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  1. Some meditations just humble you. The ability to surrender your ego, to be humble in the face of truth is priceless. Life is beautiful when you are aware of your place in it. You are not the centre, you are a just a piece. It's ok, accept it. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. thats the basis for doubt. Because all knowing is founded on the belief that knowledge exists. So i guess when you are confronted with the experience of doubt, just accept it and see where to go from there. These nights are rare. Full of love and acceptance, there's still a hint of fear but whatever it's just my ego projecting. i love life and all it's bliss and misery. the name of this diary still bothers me, i regret putting fuck in it because i don't want people to think poorly of me. i'll try to let it go but really i don't like it. goodnight. love u zel
  2. Matey, this is just your fantasy coming through. Things you have read from spiritual teachers who want you to believe they live a life of absolute 24/7 bliss . Watch closer your spiritual teachers. Most of them you know are facing the public and are watching their behaviour. How do you know what happens behind closed doors? This is reality.
  3. @Arkandeus Why wouldn't there be value in basking in fear and resistance? Until you are fully enlightened, Truth =/= Bliss. Until then, your ignorance is veiled from you by the very things you are refusing to experience. Feel free to follow your bliss. Ultimately, that will go full circle and you will seek to face resistance because that will make you experience bliss deeper and more often when you realize how not surrendering makes you suffer more, not less.
  4. @Revolutionary Think wow, I've known that on an intellectual level for a while now. but it was shown to me in a very 'visceral', 'bodily' way through MDMA. that substance connected me to my emotions that deeply, that my mind just rested in complete silence. it was utter bliss. no monkey, only love, harmony and peace. the day after the mind slowly crept back. and it demonstrated me very directly how thoughts literally construct all problems. there are no problems, the mind projects them onto reality. entirely self created. such a humbling experience..
  5. I don't want death my 5-MeO, I want to experience bliss. Given that ego-death thru 5-MeO can be horrendously painful and extreme, what would you say is an essential prep to prevent the slaughter. Would AL- LAD, which you had suggested as a substitute for newbies, be hard on one too?
  6. If reality is infinite and non dual as Leo teaches, that means there are infinite realities where you are experiencing bliss, and infinite realities where you are experiencing hell, simultaneously. "You" being consciousness or god. Is this a fair trade off? Infinite hell for infinite heaven? From my understanding, it is not?. Id rathet not exist than be expericing hell 24/7. So the fact that reality exists is a scary and frightening thing rather than a good thing? ?Or am I missing something. Please share your insights. Namaste
  7. For me, I cannot be at peace If I have worries about my future, they are root in the subconscius, and even if you are happy in the present they dont allow to experiment full bliss because they are like a background energy drainer.
  8. Everytime I meditate, I can get to a state where thoughts are almost gone very quickly. Then I feel a slight bliss inside, I think I feel the taste of the essence of being, my body starts to feel lighter. I start to slowly let bit by bit of myself go to be consumed by nothingness. Then fear arises, the heart starts to go faster, anxiety crawls up, i need to breath, I cant let go any further. Am I really on the edge of ego death? Is this really the reason why fear comes up? It sure feels like just fear of losing myself.
  9. I worked in an office with import and export overseas. It was a good job and I had great contact with many big companies. I knew every chain in the company but after 6-7 years a shift happend. One day I woke up in my bed and the only thing I was thinking was ”I dont want to work. No way! I see no point in doing stupid things with my life” I guess meditation, questioning and the right timing made all this happen. I have one life and I want to do what I want do without compromising. You get the feeling Many. Not everyone was happy. A lot of people probobly thought I was crazy. I left friends and girlfriend and family members that didnt serve me. I left co-workers and I cut my self off from most things. This process started aprox 1 year before I quit. In fact, I was so sure that I didnt care if everyone hated me and I had to live on the streets. I could not care less because my bliss and inner peace is worth more than anything in world. And the culture in your country sucks man. Its so fake! No one likes other people. It looks so damn good on the outside but when you do some investigation you clearly see the house of cards.
