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  1. ⭕️= the part/finite Truth=the whole/infinite/nothingness Truth isn't split. It is the whole. Then mind is part of the whole. Percieved through the perspective of duality. But all an idea until the movement of duality ends actually. EMBODIMENT OF TRUTH. IN THIS ONE DOESNT KNOW TRUTH. BUT ONE IN ACTION/NON-ACTION IS TRUTH ITSELF.
  2. I think I need to reiterate what is it that I felt. If that is the truth, then it is scary: Life is a kind of meaningless hell for everyone - from which there is no escape. There is no loving consciousness keeping watch over us. All we can do is find another human being to form attachments with - human contact can, to a little extent, provide succour. Our work, interests, life styles are distractions from facing the awful truth of the hopelessness and meaninglessness of our existences. We can grasp at all these things only to mask the emptiness that is within us. It is all that humans can do. Death itself is not an answer - there is no escape. It is all darkness and nothingness.
  3. If one dreams this implies thought is in movement. Thought is always old “static” dead. If there is dreamlessness, this implies that movement is alive “dynamic” or compete, ”nothingness” In this dreamlessness is the closest we can get to communion to nothingness.
  4. I just had lunch, and I eat too quickly with too much carbonates I think. Anyway I went tired but I started to write on a PM to @tsuki I tried to concentrate, then my head doze off for a millisecond or something, then I continue to write, and it happened again, and then procedure continued until I decided to write the PM later. Anyway, during these micro naps, because it was so brief, I could almost notice the absence of everything, even absence of consciousness, like a short span(millisecond or something) of absolute nothingness, not nothingness in a new age fashion, but REAL nothingness, like a total blank. Like death. Maybe we are "dead" when we are at deep sleep, or are we conscious but we fail to recognise it because mind fail to grasp the "absence-of-mind-consciousness." ?
  5. Wow, being super aware that all thought, language are like a unit of measurement, a unit of meaning you could say. That in actual fact, none of it is actually a true reflection of the reality of the situation, although thoughts and units of measurement do exist within the spectrum of existence, through the form of thought. By that definition alone, language is always going to be entirely dependant on each persons unique interpretation of the symbolism. As each persons interpretation varies and again, the idea that thoughts somehow bridge the gap from one type of existence and the other in our continuous effort of designating the identity of a "thing" that's mere creation was by selecting arbitrary points and whatever is within those limits of definition becomes a unit of meaning. The idea of life being a rorschach test is perfect. The rorschark test is like the mini babuszka inside the biggest babuszka. Because it accurately infers a reality that in truth is not bound up by the meaning of the process. As the meaning of the rorsharc has a seemingly indirect consequence that still happens when you symbolise the reality of the rorscharch by refering to it through sounds and thoughts. The very tool in which you are using to describe itself is affected by the consequence of translation. Which is, translating a real life event by accessing a reality that is not the reality in question. Which begs to differ when thinking about reality, that we are using thought, which is an expression of reality in one form but aswell things can be viewed in many different viewpoint. Ever try to think a thought? What is a thought? You can witness a thought, but it really feels to me like what the rorscharch test shows is that it reveals how humans process reality. Through the process in which it operates under. You are essentially connecting the dots from previously assembled formula's and systemic arbitrations arbitrarily chosen. When you begin to look for starting points and ending points, and the definitive border each thought has. That it can't exist outside of the boundaries created for it to exist in. Which were created by me which admittedly used a fallible process to prove the process was fallible. This is the snake eating it's tail. It's like getting somewhere and achieving something that then applied a rule that for you to reach this it must have meant that you never ever, ever even came close to walking the same path and picking up the same gauntlet which would have prompted it never to have happened..never to have happened, never to have happened. That never to have happened has a following never to have happened. How can nothingness appear to swallow itself like this?
