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  1. Like really what is the worst case scenario of fully committing to loving my heart? Like what is going to happen that is so bad? I keep holding back from fully committing because I feel as if I will not take inspired action. This is because the one in me who has desires will be loved, the one in me who takes any action will be loved! So that leaves no room for my personal will to make a decision as that one too will be loved more, not less. I will be too busy loving to ponder anything other than love, and that scares me. I'll be completely at the mercy of divine will from there on. This is the ultimate initiation from the universe to see if I'm willing to hand over my personal will so more light can enter my body. Just endless love. Just today I had to make a decision to go out with my friends or my family. And I listened to my heart which told me that friends were the best choice. It was effortless and completely without my personal input. This makes me believe that you can live like this, along with teachers I've seen online. I have been putting off this "big leap" for a while. Now after considering the question: What is the worst that can happen? All I can think of is being alone, but even then I can still make friends and my family will still be there. I just don't want to look back at this time in ten years from now, and still be thinking about making this leap. Let's just do it now, so there is no regrets One I love you at a time, I'll embody more of my higher self. One I love you at a time, the world will be free of suffering, and the 5th dimensional heaven on Earth will arise for all to relax and play in. Time to live a life of passion, abundance and relaxation through this last surrender of my ego, for from now on, it cannot outsmart me when whatever arises, even the desire to make decisions is loved and appreciated deeply. The divine shall guide my every word, and action. Enter me now spirit, I'm ready for your love to transform me once and for all, to decisively heal all emotions in me that need your love. I now attach to no thoughts, but just love them, I now attach to no feelings, but just love them. I surrender it all for love. I am the light, I am love, I am bliss. And the first thing I'll love is my fear of surrendering. I love you. Paradoxically, it requires effort to love at the start, then it becomes effortless. Edit: Actually I always change my mind on these things. I just want my approach to be gentle, soft, tender, and loving. To be fully present throughout all desires, and even act them out, fully present. This journey is like walking on a tightrope, and it's all ways a balance between putting in effort and then trusting in the rope to hold you up Peace.
  2. When one opens up, be prepared for hell on earth, literally Only after bliss arises.
  3. Noticed how your life was probably constructed around trying to impress people? Funny, huh? Think of it like this: you have died. You have no life. Whatever you had is gone and you laugh at yourself for being silly. If a doctor told you a month ago that you have one month to live - you would give everything for another day of whatever this is. Now you have that one more day to live. Nobody promises you tomorrow. Everything you do is meaningless. Wanting to do anything is meaningless. Your desires are meaningless. Your fears are meaningless. Your ambitions are meaningless. What do you do? Nothing. You never did anything. You were being ignorant of whatever you thought you were doing. Now you know and there is nothing to be done with this knowledge. This is total, complete, stillness. Resisting day-to-day life is meaningless. So is living it. Just sit and observe this miracle while it lasts. It is perfect. Other people are not in despair. You are mourning over your lost life, that's all. You do not mourn to re-live what had been lost. You do it to realize that what's left is also open for being lost. Mourning is the shadow of appreciation. Mourn! Appreciate! When you were being ignorant of your meaninglessness, you did not despair. Their ignorance is bliss. They chase their meaning. We sit in meaninglessness. We're not that different in our ignorance.
