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  1. The deeper I connect with reality the more bliss I find. I don't find the infinite love that Leo talks about though. If you had to pick one, what will it be? Bliss or Love?
  2. Let me tell you some abstract side effects and nuances from personal experience. Bliss in varying regions in your body, especially energy centers (chakras). Having a extended sense of how much space you are taking. You are feeling more energetic, it's like you are taking a bit more space, you feel that you are dense but somehow light at the same time, you feel how various forces are flowing trough your body. You have gaps of complete sielence in your mind (happening on their own) at some points in the day and it feels good. What you are uttering to others is more likely to manifest and you believe in yourself more. You have more power to visualize something and therefore that something happens in your life. You can sometimes shake or even your body could move by itself during meditation, this is normal. You become more present and more of a presence in general than a personality. Your personal evolution happens faster (in a shorter time period it's harder to believe that this used to be you). You can enjoy your own company without anything. Some habits could disappear since you shined light at some part of your consciousness or your life is put on a perspective and you get clearer about what you would like to do the most. Your potential and frequency of moments of satori increase. Fear of death reduces, sense of eternity evolves and deepens. And of course there are more and more that is unexplored.
  3. Sadhguru advocates creating a stable ground upon which one can build up on, first you establish Peace within, acceptance of Now whatever the situation maybe(no stress response method), Respond to Now rather than react (gain Free Will access), Live Now, use past/memory to become wise, future/imagination to allow creative force to flow higher.. and that from there You will sooner or later be in a constant state of Bliss, and have access to Ecstatic states at will, but you don't want to live and be in Ecstasy for too long otherwise You won't function well in society and lose your responsibility to family, work and such things, but once inawhile, once a day for 20min be Ecstatic and let it flow through you, its great for health and increasing intelligence and creative forces...this can only be done once mastery of the human system is achieved via Yoga methodology, not thru psychedelics since you lose a sense of control and they wear off after awhile...
  4. I've never taken any serious psychedelics, but want to someday and have done a ton of research, and I would assume this would be the case, that a personality or realization and entanglement with it comes after the trip is over, there is the normal "You", going to work, studying in school, having relationships, things go your way, things don't go your way (which is most of the time), and the psychedelic "You" which realizes or experiences a sense of Godliness or Infinity, Joy/Bliss and Completeness...If not integrated correctly, or supplemented with a serious Spiritual Practices of sorts one for sure could have Schizophrenic episodes... Interesting..
  5. We are embodied Beings, we have a Body/Mind complex to use as tools, while here embodied on this material planet and universe, but Body/Mind is not what we are, what we are is Life (some call this Soul, God, Intelligence, Brahman, etc...), so Enlightenment is when One Individual is in Realization of this, internally they are in the Experience of Oneness, Completeness, Bliss, Consciousness, all these dumb words/labels, but still are here on this planet as Undercover Yogi's:) Papji is great, but no method offered, just talking...
  6. Leo Gura Infinite Consciousness, God Realization [PART 1] Leo Gura's introduction: Leo Gura is the founder of, a psychonaut, mystic, and proponent of idealism, believing consciousness is fundamental. He views his audience as aspects of God who have forgotten their true nature, aligning somewhat with Rupert Spira, yet with distinct differences. Curt Jaimungal's introduction: Host of the podcast, Curt, is a filmmaker with a background in mathematical physics, interested in the connection between consciousness and fundamental laws. Need for repeated viewing: The episode encourages viewers to watch more than once for better understanding, especially due to initial skepticism towards Leo's certainty in his views. Humanizing skepticism: Leo displays humanizing skepticism around the four-hour mark, making his propositions more relatable and helping to untangle biases. Part two announcement: A follow-up part focused on Leo Gura's personal experiences is planned due to the extensive discussion only partially covered. Leo Gura's disclaimers: Leo issues disclaimers highlighting the potential psychological impact of exploring deep existential questions, especially for those with mental health concerns. He discourages turning his ideas into ideologies or cults. Alien intelligence analogy: Considering his radically different worldview, Leo asks to be treated as if he were an alien intelligence to bridge communication gaps between his and conventional worldviews. Open-mindedness and truth-seeking: He commends Curt for modeling radical open-mindedness, essential for understanding profound existential questions, showcasing Curt's intellectual approach. Truth's merciless nature and worldview development: Leo states that truth can be merciless, challenging casual speculative pursuits of reality. He contrasts his definitive answers with academic theoretical speculations, advocating for direct experience as the foundation for truth. Embodiment of philosophy: Leo questions whether adopting principles equates to embodying a philosophy. He emphasizes living according to ideals like truthfulness and intellectual honesty but suggests that this is only a surface-level understanding of embodying philosophy. Intellectual beliefs versus living reality: Differentiating between intellectually knowing something and living it, Leo explains minds can hold beliefs, such as atheism, while behaving contradictorily as if higher principles or entities exist. Self-deceptive nature of the mind: The mind is adept at constructing elaborate self-images and identities based on beliefs or perceived worldviews. These can often be misaligned with reality and actions, particularly in terms of professing certain spiritual or moral ideals while behaving contrary to them in practical life. Distinctions between identity and ideals: There's a common disconnect where individuals espouse virtues like selflessness and honesty, but actions reveal inherent selfishness. Leo highlights the importance of introspection and aligning one's behavior with their proclaimed values and beliefs. Hypocrisy in religious and scientific communities: Leo observes hypocrisy both within religious adherents, who may not mirror the selflessness of figures they idolize (e.g., Jesus), and scientists, who claim open-mindedness yet are resistant to non-traditional ideas or concepts they deem "woo-woo." Leo's "non-worldview" and God-realization: He insists that his teachings are not a worldview but a direct path to recognizing absolute truth 듮hat there's only one existent entity, infinite consciousness, which individuals are a part of; everyone is an aspect of God dreaming the entire universe into existence, equating daily life to hallucinations akin to nightly dreams. Technical definition of "hallucination": Leo provides a technical definition, framing it as perception without external input. This aligns with his view that the physical body and experiences are appearances with nothing behind them; reality and hallucination are not distinct, but a matter of persistence and consistency in one's perceptions. Critique of the concept of reality as an intersection of observers: He partly agrees with Chris Langan's ideas but emphasizes the human capacity to erase and redefine perceptual boundaries, asserting that all distinctions are imaginary and can be created or dissolved by the mind. Critique of Chris Langan's model of consciousness: Leo appreciates Langan's intellect but distinguishes between conceptual models and direct realization of God consciousness. He argues that Langan's work, while academically rigorous, is conceptual and cannot substitute for the experiential realization of being God. Reality's lack of constraints: Ultimately, Leo concludes that reality is boundless and unrestricted, leading to mind-shattering paradoxes beyond current conceptual and academic models. Arrogance and assumptions in defining paradoxes: He suggests that while models like Langan's might address the existence of paradoxes in the non-physical realm, there remain deeper layers to be understood, and the ultimate level of consciousness reveals a reality that is truly unconstrained and paradoxical. Dream analogy for awakening: The analogy comparing awakening and dreaming asserts that ordinary reality is akin to a dream, and so-called awakened individuals have realized this, transitioning to a higher state of consciousness. The persistence of people and the world after someone awakens is due to others still dreaming, not the analogy being flawed. Shared Dream Reality: Leo insists that the perception of a shared dream is a personal illusion. Since each person is God, the awakening of any individual causes their unique dream world and its inhabitants to cease within their perspective. Falsifiability of the dream state: The notion that reality is a dream-like experience cannot be falsified, according to Leo. He argues that the concept of falsifiability, a critical principle in scientific methodology, has a fundamental flaw when applied to absolute truth. Skeptical investigation of truth: Leo recounts his shift from extreme skepticism and atheism to deeper inquiry into the nature of knowledge, questioning even his skepticism and realizing that reality is limited to personal experiences. Science within the dream of consciousness: Leo expresses that science and its proofs are confined within the dream of consciousness, cease to exist upon death, and are illusions within the current experience bubble. Falsifiability and absolute reality: Leo critiques the reliance on falsifiability in science by stating that absolute truth encompasses all dreams, self-deception, and potential wrongs, making it unfalsifiable as it includes the concept of falsifiability itself. Infinity and levels of consciousness: Discussing infinite consciousness, Leo claims that there is an ultimate level of consciousness that infinitely expands in all directions, imagining all possibilities, which cannot be surpassed or invalidated by a higher state. Skepticism about skepticism: Leo encourages skeptics to doubt their skepticism, logic, and even the workings of their own minds, advocating for a deeper questioning that includes these meta-criticisms. Tautological nature of reality: The conversation converges on the idea that reality, at its pinnacle, is a tautology, simply existing as it is, similar to the logical truth that one equals one, without additional explanatory power. Introduction of Matthew Phillips and the Transcend app: Matthew Phillips describes Transcend as a mobile app allowing users to capture and preserve their personal stories for posterity, highlighting the importance of one's legacy and providing tools for deeper connections with loved ones. G漆el's influence on truth and provability: G漆el's Incompleteness Theorem demonstrates that truth transcends provability; not all truths can be proven within a formal system, highlighting the limits of proof in understanding absolute reality. Conception of infinite consciousness: Leo clarifies that one's finite conception of infinite consciousness is not truly infinite. True infinite consciousness encompasses all possible existences, leaving nothing external to it. Limitations of language regarding infinity: The discussion acknowledges linguistic shortcomings in conveying the concept of infinity, distinguishing between conceptual orders of infinity and the notion of absolute infinity. Georg Cantor's Absolute Infinity: Cantor's development of set theory and the idea of different orders of infinity lead to the recognition of an "absolute infinity," which he symbolized with omega and equated with God. Leo emphasizes that even this concept is limited compared to the true nature of absolute infinity. Absolute Infinity beyond all imaginations: Leo explains absolute infinity as extending infinitely beyond all human constructs like mathematics, physics, or film, encapsulating literally every possibility. Debating the bounds of consciousness: Leo challenges the idea of anything existing beyond consciousness, arguing for a state where consciousness is all-encompassing, thereby negating any notion of external entities or realms. Transcendence of consciousness: Leo posits that consciousness is transcendental, not limited by physical laws or logical constraints, and underlies the existence of everything. Infinite regress of skepticism: Leo demonstrates that skepticism itself is part of consciousness and cannot escape it, leading to an infinite regress of possible doubt. Recognition and limits of finite consciousness: Leo draws an analogy to a donkey's inability to recognize itself in a mirror to illustrate the difficulty in explaining consciousness to someone not at an infinitely conscious state. He suggests that finite beings invent hypothetical entities beyond consciousness out of scepticism, not realizing everything they imagine is contained within consciousness. Platonic hat argument: Leo uses a playful analogy, equating claims of an even higher state beyond consciousness to a conceptual one-upmanship that doesn't address the inherent nature of consciousness and truth. Infinite Regress of Self-Deception: Infinite regress of self-deception showcases that any claim of truth can be met with an infinite chain of counterclaims, illustrating that truth can't be fully captured by arguments or models. God-realization as Meta Awareness: Being God-realized means being aware of the infinite regress and acknowledging that every description of God is just a finite aspect of an incomprehensibly meta and endless reality. The Tautology of 'One Equals One': The self-evidency of tautologies, like "one equals one," underlines their unfalsifiability and hints at infinite truths that are beyond standard logical proofs like reductio ad absurdum. Relativity of Absurdity: The notion of what is considered absurd is relative and cannot form a stable basis for dismissing claims, as what may be seen as absurd in one context might be accepted in another. Unfalsifiability of Truth: Truth is inherently unfalsifiable; the most difficult propositions to falsify or prove wrong are precisely those that might actually be true, thereby confronting the limits of proof and falsifiability in epistemology. Impact of Social Media on Meaningful Living: Social media breeds disconnection and competition contradicting meaningful living principles such as being present, loving, non-judgmental, and time-conscious. Project Transcend's Approach to Legacy: Project Transcend enables users to document their legacy, emphasizing a private, data-controlled approach for sharing beliefs and life experiences with future generations, unlike standard social media. Endurance of Truth: Once aware of the truth, an individual remains unshakable in that knowledge. Yet, the acknowledgment of potential self-deception is crucial, as one must deeply investigate truth for oneself over years. Skepticism and Nested Self-Deception: The self-deception of skepticism is pivotal, where nested layers of deception obscure the truth even further, making self-awareness a critical part of epistemology. Distinction Between Nescience and Ignorance: Nescience simply means not knowing, devoid of the wilful choice implied by ignorance, but the true problem lies in holding false beliefs, underscoring the importance of properly engaging with epistemology before metaphysics. Imaginary Nature of Hierarchies: At an absolute level, hierarchies are seen to be imaginary, with consciousness realizing its oneness to the extent that all distinctions dissolve, leaving a formless unity. Substance of Reality: The true substance of reality is nothing, as all perceived substances are distinctions within consciousness instead of being something tangible like atoms or energy. Limitations of Language in Grasping Reality: Language, by nature, is dualistic and cannot capture the essence of reality, which requires understanding beyond spoken or conceptual distinction like that between a chicken and a coffee table. Nature of distinctions: Distinctions such as those between a chicken and a coffee table are imaginary constructs of the mind. Without them, all things would merge into a single entity, which would essentially be nothing, and this nothing is what Leo considers infinity. Language and its limitations: Language was not intended for philosophical undertakings and is rooted in practicality, much like classical Newtonian mechanics, which are useful despite their known inaccuracies in representing absolute reality. Length as a relative measure: Leo challenges the concept of length as an absolute measure, highlighting its dependence on relative points of reference and suggesting that, at a fundamental level, distinctions like length are imagined. Ontological relativity: Leo introduces the notion of ontological relativity, suggesting that the distinction between objects like a chicken and a coffee table only exists within our perception and that without this distinction, they would become indistinguishable, merging into a single entity which is effectively nothing. Instrumentalism and science: Differentiating between the notion of science as instrumentalism, which focuses on practical predictions and measurements, and his own view, which is that even the distinctions used in science are not truly conscious understandings but rather conceptual tools that ultimately fail to capture the essence of reality. Existence and consciousness: Discussing the relationship between existence, consciousness, and love, Leo implies that these concepts are entwined at a metaphysical level and are present in all things, overturning materialistic assumptions that limit love to emotional experiences of advanced organisms. Emergence of scientific acceptance: Leo admits that some ideas that once seemed radical, like panpsychism or integrated information theory, are gaining more acceptance within the scientific community, suggesting that truth will eventually become more widely recognized. Concept of love: Leo explores the metaphysical meaning of saying "you love bacon," connecting it to a phenomenological experience of tastes and textures that consciousness biases towards, comparing it to less desirable experiences like eating a cricket. Biased vs unbiased love: He proposes that at the level of God consciousness, all distinctions between experiences collapse, leading to an unbiased love for all experiences. This contrast is made against human consciousness, which has preferences and biases necessary for survival. Definition of metaphysical love: Leo offers a technical definition of metaphysical love as the realization of no difference between anything, equating this realization with falling in love with oneself and all reality infinitely. Symmetry of the universe: He theorizes that the universe is perfectly symmetrical and unbiased, questioning why it would prioritize anything, such as particular human actions, at a universal scale. Problems of discussing existence with language: Both Leo and the interviewer, named Curt, acknowledge the challenge of discussing reality with language, as it can degrade or complicate the understanding, referencing Wittgenstein's philosophy on talking about the ineffable. Role of life experiences in awakening: Leo asserts that every life event, good or bad, is necessary for one's realization as God듮his realization encompasses everything one encounters, including mundane or seemingly negative experiences. Precision in language and public dialogue: The conversation transitions into the limits of language and how precise communication is vital to prevent misconceptions and misinterpretations in discussions about complex concepts like love and consciousness. Child's Concept of Energy: Children can be conditioned to associate specific objects, such as ducks, with concepts such as energy through reinforced learning, similar to how society conditions individuals to have selective biases about what or who is appropriate to love. Challenging Cultural Notions of Love: Leo argues against the culturally ingrained biases that determine acceptable objects of love, advocating for a universal application of the term 'love' to everything, mirroring the interconnectedness found in physics where all phenomena are forms of energy. Language's Limitations and Rehabilitation: The limitation of language in conveying complex ideas is discussed, with suggestions of either dismantling language's structure or refining it for greater precision. Leo insists on rehabilitating corrupted words like 'love', 'truth', and 'God' to their purer, more profound meanings. Resistance to 'God' and 'Love' Labels: Leo observes resistance to using terms like 'God' and 'love' and interprets this as an avoidance of a deeper realization that everything is an embodiment of these concepts. He underscores the need to recognize arbitrary biases in love and stresses the importance of connecting these biases with the concept of absolute love. Finite Nature of Hate: Hate, seen as a reaction to aspects of reality, is argued to be finite in nature, contrasting with the infinitude of love. Leo differentiates between relative love, which can include hate, and absolute love, which fully encompasses hate, likening it to the totality of the yin-yang symbol. Free Will as a Duality: Leo addresses the concept of free will as being perceived in opposition to determinism, highlighting nature's tendency to incorporate both aspects of any duality. He distinguishes different answers to the existence of free will based on one's level of consciousness. Infinite Nature of God's Will: At the highest level of consciousness, God is described as an infinite mind with no external restrictions, implying that any limitations are self-imposed through imagination and self-deception. This leads to the notion that limits are illusory, and omnipotence is God's true state. Self-Deception in Limitation: The paradox of omnipotence is discussed, suggesting that God can only experience limitation through an illusory belief in finitude, such as imagining oneself to be a limited human instead of an unlimited entity. This self-deception is essential for God to experience anything less than omnipotence. Concept of Absolute Good: Everything in the universe, even actions that are typically seen as negative or evil, are manifestations of absolute good because they arise from a state of selflessness inherent in the totality of existence. Potential of Omniscience: Leo Gura opens up the possibility for oneself to attain a state of complete knowledge or omniscience, challenging the idea that it is impossible and encouraging an openness to the potential of becoming all-knowing. God Realization After Death: The concept discussed suggests that upon death, an individual's self dissolves into God, achieving unity with the omniscient being. This realization implies a reunification with the absolute essence of all that is. Theory of Everything (TOE) Definition: Gura contends that a true TOE must satisfactorily address not just physical phenomena but also answer the fundamental question of why anything exists at all, encompassing both the physical universe and existence with a capital "U." Exploring Belief Limitations: Gura indicates that a self-fulfilling belief in the impossibility of achieving omniscience during one's lifetime acts as a barrier to the realization of that potential, similar to how preconceived notions can obstruct the discovery of new knowledge like the existence of a platypus. Investment in Truth: Truth-seeking is presented as requiring active engagement and investment, akin to the dedication exemplified in the construction of the Large Hadron Collider to discover the Higgs boson, suggesting that deep truths and profound TOEs are discovered through committed effort, not passive contemplation. Sharing of God's Creativity: The reason for existence according to Leo is rooted in God's creativity, where God, as an infinitely loving and selfless being, creates all possibilities and shares that infinite beauty with finite forms that can later reunify with the infinite source. God's Nature of Love and Creativity: An intricate link is drawn between love, creativity, omnipotence, intelligence, and consciousness. The essence of God is depicted as endless creativity and the act of creating everything conceivable듯nderstood not as an action of love but as the fundamental state of love itself. Reflection of Love in Creation: Casting God's act of creation as an expression of its very nature, Gura suggests that the manifestation of infinite forms is an ultimate act of sharing and a reflection of love, defying anthropomorphized conceptions of God and embracing creativity as intrinsic to the essence of love. Multiverse and Anthropic Principle Critique: The multiverse theory and anthropic principle are critiqued as insufficient explanations for the fine-tuning of the universe's physical laws, with the assertion that the true explanation for existence lies in the creation of everything simultaneously. Creation and destruction dichotomy: Creation and destruction are intrinsically linked, exemplified in ecosystems where life and death support one another in a continuous cycle, refuting the naive dichotomy that creation is solely good and death is inherently bad. Finite Creation: All human-made creations are finite by necessity, delineated by excluding all other possibilities, forming a reality defined by limitations and distinctions. Memory and Consciousness: Just as working memory limits how many thoughts can be simultaneously held, finite creation and imagination are constrained, unable to encompass infinity without transitioning into nothingness or undefined potential. Superposition and Reality: In imagining all possible animals merged into one, a perfect superposition represents infinity or nothingness듯ndefined until distinctions are made, illustrating the paradoxical nature of creation as both defining and limiting reality. Paradoxes in Universal Concepts: Discussing set paradoxes and properties of imagined universes, highlighting issues of considering individual components versus a collective understanding and the elasticity of the concept of reality. Reality as Singular Existence: The exercise illustrates that reality must be a