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  1. Oh shit. What have I gotten myself into? This god is weird. I can't imagine why god would really want to intentionally split its perception into infinitely many perspectives. This human experience feels unnecessary if I am really god. I want to regain godhood already. Does the bliss of reunion have some purpose? If I was god, why could I not fathom my own intentions? Is it intentional amnesia? Leo is right. I am not ready for enlightenment, yet. I need 10 years of personal development and career development before even thinking about enlightenment.
  2. He teaches the advaita union with brahman, which is in the class of moksha enlightenments, yes. He's using modern language and modern practices, I think. I have not yet studied this in detail. I want to remain in a state of unknowing for a bit longer, and directly experience what people are doing. From what I have gathered, he doesn't seem to emphasize the original language and theory, which is the realization that atman, the individual soul which survives death and is reborn, was always an illusion. there was always only brahman, ultimate self inhabiting ultimate reality, one and only one. Everything is already god, is a way of thinking about this. Always was, always will be, nothing but god. You are god, I am god. The appearance of not being god, and of being two seperate beings, is a mistake that god makes intentionally so that he/we can have the bliss of reunion. Advaita has a specific and interesting approach to the problem of liberation. It also has some specific problems, that sometimes are not noticed for quite a while. We are in seamless unity. What is, all that is, is god. If there is a million deaths from a war, that is god. If you have a friend who can't get laid and kills himself over a girl, that's god. If a country dumps nuclear waste into the ocean and kills all the life their, and the whole world eventually dies from the loss of the base of the food pyramid, that is god. Everything that happens must happen, because it is brahman. it was a perfect philosophy for seekers in Shankaras time. Maybe even in the bhagvhan's time - the person who renamed himself osho ended up teaching mostly a variant of advaita. But. advaita is one school out of several dozen, each with a slightly different, or very different idea about how to attain moksha liberation. Now we are here, at this time in history, and we have the ability to know that there are competing models of enlightenment. Should we still make the choice to pick one as true, and declare the other's false?
  3. Anxiety about what? I am going to bet it is not about atman and brahman. Not about no-self. Mind and it's contents is very large. Ridiculously large. You have done a practice for a while. Not long by most standards. You can create a state. How far into the mind and its contents do you figure that state that you can create goes? You are in your state, made possible by practice. "However, my negative thinking/anxiety usually pops up in this 'no self' state and pulls me out of it. My anxiety seems to be getting stronger the deeper the more I seem to awaken." Where do the anxieties come from? They are habits and patterns of thinking, coming from the body-mind. You have practiced them for many years. With those years of practice, it's pretty easy for you to attain the state of anxieties inside of the state of no-self. The anxiety skills you have are out there in the vast mind and its contents. You enter no-self - or you enter some state. It attracts those skilled anxiety states like a light attracts moths. They come running to play in the light. That's why they are getting stronger. You are feeding them. You concentrate your attention, using your practice, and create a pool of focused attention. Is there anything an anxiety loves more than attention? Do some work on the anxieties. Resolve when can be resolved. Correct errors, if you can. Face problems that are real and can be faced. Make changes in the infrastructure of your attention and emotions. This is one of the things that people tend to overlook with advaita influenced practice and it's results. What is, is brahman. What occurs, is brahman. Your anxieties intruding, is brahman. Brahman is not an escape from problems. Brahman is bliss, and brahman is problems. Brahman's problems are your problems. ???????????????????????????????????????????? How large is the mind and it's contents? There are many ways to look at this and look for information on it that may be useful in one's practice. Mandalas, thangkas, temple paintings, and characteristic sacred art offers some models hat the cultures that invented many of our favorite systems seemed to prefer for representing the size of mindspace. Look at the backgrounds of many of the mandalas so valued that they were turned into important sacred objects. What do you see? Dozens to hundreds of figures, many tiny scenes and stories, all dynamically active and filling every otherwise unfilled square inch. That's a representation of what is within us. Here's an example:
  4. Okay so it's been one week now of me doing nothing and just wandering around. I feel board enough to get back to some more goal oriented tasks. My chick died today I was listening to one of Leo's old videos about passion and I guess I am that lucky person who happened to find her passion as the first thing to come in contact with. However, I do believe that what I think I'm passionate about needs refining and revisiting but overall the main core has never changed not even once, for me it can't be anything else. So the reason I wanted to watch that passion video was because of this. I was thinking about how my life would unfold and everything and the thing about it was what I want is sth that is not offered in a direct way and if I'm not vigilante enough as I get older I could easily go in all the wrong ways so even in my mind when following up on the normal routine path I could go in, what I was left with in the end was a dead end with nothing satisfying or meaningful in any way I would like so that made me quite depressed until I realized the reason for that sadness was that I had lost my vision even in my mind and realized that, that path was never supposed to be the path I go in so for that reason suddenly everything seemed so bleak and hopeless cause it was totally out of alignment with the original vision of mine. So tomorrow I'm gonna do some real deep visualization plus some long meditation cause I haven't been meditating for a while now and really miss that bliss of being in the moment with no thoughts and also try setting some helpful goals for the moment and keep productive cause I can't stomach this anymore, not that I can't but I'm more worried it would go down a negative spiral after a certain amount of time of wandering around. One more thing is me not being able to gather information on some pivotal subjects almost no where and I just don't have access to the right information in order to identify my limiting beliefs about how some things work cause I actually don't know and the thing is I've realized what tends to be sth everyone talks about is almost always wrong but I wouldn't know that unless I have a very legit source to prove me wrong and in some cases, I've seen how prevalent some misinformation can be among people but other cases that I need some accurate information in, I can't know for sure and there's literally no way I can think of to get the right access and that's a pain in the ass. Besides all that, as if that weren't bad enough, everything around here is so unstable that would kill any attempt for planing for your future and that's sth every young adult has to deal with and that's what's making everyone so pissed off. I mean everything's hard right now like super hard and the trouble comes when you know that it's that hard only for you and other people in other countries don't actually have to deal with the things I have to deal with and that pisses anyone off even more than they already are and that's just becoming intolerable now. That means I don't know anything anymore, I just don't and no one does either and all I can do is to just wait for the next best thing I can do and that's as far as I can go, only one other move ahead and that's it and I know uncertainty doesn't always have to be a problem and successful people have a high tolerance for uncertainty but this is actually different and I'm not that crazy about it but still certain things are so stable in some countries that the way those successful people deal with uncertainty is by relying on some of the basics which they know won't change and to me at this point those basic stuff are just a luxery I can't afford. I don't mean to be so naggy about all that but those are just the brutal realities of my life which makes me bleak and hopeless and it can really rub me off of my energy which I could otherwise invest in some more profitable areas so yes it's gonna hurt me and not just me you know Whatever, I'm at least optimistic even in a situation like this where no hope can survive, it really can't and you know in the past I would think that there has to be a way, there's always a way but now I realize if others don't want that they can actually control you way easier than you'd ever think possible. It's actually much easier than you think to corner someone so bad that all they can do is to accept, just accept the situation and say what come may, that could literally be all you could do about it. And I'm not talking about victim mentality here, it can literally be the case just take Saudi Arabia for example, they don't allow women to have separate bank accounts or to drive a car( at least couple years ago that was the case) or to rent houses if they're not married so what other options do you think a person like that can have to break free, nothing specially if it were also the case that they couldn't leave the country easily so then it would be a very miserable life to live with no actual options of being untraditional, you see? Now that is not my situation but sth quite similar so you know, basically I can do nothing but to shut up and accept the situation, that's it, only with the hope of a better tomorrow.
  5. 1. a suicide bomber, after his death, will be in "heaven" and get his 72 virgins. 2. heaven with gardens, fruits, milk-lakes (Quran/Bible version of Heaven) exists. about # 1 first. How can this be? the bomber is claiming so many innocent lives - how can such a person go to heaven? The answer: he goes to his version of heaven. We know that from God's point of view, there is no good/evil - it's all one, no distinctions So what appears to us in our experience is what we expect (law of attraction) What really drives this manifestation to reality is the BELIEF in it. We expect to die when we go in the water and cannot breath, or jump off a sky-scraper... (sounds silly, i know) but this expectation is another word for blind-belief, without a shred of a doubt... most suicide bombers/terrorists - especially in Afghanistan/Iraq etc are BRAINWASHED by another, promising heaven/72 virgins in the afterlife if they do this deed for the sake of God/Allah what we must realize is that these persons reach levels of belief that is unbroken, it is a 100% surety for them. some of these were taught when they were young kids... they have been grown up as lamb for slaughterING - so to them, it is an absolute truth that the end result is heaven their consiousness is clear - there is no guilt. only guilt needs to be gotten rid of. guilt/good/bad feelings are all illusiory... so provided that they have 100% belief in the end result, that is what they will manifest/see after death. that due to his/her deed, she/he is now in heaven (in the way it is consturcted in their mind - with other souls also living in that place jsut as others live among us in this dream of the "world" ) and in that construct of heaven, he/she will