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  1. @Aakash Vijayan I am also an INFP, and I struggle with many of the things you have mentioned. I have found that it is important to act on inspiration when it arises. There comes a time on the awakening journey where it becomes more and more difficult to do things that you are not passionate about. Ask yourself if you are truly still passionate about medicine, and observe how your emotional body reacts. If your body has a negative reaction, then maybe you do want to truly reconsider your life purpose. To quote Teal Swan, follow your bliss. If music is what you are truly passionate about, continue pursuing it and you will find your niche, even if you have to slowly ween yourself off of things you are not passionate about. Regarding your negative emotions, sit with them. Most INFP's are empaths, myself included. I highly recommend Matt Kahn's videos on YouTube for any INFP. Ask your negative emotions why they want your attention and what you can do for them, either on the physical or psychological level. View them as a distressed child. They are trying to inform you on what aspects of yourself are requesting integration. Don't underestimate how powerful this process can be. Anything you feel that will help you is correct, just listen to how your being reacts. I also recommend continuing enlightenment work because you will continue to gain insight into what you and your emotions truly are, allowing you to integrate them more efficiently. Lastly, don't be afraid to take action. It may be painful at first, but just allow the pain to be and follow your highest wisdom. Take it one minute at a time and trust that the universe is leading you down the correct path. It always is
  2. The need for physical experiences is a dream. It is a nice dream, one can grow and expand from tasting the variety and abundance of human culture and the Earths natural environment, but from what place do you desire this? For myself I love the oneness I feel in meditation. Reality becomes soft and malleable, and I feel like I’m on a cloud. This peace is what I seek beyond any physical experience for I know that most of not all my desires right now are not rooted in oneness, which is why I meditate with such passion so to speak. I want my mind to be purified of all beleifs it has rooted in separation; so that the oneness of my higher self that I am can shine through my heart in every single moment without an obstacle my mind imposes. I want to be that free, powerful creator; to have but everything to embrace with love, and nothing left that I reject in myself. And I know in my heart, that surrendering down into my heart purifies, heals, and releases all ancestral lineages, all karmic ties, and any deep wounds in my being in the most soft, gentle, and accelerated way that I deserve. How can I live my life without thoughts? Is a common fear that arises when I am thoughtless. Yet it’s not thoughts that guide us, it is feelings. It is the higher self within the heart. It has always been that way, but the mind sometimes ignored this guidance, or thought that such guidance care from itself. The heart is the true master, much stronger in influencing even those with a strong ego than the ego itself. We can fall off track from the heart, and we start to feel something other than love, but never can we dwell too far, because the heart is more powerful than our egos. I trust my heart now to tell me through feelings when to eat, sleep, “do”, or be. If in doubt I meditate. Now my beloveds take this knowledge and put it into your life. Don’t read this for entertainment, don’t come here to serve your addiction for spiritual knowledge which I had too, and do the inner work. Focus on your heart, or your breathe, or the awareness as much as possible. Choose one, and stick with it until you awaken to the infinite within. All are equal in power, and all will lead to everlasting happiness. There is little more for me to write, just focus on either of those 3. I use my chest, the sensation of air filling my lungs, the feeling of it rising and falling, even the pulsing of my heart, and the energy of love in there, all which I focus on 24/7. Even when I dream now, I still gently focus on my heart! The heart is the beginning and the end of the spiritual path. It can take you to the highest dimensions of reality and beyond that. This love is more than infinite, because even the infinite will return to source. It is pure bliss. It IS. This world we live in dosen't matter. What you do dosen't matter. What you know dosen’t matter, or learn. Only your connection to your heart matters. The rest is fun and play, and can only be fun and play when connected to the heart. Therefore it is so simple, there is no confusion, or exception, or a “but wait, there’s more!”; it literally comes down to how connected you are to your heart through focusing on your heart, breathe or awareness; and perhaps expressing love, smiling, complimenting (although this is not necessary at all). There is no judgement, love from the ego if that’s the reality you want to create, or live from the heart. But ultimately, we will all return to our hearts, thst is the natural state. We just have amnesia, and are learning to focus within. In time we shall be awakened and be free from a false idea in sin. sayōnara.
  3. I usually stop the attention of the mind and go full breath deepening kundalini, it hurts a great deal at first, but after the pain comes bliss.