  10. When one moves with focussed attention (6th chakra) on the lower first 5 chakras, then reality is challenging. Is an eternal growth, ups and downs, challenges, depression and bliss. Just forcing by thought to impose into yourself a state of being, will make you feel maybe at ease and peace, but no growth and is boring. One will feel the routine and the automated life without excitement.
  11. @The White Belt in live in my van and i mostly spend my time in areas of outstanding natural beauty . It's bliss internet signal is ropey and I have to go to the gym to shower. Apart from that it's incredible for meditation..i am on the verge of being a yogi
  12. @White I’ve been doing it for three months. Due to working through so many worksheets, these days I live a significant part of my life being aware of the difference between my thoughts about the situation, and the situation itself. This creates a feeling of bliss on those occasions. About a fifth of the day, I live without any mental chatter. My chronic anxiety that I used to have just three months ago is gone. I have more energy. I sleep less (I waste less energy stressing out). Most importantly, I’m disidentifying from my body. That’s just my progress in three months. In the past I’ve done self inquiry for three full months, and Kriya yoga for another three and a half months. The results I’ve obtained from The Work have very clearly surpassed both techniques combined. If you want to see it working on other people:
  13. @NoSelfSelf Great question, I don't know... It's my perspective on life, but I'm only one of 8 billon people on this earth. People, like me, don't have the answers, they are deep within your own being. Follow your heart, find your bliss! Wishing you all the best my friend with your journey! ?
  14. It may sound banal and cliche, but hear me out: there is no you to be lost. The empty bliss you experience is the natural state that is being clouded by thoughts. It is not that thoughts are covering it up. You have became aware enough so that you can experience both. This is a preliminary step to experience emptiness and thought at the same time. The thing that prevents you is that you think that you think your thoughts. You don't. Thoughts arise by themselves. They calm down by themselves. The fact that you sit and meditate has nothing to do with it. There is no you to be lost.
  15. I know the secret to eternal happiness. In my meditation I feel complete, not just for a few moments, but for the duration. It is utter joy and bliss. I always wanted it so much from society, and those closest, only to realize I was the one I was searching for this whole time ? It's quite an emotional ending in a nice way. Everyday I merge further into oneness now. There is no addiction, because even the thoughts have found the love they always wanted. The samadhi in meditation compels me, the thoughtless, alert, present, blissful state. I feel unworthy of this love for some reason. My body cry's when it comes in soothing waves, and the unworthiness vanishes in deep meditation, that belief is healing the more I become one. It feels strange when you feel yourself more expanded than the skin of the physical body, when you stop feeling any boundaries. It feels light, like I'm a cloud. Just relaxed, drifting slowly across the sky. All is. Happy Winter Solstice for tomorrow beautiful souls.
  16. @Highest Don't do it! In your case I have the feeling it could be toxic. Solitude is not healing in and of itself. It can be a preferred environment for contemplation but only for someone who has a variety of experiences to choose from. When you watch Leo's videos be aware that he is someone who does "self-improvememt" for many years! The techniques he uses require a lot of experience. Dedication doesn't make up of training, you see? You can't lift 500 pounds with will power! If you want to change your life, that's great!! Be honest with yourself: what do you want? Because it sounds to me that you are suffering inside and hope that the solitude will cure that suffering - it won't. Solitude for the rest of your life (Dude!) would be for someone who wants to be alone to sit in the infinite bliss of being. Rather than extracting yourself from the world, be in it! Realize, that it is NOT the cause of your pain and there is no need for seperation. Masturbation, internet whatever is NOT the problem! The problem is that you use these things to distract yourself from your suffering. So my advice: be brutally honest with what you want! Sure, in forums like this people talk a lot about nothingness and Samadhi and what have you. And though it is interesting to know about these things it is important to act according to YOUR OWN level of consciousness. So ask yourself what you want: Girls? Money? Travelling? Reading? Making New friends? Then go after that! It will eventually lead you back to where you think you are now, but now in sync with your level of consciousness. The work that is discussed in this forum is not an escape, it's a confrontation. All best, take care of yourself!