live eternally - he/she may never recognize the true nature/essence of us (may eventually) but that is the reality in which she/he lives after death AS THEIR MIND EXPECTS IT TO also. to those who practice law of attraction/manifestation. it only works if you have undying belief in the process not just that, if i think about being rich or getting money outta nowhere, it will happen. if you somehow became aware of the mechanics of this, and did believe as strongly as you do about dying if jumping outta building, then you will manifest that reality infront of you almost instantly about # 2 if one takes the pious/normal route to death and again, she/he is a believer of the heaven promised by Quran/bible - then that is where she/he will dwell allow me to ask you this. sure all that would/could be another construct of reality which is all illusiory - but given the option, would you not take it? that you can never die - live eternally in bliss and harmony - live with whoever you wish/will, marry or whatever as many women as you please (because that's the law of the land - in heaven, as we are told and as is constructed in your mind) in short: one having not a firm enough believe may not get this version of heaven after life, it is ultimately our beliefs which define our reality very important to note that this promised heaven is still illusiory but who will complain if one lives in eternal illusion if there is no pain, hungery, violence and nothing but fun,sex,food, no disease, no dirt, peace the higher level of full transesnedant out of the illusion to the god-head / oneness state is still the most higher level but this path/end still awaits to those souls who would be having this experinince knowing reality as all possiblities that can be, and all are now - then these states i describe above absoultely do exist. nothing can not exist. just the road-way, pathway to there needs to be taken - mechanism and belief is the key
  6. Yes. I agree. The same path must be walked... Starting on that path now makes it easier post-death even if enlightenment isn't achieved... The Knowing of this, what we are (awareness/not an individual), helps to detach easier after death. Again, who can confirm this... But seems very likely... What we are, remains. So one moment you're alive and in the body-mind and then your body dies, yet you remain, correct? So thus, begins the judgement/ego-death process when the One who is still aware post body death dives down into finding out what she/he really is - Those deep hidden demons Leo and others talk about which bubble up as we meditate and what not is what our guilts/fears/darkness are. And to truly detach and find peace one must allow these to pass and surrender to them... One must go thru hell before heaven can be achieved. The smaller your guilt/bad deeds which you're subconsciously guilty about/darkness - the easier your path forward. One thing which God/Allah says in Quran that he will forgive all sins, no matter how cruel etc but He will not forgive the Sin of Shirk - which is associating another power with God or saying there is more than One God... The other way to look at this is that God/Infinite/Absolute will not allow for that heavenly peace of Ego-Death unless/until one accepts the Oneness... That soul will continue to dwell in that depth of hell until it realizes that it's part of the One... That's what's being said/pointed to there. God bless us All and guide us to the path of Heaven(yes, not the gardens where lakes of milk are flowing etc - but eternal bliss/peace/love)
  7. A Week or two of Deep Inner Transformation I have enjoyed fasting, and meditation so much that I want to dedicate at least a week to these practices, perhaps longer. During this time I'll be off the internet, and enjoying the smaller things in life. I plan on spending most of my time for the next few months in meditation to reach enlightenment, so I wanted to start off with a strong start. This is again a natural thing for me to do, not forced, it was always destined to be. This is a culmination of everything I've learnt, coming into being. After this retreat anything is possible. I may finish this week realising that I am one with God, or come out as a true Breatharian. For certain, the practice of focusing on my heart will become a habit in my subconscious mind, which means all of these gifts I mentioned and more will come. When you are heart-centred, sooner or later the never ending bliss that we already are will dawn upon us, it is a win-win on all levels. Energetically one who sits and meditates upon their heart is raising the vibration of an entire planet for the liberation of all unawakened souls to see how brightly they already shine. It is so with my deepest love for humanity and for myself that I embark upon this adventure on a deeper level than I have before, and see just what there is to find. I will keep meditating until I know myself as oneness, and have fully embodied my higher self, which may take a few months. I'm ready for this adventure. See you on the flip side everyone, and have a lovely week
  8. And to celebrate this how about another urine fast! Oh how I love fasting nowadays, it is wonderful. I love exploring the potential of the human being to no end. I am dedicated to becoming the oneness that I already am, and living with the all-knowingness, kindness, compassion, generosity, bliss, omnipotency, love, and peace of the God that I am. This seperate identity I have is a deeply fascinating manifestation of God consciousness that deserves investigation, and I will, as the God consciousness itself that I am. I want to see through the eyes of God, because why not? It's possible, so why not go for it, no matter how great the challenge is. We all have this potential, abiding the laws of this universe of course But to what extend these laws have upon the physical dimension, and astral dimension and all dimensions is uncharted; something I am pioneering in the search for the infinite creator.