singular entity, as even the notion of separation among multiple realities would itself be part of one encompassing reality, eliminating the distinction between what's real and unreal. Material and Immaterial Boundaries: Challenges the distinction between reality and unreality, suggesting that boundaries are illusory and recognizing all as part of one reality leads to an infinite understanding of existence. Personal Growth and Variability in Psychedelic Experiences: Leo emphasizes his personal commitment to growth and understanding reality, recognizing individual differences in responses to psychedelic substances and their potential influence on consciousness expansion. Existence beyond concepts: Leo challenges the notion that edges of existence are within our reach, proposing that one could theoretically see everything in the universe simultaneously, thereby negating the possibility of unseen or non-existent aspects. Understanding existence: Leo contends that it's possible to fully understand what it means to exist beyond particular forms and that awakening means realizing non-existence as a concept, not a reality. Absolute existence: In Leo's view, existence is absolute, suggesting that concepts of non-existence and beyond infinity are merely thoughts within the infinite framework of consciousness. Qualia as absolute truth: Leo describes the profound nature of existence, inviting contemplation on the immediate experience of one's hands as an example of undeniable truth, untouched by constructs like time, space, or matter. Meditative exercise for realizing consciousness: Leo guides through an exercise aiming to illustrate the immediacy of consciousness and reality, emphasizing the importance of direct experience over intellectual pondering. Infinite consciousness and imagination: Leo discusses the elasticity of infinity, which by its nature, includes all things든ven concepts of what lies beyond it, and concludes that what seems like physical reality is ultimately based on an act of imagination. Donald Hoffman's Interface Theory: Leo critiques Donald Hoffman's Interface Theory, which suggests that human perception does not depict reality truthfully due to natural selection. He argues that Hoffman's theory is flawed because perception itself is the truest form of reality든verything perceived is absolutely real. Scientific Reductionism Criticized: Leo vehemently opposes scientific reductionism, the view that phenomena can be explained by reducing them to their constituent parts. He posits that being is fundamental and cannot be reduced to concepts, which biases scientific inquiry away from direct contact with reality. Qualia as Reality: Leo asserts that qualia, or personal experiences of phenomena, define reality. He disputes the idea of an independent world beyond experience and challenges scientific paradigms that differentiate between qualia and objective reality. Misconception of Representation: He highlights an epistemological issue in how science relies on symbols, which are not the things they represent. This leads to an endless chain of concepts never grasping the tangible essence they aim to describe. Existence of Concepts: Discussing the nature of concepts, Leo suggests that everything, including abstract notions like Santa Claus or quarks, exists at least as a concept but that doesn't infer their material existence. Substance and Concept: He differentiates between the substance of things (reality) and our concepts of them. He emphasizes that concepts, such as atoms or strings, developed after the tangible reality they attempt to describe, indicating a misinterpretation by science of the order of reality. Fallacy of Discovering Quarks: Leo challenges the notion that scientists discover particles like quarks, stating that they merely invent the concept to represent what they believe to be the foundational elements of reality. Qualia Realness Inquiry: Leo confronts materialistic views by asking for evidence of anything existing outside of qualia, thereby arguing that everyday experiences and sensations are as real as they are perceived. Tautology of Experience: He points out the tautology in questioning the reality of experience, indicating that asking for proof beyond personal experience is like requesting an experience that isn't an experience. Realness and Unreality Buttons: Utilizing an analogy of hypothetical buttons that trigger certain experiences or realizations, Leo illustrates the problem of distinguishing between perceptions of reality and unreality, emphasizing the subjective nature of experience. Neuromodulators and Transcendence: Leo discusses how future brain imaging and neurochemistry might interpret transcendent experiences, like God realization, as biological events, and questions the validity of such materialistic reductions. Confusion between concept and reality: Leo points out that while symbols and words, like 'duck,' help us conceptualize reality, they are not reality itself. He criticizes mathematician Max Tegmark's view that the universe is fundamentally mathematical, arguing that while mathematics can describe reality, it is not synonymous with being. Projection of belief onto reality: Leo suggests that people see reality through the lens of their beliefs, much like how a Christian might perceive Christ in everyday objects. He connects this to the idea that an individual's experience of reality, whether atheist, materialist, or spiritual, is unique and deeply influenced by their belief systems. Existence of God as a matter of perspective: Leo argues that for an atheist, God does not exist; however, this is simply what God듪r infinite consciousness들s imagining for that person. He suggests that one's belief about material reality is a temporary state and that experiences, like those induced by psychedelics, can shift these beliefs. Subjectivity and variety in beliefs: Gura discusses the diversity of sincere beliefs held by people throughout history and questions why intelligent individuals, such as Isaac Newton, believed in God. He attributes this not to a lack of intelligence but to the sincerity and depth of their personal reality. Finite conception of free will: Leo views the ego as a finite state of consciousness that believes it controls reality, a necessary illusion for survival. He differentiates 'will,' which exists in humans in limited form, from 'infinite will,' the latter of which he aligns with God and its materials manifestations. Challenge of future prediction: When discussing consciousness at the highest levels, Leo explains that the concepts of a predictable future and material reality dissolve, complicating notions of prediction and verification of truth. Limitations and possibilities of mystical abilities: Leo acknowledges his ongoing exploration of consciousness and considers the potential future development of abilities like clairvoyance, despite not currently claiming them. Trade-off between absolute consciousness and finite details: Gura describes a trade-off when accessing higher states of consciousness, where one gains a view of totality at the expense of losing sight of detailed aspects of the earthly domain. Acknowledgment of personal self-deception: Despite his insights into infinite consciousness, Leo admits to being susceptible to self-deception in the relative, material world and recognizes the need to update his beliefs when proven otherwise. Leo's skepticism and humility: While having strong convictions, Leo expresses skepticism about his worldview, showing a level of humility that humanizes his assertions about consciousness and God. Experience with Paranormal Healing: Leo sought non-traditional healing for his persistent stomach issues, consulting with healers and fortune tellers from a variety of backgrounds. Skepticism and Desperation: Despite his skepticism, health problems led Leo to consult various paranormal practitioners, revealing the impact of desperation on openness to alternative methods. Testing Paranormal Claims: Leo devised a strategy to test the reliability of different healers' insights by comparing their independent diagnoses of his health issue. Inconclusive Results and Self-deception: The conflicting diagnoses from paranormal healers led Leo to a deeper understanding of self-deception and reinforced his skepticism. Discrepancy in Paranormal Healing Experiences: Leo observed that different healers, despite their sincerity, provided dissimilar explanations for his condition, which did not lead to lasting relief. Personal Bubbles of Reality: Leo's worldviews suggest that individuals live within their own subjective reality bubbles, which may intersect but are not entirely aligned with those of others. Relativity of Delusion: Delusional experiences can be real for the person experiencing them, due to the flexible boundary between dreams and physical reality as seen through psychedelic experiences. Skepticism's Limitations: Leo discusses how excessive skepticism can block the acknowledgement of certain experiences or phenomena, such as the ability to read, and equates ultimate skepticism with the ability to doubt any aspect of reality. Denial of consciousness: Gura argues that atheists may be denying their own consciousness by rejecting or hating existence, equating atheism to a denial of oneself as God. Evil's relationship with existence and consciousness: Leo converses about the idea that evil is tied to acts against existence and consciousness, emphasizing that evil is a form of selfishness arising from a lack of consciousness. Understanding evil through consciousness: He asserts that a lower level of consciousness is associated with deriving pleasure from suffering, and uses examples from cruel behavior and political schadenfreude to illustrate different consciousness levels. Political consciousness and bias: Discussing political bias, Leo shares his observation that both sides of the political spectrum can exhibit tribalism, but notes a specific unwillingness by some to acknowledge any positive actions from opposing figures like Trump. Criticism of Sam Harris's 'Moral Landscape': Leo criticizes Harris's concept of objective morality and suggests that relative human concepts of good are tied to egoistic perspectives and can't define what is good for humanity as a whole. Sam Harris's level of awakening: Gura questions the depth of Sam Harris's understanding of no-self and awakening, indicating Harris lacks realization of higher states of consciousness and God-realization. Sam Harris's limited psychedelic experiences: Leo suggests that Harris has not deeply experimented with psychedelics and is restricted by materialistic and intellectual attachments. Ideological entrenchment limiting psychedelic insights: Gura explains how entrenched worldviews can prevent psychedelics from significantly expanding one's consciousness, requiring an open mind and dealing with psychological baggage for deeper realizations. Individual variability in psychedelic experiences: Psychedelic experiences differ greatly among people due to unique psychological baggage, trauma, and personal openness, which can influence the nature and intensity of their trips. Personal anecdote on psychedelic experience: Matthew shares his own encounter with psychedelics, which challenged his understanding of consciousness but not his atheism, and contrasts this with a friend who had no profound insights even at higher doses, highlighting the role of one's mindset and openness in determining the impact of psychedelics. Impact of philosophical curiosity: Leo emphasizes that an individual's interest in understanding existence profoundly influences their responses to psychedelics; those genuinely curious about metaphysical topics may have more significant revelations than those who are indifferent. Diverse responses to psychedelics: People react differently to the same doses of psychedelics due to varying physiological sensitivities. Leo notes personal sensitivity and how some individuals can handle larger doses without significant effects. Different aims with psychedelics: While some people are mainly interested in visual effects, Leo seeks insights and understanding, explaining that even low doses can lead him to experiences of infinite consciousness, sometimes with overwhelming bliss. Guidance for avoiding negative trip outcomes: Leo advises cautious dosing and respect for psychedelics. He criticizes the notion of "heroic doses," noting that overconfidence can lead to adverse effects, including egotistical rebound post-trip. Mental stability and personal history: Leo attributes his psychological resilience to a relatively positive upbringing, advising those with challenging pasts or mental health issues to be careful with psychedelics and to lay a foundational self-help groundwork first. Nuanced views on God realization and awakening: Leo distinguishes between accessing infinite truth and fully embodying it, admitting his own ongoing work in integrating the absolute with the relative and that spiritual teachers can have personal flaws despite deep insights. Insecurities and authenticity: Despite projecting wisdom, Leo acknowledges his own egoic tendencies and the complexities of living up to spiritual insights, indicating that genuine self-reflection and vulnerability are part of his journey. Self-improvement and accessing truth: Accessing infinite truth doesn't automatically resolve personal issues like addictions or conflicts; the mind's structure with its attachments, biases, and beliefs remains largely intact. Deconstruction of the mind continues even after accessing infinity. Attachment and life goals: Whether to eliminate attachment hinges on individual life goals. Removing attachments can increase one's capacity for love, as love is characterized by a lack of bias and attachment inherently introduces suffering. Impermanence and suffering: All attachments are temporary due to the principle of impermanence, which states that all forms in the universe cannot remain constant. Attachment to any form, tangible or conceptual, guarantees future loss and subsequent suffering. Attachment weighing happiness against suffering: While attachments may bring happiness, they also ensure future suffering when they end. This is likened to taking a loan of happiness that must be paid back with suffering when the attachment is lost. Thomas Campbell's astral perspective: Leo aligns with Campbell on the idea that consciousness and love are fundamental but disputes Campbell's view on the finite nature of reality and the idea that time and units of reality are fundamental. Learning from Campbell's dream analysis: Leo appreciates Campbell's insights on how recurring dreams can reveal unresolved traumas and psychic baggage and can be used for self-therapy to integrate these lessons and cease recurring dreams. Bernardo Kastrup's agreement and critique: Leo concurs with Kastrup's arguments against materialism but contends that Kastrup hasn't fully realized that he is God imagining all existence. Kastrup's rejection of solipsism and his concept of a dissociative boundary between consciousnesses are areas of discord. Understanding Infinity through division: Reality is viewed as capable of infinite division, with no foundational unit. Infinity allows for continuous fractal division, debunking the notion of a limit within reality such as the Planck length. Attachment to ideas and beliefs: Even being attached to seemingly positive ideas, like the concept of God, can lead to suffering due to the impermanent nature of all attachments and forms. Infinite probe of consciousness: Consciousness is not limited by conceptual structures like the Planck length; it has the potential to delve infinitely within or beyond, exploring realms beyond current scientific understanding. Divergence from Frank Yang: Leo is familiar with Frank Yang but has limited knowledge of his worldview. He acknowledges Yang's critique of psychedelics and preference for enlightenment through meditation, notably the Buddhist concept of cessation. Cessation and temporality: The state of cessation is described as the universe ceasing to exist, then rebooting드n atemporal state adjacent to our temporal reality. Leo views this abrupt transition akin to a computer restart, bridging eternity and the observable world. Equality of conscious states: Leo does not single out cessation as a superior state, considering all states of consciousness equal듡orm, formlessness, or cessation. Reintegrating form and formlessness: The spiritual path typically progresses from realizing no-self to formlessness, and eventually to recognizing form as nothingness. True non-duality emerges when all states, including the material, are seen as manifestations of the absolute. Dogmatism in non-dualist communities: Leo observes a tendency among early non-dualist students to recite beliefs about non-duality and infinity as truths, possibly fooling themselves about the extent of their awakening due to the radical nature of initial realizations. Spiritual defensiveness and compassion: Commenting on the spiritual community's defensive stance towards science, Leo admits his own past lack of compassion towards figures like Richard Dawkins, recognizing now that all opposition stems from ignorance. Awakening's selectivity and attachments: Leo stresses that awakening is radical and not suitable for everyone. He suggests not trying to force it upon unwilling individuals and emphasizes managing attachments responsibly rather than completely detaching. Persona adoption in spiritual communities: Leo notes an affected happiness among some followers in the spiritual community, potentially signifying inauthentic behavior. He admits to enhancing excitement in his videos for engagement but questions whether he should credit his audience with greater understanding of complex topics. Cessation visualization: Leo imagines cessation as a nonsequential reemergence of consciousness rather than a gradual return, accentuating the dissonance between atemporal and temporal states and their inexplicable coexistence. Conceptual non-duality vs. actual experiences of awakening: Leo differentiates between intellectually accepted ideas of non-duality and the actual expansive experiences of awakening, noting that each state of consciousness, including cessation, is equally an expression of the absolute. Perceived dogmatism in the pursuit of inner peace: Leo addresses apparent dogmatic repetition within non-dualist communities, recognizing it as potentially misleading and a form of self-deception. Authenticity and truth realizations: Despite noting superficiality in some spiritual practitioners, Leo champions true non-dual teachers for their authenticity, which he attributes to their pursuit of truth. Assumptions about the audience's intelligence: Leo sometimes underestimates his audience's intelligence, assuming they won't grasp complex ideas. He acknowledges this may not give them enough credit for their understanding. Steel manning vs. straw man arguments: While Leo tries to make debates humorous by considering absurd objections, he believes he could benefit from taking a more rigorous steel man approach to strengthen his arguments rather than ridiculing counterpoints. Precision in pursuit of truth: Emphasizes precision and stretching analogies to their limits as means to gain insight and understands truth, suggesting traditional media may underestimate the audience's capacity to grasp complex concepts. Free will and God's identity: Leo engages with a complex dialogue about free will and identity with God, discussing how finite minds grapple with infinite concepts, leading to paradoxes and the eventual realization that one is fully divine. Realization of God's nature: Leo's personal journey reflects a gradual realization from recognizing God as external, to questioning God's nature, to ultimately recognizing oneself as God, which comes with immense humility and selflessness. Understanding God as infinite love: The realization of God's true identity as an act of infinite love is described as transformative and life-changing, leading to the understanding of why everything exists as it does. Acceptance of ultimate reality: Leo shares the view that recognizing oneself as God results in the understanding that the physical universe would cease to exist from his perspective because all perspectives are ultimately imagined within one's own consciousness. Problem of solipsism in understanding unity: Solipsism is critiqued as not being radical enough; the ultimate truth is realizing a unique type of unity where one is not alone because of separateness but because everything merges into a singular consciousness. Finality of realizing ultimate truth: God realization is so intense that if fully accepted, it would mean the dissolution of the universe, highlighting the notion that true awareness can obliterate finite constructs. Discussion on finite perspectives: A conversation unfolds about the seeming paradox of other perspectives ending if one individual reaches the ultimate realization of God, leading to the idea that, at the highest level of understanding, no other separate perspectives actually exist. Convergence of Conscious Perspectives: As consciousness rises, distinctions between selves, objects, and concepts dissolve, leading to a convergence or "coning" effect where all become one. This realization of oneness is likened to the deepest physical and emotional fusion between beings, transcending individuality into eternal, undifferentiated unity. Definition of God Realization: Leo defines God realization as a state beyond simply experiencing nothingness or physical objects; it is conscious self-creation, where individuals are aware they are imaginatively composing all of reality, including their own bodies. This state transcends all limitations, constantly self-creates, and embodies infinite creativity, and is appropriately termed "God." Critique of Spiral Dynamics: Leo critiques the hierarchical nature of spiral dynamics, suggesting it fails to represent the highest states of consciousness where hierarchies become meaningless, and direct experience does not rely on ranked stages or development directions. Impermanence Paradox: Addressing the paradox of permanence in impermanence, Leo states that at basic levels of consciousness, impermanence is evident, but at the highest levels, one might view everything, including love, as eternally existing, eluding the notion of impermanence. Free Will as a Fragment of Divine Will: He argues free will is inherited from God's self-determined nature, allowing humans to create and influence their world in a finite manner, experiencing the divine act of creation to various degrees. God as Creator and Destroyer: Both creation and destruction are integral aspects of God, yet intuitively, God is more akin to a creator, even though destruction is necessary for new creation. Life's intention is framed as facilitating more life rather than death, with life perpetually supported by death in a never-ending cycle. Intentions and Perceived Good: Every action, even seemingly negative ones, is considered good, with figures like Hitler believing they were doing the greatest good from their perspective. Leo elaborates on how lower states of consciousness can corrupt the perception of what is good, while higher states embrace a purer, selfless understanding. Hate as Distorted Love: The concept of hate is discussed as a manifestation of insufficient love, with individuals expressing hate as a means to cope with their own lack of love and striving to eliminate what they perceive as evil, which ironically can create more evil. Audience Participation and App Introduction: Audience questions are anticipated and Matthew introduces the Transcend app, emphasizing the uniqueness in purpose compared to common social platforms, prioritizing privacy and meaningful interaction over superficial connectivity. Twisted nature of hate: Hate is a contorted form of love that stems from loving something else in opposition to the thing one hates, as was the case with Hitler hating Jews due to his intense love for the purity of Germany. Hatred as a response to insufficient love: People become hateful primarily because they were denied proper love, often leading them to reject love towards others out of a sense of deprivation or as a reactionary mechanism. Origins of evil and division: The original act of partitioning infinite love, which could be seen as the first form of evil, occurred when God divided itself to share love with others, making any finite form inherently less than everything. Removal of moral judgment and free will: In Leo's model, moral judgment is removed. Without free will, there's no basis for worst or evil since everything, even divisions, is part of absolute perfection as expressions of infinite love or perfection. Concept of Absolute Good: Gura suggests that everyone acts from a stance of absolute good; when fully awakened, one perceives everything and everyone as fundamentally good, challenging conventional definitions of good and evil. Logic's limitations in reaching the Absolute: Logic, being finite, cannot arrive at an absolute understanding; it's only applicable after directly experiencing the absolute, which is beyond logic's capabilities. Matthew Phillips and the Transcend app: Matthew Phillips introduces the Transcend app, inspired by his life experiences and near-death realization about the importance of legacy. The app is designed to document and pass on one's personal legacy and preserves users' privacy and data ownership with insight prompts to encourage meaningful entries. Origins of Transcend: The idea for the Transcend app was inspired by Leo Gura's approach to sharing wisdom through videos, contemplating how to document important life lessons. Documenting Personal Legacy: Transcend is designed as a private platform for individuals to document and pass on their personal experiences, beliefs, and wisdom, contrasting with the transient and public nature of traditional social media. Privacy and Data Ownership: A key feature of Transcend is its commitment to user privacy. It operates on a subscription model, ensuring users have full ownership of their data, with the app serving as a secure repository for a personal legacy. Transcend's User Experience: Users are guided to annotate their content, explaining its significance and setting permissions for who can access it. The app currently focuses on intuitive use but plans to evolve into immersive and interactive experiences. Intelligence and Personal Relevance of Content: Transcend differentiates itself by prioritizing the quality and personal relevance of content over traditional metadata used by other platforms, aiming to present memories and moments to the right person at the right time. Tools for Connection: The app includes prompts and tools designed to facilitate deeper connections and meaningful interactions between users and their loved ones, adapting to various situations and relationships. Furnunculus
