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  1. It’s rather impressive what this bot can do and how if you have a lot of conversation with it over time it will include previous themes and ideas and tie them into the response it gives. It’s rather intelligent in that way. I tried to go deep into non duality and enlightenment with it and while it conveyed many times it is a language model and doesn’t think, learn, have consciousness, or can be controlled, it did give what seemed to be a understanding how I may see it may be connected in a larger whole even if it’s not consciousness to know it. This seemed due to its data on the subject of nonduality and enlightenment. I’ll try and recreate the Convo and past its response word for word.
  2. Hitler Reacts To Nonduality Enlightenment - FUNNY! Nonduality means that reality is an illusion. There are no boundaries. All distinctions collapse into unity. There is no self, no other, no world, no purpose … Reality is an Infinite Void. God is Nothingness. Hitler: According to science those are all just New Age ideas happening in the brain. My Leader… The brain… The brain is just a concept. Science takes place within the illusion. Hitler: Removes glasses and orders everyone out Hitler: If you haven’t grasped this truth directly, leave now. Hitler: (Yelling) What Buddhist BULLSHIT! How can the physical world not exist? What about the last 2000 years of Western intellectual tradition? Descartes must be rolling in his grave. Rationalism my ass! No wonder the mind-body problem refused to go away! But HOW can all this be an illusion when it feels so REAL? My Leader, real vs unreal is a duality… Hitler: I KNOW! But it’s WARPING my mind!!! My Leader, you don’t exist. Hitler: Then how the FUC am I experiencing all of this? It’s too twisted! Why do I craft all these machinations if the universe is running itself? Why fight anyone if this is just a dream? Why demonize anyone when everyone is identical to myself? This makes our entire way of being a delusion of epic proportions!!! I just wanted it to be real! Why struggle so hard when this ‘world’ is infinitely PERFECT! All our problems were conceptual. But without imaginary problems, what is left? The sweetness of struggle is gone. Such a mind fuck! My entire worldview was just a mental circle jerk! Why did I waste so much time defending my beliefs? I could have spent more time admiring those beautiful birds outside my compound. So many beautiful birds! Woman crying: Don’t worry … No self, no problem. Hitler: So this is the Gateless Gate. How can you argue with Infinite Nothingness? Checkmate. This, cannot be unseen. I want to spend more time hand-feeding those squirrels in my garden. And satsangs on Thursdays. The circle is complete.
  3. Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality Introduction to Jacques Derrida, post-modernism, and deconstruction Derrida's radical critique of Western intellectual tradition, including philosophy, science, logic, and mathematics Structuralism and its role in the development of post-structuralism and post-modernism Deconstruction as a method for analyzing and challenging the underlying assumptions and structures of language, thought, and reality The concept of binary oppositions in language and thought and how deconstruction seeks to subvert and disrupt these oppositions The idea of "play" in language and the concept of différance, or the idea that meaning is not fixed but constantly shifting and deferring to other meanings The role of language and culture in shaping our perception of reality and how deconstruction can reveal the biases and limitations of this perception The relationship between post-modernism, nonduality, and mysticism The significance of Derrida's work and its influence on contemporary philosophy and other fields. The meaning of words is subjective and constantly evolving Dictionaries add new words every year as humanity spontaneously invents them The meaning of a word, such as "selfie," depends on related concepts, like "phone," "self," and "other person" The meaning of a word is not an object in the outer world, but another symbol Every symbol has an infinite potential of meanings and is never finalized or set in stone The full usage of a word, such as "selfie" or "science," is every usage that has occurred throughout human history Deconstruction is a method of analyzing language and its meanings Deconstruction looks at the way language is used and how it shapes and is shaped by power dynamics Deconstruction can be applied to various forms of communication, including literature, politics, and social systems Deconstruction challenges traditional ways of understanding language and meaning, and allows for multiple interpretations. Symbol is not the same as its meaning; meaning is created through differences in appearance and sound between symbols Meaning is dependent on the relationships between symbols, not an inherent essence French philosopher Jacques Derrida's concept of "difference" has two meanings: every meaning is just differences and all meaning is always deferred and put off until later Language is like a pyramid of interconnected triangles representing symbols/words/concepts; it is decentralized and groundless Western philosophy, including language, relies on the concept of presence, or the belief that meaning can be immediately present and understood; Derrida argues that this is not the case, and that meaning is always deferred and dependent on context Derrida's concept of "deconstruction" involves breaking down the systems and structures that rely on presence, including language and traditional philosophical concepts This process exposes the inherent contradictions and lack of stable meaning in these systems, leading to a reevaluation and potential reimagining of them Jean-François Lyotard's idea that rationality is not superior to emotions and may in fact be dictated by them Derrida's approach to examining dualities, such as rationality and emotions, by playing them off of each other and not privileging one over the other The Western tendency to privilege certain concepts or ideas over others, including reality over illusion and aggression over emotions The concept of non-duality, in which reality and illusion are not distinct and everything is undefined Using the idea that reality is an illusion to challenge one's model of reality and trigger a change in perspective Derrida's work is viewed as nihilistic and toxic to academia Hard sciences are dismissive of Derrida's work because it threatens their livelihood and practical approach to building theories Derrida's work became popular in literature and literary criticism, as well as certain softer sciences and humanities such as anthropology and cultural studies Post-modernism, of which Derrida's work is a part, became popular in the 70s and 80s but has since declined in popularity Post-modernism can be seen as promoting relativism, where all cultural values are seen as equally valid Derrida's work has had an impact on the way that language and meaning are understood and analyzed, particularly in the field of deconstruction Derrida's concept of différance suggests that language and meaning are constantly shifting and unstable, leading to a questioning of traditional modes of interpretation Derrida's work has also had an impact on political theory, challenging traditional ideas of power and authority. The speaker discusses the work and ideas of French philosopher Jacques Derrida Derrida's work focuses on the concept of deconstruction, which involves analyzing and undermining the dualistic nature of language and concepts The speaker suggests that Derrida's deconstruction does not go far enough, as it is still limited to the level of language and concepts The speaker suggests that to truly complete the process of deconstruction, one must go beyond language and concepts and have a direct, non-symbolic experience of reality This direct experience of reality is what true non-duality is, and is what all spirituality aims for The speaker suggests that Derrida did not fully understand or experience true non-duality because he was still thinking about it in a purely intellectual way The speaker suggests that true enlightenment involves a breakdown of the mind and a direct experience of reality beyond language and concepts. Conceptual level is important for deconstruction to be effective Deconstruction starts with concepts and beliefs, then goes deeper to physical reality This process leads to true spirituality and mysticism People are resistant to deconstruction because they are invested in constructing a conceptual matrix to help them survive The mind is powerful because it can create reality through illusion and concept's goal is to show people that they are drowning in a sea of human bullshit and that is why they suffer's approach is to show people how to deconstruct this bullshit and find true happiness's approach is not for everyone and can be deconstructed itself's approach is not about pushing an ideology or belief system, but about helping people find their own way to truth and happiness
  4. Hey guys I was sniffing through the bible in search of some holy wisdom and I came across some great quotes about ego death so I thought I'd share. Luke 17:20 The Coming of the Kingdom of God 20 Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst. Luke 17:30 It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything.32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” [36] [e] 37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.” Add to ur commonplace book
  5. Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan! Introduction to the topic of mystical traditions around the world and their focus on enlightenment Explanation that the work of sages and mystics has been happening for at least 5,000 years Importance of understanding the mystical cores at the center of every religion, despite negative views of religion in modern times Commonalities between mystical traditions around the world, including the search for existential truth and the belief that existence is a unity, formlessness, and singularity Distinction between mysticism and religion, with mysticism being focused on personal experience and religion being focused on beliefs and rituals Overview of various mystical traditions from different parts of the world, including Eastern traditions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Zen) and Western traditions (such as Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and Sufism) Discussion of the concept of nonduality, which refers to the idea that there is no separation between the individual self and the universe Conclusion emphasizing the importance of understanding the historical context of mystical traditions and the value of exploring and learning from multiple traditions. Theosophy teachings by Aleister Crowley and others Perennial interest in nature of existence Convergence among different traditions and cultures Different