  6. If you step forward you cannot step backward. If you both step forward and backward you stand still. If there is no duality, there is nothing at all. It is obvious. For god to exist you must cease to exist, and for you to exist god must cease to exist. Only when god and you both cease to exist there will be true nothingness. With limit the limitlessness has to cease, with limitlessness there has to cease limit. With absolute infinite there has to cease the self, and with the self there has to cease absolute infinity. To take a step backwards you must not take a step forward. Absolute infinity and finitude are two sides of the same coin. You can get lost in either of them. There is to be found boundless illusion in limit and limitlessness. Leo Gura will never cease to seek, because you cannot fully realize something that is endless. No amount of seeking will give you the truth, it will only give you more illusion, it will give you more of the other side of the coin. Enlightenment is to not be enlightened. The duality between nothing and everything. The duality between illusion and reality. There is nothing to realize, there is simply a coin to flip. One must find the middle way, the way to step forward and backwards at the same time, to stand still. There is no depth in stillness, the depth Leo is seeking comes from a step backward, when all he was used to was taking step forwards. Leo confuses enlightenment with a pathway, when in truth it is a balancing act. A perfect balance between dualities. Depth can only be found when you lose balance and fall. To fall from one side to the other, you must as some point be in perfect balance, it is from self to god when you reach stillness, though god is not the balance, god is merely the other side that leads to the same pit.
  7. I'm at the same stage myself, on the verge of experiencing the complete infinite void of nothingness. To get there it's all about surrendering to the present moment. To accept that everything that arises whether it is a thought, feeling or a person is only here to be loved, and to that I say, "I love you". I love the one in me who is thinking about how neglected I am, I love you fear, I love you anger; it is endless. When nothing is obviously there to recieve love I always return my attention to my spiritual heart (slightly to the right of your physical heart) and keep saying "I love you" to it because it feels good. You can replace "I love you" with whatever kind words you want, the possibilities are infinite. I thought I would share this, as it has lead to massive progress, I feel like the light of the universe is shining through my heart. I live life like this because I know that my response to whatever arises is the most important thing to spiritually evolve, and I choose love because it is the highest vibration in existence. And I always love my spiritual heart because it is the first place the universe enters a human body, so when I love my heart, I'm loving the entire freakin universe What a beautiful time you are at in your life. I'm always there for you if you need some more help.
  8. I'm starting to realise everything is nothing. It's nothing, everything! ? My mum, my dad my dogs, everything. Everything is complete nothingness. All there is, is nothing. I need to keep expanding this shit. I need to grasp this at an even deeper level, how?
  9. -I'm infinite (the nothingness says to the walls, doors and windows.) -No, you are a room(the walls, doors and windows tells the infinite)
  10. What makes up a room? The walls one might say. But the walls are nothing but a limitation on the one room(which is infinite, and therefore no room at all). Think about it, nothing ever happens within any wall. Everything happens between the walls, inside the space of nothingness. The word "walls" doesn't just describe real physical walls, but is also a great metaphor to all contents of mind. *Thoughts are walls that limiting infinite consciousness to be a "room" within the walls of thoughts *Words are walls that limiting infinite intuition into a "room" of understanding. Every word in this OP is nothing but a wall. But we sometime needs to create a "box" within one feel comfortable/familiar with exploration. But remember, not a single word(wall) tells you anything. Just as you never make love inside a wall, it happens between in the space of nothingness. If you pick up anything at all from this tread, it's because you let the nothingness between the words speaks to you. Some time in your life, when you least expect it, maybe when you forgot all about spiritual nonsense. Maybe some years from now when you're just having a happy moment, and then, BOOM, the nothingness will whisper to you.. The nothingness that is between words, the nothingness that is between thoughts, the nothingness that is between walls.. The nothingness that is outside of time, the nothingness that is outside of mind, the nothingness that is outside of the self.. The nothingness will whisper to you in a mysterious way.. I'm not nothing, I'm open(to everything)
  11. Question is do we see the significance of this?? Can we employ methods, techniques, systems, and all other movements of time to reach that which is timeless?? To do so implies a dualistic/divisive movement of the thinker. But the thinker is the thought. So any movement in this direction will remain dualistic. Tou see how any movement will remain contradictory??? Therefore “non duality” “nothingness” “truth” is not. That’s the difference between an intellectual understanding and true embodiment. Intellectual understanding is very partial/limited/finite. But to actually embody this truth is infinite energy/intelligence that is whole. This is where WISDOM IS BORN.
  12. I don't like the "I am awareness" phrase, because it kind of implies existence of some personal entity. I prefer "There is only awareness/one substance/nothingness" approach, since it doesn't carry that baggage. Most people "understand" words of spiritual teachers and are still not enlightened. I couldn't care less about someone's else interpretation of their words. I don't mean to offend you, the same applies to me.
