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  1. numbness is actually one of the main side effects I hear about from antidepressants. This is not what you want. You want bliss, happiness, joy.
  2. You’ll get there the more you cultivate more love, gratitude and appreciation for life. Your nervous system just can sustain this high vibe yet until you start loving yourself. Then it feels safe to expand. So outside of meditation cultivate more love, more abundance, more joy, more bliss in every second through affirmations, through feeling as if you already have accomplished your dreams, through moving towards what you love. This will slowly relax the nervous system my friend, you just need to trust that love will do this on your behalf, lots of trust Look into Matt Kahn for a deeper explaination if that excites you!
  3. @D13g0 the best way to handle fear is to stare it right in the face and just do it. You’ll be surprised to see that on the other side of fear is bliss. Tell yourself “fuck it” and just do it! ?
  4. You must have mild suffering you aren't yet aware of. If you were in total resistancelessness, you would be in rapture, beauty, and bliss no matter what. This state seems to be not unconditional. Sink into it and discover what it truly is. Unconditional presence unveils Truth.
  5. You have to create another being, consolidate the ego to feel the bliss. If you feel stuck is because you did not include other parts of the body and you stick to a certain pattern of belief, emotions and muscle strain.
  6. use your five senses to draw the listener in what is your feeling describe it TACTILE is your heart pounding, are your nerves feeling electric, butterflies? etc VISUAL when you turn towards me it gives me bliss, you left your scarf it reminds me of our kiss etc PLACES i want to leave this rainy city, find a place where the sun is warm etc this technique can improve your lyrics alot of you practice it good luck!
  7. Just like the Christian trinity, Hindus also have a trinity (Trimurti, three faces of the God) - Brahma, the creator god; Vishnu, the god who maintains the world; and Shiva, who will destroy the world. This is a cycle. Then Brahma creates the world again, and for millions of years Vishnu maintains it; then one day Shiva destroys it. The Buddhist doctrine talks about - Buddhist trinity (Trikaya) - Buddha’s three bodies. The first body is called the body of truth, the universal body, the divine body. You can call it God. The second body is called the bliss body – the bridge between the first and the third. You can call it the soul. And the third body is the physical body.
  8. Believe emotions themselves are rarely negative, it's in relation to what that you are feeling them when they are 'negative' or not. It's completely normal to feel sadness about losing someone, nor would I want to stop that feeling when it's appropriate as it's part of processing what's happened. I also don't think enlightenment is pure happiness. I do experience various levels of bliss when meditating now, which I assume are more intense when you are fully enlightened? I know the definition of bliss is perfect happiness, but it feels different and don't have another word.. bliss for me feels incredibly 'good' but also.. colder/calmer and sometimes accompanied by tingling sensations.
  9. @Alex bliss Yes and no. At this point there is no need to ask a realized being. And that's because what I want is to prevent importing a material abstract artificial concept to the world of infinity. So, before asking a realized being about the intelligence of infinity, I propose not even open mouth speaking about it, what about making a full movie about this. Lol, and I am talking about it all day
  10. I asked myself when my individual existence began, and many revelations came to me in a very intense and personal and experiential manner. I'll just share a few here. I started seeing my existence not just in "the one who created the stuff" but also in "the stuff that was created" in equal degree. The thought "This is the best I could do" kept coming up over and over again, with a sense of shyness but also intense pride and joy, like the way it feels when you share your most beautiful work of art with a loved one. The tone of that statement totally lost any sense of shame or inadequacy. I totally stopped hating and demonizing my ego, as I had been doing for the past few months, viewing it as a disability, a hindrance to my awakening. Instead realized this "mechanism", the "flawed interface" I have with which I interact with reality is the best design possible, and the very means I am using to transcend my "self" and become my "Self". Realized every bit of "stuff" that is in my room was deliberately consciously chosen or created or designed or arranged by me. It is a perfect reflection of me, and this is ALWAYS the case, whether I am conscious of it or not. Similarly, realized the same thing about my body, how I sculpted and created it consciously, first at a macro level (I lost a huge amount of weight recently, elongated my eyelashes naturally, plumped up lips, fixed flat foot, etc) but I could intuit the same would be true at micro levels too. Today's video about Infinite Intelligence immediately caused me to recall that day. What Leo said about me creating everything, setting it all up, then forgetting I did it really rhymed with the realizations of that day. Will share a picture of what I wrote out on my whiteboard on that day. It really was mind boggling when I realized it at first but the "isolating loneliness" transformed into total bliss. I did this much!! So there's no need for me to limit what else is possible for me going forward x) <3