  4. Indeed. When you become whole you feel complete, nothing is needed for you to feel any more complete. You can still enjoy things you used to do but they become more sacred and empowering than ever before and you do them more for a greater purpose than a personal one. So you are more likely to experience them far less often which doesn't devalue your existence or nature of enjoyment or pleasure whatsoever as when you become whole you feel like you are in a constant state bliss anyway so nothing outside of yourself is necessarily needed to feel amazing all the time.
  5. @saraprTime for an energy release. When everyone is out of the house, or somewhere where no-one can here you just have a rage about how hopeless you are. Make it strong and powerful, and blame everything and everyone possible; such as your family, the society you are in etc. Behind hopelessness there is lots of repressed passion, which you can release by being angry. Next I would love for you to establish a proper meditation practice with a proper technique because I wish for you to experience yourself as the pure and infinite love and oneness that you already are. Once you experience that love, every single worry, concern and fear will be released; and the experience of bliss will permeate your reality Sara. The best technique is just to focus on the rising and falling of your chest. This is because the buddhist techniques of focusing on yourself as awareness are too nuanced for most people, and not obvious enough, yet focusing on the chest is just as powerful. I've used it for many months and still fall asleep every time because it relaxes me so (which is a good sign). Do this for at least 20 minutes first thing upon waking up. The technique is very important. Once you've had a rage and start consistent daily meditation; we must realise that every emotional upheaval is temporary and will pass in it's own time. We all have these deep emotional wounds in our hearts that stop us from feeling love, and so when we get closer to love, these wounds start to open and we start to feel what we repressed in the past because it was too painful to feel. Every emotional pain thus, is a confirmation that you are healing and evolving like never before, and means you are ascending. These emotions are like new born babies that have just been born, and are crying in your hands as the mother. Hold this crying baby in your arms until it stops. When you repress it, it's like throwing it on the floor and walking way. To truly hold it all we gotta do is just let it be, knowing it's like a newborn baby; that is all. Trust that this intention will heal it. Many blessings. Lots of love.
  6. I love this page because it clearly tells you what the higher self is: "The Higher Self The Higher Self is the super-conscious, higher mind part of ourselves that is the full expression of Divine Love, spiritual wisdom, and creative power. As we work to purify ourselves and remove our egos, we embody more of our eternal self that lives in conscious union with God. Spiritual and religious traditions throughout history have spoken of the Higher Self within each of us. The Christians call it the Holy Spirit. The New Age calls it Christ Consciousness, Over Soul, Monad or Enlightenment. Buddhism labels it Buddha (The Awakened One). Hinduism calls it Atman, the Self or Krishna Consciousness. There are many terms given in various cultures for the same experience. The Higher Self is the direct personal realization and embodiment of the deepest spiritual aspect of ourselves – our Eternal Self that is in conscious union with the Creator God and all of life. Spiritual seekers have consciously sought the Higher Self awakening experience, dedicating lifetimes to spiritual knowledge, personal healing and purification, ecstatic energy promotion and light body activation. Those dedicated enough to the spiritual path and fortunate enough to receive support by Higher Self within and by others, physically and non-physically, were able to reach remarkable spiritual heights. Some of those teachers have changed the course of human history forever. Some of those teachers continue to assist humanity’s growth. When asked “what is enlightenment like?”, many awakened teachers used words like bliss, love, peace, purity, oneness, and God. Some teachers chose to remain silent, conveying that words could never explain this state of Self-realization. To assist the spiritual development of their students, awakened teachers would share verbal and written teachings and deeply tranforming practices like meditation and energy cultivation exercises. Some teachers would even offer direct energy transmissions and empowerments to more quickly purify and advance the students who were ready. The common bond between all Higher Self-awakened teachers was that the teachers would allow the Universal Intelligence and Universal Creative Energy to flow through themselves, unblocked and unchanged by their own personal self. The depths of ego purification in the teachers were great enough to allow the Higher Self to communicate and purify through them, using their human mind-body system as the channel. By surrendering their own self to the Higher Self, the awakened teacher would be of the greatest service to their students. With this understanding in mind and intention at heart, Lincoln Gergar has chosen to surrender himself into the Higher Self to share knowledge, energy, peace and healing to all sincere spiritual seekers who feel drawn to awaken their Higher Self state of consciousness. The Higher Self is within us all. This knowledge, peace and blissful Love is our eternal birthright. With proper guidance any student can be led into their own Spiritual Heart center to awaken their blissful connection to God – the Higher Self. Surrendering in this way returns us to Pure Consciousness, original state of God." We are all seeking to be one with the higher self in this life. And all the is required is to gently focus on the heart (which is the higher self) as much as possible. There are other ways, but this is the one recommended by the higher self because of it's directness.