  13. It's normal but it's not complete. If you know Truth then you take the chance to make a better world for you and for others. Why you feel lack of motivation is because your are still stuck in the other side of life called "nothingness". Don't stay there to long because nothing ever happens there ?❤️
  14. It's simple, it's just that the old spiritual paradigm has confused people by placing more importance on the third eye. This approach is putting the cart before the horse, which is why heart centered teachers are now becoming more popular as we enter the 4th density. Matt Kahn for example had a very open third eye and crown chakra but his heart was pretty closed, and from his experience, even though he saw the depths of nothingness, and had met ascended masters, he wrote in his book that none of this mattered until he started loving his heart. And when he started loving his heart, his nervous system could relax whereby he started to receive every non-dual insight taught today. This wisdom is something we usually don't get until we are in heaven reviewing our life, so embrace it is my suggestion.
  15. I like to watch myself, don't judge, life as a mirror can be lonely. I like to get lost in my imagination, as there's nothing else to do around here. I play all different kinds of roles, as my imagination has no limits. Although some of the roles can be dark, they are just as the bright ones. I get carried away and have trouble finding my way back to myself, but all roles constantly change and i always find my way back to nothingness, to just being a mirror. I like to watch myself, don't judge, life as a mirror can be boring. I like to go on adventures in my imagination, as there's nothing else to do around here. I imagine all kinds of experiences, as my boredom has no limits. Although some of them get a little weird, i feel no shame, as they are just an expression of nothing in particular. I get carried away and have trouble finding my way back to myself, but all experiences constantly fade and i always find my way back to nothingness, to just being a mirror. I am a mirror. I like to....
  16. All of existence is a dream/hallucination/false construct, including your ideas, your thoughts, your beliefs, and the very idea of who you are and what the world is. You do not exist. So your dreams are just part of the whole, part of the dream that is this 'reality'. Your dreams are part of everything, which is nothingness. It has no meaning.
  17. The desirer is the desired. The goal is the means. Transcending the brain would mean the ending of desire. Not controlling, suppressing, and using desire ”psychedelics” to do so. I'm telling you my friend, the ending of desire/experience is to transcend the brain model. One who has had extraordinary psychedelic experiences further strengthens the shackles of desire/the center and therefore becomes slave to experience...One then is strengthening the ego and perpetuating a constant movement into the illusion of psychological time. This is the trap of thought. This is well know to the wisest of the wise. As I have said desire is the initiator of the center. Are you free of experience???? Aren't you interested in this?? “It has been said that the highest wisdom lies in detachment, or, in the words of Chung-Tzu, ‘The perfect man employs his mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing; it refuses nothing; it receives, but does not keep.” This is an example of one who lives life free of experience. Consciousness free of the content/movement of the conditioned mind. The ending of experience is truth/nothingness. So why does one hold on to experience? Why does one depend on experience? Do you see the how this reinforcing experience and therefore preventing a creative experiencing. Don't you want to live everyday free of the past? Unless one does there is never a new moment. You are then living in the illusion of the past and the future..Do you see that? Get rid of the static and come with me to the dynamic. I know you really like your psychedelics and that's fine. Your choice. See if you can end the movement of desire which is the thought/ego. The energy released is so immense. And its continual and never ending. I invite you to see if it is possible for yourself
  18. I have almost been there, countless people have experienced it, it's more probable that it is real. But of course how it is experienced is far different from the concept of it. It can only be truly understood after experiencing it. But the ''i'' is not needed, existence can exist without the notion of an ''i'', it's just superficial language game. From my experiences, what absolute nothingness means is that the true nature of yourself is impersonal nothingness or emptiness, so much that you actually do not exist, you drown in the emptiness until you disappear then you become everything that is, at the end you stop identifying yourself as everything. Now only what IS is, alone. You can trigger this by being the observer yes, you can also trigger it with other methods, like introspection, self-inquiry, neti-neti method, etc.
  19. what does this concept "absolute nothingness" point to, and how do you know that it exists? well, obviously you dont know if it exists, but lets be openminded and consider an option that there is some transformation of consciousness that does SOMETHING, we dont know what. how does that happen to an individual? how to trigger it? since we hit an intellectual ceiling, we cant think our way there. what can we do? according to material i've read and listened to all you have to do is to be the observer for a long enough time. what I guess would increase the chances of a consciousness jump even more is destroying beliefs, that means not to focus on "what is this absolute nothingness, i have to understand it", but to focus on "what do i believe and dont know that i believe", question everything in other words. do you agree?