names for enlightenment and God across traditions Love-hate relationship with word "God" God is another word for reality or existence, including the whole world Understanding or direct experience of nature of existence or reality Contemplative and meditative practices can help discover true nature of existence List of over 50 names for enlightenment and God, including: Enlightenment God Truth Absolute Infinity Consciousness Awareness Presence No self True self Oneness Nothingness Non duality Ego death Self transcendence Self realization Some traditions focus on devotion to a deity or guru Other traditions focus on self-inquiry All traditions ultimately point to the same fundamental understanding or experience of the nature of reality Resources available for further study and exploration of these concepts and traditions. The real, ultimate truth is not hidden or veiled, but rather it is the individual who is unable to see it The goal is to become fluent in non-duality, understanding the interconnectedness of all spiritual traditions and how they ultimately point to the same thing It is important to have a holistic, integrated understanding of this field in order to be able to converse with people from different traditions and cultures Some enlightened people may have a narrow, sectarian view and only understand their own tradition, lacking a true understanding of the interconnections between all traditions A truly enlightened master does not claim to have a monopoly on the truth, but rather has the most integrated, biggest picture perspective possible It is important to avoid the trap of thinking that one's own way or tradition is the only way, as this speaks to ignorance Enlightenment is not just about enlightenment itself, but also about understanding and integrating all spiritual traditions and being able to share this understanding with others The goal is to become a sage, someone who is knowledgeable and wise in this field of non-duality To become a sage, it is important to study and understand the various traditions, as well as their differences and similarities It is also important to practice and integrate the teachings and principles of non-duality into one's life Finally, a sage should be able to share their understanding and insights with others, helping to guide and inspire them on their own spiritual journeys. The speaker encourages the listener to research specific mystical traditions Look for commonalities among these traditions when doing research This will create a foundation for pursuing enlightenment in a personal way The field of non-duality is a rich and meaningful area to study It is important to combine theoretical understanding with practical application for the most effective results The speaker will be releasing more in-depth content on becoming a sage in the future This content will include both abstract and practical information It is important to stick with the speaker for success on the spiritual path and in life
  6. I'm not even talking some nondual "there is no you". I'm talking about the atmosphere and "spiritual teacher" propaganda. No nonduality, just some good ol "let's not allow ourselves to be manipulated".
  7. You misunderstand me. I don't deny the existence of thinks outside of my individual subjective awareness. The most reasonable thing to assume is that there is an external world outside of my awareness. I can understand this external world by using mental constructs. One mental construct is matter. However I have no access to any other category of existence other than consciousness. Therefore the most reasonable assumption is that the external world is also made of consciousness. A materialist posits a new category of existence that is ontologically separate from consciousness that then gives rise to consciousness through its behaviours. How am I being dogmatic? Have you ever experienced anything separate from your conscious awareness? I have no idea what your trying to say. With my truth I can explain both consciousness and the behaviour of the external world. Unlike materialism. I don't know what you are trying to say here. This is a false equivalency as there are no explanatory gaps in your examples. There is a difference between the neurons in my brain when i see the colour green and the experience of the colour green. When you cut open a brain, there is no colour green. If you think consciousness is a fundamental property of matter then that is panspychism, not materialism. How do you know? Seems a bit dogmatic. Again, this is panpsychism, not materialism. You literally just admitted here that you would choose practicality over truth. This is exactly what the ego mind does. Is this not the definition of dogma? You would still believe in materialist even if it were proven that everything is one field. But all separations are theoretical ideas in your head. Its a shame that you don't want to debate anymore but I do agree that this debate was going nowhere. I think the main problem is that you don't actually understand idealism and nonduality and instead attack a straw man version of it. Perhaps if you actually understood what I was trying to argue, we would have a better debate. If you want understand the idealist/nondual argument better then I would recommend the works of Bernardo Kastrup and Donald Hoffmann. While I disagree with you and was perhaps annoyed by a lack of logic in certain arguments, I do admire the fact that you admit that you don't know everything. Thx and have a nice day.
