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  1. Thanks everyone. I think i just have to get more comfortable with the uncertainty. The "it's just a dream" perspective doesn't do it for me. It's easy to take that perspective from a position of current ease and homeostasis, but while all may be a dream, one who is being tortured will assure you that it is not "just" a dream. It's also real. Pain hurts. It doesn't not hurt. And the essence of who we are is pure awareness or consciousness or maybe nothingness... yes, we are that, but trapped. You're trapped awareness, conditioned, bound. A grain of sand is the same in essence as the whole beach, but it is not the whole beach. If you think you are everything, try levitating that cup in front of you or morphing it into a cow with your thoughts. Right, you can't, so we are imprisoned consciousness, confined to a tiny little blob. We are not the body in essence, but we are certainly stuck in one, even if it is "just a dream" that we are. But I guess even if pain is always occurring, adding worry, stress, and fear won't resolve it. So we can still retain some peace of mind at least.
  2. This is such a freaky, mindfuck topic. I've had the exact same thought, and it's scary (but also magnificent and beautiful). I believe the answer is yes. Even with the most conservative multiverse theory (which imo is that big bang happens, universe plays itself out, universe ends, another big bang happens), this would necessitate that anything that could happen would happen. And at least that kind of infinity must be the case, I mean it would make no sense for one universe to happen and "then" pure eternal nothingness. But I think reality is much more infinite than that still. If it helps, like the others have said, You remain unaffected. In fact, to be technical nothing ever actually happens. It's all just appearances. You may have had some horrific dreams which royally sucked, but then you woke up to find out it was just a dream and you were safe and unharmed.
  3. Don't identify with the external world, the body/mind as a whole is a direct experience, a direct hologram of the whole existence. So, to feel the entire universe, one must identify with his own being. The being you are experiencing as a human, already is the entire nothingness in a mobile version.
  4. I'm starting to realise everything is nothing. It's nothing, everything! ? My mum, my dad my dogs, everything. Everything is complete nothingness. All there is, is nothing. I need to keep expanding this shit. I need to grasp this at an even deeper level, how?
  5. @Nahm That is a beautiful perspective you have. It is scary letting go of that "I" that constantly compares the present to past experiences or an imaginary "better" future self. It means you live with no reference points, driven forward by your heart/excitement over a bottomless cliff of nothingness.
  6. Yeah the no self feeling is normal in deep meditation, you need to go deeper, prepare to die, this is it end of the line for ego, if you give in to thoughts at that moment or break the meditation the ego won the battle. It's very difficult to do as its not a choice of "i will do this or that" it kind of just needs to happen. You can literally meditate to the point that all your your body dissolves and you can no longer sense it, if you do it with complete darkness and silence this sensation is even better. I lost all sense of self and became pure consciousness, an indescribable energy field or whatever you want to call it, the nothingness, infinite, god, samahdi, I don't know if it goes deeper tho.
  7. If you step forward you cannot step backward. If you both step forward and backward you stand still. If there is no duality, there is nothing at all. It is obvious. For god to exist you must cease to exist, and for you to exist god must cease to exist. Only when god and you both cease to exist there will be true nothingness. With limit the limitlessness has to cease, with limitlessness there has to cease limit. With absolute infinite there has to cease the self, and with the self there has to cease absolute infinity. To take a step backwards you must not take a step forward. Absolute infinity and finitude are two sides of the same coin. You can get lost in either of them. There is to be found boundless illusion in limit and limitlessness. Leo Gura will never cease to seek, because you cannot fully realize something that is endless. No amount of seeking will give you the truth, it will only give you more illusion, it will give you more of the other side of the coin. Enlightenment is to not be enlightened. The duality between nothing and everything. The duality between illusion and reality. There is nothing to realize, there is simply a coin to flip. One must find the middle way, the way to step forward and backwards at the same time, to stand still. There is no depth in stillness, the depth Leo is seeking comes from a step backward, when all he was used to was taking step forwards. Leo confuses enlightenment with a pathway, when in truth it is a balancing act. A perfect balance between dualities. Depth can only be found when you lose balance and fall. To fall from one side to the other, you must as some point be in perfect balance, it is from self to god when you reach stillness, though god is not the balance, god is merely the other side that leads to the same pit.