  11. There are countless ways to meditate, but only 1 takes a person to the deepest states of Spiritual Enlightenment. Let the channeled Higher Self Consciousness guide you to your deepest Truth Consciousness Bliss state. Since the beginning of human history, meditation has been the most popular method that practiced to give a person deeper knowledge of themselves and reality. Meditation opens up a person's mind for self-examination and personal transformation. Meditation removes stress, anxiety, fear and all undesirable emotions. Meditation creates peace and happiness. The final goal of meditation is direct experience of one's Eternal Self and God Consciousness. Meditation creates so many powerful benefits. But which meditation method should a person practice for the deepest states of Spiritual Enlightenment to be reached? This Channel Higher Self videos features a channeled teaching from the interdimensional Higher Self Consciousness. You will learn how to correctly meditate. Instruction is given for spiritual students new to meditation. The entire path of meditation is examined and discussed. Many different popular meditation methods are examined and their shortcomings identified. Ultimately one meditation method is chosen to be the single most effective method of meditation for God Consciousness Self Realization. We live in the information age, where too much information is available to us. Self-proclaimed experts and self-determined gurus are teaching methods that will not lead to genuine Spiritual Enlightenment, but instead will create confusion, suffering and a stronger ego structure. The truth is very simple and ever-present. Let this direct, precise and clear Higher Self video teaching help you practice meditation correctly and effectively. May you achieve genuine Spiritual Enlightenment, Self-Realization, and God Consciousness within yourself. -Lincol Gergar
  12. I recently did a blood test, and everything was in balance. I'm not deficient in anything I love how you don't count your calories as that sets you up for the most natural transition in your diet. I didn't either until about 3 weeks ago out of curiosity. Defiantly slowly adding more raw fruits, and vegetables and nuts and seeds will benefit you in more ways than one, including stable energy levels, and a clearer mind. The alkalinity will prevent unnecessary strong emotions from arising too. The super foods really make a big difference so include them, especially Spirulina you must try. Thank you for the reply. As a side note, living on this "low" amount of food that I do really makes me conscious of the emotions in my body. This is because not only does food feed the physical body, but also the emotional and mental body when we don't provide those bodies with love. It's a little uncomfortable, but with love as my response to any emotion I feel, I'm sure this will help heal the emotions there, leading to bliss in that area. I'll be sure to update!
  13. First of all.. everything is spiritual. Everyone, knowingly or unknowingly is here to ultimately wake up to their true self/Enlightenment without having the infinite intelligence available that is default in spirit/oneness. Some people go through hell all their lives then have a spiritual awakening(never practicing modern so called "spirituality") and its all absolute bliss for them while others have illusory happy lives then find spirituality/truth then need to go through the truth they never saw and experience the darkness they never truly faced to reach Enlightenment. Others already have before they got onto a "spiritual path"(so to speak) but one way or another, its always been a spiritual path. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
  14. @Dodo @MarkusSweden why is it madness? do you think Leo is mad? maybe you are stuck in the materialist paradigm? I would like to point out that for me, it's a serious issue. of course, it's ok to joke about it sure, but I don't feel that you help me by only calling it madness or posting comics... @Malelekakis what do you mean that I do not exist? as an ego\body? if so I agree, it is also my experience. but if you mean that I don't exist even as the witness\ consciousness I do not have such experiences. my experience is that I can exist "alone" as consciousness. how do you know it has a good ending (after death?) I agree that in this life I can find happiness and bliss by being present in the now, but I don't think it's wise to neglect what happens after.
  15. @WildeChilde That's really interesting and it's true, I've never seen Goku as someone who's righteous and trying to save the world. He was just following his bliss and doing what he wants. It emphasizes on how important authenticity is. Ahhhh the feels . This was probably my best soundtrack in childhood.
