, if you enjoy it you cannot will it." Osho Instructions: The meditation is one hour long, with four stages. First Stage: 15 minutes Be loose and let your whole body shake, feeling the energies moving up from your feet. Let go everywhere and become the shaking. Your eyes may be open or closed. Second Stage: 15 minutes Dance ... any way you feel, and let the whole body move as it wishes. Again, your eyes can be open or closed. Third Stage: 15 minutes Close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing, observing, witnessing, whatever is happening inside and out. Fourth Stage: 15 minutes Keeping your eyes closed, lie down and be still. I've already started to "get results" but its a lot different than what I initially expected. I don't know what "results" i'll be getting down this journey but what I've learned in 3 days is a whole another degree of surrendering, at the bodily level, a total willful loss of control (yes its a mindblowing paradox). I've also realized that my expectations of increased happiness and joy after completing the 90 days was shown to me my 2nd day of practice, I've learned to not attach myself as much with the results and the aftermath but to surrender to the technique and become aware of every mechanism at work. I don't have enough experience to articulate this yet so I'll do an update on my 21st day.
  14. “No need for anything but this - Presicely where I am and what i am Is life complete - surpassing bliss In this alone, all things belong Where all is right and nothing wrong.” - John Butler
  15. Last night i did around 20 minutes of kriya yoga and drifted off into deep meditation before bed. I usually do this. I experienced some shaking of my nervous system, this also happens sometimes when working with the kundalini. However this time was different. The usuall darkness ( with a hint of red) of the nothingness i dwell in during the meditation shifted. I started using a mantra ( I AM) as my mind started chattering. A few minutes into the mantra there was a clearing. The nothingness turned into a powerful shimmering golden light. There was no mind, no thought, it was so obvious, it was so clear, it was right there. I could not help but laugh and laugh. It felt like the magician showed me how the magic trick was done and i was laughing at myself for how obvious it was and how silly i had been. The laughing calmed... i meditated. It was blissfull, it was pure, i could go on forever without a problem. 15 minutes passed ( i think). I opened my eyes, i laughed some more, i spoke from the seat of my awareness. The clouds were gone. The smog had been lifted. What dominated was a presence, my awareness is what dominated the room, it was beyond my body, but my body was part of it, perhaps happening through it. It was perfect, i wanted more meditation, just to be with it. It lasted around 25 minutes in total, maybe longer, i dont know. I led down. It was over. The light as a feather state of bliss was gone... I am not sure. It felt like that was it, it just seemed so obviously the case, like i knew it. What is left is a desire to take the persuit more seriously and with more respect. Just thought i would share because i know you lot love this kinda shit, didnt know where else to go. Much love and peace to you all. xx
  16. Ramana Maharshi warned against. Craig's a good teacher also imo, here's a little bio: At just 19, Craig began apprenticing under his teacher David in Southwest Colorado. David, a little-known meditation master, (who lives a private meditative life) guided Craig for 20 years, in the lineage of Sri Aurobindo. This relationship deeply shaped Craig’s life and teachings. During the last 10 years Craig also studied with Adyashanti who guided him through 4 profound awakenings (head, heart, Hara and Kundalini). Upon request from others, Craig began sharing these nondual teachings in Satsang. (Batgap interview He experienced an intense years of kundalini awakening, often experiencing extreme pain for years (after already having done a lot of practice) which would later transform into bliss if he could surrender to it, as well as experiencing difficulty with motor skills, sleep, memory etc. and worked with many people whom are also going through a similar energy process (whom mostly come to him asking: how can I stop this?). He also doesn't recommended energy practices at all, because the goal is self-realization/surrender anyways. So given we already live in a challenging world full of turmoil, poor support systems, terrible mental conditioning/emotional suppression and a complete ignorance of emptiness: focusing on energy practices might just make things harder on yourself as apposed to doing the self-inquiry/doing nothing or perhaps concentration exercises which is almost always recommended and which has you coming into peace and freedom without adding more buzz than what's needed.