  8. You don't need to do anything to awaken other than give up the fight. Surrender completely to everything. That's why I just accept what is, and the best way to do that is to love whatever arises. You have no control when a thought will arise, when a feeling will arise, or what a person will say to you in a conversation. So instead of surrendering to them in short periods of meditation (still do it of course!) but why not do it all of the time, allowing them to just be, through the art of being your own inner parent to your heart that you have always wished you had. My process: a thought arises? I say: "I love you", or some anything that is very kind, caring, and respectful. A feeling? "I love you". That is surrender, that is healing, and that anchors the vibration of love until reality reflects it. Affirmations of this kind change past the mental body of subconscious beliefs, because you are anchoring the oneness of your true self which is love/light/joy/gratitude/infinity/nothingness/emptiness/God. Bring this acceptance with you, accept the one who continues to backlash just so you can give this shadow the love it deserves. The ego backlash is really the most neglected part of yourself wanting to be loved, like a child who has walked up to the gates of heaven, and heaven keeps moving away just cause the child isn't behaving morally right. Are you gonna leave that child to die, or will you sit with this child disguised as an ego backlash, and feel it. Every feeling is a child wanting to be hugged and loved, same with every thought, every person you see. Just children wanting the attention they never got. It's painful to do this man! As I always say, there is no shortcut here. "I may be done with sadness, but it's not done with me". Replace sadness with a thought, or a feeling.
  9. Only a mind/consciousness with NO-THING in it, is capable of love/and that creative movement of centerlessness. NOTHINGNESS
  10. @Faceless Speaking of love, is it possible to be wise and in love at the same time? Or is wisdom mind and love absence of mind? And therefore not compatible? I feel like wisdom and truth goes together, just as love and truth goes together. But wisdom belong to the faculty of the mind it seems? And love belong to the faculty of NO mind, hence the faculty of nothingness. Please help me out here. Also@Faceless Thanks for your long and beautiful PM to me. Your approach to the subjects of "soul" and "reincarnation" was very interesting and rings very true to me. Thanks @Faceless ! Namaste.
  11. ⭕️= the part/finite Truth=the whole/infinite/nothingness Truth isn't split. It is the whole. Then mind is part of the whole. Percieved through the perspective of duality. But all an idea until the movement of duality ends actually. EMBODIMENT OF TRUTH. IN THIS ONE DOESNT KNOW TRUTH. BUT ONE IN ACTION/NON-ACTION IS TRUTH ITSELF.
  12. I just had lunch, and I eat too quickly with too much carbonates I think. Anyway I went tired but I started to write on a PM to @tsuki I tried to concentrate, then my head doze off for a millisecond or something, then I continue to write, and it happened again, and then procedure continued until I decided to write the PM later. Anyway, during these micro naps, because it was so brief, I could almost notice the absence of everything, even absence of consciousness, like a short span(millisecond or something) of absolute nothingness, not nothingness in a new age fashion, but REAL nothingness, like a total blank. Like death. Maybe we are "dead" when we are at deep sleep, or are we conscious but we fail to recognise it because mind fail to grasp the "absence-of-mind-consciousness." ?
  13. I think I need to reiterate what is it that I felt. If that is the truth, then it is scary: Life is a kind of meaningless hell for everyone - from which there is no escape. There is no loving consciousness keeping watch over us. All we can do is find another human being to form attachments with - human contact can, to a little extent, provide succour. Our work, interests, life styles are distractions from facing the awful truth of the hopelessness and meaninglessness of our existences. We can grasp at all these things only to mask the emptiness that is within us. It is all that humans can do. Death itself is not an answer - there is no escape. It is all darkness and nothingness.
  14. If one dreams this implies thought is in movement. Thought is always old “static” dead. If there is dreamlessness, this implies that movement is alive “dynamic” or compete, ”nothingness” In this dreamlessness is the closest we can get to communion to nothingness.