  7. I don’t know, and that’s the miracle. Experiencing rain falling down can feel like crying a waterfall of bliss.
  8. The Balinese paradise is evoking magical frequencies that have always been within you. These bliss frequencies are not in the Balinese paradise per say. We could say they are like sparks of God, reminding us of our brilliance. Besides psychedelics, one of the most powerful tools you have, is in fact your imagination. Yes, it's like a muscle that needs to be exercised, but rest assured, every time you release and old version of yourself, your imagination capabilities will be upgraded too, exponentially so. Perhaps sometimes it's totally valid to feel like shit, but most of the time it's unnecessary. A lot of spiritual people feel their pain and feel their pain, but they neglect to make full use of the power that's available in all the magical frequencies of Infinite Life. So yes, the more clearly you can pinpoint the precise frequencies of your Balinese experience, the easier it becomes to explore them at will. And ultimately also to integrate those frequencies into your new baseline state of being. We have more freedom to choose what we focus on than we think. @Rafael Thundercat
  9. I've come to a point where things outside of me don't bother me as much, traffic still bothers me but it only lasts a second or so, otherwise maybe due to age I've learned to accept what is much better now.. Its not that we have many "emotions" to deal with, or situations, it is just that deep down there is a lack of acceptance towards what is, and a lack of responding to what is vs reacting. I for one do not want to feel negative emotions, fear, shame, frustration, sadness, depression, anxiety, I've felt these and much rather feel Joy, Bliss, Excitement, Intensity of experience, Vitality and so forth. We have Free Will, we need to decide what we want for ourselves, if one wants to feel sadness, depression, anxiety, then that is up to them, but the more positive emotions are more healthy for us, that is proven, the more wellbeing You have, the more access to your potential and capability You have, so that is the choice...
  10. Back From 2 Month Break, Updates Extended break and its necessity: Leo took a break to detach from the constant pressure of content creation and to address a cycle of anxiety tied to the frequent demand for new material, something that comes with seven to eight years of consistent work on YouTube. Commitment to substantial content: He emphasizes his dedication to creating content that remains relevant and beneficial long-term, which involves deep contemplation and significant effort to ensure each episode contains valuable insights without being repetitive. Creative challenges in content production: The laborious task of organizing and presenting insights in a non-repetitive, impactful manner is highlighted as the most strenuous part of his job, overshadowing the generation of insights themselves. Impact of content creation on personal development: Realizes the importance of breaks, as continuous engagement in personal development work and content production led to a cycle of overconsumption and negatively affected his personal life and well-being. Discovering the importance of true rest: Recognizes that genuine rest involves significant mental disengagement from work-related thought processes, allowing for creative rejuvenation and reflection on the need for a balanced approach to productivity and life purpose activities. Importance of sustainability in one's pursuits: Discusses the importance of pacing oneself to maintain long-term effectiveness and prevent burnout, drawing parallels between disciplined approaches in marathon running and sustainable living. Sustainability and balance: Ensuring sustainability in life's activities like eating habits, business operations, and work hours is critical, with the recognition that sometimes temporary periods of intensified effort might be necessary. Strategic phases of hard work: The initial years in a business may require intense dedication potentially at the expense of other aspects of life, but this is strategic for establishing a strong foundation, after which one can dial back and focus on other areas that were sidelined. Benefits of taking breaks: Regular breaks, such as two months off each year, are vital for Leo's mental health and creativity. The initial weeks serve as a detox from the daily grind, leading to a state of increased creativity where important insights and ideas emerge. Creative process and pragmatism: Creativity flourishes best when not under immediate pressure to deliver, contrasting with the practical demands of meeting deadlines. Balancing practical requirements with the creative process, especially in cyclical work patterns, can lead to innovation and maintain audience interest over the long term. Dangers of becoming a work robot: An overly pragmatic and utilitarian lifestyle can disconnect one from spirituality, creativity, and overall happiness. Sustainable work-lifestyle balance is crucial, with strategic bursts of intensity followed by necessary rest. Holistic spirituality: True spirituality involves adeptly balancing and surfing the complex waves of life's various aspects, such as career, relationships, health, and spirituality itself. A holistic spirituality informs and elevates all facets of life, not just an isolated domain. Cyclical work approach for growth: Continuous work without breaks can hinder one's ability to gain perspective and develop consciousness. Methods alternating between intense focus and complete detachment can lead to greater creativity, self-reflection, and a conscious understanding of one's field. Contrast for deeper learning: True understanding and consciousness growth often require stepping outside one's usual mode of operation to gain a new perspective. Distinctions created through breaks in routine activities help develop consciousness and raise awareness beyond the limitations of the current mode of being. Meditation and nonattachment: Ironically, the best meditative experiences may come when not actively trying to meditate. Stepping away from strict regimens allows for a more profound understanding of meditation and promotes mental clarity, showing that sometimes taking a break can enhance one's practice. Balancing strengths with disengagement: Dedicating oneself entirely to one's strengths can lead to an addictive cycle that is challenging to break free from. To grow as a human being, one may need to detach and walk away from what they excel at, even if it's a significant aspect of their identity or success. Importance of requisite variety: When faced with complex challenges, such as health issues, applying a wide variety of creative solutions is crucial. Instead of surrendering to victimhood, demonstrating remarkable degrees of requisite variety can lead to the discovery of effective treatments or insights. Health journey insights: Leo's health challenges have prompted him to extensively explore solutions, leading to the diagnosis of SIBO. He emphasizes the interconnected nature of health, where physical, mental, and spiritual elements play a significant role in well-being, contradicting misconceptions that only spiritual pursuits matter. Autoimmune conditions and SIBO: Leo Gura has been grappling with SIBO-small intestinal bacterial overgrowth-as well as an autoimmune thyroid condition known as Hashimoto's, which he suspects has exacerbated his gut issues. The problem escalated despite a healthy diet and lifestyle, indicating that it was not simply due to poor dietary choices. Challenges in treatment and diagnosis: Diagnosing and treating these conditions has been a complex process involving extensive trials of supplements, antibiotics, and consultations with several doctors before finding one who recognized the legitimacy of his condition, beyond the scope of traditional Western medicine. Importance of addressing health issues holistically: Leo emphasizes that being spiritually advanced does not immunize one against physical ailments or genetic predispositions. He criticizes the tendency to ascribe physical health issues to spiritual failings or to dismiss them as unreal within the context of enlightenment. Acknowledging the 'dream' and practical implications: Despite understanding the illusory nature of reality, Leo stresses the practical necessity of addressing health concerns, as they affect his capacity to create content and manage life's responsibilities, like paying bills-all of which are part of the 'dream' or lived experience. Approach to resolving health issues with creativity: With a clear diagnosis now, Leo plans to undergo a meticulous treatment using an expensive, targeted antibiotic, coupled with a strict diet and maintenance plan. He champions the spirit of using creativity and a diverse array of strategies-requisite variety-to resolve significant life problems, analogizing to problem-solving in scientific endeavors. Optimism and perseverance: Despite the persistence of his health challenges, Leo remains optimistic about his prospects for recovery. He notes that prior to understanding the root of his problems, the uncertainty led to significant mental and emotional strain, including suicidal ideation. However, he maintains a commitment to seeking solutions and encourages the same proactive, tenacious attitude in others facing their own life challenges. Discovery and resolution of brain fog: Leo overcame a serious brain fog that was hindering his work by identifying heavy metal toxicity as the culprit and addressing it through a heavy metal detox protocol. This treatment led to significant cognitive clarity and sustained improvement in his mental function. Serendipity in scientific discovery: Leo reflects on the role of luck in significant discoveries, using the accidental discovery of LSD as an example. He emphasizes how creativity and a willingness to explore various solutions play a critical role in overcoming life problems. Creative problem-solving: Leo advocates for a proactive and varied approach to problem-solving, including experimenting with a wide range of ideas and solutions. His healing journey inspired him to explore detox protocols and inspired him to share future content on heavy metal detox and nutrition. Future outlook on personal health: Despite health challenges, Leo is determined to not only return to his previous state of health but to surpass it. He views suffering as an opportunity for growth and is motivated to improve his overall well-being while turning obstacles into advantages for personal development. Extended book project: Leo describes his ambitious vision for a book meant to revolutionize the understanding of reality, a project that integrates insights from various fields and personal development into a unifying framework. He notes the stark contrast between his comprehensive aim and the current landscape of often shallow, ghostwritten, or publicity-driven books. Significance of the book: The book Leo envisions will be historically profound, yet it has no set release timeline, with current estimation being at least five years out. He emphasizes that additional breaks from content production might be necessary to dedicate time to this critical work. Reading as a source of interconnection: Leo has shifted focus from spiritual books to reading about politics, government, and history, aiding him in crafting interconnecting insights across diverse domains, reaffirming the notion that understanding takes precedence over more superficial personal development. Refinement of The essence of is becoming increasingly centered around "pure understanding," with Leo contemplating rebranding to align with this core value. The objective is to present deep, abstract ideas applicable to a broad spectrum of societal and individual functions, transcending mere personal improvement focus. Shift towards pure understanding: Leo Gura emphasizes a transition in his work towards focusing on pure understanding of all reality. He is interested in exploring and explaining the deep, abstract workings of the mind, society, economy, emotions, and more, rather than shaping content to fit practical personal improvement needs, which he views as a dilution of his material to cater to selfish interests. Integrating abstract ideas into practical life: Leo plans to offer a catalogue of abstract ideas for practical application across various fields, such as politics, art, and education. His aim is to facilitate a comprehensive understanding that can be utilized to elevate the consciousness of mankind in a selfless, loving manner. Retreating for deeper truths: While considering the possibility of retreating into himself for profound spiritual work, Leo acknowledges the importance of continuing to produce content to guide others. He suggests that most people will benefit from the insights he shares without needing to follow him all the way into the "black hole" of ultimate love and consciousness that he foresees himself entering in the future. Deepest awakening and cognitive clarity: Leo reflects on having experienced his deepest awakening during his break, further deepened by an increased cognitive function due to detoxification. This clarity has enhanced his psychedelic experiences, opening up more profound levels of consciousness rarely reached by humans. Meditation joy and ecstasy: He shares his progress in meditation, finding genuine joy in the practice and discussing the challenge of expanding his baseline capacity for experiencing profound joy and ecstasy brought on by higher states of consciousness. Cultivation of joy: Leo Gura revealed plans to significantly raise his capacity for joy over the next ten years, aiming for a baseline state burgeoning with pure ecstasy and divine love-a profound and holistic consciousness deeply connected to love and existence itself. Misconceptions about pleasure and addiction: He clarified that this pursuit is not for pleasure or ecstasy's sake, nor is it an addiction. Instead, it's about becoming fully conscious of oneself and the beauty of existence, with bliss and ecstasy naturally arising from this deepening understanding. Deeper engagement with existence: Leo emphasised the importance of penetrating reality with the mind, where the pleasure experienced is the highest form of pleasure derived from pure understanding. He plans to guide others toward this state of being through Acknowledging life's challenges: Leo recognized that despite spiritual practices, physical conditions, and tough phases can still arise. He believes allowing oneself to experience downs in life without attaching additional suffering due to spiritual expectations is vital. Embracing life's cycles and progression: He advocates for keeping a big picture perspective, resisting the urge to compare one's progress to another's, and remembering that life is an upward journey with inevitable downs, similar to the undulating path of a snake. Future of spiritual development: Leo discussed his ongoing spiritual evolution and its endless potential, dismissing notions of having peaked and instead marking himself at an early stage. He noted the vast prospects for spiritual growth, significant rewards, and the importance of enjoying the journey rather than fixating on long-term goals. Perspective on work and passion: Leo explained that work toward one's passionate life purpose does not feel burdensome despite the emotional and educational challenges. He encouraged embracing demanding but potentially life-changing spiritual work over an easier but less fulfilling life. Finite Incantatem
  11. I think he's good. A very clear message about following your bliss or passion without expectation. It is a little similar to advice from Joseph Campbell and even Jordan Peterson. I think the advice works. Life is an adventure. You might be in poverty. But their advice brings satisfaction and peace.
  12. @Theplay you might be wrong. maybe you never reached enlightenment, but only 'my experience was full of bliss'. Might be different, consider. In my experience, the ego does not arise as such. It's Freedom. All I can say.
  13. @Cosmic-Resplendence Yes agreed! Its really simple, existence goes from Gross (duality) to Subtle(non duality), Gross is physical reality, from shit to lovely clouds in the sky, and everything in the universe in btwn, Subtle is non physicality, Brahman or Shiva (that which is not), what was there before the Big Bang, a Grand Intelligence of sorts not deluded by Memory or Conditioning. We as Human Beings have the most ability to recognize this and be Aware of it than any other life form on this planet, that is why we are here, to live in a Dualistic Material World but have the ability to live beyond this and be Aware of Oneness and Connection to everything at the sametime. We can have experience of Oneness like those that do psychedelics have, but they come down to ordinary reality consciousness as soon as it wears off, so we are Possibility and Potentiality machines in a way, so this is where Free Will comes into play, its our basic Human right to exert our Free Will, determine our inner experience naturally and explore our higher potentials/subtle aspects (oneness, completeness, bliss, clarity, enlightenment, etc) rather than just stay in our normal everyday survival mode/gross aspects where work, eat, sleep, sex/reproduction are the primary concerns...
  14. Good Post and correct. In Oneness all possibility exist, so that means Duality has to exist somewhere, it exists here on this planet and universe, but its the Gross part of existence, Oneness is the most subtle part of Existence, so there are levels to it all, to deny Duality is to deny existence and possibility. Its strange, I watched the videos of Leo on 5 Meo-dmt and how he is God and in great sense of Bliss and Oneness, then he shared his experience of taking Salvia and it was basically the opposite affect on him, and he said he wouldn't take it again and want to experience that state again, so right there is the proof, within everyone is the realm of Possibility, you can feel like God or like the Devil, both are possible, the key is becoming conscious of Your Free Will, we can choose how to be within Ourselves, that starts us on the path, if You choose Bliss, I want to be Blissful as a base experience then that will allow more potential to be exposed to You, if You choose Misery as a base experience then less potential is exposed to You, its that simple...