  17. Hmmmmmm.... it's not a frequent occurrence that the wisest man in this forum pays you his attention, let alone give such a wonderful compliment. I think this is it. I have experienced the ultimate bliss. I need enlightenment no more.
  18. There is no end to expansive states of consciousness. And there is no end to physical or mental evolution/life stream. However there is the complete end of bondage/ignorance, of false identification with only the personal self. That is liberation, and that is always deemed the thing that is worth striving for because that is freedom, that is true bliss, which is not a sensation. That is why teachers urge you not to chase: altered states of consciousness, not to chase energetic sensations, and especially not thought theories. - Some enlightened people may have affinity for relaxing into ever deepening states of consciousness, and some may enjoy living as an active being more. But they care about neither, because they have given up the wants/aversions/fear of the conditioned mind. Your job is not to try to figure out what mahasamadhi is, what other teachers exeprience, your job is to be honest about the mind addiction, practicing, and see through your progress that liberation and the joy of the Self are true, studying won't do that for you, it might actually do more harm then good, in keeping the mind active, given how you approach it. Peace
  19. @Shanmugam enlightenment is what you define as enlightenment = non-dual awareness, no suffering, no self, unconditional love etc etc etc It might be binary or non-binary I don’t have opinion on that. But salvation is not the stage of enlightenment or anything what Buddha and Krishna and Advaita talked about. They are only relevant until you have enlightenment but not further on the spiritual path. Because mind the period of time when they lived! It was before Jesus and evolutionary progress had limitation back then. Salvation that Jesus talked about is beyond enlightenment. Enlightenment is a naturally occurring realisation that one will have on the path to salvation. Salvation is when subtle body or what is called ‘soul’ fully merges with physical body, it is when descending evolutionary energy transforms ‘matter’ and eventually human-being acquires new supramental body within his physical body (Jesus resurrection). Whenever you had your head buzzing - know that it is evolutionary energy pouring through your head!!! And it only wants to fully purify you from all kinds of things and give birth to new body within yourself, you only need to surrender to it and let it do it’s work once you are enlightened. And yes salvation is from Judgement day. And what is it??? It is the quantum leap of the evolutionary process on the earth. I don’t want to dig into what salvation is because it’s difficult to explain that, everyone will misunderstand it because not many people really want to understand the big picture and what comes after their life and how this dream and evolution is structured, they just want instant relief here and now so they seek enlightenment, instant happiness instant paradise instant bliss, consumerism takes new shape, they want to hear beautiful words like life is a dream and that they don’t need to do anything at all, see ppl want easy solutions and relief but that’s just another delusion. They don’t want to listen anything about punishment and any scary things, it will hurt their mental paradigm. And anyway salvation was explained by Jesus and sources that I mentioned to you. If there’s nothing beyond enlightenment then there’s no reason for Bible and Quran to exist at all. Things would stop on Buddha. Abrhamic religions wouldn’t exist. Absolutely zero reason for them in such case. yet they all exist and talk about hell and heaven and apocalypse and resurrection and sin and all that staff which seems to be non-sense and completely unrelated to enlightenment. Hehe it’s because enlightenment is just one part/step of the whole game. Game is not based around enlightenment, game is never-ending show that will go on. And Death won’t liberate you from this eternal game (c) Aurobindo. Btw it’s not that I’m simply believing in some authority, I’m researching various sources and experiencing certain things. You should do it too if you are truly interested in Jesus teachings and Sri Aurobindo can help you. I might sound like BS, but anyway don’t believe, just research, that’s what I did when I intuited that it’s not as simple as nondualers think Well it’s simple in the end when you see bigger picture, but not when you don’t know and stuck with ‘enlightenment is the end’ paradigm. People like to simplify everything, make theory of everything consisted from few words like enlightenment and everything is one and nothing exists and so on. Haha yes all is one so what? Game is still on and it has its own rules