  15. Wow, being super aware that all thought, language are like a unit of measurement, a unit of meaning you could say. That in actual fact, none of it is actually a true reflection of the reality of the situation, although thoughts and units of measurement do exist within the spectrum of existence, through the form of thought. By that definition alone, language is always going to be entirely dependant on each persons unique interpretation of the symbolism. As each persons interpretation varies and again, the idea that thoughts somehow bridge the gap from one type of existence and the other in our continuous effort of designating the identity of a "thing" that's mere creation was by selecting arbitrary points and whatever is within those limits of definition becomes a unit of meaning. The idea of life being a rorschach test is perfect. The rorschark test is like the mini babuszka inside the biggest babuszka. Because it accurately infers a reality that in truth is not bound up by the meaning of the process. As the meaning of the rorsharc has a seemingly indirect consequence that still happens when you symbolise the reality of the rorscharch by refering to it through sounds and thoughts. The very tool in which you are using to describe itself is affected by the consequence of translation. Which is, translating a real life event by accessing a reality that is not the reality in question. Which begs to differ when thinking about reality, that we are using thought, which is an expression of reality in one form but aswell things can be viewed in many different viewpoint. Ever try to think a thought? What is a thought? You can witness a thought, but it really feels to me like what the rorscharch test shows is that it reveals how humans process reality. Through the process in which it operates under. You are essentially connecting the dots from previously assembled formula's and systemic arbitrations arbitrarily chosen. When you begin to look for starting points and ending points, and the definitive border each thought has. That it can't exist outside of the boundaries created for it to exist in. Which were created by me which admittedly used a fallible process to prove the process was fallible. This is the snake eating it's tail. It's like getting somewhere and achieving something that then applied a rule that for you to reach this it must have meant that you never ever, ever even came close to walking the same path and picking up the same gauntlet which would have prompted it never to have happened..never to have happened, never to have happened. That never to have happened has a following never to have happened. How can nothingness appear to swallow itself like this?
  16. What makes up a room? The walls one might say. But the walls are nothing but a limitation on the one room(which is infinite, and therefore no room at all). Think about it, nothing ever happens within any wall. Everything happens between the walls, inside the space of nothingness. The word "walls" doesn't just describe real physical walls, but is also a great metaphor to all contents of mind. *Thoughts are walls that limiting infinite consciousness to be a "room" within the walls of thoughts *Words are walls that limiting infinite intuition into a "room" of understanding. Every word in this OP is nothing but a wall. But we sometime needs to create a "box" within one feel comfortable/familiar with exploration. But remember, not a single word(wall) tells you anything. Just as you never make love inside a wall, it happens between in the space of nothingness. If you pick up anything at all from this tread, it's because you let the nothingness between the words speaks to you. Some time in your life, when you least expect it, maybe when you forgot all about spiritual nonsense. Maybe some years from now when you're just having a happy moment, and then, BOOM, the nothingness will whisper to you.. The nothingness that is between words, the nothingness that is between thoughts, the nothingness that is between walls.. The nothingness that is outside of time, the nothingness that is outside of mind, the nothingness that is outside of the self.. The nothingness will whisper to you in a mysterious way.. I'm not nothing, I'm open(to everything)
  17. I'm at the same stage myself, on the verge of experiencing the complete infinite void of nothingness. To get there it's all about surrendering to the present moment. To accept that everything that arises whether it is a thought, feeling or a person is only here to be loved, and to that I say, "I love you". I love the one in me who is thinking about how neglected I am, I love you fear, I love you anger; it is endless. When nothing is obviously there to recieve love I always return my attention to my spiritual heart (slightly to the right of your physical heart) and keep saying "I love you" to it because it feels good. You can replace "I love you" with whatever kind words you want, the possibilities are infinite. I thought I would share this, as it has lead to massive progress, I feel like the light of the universe is shining through my heart. I live life like this because I know that my response to whatever arises is the most important thing to spiritually evolve, and I choose love because it is the highest vibration in existence. And I always love my spiritual heart because it is the first place the universe enters a human body, so when I love my heart, I'm loving the entire freakin universe What a beautiful time you are at in your life. I'm always there for you if you need some more help.