  16. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid
  17. It’s been a month, and I’ve been doing The Work every single day since. Today, during the session, I became conscious that the only reason this world wasn’t paradise was because of the negative thoughts I was believing about it. And that if I wrote down all those thoughts on paper, and questioned them, then I would be living in paradise. I saw how my journey through The Work would end. For the next hour after that realisation, I was simply basking in ecstasy (bliss is too light of a word) of seeing how this process would end with me questioning all the negative thoughts. My motivation has become stronger now than ever. I want to reach that stage where I’m believing no negative thoughts about the world, and I’m in complete rapture from that moment all the way through to my death.
  18. Recently, my mind has become more and more unified. Polarities all mixed into one concept. This created chaos in my mind. Since polarities are no more, logic becomes illogical, reasons becomes unreasonable. Whenever I think about something, it will just go on an infinite loop. Never-ending. This creates suffering in life since I cannot think and are always in conflict and confusion. However, yesterday something changed. Just as I was contemplating on this chaos, I realized this is a conflict between desire/ego and love/egoless. I know that all desires/desirelessness leads to suffering, this made me unable to do anything since all roads lead to suffering. Then what to do? Without desires/desirelessness, I cannot do anything. At the same time, desires/desirelessness are the product of ego, the goal should be doing something without desires. Whether it be desires or desirelessness. Desires can only exist in the future, not the present. The ego can only exist in the past or the future, but the present is all that. I was lost, Then love came to mind. Is love a desire? Is selflessness a desire? It was then I remembered that the only thing stopping one from enlightenment is their ego. At that moment something happened, I was no longer identified with my ego. I know I am everything and nothing at the same time, but I always saw that in the eyes of the ego, not from the perspective of everything or nothing. So I looked at everything in the perspective of everything, and it happened. A love that is so intense that it felt like every single atom in my body was saying “I love you”, and that feeling quickly expands infinitely outside of my body, into everything. It is so intense and blissful that words cannot describe. But here is my attempt to describe it: God/unity/oneness is love. Not love like romantic love(Although included), but love from a creator to its creation(And from creation to the creator). Creator and the creation are one thing. Love that is so intense that it created the universe, that pushed time forward, that expanded the space infinitely. Love that is so intense that death is happy, that death becomes an event of love. Death is love. This love is beyond logic and the illogical Every polarity is unified, into love. It is the perspective of God. At first, you are a drop of water, alone, separated. You fall into the river and became the river, but you still see things as a drop of water. Then the river flows into the ocean, you are full and infinite, but you still think you are just a drop of water. This is what’s happening, you are an infinite ocean at the very beginning, but you see yourself as a drop of water. Life seems alone and devoid of love, but you have infinite love, only you pretend that you don’t. When you are everything/infinity/god/Budda/Tao, you have infinite love from everything, and that moment of realization will be so fulfilling that life comes alive. You are able to celebrate anything and nothing, because you see everything/nothing as infinite love, as self. Every moment becomes blissful. The bliss that is both happy and sad, pleasure and suffering. You are experiencing infinite love everywhere from everything. This is not something that can be gained or lost, it is there all along. This is a simple shift in perspective. Before I always thought of enlightenment as something you can gain or attain, but now is just a perspective. The perspective of God. Which you have, which you are. The perspective of ego is also the perspective of god, but it is not the only perspective. Word become meaningful/meaningless, they are all love. This is the love that you understand but much greater/lesser. Note that all the things I wrote here, the opposite is also true. This is something without effort, it is simple and easy, it takes nothing to realize. Everything is love, but here is an example: Air is infinite love. Every breath you take is filled with infinite love/god. They enter your body, with the intention of absolute infinite love. Become aware of it, and every breath is infinitely fulfilling. So much bliss in that single breath that makes you infinitely fulfilled. Unenlightenment is enlightenment. This is describable/indescribable.
  19. Oh I don't know..maybe you have thousands of fully Enlightened masters walking in the fish markets at where you live. I unfortunately see virtually all people around me suffering chronically without even knowing, doing/believing stuff without even knowing why they are doing it. Or maybe I'm the most spiritual noob here so I'm projecting my images on them and completely failing to see all the ecstatic bliss and euphoria they are constantly in!