  4. Give yourself today some.......... Bliss
  5. May 20th, Sunday ✔️pushing my comfort zone daily 3.6/5 ✔️no fap ( no urges) ✔️spending time outside ✔️daily journaling ❌ overeat( my goal is to not overeat so✔️ means that i didn't overeat but if i did that mean that i overate so❌) ❌no lp course ✔️reading ✔️/10+ seconds cold shower after worm shower ✔️5 /30m mind powers affirmation -``i am studying all day`` ✔️9/30 meditation ✔️1/10 concentration ✔️studying (forest fruits tea+ cocoa powder, coffeehouse, 6h!!!!!, taking a stroll around the mall as a break is working! ) ✔️❌go to sleep at a decent time (goal- 23.00\00.00) 4am ✔️ ❌❌Eating healthy (a lot of pizza,fries) ✔️ 10/30+5observation shamanic breathing - no negative emotion arose, i breath faster and deeper than before, due to the fast movement of my chest and therefore of my body, my dick was moving so i got a boner again, i felt very very cold, i meditated on this album but the songs where to short so it was difficult to fall into trance + (to eat vegetables,smoothies,legumes,omega 3 pill , fruits, unprocessed meat, nuts, eggs,salads,fried broccoli&cauliflower,not too much milk,coconut milk,soup,spices(pink salt,oregano,curry),to minimize unhealthy food consumption) (no sweets, no unhealthy snacks, bread, sausages , processed meat, cakes,ketchup, pizza,ice cream,soda,cheese) 30 days of NO TV SERIES/MOVIES; no urges How many times did i check out this forum? 3 was i obsessed over the views/popularity of this thread? yes how much anxiety/resistance i felt to write about these topics? 3/5 have i worried what people will think after reading this post? 3/5. small talk 2 people i wish i was at the beginning of high school again. to waste time. to do nothing all day. to daydream all day how i will magically get what i want and how i will live abroad one day etc. those where the times.... i find in food a way to escape my problems and negative emotions. today i spent a lot of money to eat at the mall. i think that i can let myself to slid a bit till i finish these exams. something else happened but i will write about it next year or during this summer. i thought i was over this negative habit. ``ignorance is bliss`` interesting video(it was recommended by someone on this thread - i cannot find the thread anymore) - i decided to take a 1 month off after these exams. after i finished high school i kept studying all summer and than massive burnout+ego backlash hit me in the fall of 2017. I do not want to go through that again. like him,i do not feel that i have done progress with the do-nothing technique i am doing it for over a year and i got significant results only in the first 6+months. i will change it with mindfulness meditation . in the summer2017 or fall2017 or next year? interesting thread. it inspired me to start kundalini yoga next year during summer. this it`s actually the first thread i ever read on this forum. very very inspiring. yes morning glory seedlings. this is WHAT HAPPENS when your pots are to close to a surface which overheats because of the sun. Choose their spot carefully pls 4 days till math/chemistry exams (may 24th)
  6. The third eye is open around 4% when the person is uptight with tensed hara, abdomen and anus. This will translate that the energy of the brain will not be enough to "open the goat's head in 4" (coccyx). When energy is released and the breath connects to talons which is a hologram of the sexual organs then the breath continues to the base of the spine and the tail will open automatically the intestines and will activate internal organs in sync with your will. One will feel like he/she can take 5 times more air then before (if you had injuries in the legs, expect agony and bliss).
  7. ego is the belief that you stand above, below or next to others, it is distance its the opposite of unity lets take a look at enlightenment, what is being enlightened? every second of your life, full of purpose, meaning, life, bliss, excitement, magnificence, heaven on earth how can all this be possible if only you are enlightened and the rest is not? spiritual ego how can there be heaven on earth if you mourn other people, their non-spiritual lifestyle, their suffering? you see what you are, if you see hell you experience hell, if you see ego you are ego to enlighten yourself is the beginning rise above yourself as the template of life, and now you also have to enlighten everyone else see how you are enlightened, see how your neighbour is enlightened, see how a criminal is enlightened,see how your mother is enlightened, life courses through everyone, infinite intelligence people are not human beings, they are moving galaxies, living artworks, as powerful as natural events, they are living stars, they are suns, moons, reflections, life,infinity all in symphony with ourselves once we move past the ego all this can be seen, and truly it is satisfying to see people outside of time, outside of what we think they are, what we think they represent, just their art, their energy, their presence, so magnificent, mindblowing
  8. Sadhguru conducts programs where he takes hundreds of ordinary people at once to a bliss state, beyond the body and mind by doing shakipat. It's called Bhava Spandana
  9. @Nadosa Look man, everyone goes through depression, apathy, and those other "dirty" emotions. They are part of the spectrum of emotions. They are equal to Bliss, and Peace. They just tend to cause irrational reaction by the experiencer. Know that what you're feeling right now is OK. It is ok to not be ok. Let it happen. It may be a coping strategy for your new higher awareness, or supressed emotions trying to escape. Know that it WILL end, and there be a day when you wake up, feel the sun on your skin, breath in and smile. As for right now. Try to drop all of your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas of where you are in life, how it should be, and how bad something is. Try to find the source of your suffering, it will take time. Sit and accept your current emotions fully. Peace.