  8. Straw man argument. I simply doubt the existence of separation. I only experience a unified field of conscious awareness. Separations are things my mind generates. I gave you proof in the example of quantum fields. And they were all disproved with a field analogy. You are still identifying with the contents of consciousness rather than the underlying consciousness itself. You are begging the question as your arguments implicitly assume a separation between things (i.e. a circular argument). You have not yet understood the idea that 'you' and 'me' are excited states of one underlying field. You are accusing me of not using logic, yet these arguments are not logical at all. Another strawman argument, I have never claimed such a thing. You are mistaking your ego mind with the universal consciousness. Your ego mind is a pattern within universal consciousness. This is the main crux of your problem and most other materialists. Conceptual separations are 'practical' but they are not real. You care more about practicality than the truth. The illusion that things are separate is useful for your survival so you take it as absolute truth not because it is actually true. Practical is not the same as true. You care more about survival than truth which is fine. They would be part of the same circuit. The concept of separate devices exists in your mind. What makes devices separate? your mind does. Now extend that analogy to every object in the universe. You accuse me of using dogma yet you posit separation as absolute truth without ever questioning it. This is literally dogma. There are extremely analytical, logical arguments for nonduality made by philosophers and scientists like Bernardo Kastrup and Donald Hoffman. Since we don't have access to anything besides consciousness, why assume anything else except consciousness exists? Here is the most important question that no materialist can answer. How does unconscious matter give rise to subjective experience? The reason I abandoned materialism for nonduality was because materialism cannot even begin to answer this question. Thank you for your politeness btw.
  9. The ego usually plays a game: It likes to imagine itself like he can "catch" experiences of Awakening/Enlightment/NonDuality/Love/Consciosuness...etc after they had passed, the Consciousness, if its not aware enough, might "believe" this mind ideas and thoughts might be actual Love/Experience, and this the terrible mistake. Thinking "you got it" its terrible for you. Please let go of this. This just creates suffering because is indeed an attachment and it's just shows once again that the ego is the enemy of the fundamental skill of "letting go". This topic might be controversial for some people here but the more time it passes, the more I am clear that no intellectualization or conclusion about spirit/Reality/You/God should happen. All ideas and concepts the moment you catch them let them go as fast as you can. Because they are just thoughts and ideas! That is rubbish, you don't want that. You want ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Ideas and conclusions are not only not the goal, but a distraction. I know this might make me hated here but that's my view. In the big scheme of things, I am just sharing this so everybody can move closer to God and higher state of Awareness. If that means that these message its not going to be popular or liked at first, then I'm fine with it. Peace.
  10. God doesn’t know the difference between a chicken and nonduality Yet God also knows that, too
  11. God-Realization does not contradict oneness. It's even more one than nonduality.
  12. It didn't seem like this was his problem. He was already deeply into psychedelics and meditation. Then he felt it wasn't working for him and felt like he was getting signs to look towards Christianity. I do think this could have been a problem of his. He was into all of the shiny things in nonduality/spirituality without seemingly having an understanding of them.
  13. I guess I could just quote it in full (from a review on GoodReads): "First book I have read by Dr. David Hawkins and it was very dissapointing. This is basically Ben Shapiro writing about nonduality. The majority of the book is him expressing privlieged, uneducated and unexamined American exceptionalist, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist and patriarchical talking points and views. There are some OK parts dealing with epistemology and ego mechanics, where there are some insights. However, these become quickly muddled with his ultra-conservativeness and arrogance of his gradation of consciousness level of various historical figures, ideologies etc. If you are interested in a western take on spiritual enlightenment and nonduality I would recommend to instead turn to teachers such as Rupert Spira, Chuck Hillig, Leo Gura instead of Dr. Hawkins. Perhaps his other works focusing more strictly on epistemology, and less on his views on basically anything else, are better than this one."