  20. I've heard that the Indian translation of Bliss is more accurately described as peace. Western society associates bliss/happiness with pleasure and fulfilment (sayings like 'fat and happy'. So of course a materialistic society would see enlightenment as a "goodie" when it's far beyond conceptual understanding, I think we've misunderstood pleasure and being satiated with happiness and fulfilment. Just my opinion.
  21. A special journey entry I wanted to share, that builds upon itself as you read it, leading back to the importance of being in our hearts for spiritual growth and expansion on all levels, and in all dimensions. I hope this answers every question you have remaining about life I read this post by Lincoln Gergar a few minutes ago: *** QUESTION & ANSWER *** QUESTION: In Ramana books Be As You Are (page 211) he says, “One suffers because of the idea that the body, which is never oneself, is I; suffering is all due to this delusion”. Going to the spiritual heart kind of feels like identifying with the body. What are you thoughts on this? MY ANSWER: You can find quotes by Ramana Maharshi about the Spiritual Heart (Hridaya) and it's location. He has been quoted as saying that the Spiritual Heart is located at the center (technically just a short distance off center) of the chest, while at the same time being everywhere - because it is a non-physical energy center that has a correlating physical location. By focusing on the location in the body, a person can perceive the Spiritual Heart's energy and thus draw the consciousness away from the physical body and physical dimension. Essentially, the consciousness's primary attachment in the body is in the heart area. By focusing here, the energy of the mind moves from the head to the heart area, and then finally into the Spiritual Heart. Because we start our awakening process already having our consciousness attached to / identified with the physical body, we must work to remove this attachment. My experience is that the person can perform this attachment removal one of 2 ways - focusing on the Spiritual Heart and "surrendering" into it's energy or by residing as the consciousness alone (also requiring the knowing that my true Self is not the body). I hope that my answer has clearly explained this concept and this process. Blessings and Love, ~ Lincoln Gergar This shows undeniably that surrendering to the heart will be my ultimate liberation; sitting with it in constant awareness is what I will do next. I thought about meditating on my heart while bathing in the sun, for when you don't shower like me, you don't get sun burnt, and the sun feels wonderful on my skin. I have booked an appointment with this man in the next few days to talk about my souls purpose because I don't know the first place to start in my life; to travel, or get a job, no clue. Ironically I know that by surrendering to the heart, this purpose will be revealed, so that's another win-win in loves favor. But my excitement has drawn me to Lincoln, and I believe that what he tells me will help me make the big lifestyle choices I want to make. I am in a very stagnant environment in terms of having very little contact with people at home, not many friends, with nothing to particularly do; so I would love some advice here. I know I will get this advice from my own higher self in as little as a few weeks or as long as a few years, so it's all good either way you know. But going back to surrendering to the heart, it is both the simplest and hardest thing I've ever done. To not be attached to my thoughts and emotions and focus relentlessly on the heart area has created many fears such as "How will I live without thoughts?", "Won't this give me permission to cause chaos if I'm not analyzing and judging myself anymore?". These too are just stories, stories that I respect and adore, but stories I must let be and turn my focus towards my heart. It's very challenging when for your whole life you've always been attached to thoughts. It's one of my most hard wired addictions/attachments. But ultimately, these thoughts and emotions too I must be surrender to my heart to become the enlightened master that I've always been. This makes me think (See, so hard wired) that other spiritual practices are all obsolete. But then I saw this from Lincoln: "The foundation of any genuine spiritual teaching system is heart-centered living." This means spirituality is all about awakening the heart, and letting the light in the heart transform everything for you. You don't have to be the one who changes your beliefs, let your heart do it for you. You don't have to find your life purpose, let your heart do it for you, on your behalf. The heart represents your higher self, and that has a much greater perspective than our egoistic minds, so letting it run our lives will set us up for the most bliss, happiness and peace that we always have been, always deserve, and inevitably will embody in this lifetime or another. It's the ultimate test from God in each moment: "Are you focused on your heart?", "Do you meet everything in life with heart-felt embrace?". That's all the higher self asks of you, but for your soul which is below the higher self in terms of integration, it has lessons it wants you to learn, so these two "things" are the same but different. The higher self being an expanded version of the soul. It is so pure that it has no desire. It is us