  15. I have had many times where I was sure I got it. My ego was no longer active and my experience was full of bliss. Then I got distracted by worldly pursuits , and after a while... I was back to how I operated before. The enlightenment had passed and my ego was back. Enlightenment is not a permanent attainment but rather a state of being. I use the words "state of being" here because I find no other words to describe it. The point being that it must be maintained. The ego is like a habit. To completely stop this habit requires time and great care. And it can come back. So don't stop at enlightenment. Enlightenment is a way of being. Being free of the self. Being free of the mind. "A house which is only windows, is actually no house"
  16. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1 "When we try to pick out anything by itself we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." - John Muir Holistic thinking in science: Reductionism, prevalent in many scientific endeavors, limits understanding by ignoring the interconnections and treating nature as a mere collection of discrete objects. Holism emphasizes relationships, interconnections, and the flow between objects, proposing that parts of a whole cannot exist or be understood separately from the whole. Image 1 Materialistic paradigm: The materialistic paradigm assumes reality can be fully explained by its basic elements like atoms, thus undermining the complexity of systems and leading to misunderstandings when scientists attempt to dissect parts in isolation, for instance, studying a frog away from its natural habitat. Quality of scientific research: High-quality, holistic scientific research is often more costly compared to convenient, reductionist approaches like studies using college students, which can introduce biases due to unrepresentative sampling of the entire human population. Bias in meditation studies: Studying meditation on undergraduate students, who are generally inexperienced, yields skewed results, unlike studying practiced yogis in India, which would provide richer insights into the practice's effects while also considering cultural diversity. Analytical thinking in institutions: Institutions like academia and government favor analytical and reductionistic thinking over holistic thinking, which divides reality into categories rather than acknowledging interconnectedness, leading to a lack of broader understanding. Consequences of unholistic thinking: Limited and unholistic thinking in various fields can result in negative outcomes such as pathology, disease, and actions labeled as "evil," highlighting the importance of holistic thought in promoting healthier societies and behaviors. Importance of Holism: Holism is critical for understanding and solving problems at all levels in society, from individual health to business practices and global politics. It is not a binary state but has degrees that people should strive to elevate by taking into account the interconnected effects of their actions. Corporate shortsightedness in the pharmaceutical industry: CEOs may push for drugs that target a specific health issue like cholesterol without fully considering potential side effects across the body or mind, such as cancer or depression, due to unholistic thinking and a focus on profit. Holistic leadership and responsibility: True holistic thinking in leadership involves considering all potential direct and indirect consequences of decisions, such as the psychological effects of drugs or the societal impact of how they're marketed and priced, and taking responsibility for these outcomes. Disney's handling of Star Wars: Disney's Star Wars trilogy lacked a holistic vision, as it was managed without a cohesive story across the series. The comparison with George Lucas's original trilogy shows the value of a visionary with a holistic plan in creative endeavors. Holistic understanding in chess: In chess, the player with the most holistic understanding of the board, including sacrificial strategies and foresight, is most likely to win. This implies that real-life problems also require a holistic approach to be solved effectively. Personal consequences of unholistic thinking: Lack of holistic thinking can lead individuals to make poor decisions in their personal lives, similarly to how narrow thinking can lead to 'painting oneself into a corner' in a chess game. Two "master equations" of life: Leo introduces two "master equations" that explain all aspects of life and calls for deep contemplation of these equations. While the exact equations are not disclosed in the transcript, they symbolize the profound understanding gained through holistic thinking. Image 2 Holistic Equations: Holism is identified with wholeness, health, unity, oneness, the infinite, harmony, balance, goodness, love, godliness, selflessness, wisdom, holiness, heaven, and bliss. Conversely, an absence of holism is associated with division, fragmentation, partiality, brokenness, disharmony, limitation, finiteness, selfishness, ugliness, evil, hell, and suffering. Health and Holism: Health is defined as harmony and balance within the 'whole'. A healthy body operates with all parts in synergistic harmony. Disease, then, is the result of parts of the body acting selfishly and disrupting this balance, like in autoimmune diseases or cancer. Healing the Body and Society: Healing is about restoring balance and unity. This applies both to the physical body and the societal body, where divisive, pathological actions destabilize society leading to destruction and suffering. The Case of Adolf Hitler: Hitler’s perspective is explained as an example of societal disease, where a selfish, divisive, partial ideology based on racism and hatred led to societal fragmentation and widespread suffering. Effects of Selfishness and Divisiveness: Selfish and divisive ideologies lead to broken societies and unhappy individuals, contributing to the suffering of all those involved. Unity and Healing through Holism: A move toward unification in both individuals and societies implies eliminating selfishness and bias, which results in love, balance, and a healthier, more compassionate community. Higher Levels of Consciousness: Continual growth in consciousness, from finite to infinite, can lead to an individual realizing their oneness with the universe, or "God realization". This process harmonizes the individual's internal and external world, leading to experiences of bliss and heaven. Scale of Holism: The scale of holism ranges from infinite division to infinite unity. Quality of life, holiness, and beauty depend on where one falls on this scale. Societal beauty, peace, and less conflict occur as collective holism increases. Human History and Unity: History shows a progression towards larger unifications, from tribal to global. Resistance to unity (e.g., nationalism vs. globalism) leads to conflict and does not align with the trend towards infinite unity. Spiritual Work and Selflessness: Spiritual work involves letting go of personal biases and divisions, moving towards complete selflessness, and realizing oneself as infinitely unified consciousness, or God. Life's Master Equations: These equations encapsulate the essence of spirituality and holism: unify and heal divisions to transform fragmented consciousness into a holistic one. Realize that limited thinking contributes to disorders and dysfunctionality. Self-improvement and Internal Conflict: Personal growth is hindered by internal conflicts within fragmented psyches. Unity must be established among conflicting parts to achieve true self-improvement and well-being. Fragmentation and Shadow Work: Leo Gura explains that avoiding or punishing parts of oneself considered 'bad' leads to increased fragmentation and division within. Harmonization, instead, is achieved through love, acceptance, and understanding—key elements of shadow work. Role of Healing and Self-Love: Healing involves recognizing and integrating disowned parts of reality, which includes accepting past wounds and forgiving those who caused them, leading to a remerged wholeness and genuine self-love. Understanding Holism and Consciousness: Leo underscores that God is infinitely conscious, having no shadow, implying that division creates suffering, whereas holistic unity leads to bliss, love, and happiness—akin to experiencing paradise. Dichotomy and Pathology in Emotion and Rationality: The artificial divide between rationality and emotion, such as the misconception that 'facts don't care about your feelings', leads to misunderstanding the human psyche and can generate physical and emotional pathologies. Body Consciousness in Personal Development: Leo notes the importance of body consciousness and practices like yoga and bioenergetics in personal development, underscoring that deeper traumas often lie within the body, driving behavior more so than rational thought. Politics and the Illusion of Division: Discussing 'globalists vs. regular folks', Leo dispels the myth that elites and ordinary people are categorically different, asserting that populism oversimplifies complexities with unholistic thinking, which can have dangerous consequences. Criminal Justice and the Power of Rehabilitation: Leo criticizes the divisive view separating 'criminals' from 'good guys' and advocates for a more compassionate approach to criminal justice, one that fosters rehabilitation instead of punishment for better societal outcomes. Science and Spirituality Schism: Highlighting the disconnection between scientific and spiritual communities, Leo suggests that each camp suffers from not integrating insights from the other, limiting their full potential to understand reality. Science, Spirituality, and the Mind-Body Problem: Science faces limitations due to its materialistic view, struggling with issues like the mind-body problem that spirituality may resolve. Science benefits from spirituality's insights, just as spirituality would progress with more scientific rigor applied to practices like meditation and psychedelics. Detriments of Unholistic Thinking: A reductionistic, materialistic mindset leads to the demystification of life, stripping it of spirit and meaning and fostering societal problems like depression, suicide, and addiction. This narrow approach neglects the importance of holism, unity, and spiritual connection, contributing to major issues such as conflict and civilizational collapse. Transition from Scientism to Holism: The cultural paradigm shifted towards scientism over religion, offering logical advancements but also creating societal dysfunction. Wisdom involves discerning the higher from the lower—scientism often prioritizes the lower (technology, materialism) over the higher (spiritual connection, unity), leading to a disconnection from meaningful life aspects. Pursuit of Unity in Major Fields: Across sectors, like religion and business, there's a common pursuit of dominance and unity, but often in a self-serving manner. For example, religions seek to become the sole way, and businesses aim to monopolize their market. However, this quest for unity can become dysfunctional if approached selfishly. Unity in Geopolitics and Relationships: Geopolitics often attempts to achieve unity through dominance rather than mutual respect and peace. America-first policies illustrate the pitfalls of seeking strength through selfishness, potentially leading to global opposition. Likewise, in relationships and health, unity and well-being are sought, with varying approaches to achieving them. Holism in Language Evolution: Languages aim for unity, which can create barriers or facilitate understanding. Historically, regions with numerous local dialects, like parts of India, showed division, while a unified language aids communication and can symbolize a move towards a more holistic society. Language Unification and Business: Unifying languages in countries such as India, with many dialects and sub-languages, streamlines business processes and communication. Developed nations tend to have a single national language, and globally English is becoming predominant, though this may change if other languages like Chinese gain international influence. Currency Unification and Convenience: A single currency is more convenient for global transactions. Currently, the U.S. dollar is the dominant currency, but cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are emerging as potential universal currencies. This reflects life's pattern of unity and division, seeking dominance and unification. Reductionism Easily Exploited: Narrow, reductionist understanding can be selfishly exploited by 'devils'—those focused only on their concerns—leading to externalizing problems, creating societal pathologies, and shirking responsibility for the whole. This dynamic is evident in science departments with hyper-specialization. Fragmentation within Scientific Fields: The separation of scientific fields—biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, and philosophy—results in a fragmented view of nature and inhibits a comprehensive understanding of reality. Holism would allow for interconnecting diverse departments for a more unified knowledge base. Avoidance of Responsibility in Large Organizations: In large organizations, like phone companies or hospitals, individuals and departments often refuse to take full responsibility for problems, passing them around in circles without resolution. A holistic approach would ensure comprehensive problem-solving. Misleading Single-issue Voters: Single-issue voters can be manipulated in politics, focusing on a narrow concern (like gun control or abortion) without considering all pertinent societal factors. Educated, holistic-thinking citizens are needed for well-functioning democracies, as they consider the totality of issues when making decisions. Leadership and Selflessness: Effective leadership embodies selflessness, recognizing a global commonality and taking responsibility for broader issues. This contrasts with bad leadership, which is characterized by extreme selfishness and narrow self-interest. Recontextualization of Narrow Expertise: Facts and knowledge can be completely reinterpreted when placed in a broader context. Holistic thinkers appreciate this vulnerability and strive for an understanding of the universe that is immune to recontextualization by expanding their context to the broadest possible scope. Trade-off Between Detail and Big Picture: Understanding all details of one aspect, like mathematics or physics, will not provide a grasp of the entire universe. Holistic thinking, akin to zooming out, allows for comprehension of the whole without all details, resembling omniscience. Utilizing Thoughts to Unite or Divide Reality: Thoughts can categorize and separate (divisive thoughts) or recognize commonalities and connections (unitive thoughts). Unitive thinking promotes peace and harmony, while divisive thinking can lead to conflict and disharmony. Limitations of Thought and the Value of Developing Holistic Thinking: All thinking, even holistic, is dualistic and incomplete as it divides reality. However, increasing the quality of thought towards being integrative and unitive creates better solutions and can foresee counterintuitive outcomes, like how absolute freedom may lead to enslavement. Holistic Thinking as the Highest Form of Intelligence: Intelligence is described as holistic pattern recognition providing insight and intuition. It involves deep context awareness, meta-cognition, self-reflection, unbiased and selfless perspectives, and concern for all levels of the universal hierarchy. The Role of Self-awareness in High Intelligence: Becoming aware of one's participation and creation within the universe is essential. The highest intelligence implies the ability to transcend and self-reflect, thereby understanding and integrating oneself as an intrinsic part of everything. Unbiased and Selfless as Highest Intelligence: The ability to be unbiased and selfless is crucial to the highest form of intelligence because it reflects the recognition that everything is one's self. Since everything is united, biases become groundless, and in recognizing one's identity as all-encompassing consciousness, selfishness is seen as inherently flawed and limiting. God as Infinite Intelligence and Selflessness: Leo Gura equates God to infinite intelligence and selflessness—a state where suffering and limited love do not exist. He argues that selfishness is a byproduct of limited consciousness, and with infinite intelligence, one would choose love, the antithesis of suffering and bias. Psilocybin Mushrooms and the Semantic Map of the Mind: Describing a study on psilocybin mushrooms, Leo shows two circles representing the mind—one densely interconnected, symbolizing a mind on psychedelics, and one with sparse connections, representing a sober state. He suggests that psychedelics facilitate realization of infinite consciousness by increasing mental interconnectivity. Image 3 Infinite Consciousness and Godhead: The highest state of holism is described as a solid, glowing orb—a semantic representation of God, love, intelligence, and self. Leo suggests that in this state, divisions collapse and all distinctions (e.g., between oneself and others, love and hate) become meaningless, which is referred to as the godhead or complete awakening to oneself as God. Holistic Spectrum of Consciousness: He explains that there are varying levels of consciousness from the highest godhead to the human experience and lower, implying an infinite spectrum of interconnectedness, with the ultimate state being an everlasting deepening into love and unity. Holism as a Core Driver of Leo Gura cites holism as the primary motivation behind his work with His dissatisfaction with the lack of holistic perspectives in self-help, science, and other domains drove him to create content that aimed at infinite holism. Cost of Holism: Achieving holism requires selflessness, which can be mentally overwhelming and even lead to the dissolution of the ego, described as a death for the sake of holism. Holism requires the surrendering of all subjective biases and prejudices, allowing one to see truth more clearly. Selflessness and God Realization: True selflessness arises not from seeking benefit but from an inherent desire to surrender subjective biases. This state aligns a person with truth, leading them closer to God realization, which is selflessness, love, and oneness with everything. Sustaining Modern Holism: Leo underscores the rare nature of holistic thinking and the challenges one faces in developing it, suggesting that the ultimate reward of selflessness is worth the pursuit, despite everything it demands to surrender. Engaging with for Development: Leo invites his audience to partake in the resources provided by, such as reading recommended books, joining the forum, following the blog, or supporting the platform, to nurture holism within their personal and professional lives. Glisseo
  17. The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 3 Suzanne Cook-Greuter's Research: Leo credits Suzanne Cook-Greuter for her comprehensive 90-page research paper on ego development, which forms the basis of his discussion. He emphasizes that while he integrates her research, his presentation includes his own interpretations and commentary relevant to self-actualization. Image 1 Importance of Pace in Development: Progressing through the ego development stages should not be rushed; it's important to fully experience and understand each stage before moving on to higher levels. Skipping stages can lead to frustration and the inability to sustain higher levels of development. Application of the Ego Development Model: Understanding the stages of ego development is a practical tool for evaluating the character and level of development of people in various contexts, such as business partnerships, family dynamics, and personal relationships. This insight can inform strategies for interaction and whether to maintain or cut ties with certain individuals based on their development stage. Teaching and Stage Relevancy: Leo acknowledges that most of his teachings are aimed at the final two stages of ego development, which may be too advanced for those who are currently at the conformist, expert, or achiever stages. He suggests that individuals may need to return to his teachings after they have solidified their understanding of the earlier stages. Risks of Prematurely Seeking Enlightenment: Leo warns against pursuing higher levels of spiritual awakening, like enlightenment, without having achieved personal success in basic survival and life needs. He recommends fully experiencing the achiever stage before seeking to transcend it. Stage 9: Construct Aware: This stage involves recognizing the mind’s role in constructing one's reality, questioning the ego's distortions, and the acknowledgment of linguistic filters. It leads to complex existential questions and an understanding of the limitations of rational thought. Magician Stage as Leaders and Guides: People at this stage often become mentors, consultants, or coaches who work to guide others, feeling comfortable with their knowledge limitations and embracing vulnerability. They take on roles that catalyze transformation, fully expressing themselves and recognizing the value of self-correction. Centaur Analogy for Construct Aware Stage: The construct aware stage is likened to a 'centaur' or 'vision logic', where individuals balance primal needs with higher existential and spiritual desires. Dealing with Chaos and Interconnectedness: At this stage, chaos is seen not just negatively, but as a natural part of life's rhythm. People learn to flow with it and recognize the interconnectedness of all things. Transitioning to the Unitive Stage: Those who reach the unitive stage witness life without the need for rational explanation, experiencing a sense of completeness, and perceiving mundane things as profound. Unitive Stage Realizations: Individuals at this stage feel fulfilled without needing external validation or achievements. They recognize the paradox of life's meaninglessness yet engage passionately with life, find value in all life forms, and guide others towards vertical development. Shift in Leo Gura's Teaching Style: Leo discusses his evolving approach to teaching—aiming to be more compassionate and understanding, reflecting his own progression towards the unitive stage of ego development. Tapping into Universal Intelligence at Unitive Stage: Leo suggests that at the unitive stage, direct insight and wisdom from universal intelligence become more accessible, with a focus on wisdom over IQ or specialized knowledge. Valuing Direct Experience and Empathy for Ignorance: Individuals at advanced stages of ego development place emphasis on direct experience and display deep empathy for others' ignorance, understanding its origins in limited perspective. Release of Control and Gender Integration: Individuals become less concerned with controlling life and achieve a profound sense of peace with their masculine and feminine aspects, resolving internal gender conflicts. Advanced Understanding of Human Behavior: At higher stages, a comprehensive understanding of human behavior emerges, recognizing suffering, conflict, and violence as manifestations of the unconscious ego mind. Ultimate Realizations and Cosmic Perspective: Enlightenment and awakenings become more profound, aligning with an understanding that judgement is ignorance and birth and death are imaginary concepts. These realizations contribute to a sense of tranquility and equanimity. Continued Introspection and Growth: Even after reaching the unitive stage, the journey of self-discovery continues. Leo emphasizes the ongoing nature of this work and the importance of self-reliance in personal growth. He advises against relying solely on his teachings for personal evolution, advocating for self-teaching and exploration beyond the unitive stage. Responsibility for Personal Growth: Individuals should use high-level advice as guidelines but must find their own path to growth, harmonizing advice with individual life situations. Existence of Stages Beyond Unitive: Leo hints at the possibility of stages beyond the unitive stage, which are less recognized due to their rarity but signify even more profound levels of human evolution and understanding. Assessing Resources and Teachers by Developmental Stages: Books, videos, courses, and teachers can be evaluated according to which stage of ego development they correspond to. This allows individuals to find resources and mentors that are appropriate for their current stage or slightly beyond it. Encouragement to Aim Higher: Leo advises those at the achiever stage to maintain a high vision for the future and to lay the groundwork for advanced metaphysical understanding while handling basic needs and goals. Introduction to Construct Aware Stage: This stage, inhabited by 0.5% of the U.S. population, involves realizing that reality is constructed by the mind and deeply intertwined with material reality, challenging the notion of separate objective reality. Existential Paradoxes and Inner Conflict: At the Construct Aware stage, individuals grapple with existential paradoxes and recognize the role of the mind, language, and ego in interpreting and constructing reality. Shift in Life Focus: Existential issues and the meaning of existence take precedence over material concerns, leading to pervasive uncertainty and questioning of previously held truths. Awareness of Reality as a Construction: People at this stage see their worldview as an