  7. That day for me, it began, still suffering in bliss, every single moment.
  8. That was a break-point we all have when pursuing enlightenment, there is no coming back from it and you kinda have to deal with it. Ignorance is a bliss, you may say. Everything in EGO life is meaningless once you have an enlightenment experience but remember: Yu body is a cage, that keeps you from dancing with the one you love, and your mind have the key. When trying to enlighten again, before any meditation you could try to create a shield for your body, that you can always go back, and that fear of stop existing suddenly will be less terrifying, mind and body are connected, they are part of the same organism, the conscious created the body and they are dependent . if the mind did not needed a body, universe itself would not exist at all, try giving you body ( ego life ) as much attention as you give your mind when meditating. If I make no sense at all, I could try to explain in some other ways
  9. There are many important things in life that help use so much when optimised such as diet, exercise, relationships, sleep, life purpose, how we respond to what arises. It is true that a person who eats seasonally, raw, organic and nutritious food will have a calmer and healthier mind, and body. And for one living their life purpose as a creative artist will be happier than one who is a doctor by tradition. Yet, the most important question is: what is guiding us to change these areas of our life? Is it the ego (the part of us conditioned by the world to act and be a certain way) or our higher selves (the unlimited love and intelligence of the universe, that we are)? In fact the ego has 3 different parts of itself that we can see reality from which is the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body. Most people in the world are influenced greatly by the physical body, which they identify the most with. This means they seek survival, take comfort in food, and focus on staying alive. When we are more identified with the emotional body, we seek states of happiness. We generally focus on not feeling bad, which leaves us prone to addictive tendencies such as eating, drinking, smoking, and thinking to change our emotional state. The mental body desires experiences, usually ones that make it feel powerful, or even at one. Since what we focus on is what we become, it's of the greatest importance to know where which body we are identified with. The last " body" to be identified with is the soul. Our souls desire unity, oneness, and love; and with it's wisdom second only to God in it's breathe, it always knows the most loving action to take. This is why enlightened masters don't tell us to focus so much on diet, exercise, relationships, or business because they understand this universal principle of focus. They instead tell us to constantly focus on ourselves as love which is located within the heart, so that we can reconnect with our souls in this way; even the zen practice of being the awareness, shikantaza, ultimately reunites us with our heart, where the soul is found, because it withdraws our awareness back to the source of it's origin, which is in the heart. Thus focusing on love of any kind, or excitement or any higher vibrational energies you resonate with will naturally put everything in life back into place. The natural intelligence of love will do this. Love is our true nature, and by focusing on it, everything becomes perfect, like it's always been, right in this moment. There is nothing to change, nothing to do, just you as a soul here to express itself for the benefit of every else still in this dream. This is the milestone I'm at in my journey, where it's almost nature to focus on my heart before thinking. Everything is peaceful, calm and blissful. And I am one with it. I am peace, oneness, love and bliss; and so is everything. This is what I use my free will for, to focus on the love in my heart, and what I am learning is how to trust it's intelligence more than relying on what the ego thinks I should do to be fulfilled. It is a rewiring of sorts, and right now, love is triumphing brilliantly; vibrating in every cell of my body when I surrender The mind is a good servant, but a bad master. We are all learning again to make the heart the master. Lots of love.
  10. I wanted to create a new topic but I can accord to this one. I've just read the text about it. Depression after spiritual awakening is common. But who wants to talk about it publicly? You will hear endless accounts of bliss and oneness. But it’s not often that people want to talk about how difficult it can be to adjust. Yes, there is bliss and oneness but there can also be tremendous sorrow or disorientation or feelings of profound bleakness. Sometimes these bleak feelings even happen at the same time as bliss and oneness. People euphemistically call this The Dark Night Of The Soul. Well, that sounds poetic, doesn’t it? But it doesn’t feel so poetic when you are in the middle of it. Especially if you believe that it’s not supposed to be this way and that you are the only one. From Do the others also feel like that? I'm worried now. I did not have a retreat. But I meditate, focus on my breathing during the day, etc and also started to feel different. More sad and unhappy with no reason.