  20. I have seen that when you are caring for an elderly person 24 hours a day, busy meeting with health care workers 24/7 and exposed to a dying person, it can be quite irrelevant if a thought about beating-off/sex even occurs. Of course sexuality to me means all the usual feelings plus the added amazing closeness I feel with my wife of 20 years. I'm in my 40's and my sex drive is as strong as ever, and my wife and I masturbate some, and tell each other about it. or not. It just isn't a big deal and there is no shame or paranoia. You know: L I B E R A T E D. Hell, I forgot to fap for 3 weeks and didn't notice. Try attaining the 4th Jhana really hard, coming back to post meditation, and then dropping into Equanimity at the senses right at the point of orgasm. Do this after a several week no fap. Now you are doing spiritual work (highest yoga tantra using imaginary Consort). I did this about a year ago (first time through DIssolution) and the state that resulted dropped me into a Formless Realm Samadhi in seconds, fully disgoined from the body as an anicca wave passed over awareness. Big big Jhana and possibly the mind crossed Udayabaya Nyana (again) in those few seconds - minute. At first it was pretty terrifying, and a vedana will arise that says you are about to feel Infinite/limitless pain in your prostate/urethra area, but you don't get chopped in half, you go to ultimate bliss, and you may see the 5 aggrigates flash and the body go all the way numb as in sleep paralysis experiences/hypnogogic. In these situations very little liquid actually comes out to none at all. Unless the balance isn't there. I don't use this as a practice, it was just something I stumbled upon the first time through Udayabaya Nyana and it started being "available" or my mind made the idea in Dissolution. I think That nyana actually opened some swiss cheese holes that allowed me to see that Shinzen Young's video on this same phenomenon was available to this practice and 4 or 5 times it has happened, leaving some micro pops of ultimate insight in its wake. It's a scary technique at first -- But the fear of overwealm is a bluff of the body, just as the fear of letting go into Jhanic Absorption or VOID itself. I do not think this would have been likely for my body had I not at least had a mastery of the 4 Rupa Jhanas at a non-absorbed to occationally popping into "gone". Metta. PS: I'm 44 and have dated many women growing up and have had lots of relationships and casual sex along the way. Even tried to try guys but didn't really ever get that far. Never found a guy I liked I guess. In any case, every women I have ever met masterbated, and the only ones who did not had severe repression/martyr/victim complexes. I have had those in my past, and they affected me sexually as well. There were times when I would gladly go down on a girl and perform oral sex, yet I was insecure about getting a blowjob. That's bad neurosis. Masterbation can actually increase sexual performance by facilitating one to become more sensitive to one's own needs with regard to the body and the mind/emotions which arise in dependance. What important, I humbly think, is that one is always honest about purpose in the present, as some smart guy up there said. If it's unconscious distraction, it's time wasting. Unless you decided that it would be a worthy purpose and there was no regret/shame upon completion. But then it would not be an unconsciousness since you would have noted "voilition" at the fore. When I was younger and the internet was nonexistant, nude pics and video were hard to get. They were real easter eggs. You had to search BBS's and really wait 1 hour to download some Samantha Fox picture if you were underage. It was a coming of age to discover all those things, but this supersonic binary age tends to rush and cheapen, so now even human communication has become tacky and totally contrived, like our cartoon political leaders. Take 5 --- Fap 'em if ya got em. (but by all means if you have seen some Truth that says for you "No Fap" == Nibbana/Or whatever you are after...then please PM me. May you all have at least the super-subtle post orgasm Equanimity and hopefully much much much more. In refuge to the Triple Gem.