  9. The internet really pulls you back in. There are already cravings again to search for more sources of entertainment, and just to think that I few days ago I was content sitting in a room, staring inside of my heart. Such is the nature with food. I felt a bit peckish last night and decided to have a 10 cashew nuts with my superfood mix; oh how I regret it. Having just a little bit of solid foods makes me crave for more. But after a few days without solid foods, the body somehow adapts, and the cravings subside, leaving only more love for this present moment. I'm glad I have feel back into these addictions just to see how entrained my subconscious mind is to physical stimulation and entertainment. It has woken me up to how a few years of constant instant gratification can mess up my mind, it scares me, yet makes my resolute stronger to let go again and again of the internet and solid foods, to feel the joy of surrendering to the cravings, and arriving in emptiness, then connecting to love on a deeper level than ever before I forgot to mention that once I spent a few days fasting, with no instant gratification, I could finally see the true source of all addiction which was my subconscious mind which manifests as thoughts and emotions. Without being attached to anything externally, I could successfully reach a state of no thoughts by focusing on the heart. With being attached to dopamine inducing activities, the willpower and focus was not enough to overcome the lure of the subconscious mind. To truly overcome the subconscious mind, complete focus and deep meditation is required I found out. I am blessed and grateful to have realise this, that addictions are cycles the subconscious mind uses when something uncomfortable in the present moment arises to avoid such a thing. When rooted in the heart I have experienced that everything is accepted and embraced in the present moment, this is a part of meditation. Another part is that the love in our hearts purifies the subconscious mind over time by releasing anything low vibrational and retraining it so that it only knows pure bliss. That's why staying in the heart is the most important practice I know of, no matter what the furniture of life looks like, and I'm not alone in this observation. So too does Ramana Maharshi teach this, and Lincoln. My intention, at this time, is to do things that help me surrender into myself on the deepest level possible to see myself as oneness. That means meditation. Once I realise this, well, then I can create from this understanding that I am one, and live that truly expresses my souls desires. I am afraid to jump into meditation for days at a time, and unsure whether to go to a temple to do this because my family is quite unreceptive to my greatest dreams. Yet I know this to be perfect, for if they were receptive I wouldn't have the motivation to do this, I wouldn't be in enough suffering to meditate for those first gruelling few days, to see the happiness on the other side. As Lincoln said meditation, which involves focus upon an object, reduced thoughts, physical movements and emotional activity, is the only true way of realising ourselves as the infinite intelligence and then, as the consciousness that holds everything. I have the time, I have the space, I have the means, and the willingness, and so I choose to meditate willingly and fast for days at a time to help me surrender. This comes very naturally to me, all of this monk-like lifestyle is my dream as of this time. For how could one ever not meditate endlessly for hours when they know that infinite bliss is on the other side? And when suffering is all that is created when not rooted in the centre of our hearts? It is time I self-actualise further in this journey. I want to say good-bye to the internet for the time being, and to anything but surrender into my heart. I am going to make this inspiring change. Whether in my home or in a temple I am still getting advice on, but regardless the surrender will happen. Fear holds me back of facing what IS. And of facing my family whose dreams for me are different than the dreams I have for myself, whose doubt for everything on my path has been almost as unconditional as my love for them. But my love is more unconditional than any one dedication to fear, or worry. Even that is their attempt at finding happiness given their understanding of themselves and life. A new environment sounds amazing and fun such as to be in China, yet I will still need to practice hours of meditation and restrict caloric diets for the next few weeks before making any move. I need so little physical sustenance to live, in fact I believe that I only need urine, which makes me unbelievably confident when travelling to other countries. I am a nice, benevolent, and kind hearted soul; and I treat others as such. I'm also not afraid to ask for help, and reach out to others. With those qualities travelling the world, and staying in temples, or camping would be such a joy. Yet whatever decision is a good one, but an environment where people have the same goals as myself, and similar practices would be better. I will not dive into this recklessly, I will take a few weeks of surrender first to everything, eating only my baby cup of superfoods, and meditating, and see then if I still desire to go and travel. My family has gotten better with this, and there is a possibility that we could work together such that I can stay at home and do this work, but if they become a major hinderance (which isn't their fault, they do it out of love) then I must leave and find a more peaceful environment. This is because I deserve to live in an environment where I'm allowed to be myself, without my family telling me that I am going insane, or am hurting myself without knowing it. I can handle it, but when it becomes the only words they speak to me, it becomes a place I'd prefer not to be. I have trust that the best outcome will happen, likely I will move to a temple in nature for a few months and travel, because it would mean I'd be able to experience the world while evolving into oneness. And it just seems so exciting. So I shall prepare and ask myself once more in a week or two. If I still want to I will talk to Lincoln about it more about ways to prepare, book a plane ticket, and leave. You may as well follow your excitement if there are no wrong decisions in life, as long as you do so from a surrendered place. Feeling much lighter from that mental dump. And so the journey continues with renewed flare, of these exciting realities that I'm creating in the inner world and possibly in the outer world through travel. Peace, and oneness everyone.
