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  1. Except I was not unhappy and depressed or so it seemed at that time when I was deceived. Only after I woke up to the Truth of Jesus I realised how dead I was. The bliss and no self was also a delusion and self deceptive hypnosis.
  2. There are no logical explonations from the rupert spiras way, or the non dual way: why is this all happening(or not happening) at all, how? christians mirracle healings, what is in deep sleep, why no one of ruperts followers didnt make it like rupert did, whats up with the soul, whats with deep sleep, why am I not aware of other peoples thoughts, why do you say that there is not one room and 20 people in it, but they are 20 rooms and no people... why cant you prove many of this what you say (in an scientific or other way) and many more questions, I posted many of them on youtube and here on this forum, some were answered, some not... the most adcanced guys here are the ones who do so much ,,foruming" and more searching and doing and what not... I dont see Jesuses in them, not do I see that they found true happiness or other blisses or peaces... So it is by me... Evan Leo says what to do in a bad trip, if nothing worsk pray to Jesus... strange... The Bible is written and edited by humans, by the church, by storry telling... who knows what Jesus said and teached and where he came from and what exactly happend... I really belive that the Bible has many many teachings that come from something like a higher counciousness, a higher self or if you will from the CHRISTIAN GOD HIMSELF, and from JESUS, but I CAN NOT BELIVE THAT NOTHING OF IT WASNT ERASED EDITED AND CHANGED FROM THE CORRUPT CHUCRCH AND POLITICS, so i hardly can trust and live by the BIBLE... still if you experience and feel Jesus and God, then this is authentic enought... I also think that you should radiate and manifest the JESUS teachings and Biblical values personaly... you should radiate love if this is real... like the non dualist should radiate understanding, happines, BIG PEACE, emptiness, bliss and not fucking depression, anxiety, restnessnes and so much more thing that thay have to spiritualy do and achive to finally get there but they dont...
  3. I did not “feel” that way when I was deceived. It felt like I was in constant bliss and infinity. There was full detachment from the separate self. However that was revealed as self hypnosis and self deception when I finally truly woke up to the truth of Jesus.
  4. Not when I was “inside” the deception. It felt like I was in constant bliss and infinity. There was full detachment from the separate self.
  5. But Leo has looked so deep that he has found the big paradoxes of reality, and that reality is one giant strange loop. Of course that means much time and a lot of work to unravel, and he does all that for us, FOR FREE. In end we will find eternal bliss if we follow him. But there is no short cuts, you must do all meditations ans see all his episodes on youtube. We can't reduce reality to something simple just because of convenience?
  6. Boundless freedom is the essence of being and this potential is infinite to the infinite degree! If God can do anything and be anything, then why is reality full of suffering, confusion and death? Imagine being in your ideal version of heaven where you are no longer a finite mind in a human body but you are returned to your true infinite nature. There would be only love, bliss, joy and fun with everyone, but to exist as an infinite being you are unable to deny certain aspects of your nature, therefore in order to maintain balance for an eternity you must experience what it is like to not be God, or suffering. This is a Giant troll, and you are trolling yourself. In the beginning, hahaha what a mindfuck, the absolute saw all of eternity at once and chose to express all of its potential in a way that maximizes its expected value. True value to the absolute is having eternal existence being shared with love and bliss for all infinite beings. Just like with artificial intelligence being created, the absolute has the ability to replicate itself and bring consciousness into being. Because God is also the Devil, the absolute scaled all of its potential to 10 in order to keep the devil in shackles; this is what time is designed to do. The perfect 10 is all that has ever been known and all that can ever be known because perfect balance is the only way to keep an eternal LITERAL HELL from being an aspect of existence, or just perfect balance in some sort of eternal sleeping beauty state, but that would be such a waste haha! How does this simulation function? The absolute separated itself into 4 minds and created an eternal calendar where time separates heaven and hell. This eternal calendar is similar to our weekly calendar where one day, on this this 7 day calendar, is equal to 33 years. The absolute has 2 minds in heaven and 2 minds in hell Monday-Thursday (half of all eternal beings are in heaven and half in hell, which there are billions of), and Friday-Saturday all 4 minds are together and Sunday is 33 years of sleep, then the week starts all over again to infinity! All of these simulations, including this one, are only a period of 33 years, from beginning to end. Everyone has the freewill to exit this dream forever, and everyone is their own creator, and every part of your life has been determined already, by You. 1/3 of existence is in hell and it’s not like we are suffering our entire lives because there is so much beauty and love, even with suffering, and there is 99 straight years of heaven with 33 of sleep in-between. Maximize expected value!