  11. What I am calling "stable enlightenment" here would be what the lives of some of the current spiritual leaders which come to mind may look like. Mooji, Ruper Spira, Sadhguru, Fred David, Adyashanti, Eckhart T. - list goes on Path A From what I have learned thus far and what it seems to me is that Path A to enlightenment is not common (yet) but maybe down the road it will be. There are people who know nothing about spirituality who take drugs like mushrooms/lsd/dmt for fun/tripping out etc Select few of these people may get a breakthrough experience in which they see the ALL/Absolute and learn about their true self and construct of reality as a result. you can see common trip reports of breakthroughs and becoming everything/everywhere/infinite. but these people normally return to their ego-self soon after 1-2 day 1 week or so... as they know not what they have witnessed.. being unaware of it, and not actively seeking it.. now this "glimpse" inducded and brought on by the susbtance consumed is not as strong as awakening brought on by Path B what is path B? that is the path where one learns about this information, and pursues it - chases it, looks for it in process, the person does many self-inquriy, meditations, exercises and goes thru a slow process of detachment and on this journey, as insights are recieved, they are slowly intergrated... now to that someone on this path, having already intergrated knowledge/teachings/insights into their life... when they see the absolute/have the awakening, it's rather easier for them to go into the stable enlightment state . the last state of bliss so my questions is that i have seen many videos on youtube where people during satsang/meets having moment of awakening and they just start laughing/crying same time but they are at peace vs not being at peace when they come up to ask the questions is this that person's first glimpse/awakening during their spirtual path? and now having seen the TRUTH they feel liberated in that moment - but it will again take time now to intergrate?
  12. Kundalini, in essence, is: The energy for the nervous system that has the root at the base of the spine. So extending the focus attention after 1.Breath into that zone, 2.bone tail, channeling the energy of the sound and feeling of breath, one is capable to increase physical/mental energy many many times over, depending on practice. Is like a muscle, but can achieve faster mass by enduring pain, accommodation to a new level of awareness followed by bliss, then start again, if one wants to grow to a higher level. Or if one wishes, then the process can be done in a large period of time, with not much trouble with pain. To get over faster and less pain: alcohol in microdoses, cannabis, maybe opium, psychedelics in microdoses, natural plants with analgesics, etc.
  13. Don’t turn it into an ideology. Follow your bliss doesn’t mean you ideologically cling to that. It just means that you slowly accept your authentic self and authentic life.
  14. @SoonHei It happens when you let go of the illusion of this reality as being real. When you do a higher reality is revealed to you. I know that sounds kind of scary to let go of reality. That's why so few awaken. Compassion becomes prevalent. Love, peace and bliss. Sure that too. But there is no ownership. Yes love would be infinite. But not the kind of love that depends on physical circumstances. This love is from the absolute. That "higher reality" which is infinite and so the love is also.
  15. @cetus56 hi question i suppose you're enlightened? or have had awakenings? please answer from what you know either from direct experience or your knowledge this: you said "Nothing changes in reality except for the way you see it." do you mean nothing changes on day-to-day when one is "living in the illusion" yet awake to it... like awake that one is "dreaming" so to speak? so when do those states occur, where one feels infinite love - job - peace - bliss is that a state which someone who is awakened/enlightened goes to when they decide to meditate or be more present? shift back/forth between those states?
  16. When one synchronizes the chakras, at first is agony/fear pain/torture. Because the real you and the river flow again and need time to adjust the rewiring of the body/mind. After months of training, the bliss arises, for some it takes decades. Depending on how much is one willing to go straight to the wall so to speak.
  17. No, I was never violent. There was much bliss and peace in those states of consciousness. It has no end bro, it goes on as long as you exist in this body form. Once you get there, once your kundalini is completely activated, only death can stop it.