  10. Speechless. The Truth here is simple, and makes me feel not alone in it's embodiment. He said (paraphrasing) that focusing on the heart is more important than the physical things we do, that struck me to the core. That surrender, and meditation into, and upon the heart is the gateway to our freedom from the body, then emotions, and mind; to dissolve into bliss, and create from that beautiful empty infinite space. Every second we are always trusting this moment, trusting that the past will be of a similar nature to the future. So when trusting the heart, why do I think it of a oddity when my whole reality is predicted upon trust? Any moment this world could vanish, yet I trust it. Then it seems only natural to trust the most fundamental part of myself, my heart, if I, and humanity, is trusting, and has trusted since the beginning of time something as random, and changeable as the external world. Why not trust in what is constant, and in a constant state of bliss, and of which makes a difference in physical life; our heart? Why give trust to thoughts when they constantly change, or to people, more generously than to my heart? Since when has a thought helped me surrender into this present moment? Since when has an emotion helped me surrender and trust my heart deeper? This has distracted me from my eternal nature, as well as made me identify with a personal self that represents such malleability to change given the thoughts and emotions. It makes sense to surrender into every moment. Especially when you don't need thoughts to take actions, the heart now takes the actions. The heart is like a infinite brain, with infinite wisdom; our brain is one of thoughts and emotions and has a limited perspective of reality. It is useful in receiving information from this infinite brain of course, but we were never meant to identify with it. To choose to identify with infinity in every moment is this path of spirituality. The light of the heart will purify everything, as long as we keep surrendering to its divine love, wholeness, and perfection no matter arises in our reality.
  11. Back a little early in hindsight of the past few days. Why not stay in a constant state of meditation if that is what leads to true happiness? Why create anything? Answer: Sitting on a cushion is a form of creation. But then the question is: "Why create anything else but meditation?". Yes! We should not create anything but meditation or in other words, surrendering to the moment. In this meditative state (after many hours of surrender), we don't take actions but actions happen through us. By forming such a deep connection with the heart, your hearts natural desire will use your body to perform actions, speak words, live life while we have surrendered even our personal will power to this heart just to be in the bliss of meditation. We can do this while doing anything in life by constantly surrendering to the moment by letting it destroy you in every way imaginable. Let it shatter your expectation, hurt and abuse you; while responding with only more love and kindness. Let all judgements collapse, let all thoughts wither away, let all emotions be. You can do this on a cushion, and do this in everyday life. Simply by surrendering awareness into the heart, all of the above naturally happens. As I feel particularly disconnected from oneness, the cushion is more so my preference, and such a practice cannot go wrong, for once more connected, the tendency to move through this world by divine will, will take over. In other words, one day you'll get off the cushion and just start to do things. I always maintain focus on my heart no matter what characters or circumstances arise because my love is unconditional. The master is the one who gently focused on the heart, and then became one with the heart. That is where the true journey begins, divinity consciously playing in form; fearless, all-loving, all-knowing, gracious, blissful, joyous, relaxed, and trusting. The heart is the gift that keeps on giving. I trust that it will destroy everything I know myself to be, in a moment of deep surrender. That it's love will dissolve all of my human conditioning, and shine far out into the world for the wellbeing of every human. Relaxation is surrender, relax into this moment by letting your heart devour every cell of your body, and every last thought, and every last desire. If you don't know what to do, surrender the one who wants to know what to do.
  12. They have benefits if one knows how to use the breath to awaken the energy in the legs, after... each finger of the hands and feet is directly connected to a specific wheel of energy/chakra. So to achieve a desired state of mind or state of bliss, there are specific mudras that one can discover playing with them and see what happens or learn about specific mudras in the books. As we all in different stages, wirings, experiences, I'd say: try out and experience what is better for you. As with foods.
  13. To sit for hours, one needs heavy breathing and Haritaki to boost oxygen. After practice, there is no more pain because the nerves and arteries go into full throttle with Kundalini. Is horrific the pain until you get the river to flow inside, but worth it after. Don't get discouraged, find bliss in pain. <3
  14. You may have your dopamine receptors damaged due to the abuse of weed and tasty food, if you follow this lifestyle then it will be medically impossible to experience happiness. Stay away from short term gratification and stimulation. When your brain will be healed you will experience pure bliss just meditating. The little pleasures in life will feel like enormous pleasure.