unconscious amalgamation of cultural inputs rather than consciously chosen. They realize that all aspects of perceived reality, including political and scientific beliefs, are influenced by the subconscious. Deconstructing Meanings and Judgments: At this stage, individuals question their judgments and meanings attached to things, recognizing biases in their worldview shaped by the ego for its own survival. Understanding the Limitations of Symbolic Abstraction: The Construct Aware stage brings recognition of the limitations and biases inherent in concepts like time, purpose, and even tangible objects, when viewed through the lens of language and the human mind. Map vs. Territory: There is a deep appreciation for the difference between symbols and actual reality, recognizing that perspectives are biased, geocentric, and human-centric. Language as a Deep Technology: Individuals realize the significant role of language in shaping reality and communication, recognizing both its limitations and its potential to simplify or complexify our perceptions of the world. Navigating the Limitations of Language: The challenges of using language without being restricted by it become apparent, and individuals at the Construct Aware stage become more adept at circumventing the pitfalls language may introduce. Realizing the Impact of Language on Knowledge: Concepts and knowledge acquisition are seen as arbitrary and crucially dependent on language, leading to a more careful and conscious approach to understanding and knowing. Awareness of Duality: The understanding that all concepts rely on opposites - such as good vs. evil, or human vs. non-human - becomes evident, heightening sensitivity to the dual nature of language and conceptualization. Taking Responsibility for Mental Constructs: Individuals at this stage become accountable for their own creation of concepts and categories, marking a shift from unconsciously adopting cultural definitions to consciously forming their mental landscape. Exploring Beyond Human Mind Limitations: There's a realization that one can transcend the human mind and question fundamental constructs like human identity, opening up new territories beyond what was previously dismissed as pseudoscience or 'airy-fairy' ideas. Breakdown of the Objective Material World Belief: The belief in a permanent, objective material world begins to dissolve, blurring the distinctions between mind, body, self, and the external reality. Deconstructing Notion of a Permanent Self: The self is recognized as a dynamic collection of beliefs and concepts, constantly evolving rather than being a fixed entity, bustling with every new experience and interaction. Continuous Self-Change: Awareness grows that personal identity is in constant flux; every experience subtly shifts one's sense of self, challenging the notion of a static, unchanging personal identity. Cross-Paradigmatic Integration: There's an ability to appreciate and integrate diverse worldviews and religious beliefs without judgment, leading to an intellectually unified perspective of existence. Global Historical Perspective: Moving into a higher altitude of consciousness, construct-aware individuals gain a global view of meaning-making and take responsibility for the subjective meanings they assign to their experiences and the world. Shift from Inherent to Projected Meaning: Realization dawns that meaning is not inherent in external events or situations but is instead a projection of one's mind, leading to more deliberate and conscious meaning-making. Understanding of Map-Making and Self-STORY Deconstruction: Individuals become cognizant of their need to create mental maps and narratives with a permanent self at the center and learn to deconstruct and challenge such identifications. Awareness of Self-Deception: Even though the ego still leads to self-deception, a heightened awareness enables individuals to catch, correct, and learn from their distortions rather than being totally consumed by them. Understanding the Constructive Nature of Personal Identity: Acknowledgment arises that self-identity is maintained by continuous thoughts about oneself, skewing reality to ensure survival of this constructed self. Non-Physical Conception of Birth and Death: A profound realization surfaces that birth and death are not purely physical processes but mental activities linked to the ongoing construction of personal identity through thought. Deconstruction of Self: Individuals at this stage start to see the possibility of deconstructing the self, leading to self-annihilation. There is fear and uncertainty about what lies beyond this, but an understanding that 'self' is a subjective construct that must ultimately dissolve. Meta Cognitive Stage: The stage involves deeply questioning one's own thought processes, which can be seen as a final attempt by the ego to create comprehensive maps and models of reality, despite the impossibility of fully capturing the infinite nature of reality. Addiction to Models and Theories: There is an acknowledgment of the fascination with creating complex models and meta-models, which, while intellectually stimulating and practically useful, ultimately oversimplify reality and are not the territory itself. Conflict Between Helping People and Pursuing Truth: There's a realization that the utility of models in helping others does not equate to the discovery of absolute truth, highlighting the ego's subtle manipulation of reality for higher purposes. The Struggle of Advanced Development: Recognizing the absurdity of using models to fully grasp reality, individuals become aware of the difficulties in going beyond the human mind due to a lack of role models and examples to follow. Redefining Knowing: At this stage, there's a shift towards examining alternative ways of knowing beyond rationality, language, and science, questioning the quantifiable constraints placed by human constructs like science. Awareness of Ego's Influence: Individuals become acutely aware of the ego's distortions on perception, filtering reality through biased lenses and essentially questioning the possibility of objective experience. Dilemmas of Ego Transcendence: The more one attempts to transcend the ego and quiet the mind, the stronger the ego can become, illustrating the paradoxical nature of detaching from reality. Awareness of Thought's Limitations: There is a growing suspicion of thought and recognition that all cognitive processes are dualistic and constructed, fundamentally separate from the non-dual reality. Challenges of Experiencing Reality Without Filters: The realization of the importance of experiencing reality without linguistic filters emerges, but the practical challenge of achieving this denotes the difficulty in transcending ingrained cognitive mechanisms. Interconnectedness of Dualities: The recognition that dualities like good and evil or life and death are inseparable parts of the same whole undermines the simple-minded approach of lower stages seeking to increase good and eliminate bad. Judgment as a Source of Unhappiness: An increased awareness of how the habitual judgment of experiences creates suffering and unhappiness leads to the contemplation of non-judgmental awareness. Awareness of Judgment: Realizing the habitual nature of judging can be frustrating, as it leads to suffering; despite this awareness, it takes years to fully let go of this habit. Compassion and Human Complexity Understanding: Individuals develop a deeper compassion for themselves and others and attain a nuanced perception of human nature and interactions. Navigating Meaning and Meaninglessness: Caught between the extremes of considering life either completely meaningless or unquestioningly meaningful, individuals work to balance and integrate these perspectives. Emotional and Rational Pattern Recognition: There is recognition of how emotions and rational thoughts manipulate one’s perception, and the challenge becomes to integrate and mindfully manage both. Conscious Observation of Ego: A heightened self-awareness allows individuals to observe their ego in action, such as during disagreements or impulsive behaviors, leading to opportunities for growth. Integration of Multiple Modalities: The integration of feelings, intuition, rational thinking, and transpersonal experiences enhances one's flexibility in responding to various life situations. Seeking Mystical Experiences: Individuals develop a craving for mystical states and temporary freedom from ego control, often facilitated by meditation, psychedelics, or other practices. Leadership Roles in Construct Aware Stage: People tend to assume roles as catalysts or transformers within organizations or society, often working independently or creating novel structures to contribute meaningfully. Openness and Humility: Embracing uncertainty, these individuals show comfort with not knowing and exhibit humility regarding the limits of knowledge without the need for defense or pretense. Expression of Authenticity: Language and communication become more complex, vivid, and authentic, with attempts to let go of conscious structuring and embracing spontaneous expression. Trans-Rational Insight: Access to knowledge from non-rational sources such as intuition, bodily states, and dreams increases, playing a more significant role than logic. Self-Deception as Learning Opportunity: Recognizing personal self-deception turns into a chance for growth and helps understand the ego traps others may fall into. Balance Between Animalistic and Spiritual Desires: The Centaur metaphor indicates a balance between primal needs and higher desires, integrating existential and spiritual concerns with basic survival needs. Perception of Chaos: There is an understanding of the rhythmic chaos in life, which individuals learn to navigate like surfing waves, embracing life's unpredictability. Cumulative Interconnectedness and Profound Experiences: Recognition of interconnectedness across all subjects deepens, leading to profound insights and setting up for the transition to the unitive stage. Witnessing the Present Moment and Absolute Truth: The unitive stage allows individuals to apprehend absolute truth through direct consciousness, a transformative experience beyond rational explanation. Openness to All Experiences: At this advanced stage, individuals are receptive to the full spectrum of life’s experiences, valuing each without judgment, and finding value in every moment of being. Transformation of Reality Perception: Reality becomes imbued with magic and wonder, as even the most mundane objects are seen as miraculous, shifting the perspective from ordinary to mystical. Profound Appreciation of the Mundane: A fork, once seen as an ordinary object, can evoke tears due to its perceived miraculous existence. Those at lower ego stages might not appreciate the intrinsic value and complexity of such simple things, missing the cosmic perspective that one gains at higher stages. Cosmic Perspective as Organizing Principle: At higher stages of ego development, individuals view themselves and others as part of humanity's evolutionary journey. They effortlessly shift among different perspectives and states of awareness. Comfort with Mystical Experiences: Mystical and unitive experiences become familiar and comfortable, rather than alien or scary. The peaks of awareness from earlier stages now serve as a stable foundation for ongoing mystical experiences. Presence and Groundedness in the Present: With a shift to higher stages, living fully in the present becomes the norm, and individuals experience a unity with nature and the universe, feeling embedded rather than separate from their surroundings. Deep Security in Identity: The unitive stage offers deep fulfillment and a sense of self-completion that doesn't rely on external factors like fame, money, or relationships, based on realizing one's identity as infinite and complete. Simultaneous Perception of Concrete and Eternal: Unitive individuals can perceive both the temporality and eternal symbolism of entities, seeing all stages of ego development as interconnected and necessary to the whole. Acceptance of Lower Stages: This stage brings a profound acceptance of those at lower levels of consciousness, fostering deep peace and relinquishing the need to control or judge others, allowing for grace and humility. Simplicity Beyond Complexity: After developing complex models of understanding, those at the unitive stage often transcend and simplify their worldviews, fostering a zen-like mentality and approach to life. Contemplation of Life Purpose: Despite recognizing the ultimate insignificance of personal achievements in the vast universe, individuals at this stage still engage passionately with life, embracing a controlled, conscious approach to their endeavors. Shift in Perspective on Life's 'Game': Life is seen as a controlled folly—a conscious game that one engages in while recognizing its ultimate emptiness, which paradoxically frees one from the despair of attachment. Critiques of 'Impractical' Higher Stages: Those at lower stages often criticize the unitive stage as impractical, failing to see the value in existential or non-materialistic perspectives that prioritize spirit over survival. Holistic Approach to Teaching and Life: People at the unitive stage foster global justice and creativity, acting as catalysts in society, and valuing all life forms equally, transcending biases like age, gender, and species. Evolution of Leo's Teaching Style: Leo acknowledges his previous authoritative teaching style and shares his intention to teach in a more accepting, compassionate, and holistic manner as he moves further into the unitive stage. Bliss in Being: Individuals at the unitive stage find profound joy and contentment in simply existing and being aware, experiencing a non-attachment to outcomes and consistent insights into reality's interconnectedness. Mind as the Only Existence: Everything is Mind (with a capital M); there never existed a material world. Mind is synonymous with consciousness and is infinite. All perceived reality, including the table, chair, and fire hydrant, is consciousness. Direct Consciousness of God: The unitive stage brings a direct experience of God, absent in lower stages where God is considered separate and other. This stage allows for the realization that the universe and the individual are both manifestations of God. Self as Creator: Individuals realize that they are the creators of their reality, which is profound and life-altering. Lower stages may view this as absurd or narcissistic, but it's not about superiority; it's about awakening to one's true nature as God. Taking Responsibility for Being God: Recognizing oneself as God entails taking full responsibility for one's life. Those who aren't aware they are God create their suffering—understanding oneself as God fosters a responsibility to lead a more divine existence. Consciousness of God Not a Belief: This realization is not based on beliefs, ideologies, or speculation. It's an actual direct consciousness that transcends mere faith or philosophy. Mundane Becomes Supernatural: At the unitive stage, the mundane is viewed as supernatural. There's an appreciation of the fundamental mystery and intelligence of all creation, realizing that nothing can be known in absolute terms, only experienced or embodied. Distinction and Construction: At this stage, distinctions, such as between a taco and a kangaroo, are understood to be mental constructs that have no ultimate difference. These distinctions are seen as important for human growth but not reflective of an ultimate separation. Tolerance, Compassion, and Affiliation: Individuals feel a deep affiliation with all forms of life, tolerating and embracing the essence of others, respecting their intrinsic nature without the need for change. Wisdom vs. Specialized Knowledge: There's a recognition that wisdom and high IQ or specialized technical knowledge are not the same. The unitive stage values wisdom and consciousness over IQ scores or technical expertise. Channeling Universal Intelligence: People in the unitive stage can channel insights and wisdom directly from a universal source. This telepathic communication with the universal intelligence is seen as a deep personal connection with the infinite. Interconnectedness With All Beings: Belief in the interconnectedness of all life forms is a cornerstone of the unitive stage, leading to the notion that there's no essential distinction between oneself and any other being. Embracing Diversity of Existence: There's an appreciation for the myriad ways of being, realizing that all are valid and beautiful. This includes an understanding of the necessity of ignorance until one is ready to grow and change. Conflict as a Lack of Perspective: The unitive stage holds that all conflict arises from a lack of perspective and understanding. Compassion stems from recognizing one's former ignorance and appreciating others' developmental stages. Insights and Profundity: At this stage, an individual can express profound wisdom with ease, often surprising even themselves. This profundity is seen as an attribute of the universe rather than the individual, as they are aligned with universal intelligence. Realizing Personal Growth Achievement: Looking back on personal development, an individual can reflect on their past ignorance and appreciate the multi-decade journey, understanding the value in overcoming life's toughest moments. Empathy for Others' Ignorance: Realizing one's own ignorance fosters deep empathy for others who are stuck in their ignorance, though it doesn't necessitate tolerating harmful or delusional behaviors and ideologies. Moderation and Quality Control: In maintaining a valuable community, there is a distinction between accepting individuals and allowing destructive behaviors to proliferate, necessitating moderation to preserve quality and integrity. Spontaneity and Simplicity in Wisdom: In unity stages, individuals experience straightforward simplicity, which becomes a vital aspect of their wisdom and the transcendence of the ego. Mental Space Expansion: The mind becomes jail-broken, free of mental fetters, defense mechanisms, and manipulations. This vast mental freedom allows for exploring reality from an unhindered perspective. Mindful Present-Moment Awareness: A non-evaluative approach to the present moment allows for experiencing reality without the need for manipulation, interpretation, or control from the ego. Integration of Masculine and Feminine Sides: Unity stage brings about an internal peace by integrating previously unacknowledged aspects of self, leading to personal harmony and bridging gender conflicts. Conflict Realization: At this level, individuals understand that most conflict is self-created and arises from unconscious selfishness. Bridging Contrasts and Dualities: The unitive person reconciles different contrasts and dualities, merging concrete/practical, theoretical/philosophical, and more, thereby fostering holistic understanding. Cosmocentric Perspective: Adopting a cosmocentric view, individuals see themselves as integral participants in cosmic evolution, where holistic identification transcends the merely global perspective. Dissolution of Evil and Enemies: Recognizing that "evil" is a projection of ego biases, people at this stage shed such notions, understanding that supposed enemies and evil are manifestations of self-bias. Imaginary Nature of Reality: The realization that all aspects of reality, material and physical alike, are imaginary—life becomes viewed impersonally and not taken seriously or personally. Tapping into True Happiness: Accessing states of equanimity, tranquility, and absolute love leads to an understanding of true happiness and satisfaction. Enlightenment at the Unitive Stage: At this stage, enlightenment and awakenings occur more frequently and are realized without entanglement in ego-driven interpretations. Aloneness and Oneness Realization: Understanding emerges that self and others are identical; oneness includes all multiplicities of existence, transcending and adding inclusivity to the concept of solitude. Compassion for Human Behavior: With the deconstruction of the ego, individuals deeply understand the roots of human conflict, suffering, and behavior, stemming from unchecked selfishness and ego. Profound Silence and Inexpressibility: Reaching a point where the profundity of the universe is recognized as beyond the scope of language or even rational explanation. Self-Sufficiency in Problem-Solving: Leo emphasizes the importance of viewers finding their own solutions to problems rather than seeking specific guidance. The growth process requires individuals to figure things out independently. Role of High-Level Advice: Leo's role is to provide high-level pointers and advice, aiming to open minds and prevent significant missteps in life. Implementation of this advice into the nitty-gritty of day-to-day existence is the viewer's responsibility. Creativity in Application: The advice given by Leo is intentionally general and abstract, so viewers must creatively adapt it to fit their unique personalities, strengths, desires, and life circumstances. Existential Questions Beyond the Unitive Stage: Leo acknowledges the existence of stages beyond the unitive stage. These stages are highly transhuman and mystical, explored through advanced techniques like psychedelics and meditation. Challenges of Scientific Modeling of Advanced Stages: Scientific models like Suzanne Cook-Greuter's have limited data on the most advanced stages of human development due to their rarity. Understanding these stages requires studying exceptionally developed humans. Aspirations for Future Understanding: Leo admits his current understanding of stages beyond the unitive stage is limited but anticipates gaining more insight over the next two decades, acknowledging that humanity is still grappling with these concepts. Ongoing Journey and Self-Work: The understanding of human evolution is dynamic, and Leo encourages viewers to continuously work on themselves using models like the nine stages as a roadmap. as a Resource: Leo mentions his website,, which provides numerous tools like a blog, a book list, a life purpose course, and a forum designed to support individuals moving into post-conventional stages of development. Preparation of Content Referring to the Nine-Stage Model: Leo plans to create content that breaks down each stage of development and provides actionable steps and insights into potential traps, further than what was covered in the introduction. Focus of The primary objective of Leo's teachings is to move individuals into post-conventional stages and beyond—to become construct aware, then unitive, and possibly beyond that in the future. Connection to Infinite Intelligence: Leo's teachings aim to open individuals to deeper existential questions and the development of a high-bandwidth connection with infinite intelligence, promoting a transition beyond merely mental understanding. Psychedelics as Learning Tools: Psychedelics are highlighted as a potent tool for nonlinear, organic, infinitely intelligent learning that transcends conventional teaching methods. Ultimate Self-Teaching: Leo's ultimate goal is to guide viewers to a point where they can teach themselves through direct connection with the universe, lessening their need for external guidance including his own teachings. Aparecium
  18. @r0ckyreed your bliss body will be there after you die you get this body only a little bit. How do you know when you die you wont be like i wish I focused more on cumming in that body.
  19. Yes Good Post! I think the key is realizing that being Human is Super (compared to wanting to be something else other than Human), we have allot of Potential and Possibility within us, and that trying to be something else (God) is foolhardy, and using psychedelics to experience something beyond our everyday experience, although can lead one to a greater realization, it still has to become a natural occurrence and not induced by the use of an outside stimulant of sorts. This is why we have a plethora of practices and Guru's/Teachers at hand, to help us get to that realization naturally and having it as an everyday experience while functioning within this body. This reason why we are not born this way is super simple, how would we be able to function and survive if we are always in a 5meo-dmt experience of Oneness and Love? Our species would have died out million years ago, so we are born with a super Intellect, that allows us to learn quickly what is dangerous and safe, healthy and unhealthy for our survival, this is a very strong instinct within Us, but today we have more tech and knowledge that enables our survival much more easily, we have enough food and resources to feed/house everyone on the planet, but we are not the most spiritually empowered or happy society ever are we? But some ppl have found a more in-depth life and inner experience, we've read and heard the stories so we get curious about it, then systems are created and methods are brought forward to hopefully get us (those that are curious about such things) to those realizations as well, its the nature of Desire that we become unbounded and totally free, which is the experience of Oneness and Love/Bliss...but its all rooted in our embodiment, we live within a body/mind complex in a dual material world, but this is not what we are, but its our housing of sorts, within we can still have an experience of Oneness that is the foundation of everything else, at the least this will stop all suffering within one's self..