  10. @lukej Hey man, I myself am an aspiring musician/sage and I have a lot of the same questions as you... But you're questions are a lot better Imma try to answer all your questions to the best of my infinite intelligence. Not that I know of. And that's a good thing. The real masters probably need a good amount of research to be found. They would never be in the mainstream or anywhere near a McDonalds. "When the student is ready, the teacher appears" I think it's music that brings you into the present moment. ALL music is in the present but not all makes YOU presnetly question your reality or create feelings of bliss, excitement, joy, and love. But you must have those feelings inside of you to begin with. Music is the expression of who you are. The best musicians know who they are, accept themselves, and try to be a vessel to the muse inside of them. Have you ever wondered how new music is always created? When you think you've heard everything out comes another song to blow your mind. If you want to make conscious music quick, I recommend pyscadelics or a meditation retreat to really get you into BEING. Well instead of listening to trap music that tends to idealize drug use, material gain, and sex, which isn't wrong. You can write music about the truth you feel, personally. Strong opinions attract attention. In a sense you don't want your music to make people feel good while their listnening and right after the song is over they crave more. Music should inspire, it should recharge one's energy for life isntead of robbing creativity. Yes. Yes I do. Albums: PINK FLOYD - Dark side of the moon. JOHN LENNON - Plastic Ono Band. Songs: PASSENGER - 27, Scare away the dark Well you gotta check your ego. When you start becoming successfull at making consc. music and realizing how much more you could do you might be persuaded to tend to another audience. Mainstream pop stuff. Why? Money, fame, sex, drugs, rock and rolll etc. YOU, the ego, will go nuts for that stuff. So you just have to ground yourself in your values, regularly meditate and chill. I have read Jim Morrison of The Doors Biography and it really inspired me. Although he was heavily addicted to drugs his whole life and ended up killing himself I still think it was very motivational for me to grab life by the throat live more. That's all i got. ---------- The best part of being a musician is that you are free to do WHATEVER you want with your art. You are god, be a revolutionary, make something s new and mindbending people sob orgasmically when they listen to your stuff. Music is so much more than Top 50 Hits. That's like %0.1. Just dive into it. HAHAHAHHAHA. First of all. It's not even you whos creating music. Ask yourself where thoughts come from. YOU are an instrument for god/infinite creativity/love. AND THEN you play another instrument to express it. Mastery of an instrument is mastery of expressing godThere is nothing to worry about. I think writers block is being stuck in the same "awareness level" for too long. DO SHROOMS, MEDITATE, READ and you'll never run out of music. Good luck. Love Adam.
  11. @moon777light Yeah. Only for the Truth though. Ignorance can be bliss.
  12. Absolute...Nah I don’t name such beauty. Let’s not name such bliss?
  13. Yes I agree with this. It’s pretty easy to tell who is caught in there own Jazz ?? Explained well once again. Yep although I see intuition as a movement of mind. I see it as insight. We have gone into that. But I know what your saying and agree. For me when all “defending” ceases so does this movement to capture reality with the intellect. It’s pretty fair to say that thought/intellect is a movement of defense/control. To maintain permanence of self/ego. Yes this is where the essence of beauty “pure bliss” arises. When the one who benefits, controls ends.
  14. @now is forever I don't think that there is any 'wanting' involved. It is perfectly mechanical and 'will' is just a manifestation of its operation. I also think that there is no way to train ego to do anything, as ego doesn't exist. Ego is like the periphery of your vision. The boundary between seen and unseen. It is in effect when you miss that you are all of it - the seen and unseen. Everybody, always, misses that. Even the nondual, enlightened folk. When you look at a cup to examine it, you are not aware what is at the other side of the cup. If you turn the cup around, it always has the other side that you don't see. You can stand in front of a mirror and look at the other side, but you are now looking at a mirror, not at a cup. Even worse, you are not looking at both sides simultaneously. You can still look at one side at a time. If you align a cup in a way that it would show you both sides at the same time - you will obstruct its reflection in the mirror. You always, necessarily look at something from a certain perspective. Even if you employ a mirror, which is a metaphor for self-awareness/the mind. So, you are always stuck at a certain perspective even if you know, that there is the other side. You may think that you're smart and know that there is the other side, but you never know how it will manifest itself, so you cannot take account for it. When you have a plan that accounts for your truth/perspective, the other side will manifest itself. If you greet it with curiosity and openness - you have to let go of your plan. If you greet it firmly and try to conquer it - you have to let go of the results. Knowledge will not let you recognize the other side. Intuition will. It is always different. It always goes meta on itself. There is no way to outsmart it, as you are it. @Preetom has experienced it as a dead, mechanical thing that runs. That is correct. The alive quality of reality comes from the fact that you defend yourself against the other side. The moment that you start to think that you are smarter than reality, it stops being dead and starts to be alive. The game is on and you are the prey. It will remind you of your place. It will dominate you and show you how insignificant your spark of consciousness is. The sharper and smarter you are, the smarter and sharper it is. It's in perfect balance, as the seen and the unseen are symmetric. You can only witness intelligence in its dead, mechanical, nature if you submit to it and help it. Not the other way around. Then, there is no benefit or utility in using it, but there is only beauty. The less you that benefits and controls is, the faster and faster it runs. The more beautiful it becomes. Pure bliss.