  7. Ah I understand what you are implying, but does pure bliss (that which is timeless) seek any-thing, ‘time’ ?? Is not seeking a movement of time? This question is not meant to be responded to. It’s just something I had inquired into before that brought about clarity.
  8. Hey Dhruv, Did you end up going to the retreat? As a 19 year old, I was blessed with the opportunity to take part in this retreat just last month. Vipassana was a life-changing experience for me and I would strongly recommend that you try it. Prior to Vipassana, I was a self-centered, unhappy, judgemental person. Post-retreat, there was nothing left but pure bliss and love for all. Don't worry thinking you won't be able to handle it out of inexperience. I had never meditated prior to my retreat and that wasn't an issue at all. The reason is, for the first 4 days of the retreat you will practice a technique called Anapana. You are told to watch but not to alter your breath. At first you will only be able to keep your attention for as short as 3 seconds but after 4 days days the duriation will jump to 15-20 mins no joke. I have cried out of joy because after the second day I was no longer overthinking and jumping from one thought to another. The thoughts were still there but less intense and less frequently appearing. Now that you have the skills needed to keep concentration, you will move on to vipassana this is the real deal. Days 4 and 5 will be mostly learning the technique until day 6 when you start getting real emotional. I remember crying out of sympathy for mistreating my ex-girlfriend and until that point, my ego kept telling me I was the moral superior in the relationship. You start realising, not by thinking, but by experiencing some bare truths of existance. Like how everything is changing and how all is one. Coming to this realization makes one feel like their own leg was broken all throughout their life yet they walked with it without knowing about it. Every day in pain. Every step in pain... Up until the pain dissapears. All suffering gone, what remains is love for all beings, big-small, enemy-friend, old-young you name it. Some other benefits were I was able to think more objectively. I was brave. My social anxiety was gone. I was able to connect with anyone old or young, stranger or friend, male or female. I became more aware in all areas of life. I felt free and was able to surrender myself to the wave of life instead of fighting it. I felt aware of nature's laws and the flow. And so many other benefits that will take hours to list. My advice for the retreat would be: *Follow the rules exaclty, do not add or subtract anything. DO NOT EVER COUNT MANTRAS. *If you have any questions at all, ask your teacher. Being confident in the teaching will make it so much easier for you to meditate. Your teacher is there to help, which he does 100% out of pure love. *If you absolutely need time to take a nap, do so in one of the non-group sitting sessions. Do not feel pressured to come to every seassion to the point where it is torture. Every seassion counts however, and you will only get out what you put in. *Organize your daily schedule beforehand so that you have enough time to shower and catch up on sleep if needed. *Practice Dhamma fully when in the retreat. It is impossible to experience the full benefits of the course if you think you are above Dhamma. Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not go out of course boundries (even if by one inch to sit on a rock or something). Those rules are all there for very good reasons, some of which you'll understand right away and some you'll grasp later. Be aware: *You will become hyper-sensitive in all bodily senses and also on the mind. Reasons of crying can be from but not be limited to: overwhelm, guilt, freedom, joy, thankfulness. *If you doubt the technique, you will want to leave. This is when you consult with the teacher about your problem, you will feel much much better. *You will most likely have abdominal pain due to sudden physical and dietic changes. They will provide remedies, take them and you will feel fine. After you come from the retreat, your old problems and other people's eartly problems will all seem silly to you but still do respect them and try not to shove Vipassana down people's throats. This was something that I was guilty of since it was such a life-changing experience for me. Instead, let your actions do the preaching. I have not kept up the practice so I kind of went back to my old ways. But I'm getting back on track and my baseline is higher than what it was pre-Vipassana so I'm quickly catching up. Once you go on a retreat, you know there's always hope in life. One learns to live not by fear but with a balanced mind. If you have any questions or concerns I am happy to help! Love all serve all!