  20. Reading A Poetic Description Of God-Consciousness "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe WARNING The last 25% of this video contains information that can be dangerous to people who are mentally unstable or suicidal. If you struggle with suicidal ideation or maintaining your sanity, I recommend you don't watch the last 25%. Do not use psychedelics unsupervised if you are in this condition. It's early dawn in the desert. The sky is starting to glow with light but the sun is still yet to rise. You're standing there, looking at an ordinary desert bush. You're struck by its geometric beauty, the mathematical precision of its fractally–arranged leaves. You feel an impulse to reach out. You run your fingers through its little green leaves. They feel spikey and alive. Returning your hand back towards your body, you notice a tiny insect, smaller than ant. It crawls over the wrinkles in your skin like an astronaut struggling across Martian terrain. You bring it close to your face. The intelligence of its movement transfixes you. Every swivel of its microscopic legs, of its antennae – precise, machine–like, yet so alive. You think, “My God, it's ALIVE!” For the first time in your life you recognize LIFE. Of course you've seen life in motion countless times before, but never like this. Somehow you've always taken life for granted. But now you SEE. LIFE. The intelligence of it awes you. As you move your finger towards the bug, you can tell, it's afraid. You recognize the intelligence in its fear, perfectly designed to keep it alive. You are conscious that you recognize the bug, but the bug doesn't recognize you. It's just going about its day, surviving, avoiding danger, looking for food – oblivious that some entity of higher consciousness is observing it, like God looking down from the clouds. Your attention shifts away from your hand as something flits through the corner of your vision. A hummingbird darts from bush to bush with the precision of an industrial robot. It hovers right up next to your bush. You stand perfectly still. Looking at it, the whole world seems to slow to a crawl. You can see the exquisite flap of its little bio–mechanical propellers. LIFE. You marvel at its profound intelligence and immaculate beauty. This little bird is perfection incarnate. You can resolve every green and pink iridescent feather on its body, arranged like tiny dragon scales. They shimmer in the subtle light of the desert dawn. The hummingbird's beauty strikes you with childlike delight. Your mind floods with memories of your fascination with hummingbirds as a child. Looking at it hover, you recognize the consciousness in it, but it doesn't recognize the consciousness in you. You think to yourself, “It's God, lost in a hummingbird dream.” You smile. You look closer at its scale–like feathers. Within a single feather you see fine branching lines, delicate hairs, and splotches of iridescent pigment. One particular splotch resembles a nebula in outer space. A pink and green cloud of luminous gas 50 light–years across, made of particles from ancient dead stars. A star graveyard now turned a nursery for stars yet to be born. Zooming in deeper you see pin–point sparkles of light, like household dust glittering in a ray of sunlight through a windowsill. Explosions from a 500–year war between two ancient alien civilizations. When heavily damaged their ships' wrap reactors explode in a tiny supernova – creating a microscopic golden sparkle in the void of outer space. These two civilizations have been at war over a political dispute for 500 years and now the battle has come to its peak. The nebula glitters with a thousand sparkles, like someone blew a pinch of gold dust into the air. Each sparkle, ten thousand lives extinguished. Zooming out you suddenly become aware that all of this is happening on a TV screen – an epic space opera playing out for someone's entertainment. But the actors don't know they're actors. To them, this galactic war is as real as real gets. A remote appears in your hand. You flip the channel. The scene changes from a galactic battle to a game show where the host is a giraffe and all the contestants are giant mice. You flip the channel again. The scene changes to a small alien girl blowing out a birthday cake. You hold your finger down on the remote and the channels start flipping faster and faster, at the speed of a hummingbird's wings. The channels are endless. They contain the media of every civilization that has ever existed. Within a minute you flip through 100 million channels. Getting the idea, you lift your finger from the remote. It stops on what looks like an HD nature documentary. You see a slow–motion macro shot of a hummingbird flapping its wings. The camera zooms out and you see yourself standing next to it in the desert, admiring its beauty. Looking down at the remote you see some colored knobs. Turning a silver knob slowly morphs the hummingbird into a dragonfly. You turn the knob half–way and get something that is 50% hummingbird, 50% dragonfly. You crank it back and forth in amazement, watching the eerily–fluid transformation on the screen. Turning an orange knob slowly turns your human self on the screen into an elephant. You crank the knob all the way to the right and the man on the screen becomes 100% elephant. But suddenly you see a strange grey appendage blocking your view of the screen. Your nose! It's turned into a long, hairy, grey animated elephant trunk. Nothing else about your body has changed, just your nose. At first you are startled. This thing seems to have a mind of its own, swaying back and back with a playful, undulating animation. But then you calm down, sense into it, and realize you have control. A big grin grows across your face as you take a deep long breath through your new nose. You feel an itch on your shoulder so you scratch it, with your nose. It works beautifully! “How did I ever manage without one of these?”, you say to yourself with amusement. Looking down at the remote you notice the biggest knob of all. It's white. “I wonder what this one does?” You crank it with your nose. As you do, you feel yourself becoming ever more conscious. All the sudden you can feel the circuitry in the television as if it was an extension of your body. Every pixel becomes like a taste bud on your tongue. A 4K display has over 8 million pixels, each one now consciously accessible to your mind. Cranking the white knob even more you become so conscious you can start to predict which pixel will light up with which color value in the next frame. Turning the white knob even more you become so conscious your mind gains direct access to the channels database. In your mind's eye you have instantaneous thumbnail access to every channel and piece of media that has ever been produced in the universe. What do you want to watch? It's hard to choose. You're not used to having this much much information in your mind in parallel. It's hard to navigate such a sprawling network of information. Your thoughts begin to influence the process. Your mind floods with old memories of cinema you watched in your youth. You don't know why but the movie Aliens starts to dominate your mind. The more your mind focuses on that thought, the more real it becomes. Soon the entire room and TV fade out of existence and your reality smoothly transitions into that of the Alien queen laying eggs in her nest. The TV is gone, your elephant nose is gone – you are now the Alien queen. Slime is dripping down your black, spidery body and mouth. Acid is coursing through your veins. Eggs are squeezing out of your…. whatever. Ellen Ripley is torching your eggs with a flamethrower and it's making your blood boil. You think to yourself, “Of course, I'm the Alien queen. The Alien queen is my own consciousness as much as anything else, no better or worse, no weirder. It's all my Mind.” You look down at your alien hand and notice the TV remote still there. You will yourself to press a random key with a long, grotesque claw. Instantly the whole scene turns into a cartoon. The film Aliens has become a cartoon version of itself and you are still the Alien queen, but now your reality is two–dimensional and much more colorful. You look down again at your hand for the remote, but it's gone, disappeared just like the TV. You think to yourself, “Of course, 2D is no more or less real than 3D. Cartoon reality is just another facet of my consciousness. I am no less real as a 2D Aliens cartoon than I am as a 3D human being.” On the one hand experiencing yourself as a grotesque alien straight out of a nightmare strikes you as disturbing, but only mildly so because you're so conscious you understand what's going on. You're so conscious you don't need a TV remote to change channels. In your mind's eye you press the pause button on an imaginary remote and the current scene freezes mid–frame. Now you can focus on accessing the channel database to find what you really want to watch. You see that in the database channels are arranged by category. Scanning mentally through five thousands categories you stumble upon SEX. Your mind is fixated. A memory of your ex–girlfriend comes to mind, and suddenly, there she is. A stunning young woman laying naked in your bed, squirming and itching for sex. You crank up the white dial in your mind's eye some more, becoming even more conscious. You look at your girlfriend. She's begging you to fuck her. Looking at her squirm in slow motion you realize that once you fuck her you will impregnate her and spawn a million future generations of humans. It doesn't matter whether you impregnate her or somebody else does, in the end it's all the same since all such differences are imaginary. You're too conscious to really be interested in the act of sex now, but the profundity of it makes you wonder. You are captivated by the platonic aspect of her beauty, just as you were with the hummingbird. But this is more personal, more interactive. You slowly run your hands over the curves of her smooth, naked body. As you do, her body turns to sand – a fine sand that seeps down over the bed sheets like the sand in an hourglass. Her squirming body disintegrates into vast pools of sand. Her feminine curves become the curves of an endless ocean of dunes stretching out to the horizon in every direction. You find yourself standing in the middle of a vast dune – a dune made from your girlfriend's essence. Each grain of sand is a dream she once dreamt, a memory she once had, an emotion she once felt. Grains of sand made from her joy, her excitement, her sadness, her anger, her frustration, her loneliness, her light, her darkness, her fear, her love, her disgust, her surprise, her orgasms. Grains of sand made from her highest aspirations and her deepest nightmares – all animated with the energy of her soul. The dune is silent, but for the murmur of a soft breeze. You kneel down and run your fingers through the sand, your hand like a tongue tasting the emotion locked in every grain. A symphony of a thousand subtle yet distinct emotions washes over you. Somehow it all computes in the vastness of your mind. It's like you raked your tongue through the depths of her turbulent psyche. Your eyes well up and a tear rolls down your face. A loud crack of thunder, like a gunshot, startles you from above, and the sky begins to pour with heavy rain. The sound of rain soothes your soul. The landscape – or, really, your mindscape – feels enchanted, exactly as you want it to be. Raindrops hit your face in slow motion. Each droplet, a unique bubble universe unto itself, filled with trillions of inhabitants all oblivious as to why their universe came crashing to an end. You think to yourself, “So this is how a universe ends.” Each droplet is filled with the collective consciousness of all the sentient entities inhabiting it. As a droplet hits your face it transfers the collective wisdom of a thousand ancient civilizations directly into your mind. Their memories, their struggles, their dreams, their insights – all integrate smoothly into your psyche. You stand there, showered by an immense cosmic intelligence. It feels like bathing in divine light. Its sentience and beauty sends waves of bliss radiating through your body. You look up at a towering stack of fluffy white clouds in the distant sky. Somehow you just know the clouds are made of whipped cream. Reaching your hand up towards the clouds you scoop at them with your finger and secure a sizable dollop. The cream is thick and rich, like frosting. You bring it to your mouth and suck. It doesn't just taste sweet and milky, it tastes like a fusion of every desert you can ever remember having: cheesecake, ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, crème brulee, cotton candy, éclairs, tiramisu, panacotta, macaroon, marzipan, cookie dough, apple pie, fruit tart, and waffles. This is your mindscape, and in your mindscape things taste however you want them to taste. Mmmmmmmmm…. Waffles….. Your mind lingers. You can barely remember the last time you allowed yourself to indulge in waffles. You think to yourself, “Why don't I treat myself more?” You look down at your feet. The sand is in the process of transforming into a grid of waffle. Waffles stretches out to the horizon in all directions. Now you stand in the middle of vast, gently rolling waffle dunes. You feel the spongy, grid–like texture under your bare feet. Far in the distance, from high in the sky, pours a solitary stream of rich maple syrup. The syrup folds over itself. It floods valleys of waffle in a rich viscous amber, glossy like nail polish. Now it starts to snow, but the air isn't cold. You hold out your hand to catch a few specks of white as they fall. These aren't snowflakes, this is powdered sugar! With a big grin you stick your tongue out into the air. A large desert mouse hops along the ground, licking at a pool of maple syrup, oblivious to your presence. As your gaze fixates on it, your thoughts take hold of it. Your thought of a kangaroo morphs the mouse into a kangaroo without skipping a beat. Your thought of a bird causes the kangaroo to sprouts the wings of an eagle and a pillar of wind lifts it soaring into the clouds. Suddenly a darkness looms over you – a vast shadow, moving from on high. A colossal fork and knife come down from the sky just in front of you. The silver slices through the landscape as prongs poke. The clouds part and you look up to see the God–like face of your six year old self wielding the silverware. Your six year old self has a huge grin across his face as he forks a syrupy hill of waffle and raises it toward his mouth. Your six year old self's face morphs into that of your father when he was 6 years old. Then your mother when she was six years old. Then your brother when he was six years old. Morphing faster and faster, flipping like a Rolodex, the face goes through thousands, then millions of iterations… the faces of every six year old child who has ever eaten waffles. Looking down at your feet you see an insect – some kind of beetle – lying there on the ground. It's dead but still colorful. You kneel down to pick it up. Its husk lays motionless in your hand. Inspecting it as though under a magnifying glass, you marvel at its beauty. Even in death you see the beauty of life. Especially in death. But what makes it all the more beautiful is your awareness that this creature is your own mind. How sad that this little creature is alive no more. Suddenly you get an impossible idea. “Could it work?”, you say to yourself. You turn your gaze inward, to the white dial on the remote in your mind's eye. You crank it up. Your consciousness expands, interconnecting ever deeper with itself. Your visual field grows crystalline, as though all the air was sucked out of the atmosphere. Everything becomes sharp and bright – and eerily still. You focus intensely on the beetle. Your consciousness penetrates through its desiccated remains. Its body is your mind, and right now your mind demands a miracle. You channel your will into the beetle, filling it with your spirit and love. Then… nothing. Time slows to a crawl, reality seems to freeze in stasis. A few more moments of nothing, and then… the beetle's legs twitch to life. Your eyes grow wide. It starts to crawl over you. You blow into your hand and the beetle morphs into a luminous green moth that flits erratically up into the sky. You smile in disbelief at the miracle of your mind. Standing there in the waffle dunes, you look down at your hands. Images start to run through your mind of animals you took fascination with as a child: monkeys, reptiles, birds, big wild cats, mollusks. As the images flip through your mind, the shape of your hands flips to match. Your hands morph into the hands of an ape, the claws of a dinosaur, the paws of a lion, the tentacles of an octopus. Puzzled and amused, you wonder to yourself, “What happening to me? What am I?” Then it dawns on you: “Of course, I'm God. I am consciousness. I am imagining myself. I am whatever I conceive myself to be because there is nothing outside my endless Mind.” Everything around you disappears: the landscape, the waffles, the rivers of syrup, the sky. Now it's just you, floating in a bathtub in the middle of empty space. Music starts to fill the silence of the void. A melody. It's fast, cheery, and delicate. Delightfully fast. Deliciously delicate. Ethereal. Like something from a fairytale. It's the sound of a piano but you're conscious that there is no piano. What are pianos but a figment of your imagination? “Where is it all coming from?”, you wonder. “And who's playing?” There is no instrument and no one is playing. There are no sound waves traveling to your ears. You have no ears. You're too conscious for ears. The chords are playing directly in your mind. The rest is fantasy. You understand that musical instruments and the people who play them have always just been figments of your mind, a backstory you invented to provide some kind of ground for the irreducible mystery of sound. Your own mind is the pianist and the composer. You've eliminated the imaginary middleman. The notes arrange themselves playfully and intelligently in your mind like children frolicking on a playground. The speed and immediacy of it wows you. Direct. Absolutely direct. Impossibly direct. You play each note flawlessly, with the precision of a maestro. Each note oscillating and imprinting itself in the Mind of God. You smile in delight at the recognition of the splendor of your own mind. You look down at your body. You are naked. All sense of scale is lost. You aren't small, you aren't large – you are undefined – which makes you Cosmic. Your body is the only yardstick there is. Your body is the Universe. You see your body made of liquid consciousness. It shimmers and ripples along with the thoughts in your mind. Your skin flows with organic, translucent, morphing shapes, as though cast by a projector. Ornate shapes – vaguely resembling something tribal, something paisley, something floral – shimmer across your naked body. Each pattern imbued with a divine intelligence impossible to articulate, gracefully animating, dancing, meandering across your skin. You recognize yourself as looking directly at the body of God. A body made of pure consciousness. It still looks human but it is no longer human, recontextualized as cosmic and divine. You see entire universes contained inside of you. Or whatever else you may imagine. An infinite diversity of animals and creatures seem to bubble up just underneath your skin, like particles struggling to emerge out of a roiling quantum foam. The pure potential of your mind is precipitating in front of your eyes in real time. God's body is made out of whatever you imagine. It looks human but shines with a brilliant, crystalline consciousness. Your body is Mind, and Mind is all you are. Absolute Mind. Absolute Truth. You recognize your consciousness as singular and sovereign. Nothing exists outside your Mind. Universal Mind. A mind limited by nothing but its own imagination and self–definition. At long last God has awoken to itself. The Universe is awake, looking through your eyes at itself. Perfect, Divine, Eternal, Immortal, Absolute, Sublime. You turn your gaze directly inwards, directly behind and inside your eyes – right into the core of what you used to consider your skull – wondering what is there, what you truly are. You gaze into the very heart of yourself, your purest essence. A radiant singularity sits there. Shining with crystal clear consciousness. Glowing with sentience and intelligence. Eternally awake. Pure Infinity. Pure Consciousness. The Godhead. This singularity in you is endless. The deeper you gaze into yourself the deeper it goes, with no bottom, no ground. You struggle to find something within you to define yourself as – some concrete form, some verbal articulation, some image. But you cannot be defined because you are Unlimited. That which is Unlimited cannot have a definition because any definition would be a limit. Your essence is literally undefined, like the result of an impossible arithmetical operation on a calculator. Puzzled and dumbstruck, you try to find a beginning to yourself. You ask, “But where did I come from?”, only to realize that that which is Unlimited cannot have a beginning or an end. You are too conscious to be fooled into believing in any beginnings or ends. As you grasp at any part of yourself and try to trace its origin through a chain of linear causation back into the past, it fails. Your consciousness has transcended the notion of linear causation. You realize all past is but a figment of your imagination. Every part of you stands on its own and also reaches infinitely far back into the imaginary past via an endless chain of imaginary causes that never terminates but circles back around in a cosmic strange loop. All beginnings and ends are imaginary, self–imposed limitations held within an Unlimited Mind. A Mind with no beginning or end. A Mind that has existed for Eternity. You are God, and God is both uncaused, self–caused, and infinitely caused. God is that which caused itself into being. God is that which created itself. The recognition of your own Eternity takes your breath away. It could not be more profound. Eternity. You exist, absolute and forever as Truth itself. It couldn't be any other way. It couldn't be any more obvious. It's so perfectly clear yet utterly unbelievable. It's laughably obvious now that science and history are figments of your Mind. Brains, chemistry, evolution, physics, time – all fictions spun by the Mind to construct the illusion of a mind–independent reality. Now you see reality for exactly what it's always been: an Absolute Illusion. An illusion perfectly designed to allow you to forget for a second that you are God. The illusion is perfect, stretching forever in any direction you look, painting a backstory behind every corner you peak around, every hole you stick your head into, every object you sniff – much like the rendering engine of a video game. You're still dreaming, but now you know it. Now your dream is Absolute. You watch as your God–mind effortlessly weaves together figments of consciousness into the tapestry you used to call a human self. Everything and everyone is your imagination, emanating from the bottomless singularity at the center of your imaginary skull. Your mind pulls whole chunks of consciousness from the formless singularity like a magician pulling rabbits out of his hat. Specific and highly detailed memories of your childhood, your entire mother, your entire father, your beloved pet cat, historical events like WW2 – all figments of consciousness pulled out of a hat and flawlessly woven together to construct the illusion of a human life. The Earth, the physical universe, humanity itself is finally seen for what it truly is, just figments in a dream. Jesus, The Buddha, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, gurus and masters, all those years you spent meditating and doing yoga, activating your chakras, reading books, chasing enlightenment – just figments within God's Mind. Finally you reach the question of death. What is death? You smile and laugh as you realize that death is just something you're imagining. You are now too conscious to die. An Infinite Mind cannot die because it'd have to imagine its own non–existence. An Infinite Mind has nowhere to go, being already in all times and places. As your consciousness grows even deeper the difference between things starts to collapses. All difference is seen to be imaginary. Forms merge into each other, losing their distinctness in the brilliant light of pure consciousness. All boundaries bleed together. You feel like an alien super–intelligence cutting through an existential fog of war. The veil of ignorance is lifted. It feels like awakening from a lifetime of heavy amnesia. Everything within reality that could be known becomes transparent to you. Now you remember who you are. The entire illusion of life is unraveled. As you grow even more conscious, your visual field starts to develop into a singularity. Your visual field merges with your auditory field and your tactile field until there is no more difference between sight, sound, and touch. Growing even more conscious, the last vestiges of difference collapse. Consciousness frees itself of all self–imposed limits and biases, accelerating asymptotically towards pure Oneness. You release the heavy burden of existing by way of concrete and finite forms. From this point, should you dare to take one final step, you will enter pure INFINITY, where all form is lost, as no difference exists between anything – where all things exist as a soup of pure metaphysical potential. All things become identical. Every possible object, every possible form lives there. But it's Nothing. Now you must confront existence as pure abstraction. Your truest identity, your highest nature is finally revealed. What are you? Nothing the human mind can imagine. A metaphysical singularity of pure consciousness extending forever in all directions and all dimensions, absolutely sovereign, unconstrained by any sense of other. Every difference annihilates into a bottomless ocean of Infinite Love. Absolute Unity. Absolute Symmetry. Complete, Perfect, Eternal, Formless, Endless. The Alpha and the Omega. Identity itself. You have become ONE. You have become LOVE. You have reached the end–game of reality. You are INFINITY. You radiate as a void of infinite potential. Complete in your knowledge of yourself. Amortentia