  21. Bliss is Showering on you Every Moment Mind can live in the future, but cannot live in the present. In the present, you can simply hope and desire. And that’s how you create misery. If you start living this very moment, here and now, misery disappears. But how is it related to the ego? Ego is the past accumulated. Whatsoever you have known, experienced, read, whatsoever has happened to you in the past, the whole is accumulated there. That whole past is the ego, it is you. The past can project into the future – the future is nothing but the past extended – but the past cannot face the present. The present is totally different, it has a quality of being here and now. The past is always dead, the present is life, the very source of all aliveness. The past cannot face the present so it moves into the future – but both are dead, both are nonexistential. The present is life; the future cannot encounter the present, nor can the past encounter the present. And your ego, your somebodiness, is your past. Unless you are empty you cannot be here, and unless you are here you cannot be alive. How can you know the bliss of life? Every moment it is showering on you and you are bypassing it. - From 'The Empty Boat' , Osho
  22. Becoming a Nobody To think oneself a rooster is crazy; to think oneself a body is also crazy, even crazier. To think oneself a rooster is madness; to think oneself a human being is a greater madness, because you don’t belong to any form. Whether the form is that of a rooster or of a human being is irrelevant – you belong to the formless, you belong to the total, the whole. So whatsoever form you think you are, you are mad. You are formless. You don’t belong to any body, you don’t belong to any caste, religion, creed; you don’t belong to any name. And unless you become formless, nameless, you will never be sane. Sanity means coming to that which is natural, coming to that which is ultimate in you, coming to that which is hidden behind you. Much effort is needed because to cut form, to drop, eliminate form, is very difficult. You have become so attached and identified with it. This Samadhi Sadhana Shibir, this meditation camp, is nothing but to persuade you towards the formless – how not to be in the form. Every form means the ego: even a rooster has its ego, and man has his own. Every form is centered in the ego. The formless means egolessness; then you are not centered in the ego, then your center is everywhere or nowhere. This is possible, this which looks almost impossible is possible, because this has happened to me. And when I speak, I speak through experience. Wherever you are, I was, and wherever I am, you can be. Look at me as deeply as possible and feel me as deeply as possible, because I am your future, I am your possibility. Whenever I say surrender to me, I mean surrender to this possibility. You can be cured, because your illness is just a thought. The prince went mad because he became identified with the thought that he was a rooster. Everybody is mad unless he comes to understand that he is not identified with any form – only then, sanity. So a sane person will not be anybody in particular. He cannot be. Only an insane person can be somebody in particular – whether a rooster or a man, a prime minister or a president, or anybody whatsoever. A sane person comes to feel the nobodiness. This is the danger.... You have come to me as somebody, and if you allow me, if you give me the opportunity, this somebodiness can disappear and you can become a nobody. This is the whole effort – to make you a nobody. But why? Why this effort to become a nobody? Because unless you become nobody you cannot be blissful; unless you become nobody you cannot be ecstatic; unless you become nobody the benediction is not for you – you go on missing life. Really you are not alive, you simply drag, you simply carry yourself like a burden. Much anguish happens, much despair, much sorrow, but not a single ray of bliss – it cannot. If you are somebody, you are like a solid block of stone, nothing can penetrate you. When you are nobody you start to become porous. When you are nobody, really you are an emptiness, transparent, everything can pass through you. There is no hindrance, there is no barrier, no resistance. You become a passivity, a door. Right now you are like a wall; a wall means somebody. When you become a door you become nobody. A door is just an emptiness, anybody can pass, there is no resistance, no barrier. are mad; will become sane for the first time. But the whole