  15. Shams Of Tabriz Befuddled believer! If every Ramadan one fasts in the name of God and every Eid one sacrifices a sheep or a goat as an atonement for his sins, if all his life one strives to make the pilgrimage to Mecca and five times a day kneels on a prayer rug but at the same time has no room for love in his heart, what is the use of all this trouble? Faith is only a word if there is no love at its center, so flaccid and lifeless, vague and hollow—not anything you could truly feel. Do they think God resides in Mecca or Medina? Or in some local mosque somewhere? How can they imagine that God could be confined to limited space when He openly says, Neither My heaven nor My earth embraces Me, but the heart of My believing servant does embrace Me. Pity the fool who thinks the boundaries of his mortal mind are the boundaries of God the Almighty. Pity the ignorant who assume they can negotiate and settle debts with God. Do such people think God is a grocer who attempts to weigh our virtues and our wrongdoings on two separate scales? Is He a clerk meticulously writing down our sins in His accounting book so as to make us pay Him back someday? Is this their notion of Oneness? Neither a grocer nor a clerk, my God is a magnificent God. A living God! Why would I want a dead God? Alive He is. His name is al-Hayy—the Ever-Living. Why would I wallow in endless fears and anxieties, always restricted by prohibitions and limitations? Infinitely compassionate He is. The name is al-Wadud. All-Praiseworthy He is. I praise Him with all my words and deeds, as naturally and effortlessly as I breathe. The name is al-Hamid. How can I ever spread gossip and slander if I know deep down in my heart that God hears and sees it all? His name is al-Başir. Beautiful beyond all dreams and hopes. Al-Jamal, al-Kayyum, al-Rahman, al-Rahim. Through famine and flood, dry and athirst, I will sing and dance for Him till my knees buckle, my body collapses, and my heart stops pounding. I will smash my ego to smithereens, until I am no more than a particle of nothingness, the wayfarer of pure emptiness, the dust of the dust in His great architecture. Gratefully, joyously, and relentlessly, I commend His splendor and generosity. I thank Him for all the things He has both given and denied me, for only He knows what is best for me. Recalling another rule on my list, I felt a fresh wave of happiness and hope. The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each and every one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it. Instead of losing themselves in the Love of God and waging a war against their ego, religious zealots fight other people, generating wave after wave of fear. Looking at the whole universe with fear-tinted eyes, it is no wonder that they see a plethora of things to be afraid of. Wherever there is an earthquake, drought, or any other calamity, they take it as a sign of Divine Wrath—as if God does not openly say, My compassion outweighs My wrath. Always resentful of somebody for this or that, they seem to expect God the Almighty to step in on their behalf and take their pitiful revenges. Their life is a state of uninterrupted bitterness and hostility, a discontentment so vast it follows them wherever they go, like a black cloud, darkening both their past and their future There is such a thing in faith as not being able to see the forest for the trees. The totality of religion is far greater and deeper than the sum of its component parts. Individual rules need to be read in the light of the whole. And the whole is concealed in the essence. Instead of searching for the essence of the Qur’an and embracing it as a whole, however, the bigots single out a specific verse or two, giving priority to the divine commands that they deem to be in tune with their fearful minds. They keep reminding everyone that on the Day of Judgment all human beings will be forced to walk the Bridge of Sirat, thinner than a hair, sharper than a razor. Unable to cross the bridge, the sinful will tumble into the pits of hell underneath, where they will suffer forever. Those who have led a virtuous life will make it to the other end of the bridge, where they will be rewarded with exotic fruits, sweet waters, and virgins. This, in a nutshell, is their notion of afterlife. So great is their obsession with horrors and rewards, flames and fruits, angels and demons, that in their itch to reach a future that will justify who they are today they forget about God! Don’t they know one of the forty rules? Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both presents inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy, or fight someone, we tumble straight into the fires of hell. This is what Rule Number Twenty-five is about. Is there a worse hell than the torment a man suffers when he knows deep down in his conscience that he has done something wrong, awfully wrong? Ask that man. He will tell you what hell is. Is there a better paradise than the bliss that descends upon a man at those rare moments in life when the bolts of the universe fly open and he feels in possession of all the secrets of eternity and fully united with God? Ask that man. He will tell you what heaven is. Why worry so much about the aftermath, an imaginary future, when this very moment is the only time we can truly and fully experience both the presence and the absence of God in our lives? Motivated by neither the fear of punishment in hell nor the desire to be rewarded in heaven, Sufis love God simply because they love Him, pure and easy, untainted and non-negotiable. Love is the reason. Love is the goal. And when you love God so much, when you love each and every one of His creations because of Him and thanks to Him, extraneous categories melt into thin air. From that point on, there can be no “I” anymore. All you amount to is a zero so big it covers your whole being. The other day Rumi and I were contemplating these issues when all of a sudden he closed his eyes and uttered the following lines: “Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not of the East, nor of the West.… My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless.” Rumi thinks he can never be a poet. But there is a poet in him. And a fabulous one! Now that poet is being revealed. Yes, Rumi is right. He is neither of the East nor of the West. He belongs in the Kingdom of Love. He belongs to the Beloved.
  16. Warning, self actualization is not a concept that you learn and became better at it. Enlightenment is discovering your own essence, by doing so, one switches focus from outside world to the inside. By simply focusing on the inside, the body/mind will part in a process of literal Agony, Fear, Disorientation, Bliss. Do not forget, we where putting our energy outside during decades for many of us. Now when you return to your inner world everything seems to fall apart in the first months/years. The process is not for the pleasure seekers, pleasure comes as a consequence of harmony/love. But until one is in the process of harmony, PAIN is the greatest virtue.
  17. Lol that's what I'm talking about! you don't understand it! It's BEYOND you! It it takes an open mind to go BEYOND. Instead of working all that confusion out you just say "why does he include all this shit into enlightenment? Because my intuition says you don't need any of that crap." and you never question it. You never say "Hmm, maybe there's something here I just need to experience for myself perhaps? I'll be open to that possibility of experiencing these things for myself." The problem here is I don't know what ideas you have about enlightement. Is it no-mind? unconditional love? state of bliss? All loving and understanding? no self? End of suffering? Amazing life? What is it? All of the above? none of the above?
  18. @abundance I have a few awesome business ideas, inspirations that could improve my community, and myself....but they are not my life purpose.... so I often debate the validity of pursuing them.... and find my weird relationship with $ too much of a hindrance... Questions: 1. What were the top three lessons you learned from this book? 2. What do you think humanity/ nature is most in need of.... where you have related skills and vision... to step in with an offering? 3. What brings you bliss, and gives back to the universe?