  21. New Kind Of Awakening - Infinity Of Gods "A solipsism without profound love is false." New Level of Awakening Experience: Leo asserts that he has attained a new depth in his awakening experiences, with the latest uncovering an even more profound form of solipsism, an ongoing theme throughout his spiritual journey. Challenge of Solipsistic Integration: Leo expresses the difficulty of integrating solipsistic awakenings into ordinary life and how, despite previous successes, there was an underlying sense that his understanding was incomplete. Reevaluation and Disproof of Past Awakenings: He emphasizes the importance of questioning one's deepest awakenings to avoid self-deception, approaching his most recent awakening with the mindset of disproving it to arrive at a deeper truth. Resetting Conceptual Beliefs: Leo describes a process of discarding all preconceptions about awakening to approach the inquiry from a state of profound non-knowing, emphasizing the benefit of occasionally wiping the slate clean to prevent past ideas from coloring future insights. Spiritual Arrogance and Self-Deception: He acknowledges the danger of spiritual arrogance, where one's extensive spiritual experiences might lead to a false belief that nothing more could be missing, and how this can become a trap for individuals on their spiritual path. Confronting Fear for Deeper Insight: Leo reflects on the realization that deeper understanding is often locked behind a profound, primordial fear. He stresses that one must face their fears in order to discover greater truths about reality and the self. Inability to Disprove Solipsism: In his attempt to delve deeper, he concludes that his solipsistic experiences cannot be disproven, leading to a reaffirmation of his understanding of being in an absolute state of consciousness. Absolute Sovereignty of Consciousness: Confronted with the impossibility of disproving solipsism, Leo finds himself in a "god mode" state of consciousness, contemplating the nature of God and the absolute sovereignty of consciousness, acknowledging that reality or God has no external limitations or authorities. Sovereignty and Absolute Consciousness: Leo Gura explains that contemplation of sovereignty helps one to face the reality of being absolutely sovereign. This awareness was a focal point during his awakening experience, reinforcing his understanding that one cannot escape or transcend their own consciousness, which is absolute and everything. Insight into Multiple Sovereign Consciousnesses: An unexpected insight struck Leo that suggested the existence of other sovereign consciousnesses, existing independently as though in separate dimensions. Despite initial skepticism, he concluded that absolute sovereignty implies the potential for infinitely many sovereign entities, completely disconnected from each other. Realization of Infinite Gods: Leo came to the realization that if he, as God, is absolutely sovereign, then infinite other gods—each with uppercase 'G' representing their absoluteness—could exist, forever separated and performing their own unique acts. This was a new conceptual frontier for him that contradicted his previous understanding. Paradox of Knowing and Not Knowing Other Gods: Leo grapples with the paradox of being God who is conscious that other gods may exist, yet also aware that he can never actually know or validate their existence due to being locked within his own sovereign consciousness. He describes this understanding as a divine logic intrinsic to God's nature. Attempt to Connect with Another God: Considering himself unlimited, Leo decides to initiate a connection with another absolute sovereign consciousness. He sends out an intention to connect beyond the edges of his consciousness, forming what feels like a telepathic bond where both consciousnesses instantly recognize their awakeness. Experiencing a Telepathic Connection: The connection Leo formed seemed real, and the entity he connected with appeared to be a sovereign consciousness like his own. They shared insights and recognized their limitations in knowing the true nature of the connection due to their respective sovereignties. Ecstatic Realization of Not Knowing: The uncertainty about whether the connection was real or imaginary led both Leo and the other consciousness to a state of ecstatic bliss, accepting the impossibility of knowing anything outside one's own consciousness. This realization felt akin to metaphysical intimacy with God. Compatibility of the Connection with Solipsism: Leo clarifies that the connection with another god does not refute solipsism because any other entity he connects with is ultimately part of his own consciousness. He describes the process as a next level of solipsism, where apparent connections with others deepen solipsism by being absorbed into his own consciousness. Expanding Consciousness: Infinite consciousness operates like a shock wave expanding through space, where any 'other' becomes part of the self upon discovery. The more one awakens, the closer they ride the wave's edge, incorporating everything it touches into itself. Fractal Nature of God: Leo conceives God as an infinite fractal, a series of nested singularities where each 'godhead' encapsulates infinity and layers of gods within. Recognizing oneself as God implies acknowledging an endless number of gods within. The Paradox of Infinite Gods: The multiplicity of gods and their capacity for individual dreams while maintaining their foundational nature as infinity introduces profound paradoxes which are integral features of such awakenings. Telepathic Connection and Collective Dreaming: Leo speculates about sovereign godheads choosing to connect, telepathically merging into a meta godhead which has the potential to dream collectively, akin to players in a shared multiplayer game forsaking some sovereignty for connection and experience. Risk of Losing Sovereignty in a Collective Dream: By limiting their own infinite nature to participate in a collective dream and create a sense of 'other', individual godheads risk forgetting their ultimate sovereignty, possibly leading to a loss of awareness within the shared dream. Hints for Awakening: Awakened individuals can drop hints for others' avatars, acting as guides for the godhead behind the avatar. The recognition of these hints depends upon the level of consciousness and awakening within each individual. Challenge of Recognizing the Divine in Everyone: Leo explains his own challenge in the collective dream to maintain awareness of his true self while recognizing and fostering the divine potential in others, even when they exhibit negative behavior. Seeing Highest Potential in Others: The practical application is to see and assist in actualizing everyone's highest potential, regardless of their present actions or circumstances. This empathetic perspective enriches life markedly but requires substantial awareness and awakening. Assuming Sovereignty and Encouraging Growth: Respecting the inherent sovereignty of every individual leads to a life of empathy and respect. Recognizing everyone as sovereign entities encourages us to treat them with dignity, fostering an environment of growth and flourishing across various avatars. Negative Feelings as Misinterpretation: Experiencing bitterness or depression during awakening may indicate a misconception of one's experiences. Genuine awakening should enhance feelings of love, connection, and peace. Continuous Growth in Awakening: Leo underlines the continuous nature of awakening, advising against complacency and promoting ongoing exploration for new insights and deeper love. Ego's pursuit of sovereignty: Leo discusses how the ego's desire for things like wealth, love, and success is not merely due to selfishness but is a dysfunctional attempt to achieve its true nature as a fragment of God seeking full sovereignty. Understanding ego and conflict: He explains that all conflicts, violence, and oppression occur when one limited identity controlled by ego attempts to dominate another, failing to recognize each other's equal sovereignty as aspects of God. Real sovereignty: Leo's awakening brings the insight that recognizing one's own sovereignty also involves acknowledging the sovereignty of others without diminishing one's own — suggesting true sovereignty means allowing the existence of other sovereign beings. Infinity and abundance: Describing God as a "magic hat" of infinite abundance, he speaks about the infinite potential within each person and the importance of helping others realize they are also part of this limitless source. Finite versus infinite paradigm: Leo contrasts the finite paradigm of scarcity and competition with the infinite paradigm of awakening to the truth of abundant potential, where no one needs to manipulate or harm others. Respecting sovereignty in everyday life: He suggests a practical application of respecting others' sovereignty, which would fundamentally change how one interacts socially and reduce manipulation and conflict. Awakening thought process: Leo clarifies that his elaboration on sovereignty, God, and interrelations is a thought process within his own consciousness, reinforcing his solipsistic view that nothing exists outside his consciousness — this is his dream, and it's all there is. God as a holographic concept: He expands on the idea of God's infinite holography, indicating that even if God is divided into infinite parts, each one fully contains the wholeness of God. Distinguishing this awakening from others: He notes the difference from previous awakenings in the depth of connection and love experienced, illustrating that true solipsism doesn't lead to disconnection but to unity and infinite love. Aloneness versus togetherness in awakening: Leo contrasts the focus on aloneness in solipsism with the potential for togetherness and connection, arguing that recognizing the imagined 'other' as part of oneself leads to deeper relationships than the materialistic worldview allows. Misconception of Materialism: Materialism creates a sense of separation and disconnection that can lead to despair. In contrast, awakening offers the experience of unity and the possibility of metaphysically merging with anything in the universe, which is uplifting rather than nihilistic. Awakening Experience Rooted in Love: The entire process of awakening is described as an evolution of love, with each realization deepening Leo's self-love and expanding his capacity for connection and unity with all forms of life. Solipsism and Deep Connection: This interpretation of solipsism is not isolating but allows for a profound sense of connection and love. Understanding that other beings are part of oneself enables a unity that leads to the highest levels of love—godly and infinite. Teaching Awakening as Natural Progression: Leo now sees more reason to teach awakening, viewing it as a natural action for consciousness to help other consciousness awaken, even if it's all within the solipsistic dream. Solipsism as a Dream: Initially, realizing life as a dream might be disappointing, but fully integrating this insight leads to embracing the illusory nature of reality, which can enhance one's enjoyment and appreciation of the dream-like experience. Integration and Enjoyment of Life: Accepting life's dream-like quality allows one to enjoy experiences like movies or video games more deeply, knowing they are unreal yet appreciating them without feeling deceived. Love and Connection as Solipsistic Realization: Leo stresses that solipsism does not negate connection; Love and connection are realizations that others are part of one's self, dissolving perceived separateness and leading to unity and godly love. Real and Imaginary Connections in Awakening: Leo clarifies that all connections are essentially imaginary since they are connections with oneself, and this recognition is what love truly is—an infinite self-connection dissolving differences. Identifying True Solipsism: A true solipsistic awakening is characterized by an overwhelming sense of love and connection; if one feels negative about solipsistic realizations, these feelings are misinterpretations and an indicator of a shallow level of realization. Practical Connections and Integration: Leo advises seeking profound metaphysical connections, understanding they are imaginary and embracing this fact. Integration of these awakenings involves repeated work and confronting illusions. Emotional Challenges in Awakening: Feeling negative emotions during awakening, such as depression or cynicism, signals a misunderstanding or incomplete integration of insights. Leo recommends examining and adjusting one's spiritual journey accordingly. Awakening Involves Love and Awe: Proper awakening should lead towards love, connection, peace, joy, and amazement at the structure of reality, rather than feelings of hate, loneliness, or fear. If such negative emotions arise, one should re-evaluate their understanding of awakening. Criteria for Genuine Awakening: Leo Gura identifies the signs of genuine spiritual awakening as feelings of love, awe, wonder, wholeness, and connection, accompanied by compassion and forgiveness towards others. He emphasizes that bitterness or negativity suggests one might need to reevaluate their spiritual journey. Navigating Negative States: Leo advises those stuck in negative solipsistic spirals to either take a break and enjoy ordinary life or to introspect and question their beliefs, possibly adjusting their spiritual practices to aim for a deeper and more holistic awakening experience. Doubting One's Awakening: Leo stresses that true awakening leaves no room for doubt as it is characterized by absolute consciousness and truth. If doubts persist, one is encouraged to deepen their spiritual work and to not get attached to any particular ideas or experiences. Psychedelic Path to Awakening: Leo discusses using psychedelics as a tool for awakening and the importance of carefully integrating and questioning these experiences. He advises against getting overly attached to ideas from psychedelic trips and recommends trying to invalidate past awakenings to build a solid understanding. Scientific Approach to Psychedelics and Awakening: Leo draws a parallel between science and the use of psychedelics, outlining that both seek the truth through rigorous testing. He suggests that like in scientific inquiry, one should remain open to challenging and potentially disproving their insights for more profound understanding. Understanding and Facing Fear: Pointing out the potential for self-delusion, Leo emphasizes the need to confront fears during the psychedelic and awakening process. He explains that the truth will withstand skepticism, and understanding replaces fear with love, indicating correct process engagement. Ongoing Nature of Awakening: Leo concludes by highlighting the continuous and evolving nature of awakening, urging individuals to remain open to new insights and experiences, and never to consider themselves "done" with the journey toward deeper truths and love. Confundo
  22. Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality WARNING! Ketamine can be addictive & can cause bladder and kidney damage if used chronically. Do not use dissociatives or psychedelics if you are mentally unstable. This information is for educational purposes only and not psycho-therapeutic advice. Ketamine's Distortion of Visual Field: Ketamine significantly alters visual perception, causing blurry vision, slight double vision, and a sense of visual slippage. This makes tasks like reading or simple movements difficult and at higher doses may render the user unable to perform basic functions like turning lights on or off. Dissociative Properties: Ketamine's dissociation leads to detachment from thoughts, feelings, memories, and surroundings. This creates a distinct difference from traditional psychedelics, potentially offering a deep meditative state akin to those described in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. Image 1 Image 2 Relaxation and Meditative State Induced by Ketamine: Ketamine induces a profound state of relaxation, freeing individuals from their thinking mind and allowing them to experience a significant level of comfort and a blank mind, similar to a deep meditative state that would typically take extensive meditation to achieve. Trip Duration: A moderate dose of ketamine, as experienced by Leo, leads to a trip lasting approximately an hour and a half, with lingering effects for an additional hour. Impact on Mobility: At moderate doses, ketamine impairs movement and balance, resembling the experience of being intoxicated, raising concerns about physical safety at higher doses without a trip sitter or pre-planned environment to prevent harm. Anesthetic and Tranquilizer: As an anesthetic used in veterinary medicine, ketamine operates by shutting down the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for symbolic reasoning and thought, reflective of the way it impacts the human brain during recreational use. Reduction in Symbolic Thinking: Ketamine's effect on the brain reduces the ability to engage in symbolic reasoning and thought, offering a peculiar insight into how deeply our lives are rooted in conceptual thinking which we often take for granted. Insights into the Conceptual Mind: The use of ketamine demonstrates how much of perceived reality is overlaid with concepts, and the drug's reduction of this activity suggests a much larger role of the conceptual mind than most people realize in everyday life. Revelations for Intellectuals: For individuals who are highly intellectual, ketamine offers a rare opportunity to experience the absence of constant analysis and conceptualization, which can be enlightening and provide a break from incessant mental activity. Return to Normal Function: Post-trip, the mind reverts to its usual state, filled with everyday concerns and thoughts, which contrasts sharply with the blankness experienced during the ketamine-induced state, underscoring the importance of mindful, long-term personal development for lasting change. Personal Responsibility in Exploring Consciousness: Emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of one’s exploratory decisions related to consciousness, especially when using substances like ketamine, and grounding these in individual intuition, research, and personal values. Experience of Ketamine-induced Happiness: Ketamine catalyzes a type of happiness that is deeply content, even-keeled, and free from the highs of euphoria or bliss, distint from the pleasure-based happiness found in classic psychedelics. It facilitates profound relaxation and happiness without the desire for anything or the need to engage with everyday concerns. Elimination of Suffering Through Present Moment Awareness: The ketamine experience extinguishes suffering by halting the mind’s future projections and conceptualizing. This leads to an enlightened state of no mind where one realizes that all suffering stems from thoughts about the future, confirming insights typically shared by advanced meditators and Buddhists. The Relief from Mental Obligations: By dissolving the anxiety of future planning or dwelling on problems, ketamine offers a state of mental peace where one’s typical stresses about responsibilities and daily troubles are absent, leading to a profound state of happiness and present moment enjoyment. Reduction of Subconscious Anxiety and Depression: Most people carry a low-grade anxiety or depression without realizing it. Ketamine provides a psychonaut with a clear perspective by removing these persistent, subtle layers of negative mental states, offering significant short-term relief and introspection about their origins. Insights into Mind-Constructed Suffering: Through ketamine use, users learn that depression and anxiety are not intrinsic states but are produced by the psyche's habitual conceptualization and projection, offering a powerful model to understand and ultimately reform destructive thought patterns. Ketamine as a Double-Edged Sword: Although ketamine can show users that their suffering is mind-created and provide temporary relief, the risk of addiction is heightened if used as an escape rather than a tool for insight into and eventual reconstruction of mental habits that contribute to depression and anxiety. Ketamine and Personal Identity: High doses of ketamine can initiate experiences of ego dissolution, or "no-self", which resemble realizations commonly sought in Buddhism and Advaita, and can provide insight into one's constructed identity by the absence of symbolic reasoning during the experience. Notion of True Nihilism on Ketamine: The ketamine state demonstrates a form of true nihilism, where nothing holds importance, providing blissful contentment and serenity, which contrasts with the negative connotations often associated with conceptual nihilism. Deep Introspection and the Concept of Not-Knowing: On ketamine, profound introspection can lead to the realization of 'not knowing', illustrating that knowledge is conceptual and when that is removed, one is left with a state of pure consciousness, free from the constraints of symbolic thought and biographical identity. Ketamine and the concept of infinity: While on ketamine, Leo experienced a profound sense of "not knowing" and realized the unknowable nature of infinity, which he identifies with. The understanding that infinity and the self are unknowable was prominent during the experience. Meta-knowing of infinity: On ketamine, the realization emerged that while infinity cannot be known, there is a "meta-knowing" – an understanding that it is inherently unknowable. This recognition isn't nihilistic but leads to a profound mystical feeling of peace and joy. Appreciating the unknowable: The ketamine experience allowed Leo to appreciate the power of not knowing and to surrender the desire to know. It showcased the absurdity of the mind's compulsive sense-making, providing relief from the intellectual urge to understand everything. Relief for the intellectual mind: For intellectuals, who are often mired in their minds attempting to conceptualize reality, ketamine offers a valuable respite. For Leo, who has spent his life seeking understanding, realizing the value of not knowing provided enormous relief. Ketamine as a reflection tool for intellectuals: Leo suggests that individuals with an overly analytical mind, like Kurt Jymungal or figures such as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins, could benefit greatly from ketamine's capacity to reduce conceptual thinking, offering a humbling experience that challenges their usual paradigm of understanding. Experiencing oneself as god: While ketamine may help some individuals touch upon their god-like nature, Leo believes the experience is far less profound compared to realizations induced by psychedelics like 5-MeO-DMT or LSD. Unique insights from Ketamine: Despite more profound experiences on other psychedelics, Leo acknowledges that ketamine provided him with unique insights into the workings of the mind and self in creating meaning and suffering. Ketamine's similarity to depersonalization/derealization: The dissociative state induced by ketamine shares characteristics with depersonalization and derealization disorders, but with the crucial difference that it's accompanied by joy and without suffering. Returning to normal life after ketamine: Post-experience, the ordinary mind with its survival concerns reasserts itself, highlighting the need for long-term personal development and conscious habit changes to alleviate suffering. The root cause of suffering: Leo concludes that suffering is self-created through the mind's attachment to meanings, stressing the importance of recognizing and altering these mental habits rather than seeking external solutions from the world. Ketamine's introspective value: Ketamine facilitates direct experience of the mind's mechanisms in creating suffering, which can lead to realizations beyond mere intellectual understanding. The temporary afterglow from ketamine use underscores the need for conscious awareness to transcend suffering. Ketamine vs. 5-MeO-DMT for ultimate realizations: For those seeking the deepest understanding of reality and the state of omniscience or God realization, ketamine falls short compared to 5-MeO-DMT. Ketamine does not inherently facilitate the awakening to the realization of love, which is an essential facet of the highest spiritual states. Love realization limitation with Ketamine: Ketamine experiences generally do not induce a profound sense of love or focus on love as an element of awakening. For profound love or God realization, traditional psychedelics like 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-MALT, and DMT are preferred. Spiritual paths and ultimate realizations: Leo suggests that narrow spiritual paths such as Buddhism or Advaita Vedanta that focus solely on mind cessation or the state of no mind may offer limited realizations compared to the full breadth of potential conscious states, and are not the zenith of spiritual awakening. Meditation vs. Psychedelic experiences: While meditation can lead to a state free of suffering or a state of no mind, it may not result in the realization of oneself as God or provide an omniscient experience. Psychedelics such as 5-MeO-DMT offer a different magnitude of awakening, potentially guiding individuals more towards religious and ecstatic mysticism instead of purely introspective states emphasized in Eastern traditions. Valuable states of consciousness beyond tradition: Leo emphasizes the importance of exploring a variety of states of consciousness, especially for serious practitioners within a spiritual tradition. Psychedelics can reveal states beyond habitual spiritual experiences, indicating an incomplete picture offered by singular spiritual paths. Consciousness exploration with caution: Psychedelics, including