  17. @Colin I’m really excited now. Everything about the game is amazing, by its release I hope to be truly enlightened, then I can see all the non-dual aspects easier. If there’s multiplayer then we’ll have a go at it I want to make a few commitments to myself for the second half of this year. The first half was about learning deeply about the core principles of spirituality, and to find the most direct route to enlightenment. I have been through at least 20 spiritual teachers, and have finally found one which I resonate with, Lincoln Gergar. I had fallen into so many traps, and learnt from my mistakes. For example, I started to meditate on my head for a whole month attempting to “rise my kundalini” to the crown chakra unbeknownst of the existence of the spiritual heart. The spiritual heart in my experience has filled me with love. The first time I meditated upon it, I was shocked. It felt like there was another person next to me giving me unconditional attention and love. I didn’t know how powerful it was. It was the answer I was looking for in regards to my addictions to food, and the internet. I needed to find out how to find the love that my addictions tried to supplement for. And now I’ve found it. With at least another 6 months of free time I want to commit this time to lots of meditation, I mean even all day. Because that is what feels good, there is nothing else as fulfilling as meditation. After this year I can meditate less to maintain the same feeling of love, but just like hatha yoga, you need to put in lots of hours at the start. The funny thing is, I want to meditate. I used to see it as torture training last year, yet I didn’t know that my technique led to this happening. Also to be in the sun more, in the grass would be lovely, while seeing some friends here and there. So my goal is to reach true enlightenment in less than 6 months. To get there I am happily going to shed the last layers of avoidance of what IS (addictions). I commit to: Spending less than one hour online each day to give people heart-centred guidance (Its my pleasure to do this). Meditating for as long as possible (to rise my vibration, realize I am one). Eating 8 pieces or less of fruit per day (Godliness is cleanliness). Having time to explore new things that may excite me (walking in the forest, working with crystals such as moldavite, talking to spirits, walking in the city, making new friends into personal development, taking psychedelics to see what they’re about, playing my guitar more, learning about aromatherapy). Bramacharya (celibacy, to allow the kundalini to rise, and to return my self-worth). These are very simple changes. They are not rules, they are just principles to live by. Some days life happens and we’ve gotta be flexible. The second half of the year I would like to call “embodiment” of everything I’ve learnt. Where it is all disciplined, and loving practice. My goal is to become truly enlightened, to be in a state of total bliss. I am capable of it, I have the potential. And it’s not “forced”, it’s all my highest joy to make these commitments. Sobriety in itself is a powerful spiritual practice in the later stages of awakening. Let’s see how the journey unfolds together as one!