  15. No, it doesn't. Being older makes it easier. Or at least it can. There is a very large range of individual differences. Just because a person is 60 does not mean they have become a whole person, able to disassemble and put away their individuality without craving or attachment because they have fully lived a life. Especially not in our society. When you are 20, you have less stored material in the structures of your mind and selfhood systems, which in theory might make it easier to disassemble them and put them away and for whatever remains to enter freedom. But, a 20-year-old is also full of cravings and has not had the life experiences which will let the,m know with certainty that what is craved is not a fulfillment of the craving. Even tho they might know intellectually that craving just is, it's built in, unfulfillable, the deep knowing that there is no end to craving isn't theirs yet. What happens is often something like this, when you have an enlightenment in your twenties. You have an experience which is real, significant, and powerful. But, pretty much right away, the craving comes back. And then, ironically, you're enlightenment can become a burden, unless you have 'right understanding' of what happened to you. because you will think in the thinking and word using brains that reassembled for you after the enlightenment, "hey, I'm enlightened, I understand this and I understand that." And maybe you do understand those things. But only a small part of you does, and large areas of you are exactly the same as before (or maybe worse). Chances are not bad that you may have met someone who is in fact in that state, they've had a strong "enlightenment", and in some ways, they seem enlightened, but in a bunch of other ways, they really don't seem enlightened. And all too often they are unaware that there is a contradiction between parts, that they can be saying something profound while acting out something really lame and banal. Why do I say these things, and how do I know? I had my first "enlightenments" in my twenties. I'm in my sixties now. Lots of other reasons I could offer to the "how f do I know", but that is enough. If you are wondering if you need to push to enlightenment now because it will be harder later, it does not work quite like that. What makes it harder is attachments and cravings. If right now you have no wife, no children, no possessions, you have few attachments but may have many cravings. In your thirties, you may have a wife, and find yourself with children and a job and such. You will probably have even more cravings, and you will have a huge load of attachments. "enlightenments" would be very hard, and if you got it, it could be a disaster for those you love and for you as well. At 60, you might be a bitter craving old man who never lived, or you might be a serene complete man who lived everything available, and each of those states offers its own unique problem,s. Something to keep in mind. "Enlightenment" confers no special benefits. We think it will. It doesn't. It's tricky to explain what this really means and how it works. Because you do get things. The ability to be in bliss at will, for example. Sounds like it's a benefit, right? But in practice, it's not. It's kinda logical too. If there is no difference between you and all other beings, no difference between you and god, no difference between one's appearance of awareness and the ground of which one is aware, how would it be possible for you to get special benefits? Now, or wait? That's your decision to make.
  16. Awakening is too good to be understood by language and notions. The feeling is not what one will expect before awakening. It becomes bliss even if one is in horrific pain per example. After, there is only one law that rules in the living world, on the light side of the matter. The infinite cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
  17. Well maybe someone is able to attain that state at will. I personally can't even though I had random moments. Maybe yogis and Buddhist monks can, not sure. But I doubt most people can. I think they may experience it a few times in their lives like via near death, psychedelics or even random moments and as a result came to this realization. But once your mind comes creeping back you end up forgetting alot of it which makes it really hard to recall. I think mediation allows this consciousness or whatever you want to call it, to flow through you to where you have a higher sense of intuition and creative ideas, a sense of peace and love since they come from this state, place or whatever it is. That's one thing I forgot to mention. You also experience unimaginable bliss. Like you felt no love like this. Its that agape, or unconditional love people speak of. You'll know when you're ready to trip when you ready to surrender and have a "it is what it is" attitude. You know how somethings happen in life and you're whatever about it? Yea gwt that going if you're not already. Don't try to control the trip. Let it be. The more you fight it the tougher it will get. They call it a trip for a reason. Because you will be going on a trip lol
  18. @martin_malin All I have to say is -wow. It's like mr. Campbell wrote this just for me to see. @Elisabeth Thank you for your kind words and encouragment. You are absolutely right. I CAN take care of myself. Survival is not a problem in today's world. And also if I don't follow my bliss now, when will I ever do it? Thank you again.
  19. @Leo Gura Question please. For someone like yourself who has had many breakthrough/enlightening experiences... how does that compare to Sadhguru/Ruper Spira/Mooji etc? Like for them, during their each individual path, they have surrenedered and detached so much that when they finally had the last layer stripped away from them of the ego, they are able to remain in that state permanently? so for you, when you did the 1-month off goal for May 2018 - that was an attempt to become like them? in permanent state of bliss? you are not able to remain in that state as they are because you still have some ego/attachments left? just trying to understand the process... i dont know if i overthink this tbh... like often, i wonder if that "infinite love that one feels like they are drowning in" is a state that all these sages can just tap into at will thruout the day?