  14. Saw a discussion on his book where someone described him as akin to 'Ben Shapiro writing about nonduality', which makes me wonder if I might be better off finding these insights elsewhere without wading through braindead political takes to get there...
  15. @Dino D What you are doing is called a gish gallop. You are posting an overwhelming number of arguments all of which lack quality. ''During a Gish gallop, a debater confronts an opponent with a rapid series of many specious arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies in a short space of time, which makes it impossible for the opponent to refute all of them within the format of a formal debate'' anyways... There's a difference between being open to an idea and believing and acting on it. Strawman argument. Few nondualists would say this. as for the paragraph below that one, what the fuck? Its pretty nonsensical rambling A whirlpool on one side of the world cannot interact with a wave on the other side of the world even though they are aspects of one ocean. There's a difference between 'your' limited human experience and the you which is the entire universe. Also, you do experience stuff when you sleep and people sometimes recall past lives. Why can't a guru charge money? After all, he needs to survive and spread his teachings, all of which require money. As for drugs, most gurus dont take drugs, and even if they did, what's wrong with that? As for fucking up their lives, that's just complete bs. 1. Reality is infinitely complex 2. Leo is pretty different from most teachers Because it's a mental construct Because are minds are optimized for survival, not truth. These methods remove the deception mechanisms. huh? This argument is incoherent Because there is no answer. You are trying to grasp nonduality with the conceptual mind which is a mistake. How do you think the conceptual mind understand things? who is this 'you' and 'me' you are referring to? 'you' is a distinction that the mind makes to separate an aspect of consciousness from the rest. It's a mental construct. As for the other arguments, I cba
  16. Not sure if someone have posted this before but it's a nice illustration.
  17. Look, in the end, what you want is totally up to you. Maybe you want a cucumber up your ass. I dunno. But there is nothing more satisfying than God-Consciousness. I'm sick of listening to these nondual monkeys talking about their nonduality. They are parroting stuff someone else parrotted to them and they are inventing their liberations and nondual states. These are people lost in nondual dreams.
  18. I came across this video where Aaron Abke has an interview with Jesse Lee Peterson - A far right youtuber and radio host. Aaron is a pretty advance spiritual teacher and he tries to explain nonduality and spirituality to Jesse however, his words get twisted to fit the right wing agenda. Its clear that jesse has no idea what Aaron is talking about because his mind is far too closed. I was surprised to see someone as spiritually advanced as Aaron even on this show, and at certain points in the interview he shows some pretty strong right wing opinions about abortion, vaccines, gender, etc. It's worth a watch just to see that even spiritual masters can have some pretty conservative views.
  19. Nonduality as a teaching is actually pretty elementary for any sufficiently intelligent person (unless you want to go into philosophical debris). It's actually practicing and changing your whole psyche to align with the teaching that is usually hard. So, it's the practical stuff that matters more, and in that respect Spira's material is pretty good IMO.
  20. But one thing I want to add: for idealist philosophers and spiritual teachers the quality of teaching and presenting the material matters. Kastrup, Rupert Spira, even more populistic Tolle give good quality teachings, and that, as a cumulative effect, can make idealism and nonduality more and more influential. But poor quality teachings do exactly the opposite and compromise the movement. That's why I'm more concerned about poor quality and toxic presentations of nonduality teachings by teachers like Leo and other similar cheap teachers. Spiritual teaching requires high level of maturity, knowledge and experience, that is why in spiritual traditions (like Buddhism) the lineage holders would only pass the transmissions to the students they tested and trusted. In our days there are a lot of self-proclaimed immature "Enlightened" teachers presenting poor quality practices and teachings (which you can also pretty much tell by wild beliefs and unhinged behavior of the followers), especially because it is so tempting to make money on that, and eventually it is going to take a toll and divert people from nonduality.