  19. I look at it differently, for me all of reality is more of a play between dualism and non-dualism. Non-dualism is the potential of absolutely everything, and dualism is really then the expression of what we experience as consciousness. The physical world is part of that expression. For example if we look at an atom, it is very constraint in it's behavior. But it is ABSOLUTELY precise, it has ULTIMATE precision. It is dualism in perfection, it's action is limited to an infinite degree. That is one part of the spectrum, on the other is nothingness or non-dualism, the potential for everything, so no limitation whatsoever. As you go from dualism to non-dualism you find intelligence. Intelligence is not perfect, it is not limited in it's behavior. In fact intelligence is very much defined by the creative ability to come up with new things. So it is the potential that is manifested as actuality, as dualism. That is what the human consciousness does. When we solve problems we are creating the solution from unlimited potential, but that process is limited to a certain degree. That means it is not ultimately accurate like the behavior of atoms, but it has the potential to behave in many ways. That is basically what nature has been figuring out, the right play between potential and restriction. That is one of the many reasons why human beings are not really good at anything, but extremely good at doing things we are not really made to do. For example, a spider is extremely good at being a spider, it is in fact a perfect spider. It can do what it does perfectly. And a machine is even more restricted in that way, it is ABSOLUTELY precise at what it is doing. A human being is not, precisely because a human being is intelligent, precisely because a human being uses consciousness. If the boundaries of limitation start to cease, the potential becomes greater until it becomes pure nothingness. That is why in nothingness you do nothing. This is the whole point of enlightenment, the cessation of limits and duality into absolutely nothing, which is the potential of absolutely everything, or god. In other words, intelligence comes from god. That is why you are more creative when you are not restraint in a certain behavior, or when your mind is relaxed. For that reason we have the best ideas when we take a shower or are at peace on the toilet. You will hear this from Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci etc. Their intelligence does not come from the control of mind but the exact opposite. Look at the kingdom of animals and you will see that all animals that have a rigid mind do not act intelligently. Just look at a rock, all it does is being a rock. A rock does not have the potential to do anything but be a rock. But the rock is PERFECT at what it does, it makes no mistakes, it is godlike in it's precision. In our imagination we think that we can create an intelligence that is perfectly precise but also contains infinite potential. That it can do everything without failure but still come up with ideas that no being has previously thought of. It is very possible that these two things actually cancel each other out and that what instead is needed is a perfect balance between potential and limitation to have what we define as intelligent. Look at how the mind operates and think of how limited the way we think about intelligence actually is. No one would say that a buddhist monk is intelligent in his enlightened bliss, but maybe what the monk is experiencing is limitless intelligence, limitless potential. So limitless that it is not limited by the need of self-preservation and procreation. Because if you look at everything we define as intelligent, we call it intelligent for the one and only reason that it serves the purpose of self-preservation and procreation. If you take away these limitations action will not be taken. So counter-intuitively it requires ignorance (limitation) for intelligent behavior to emerge. The mind NEEDS to be limited for it the operate at all, because if it was limitless it would simply be nothingness. This is how I look at it at least, no idea if it's actually the case but it's interesting to think about it.
  20. if for example I will do a whole year only self development work, meditating, yoga, balancing energies, getting my mind in order and become extremely peaceful, ecstatic, blissful, loving, etc. Will I continue to be like that after I come again to the "ordinary life"? suppose I keep practicing and trying my best to be present and such. Will I start to get upset sometimes? will I start to suffer? will I get out of peace and bliss?
  21. People misunderstand blissfulness. The pain will not cease to exist, the anger, the frustration. But for the awakened ones, they are blissful even in rage. Duality is being positive or negative all the time. Transcendence is to integrate both polarities, see the world from the 3rd perspective, then go higher into a 4th, after is infinite. So the key is 1st chakra (red pill), and all the negative and positive will pass through there and will reach the brain in a state of bliss rather than anxiety. This happens after the healing of the body. Maybe some will take 2-5 years or for others decades. Depending on how much one is willing to go to the inner personal world and rewind all the traumas and dramas. Only after the integration and understanding of the personal traumas, one will be totally different and see, feel, etc the world as it is. It is easy to see the truth of reality using drugs but is not easy to heal the body and achieve the same levels of consciousness or even higher in a natural, awake state, being in trance at the same time and function day by day.
  22. Funny thing is, as much as perpetual bliss might sound great - it's not really.. not sure how to explain this exactly, but if the potential for sadness is gone.. 'bliss' also ceases to exist.. can't have one without the other, it's contrast that gives these things meanings - yea you can have more of one than the other, but the potential must remain
  23. You might not exacly "go back to your old ways". Some change might have occured, but nothing as radical as perpetual bliss. I don't know much about Sadhguru, so I cannot answer your first question. All I know is that he's a savvy businessman and a charismatic, entertaining speaker. I don't know anything about his emotional health tho. If he occasionally suffers, it probably wouldn't be rational for him to admit it anyway. I assume that would be bad for business. When you are in the business of selling fantasies of emotional perfection, you need to uphold a certain image.
  24. @Erlend K well, do you think sadhguru ever suffers? or is he not in perpetual bliss? What I mean is suppose someone grows a lot in an ashram or something, doesnt suffer, is in perpetual bliss as long as he's in the ashram. If he gets out of the ashram and continues to practice and try to grow, will he go back to his old ways?
  25. Im not 100%"sure I understand your question then. Of course you will get upset and suffer. No, you will not live in a state of perpetual bliss.