in our most expanded state of awareness. But knowing the soul is all loving, knowing the higher you go the more love there is, knowing the higher self is love, letting my heart be my guide and surrendering into it is as such the most logical, direct and powerful practice to do. It will answer every question, heal every suffering, balance every chakra, unify the mind and the heart, allow your higher self to enter into this reality, and create a life of endless joy, happiness and synchronicity. All that has ever been required is trust in my heart, that focusing there will change my life, will expand my awareness beyond beliefs. Simply trust, and the discipline of focus. All other fears of not knowing what to do I trust my heart will answer for me. And these fears really do seem silly now when I you know that focusing on your heart will lead to infinite happiness, like what i there to fear when this is fact? What exactly am I missing out on by surrendering everything to the heart? Yet however logical I am with this, highly illogical and powerful deeply rooted fears are sure to arise when I least expect. And when they do I will know to keep focusing on my heart. I will know that the reason anything arises is to help you focus on your heart. This life isn't a mistake, everything arises for this purpose, to make us more heart-centered than ever before. God didn't just make anything random, it all has a deep meaning to return to the heart. Your actions aren't restricted as you can be heart-centered no matter what you are doing. That's why there is no right or wrong choice, it dosen't matter what you do, just how much you stay grounded in the heart throughout whatever you do. All excitement tells you is; "Here is an action you can take that will arise the most darkness in you to heal in the shortest amount of time". SO excitement is like the fast pass at Disney land to becoming unconditionally loving. It helps arise all of the unresolved pain in you very quickly to feel in your heart, thus creating fast evolution. But even when not excited there is still unimaginable amounts of pain I've found to feel in each moment, so it's okay if we aren't excited. We aren't missing out, that's just ego. Again, staying in the heart is the foundation of it all, let your heart take exciting actions on your behalf naturally on its own time. Let it happen naturally by first being heart-centered. Even just this one practice is challenging as I've said, so why create more things on your spiritual checklist to do that will only distract you when you keep thinking about them, and when you don't get results emotionally. The heart is the answer. If your awareness is on your heart, you're doing everything perfectly, and you are in the greatest state of oneness you can be in for that moment. There is literally nothing else to do or change. Know that even if it dosen't seem perfect, everything is perfect when heart-centered. It's all God wants. Perhaps your soul wants something more specific, perhaps not, but you couldn't avoid it if you tried when you're in your heart. That's why those who are awakened to a certain degree are also living their souls purpose naturally. No need to force it with our limited minds that will never know it, let the heart do it. Trust in it's love. I'll try my Godly best to be more in my heart. I know deeply that this is what I'm called to do, and this is the answer to every question I'm looking for. I commit even greater to surrendering to it's almighty love that I am already, but unaware of at this vibration I perceive reality at. I surrender to my heart throughout even my deepest fear of death, to the fear of missing out on life, and to the fear of unworthiness of receiving the love in my heart, cause I am that love, and all is that love I speak of behind any appearance. All of my love goes to those on the journey, I know the pain you're in, and I wrote this for all those who are in that deep stage of suffering like me who are searching desperately for a way out of it. The heart is the doorway to heaven you always wanted to find. Peace, and oneness is already here. Thank you for being here to read this. And know that it's okay to feel pain, that's how we evolve the fastest, by diving into the pain head first, and not looking back at the thoughts telling you that there must be another way. And so we are free to relax knowing this, relax knowing you also have infinite lifetimes to master this if you're not ready now. You have so much time to do this, so relax. If you want out of suffering, then slowly integrate focusing in your heart first in meditation then in every moment. Every answer is found there, every desire fulfilled, every thought quietened, and all that's left is an empty infinite vessel of love. Here is the video I watched that talks about trusting the heart in great depth