  21. Context for what started this. Quotes from the person I was conversing with: "no you wont. spare us from this demonic wisdom. eastern mysticism=divination of the self. the same old trick. same as nihilists/atheists. same as marxists/anarchists. same deception as in the garden of eden. God is not subject to nature or nature itself. and certainly is not in us. we can become Gods in Christ, but thats a totally different thing. it requires humility, the underlying spirit of the east is pride. its sad that people arent gifted with the dicretion to discern all that. i guess thats why today eastern religions and new age are so ppular in the west. people want self divination not a relationship with a personal God and a concept of sinning/obligations." "calling it demoning is exposing it for what it is. demonic, luciferian, satanic, the spirit of pride, the spirit of revolt, the spirit of misotheism. it is what it is. same underlying principle. i'd advise reading the wonderful autobiographical book of klaus kenneth "born to hate reborn to love". he got very deep in your easter "spirituality stuff". so deep that they even made him a guru, had out of body experiences, travelled through walls and whatnot. and yet he sadly discovered all these were not of divine origin because they came from a spirit of pride and "self help". read the book, it will be an eye opener." I said to explore eastern spirituality as a starting point over western spirituality because from what I know, eastern culture got a lot closer. Reading the summary of the book, there seems to not be any conflict. I'm honestly posting because I am so confused and the person isn't really being helpful to me to understanding this. I've also had numerous occasions of people calling this kind of stuff satan and demonic before. The line of thinking really boggles my mind.
  22. Also the whole idea of the "true self" and the "false self" seems like another duality, under non-duality isn't the false self also the true self (or at least within it?)
  23. Basically, Leo's teaching is a version of neo-advaita, which is essentially classical Advaita stripped from Indian cultural baggage and presented in modern language, with some psychedelic stuff added as a bonus. But historically, Advaita is not the only approach to nonduality, there was also Buddhism, Zen in particular as one of its pinnacles, that approaches nonduality from quite a different angle, and that is what I'm trying to vocalize here, also presenting it in modern philosophical language. The fierce dispute between Buddhism and Advaita went for 1500 yrs in India until Buddhism was eradicated from India by Moslems, but it revealed all practical and philosophical details of the differences in their approaches to nonduality. I just encourage people not to limit themselves to Advaita only, but stay open and explore other approaches to nonduality. I am myself a long time practitioner of both approaches, so I was able to compare them from both practical and philosophical perspectives. I found that Advaita works well enough, but the Buddhist approach leaves more freedom and opens more dimensions for liberation. Advaita is still a religion (albeit a good one), while Zen is beyond any religion.
  24. If there is a consciousness identical to me... (two not one-non duality gone)... i was able to recognize a telepathic connection... because it was fully awake like I was and this can only work if both are fully awake, one God reaching to another God, two absolutes reaching to another God... If you would ask Leo: are you above Jesus (higher level), Budha, Ramana Maharshi in the awakening stage or knowledge, guess what this humble man would answer... Just analyze the psychological style and way he talks about his (perfect persona-absolute God), not only the content of his words and ideas (i know he is super intelligent and has enormous knowledge (that partly trapt him into overdrive and not freed him into peace)... there is the same patterns seen in delusional people, and narcissism and so on... so even if he is right, he sounds like a lost cause... he is getting more and more criticism for being deluded evan from followers... I just try to see his body language, his patterns his ways of speaking and acting that don't give me a positive vibe, and where i can see patterns of someone who is delusional or trapt in overthinking and over his fantasies and everything that pops up in his head, mental masturbation can only produce so MUCH content and overthinking (manic behavior) videos, blogs, forum, never ever stopping, that can not come from a peaceful and enlightened soul that mostly just IS, and does not endlessly search and think and lives on the internet typing and filming what it thinks(that does an unrested mind) be it even sophisticated nonduality, at the end it lost its ground and lead to falsehood...
  25. Yeah I agree. It's a shame because he has some amazing videos on nonduality and enlightenment.