  18. @pluto@Quanty "The Spiritual Heart is not the heart chakra (anahatta). In true kundalini teachings, there is no such place as the "heart chakra", it is called the Anahatta. "Heart chakra" is a New Age term based on the location of this chakra - but not the actual characteristics of the chakra. In the chakra body there are no physical organs. The Spiritual Heart is located in the causal body and is the deepest energy center in a human." "There are 3 centers in the causal layer of our being - behind the eyes (physical dimension awareness), in the throat (dreaming awareness) and in the heart area (deepest self / dreamless sleep). In genuine meditation a person takes their attention and descends it into the heart area to awaken the experience of the deepest layer of the self." In response to a viewer: "No, I learned about the Spiritual Heart directly from the Higher Self. It was the first time I ever learned of this energy center, even though I had studied hundreds of spiritual teachings for many years. The Spiritual Heart is a relatively unknown aspect of our selves. After experiencing the Spiritual Heart center in myself, I later learned that a few other spiritual teachers knew and taught of this center. I consider it the most significant aspect of the human being." The result of focused attention "First it may begin as a energetic embrace that is comforting and soothing. Then it will grow, increasing in the feeling of peace. As it grows, it become Love and feeling of oneness with the Source within and also the world around us. Then it becomes a powerful bliss." And especially for your interest @Quanty this quote shows how the spiritual heart is directly linked to kundalini: "There are 3 knots in yoga - called grandhis. One knot is located in the Anahata (heart) chakra. Meditating on the Spiritual Heart (in the causal body) will help to untie all 3 knots in the charka body. Ultimately, the Spiritual Heart energy draws the mind stream back into the Self / Source Consciousness." I also love this cherry picked quote from Lincoln! "The most delicious experience we can have is when we realize the Divine Love within our Spiritual Heart and then choose to live from this state in this world." -Lincoln Gergar This man used to study and practice Zen Buddhism, meditating as the awareness of the no self. He then realized that although he was calm with no thoughts, very few emotions, there was a "lack" (which he said wasn't a lack in the conventional sense, more so a deep knowingness) that there was "more" that being the quality of pure love in the center of our hearts. This stuff is practically unknown to anyone, even advanced yogis, but here it is thanks to Lincoln. I have meditated on the heart, and felt myself merge into oneness just Yesterday. It is thus, so so important for the world to know this, so I at least want you guys to look more into it It's simplest and the most powerful technique, perfect for our society to come into greater alignment with the divine higher selves they already are. Thank you. Here's a meditation I'll do now for fun, and to explore this deeper if you guys want:
  19. See you would think this, and I could both believe they exist or don't - but the sensations are there man.. even gone so far as to have tests and MRIs because I thought they must be based on something physical. And yet no nothing, and they appear with mediation. Are they chakras? Honestly I've stopped caring about calling them anything specific. I experience a level of bliss that drugs have never been able to deliver... so if that's a placebo... fck I'll take it.
  20. You seem to be in the Bliss stage as talked about in Tara Branch’s book Stairways to Heaven. Basically, it talks about that sensitive stage just before enlightenment when you’re much more emotional and moody than usual or the kundalini awakening as they call it. See it as spiritual puberty maybe — where every hidden emotion and insecurity submerged under your unconsciousness is suddenly brought into light — to force a deep emotional change and revolution to you. Extremely painful, but after it might be the greatest healing in your life. I recommend you go read books by Tara Branch soon — if your vibration is that strong, then I bet you’re in that stage. Send me a PM if you’d like, though I’ll be a bit busy these next few days so don’t expect something so soon. Take care.
  21. Please do a body-dwelling meditation in which you become aware of the sensations of your body parts. This practice, coupled with the practice of deep breath and breath awareness make the mind silent. That's when you cannot experience suffering. If you keep doing it and keep returning to the sensations / breath after your mind starts to wander, eventually you will become enlightened. It's simple, because you have all you need for that practice always right here right now. And you can use it to calm yourself down and experience that bliss we are talking about. It's about focusing your attention more on your life and not so much on your life situation. In the end it's all a big dream, so it only matters while the dream is happening. Enjoying yourself in the now through these meditations drastically reduces suffering. You can enjoy yourself in the now though many things, but what makes meditation special is that you don't need anything external to do it. It's the answer.
  22. @Why? Did you have a stage where you had a breakthrough and felt a sense of bliss, euphoria, etc? If so, you are in the Dark Night phase that follows the Arising and Passing stage. Daniel Ingram's book explains it and how to move past it. Its a necessary stage but can last a long time and be debilitating if not handled skillfully.