  22. @okulele Thank you, our light will heal everything in us, soon, just growing pains while this happens. Every bit of encouragement is greatly appreciated by me right now I read this post by Lincoln Gergar a few minutes ago: *** QUESTION & ANSWER *** QUESTION: In Ramana books Be As You Are (page 211) he says, “One suffers because of the idea that the body, which is never oneself, is I; suffering is all due to this delusion”. Going to the spiritual heart kind of feels like identifying with the body. What are you thoughts on this? MY ANSWER: You can find quotes by Ramana Maharshi about the Spiritual Heart (Hridaya) and it's location. He has been quoted as saying that the Spiritual Heart is located at the center (technically just a short distance off center) of the chest, while at the same time being everywhere - because it is a non-physical energy center that has a correlating physical location. By focusing on the location in the body, a person can perceive the Spiritual Heart's energy and thus draw the consciousness away from the physical body and physical dimension. Essentially, the consciousness's primary attachment in the body is in the heart area. By focusing here, the energy of the mind moves from the head to the heart area, and then finally into the Spiritual Heart. Because we start our awakening process already having our consciousness attached to / identified with the physical body, we must work to remove this attachment. My experience is that the person can perform this attachment removal one of 2 ways - focusing on the Spiritual Heart and "surrendering" into it's energy or by residing as the consciousness alone (also requiring the knowing that my true Self is not the body). I hope that my answer has clearly explained this concept and this process. Blessings and Love, ~ Lincoln Gergar This shows undeniably that surrendering to the heart will be my ultimate liberation; sitting with it in constant awareness is what I will do next. I thought about meditating on my heart while bathing in the sun, for when you don't shower like me, you don't get sun burnt, and the sun feels wonderful on my skin. I have booked an appointment with this man in the next few days to talk about my souls purpose because I don't know the first place to start in my life; to travel, or get a job, no clue. Ironically I know that by surrendering to the heart, this purpose will be revealed, so that's another win-win in loves favor. But my excitement has drawn me to Lincoln, and I believe that what he tells me will help me make the big lifestyle choices I want to make. I am in a very stagnant environment in terms of having very little contact with people at home, not many friends, with nothing to particularly do; so I would love some advice here. I know I will get this advice from my own higher self in as little as a few weeks or as long as a few years, so it's all good either way you know. But going back to surrendering to the heart, it is both the simplest and hardest thing I've ever done. To not be attached to my thoughts and emotions and focus relentlessly on the heart area has created many fears such as "How will I live without thoughts?", "Won't this give me permission to cause chaos if I'm not analyzing and judging myself anymore?". These too are just stories, stories that I respect and adore, but stories I must let be and turn my focus towards my heart. It's very challenging when for your whole life you've always been attached to thoughts. It's one of my most hard wired addictions/attachments. But ultimately, these thoughts and emotions too I must be surrender to my heart to become the enlightened master that I've always been. This makes me think (See, so hard wired) that other spiritual practices are all obsolete. But then I saw this from Lincoln: "The foundation of any genuine spiritual teaching system is heart-centered living." This means spirituality is all about awakening the heart, and letting the light in the heart transform everything for you. You don't have to be the one who changes your beliefs, let your heart do it for you. You don't have to find your life purpose, let your heart do it for you, on your behalf. The heart represents your higher self, and that has a much greater perspective than our egoistic minds, so letting it run our lives will set us up for the most bliss, happiness and peace that we always have been, always deserve, and inevitably will embody in this lifetime or another. It's the ultimate test from God in each moment: "Are you focused on your heart?", "Do you meet everything in life with heart-felt embrace?". That's all the higher self asks of you, but for your soul which is below the higher self in terms of integration, it has lessons it wants you to learn, so these two "things" are the same but different. The higher self being an expanded version of the soul. It is so pure that it has no desire. It is us in our most expanded state of awareness. But knowing the soul is all loving, knowing the higher you go the more love there is, knowing the higher self is love, letting my heart be my guide and surrendering into it is as such the most logical, direct and powerful practice to do. It will answer every question, heal every suffering, balance every chakra, unify the mind and the heart, allow your higher self to enter into this reality, and create a life of endless joy, happiness and synchronicity. All that has ever been required is trust in my heart, that focusing there will change my life, will expand my awareness beyond beliefs. Simply trust, and the discipline of focus. All other fears of not knowing what to do I trust my heart will answer for me. And these fears really do seem silly now when I you know that focusing on your heart will lead to infinite happiness, like what i there to fear when this is fact? What exactly am I missing out on by surrendering everything to the heart? Yet however logical I am with this, highly illogical and powerful deeply rooted fears are sure to arise