society, education, civilization, culture, all cultivate you and help you to become somebodies. That is why I say: religion is against civilization, religion is against education, religion is against culture – because religion is for nature, for Tao. All civilizations are against nature, because they want to make you somebody in particular. And the more you are crystallized as somebody, the less and less the divine can penetrate into you. You go to the temples, to the churches, to the priests, but there too you are searching for a way to become somebody in the other world, for a way to attain something, for a way to succeed. The achieving mind follows you like a shadow. Wherever you go, you go with the idea of profit, achievement, success, attainment. If somebody has come here with this idea he should leave as soon as possible, run as fast as possible from me, because I cannot help you to become somebody. I am not your enemy. I can only help you to be nobody. I can only push you into the abyss...bottomless. You will never reach anywhere; you will simply dissolve. You will fall and fall and fall and dissolve, and the moment you dissolve the whole existence feels ecstatic. The whole existence celebrates this happening. - From 'The Empty Boat' , Osho
  23. So I'm essentially wondering where I'm at and where to. I appears unclear because whilst I resonate with most definitions of 'enlightenment', the lines become very blurry. Particularly given that part of the big realisation was that it doesn't exist. Over the 10 year period that I have been meditating intensively, I've had all sorts of temporary experiences and ecstasy etc. All fun, but nothing like what happened 9 months ago. It was more like a whole new program got permanently installed leaving me entirely and completely WTFFFF! And now that it has finally settled down, well, it's a pretty damn nice space to be in. Just something feels not quite right. What baffles me, is that although I experience intense states of stillness, and have a strong sense of oneness, the sense isn't a solid one. I've heard some people say that as soon as they became enlightened the mind completely stopped and they were all one. I cannot relate to this as a permanent feature of the current program running. Often it is like that, and it keeps going deeper and stronger as every day passes. Is there some other realisation? What else can there possibly be after, oh shit, nothing I thought was real, I am the entire ocean, not that pathetic wave I previously thought, I'm not my mind and the body basically vanished, along with 95% of fear and anxiety and got replaced with joy, love, bliss and ecstasy. Even sadness and anger are awesome. I have been around a profoundly enlightened person that felt very different to me, and one that was proclaimed enlightened that didn't feel all that different. Where to differentiate between higher states of consciousness Vs just the personality of the person? Can I see that I am not this and that, but still have a habitual reference to it? That is have the realisation, but the sense of 'I' still hangs around because I haven't meditated enough? Maybe it's like when Neo wakes up from the Matrix vs when he transcends it?? Just to clarify, this isn't that thing that happens upon first kundalini awakening. That happened 9 years ago. This wasn't an experience, it was a permanent shift of consciousness. And it wasn't without a shit-storm. It was like a bombardment of realisations, not just one, plus ecstasy and sheer fucking terror raping each other, then stillness, bliss, love, oneness, desirelessness. No more up and downs, no more experiences. I don't come out of it far if I do. It's like this is now the natural state, not that bullshit that was going on before with rubbish stories about who and what I am according to a mind that doesn't exist. So 90% of that crap just fell away. But there is still this 'I' hanging about and still resistances and still ego nudging in. On watching another enlightened person's ego quite closely, it did become apparent that ego never ceases to try to get a foot in. Constant vigilance required. I don't do drugs, don't have a psych condition and had a happy family upbringing. I'm not an official nutcase, just a Sagittarius with too much Neptune. Work as a massage therapist/energy healer/counsellor amongst a group of amazing like-minded people. I'd love to just go sit in a week retreat right now, that would probably shed a lot of light, but still working through manifesting money! So what am I missing guys?