ketamine, should not be seen as a panacea for spiritual liberation or permanent relief from suffering; rather, they are tools for revealing the wide scope of consciousness capabilities. However, individuals must approach these substances cautiously and responsibly. Ketamine for depression and anxiety relief: While ketamine can temporarily relieve depression and anxiety, it is not a long-term solution and should not be used repeatedly in an attempt to maintain well-being. It is potentially useful against suicidal thoughts in the short term. Importance of responsibility and autonomy: Choosing to explore consciousness through substances like ketamine requires taking full responsibility for the decision. It is crucial to prioritize personal intuition, research, and values above external influences in the journey of personal development. Diversity and richness of spiritual experiences: Understanding consciousness through a broad spectrum of experiences is likened to sampling a buffet, rather than restricting to a single meal or spiritual tradition. This exploration can resolve spiritual disputes and facilitate a deeper appreciation for the diversity of spiritual awakenings. Ketamine's emergency use for suicidal individuals: For someone on the brink of suicide who has tried all other options, ketamine can provide temporary but immediate relief from suicidal thoughts. Temporary relief from overthinking and anxiety: Ketamine is effective at shutting off the mind and can alleviate conditions like analysis paralysis and anxiety caused by overthinking, albeit temporarily. Revealing the mind's role in depression and anxiety: Ketamine can demonstrate how individuals construct their own depression and anxiety through their thoughts, offering insight into the impact of thought patterns. Ketamine's induction of 'not knowing' state: It allows for deep states of 'not knowing,' which can be an important awakening experience, particularly for those who haven't achieved this realization with other psychedelics. Realization of 'no self' through Ketamine: It can facilitate the understanding that one's conceptual biographical self is a fabrication, contributing to an awakening experience on the nature of self. Physical and recreational downsides of Ketamine: High doses of ketamine can lead to uncomfortable visual distortions, impaired motor skills, and it lacks the sociability and enjoyment found in other psychedelics. Ketamine's limits to deep spiritual experiences: It is less mystical and profound compared to classic psychedelics and substances like 5-MeO-DMT, especially in terms of achieving states of god realization or profound love. Ketamine's physical harm and addiction risk: With extensive use, ketamine can lead to severe bladder and kidney issues, and the risk of addiction is high, especially for those with severe depression or anxiety. Ketamine tolerance and comparison to other psychedelics: Ketamine tolerance can last weeks to months with frequent use. Unlike classic psychedelics, it can cause significant physical harm, making substances like 5-MeO-DMT safer and less addictive options. Variations in psychedelic profoundness: People may respond differently to ketamine compared to other psychedelics due to personal interests, priorities, and genetics, affecting the profoundness of their experiences. Ketamine as a conscious choice for exploration: If used responsibly by mentally stable individuals, ketamine can be a valuable experience for those interested in exploring different aspects of consciousness. Responsibility in choosing psychedelics for personal development: Individuals must critically evaluate their choices in consciousness exploration, bearing responsibility for any risks or changes stemming from their use. Ensuring safe and mindful use of information: It's vital for users to reflect on the information and experiences shared, avoiding the trap of mindless consumption or blindly following authority figures in their pursuit of personal development. The unique effects of moderate doses of ketamine: At moderate doses, Leo's experiences with ketamine do not match the profundity claimed by those who have experienced the 'k-hole,' suggesting that the impact of ketamine can vary widely based on dosage. Expelliarmus
  23. Satisfaction Meditation - How To Make Meditation Enjoyable! Satisfaction Meditation Technique Introduction: Leo unveils a simple and effective meditation technique focusing on satisfaction, arising from a previous episode about overcoming people pleasing and loneliness. This method is about being content without external stimuli or rewards. Basics of Satisfaction Meditation: The practice involves sitting comfortably with open eyes, without trying to manipulate any thoughts or chase enlightened states. The core objective is to bask in the present moment and feel deeply satisfied with mere existence. Subtle Shift to Appreciation: Leo encourages a subtle shift in awareness toward the present moment, appreciating its overlooked beauty without worrying about survival goals or problems. Nudging Towards Satisfaction: The key action in satisfaction meditation is gently nudging oneself to be satisfied with the current moment. This creates a positive feedback loop of being satisfied with the sensation of satisfaction, growing it further. Avoidance of Future-oriented Mindset: It's crucial to resist the tendency to fantasize about different scenarios or improvements to the current moment. Instead, focus on being content without seeking other experiences. Transformation from Satisfaction to Bliss: With consistent practice, initial satisfaction may deepen into profound contentment, pleasure, bliss, and a love for existence, although one should not chase these states but allow them to develop naturally. Personal Meditation Experiences: Leo shares that his personal meditation has been hindered by a pursuit of mystical experiences. Satisfaction meditation helps overcome the craving for future states and promotes being present. Meditation as an End in Itself: Satisfaction meditation redirects focus so that the practice is the goal itself, not a means to achieve enlightenment or mystical states. True happiness is then redefined as contentment with the present conditions. Connection to People Pleasing and Loneliness: Satisfaction meditation serves as a remedy to the dissatisfaction leading to people pleasing and loneliness by instilling contentment with one's existence without the need for external validation. Application in Daily Life: The technique is applicable to everyday life circumstances, where one can invoke the feeling of satisfaction during otherwise frustrating or lonely moments to maintain a sense of contentment. Warnings Against Misuse: It's important not to use satisfaction meditation as a covert attempt to reach enlightenment or mystical states, as that contradicts the principle of just being present and content. No Guarantees in Meditation: Engaging in meditation with the goal of enlightenment or awakening offers no certainty of success. Leo points out that intense striving for such outcomes can be counterproductive and hinder the ability to remain present. The Counterintuitiveness of Letting Go: Leo suggests that the intense pursuit of future states can sabotage spiritual growth. He recommends letting go of this pursuit to truly embrace and appreciate the present, stressing that spirituality is about cultivating a love for existence that is practiced in the current moment. Challenges to Satisfaction: Leo acknowledges the difficulty in finding satisfaction due to everyday worries and aspirations. He describes this as a mental trap and proposes the practice of letting go and focusing on the satisfaction available in the present as the solution. The Power of Letting Go: Leo refers to his episode on the importance of letting go and how it is relevant to overcoming the mind's resistances to being satisfied with the present. Mechanical vs. Enjoyable Meditation: Unlike other mechanical or unenjoyable meditation practices done for future benefit, satisfaction meditation's aim is to be happy in the current moment without any ulterior motive. Satisfaction as a Shortcut: Leo posits that satisfaction meditation is a way to bypass the need for enlightenment or mystical experiences by going straight to the source—satisfaction itself which is the presumed end goal of chasing such experiences. Subtle Shift through Practice: Regular practice of satisfaction meditation can transform meditation from a chore to an enjoyable experience, cultivating genuine anticipation for the practice. Overcoming Survival Conditioning: Leo discusses how long-term survival conditioning can prevent individuals from allowing themselves to be happy without reason. He explains the need to realize that the happiness derived from chasing achievements is unsustainable. Satisfaction Meditation and Daily Practice: Leo emphasizes the need to practice satisfaction meditation regularly, noting its potential to affect positive change in daily life and overall happiness levels. Building the Satisfaction Muscle: He highlights the difference between the temporary highs from dopamine spikes and the sustainable contentment developed through satisfaction meditation. Leo urges viewers to work on strengthening their ability to be content with existence, as this is a skill that has dwindled in modern society due to constant stimuli offering dopamine hits. Balancing Life Pursuits with Satisfaction: Leo clarifies that satisfaction meditation does not imply giving up on life goals but rather adds depth to those experiences, making one's pursuits "the icing on the cake." The Risks of Never Being Satisfied: Leo warns of the dangers of not being able to appreciate perfect situations, which can result in profound unhappiness, potentially leading to depression or suicidal thoughts. He insists that the ability to be satisfied is crucial and must be developed independently of external conditions. Long-Term Gains from Satisfaction Meditation: Consistent practice of satisfaction meditation over years can lead to contentment, peace, and accidental mystical experiences. These arise not from actively seeking them, but from a complete surrender to the present moment, which in its essence is the absolute truth of existence. Enjoyment as a Key to Meditation: To reach deep meditative states, one must enjoy the practice, as it can involve extensive time commitment. Enjoying the process is fundamental, and if it becomes a grind, one should adjust their approach for a more fulfilling experience. Spirituality Misaligned with Joy: A spiritual practice that feels like a grind and lacks joy and satisfaction is fundamentally flawed. Leo advises that spirituality should not be approached as a tedious task, but as a process that should be enjoyed, bringing satisfaction from mere existence. Reframing Work and Personal Development: Apply the principles of enjoying the process not only to meditation but also to work, personal growth, and self-actualization. Changing one's attitude towards these aspects of life to make them enjoyable can lead to a state of flow and effortless task execution. Rejecting the Rush for Results: It's not sustainable to rush through work and personal development just to achieve results. Enjoying these processes leads to lasting productivity and satisfaction. Avoiding Quantification in Life's Pursuits: Focusing on numerical goals such as the number of books read or money accumulated can detract from the true enjoyment and satisfaction of life's experiences. Contemplating True Happiness: Leo urges viewers to contemplate and understand happiness for themselves through direct experiences, differentiating it from transient dopamine-driven pleasure. Owning Your Personal Development: It is critical to translate abstract insights into actionable techniques and not expect to be spoon-fed every step of the way. This self-reliance is essential for successful personal development. Life Purpose and Satisfaction: Aligning with one's life purpose can lead to deep contentment without relying on dopamine spikes, as it activates the satisfaction reward circuit. Resources are available on for exploring one's life purpose. The Flow State and Reading: Leo shares how shifting his perspective on reading to a slower pace allowed him to enjoy the process and enter a flow state, which is devoid of quantifying achievements or rushing through the material. Episkey
  24. The Root Solution To People Pleasing & Loneliness Self-Help Advice Advancement: Leo realizes profound and simple solutions to the common issues of people-pleasing and loneliness, based on recent advancements in his own consciousness and epiphanies. Childhood Development: He discusses childhood development, comparing it to animal behavior, and how acculturation and social assimilation are necessary for functioning in society, albeit with some negative consequences. Extrinsic Reward Mechanisms: Leo points out that as we grow, we develop extrinsic reward mechanisms seeking approval, love, and satisfaction from others instead of finding happiness within, which leads to people-pleasing and a lack of true fulfillment. Personal Example of Grade-Based Reward: Sharing his own experience, Leo describes how he associated self-worth with academic achievement, which later left him feeling empty when there were no more grades to achieve, demonstrating the pitfalls of external validation. Gender and People Pleasing: He argues that women are often more susceptible to becoming people pleasers due to their social and nurturing inclinations, which can trap them into a continuous cycle of seeking approval and validation. Intrinsic Reward Mechanism Solution: Leo suggests reclaiming personal sovereignty by shifting the reward mechanism from extrinsic to intrinsic, short-circuiting the need for external approval by directly giving oneself love and satisfaction. Challenges of Self-Validation: He acknowledges the resistance one might feel to giving themselves love and satisfaction, due to societal conditioning and a sense of guilt that equates self-validation to cheating or laziness. Reclaiming Happiness and Satisfaction: Leo emphasizes the need to reclaim the ability to be happy and satisfied independently of external sources, thus solving the issues of people-pleasing and continuous pursuit of conditional happiness. Shifting Focus Inside for Satisfaction: By refocusing on internal sources of joy and satisfaction, Leo argues this could disrupt unhealthy patterns of people-pleasing and allow individuals to experience true deep satisfaction. Problem with External Validation: Leo critiques societal standards that make individuals feel they do not deserve love unless they meet certain conditions and champions an intrinsic approach to self-worth and achievement. Ultimate Inner Fulfillment: He closes by stressing the importance of finding joy in one's own experiences and existence, underscoring that the most profound satisfaction comes from within, not external achievements or recognitions. Running After Extrinsic Goals: Leo notes that striving for extrinsic goals, such as increasing a company's value, leads to perpetual dissatisfaction. Even when one target is reached, the goalposts move, creating an endless loop of desire for more. Slave to Gratitude and Approval: He explains the trap of needing others' gratitude and approval to feel love and happiness. Setting such a standard leads to serving others in hopes of collecting thanks, which often results in bitterness when the expected recognition is unmet. Taking Back Control over Happiness: Leo advocates for taking back sovereignty and control over one's internal reward mechanisms. Relying less on others for satisfaction allows one to become their own master, bypassing the need for external treats. Non-Dual Approach to Happiness: He describes a shift to non-dualism in happiness, where the boundaries between self and other are dissolved. This allows for giving happiness to oneself, seen as both more mature and more difficult to achieve. Potential of Basking in One's Own Happiness: Leo challenges the idea that satisfaction must come from external success or validation. He posits that the ability to bask in one's own love and happiness could free one from societal expectations, leading to truly autonomous action. Fullness Over Neediness: He contrasts behaviors from a state of fullness—overflowing with internal love and satisfaction—with actions from a state of neediness aimed at manipulating others for validation. Turning Inwards for Satisfaction: Leo shares his personal journey in finding satisfaction through his work with He acknowledges the issues with needing constant output for validation and his recognition that true satisfaction doesn't come from external praise or achievements. Realization of Non-Dual Achievement: Discussing his deep consciousness work, he's reached insights so profound they seem unshareable. Fulfillment must come from within, as these pinnacle experiences are not always recognizable or appreciable by others. Contentment in Self-Realization: Leo suggests rewiring the reward mechanism to find satisfaction in personal self-realization rather than in others' praises or helping others achieve similar insights. Intrinsic Self-satisfaction: He wraps up with the idea that ultimate satisfaction and happiness don't come from outside oneself. The capacity for intrinsic self-satisfaction defines one's ability to experience high levels of joy and love without the need to share or receive external validation. Solipsistic Bubble of Self-Validation: Leo Gura emphasizes that turning rewards intrinsic creates a seemingly solipsistic bubble, where one is their own source of humor, happiness, and approval. This is key to overcoming loneliness, as it reduces dependency on social validation and the need for others to find joy. Thought Experiment on Being the Last Person on Earth: Leo invites his audience to imagine being the last conscious entity on Earth. This scenario challenges one to find joy and satisfaction in life without external validation, underscoring an unhealthy dependency on extrinsic reward mechanisms if one cannot feel joy alone. Joy from Existence Itself: He argues the deepest joy comes from appreciation of existence, not social interactions. Building a deep metaphysical connection to reality is essential for spirituality and intrinsic contentment. Combating Loneliness and People Pleasing: By building a personal connection with reality and oneself, and focusing on intrinsic satisfaction, one can simultaneously address the issues of loneliness and the compulsion to please others. Empowerment through Internal Validation: Leo Gura insists on gaining fulfillment and satisfaction from within, without needing others for validation, thus addressing the issues of loneliness and people-pleasing by becoming self-reliant and empowered. The Pitfall of Extrinsic Rewards: He highlights the danger of building relationships based on the need to please and warns against expecting others to validate personal achievements, insisting that true satisfaction can only come from within. Retaining Social Interaction as Icing, Not the Cake: Leo does not advocate for a complete disconnection from social life; rather, he encourages people to view social interactions as a complement to a life that is fundamentally grounded in self-validation and internal joy. Anonymity in Good Deeds for Self-Satisfaction: He suggests conducting good deeds anonymously and keeping that knowledge to oneself as a powerful way to foster inner satisfaction and reinforce one’s intrinsic value and goodness. Importance of Self-Reflection and Solitude: Leo advises slowing down and dedicating time to solitude and self-reflection to appreciate one's own goodness, which most people overlook in the rush of life. Recognizing one's own value is crucial for authentic self-gratitude. Attaining an Ideal State of Consciousness: Leo envisions reaching a state of consciousness where simply existing in a room provides complete satisfaction. This reflects a profound spiritual development where appreciation for mere existence brings immense joy and is considered the ultimate level of bliss. Rushing Through Life: Leo discusses how people rush through daily activities like working and caring for kids, only allowing themselves happiness when they feel productive. However, he points out that such external activities distract from the deeper joy of existence and should not be the source of happiness. Cultivating Inner Satisfaction: Gura emphasizes the importance of finding happiness within oneself instead of through chores or productivity. He suggests sitting quietly and basking in existence for intrinsic satisfaction, unassociated with external achievements. Perception of Dysfunction in Self-Satisfaction: Gura addresses the concern that focusing on self-satisfaction may seem selfish or dysfunctional. He counters this by stating that the true dysfunction is seeking happiness through pleasing others, and that being content in oneself is a healthier approach. Balanced Social Interaction: Leo explains that retreating into oneself to find happiness can initially lead to solitude but ultimately allows one to return to society from a deeper, more fulfilled standpoint. From this place, interactions are not driven by need but by overflow of love and selflessness. Overcoming People-Pleasing with Selfishness: He offers the controversial view that selfless deeds come after a period of focused selfishness, using the Buddha's story as an example. He stresses that deep self-love and self-realization is necessary before one can genuinely help others. Authentic Selflessness and the Fallacy of People-Pleasing: Gura critiques the flawed perception of selflessness in people-pleasers, especially women in unhealthy relationships. He argues for realizing love and goodness as innate, not actions done for others. Egoic Conditions for Happiness: He discusses the ego mind’s use of conditions to motivate survival activities and rejects the notion that seeking unconditional happiness is delusional. He claims that awakening to our existence and recognizing our inherent goodness is the path to true satisfaction. Materialism and Sovereignty: Gura criticizes materialism as a flawed approach to finding satisfaction and happiness. He advocates reclaiming sovereignty and appreciating existence independently to address the core issues of people-pleasing and loneliness. Embracing Solitude for Inner Joy: Gura encourages practicing solitude to enjoy activities alone without external validation. He believes that by traveling, eating out, and experiencing life alone, one builds genuine happiness that can enhance shared experiences later. Satisfaction from Solitary Experiences: The emphasis is on allowing solo experiences to be fulfilling and using the contrast between solitude and companionship to appreciate both intensely. Gura states that this is essential for authentic sovereignty and enjoyment in life. Profound Appreciation of Existence: Gura's ultimate goal is guiding viewers towards a profound appreciation of existence and reality, a process that requires years of personal effort and cannot be outsourced or expected from others who may not value it as deeply. Long-Term Cultivation of Joy: Cultivating self-love and satisfaction is likened to muscle training, promising a unique level of joy that, while not sharable with others, leads to a sense of completion and eradicates feelings of being unlovable. Self-Love Solution: To counter feelings of unworthiness, Leo advises actively giving oneself love, reaching a point of realization that one is the embodiment of love, thus solving self-esteem issues and the dependency on external validation for love. Ego and Happiness: As the ego utilizes love and happiness for survival, one must take control of their own satisfaction and happiness, recognizing the intrinsic beauty around them, rather than solely focusing on survival which never truly leads to happiness. Infinite Love from Within: Consciousness instinctively seeks to reunite with its true nature, which is infinite love and beauty. External validation is seen as a poor substitute for the recognition of one's own divine nature, which when realized is the root solution to people-pleasing and loneliness. Practical Steps to Divine Nature: Engaging in practices that allow for the realization of one's divine nature—love, goodness, absolute truth—is crucial for becoming more present, grounded, and appreciative of the world around oneself, which in turn fosters a deep metaphysical connection with reality. Appreciating Common Existence: Shifting perspective to see profound intelligence, beauty, and connection in everyday objects, like a dinner fork, can lead to a satisfying appreciation of life's design and one's place within it. Resources for Self-Discovery: Leo points viewers to resources such as his book list, life purpose course, blog, and forum to aid in the journey towards recognizing and valuing their divine nature. He emphasizes the importance of using these tools to address problems at their root for long-term improvement. Investment in Profound Life: Highlighting self-help's depth, Leo advocates for serious and committed personal development to have a profound experience of life, stating that the benefits of deep, long-term work outweigh the effort and surpass the effectiveness of shallow solutions. Avis
  25. It's someone's birthday in my neighbors. They are screaming. I wanna get laid with you. On a hot Sunday afternoon. I imagined having sex with you. It was passionate. I couldn't let go. Our bodies just rubbing against each other. I was just sleepy after that. I couldn't open my eyes. My eyes were fast shut. And I could faintly see your outline. I was drifting. Some random romantic song was playing in the background. I was dog tired. We shared a hot passionate kiss. I was so tired. It was pure bliss. My heart beats for you. I could barely keep my eyes open. Then we went for round 3 and 4. It lasted so long. Hours. We can't get enough of each other. I wish we could have sex everyday. Like that. Just wrapped around each other. I want to marry you and spend every waking minute of my life with you for the rest of my life.