  20. Hey All, Again, this is not my personal experience but rather intellectual understanding based on my reading of trip reports and Leo's/Other Guru's videos. Here it is. Leo has been reincarnated. Leo and all those who have had "breakthroughs" on DMT/SHROOM/LSD etc trips. How so? Leo, as well as other people's trip reports I have read say this: "I died." That is how they see the truth. upon their death. Call it ego-death or whatever, but as Leo has said this many times - ego-death vs our normal definition of physical death, are really the same thing. Ego-Death isn't anything less than the "REAL-Physical" death of a person. Now where is the "reincarnation"? Many trip reports I have read, people say that they spent an eternity in that state of one-ness, of eternal bliss or whatnot etc before "returning" back to their bodies. Now people say this also, that when we are born, we "choose" to incarnate in a certain body, knowing all well what we intend to do in that lifetime of the person we are being born as. So what we can say is this, when people who just take these substances have a breakthrough experience where they have an ego-death - they then "choose" to come back to this reality. They come back fresh from having downloaded all those insights in their heads. All the questions answered. and with that knowledge etched in their subconsious, they are usually in that bliss-full state for the 1st few days / weeks after that breakthrough trip. Slowly they integrate back to the earthly life (those who are not on the spirtual path more quickly than the one who has taken the subtance knowing about this) so basically, their previous self before the trip is literally dead. They come back as the "new" version/life of themselves. and this is no different than reincarnation. unsure what mechanism is upon physical-death where the body dies and there isn't anything to return back to... then you maybe "choose" or incarnate near the timeline of ur death... except when we incarte after physical-death, this is done in baby-infant form. where all those insights that we know of, and even the memory of that place, is all lost. even in a fully grown adult state, the experince is barely recalled and whatever is recalled is also said to be a mere pointer and not even 1% of what was witnessed. i feel like this maybe all over the place but yeah, my insight about this is in here somewhere i hope
  21. I also listen to Kip's music from time to time. His art is incresible and can put me into great bliss. I usually focus on the breath or directly on awareness and let the music resonate with my body. Very quickly I an vibrating like crazy!
  22. Here is a short list of technology's good and bad sides I've learnt from experience over the years. Technology Benefits Information is readily available (discovering new views, and understandings) leading to our expansion and deeper connection with ourself when we bring what we learn into direct experience. Connects you when you are not connected geographically. Spreads messages of love, and oneness through communities. Downfalls Spread of hate, problems with the world. Numb state of Mind. Disconnection from the people around us, including ourselves. Relying on a phone for happiness rather than our hearts. Usually an escape from intimacy, uncomfortable emotions and being present in general: Key practices to reach enlightenment. Divides us from knowing who we are, and what we enjoy doing. We don't see that God is in everything that arises. Promotes instant Gratification. Concentration for long periods of time is reduced. Puts our minds typically in a Beta wave state of consciousness. We become less intimate with people, robotic. Dependancy on loving communities to feel accepted, and to feel love; instead of looking at the angel within. Up to Decades of life is spent in a virtual world (in a dark room without fresh air and sunlight) instead of exploring the real world such forests, doing things we love (instruments), and being with other human beings. Being inside can lead to mental, emotional, and physical illnesses; lower our vibration, disconnect us from nature, and take us further into separation away from oneness which feels like total bliss. Being inside as a result of technology can also deactivate areas of our brain, and lead to reduced sleep quality. We feel less expansive indoors, and especially whilst focusing on a screen. The low frequency of a artificial screen along with the lack of certain types of energies we would get from sunlight trains our subconscious mind to that frequency. Ultimately we live a shorter, less fulfilled life when we rely upon anything external from love. All of these points in themselves are quite significant if you go through the full consequences of each one, and how ones whole life would be affected just by spending too much time being indoors on any kind of technology such as TV's, video games, phones and laptops. It's important to do things that bring more love, expansion and oneness in life which technology can offer such as with learning about how ancient societies like the Mayans were so much different from our own yet were more connected to nature and closer to God behind their primitive appearance. Or about the latest scientific findings that are less mainstream, or as a way of learning something real such as yoga. In the end we must remember technology is a virtual world, and as we evolve we will move more away from it back to nature which is the ultimate piece of technology in existence Think of Jesus, or God, and if he were you; what he do? One such person I know similar to this is Matt Kahn who spends an hour or two a week online outside of writing books to write a FaceBook blog. Lincoln Gergar goes on FaceBook once a week, emails once a day for his business. That tells you something. I know live by, if I'm really excited to research something, I'll do it. But I must be excited which is the case maybe once or twice a week. And I'd be fine without internet, I'd just read more books, and meet people locally etc. and also, I know what to do to experience infinite love after a year of deep research, so it's easier to just be now without that itch of seeking. It's defiantly an addiction I have, and fasting, meditation, sunlight, and love has helped a lot. I feel dependant on this, as I did food all but a week ago. I just stay because I don't want to miss out on the next biggest insight, I just stay out of fear. I'm going to do a 7 day urine fast starting tomorrow, and in that time I will also do a 7 day fast from technology to reestablish a healthy relationship with it. I'll meditate and spend more time outside, and read some of Matt Kahn and Lao Tzu. I will meditate for a few hours too to establish the formal practice again in my life (I always informally meditate upon my heart-centre). I do this knowing that no thoughts is an essential part of awakening, and the source of all other addictions. I'll talk more about thoughts in the future. I will face all of that fear of missing out, and all of the detoxification symptoms linked with being normalised to instant gratification. It's gonna be fun, uncomfortable, and gratifying on a long term level which feels amazing. I just feel grateful to be alive to write this, and that's what I wish to expand. I'll update my experience on 8/7/18. I intend for these fasts to be the most transformative and deeply healing of my life.