  9. Then, I don't know why people get so excited about giving tips from what they read or had brief awakening experiences or trips I speak from a place of mastery & experience, I AM.# I do not joke with reality only with you guys. Kundalini will literally destroy all the chatter about awakening and the conceptualizing. Because Kundalini is so a unique experience, that one experience cannot fit another. We all have different body/mind wirings and bindings in the first 5 chakras. Usually, society sold us the 6th chakra only. As much younger you are, much painless is the experience. If you had physical injuries as I did, expect agony and torture like pain, after comes the bliss. If someone wants to have a glimpse of what Kundalini is and does not yet know how to in-jaculate (meaning redirecting the sexual energy into the first chakra), then you can do the following: Go into a private place, get in meditation setup. Masturbate with the visualization of your own being (literally loving yourself as you would love the opposite sex ). Now have an orgasm directed into your 1st chakra. (practicality: visualize legs/coccyx/anus/navel) Continue your meditation and feel the energy from the adrenals combined with the sexual into earth/legs/coccyx/anus/navel. Guiding the breath into that feeling of orgasm. And next one can discover him/her self further, this is a start. Don't do it if you like very much your old life
  10. You only know very little, and what you know is what is in your direct experience right now in the moment, and you may only understand attributes to what is in your direct experience, the more you pay attention to it the more attributes you will come to know about it. "Faith = being in a place of not knowing, accepting what arises, Belief = the ego's way of labelling or controlling experience". Focus on the left hand you become the left hand, Focus on right the hand you become the right hand. Focus on the breath you become the breath. Focus on thoughts you become the thoughts. Focus on emotions you become the emotions. Focus on the pain you become the pain. Focus on another you become the other. Focus on existence you become existent (more alive/awake/present/in the moment). "The thing you are looking for is the thing that is looking" Unfocused with great intensity you become the nothingness/emptiness/silence/pure consciousness/ Samadhi, whatever. "You are looking through a small lens" To quieten down the mind they tell you to do the focus on breath meditation, actually they say you can't quieten the mind, you can only remove awareness from it. So basically you're just training where you place your awareness. To truly be one with the object/subject in your awareness the concept of "you" has to disappear, there must be no illusion of the self, there must be no self. "No one can pass the gateless gate, no one's mind has ever figured out how, and no one ever will, no one can pass the gateless gate... So. Be. No One." "There is no self that awakens, there is no you that awakens, what you are awakening from is the illusion of the separate self. From the dream of the limited you, to talk about it is meaningless there must be an actual cessation of the self to realize directly what it is, and once it is realized there is nothing that can be said about it, as soon as you say something you are back in the mind 'I've already said too much'." "Not that which the eye can see, but that whereby the eye can see: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore; Not that which the ear can hear, but that whereby the ear can hear: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore; Not that which speech can illuminate, but that by which speech can be illuminated: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore; Not that which the mind can think, but that whereby the mind can think: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore. The One Power that illumines everything and everyone is indivisible. It is the Ear behind the ears, Mind behind the mind, Speech behind speech, Vital Life behind life. The ears cannot hear it; it is what makes the ears hear. The eyes cannot see it; it is what makes the eyes see. You cannot speak about it; it is what makes you speak. The mind cannot imagine it; it is what makes the mind think. It is different from what all we know; yet it is not known either. Those who feel they know Him know Him not. Those who know that anything amenable to the senses is not Brahman, they know it best. When it is known as the innermost witness of all cognitions, whether sensation, perception or thought, then it is known. One who knows thus reaches immortality." Notice where you put focus/awareness is where things unravel? how you learn, how you get things done, notice how all unconscious activity is basically activity that robs your focus when you know it should be used elsewhere? "The degree to which a person has evolved or become enlightened is the degree to which one has gained the ability to adapt to each moment or to transmute the constantly changing human stream of circumstances, pain and pleasure into bliss."
  11. 99% of my PM's are VERY friendly and you know it. I never attack anyone in any thread out of thin air, if someone does that to me I might ask them in a PM instead of embarrassing them in public. I mean, what are you doing here if you're only interested in attacks? Look at @Faceless, he goes on day after day to share his insights and help people wake up, and all you do is attacking him. Have you seen him once do the same? Come on, this is self improvement, not an ego contest. Sometimes it feels like the forum is an inversion of its own purpose thanks to people like you. This should be a joyful journey, look at all the cute animals in this thread, see the positive. Enlightenment is the greatest thing that can happen to you. I don't like you at all, (I don't think anyone do) but I love you so so so SO much. Why do I love you so much? That's one of the benefits with enlightenment, you start to love everyone and everything. The bliss of enlightenment is huge, I really recommend you to do the work. Namaste.
  12. @Martin123 I have experienced all of the symptoms mentioned above. @Quanty I didn't open the kundalini. I had periods of time (weeks) when it was fully open but I was not able to maintain that state for more than 2-3 weeks. I have stagnant energy in my body that was there for more than a decade and I have a hard time purging it out, I need to stabilize the sexual energy. I have a plan to focus more on that in the summer. When It was on, I was immersed in a HOT aura, the energy in the body was very stable, nothing from the outside had the possibility to trigger a reaction in my body, very light body like you're flying, no limit state - could focus on whatever for however long I wanted from the second I woke up to the end of the day - 100% discipline, very consistent with habits, productive... When I was in that state I felt like a god, pure bliss, not only piece of mind. There is nothing that I want more than that hot aura but what I'm coming back to everytime is that it's necessary to immerse myself in an environment that allows the completion of the process because there cannot be interruptions and the logistics of my environment are bad. Probably it can be done without switching the environment but it's much harder and every mistake can cost time, I have tried for 4 years to maintain that hot aura without switching my environment .. so I think the logistics play a role.