  24. Yoga has fallen into wrong hands Yoga means union, the science of union. Meditation is the most supreme phenomenon as far as union with reality is concerned. Meditation is the god of yoga. But yoga has fallen into wrong hands, and not only recently – for centuries it has been in the wrong hands. The original fault must be with the founder, Patanjali himself. Patanjali has divided yoga into eight parts. His division is clear-cut, very scientific, but he was not really aware of human stupidity. He started with the body – and that's the right way to start. The first part of yoga must be physiological because man lives on the circumference, in the body, so the work has to start there, only then can it reach the mind. And when one has gone beyond the body and beyond the mind, then the third, meditation, happens. So according to Patanjali the first part belongs to the body. But he was not clearly aware that millions of people would remain entangled with the first part. Hence yoga has become synonymous with yoga postures: people standing on their heads and doing all sorts of contortions. That has become synonymous with yoga. It is not a true yoga, it is just the preface, the introductory part; and the person who thinks the introduction is the whole book is idiotic. But Patanjali did not warn people. If he had warned people it would have been better. People like Patanjali believe in others' intelligence – which is not there! They trust. Their trust is immense, their trust is as immense as people's stupidity is! They respect people's intelligence. So he did not warn people, but the warning was absolutely necessary: 'Don't get entangled in the physiological part.' A few people, only very few – if a hundred people become interested in yoga then only one person will get out of the physiological entanglement. And that one person will become entangled in the psychological. If a hundred persons are entangled in the psychological then only one person gets out of it...and only when you get out of the mind does the real yoga begin. The physiological part of yoga will give you great physiological powers; it can make you live a really long, healthy life. But what are you going to do with a long life? If you are idiotic, instead of being idiotic for seventy years you will be idiotic for two hundred years. It is not going to help anybody; it will be a calamity. Yoga can make a person live long, but what will you do? That physiological part should not be paid so much attention. Yes, a little bit is good to keep physically fit, but just a little bit; otherwise it is a vast jungle. One can be lost in its subtleties, in its complexities. The second part is even vaster than the physiological. If you get into it you can have many psychic powers, you can read people's thoughts. But what is the point? Your own rubbish is so much, what is the point of reading somebody else's rubbish? He is tortured by his rubbish and you are reading his thoughts – and you think you are doing something great! The real thing is to get rid of thoughts, not to read them. One even has to get rid of one's own thoughts; what is the point of reading other people's thoughts? And what is there? You can stand by the side of the road and you can see a man is walking along and thinking of his dog – so what? If you listen to people's thoughts, what will you find? Somebody is thinking of his cow, somebody is thinking of his buffalo, somebody is thinking of his wife, somebody is thinking of somebody else's wife! And you are thinking what they are thinking! Maybe the other person is also a yogi and is reading somebody else's thoughts. Then things become very complicated! The physiological part is ordinary, the psychological part is ordinary. Both can give power, but power is not the goal of meditation. Power is politics, all kinds of power is politics. And power corrupts – all kinds of power – it corrupts unconditionally and absolutely. It always corrupts. Hence I say the only essential thing, the real core of all religion, of all yoga, of all methods of search, is meditation. One should put aside everything non-essential. You can use things as stepping stones, but not more than that – just like jumping boards. You need not bother too much about them. Your whole concern should be one-pointed; you should move like an arrow towards meditation. Only then in this small life, with so little time, power and energy available and with so many problems surrounding you, can you hope that the arrow will reach the target. The moment you know something of meditation – not about it, but the very taste of it – a great release comes. a great relief comes. Suddenly all tensions disappear: anxieties, anguishes, are found no more. Even if you want them just for a change, you cannot find them. I have tried and failed! Sometimes I try very hard to find some anxiety but I cannot, it simply does not work. I have tried all possible ways, from this side and that side, but I come to the same end: it does not work. Once you have tasted meditation it is impossible for you to be in any misery. Bliss becomes inevitable, a natural showering, and it goes on showering like flowers showering from the sky. Osho, Nirvana: Now or Never
  25. One thing you should remember is that whether it's a dream or waking life, all experiences are real, and have happened. So if you had a night full of blissful dreams, that's 8 hours of being in that state, (of course you aren't dreaming the whole time). What you are wanting is to experience this feeling all day... that's going to take a lot of work rewiring your brain and self development, which I'm sure you know. Also the whole fake it till you make it thing works. When you wake up from one of those dreams, recall the feeling of blissfulness and force it upon yourself throughout the day. Force a smile, which helps sends bliss chemicals to your brain. To answer your question, it is most likely this way a lot in your dreams because it doesn't surface enough in your walking life. Dreams are a reflection of your psyche, but also express things that are suppressed during the day. It almost seems that the hardwiring of the mind that we deal with in waking life is completely bypassed in dreams, allowing us to experience heightened emotions, and even sometimes be a completely different person, forgetting who we are in waking life. That kind of thing has always fascinated me, the false memories that can get implanted in the little pocket universe that is a dream.