  20. You intellectually know that there is no ''I'' which I agree with but you have not experienced absolute nothingness (not me either) which is why we keep forgetting it. You say you are nothing but in fact you are non-existent. There simply just is what is. But you are not. What is simply is, but taking away a ''me'' from it can mean a lot. Space is created, existence is free to be the way it is, identification with existence perishes, but existence/awareness continues to be what it is, like it always have and always will. Existence is all there is, One and Alone. To say I am existence is to create separation, to say ''it'' is existence is to create another separation. No, it is undivided, One and self-existent, eternal without a second.
  21. I have no idea. Its just silence without any discrimination. even the thought 'I am observing' is also gone. I think this is the state I need to familiarize myself more and more until a irreversible breakthrough occurs. That's not how I do self inquiry. I tend to release all sorts of notions about ego/whole/nothingness/enlightenment etc. I just observe my direct experience and I consider every single movement of perception, thoughts and ideas as experience. I think its helpful to let go of these notions if you wanna keep up the observation. Or else the all theories about ego,enlightenment etc keeps creating more thoughts and expectations which easily can lead to frustration. That sounds like an obsession with the physical body to me. I mean I feel boundless sometimes and why should I bother myself about this limited body? I feel like the only reason we have a physical body is to transcend it, not to make it a permanent abode. thank you
  22. Shams Of Tabriz Befuddled believer! If every Ramadan one fasts in the name of God and every Eid one sacrifices a sheep or a goat as an atonement for his sins, if all his life one strives to make the pilgrimage to Mecca and five times a day kneels on a prayer rug but at the same time has no room for love in his heart, what is the use of all this trouble? Faith is only a word if there is no love at its center, so flaccid and lifeless, vague and hollow—not anything you could truly feel. Do they think God resides in Mecca or Medina? Or in some local mosque somewhere? How can they imagine that God could be confined to limited space when He openly says, Neither My heaven nor My earth embraces Me, but the heart of My believing servant does embrace Me. Pity the fool who thinks the boundaries of his mortal mind are the boundaries of God the Almighty. Pity the ignorant who assume they can negotiate and settle debts with God. Do such people think God is a grocer who attempts to weigh our virtues and our wrongdoings on two separate scales? Is He a clerk meticulously writing down our sins in His accounting book so as to make us pay Him back someday? Is this their notion of Oneness? Neither a grocer nor a clerk, my God is a magnificent God. A living God! Why would I want a dead God? Alive He is. His name is al-Hayy—the Ever-Living. Why would I wallow in endless fears and anxieties, always restricted by prohibitions and limitations? Infinitely compassionate He is. The name is al-Wadud. All-Praiseworthy He is. I praise Him with all my words and deeds, as naturally and effortlessly as I breathe. The name is al-Hamid. How can I ever spread gossip and slander if I know deep down in my heart that God hears and sees it all? His name is al-Başir. Beautiful beyond all dreams and hopes. Al-Jamal, al-Kayyum, al-Rahman, al-Rahim. Through famine and flood, dry and athirst, I will sing and dance for Him till my knees buckle, my body collapses, and my heart stops pounding. I will smash my ego to smithereens, until I am no more than a particle of nothingness, the wayfarer of pure emptiness, the dust of the dust in His great architecture. Gratefully, joyously, and relentlessly, I commend His splendor and generosity. I thank Him for all the things He has both given and denied me, for only He knows what is best for me. Recalling another rule on my list, I felt a fresh wave of happiness and hope. The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each and every one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it. Instead of losing themselves in the Love of God and waging a war against their ego, religious zealots fight other people, generating wave after wave of fear. Looking at the whole universe with fear-tinted eyes, it is no wonder that they see a plethora of things to be afraid of. Wherever there is an earthquake, drought, or any other calamity, they take it as a sign of Divine Wrath—as if God does not openly say, My compassion outweighs My wrath. Always resentful of somebody for this or that, they seem to expect God the Almighty to step in on their behalf and take their pitiful revenges. Their life is a state of uninterrupted bitterness and hostility, a discontentment so vast it follows them wherever they go, like a black cloud, darkening both their past and their future There is such a thing in faith as not being able to see the forest for the trees. The totality of religion is far greater and deeper than the sum of its component parts. Individual rules need to be read in the light of the whole. And the whole is concealed in the essence. Instead of searching for the essence of the Qur’an and embracing it as