when I least expect. And when they do I will know to keep focusing on my heart. I will know that the reason anything arises is to help you focus on your heart. This life isn't a mistake, everything arises for this purpose, to make us more heart-centered than ever before. God didn't just make anything random, it all has a deep meaning to return to the heart. Your actions aren't restricted as you can be heart-centered no matter what you are doing. That's why there is no right or wrong choice, it dosen't matter what you do, just how much you stay grounded in the heart throughout whatever you do. All excitement tells you is; "Here is an action you can take that will arise the most darkness in you to heal in the shortest amount of time". SO excitement is like the fast pass at Disney land to becoming unconditionally loving. It helps arise all of the unresolved pain in you very quickly to feel in your heart, thus creating fast evolution. But even when not excited there is still unimaginable amounts of pain I've found to feel in each moment, so it's okay if we aren't excited. We aren't missing out, that's just ego. Again, staying in the heart is the foundation of it all, let your heart take exciting actions on your behalf naturally on its own time. Let it happen naturally by first being heart-centered. Even just this one practice is challenging as I've said, so why create more things on your spiritual checklist to do that will only distract you when you keep thinking about them, and when you don't get results emotionally. The heart is the answer. If your awareness is on your heart, you're doing everything perfectly, and you are in the greatest state of oneness you can be in for that moment. There is literally nothing else to do or change. Know that even if it dosen't seem perfect, everything is perfect when heart-centered. It's all God wants. Perhaps your soul wants something more specific, perhaps not, but you couldn't avoid it if you tried when you're in your heart. That's why those who are awakened to a certain degree are also living their souls purpose naturally. No need to force it with our limited minds that will never know it, let the heart do it. Trust in it's love. I'll try my Godly best to be more in my heart. I know deeply that this is what I'm called to do, and this is the answer to every question I'm looking for. I commit even greater to surrendering to it's almighty love that I am already, but unaware of at this vibration I perceive reality at. I surrender to my heart throughout even my deepest fear of death, to the fear of missing out on life, and to the fear of unworthiness of receiving the love in my heart, cause I am that love, and all is that love I speak of behind any appearance. All of my love goes to those on the journey, I know the pain you're in, and I wrote this for all those who are in that deep stage of suffering like me who are searching desperately for a way out of it. The heart is the doorway to heaven you always wanted to find. Peace, and oneness is already here. Thank you for being here to read this. And know that it's okay to feel pain, that's how we evolve the fastest, by diving into the pain head first, and not looking back at the thoughts telling you that there must be another way. And so we are free to relax knowing this, relax knowing you also have infinite lifetimes to master this if you're not ready now. You have so much time to do this, so relax. If you want out of suffering, then slowly integrate focusing in your heart first in meditation then in every moment. Every answer is found there, every desire fulfilled, every thought quietened, and all that's left is an empty infinite vessel of love.
  23. The alternative is ignorance. Which for many, is bliss. Not really.
  24. What should I expect happen when doing kriya(even regular meditation). Is it some kind of release, bliss, revealing insight or scarsity? Now im expecting to get scared, that i will come to a point and get really scared before I get anything else. I know you should not expect anything to happen. But im just curious to why you cant do to much advanced kriya, for the reason of reavealing to much and that will scare one off if not handled correctly?
  25. True Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean. Its pure freedom, pure love, joy, bliss and understanding for years and years to come. Most of these experiences/glimpses people post about on the forums or talk about on youtube videos i believe are not "True Enlightenment" but simply (glimpses of Enlightenment) or (waves of Enlightenment) because in true/absolute enlightenment you would simply "innerstand" wholeness, completeness thus cannot be an expression by any other than universal love and clarity/purest state of being because by default you now know your true absolute nature and it is universally pointless/meaningless and in that beingness not possible to be anything else. (Sorry if this makes no sense, its quite hard to explain with words or expressions) its just a knowing from within, an Innerstanding that is absolutely direct and pure. I believe we have these "glimpses" or "awakenings" to teach us and show us of our true nature and how to live/apply to finally become true/absolute/pure and when we don't apply or live as we now know, we suffer. Which is why i like to use the word Awakenings for glimpses/trips ect... instead and not interchangeably with Enlightenment.