  23. Hi everyone, I'm a 31 year old male from Scotland. This is my second post on this forum. I'm looking for some help with some things in my life so I'm gonna tell you a bit about myself and hopefully you can relate and edify me. So I've watched between 50-100 of Leo's videos. A lot of the stuff he talks about I already knew, but I've also learned a lot from him. He's a great teacher. I've been on the spiritual path since I was 16 after having an out of body experience. It inspired me to attempt astral projection which I was never particularly successful at. When I went to university I read a lot about spirituality. I felt an amazing sense of oneness with the world and walked about in a state of pure bliss, just taking in the beauty of the world. I was also at the time experimenting with psychoactives, such as cannabis, MDMA, and salvia. Sometimes I could literally see the connection between EVERYTHING, and it was beautiful. However, things took a turn for the worse. The drugs brought out a lot of previously unconscious material and I started getting extremely paranoid and depressed. I heard voices once, and started researching schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. I had to move back home to my parents and eventually got kicked out due to my angry outbursts. I was furious with the emotional abuse my family had inflicted upon me. I was homeless for a couple of years and then I got sectioned in a mental hospital, where I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. I spent 7 years in mental hospitals and homeless units. During that time I became addicted to amphetamine like drugs and also tried heroin. I became so depressed I could barely walk or leave my bed. I eventually got better thanks in part to reading Eckhart Tolle books. Also my mother died, which was a big relief for me as I didn't have to worry about her suffering as she had been ill all my life. Plus she couldn't force her agenda on me any longer. A sense of peace and lightness came back to me. I was discharged into a place of my own in Feb 2017 and am still here. I have been clean from drugs for 5 years and the symptoms of my illness are greatly reduced. I still get depressed sometimes but nothing like before, and I have a handle on my paranoid delusions. My Dad visits me sometimes. I find it literally impossible not to get angry with him. He was sexually inappropriate with me when I was younger which I found hard to admit for all my life. I have come to the conclusion that it was mainly my parents who caused my mental health problems. Leo has inspired me to get serious about my spiritual practice again and I have been meditating every day for a couple of months. It's difficult though because my upstairs neighbour is quite noisy. Also the area I live in is rife with drug users and people with other addictions so it's hard not to fall back into that trap. I smoke and drink sometimes which seems inevitable. I am now in a pretty good situation for practising meditation and spirituality because I have a lot of spare time and I don't have to worry about my finances. However I feel disconnected from the world because of the medication I am on (antipsychotics). So I'm looking for advice. How can I get more deeply into this work with the issues I face? - My anger is having a huge negative impact on my life (it's not just with my dad) /My medication greatly reduces the pleasure I get from life / I can't seem to stop drinking and smoking. Any help is very much appreciated. ? Edit: I'm thinking I should find a physical community where I can practice, as I don't know anyone else in my area who seems as serious as me about attaining enlightenment.
  24. I was having awakenings daily, quiet in nature as i had experienced extremes in my whole life so it was kind of a natural feeling for me like i was finally coming home but one day the awakenings stopped and something complete/infinitely more profound occurred. The experience was so profound it was beyond any physical expression. I remained mute in absolute bliss, pure ecstasy without the excitement, pure knowing, pure understanding. I simply became the embodiment of the one infinite creator. I cannot exactly say how long this lasted as it felt like i was here but also not here all at once, nowhere yet everywhere. I wish i had the words to explain in detail, it is pure magic.
  25. My first experience of Truth was on a high dose of psilocybin mushrooms. I had never even heard of any concepts of enlightenment at the time. I left my body and went to a place where everything was one. No sense of Self. There was no life or death. I felt that if I didn't go back, which would be body death, it wouldn't matter. Everything made sense, I knew everything. It was bliss on a higher level I thought possible. That night I continued to leave my body at will and go that place, sometimes for hours. Then I did ayahuasca. Again I went to that place of infinite everything, yet nothing. I easily go to that place, no effort. But shortly after I come back, there's a sadness that it's only temporary. And my life goes on unchanged. Why do some people get permanently Awakened after experiencing Truth and others do not? What can I do next time I go there, or shortly after I come back, to become fully Awakened?