  19. Hey. I would like to say a few things before I start this topic. Enlightenment is not one thing as most believe. There are two types of non dual experience, with a various depths and stages. The types? Void stages and God stages. Void stages include diving deep into the great unknown self. The faceless god, Without quality. God stages include experiences of the face of god. Bliss, love, compassion and etc. Void and god stages also come at varying depths. Mooji for example is in a void stage yet he definitely does not have the same depth that sadhguru or Ramana maharshi have. How do I know this. Asides from experiencing many of these states. I can read energies. All these experiences and states happen due to energetic changes. Normally ones energy becomes more and more subtle, more refined, and dives into pure stillness and then nothingness. There is a qualitative change. A rebirth. Another stage. This process then repeats. How do psychedelics relate to any of this? As I said I am an energy sensitive, and very familiar with these changes and processes. Psychedelics have extremely coarse energies. The consumption of said coarse energies can indeed greatly alter ones experience. Even permanently. These experiences might even be mistaken for true non dual states. They are not. They are static filled simulations. Loud simulations. That although are very flashy. Lack the depth. The maturity, and the clarity of the real things. This is because psychedelics (which I have done a lot of) overpower the system. Damage it. Damage the Nadis or energetic system. Halt the refinement process that leads to true enlightenment. If that was it though. Who cares. Go for it, but that is not it. When psychedelics damage your system and your auric field. They create literal holes in your energetic self. These holes then make you vulnerable to negative energies. Once cognized by mystics as demons and entities. These. Entities then latch onto you, and if you don’t stop. More will come, more will come. Eventually you become so fucked up. You won’t even know what hit you. Deluded. Thinking you are in a non dual states. Because of a psychedelically induced altered state. Some flashy simulation that lacks depth. While bark like a dog and act like a moron like martin ball. You can destroy your life and system. Beyond repair, and gain a ton of karma by doing this shit. Especially in short intervals. Please listen. I say this for no one else will. Nor do they know about he amount of damage these drugs can do. The damage can be undone, however, good luck
  20. I think I am not strong enough for this awakening. It is literally a psychological death, it feels like it. Please tell me I am not crazy, I feel like I am not exisiting in this concept of time anymore or I cant. I awakened myself by overthinking to a point where my mind automatically made me awake. Trust me. I FEEL LIKE SUICIDE WOULDNT BE MUCH DIFFERENT THAN THE STATE OF MIND IM IN FOR MONTHS NOW. Unfortunately I havent noticed any of the good yet. Just pure suffering. If that is awakening, I woudve for sure renounced it. Day by day I realize that "I" cant exist anymore due to circumstances in my mind. When will the moment come, when I feel one with myself, not feeling like regretting that I havent killed myself? I am literally not amused with the word "awakening", since it is such a life threatening issue in my case. I feel my ego is just nothing, very vague, about to break, protecting itself by telling me I have to kill it phsically. So when I am just not what I thought I am, my mind tells me everything of me is vague, why should it be so different to killing myself. It is somehow the easier way than carrying around the burden of this issue. It is the same as suicide, every enlightened person says that suicide is the ultimate enlightenment. It is a valid feeling of death. Just psychologically, so, how can this ever be a bliss? I am not suicidal. It just gets more serious in that matter, that everything in my mind I identify with is so existential, so deeply rooted.
  21. I have read a lot of posts of spiritual seekers and allegedly enlightened people who did not like this eternal now, oneness with everything, enlightenment, but could not go back. If somebody experiences non-duality, oneness, emptiness, nothingness, beyond time and space, but not bliss, on the contrary, agony, why is not it called enlightenment?
  22. Through concentration, great powers are developed, you will become a specialist, you will become an expert but that ultimate relaxation we are seeking, does not happen. Your powers increase, but not your bliss. Concentration doesn't give relaxation from tension, but instead it will make you even more tense, you will be tired of it sooner or later. Concentration is not awareness, and the person of concentration will never show compassion. Concentration is of the mind, in concentration you focus on one thing and you forget everything else. meditation is of consciousness.
  23. Welcome to the forum! Let me ask you two questions: Who is judging things by their relation to ego? Who is trying to avoid unnecessary activities? People here - especially the newbies of enlightenment work - usually look at the ego as the enemy. This will get you actually further from enlightenment because the ego turning against itself is ego itself! The ego actually wants to hold onto aspects of God - invulnerability, utter tranquility, love. etc. - but it misinterprets them. When the question is dissolving the ego, Love Is The Only Answer At some point in your journey of becoming aware, just being conscious will be the most beautiful thing you could do - or not do. Why do you - the ego - need to fill your free time? Again, ego is just like a sidekick of yours who never gets things right - but for this, it deserves love not hate. Wanting to please others is still ego. But yet again, attachment and the pleasing of your ego are not problems! Your ego got onto this path because it thinks it will get something out of it - this is still ego! Follow your bliss. The ego will manage the activity or the way you think about it when it encounters resistance.
  24. @okulele Just bask in the sweet peace and bliss of nonduality. It is nice to know!! Isn’t it?
  25. How about telling a bit what your state is like after enlightenment? Are you in a state of unbroken peace and bliss? Did it end psychological suffering? What practice did you do?