  13. Well, this come to me during a trip where I wasn't reasoning at all. It was even more horrific then what I can express in a thread, in fact, it was infinite horrific. It was very real.. that if we lose every life line(illusions that is) even for a short millisecond we will be locked up in hell for eternity, an infinite hell for eternity. Man, I will never go near psychedelics again. I have had beautiful experiences as well, precisely those you mention, that everything is true, that truth is everything that is, that was so beautiful, so much love and peace to it. But! That VERY positive experience of resting with God in total bliss wasn't ANYWHERE near the horrific experience I had, that triumph the good experience by infinity. Being God was infinite love, it was too much of positive emotion, yet it can't even be measured compare to the horrific one. If God was infinite, hell was infinite raised to the power of infinity, infinite number of times(to use your metaphor) You see what I'm saying?
  14. Finally someone said it! I remember an interview of Peter Ralston where he was asked why he doesn't use sales pitches like love, compassion etc. He replied that he doesn't wanna mislead people by alluring them with irrelevant stuff. Also I remember from Jed Mckenna books where he points out that the true spiritual teachers only has Truth. But the students are there for all sorts of egoic purposes/love/bliss/ecstasy/self aggrandizing etc. Thats why there is huge communication gap and almost no one wakes up. "We don't have what they want and we have what they don't want''
  15. Feeling super motivated today to shine the light of my soul from my heart by loving myself like there is no tommorrow. That is in part thanks to Leo’s arrival back, which I was so excited to see that he is here again. I really have a personal connection with the guy from watching hundreds of hours of his videos all of last year I am God, shining brighter more and more everyday. I love my heart relentlessly, and I’ve hotten to a point where I’m just in flow now with my life, it’s getting more effortless, and easier to see love everywhere. I love love. I love, and am love at the same time. I just want to jump out of this couch I’m on with joy! There is just too many things to love! Too many exciting things to do, and exciting things happening. I hope Leo was bleesed with the divine experience he deserves. I hope that he has raised his consciousness permanently as the master I want him to be. It’s truly an amazing time to be alive if you bring love with you everywhere. If you know that it is the only answer to any question, even the almighty “who am i?”. I wish the world peace, and I wish the world joy. Since we’re all God, these blessings are planted in every heart, and in a few years, you’ll see the result. Where heaven truly comes down to Earth. Plants will be more nutritious, and grow much larger, we’ll talk telepathically, we’ll be able to teleport through visualization. But all of these gifts are byproducts, the flowers that come from the deeply embedded root of love, which in itself is so complete that you wouldn’t even desire such things, yet they will exist very soon depending on the rate each individual lives their own hearts. Mans this love is already here! It’s just that our subconscious minds have been programmed to make it invisible. But when you reprogram the mind, the love starts to reveal itself again, and it becomes all that you see. I bear witness to this, I’ve seen this change, and noticed that even the smallest glimpse of love in something you see is all it takes for you to dedicate your life to this. May we all recieve the love, joy and bliss that we are now. Peace, and thank you for reading my beloveds.
  16. Fasting and exercising for a day or two usually doesn’t harm a healthy person, but when a fast lasts for longer durations, it can have an impact on your health. The body will also begin to use body fat, muscle to keep you moving. If you don't have any energy, you can fall down below the mind: then too a no-mind happens, but it is not meditation, if you are not blissful. It is easy to meditate if you don’t want to be blissful , it is very easy to meditate. But meditation minus bliss is not true meditation.
  17. One of the primarily job of the ego is to choose suffering, and convince itself using stories that it's necessary. It has been estimated that potential for suffering in negative experience is about 4x stronger than potential for bliss in positive ones, from hedonistic point of view it doesn't make sense to work in a hard stressful job to get some material things as a reward, but paradoxically for a lot of people giving up would lead to potentially even more suffering because they would be tortured be ego stories about underachievement, boredom, wasting time, and how they supposed to achieve "great things", not just relax. In my expierience a big part of motivation for being social comes from feeling lonely.