  18. -I'm infinite (the nothingness says to the walls, doors and windows.) -No, you are a room(the walls, doors and windows tells the infinite)
  19. Question is do we see the significance of this?? Can we employ methods, techniques, systems, and all other movements of time to reach that which is timeless?? To do so implies a dualistic/divisive movement of the thinker. But the thinker is the thought. So any movement in this direction will remain dualistic. Tou see how any movement will remain contradictory??? Therefore “non duality” “nothingness” “truth” is not. That’s the difference between an intellectual understanding and true embodiment. Intellectual understanding is very partial/limited/finite. But to actually embody this truth is infinite energy/intelligence that is whole. This is where WISDOM IS BORN.
  20. I don't like the "I am awareness" phrase, because it kind of implies existence of some personal entity. I prefer "There is only awareness/one substance/nothingness" approach, since it doesn't carry that baggage. Most people "understand" words of spiritual teachers and are still not enlightened. I couldn't care less about someone's else interpretation of their words. I don't mean to offend you, the same applies to me.
  21. It's normal but it's not complete. If you know Truth then you take the chance to make a better world for you and for others. Why you feel lack of motivation is because your are still stuck in the other side of life called "nothingness". Don't stay there to long because nothing ever happens there ?❤️
  22. It's simple, it's just that the old spiritual paradigm has confused people by placing more importance on the third eye. This approach is putting the cart before the horse, which is why heart centered teachers are now becoming more popular as we enter the 4th density. Matt Kahn for example had a very open third eye and crown chakra but his heart was pretty closed, and from his experience, even though he saw the depths of nothingness, and had met ascended masters, he wrote in his book that none of this mattered until he started loving his heart. And when he started loving his heart, his nervous system could relax whereby he started to receive every non-dual insight taught today. This wisdom is something we usually don't get until we are in heaven reviewing our life, so embrace it is my suggestion.
  23. I like to watch myself, don't judge, life as a mirror can be lonely. I like to get lost in my imagination, as there's nothing else to do around here. I play all different kinds of roles, as my imagination has no limits. Although some of the roles can be dark, they are just as the bright ones. I get carried away and have trouble finding my way back to myself, but all roles constantly change and i always find my way back to nothingness, to just being a mirror. I like to watch myself, don't judge, life as a mirror can be boring. I like to go on adventures in my imagination, as there's nothing else to do around here. I imagine all kinds of experiences, as my boredom has no limits. Although some of them get a little weird, i feel no shame, as they are just an expression of nothing in particular. I get carried away and have trouble finding my way back to myself, but all experiences constantly fade and i always find my way back to nothingness, to just being a mirror. I am a mirror. I like to....
  24. All of existence is a dream/hallucination/false construct, including your ideas, your thoughts, your beliefs, and the very idea of who you are and what the world is. You do not exist. So your dreams are just part of the whole, part of the dream that is this 'reality'. Your dreams are part of everything, which is nothingness. It has no meaning.
  25. The desirer is the desired. The goal is the means. Transcending the brain would mean the ending of desire. Not controlling, suppressing, and using desire ”psychedelics” to do so. I'm telling you my friend, the ending of desire/experience is to transcend the brain model. One who has had extraordinary psychedelic experiences further strengthens the shackles of desire/the center and therefore becomes slave to experience...One then is strengthening the ego and perpetuating a constant movement into the illusion of psychological time. This is the trap of thought. This is well know to the wisest of the wise. As I have said desire is the initiator of the center. Are you free of experience???? Aren't you interested in this?? “It has been said that the highest wisdom lies in detachment, or, in the words of Chung-Tzu, ‘The perfect man employs his mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing; it refuses nothing; it receives, but does not keep.” This is an example of one who lives life free of experience. Consciousness free of the content/movement of the conditioned mind. The ending of experience is truth/nothingness. So why does one hold on to experience? Why does one depend on experience? Do you see the how this reinforcing experience and therefore preventing a creative experiencing. Don't you want to live everyday free of the past? Unless one does there is never a new moment. You are then living in the illusion of the past and the future..Do you see that? Get rid of the static and come with me to the dynamic. I know you really like your psychedelics and that's fine. Your choice. See if you can end the movement of desire which is the thought/ego. The energy released is so immense. And its continual and never ending. I invite you to see if it is possible for yourself