  23. I would suggest DMT or 5-Meo if you want a more powerful experience that will blast your fears. Yes they will come up but shortly after you will know you either surrender and let go or experience extreme suffering which in most cases you will probably pass out if you hold on too long but something greater part of yourself always seems to take over and guide you that it will be okay. Or you could take some raw cacao high quality grade dark chocolate and eat half a bar or make a rich hot chocolate beforehand or when coming up into the mushroom experience. There's so many positive and bliss inducing/love chemicals in cacao it has been used with psychedelics and mushrooms for thousands of years. Some people with extreme cases of fear/anxiety use small doses of MDMA with Mushrooms. You'd have to research the most preferred timings for these kind of flips. Candyflip, Nexsusflips, Hippieflips ect..
  24. I did a 7 day retreat earlier this year and felt 5meo like effects on and off from like the 5th day on. Mostly it was during dreams, I had one very brief non-dual experience when waking from a dream (became the whole screen so to speak) and other than that i felt some 5meo like bliss (albeit subtle) during/around sleep at the end of the week. Apart from that I definitely had strong visions that begun on the 5th day (not sure which psychedelic chemical would be responsible here as apparently dmt doesn't get released till 10 days in the dark but who knows), sort of like scenes including figures/creatures moving around and also projected a full cave onto my apartment (no auditory hallucinations but they can appear after a bit longer i have read). It like created a space for this cave sort of encompassed within the perimeter of my apartment but of course not perfectly accurate so it made it hard to move around. then a cave ceiling that seemed to be 10m high with sharp rocks hanging from the top. I was pretty blown away that it was happening to me and it was just getting more and more intense as the days went on. I am hopefully going to do 10 days in September (still got the black garbage bags over my windows) because then I am sure I would have had some more 5meo like effects along with more vivid visions as colours and density was getting progressively more intense. It is very gradual though. The first 4 or 5 days all i got was the dark flashing white strobe like lights and weird pixelated light energy type stuff. Then all of a sudden things appear in the peripherals and from there it opened up for me. Probably the hallucinations are all just a distraction from the meditation etc but it was a bizzare experience i feel not many humans will ever have. Not taught this stuff at school about the brain haha. The figures were pretty creepy and often reaching out at me, but nothing too overwhelming as it still seemed just like a fake projector. It didn't have like a presence in the room if that makes sense. It was pitch black for me. I cooked in the dark (all i eat is meat) and wore a blindfold to cover my eyes from the flame and used a timer. You could somehow prep other sort of food im sure. Then i covered black garbage bags over windows, but be careful with this because some of the paint is ripped from it, think you can use some sort of attachment sheet for the wall. Covered every bit of light (even fire alarms etc) because your eyes become so adjusted that even the slightest dot makes a difference. It was quite an effort doing it in my own apartment but still much better than paying to do it away. Was nice knowing my bearings around the apartment as well. It was bloody tough though of course, don't even have sight to distract you haha quite uncomfortable like you're entombed.
  25. Although I don't wish to get too lost in diet, it is such an important part of awakening. My new "regime" is to eat 3 small meals a week while drinking urine, and some herbal teas. This may be taking it to far, but I wasn't born to play life safely e.g. I love until it feels like my heart explodes, and I constantly focus on it 24/7. I am not relenting until I experience the bliss of God every second, to feel so loved by myself, that my child-like heart expands and engulfs anything unrepresentative of God. I've been receiving these moments of euphoria for existing in this world in times where I surrender into the heart whilst in this fasted state. It happens more and more while fasting, it's as though it amplifies the love I have for life more expansively. I get these moments too where I become aware of how "thin" my identity of myself as a human being is, of how easily and how in any moment it could crumble, making me become no thing. This fasting, and prayer of love, and purity has created a new life for me, and it will keep growing the more I surrender to this moment. I can surrender much more than I am. I know my potential is much higher than what I believe. I live in a world of people who are disconnected from love, reconnecting myself to love. When you have no example of a person who is all-loving and kind, it just makes this awakening all the more rewarding and personal. I am on the first wave of ascension, so I'm the one showing people what it means to dare to be love. I am hurt, heartbroken and shattered for no reason I can find; and in response, I trust my heart further, and surrender deeper and deeper and deeper. Because anything that arises is only here to make us surrender into the light, which looks a lot like nothingness. The kingdom of heaven is.