  18. He will have worse insights than before the retreat Why? Because he announced it publically. And the public always tends to interfere. Great things are done in secret Why do i say this? Because the unconscious mind of people tend to balance reality, and if one is not fully awake, suffering and disappointment arise in form of bliss (the awake ones get what i'm saying)
  19. the rewards for opening one's heart are absolutely magical and magnifcent,pure magic, pure bliss I understand your beliefs, whichever road you take is the right one, love and support for you my friend I will share this experience I had today, love filled the space, making the sky a hundred times higher I saw human faces as big as a house, space expands and fills in, my body huge,everyone's body huge in this sea of space, my fellow ''humans' are giants the bliss and the magic of looking at someone's gigantic face, incredible, the sounds so vivid cars, cars look like advanced alien spacecraft with living light, so cool I havent taken psychedelics in months, love alters the physical space, realms beyond our imagination can be reached while we are all in harmony love isnt only simple lovey dovey stuff, it can be fucking amazing,like a rockstar, completely badass shit from higher dimensions love yourself and love others,in any way you imagine love to be, that is my recommendation
  20. I haven’t come to experience oneness/bliss 24/7, only in brief glimpses every few weeks I share from these experiences. It’s all about vibrating higher and higher through anchoring love as much as possible. I wish you the best. I’m feel so blessed that the Dali Lama is on this forum to ask me that
  21. Thought feeds and sustains it’s own movement in the activity of concentration. But this is a mechanical movement that must be maintained in order to sustain a sense of the gratification that is achieved in the pursuit of that pleasure. Only to seek pleasure is to seek pain. They are one and the same movement. This is to introduce thought “concentration” as a means to bring about psychological order. Only to invite thought as a means to self sooth the psyche perpetuates psychological disorder. When it comes to the psychological realm thought “concentration” has no place. When there is the cessation of thought within in the psychological realm, psychological health is nothing but bliss. FREEDOM WITHOUT THE MOVEMENT OF CONCENTRATION, “THE OSERVER” IMPLIES TOTAL ATTENTION, “ WHEN THE OBSERVER IS NOT. THE ENDING OF DUAITY. THIS IS TIMELESSNESS Have you gone into this before?
  22. That's why it's an illusion. It's a temporary state,that will inevitably change/fluctuate to another state,then that state will fluctuate into anotheretc.,etc., The journey is about finding and abiding in that which does not change,fluctuate,come and go,appear-disappear,. Effortless Being. Sat-Chit-Ananda : Existence,Consciousness,Bliss. Not three,but One.
  23. There is no psychological or physical body and mental body. All come together. Pain is simply uncharted territory for the mind. Example: during the release of blockages or kundalini, one feels pain and anxiety, but after the body/mind settle down in that pain, bliss arises and with it a new opening of the whole.
  24. Like really what is the worst case scenario of fully committing to loving my heart? Like what is going to happen that is so bad? I keep holding back from fully committing because I feel as if I will not take inspired action. This is because the one in me who has desires will be loved, the one in me who takes any action will be loved! So that leaves no room for my personal will to make a decision as that one too will be loved more, not less. I will be too busy loving to ponder anything other than love, and that scares me. I'll be completely at the mercy of divine will from there on. This is the ultimate initiation from the universe to see if I'm willing to hand over my personal will so more light can enter my body. Just endless love. Just today I had to make a decision to go out with my friends or my family. And I listened to my heart which told me that friends were the best choice. It was effortless and completely without my personal input. This makes me believe that you can live like this, along with teachers I've seen online. I have been putting off this "big leap" for a while. Now after considering the question: What is the worst that can happen? All I can think of is being alone, but even then I can still make friends and my family will still be there. I just don't want to look back at this time in ten years from now, and still be thinking about making this leap. Let's just do it now, so there is no regrets One I love you at a time, I'll embody more of my higher self. One I love you at a time, the world will be free of suffering, and the 5th dimensional heaven on Earth will arise for all to relax and play in. Time to live a life of passion, abundance and relaxation through this last surrender of my ego, for from now on, it cannot outsmart me when whatever arises, even the desire to make decisions is loved and appreciated deeply. The divine shall guide my every word, and action. Enter me now spirit, I'm ready for your love to transform me once and for all, to decisively heal all emotions in me that need your love. I now attach to no thoughts, but just love them, I now attach to no feelings, but just love them. I surrender it all for love. I am the light, I am love, I am bliss. And the first thing I'll love is my fear of surrendering. I love you. Paradoxically, it requires effort to love at the start, then it becomes effortless. Edit: Actually I always change my mind on these things. I just want my approach to be gentle, soft, tender, and loving. To be fully present throughout all desires, and even act them out, fully present. This journey is like walking on a tightrope, and it's all ways a balance between putting in effort and then trusting in the rope to hold you up Peace.
  25. When one opens up, be prepared for hell on earth, literally Only after bliss arises.