a whole, however, the bigots single out a specific verse or two, giving priority to the divine commands that they deem to be in tune with their fearful minds. They keep reminding everyone that on the Day of Judgment all human beings will be forced to walk the Bridge of Sirat, thinner than a hair, sharper than a razor. Unable to cross the bridge, the sinful will tumble into the pits of hell underneath, where they will suffer forever. Those who have led a virtuous life will make it to the other end of the bridge, where they will be rewarded with exotic fruits, sweet waters, and virgins. This, in a nutshell, is their notion of afterlife. So great is their obsession with horrors and rewards, flames and fruits, angels and demons, that in their itch to reach a future that will justify who they are today they forget about God! Don’t they know one of the forty rules? Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both presents inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy, or fight someone, we tumble straight into the fires of hell. This is what Rule Number Twenty-five is about. Is there a worse hell than the torment a man suffers when he knows deep down in his conscience that he has done something wrong, awfully wrong? Ask that man. He will tell you what hell is. Is there a better paradise than the bliss that descends upon a man at those rare moments in life when the bolts of the universe fly open and he feels in possession of all the secrets of eternity and fully united with God? Ask that man. He will tell you what heaven is. Why worry so much about the aftermath, an imaginary future, when this very moment is the only time we can truly and fully experience both the presence and the absence of God in our lives? Motivated by neither the fear of punishment in hell nor the desire to be rewarded in heaven, Sufis love God simply because they love Him, pure and easy, untainted and non-negotiable. Love is the reason. Love is the goal. And when you love God so much, when you love each and every one of His creations because of Him and thanks to Him, extraneous categories melt into thin air. From that point on, there can be no “I” anymore. All you amount to is a zero so big it covers your whole being. The other day Rumi and I were contemplating these issues when all of a sudden he closed his eyes and uttered the following lines: “Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not of the East, nor of the West.… My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless.” Rumi thinks he can never be a poet. But there is a poet in him. And a fabulous one! Now that poet is being revealed. Yes, Rumi is right. He is neither of the East nor of the West. He belongs in the Kingdom of Love. He belongs to the Beloved.
  23. Until there is a cessation of the movement of thought talking about nothingness is of thought. Learn how to identify when thought is in motion. Learn the nature of thought. Its processes and structure. What im saying is until thought is understood you will not know when you are deceiving yourself or distorting what is. Until you do just assume every moment is a movement of thought. So actually to you thought is all there is. Do you understand?
  24. To tell someone mind is real or unreal is meaningless. It is actual in the sense that it’s experienced to them and it is an actual process taking place. It may be correct or incorrect but it is still actual. So one must go into mind/thought. That is conscious work. Then once you understand its nature, structure, processes then you have a basis to observe ”consious work”..Otherwise one will remain caught in the matrix yet attributing certain thoughts as being independent of the matrix. Classic deception/illusion. Until one sees ”actually” for themselves the unreal will remain real to them. This realization in the form of an idea won't help anyone see. They have to see it in themselves as a fact. This is why not gathering theories, conceptualizations is important. To say you are nothing to one who is not no-thing, ”empty of the conditioned consciousness” is an abstraction to them. If one's mind is not free then they are not nothingness. Until consciousness is empty it's all theory, non fact. Part of the matrix. But If one disregards all the conditioned content that has been accumulated from the stream of thought ’past knowledge’ and sticks with the fact of ones own conditioned inward content, then one will avoid all the illusion and deception. The point is to empty the mind not fill it. Only an empty mind ”consciousness empty of it's conditioned movement/content” can see what is.
  25. I assumed understanding and spiritual gowth would be towards enlightenment. I don't know much about automatic writing, but from my own deep insights in meditation, there is nothing to write, I can feel my brain reconnecting, the intelligence is beyond thought and mind. Whats the difference between automatic writing and an writer being in "Flow"? When a writter is in flow they write without thinking much and they say the thoughts came to them they say from a higher place or their muse. But it seems the success of the book grealty impacts whether the writer will say it came from their muse. It's like "How did you write such a fantastic book!?" "I don't know it came to me." The matter of fact is that everything arises from nothingness.